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January 29, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-29

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Enraged America

Vows Revenge on aps

Literary College





Illegal Voting
Brings About
Drastic Aetion
New Election Set for
Wednesday; Prompt
Investigation Promised
Charging "flagrant violation of1
every conceivable election rule," the
Men's Judiciary Council last night4
threw out the entire election for V-1
Ball post in the literary college.
LSA new election will be held on
An indignant protest was raised by'
a number of students who witnessed
irregular procedure at the ballot box
in University Hall.
Ballot box stuffing, fake voting,
electioneering were some of the of-
fenses reported by observers.
Investigation Promised
These and other incidents have1
been reported to the Judiciary Coun-
cil and "an immediate thorough in-
vestigation" was promised last night.
Ann Terbrueggen '45, reported that
she saw election clerks failing to
punch identification cards and add-
ed, "Some person behind the polling
table was telling people who to vote
One election clerk was heard to
say: "If you vote for so and so (the
exact name is being left out pending
investigation), I won't punch your
ident card and you can have three
or four ballots."
Dean Rea Consultedr
Students, furious at the unethicalt
violation of fair play that they wit-
nessed, mentioned the matter to
Dean Walter Rea yeste ay after-t
Commenting on the situation,
Dean Rea said last night that "the
apparent irregularities should not be
construed as an indication of ineffi-
ciency on the part of our present stu-
dent government."
Failure of Emergency Workers
"But rather it can be attributed to
the failure of emergency workers to
properly' recognize and discharge
their responsibilities.
"We have complete confidence in
the Judiciary Council and the Union
staff to prevent repetition of such an
occurrence and we commend them
Tillich Upholds
Foresees Post-War
Bourgeoisie for World
"Although I foresee a post-bour-
geoisie and a post-Protestant period
after the war, I still believe there are
three contributions which no other
movement or philosophy but Prot-
estantnsm can offer," Dr. Paul Til-
lich, professor of theological philos-
ophy at Union Theological Seminary,
said last night.
"First, there is the absolute divin-
ity of God. It was upon this basis
that theologians of Germany were
able to resist Nazism," Dr Tillich
"Secondly, there is security-a se-
curity which guarantees a meaning-
ful word. Indeed, the whole world
revolution since 1914 has not been
for freedom or democracy, but for
security," the Protestant theologian
"The third quality-which is al-
ways the same, always creative, al-
ways uniting-is Love. The answer
to the charge that Protestantism
brought about moral anarchy is this
all-embracing contribution of Love,"

Dr. Tillich said.
Dr. Tillich spoke here under the
sponsorship of the Student Religious
Association. A discussion on his talk
will be held at 1 p.m. today in Lane
Hall. All students and servicemen
are invited to attend.
Soldier's Appeal for
Bicycle Answered

Local Complaints Bring More Light
o Bear on Exorbitant Taxi Rates__

Can you top this one?
Yesterday's Daily expose of cab
"flagrant overcharging" brought to
light this story which more pointedly
illustrates the true situation of taxi
Two students called Campus Cab
Co. and ordered a taxi to pick them
up at their home. The cab arrived at
1:10 p.m. carrying one passenger,
The driver indicated he had two
other people to pick up before he
could discharge their order.
Twenty Minutes' Trip
The three passengers were taken
to their destinations consuming
twenty minutes, the students said
last night, before their business
was taken care of.
Three stops were made during the
trip--the first of five minute dura-
tion, the second of eight minutes, and
Navy 'Supply'
Corps To Begin
ThedNavyDepartment revealed
yesterday that a new four term
course for the Navy Supply Corps
will begin here next semester.
Approximately 56 men will be en-
rolled in the course, which will be
under the supervision of Dr. M. H.
Waterman of the business adminis-
tration school. The trainees will take
such courses as economies, account-
ing, business law, economic geo-
graphy and psychol6gy. Upon com-
pletion of their study, the trainees
will be commissioned as ensigns.
The University will also receive a
new group of 100 Naval ROTC train-
ees in the spring semester, in addi-
tion to students in the specialized
field of Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineer-
ing and Naval Construction.
Lawrence To Sing
Here Tomorrow
Songs by Schubert and Wagner
will be featured by Marjorie Law-
rence, world famous dramatic so-
prano, at the eighth Choral Union
concert at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
"Der Erlkonig," "Der Lindenbaum,"
and "Ungeduld," three lieder by Franz
Schubert will highlight the first half
of the program, while Brunnhilde's
final scene from "Die Gotterdam-
merung" will be the major work on
the second half.

the third of ten minutes. At the last
stop three cases of root beer were
picked up and carried in the cab. At
the end of the trip at 1:55 p.m. the
driver blandly announced total
charges of $3.50. The students were
indignant and demanded explana-
tion, and a receipt.
Under the city taxicab ordinance
with amendments as revised March
1, 1942, this driver apparently over-
charged the two students in the
amount of $1.60.
Section 15 of the ordinance reads
as follows:
RATES: the following schedule
of rates shall govern any person
operating any taxicab, which sche-
dule shall be the maximum and
minimum that may .be charged. In
the event of the violation of any of
the provisions of this section, the
Police Department may suspend
the license of the violator for a
period of not more than ninety
(90) days or may revoke the same.
The rate for one passenger any-
where in the city shall be 35 cents.
A second passenger of the same party
shall be 15 cents additional (i.e. 50
cents for the two). For each passen-
ger over two there shall be an addi-
tional charge of 10 cents. There shall
be a charge of 10 cents for each
three minutes of waiting or fraction
The driver, T. S. Conyer in'sisted
that he spent an hour with the job

and charged 50 cents per case for the
root beer.
The students checked with other
cab companies and found the maxi-
mum that would be charged for car-
rying these items would be 15 cents
Considering the city ordinance and
the above fact, this then seems to be
what the charge should have been:
Two People 50 cents
First Stop 20 cents
Second Stop 30 cents
Third Stop I0 cents
3 Cases Carried 45 cents
Total Charge $1.85
Warrant To Be Signed
The students, believing that they
were clearly overcharged, have taken
the matter to the city police and a
warrant will be signed today for the
arrest of the driver. ,
The carrying of the three items
is not covered in the ordinance
quoted above, but under city law, a
driver with a dray license is per-
mitted to charge for things carried,
The extent of the rate is not set
under the dray license provision.
In the Jones case cited yesterday,
Municipal Judge Jay Payne said that
"it" (rate) shall be reasonable.
The city police are interested in
protecting the rights of the public.
If you feel that you have been
overcharged, record the driver's
license number and the number of
the cab and report immediately.

Nazis Suffer Twin Defeat
In Fierce Battle for Rome

Area Bombed
By Alied Planes
Berlin Simmering
Among Hundreds of
Fires from RAF Attack
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 28.-American Lib-
erators, supported by Thunderbolts
and lighter RAF forces, raided mys-
tery targets in the Pas-De-Calais
area of France without the loss of a
single American plane today follow-
ing last night's heavy British bomb-
ing attack on Berlin.
London experienced a brief air raid
alert tonight--its 700th in the war
and the seventh this year. The all
clear sounded within a short time and
no gunfire was heard in the center
of the city.
1,500 Long-Ton Blow
Berlin still simmered among hun-
dreds of fires from the RAF attack
which drove home a 1,500 long-ton
blow, one of a series of hard punches
which apparently is necessary to fin-
ish off the Nazi capital.
The RAF heavy bombers also rock-
ed Helgoland, the "German Gibral-
tar" in the North Sea, with a diver-
sionary assault last night.
Other regions in northern France
were attacked as well as the Pas-De-
Calais area which has been given
the popular name of "Rocket Gun
Canadians in Fight
During the day's operations Cana-
dian planes shot down four German
fighters while six aircraft of the at-
tacking force, of which two were
Canadian, failed to return.
The joint British-American com-
munique said that the Nazis put up
weak opposition to the Liberators and
While freshly started flames licked
at the ruined areas of the German
capital, United States heavy bomb-
ers, pacing lighter RAF formations
in forays across the channel, hit the
Nazis' Atlantic Wall in northern
France by daylight today.
The Berling raid, the 12th heavy
smash at the city since Nov. 18, was
described by the Germans themselves
in a broadcast as a "major attack in
the air battle for Germany."
Coeds Needed
For Child Care
At Willow Run
"Because so many coeds have vol-
unteered for the Willow Run child
care project, the parents at .Willow
Run, who could not attend com-
munity functions previously because
there was no one to take care of their
children, will be able to attend the
'March of Dimes Dance' at the newly
opened Community House tonight,"
stated Lucy Chase Wright, in charge
of Child Welfare at the League.
Although not enough girls volun-
teered, there is a sufficient number
to work from 1-5 p.m. on Tuesday
and Thursday. More girls are needed
to work on Monday, Wednesday and
"The community is planning to
start adult education classes. This
project can only succeed if there are
enough girls to take care of the chil-
dren," Miss Wright went on to say.
"Girls are vitally needed at Willow
Run, especially evenings and Satur-
day mornings," said Miss Wright.
"If anyone is interested they can call
me at 4464 or Ruth Whittlesey at
24514. If there are any girls who
signed up and haven't been called,
they should call me immediately."

By The Associated Press 0
giers, Jan. 28.-Allied land and air
forces have dealt the Nazis a crush-
ing twin defeat in the battle for
Rome, smashing an enemy assault on
the British-American bridgehead at
a point 21 miles from the Italian
capital and destroying 28 German
planes in furious sky fights over the
landing beaches, the Allied command
announced today.
The Nazi debacle in the air and the
repulsing of the heaviest enemy at-
tack so far against the week-old
bridgehead came as German prison-
ers declared that Adolph Hitler him-
self had ordered the German 10th
Army to "stand or die" on the Cas-
sino front, some 80 miles from Rome.
(The German-controlled Paris ra-
dio in a broadcast recorded by the
British Ministry of Information in
London said: "German military
quarters are expecting another Allied

Navy Mascot Honored by Campus Units

Hull Promises Requital
For Nipponese Demons
Merciless Vengeance Asked for Fiends;
'Hang the Mikado' Shouts Aroused Congress
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-Enraged as never before, America tonight
vowed merciless vengeance on every one of the Japanese who tortured and
murdered the unforgettable heroes of Bataan.
Even the calm, judicial Secretary of State Cordell Hull was moved to
use such words as "demons" and "fiendishness" as he gave the official
promise that the Butchers of Nippon would be brought to account.
Cries of "Hang the Mikado," and "Bomb Japan out of existence,"
roared out of Congress.
Number of Slain Still Not Known
No one knows yet exactly how many of the U.S. and Filipino troops
were brutally slain but Palmer Hoyt, former director of OWI's domestic
-branch, declared that most of the 50,-

landing in Italy shortly. Increased
Allied naval activity has been ob-
served. Besides the 5th and 8th ar-
mies another army is to participate
in the battle for Italy.")
The site of yesterday's ground
clash in which British troops fought
elements of the German 29th armor-
ed division, was near the little vil-
lage of Carroceto, 10 miles due north
from the Allied beachheads at Anzio.
World News
In Brief . . .
Reds Cut Key Railway .. .
LONDON, Jan. 29., Saturday-(I'P)
-The Red Army has cut the impor-
tant Leningrad-Vitebsk railway west
of Lake Ilmen, leaving the Germans
only one railroad for retreat from
the north wheregother Russian forces
have pushed to within 34 miles of
Estonia and have almost cleared the
Moscow - Leningrad double - track
trunk railway and its parallel high-
way, Moscow announced today.
Argentine Split . . .
MONTEVIDEO, Jan. 28.-W)-The
military government of Gen. Pedro
Ramirez, President of Argentina, was
split wide open tonight as a result of
the country's severance of diplomatic
relations with the Axis.
Gen. Arturo Rawson, a comrade
in arms with Ramirez in the June
revolution of army leaders resigned
as ambassador to Brazil because he
was too pro-Allied.
Oil Loading Suspended...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.- (P)-
The State Department announced
tonight that it is reconsidering gen-
eral relations between Spain and the
United States "in the light of trends
in Spanish policy."
Pending that reconsideration, the
department said,loadings of Spanish
tankers with petroleum products for
Spain have been suspended.
* * *
To Force FDR's Hand...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-Senatoi
Bridges (Rep., N.H.) laid plans today
to force President Roosevelt's hand

U' Fire Safety j
Plan Approved
By Regents
Numerous Grants
Accepted for Support
Of New Scholarships
In a sweeping move to protect Uni-
versity buildings fromh fire, The Board
of Regents in their regular monthly
meeting yesterday approved a safety
program at an estimated cost of
The plan calls for installation of
fire fighting equipment, exit lights,
and alarm systems to be placed in all
buildings except antiquated edifices
expected to be razed in five years.
Many Units Included
Residence halls, hospital units, and
other campus buildings will be affect-
ed by the program which didn't in-
clude any work for the East and West
Quadrangles, Stockwell1Hal, Vaughn
House, the Union, and Mosher-Jor-
dan dormitory.
More than $26,000 in gifts and do-
nations were accepted for the Uni-
versity and the Regents approved a
$65,000 program in engineering re-
The engineering work includes re-
search work in all fields and repre-
sents $30,705 in new contracts for
commercial firms throughout the
New Scholarships Made
The largest single gift in the score
or more accepted by the Regents was
a $7,500 grant from the estate of the
late Bryant Walker of Detroit for the
creation of three new scholarships.
This grant is the initial contribu-
ion to support the scholarships in the
amount of $10,000 each.
There will be created the Mary
Maguire Walker scholarship for pro-
ficiency in English for graduate wo-
men, the Edmund Walker fund for
post-graduate work in zoology, and
the Jennie Radcliffe scholarship for
women in medical training to serve
as medical missionaries.
Gault Named to office
The Ensign Lionel J. Techna Mem-
orial Fund tendered $1,000 to add
to the scholarship in its name.
Prof. Edgar H. Gault of the School
of Business Administration was nam-
ed director of the Bureau of Busi-
ness Research.
For work done in 1894 and later,
the Board of Regents approved a
Master of Science Degree nuncpro
tune for Alton C. Curnham.
Bombers Hit Nauru
PEARL HARBOR, Jan. 28.-(P)-
Seventh Air Force bombers resumed
the air offensive in the Mid-Pacific
yesterday by blasting Nauru Island
west of the Allied-held Gilberts in a
daylight raid and by hitting Wotje,
Mili and Maleolap Atolls in the en-
emy-held Marshall Islands.

000 who surrendered met their deaths
from deadly heat, thirst, starvation,
and other forms of torture. Hoyt was
critical that the ghastly news was
withheld from the public for two
Two reasons were given today for
making the information public now.
Stephan Early, Presidential secretary,
said there was no longer any point
to keeping the veil of secrecy. In-
stead, Early declared that there was
no hope of the Japanese allowing
further relief supplies to reach the
The OWI said publication was de-
cided upon in the belief that it might
bring some improvement in the Jap-
anese attitude toward prisoners.
More Information Being Compiled
Secretary Hull revealed that the
government is compiling all informa-
tion possible about prisoner treatment
and said the criminals will be pun-
ished when the war ends.
Hull also said that this government
has collaborated with Britain on the
subject of war prisoner treatment.
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told
Commons in London today that
thousands of British troops have died
as prisoners of the Japanese after
being compelled to live under incred-
ible conditions.
* * *
~U Professors
Express Views
On Atrocities
University professors yesterday ex-
pressed approval of release of the
Japanese atrocity story at this time
by the War Department.
Dr. Lionel H. Laing of the political
science department confirmed the
fact that the reported treatment of
United States prisoners was "an out-
right violation of international law.
Specific rules for payment, food and
treatment of war prisoners were in-
voked at the Geneva Convention of
1929 and Japan has clearly not lived
up to these provisions. Both Japan
and Germany were parties to this
agreement. Germany, however, has
observed these international laws as
far as we know."
Expressing his belief in the truth
of the stories, Prof. John F. Shepard
of the psychology department said
that, "In the first world war there
were a number of stories of this kind
released that were later proved un-
true and, consequently, the public
has become skeptical. However, when
the evidence is well authenticated, as
this one seems to be, release of these
stories does have a definite value in
making the public realize what we
are fighting against."
Claiming the Nisei problem on
campus would not be aggravated,
Prof. Esson M. Gale of the Interna-
tional Center said, "The American
public is a rational public, not given
to blind prejudice. We have shown
tolerance of enemy peoples. I do not
look forward to any reaction here."
Time Staggers
As Clocks Quit
Time stood still around 2 o'clock
yesterday when almost all of the
campus clocks got heart trouble, that
is, their tickers went on the blink.
French students walked out of the
Romance Language Building at 2:20
p.m. (actual time,) happy in the
thought that they had a bolt, when
the ymet their professor coming in
the door at 2:00 p.m. (campus time.)
No bolt!
Prof. Preston Slosson opened his
afternoon lecture by saying, "I 'have

Gunner Is Back in the Ranks


.Sox' Makes Stage Debut in
Comedy 'Mr. Dooley, Jr.'

Gunner, capricious canine mascot
of the Navy V-12 unit, is shown above
with four of his pals (from left to
right): George Darrow, NROTC; A/S
Art Kasper, Pvt. Bill McGrath, and
A /C T .i ic h 1 r imt. nf~- fi-r. 'hp re-

he would pull through. But he
fought doggedly and is now fully re-
covered, according to his veterinary,
Dr. Harry R. Shipman. Dr. Ship-
man outfitted Gunner with the reg-
ulation uniform he is now wearing

Trotting out the best of his capti-
vating canine charms, Fletcher Bas-
kerville I made his official stage de-
but in the first performance of "Mr.

"Sox" is the personal responsibility
of Cpl. Hy Wolotsky but, in general,
he is the mascot of Co. C, quartered
in . Fletcher Hall. From this- fact
comes the first part of his name,
Flt~heand 4the spenvd hart is tak.-

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