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January 22, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-22

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iFifty-Fourth Year




By Itichty





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44


Marion Ford .
Jane Farrant .
clM're Sherman
Marjorie .Borradaile
ErI Zalenski. .
Bud Low . .
Harvey. Frank
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

torial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* City Editor
* . ,Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
.* . Associate Sports Editor
'Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
. . . Ass't Women's Editor
.* . . . Columnist
. . . Columnist

Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . . Business Manager
Elizabeth Carpenter . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
State Legislation Needed
For Juvenile Delinquency
WHEN the county board of supervisors met
this week they seemed thoroughly disgusted
with the manner in which the probate officials
are dealing with the juvenile delinquency
It was emphasized at the meeting that there
Is no definite probate official who is directly
responsible for the handling of juvenile cases.
There are numerous cases In which "buck-
passing" occurs.
In addition, the Washtenaw County Juvenile
Home was termed inadequate to house the new
flood of minoirs committed to the home. Board
members adopted a resolution.stating that the
state's present juvenile laws are outmoded and
approved of a plan whereby the governor would
rewrite the juvenile code.
Thus we have a situation of faulty law en-
forcement of statutes that do not even apply
to the present situation.
On top of this, G. H. Lewis, of the Michigan
Office of Civilian Defense has stated that there
are about 80,000 children in the state who are
In need of some type of community care-
It is imperative that the state legislature
act now on the delinquency problem that is
growing worse every day.
-Bob Goldman
,. 1

WASHINGTON, Jan. 22--Members of the
Diplomatic Corps who have lived beside Russia
and dealt with her diplomats for years point to
some significant things about the Pravda report
which set the world on its ear about the British
negotiating a separate peace with Nazi Foreign
Minister Ribbentrop-
In the first place, diplomats point out that,
had the report been published in Ivestia, it
would have been much more serious. Izvestia
is the organ of the Soviet Government, and
I'd Rthber
Be Right
NEW YORK, Jan. 22.-The following points
can, I think, be made about the "Pravda" inci-
1. For some obscure reason of its own, the
Russian government is attempting to speak to
the people of Britain and America. It has used
'Pravda" often for this purpose. When the
Western governments were not admitting the
existence of a quarrel with Russia about the
second front, the Russians continually used
"Pravda" to tell the people of the west that
such a quarrel was actually going on.
For some reason, Russia wants to put the
people of the west on guard against peace moves.
2. In understanding Russian political moves,
we must always look to. what the Russians call
the "objective effect" of every maneuver. In
other words, if the Russians spill a bucket of
water on someone, the proper dedction is not
that they are angry at the victim, but only that
they want him to be wet.
The "objective effect" of the "Pravda" story
is to agitate the minds of the people of the
west against the possibility of peace talks with
the Germans. That objective effect has been
accomplished; we are agitated.
3. Now we come to the question of timing.
We must always ask ourselves, in connection
with Russian maneuvers, why the thing was
done at this particular moment, rather than at
some other moment. The circumstance which
differentiates the present hour from previous
periods in the war is that the second front is
about to be launched. Europe is filled with
stories that the Germans intend to "wave us in,"
in order to save themselves from surrender to
the Russians.
If they do "wave us in" (a possibility which
I wouldn't bet any eating-money on) we shall
have to accept the invitation; we can't fight
them if they won't fight; it would be absurd
not to take such a surrender, and to insist,
instead, on killing and being killed.
In other words, we may be now on the edge
of a quick period, a peiod of chaos and collapse,
of lightning-change, and sensational overturn,
such as marked our relations with Italy in Sep-
tember, and the Russians may be staking out
their claim to full participation in all discus-
sions with Germany, from the very beginning.
Teheran was all right; but what happens if a
German commander offers a midnight surrender
to us alone, in such form that the decision has
to be an immediate military decision?
4. The "Pravda" propaganda device would
seem entirely reasonable to the Russians, who
are solely concerned with producing the desired
political effect, though the same device appears
a wicked slander to us of the west, who at least
like to believe we base our political thinking on
moral ideas as well as on material considerations.
I have a strange feeling that whereas we
used not to understand Russia; Russia,today,
does not understand the west. I have a sudden
doubt as to whether she really understands
how proud the west is of Churchill, and wheth-

er she really knows how strong is the western
popular desire to get along with her. I believe
she has hurt herself, by wounding us, through
a heavy-handed maneuver that might have
been all right in the appeasement period, when
we had dark doubts of our leadership. It is a
crude antique today, when Russia would have
had an audience for any frank statement.
Russia may stand in great danger of making
other serious mistakes in regard to western
opinion. Sometimes those who are convinced
they know why everything ticks fall victim to
a certain special kind of bungling naivete.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

anything aprpearing ithereini can h1 weonsidered
the gospel views of the Kremlin itself,
However, Pravda, organ of the Coinumist
Party, is one step removed, and anything pub-
lished in it can be interpreted as close to but
not necessarily representing the views of Stalin.
Thus, it was Pravda which dropped a ton of
editorial bricks on the uinsuspeting, well-in-
tentioned head of Wendell Wilikie, hitherto
considered Russia's best friend. That editorial
rebuke came after Wilikie ha discussed the
Polish Roundary question-in a manner quite
sympathetic to Russia.
However, the Russians chose to rebuke their
best friend as a warning to President Roosevelt
and Secretary Hull thai they did not want the
Polish question discussed it all-not even by
their friends. They could not very well come
out and rebuke Hull and Roosevelt, so they
chose a prominent Americn, one step removed
figuring Hull and Roosevelt would take the hint.
Again, when Secretary dIull was en route to
Moscow, Pravda was singled out to publish
the statement that the second front was the
only question Russia was going to discuss with
him. This upset Mr. Hull so severely that his
friends reported him in a mood to come home.
However, he proceeded to Moscow and, despite
the planted newspaper reports, his trip was a
genuine success. This shows that Pravda news
items, even when inspired, should not be con=
sidered too earth-shaking.
Therefore, remembering I hat Russian diplo
matic moves are usually aimed obliquely at
something on the other side of the billiard table,
here is the Diplomatic Corps' explanation of the
latest Pravda thrust against the British.
For about two years, it has been no secret that
the British have hung back regarding a second
front in Western Europe. It is also no secret
that, right down to the Teheran Conference,
Churchill pulled for a Balkan front or almost
any other front except a Western front.
It has also been reported that Churchill and
Stalin did not get along at all well at Teheran,
and that the chief cause of their friction con-
tinued to be the second front. This is now
pretty well known not only to the diplomats
and leaders in Washington, but also to many
people on the outside.
In fact, when the British Prime Minister bade
farewell to Stalin, he is reported to have said:
"Good-bye Marshal, I'll meet you in Berlin."
To which Stalin is reported to have replied,
with perhaps more iron in his voice than good
nature: "Yes, I in. a tank, and you in a
wagon-lit" (European Pu man car)
(Copyright, 1944, Ulited Features syni mate)-
IT IS IMPERATIVE in times like the present
that everyone be given a chance as often, as
possible to shake off the unbahnce that takes
hold of them and regain their equilibrium and
perspective. The performance of the Roth
String Quartet last night which opened the
fourth annual Chamber Music Festival certainly
served to all present as a reminder of stable
and lasting ideals, and gave all a finer, more re-
assuring perspective on the world today,
Chamber music is one of the finest forms
of music for it is, in the classical conception,
pure of form and intellectual in nature, coin-
parable to Grecian sculpture or a perfectly cut
diamond, Such music because of its nature,
demands an excellent performance; boino-
genity of tone and perfect balance are the
essentials of a fine ensemble, with, of course,
perfection in the technique of each individual
player. Such musc, appealing to the intellect,
cannot help but remind one of the basic prin-
ciples of art and ideals of simplicity, balance
and perfection
The Haydn which opened the program em-
bodied all these ideas of form and served as a
backdrop for the other two numbers which had
followed a more recent conception of chamber
music. This reference does not apply so much
to the Ravel (an extremely beautiful quartet) as
it does to the Schubert, Here the composer

purposely broke away from the classical idea and
instead of having form as his goal, he used it as
a means to reach his goal which was, obtaining
color effects. Thus the work is in structure
more on the plan of symphonic music.
TIE NATURE and the quality of the program,
plus the quality of the musicians combined to
make a perfect evening. Certainly there is little
chance to hear such art n it i sincerely
hoped that everyone will realize ind take ad-
vantage of the opport-uity to hear sclh) fine
music so well done.
-Jeau Athay

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"But I took it for granted that our new employee understood
banking ethics and would work up to a position of trust before
embezzling money!"



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SATURDAY, JAN. 22, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 60
All notices for the Dailyfficial Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tiees shuld be sunmitted by ]3i) a m
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the ni-
versity meet its qiota.
University War Bond Coimmittee
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1944-1945 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
consideration. C. S. Voakmn
Academic Notices
Latin 81, Roman Comedy: The
class will not meet Monday, Jan. 24.
Frank 0. Copley
Chamber Music Festival: The Uni-
versity Musical Society will present
the Roth String Quartet consisting
of eri Roth, and Michael Kuttner
violin; Julius Shaier, viola, and Oli-
ver Ede, violoncello, in two concerts
today in the main lecture hall of the
Rackham Building. The programs
to be heard are as follows:
This afternoon, 2:30: Seven Chor-
ale Preludes, Bach; Quartet in 11
major, Beethoven; Three Pieces fo
Quartet, Casella.
Tonight, 8:30: Quartet, in F ma-
jor, Schumann; Quartet No. 2, Har-
old Morris; Chorale and Fugue
Brahms; Italian Serenade, Wolff.
A limited number of tikets aore
still availableand are on sale at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Events Today
The Michigan Outing Club is going
on a Hostel Trip for girls today tc
saline Valley Farms. Meet in front
of the Women's Athletic Building
with bikes and ice skates at 2:30
p.m. For further information, cal
Barbara Fairman, 24514.
Westminster Student Guild: At
9:00 tonight there will be a broom-
shuffle party in the Social Hall. All
students and servicemen cordially
invited. Refreshments.
i n i e . R f e h e t.We s l e y F o u n d a t i o n : P a r t y f o r ,,A u -
dents and servicemen tonight il the
Wesley Lounge at 8:30 to write and
mail a news letter to serviceaen andl
other alumni of the Foundation.
Roger Williams Guild members
will meet this evening at the Guild
y Crockei JoIhison
CoiegressWhy didntI
tnk oit, rn >h y
hoveC ongres sp pove
a giganic egineCin
pfoect for that broo,'j

House at 8:00 to go to the Congrega-
tional Church for square dancing as
guests of the Congregationalists and
The Congregational - Disciples
Guild will entertain the Roger Wil-
iams Guild at a Farmer-Farmerette
Frolic this evening at 8 o'clock at the
Congregational Church. Special fea-
tures will be singing of old time
songs and square dancing.
Coming Events
Far Eastern Art Room, Alumni
Memorial Hall. Informal "Open
House," auspices Institute of Fine
Arts. All students interested in the
Orient, and their friends, invited.
Monday. Jan. 24, 4:30 to 0:00 p.m.
registration for playground recre-
ation leaders will be held Wednes-
day, Jun. 26, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
il the league 1Lobby. Anyone who
has had experience with recreational
leadership, camp c:onsl ing, or sim-
ilar work is needed to help with Ann
Arbor's program for working moth-
ers. Call Naomi Miller, 24514, for
The Lutheran Stadent Association
will meet in Zion Parish Hall on
Sunday afternoon at 5:30 for its reg-
ular meeting. Supper will be served
at 6 o'clock and the program follow-
ing will be in the form of a question
and answer period on religious topics
and will be led by Rev. Stellhorn and
Rev. Yoder.
The Roger Williams Guild will
hear Dorothy Pugsley, the Michigan
delegate to the National Intercol-
legiate Christian Conference at
Worcester, Mass., on Sunday. She
will speak on "What Christians Are
Saying." Th(e meeting begins at 5
o'clock in the Guild louse.
Ch. trches
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 10:45 a.m. Morning worshi:
service. Guest speaker, the Rev J
Allen Canby of Lansing.
5:00 p.m. Guik Sunday Evening
Hour. Disciple students will join
with Congregational students at the
Congregational Church, State and
William Streets. Mr. Harrishhan-
dra Amin will speak on "Religiouc
Philosophies of India and the Post-
War World." Supper will be served
during the fellowship hour following
the discussion.
First lethodLAt Church and Wes-
ley Fondation: Student class at
9:30a.m. with Professor Kenneth
Hance, leader. Morning worship ser-
vice at 10:40 o'claock. Dr. C. W
Drashares will preach on the sub-
ject "Pray." Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing at 5:00 p.m. This will be the
second discussion in the series "What
I Believe." The theme for this week
week is "Jesus." Supper and fellow-
ship hour following tihe meeting.
First Chureb of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Truth." Sunday school at
11:40 a.m. A free reading room Is
maintained by this church at 106 E.
Washington St., where the Bible and
Christian Science literature may be
read, borrowed, or purchased. Hours,
except Sundays and holidays, 11:30
U 5:00 p .;Saturdays to 9R j.m.

iflot27w 6dh0r
Letters to the Editor must be type
WrItten, double-spaced, on one side of
the paper only and signed with the
name and address of the writer. Re-
quests for anonymous purbiatios. will
be met.
Lwrtdlad y Aniswiers Letter
BLUEPGINT'S criticism of campus
landladie~s gives one an opportun-
ity to criticize, not so amusingly,
female campus roomers. It is quite
possible that the neurotic tendency
often found, so Bluepoint contends,
in landladies is brought on by these
same critical roomers themselves.
Let me illustrate: A woman
whose husband is serving his coun-
try, decided she would alleviate the
housing shortage on campus, and
incidentally her own income short-
age, by offering a couple of her
rooms to girl students She took a
real interest in the problem; the
rooms were newly decorated and
furnished completely with matched
furniture of good quality maple;
the first semester's rental fees were
used to buy new desks and nw
chairs purposely for the girls who
rented the rooms; curtains, bedding
and rugs were spotlessly pure. Hot
water was always available. The
woman set her alarm for six o'clock
in the morning in order to fix the
furnace and have the house warm
as toast for the so-called charming
coeds when they emerged from
their downy beds.
Now this woman was inexperienced
with college girls, never having done
such a thing as "take in roomers"
before, so she didn't "snoop" in the
girls' rooms to see if everything was
in order. She felt that the girls had
come from decent homes and woud
give proper care to their surround-
ings. However, quite by accident,
in delivering a package to the door
of one of the rooms, she discovered
several conditions which made her
heart sink: There was a wet towel
lying on the waxed and polished
floor (towel racks had been provid-
ed); a new and formerly unmarred
bookcase was shelving a jar of salad
dressing, Thanksgiving turkey, pick -
les, cheese, and various other un-
identified but greasy packages; six
lights, several of which contained
100 watt bulbs, were lit while only
two, over the desks, were actually be-
ing used by the girls who were study-
ing at the time. The lmndIady hur-
riedly shut the door as if to blot out
these unpleasant things.
NEEDLESS to say, in addition to
p the floor being marred by ?the
wet towels, the furniture ringed by
coke-bottles and spotted by messy
food, and the electric bill rising to
untold heights, the storing of the
food in such an unsanitary way also
brought in some healthy speciments
of rodents, all of which heaped coals
on the fire of the landlady's poten-
tial neuroticism. The woman had
already found that she had to clean
up after college girls who left rings
i in bathtubs, gargle in the lavatory,
and cigarettes a-burn; new chairs
had 'been left standing over the heat
registers which, in case you don't
know, is hard on the chairs.
And so this particular landlady
feels -that IF all the roomers are
like the four that she MUST keep
until the end of the semester, she
doesn't wonder that other rooming
houses are supplied with repainted
furniture and faded rugs!

1 c



ALTHOUGH it is better than nothing, the ap-
proval by the Senate Elections Committee of
a compromise soldier-vote bill that provides for
a uniform federal ballot, but allows state voting
qualifications, is still a democratic farce.
If servicemen are to vote, a uniform federal
ballot is not enough. Federal control of the
entire set-up is the only solution to the prob-
lem of 48 different systems.
The Republican swan song "states' rights" and
the Southern Democrats' terror of Negro and
"poor white" voting have forced this compromise.
Without it, complete state control of service-
men's voting would have resulted.
As it is, Washington will provide the ballot
and each state will pass on who gets the ballot.
It isn't much better than nothing.
Why should 11 million servicemen and wo-
men be deprived of the right to vote to keep
such men as Rep. John Rankin (Dem., Miss.)
in office and to keep such men as Rep. Ham
Fish (Rep., N.Y.) happy about states' rights?
The men who are fighting and dying over-
seas for the preservation of our democratic
rights are going to have a hard time understand-
ing the necessity for compromise on such a vital


It seems as if campus curricula
should include. same R TtOOMINO
HOUSE *, TUTTE1. ?e'l'aps If
tenants as a whole appreciated the
better things and took care of them,
they'd get more. But until student.
develop a sense of values, this land-
lady does not feel that it is profitable
to either her disposition or her purse
to keep such ill-mannered coeds in
her home-house shortage or no.
-A Landlady
and 10:05 a.rn. Public worship at
10:45 a.m. Dr. L. A. Parr will preach
on the subject, "All Things Are
Yours." Ariston League for high
school young people meet at 5:30
p.m. Congregational Disciples Guild
meeting at 5:00 p.m. Hjarrishchandra
Amin of India will ,peak on "Reli-
gious Philosophies of India and the
Pst-War Wor." pr lo
at 6 o'clock.
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Chur-
ches will have their regular Sunday
morning worship services at 10:30.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Sonday service at 11:00
a.m Sermon by the Rev. Alfred
Scheips, "Thy Will Be Done."
First Presbyterian Church: 10:45,
Morning worship-"What We Livi
By," subject of the sermon by Dr.
W. P. Lemon. 4:30 p.m., Vesper com-
munion service. Those students who


I've assured all my colleagues at
the Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes,
and Little Men's Chowder and
Marching Society that there's
no danger from that burst darn
in the brook .. As long as this

I'll think of a solution to the
problem before the spring thaw
sets in . . . I'm responsihle, in u
way, for this mishap. It seems I
antagonized the beaver. Anod
they moved away, obondoniie

es Ore day I hacppened to
he frith innovf-r Ihifmqui sloi
f'of fparbirnf 1ghts,anod I, o f-- I
IfI op wc, k (j 1 iqre5~




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