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January 22, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-22

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Partly Cloudy and Mild



Allied Air

Armada Storms




Russian Army
Captures Nazi
Rail Center
City of Mga Regained
As Reds Extend Front
Southeast of Leningrad
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 21.-The Russians
broadening their front in a wide bat-
tle hurl the Nazis from the huge rail
and highway network around Lenin-
grad, reached out 30 miles southeast
of the liberated city today and cap-
tured the rail junction and militar
stronghold of Mga.
The capture, announced by Pre-
mier Marshal Joseph Stalin in a spe-
cial order of the day, knocked off the
tip of a salient long held by the Ger-
mans to the southeast of the former
czarist capital. Southward and
southwestward other Russian units
raced to envelop the beaten Germans
in one of their disasters of the war.
Mga, 10 miles southeast of the Ne-
va River and 17 miles south of
Schluesselburg, is 15 miles east of
the great Leningrad-Moscow Trunk
Railway, long lost to the Russians
but now 'once again within their
grasp. Mga was at the top of a Ger-
man salient reaching southeast of
Leningrad to a few miles south of
From Mga three railways branch
out, one going east to Volkhov and
then north to Murmansk, one south
to Kurishi, and another short line
going southwest to join the Moscow-
Leningrad trunk line south of Kol-
Senate Passes
New Tax Bill
Act Liberalizes War
Contracts Measure
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-(/P)-A
$2,275,600,000 tax increase bill, criti-
cized by President Roosevelt as un-
realistic and yielding hardly a fifth
of the Treasury's goal, passed the
Senate unanimously tonight and
headed toward a conference with the
The Senate completed its work by
adopting. a series of amendments
which liberalize somewhat, from the
standpoint of industry, the opera-
tions of the war contracts renegotia-
tion law, although not so much as
the Finance Committee once tenta-
tively decided upon.
In modifying these previous propo-
sals, the lawmakers drew the bill
more in line with the recommenda-
tions of Mr. Roosevelt, who said in
his recent budget message that he
was disturbed by suggested changes
which in his opinion would restrict
if not destroy the effectiveness of
the law under which the government
recaptures war profits deemed ex-
Co-ops' Future
Is Discussed
At ICC Forum
"Cooperatives can not eliminate
mass unemployment without resort-
ing to government action," Prof.
John Shepard of the psychology de-
partment said yesterday at the for-
um-social held by the Inter-Coopera-
tive Council.
Discussing the general topic "Are
Co-operatives Merely a Means to an

End or an End in Themselves?" Prof.
A. K. Stevens of the English depart-
ment argued that "With the toehold
which competition gives, the coop-
erative movement can gradually eat
its way into the capitalistic systems
and replace it with cooperative pro-
duction and distribution."
After a general discussion on the
future of cooperatives, dancing and
refreshments concluded the evening.

Army Plane Crash Injures 10 Persons

Naval Air Crash Countess Says
k4 4 4' She Acted for
~~' .Good of France
Espionage Methods
dv : IDisclosed in Second
..IDay of Detroit Trial

- \!k

Bombers Hit Nazi Defenses
In Assault on Pas-de-Calais
Daylight Operations Cost Attacking Force
11 Planes; 19 German Fighters Shot Down
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Saturday, Jan. 22.-A mighty fleet of RAP heavy bombers
thundered eastward last night--perhaps to hit still blazing Berlin for the
second straight night-after an Allied armada of 1,000 planes hammered
mystery targets on the French invasion coast.
The daylight operations against the Pas-de-Calais area cost the at-
tacking force 11 planes, six of them U.S. heavy bombers, but 19 German
fighters were shot out of the sky.

A salvage crane lifts the remains of an Army fighter plane from the spot where it crashed at the
Alameda, Calif., Naval Air Station hurling flames and debris through the window at right, burning 10
workers, three seriously. The pilot parachuted to safety.

Dime Daily' Will Be Sold
To Increase Paralysis Fund

A special "Dime Daily" will be sold
Tuesday all over campus to increase
student contributions to the annual
"March of Dimes" drive to combat
infantile paralysis.
"Although the nominal.cost of this
~Daily will be only 'a dime we hope
thatthe students-willcontribute as
much over that amount as they can
when they purchase the edition,"
Jim Plate, '45, chairman of the Uni-
versity committee in charge of the
drive, said yesterday.
In addition, each student will be
asked to contribute a dime-a-day
during the week that the campaign
is in progress. Boxes will be placed
in all University residences Sunday
to facilitate this collection.
At noon Tuesday University coeds
with "March of Dimes" boxes will be
stationed at the entrance to the mess
halls of the Army, Navy, and Marines
stationed here on campus.
In connection with Governor Kel-
ley's proclamation that the week of
Jan. 22-30 is "Theatres' March of
Anti-Labor Bill
Inquiries Start[
Constitutionality of
Legislation Probed
MIAMI, Jan. 21.-(P) -Joseph A.
Padway, General.Counsel of the Am-
erican Federation of Labor, reported
to the AFL Executive Council today
that lawsuits attacking the constitu-
tionality of "anti-labor" legislation
h ave been commenced in seven states
and are under consideration in five
others, including Michigan.
Padway personally submitted a de-
tailed, state by state, report of the
mass of litigation which the Federa-
tion now finds on its hands as the
result of a growth"of sentiment in
the past couple years to keep a tight-
er checkrein on the affairs of labor
The report did not attempt to gen-
eralize about successes or failures,
actual or anticipated, in the litiga-
tion. He said the CIO also had filed
lawsuits which in some cases had
been consolidated with the AFL's. He
reported there was no conflict or dif
ficulty with the CIO except for a
"single embarrassing, incident" in

Dimes" Week, a special short starring
Greer Garson will be shown at each
performance in all the local motion
picture houses.'
After each showing of the short,
girls from the local high schools and
from the University will pass the.
"March of Dimes" boxes through the
The drive, which is conducted ev-
ery year in celebration of President
Roosevelt's birthday, raises funds to
support the National Foundation for
Infantile. Paralysis. Each year 50
per cent of the money collected is
left in the area in which it was con-
tributed to finance the services of
the local chapter. The remainder is
used by the National Foundation in
forwarding its program of research,
education and epidemic aid.
Roth Quartet
To Play Today
Concerts of Chaiber
Music Will Be Given
The two remaining concerts of the
Fourth Annual Chamber Music Fes-
tival will be presented by the Roth
String Quartet at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m.
today in the Main Lecture Hall of
the Rackham Building.
Quartets by Beethoven, Schu-~
mann, Casella and Morris will be
heard on today's programs. Per-
formances of Bach's Seven Choral
Preludes, the Choral and Fugue of
Brahms and the Italian Serenade of
Hugo Wolff will also be given.
The Quartet in F major of Robert
Schumann will be the featured work
of the evening concert, while the
Quartet in F Major of Ludwig Van
Beethoven will highlight the after-
noon program.
Now on concert tour, the Roth
String Quartet will appear both in
East Lansing and at the Rackham
Memorial Building in Detroit next
Group Rejects
Worley's Plan
House Roll on Soldier
Vote Will Not Be'Taked
proposal to force a House roll call
on a uniform federal ballot for ser-:
vicemen, thereby to show how each
member votes on the issue, was re-
jected today by the Rules Commit-
tee in a stormy hearing.
The roll call was asked by Chair-!
man Worlev (Dem.. Tex.) of the

Forced Italian
Labor Builds
New Nazi Linte
'Gustav' Defensive
Cracking Under Fierce
Allied Troop Assault
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Jan.'21.-Battalions offorc-
ed Italian labor are rushing to com-
pletion a powerful new "Adolph Hit-
ler" defense line 65 miles below
Rome, Nazi prisoners reported today,
including that the enemy has scant
hope of holding his present "Gustav"
line much longer against the on-
slaught of American, British and
French troops.
The British firmly held the town
of Minturno, two miles northwest of
the Garigliano river, after Allied
planes and artillery smashed an in-
cipient German counterattack on
that west coast communications hub,
and French forces north of Cassino
captured the foot of Mt. Il Lago, a
Nazi strongpoint across the Rapido
According to German prisoners-
some 300 of whom have been cap-
tured by the British since they open-
ed their Garigliano offensive Mon-
day night-the "Adolph Hitler" line
extends from 1,700-foot Mt. Cairo,
six miles northwest of Cassino, down
across the Liri valley in the area of
Pontecorvo to the Aurunci moun-
tains near the coast. On an average,
the line is about six miles nearer
Rome than the eiemy's present de-
Allied Headquarters announced to-
day that British troops had seized
Minturno after hard fighting, some
24 hours after the Germans reported
they had abandoned the "totally de-
stroyed" town.
'Bond Belles'
Receive $10,350
Personal Messenger
Service Delivers Bonds
"Bond Belles" covering the distant
parts of the campus have received
$10,350 in bond purchases at the end
of the fourth consecutive day of the
Fourth War Bond Drive, Deborah
Parry, 45, chairman of the Junior
Girls' Project, said yesterday.
"We urge everyone to take ad-
vantage of our messenger service,"
Miss Parry said. Anyone on the Un-
iversity payroll may call the League
to have a coed come personally to
take orders and deliver bonds the
following day. This service is avail-
able from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every
week day.
The second audit of Washtenaw

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Jan, 21.-Grace Bu-
chanan-Dineen told a Federal Court
Jury today she acted as a German
Reich Espionage Agent for the bene-
fit of France, which she said she was
led to believe would be a free country
again after the war.
Under cross-examination during
the trial of Dr. Fred W. Thomas, De-
troit physician, and Bertrand Stuart
Hoffman, Merchant Marine seaman,
charged with espionage conspiracy,
the attractive Canadian-born woman
said she became an agent for Ger-
may "to be of service to France."
No Legal Right to Title
Miss Buchanan-Dineen, who said
she had "no legal but a moral right"
to the title of countess, related how
she obtained "espionage informa-
tion" from Dr. Thomas and Hoff-
mann on vital war activities in the
United States.
Even during a grueling cross-ex-
amination by defense attorneys and
during a long questioning by the
Federal attorney, the 35-year-old
cosmopolite maintained both poise
and charm. Toward the end of the
all-day session, which will reconvene
Tuesday morning, she obviously was
Miss Buchanan-Dineen, who with
five others has pleaded guilty of con-
spiring to commit espionage, re-
counted information she said she re-
ceived from Dr. Thomas during more
than 30 visits to his office from Octo-
ber, 1942, to August, 1943.
Statistics Received
Included in the information she
said she obtained from the physician
were statistics on the number of per-
sonsremployed in Detroit war plants,
labor trouble in Detroit area plants,
activities of Coast Guard patrol
boats, manufacture of anti-aircraft
defense weapons, the invention of a
"tank protection device from hand
grenades," a "seeing-eye" device and
a "new conveyance for infontry,"
and material shortages in war plants.
She said Dr. Thomas told her there
were 625,000 persons employed in
war plants in Detroit and 235,000
mnore were needed.
Dr. Thomas also gave her the
names of high officials in war plants,
including the Ford Motor Co. and the
Briggs Manufacturing Company,
who she should contact as "potential
sources of espionage information,"
she told the court.
MP's To Keep
Soldiers off
Cainpus Grass
Col. Frederick C. Rogers issued an
order yesterday that starting Mon-
day Military Police be stationed on
campus between classes to keep
Army men from walking on the
The order was issued on the basis
of a request from University author-
ities that the Army assist them in
maintaining the campus, particu-
larly the grass and shrubbery in the
best possible condition. The request
stated that thousands of dollars'
damage has been done by breaking
shrubbery and making paths across
The VIP's will be men from the
various companies who will do this
as a special duty.

The British sky giants departed
hours later than their 5 p.m. start
Emergency Operation

A U.S. Army..MedieaI COrps com-
bat surgical team performs an
emergency operation under a dif-
ficult setting in a dugout deep in
the jungle of Bougainville Island.
The "operating room" is dug about
four feet below the surface, the
sides built up with sandbags and
roofed with heavy logs. The uni-
dentified patient lies on a packing
case. The doctors are from New
York and Maryland.
Mason Rumney
Dies Suddenly
Pneumonia Fatal to
Former Alumni Head
Mason P. Rumney, former presi-
dent of the University Alumni Asso-
ciation, vice-president - of Detroit
Steel Products and mayor of Grosse
Pointe, died of ' pneumonia late
Thursday in Rochester, Minn.
Funeral services will be held from
Christ Church Chapel in Grosse
Pointe Monday. The body will be
brought to Detroit tomorrow,
Rumney, who was influential in
building the Michigan Alumni Asso-
ciation, was president from May
1923 to June 1926, and remained
active on the board of directors until
his death.
Because of his interest in the
recent dormitory program he was
active in raising funds for purchas-
ing the site for Mosher-Jordan.
While a student in the University,
Rumney played varsity football in
1906 and 1907 under Coach Fielding
H. Yost. He was also a varsity track
man and a member of the Psi Upsi-
lon fraternity.

on their latest foray two and a half
against Berlin Thursday when they
delivered the largest aerial attack
ever made against the German cap-
ital, dropping 2,300 long tons (2,576
U.S. tons).
On their way over the channel the
RAF night bombers met Allied planes
returning from the day operation.
Continental radio stations clicked off
the air in the path of the new RAF
Pas-de-Calais Area Attacked
In a combined announcement the
British Air Ministry and the U.S.
Army gave an unusual play-by-play
of the day's operations against the
Pas-de-Calais area which now has
been attacked on 22 of the past 31
days and which popularly is supposed
to contain German rocket gun em-
The announcement stated that
when the first favorable weather in
several days arrived the bombing was
begun by RAP Hurricane and Ty-
phoon bombers.
Marauders Join in Raid
These were quickly followed byU.S.
Marauders braving flak fields with-
out loss. Bombs from RAF Bostons,
Mitchells and Mosquitos then began
to fall and two Mosquitos were lost
in low level bombing and cannon at-
American heavy bombers delivered
the final blow while throughout the
attacks squadrons of Spitfires and
Typhoons splattbred eniemy air fields
to keep Nazi fighter planes on le
Democrats Ask
FDR To Run
Again in '44
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. -(A)-
Democratic leaders today presented
a resolution to President Roosevelt
favoring a fourth term nomination,
but said they heard only a noncom-
mital "Oh" in reply.
The resolution was adopted by a
group of Midwestern Democrats and
its presentation to the President
capped a round of activities pre-
liminary to the Democratic National
Committeermeeting tomorrow to
elect Robert E. Hannegan of St.
Louis as the new party chairman to
succeed Frank C. Walker, who is
ready to resign to devote all his time
to the postmaster generalship. The
group is expected to decide to hold
the national nominating convention
in Chicago in July.
A copy of the resolution was given
Mr. Roosevelt at a reception at the
White House at which the political
leaders and their wives shook hands
with him and Mrs. Roosevelt, had
tea and sandwiches, and talked
briefly in small groups and indi-
vidually with the chief executive.
Union To Hold
Second 'Stomp'
Women of Delta Gamma, Alpha
Delta Pi, Alpha Phi and Betsy Bar-
bour have been especially invited to
act as hostesses at the second GI
Stomp from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the
north lounge of the Union.
The Stomp, which proved its suc-
cess in the summer, was resumed
last week. The entertainment is
planned to give women and service-
men a chance to become acquainted.
Music for dancing will be provided
by juke box tunes.
Gunner, the official Navy mascot,
was invited last week but was unable
to attend because of a serious illness
which has kept him in the dog hos-
pital. He will probably not be able
to come this week either and may
not be out of the hospital until
r 1 c' * rr_ n ra

Leland Stowe To Talk Tuesday
On 'What I Sa'w in Russia'

Fir heAxe, NowtheOx

Leland Stowe, American war cor-
respondent who has visited every
major front of World War II will dis-
cuss "What I Saw in Russia" in an
Oratorical Association lecture at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
The author of a current book,
"They Shall Not Sleep," which was

sending stories back from such places
as Burma, Rangoon, Chungking, In-
dia, and Russia.
He was present at the Young Rep-
arations Conference, the formation
of the International Bank at Basle,
the World Disarmament Conference
at Geneva in 1932, the World Econ-
omic Conference at London in 1933,

Still lost: one axe. Lost last
night: one ox.
The foresters were out searching
for the axe-o-maniacs who copped
their chopoer when the culprits

"It's a Michigan tradition to
have that ox and axe at the annual
Paul Bunyan formal," the frantic
foresters fumed. "We need the ox
t a f"vnac n s..A. urn. .wnt to

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