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January 18, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-18

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Wolverine Cagelrs Invade Custer

To igH e~u~i~Su! dW~oOe

Meet s Solier uintet' Beats Tarikers

Rvevised HockeY T'un, i. i. eu11-
Reultf Saturda N-^s Sh ti II

ceossiv e day, Bi on(Nel son lof Toledo
Oh1io, won thf c-$10,000 Sa Frnciil
'Victory open golf touirnanienl touday
M IQQL t72-hole toLaw of 0
)T ttIn~ fom r 1 .x.. vi1

P940. ut loeth1er round, of 68-G9-Gi.
.tndl 70, 13 strokes utnder t he IIard,,,u[
Pakcou~r-.e t3'3-
Nelsn'ssub-pax' d4 sh from start tW
l1,t'h 1E:Ined him top priize of $2,40(
ih~ ~ ~ !i l,:-bnd.1 eed ofti as lilt
I(oiemildatteedo ~e

'squad 'hoIgatI
ci olrhaan ; Wiese, L

'the civilian edition of the& Mich-
gan basketball team will attempt to
bounce back on the victory road to-
nigiht at 8:00 when they tangle with
Fort Cbster at their home base.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan will carry
an eight-man squ.ad to Custer The
tentative starters ae .ill Oren and
Bruce Hilkene at forward, Bill Sey-
mnour at the pivot position, and Don
Lund ,rnd John Leddy at guard. A]
Pertile,,Bud Rankin, and RWb Rut-
ledge, three 1 7-year-ods, complete
the roster.
iarier in the season, the Wolver-
* nes °eked out a 46-44 triumphz over
thesoldier five, but Michigan was at
hiul] strength then,. With the lavy
* layers out of the lineup, the Maize
and"lue will have a difficult task
in attempting to halt the Custer at-
Cianpionshijp Heaves Dwindle
- Mlihigans chances of sharing in
the Conference championships it
rock bottom' with the loss of two
games toa Wisconsin over the week
:Bird, However, in commenting bn
the game, Coahi .Rennie Oosterbaan
Ttimatx~l that he was pleased with
-the >team's showing even though it
(id suffer two reverses.
Oosterbaan was extremely entiusi-
- astic over the fighting spirit of hi
team. He said that "this basketball
squad-fought as hard as any Michi-
gan team I've ever seen in action."
Another point which Michigan's
basketball coach puat forward was th
-fact that. in Fridy night's game
against Wiscnsin, the Wolverines
played -their best offensive game of
the season. The clever passing of
Tom Kind and Charlie Ketterer
brought forth a nice ovation from
the highly partisan Wisconsin crowd.
Oasterbaan also praised the fine work.
of Elroy irsch, who aagin starred
under the backboards. The ex-Wis-
consin phantom gathered 16 points
in the two games.
According to Michigan's veteran
cage coach, Don Lund, played his best
game of the yea uin the atuday
Feb. 5Match.
WithMat nen
Northwestern's wrestling team has
,called off its scheduled meet with the
Wolverines, which was to have taken
place February 5, because of a. Con-
flilt in schedules.
This leaves another hole for Coach
Ray Courrtrigt to fill in oni his al--
readyv shortened schedule for Me
current season The grap pers will
now be inactive unitil J3anary 29,
,when they-ineet the Boilermnakrs of
Purdue. It seems very funniry to Mich-
igan fans that talk of schedule con-
flictions should occur immediately on
the heels of the Wolverine victory at
' Ohio State.
Coach Ray Courtright held light
wiorkout for his squad the main Part
of last week, in an effort to work the
kinks out of his boys, and to polish
off some of the major .mistakes made
in their f irst encounter, which~ was
with the Ohio State mnaten
The first indication of any hard-
work came on Saturday, when Coach
Curtright held th e third inter-squiad
meet of the season, of -which Corky
said "we ot a Iot of good out, of it,
and Jinm Galles showed the fellows
some new things."
Somec of the matces saw Lowell
Oberly win a decision over Phil Carl-'
son, and ,Jim Galles worked out a lit-
ile with George Curti. 'he best.
match of the dfay saw Chip Warrick
edge out ai close decision over Alan
Many' of Il-lie teairu iiieifbrs d(lidnot
participal e in thle meets as the squad
hras been jp1gud wit ii minor injur-

ics . ,olTHnY Circn11, "Iho captained
theWoverne:tt Ohio SL tE°,,wa s
liI-da lngtecaua tes ad
.1lstto the team hroug,,hout flte wek
ht'caus:u of a strrined shotder mus-
cle. Others inucuedi in this list are
Bob Rei-hart, wh-o hasa knee infec-
tin; Dick Weeman, who has a bad
hack, and Bob, Gittins, who hurt his
arm att t 1w beginingw of the week,
Team Look"; G00(
Thietemi looked very good and it
didn't seem al :s if they had lost any
of their -hituff, Coaich Cwourtright's
reaonfarno wof-king hiis squad too
hard was thattere is nota match
until te1ai0e1anduBie meet's MA -
due. Jan. 29,!-The1refore, Corky is not
takingp ai i c anc on overworking
his boy-. anld cdoesn't want to get

Ke,;sler Captures Only
-~ The Wolverine swimmers absorbed
- finale against the Badgers, Lund,! their worst dual meet beating since
even though~ he was eat the point of Y ale trouanced ihzthm 9- 16 two years.
exhaustion, played exceptionally hard agfo, when tiey loi to G, reat Lakes'
throughottthe contest. Wi lazy of sitar:: anuday nighit the
1VIMichigare oi l Icecs of Itadgvrti (NIaie of 60 to 24."
Oosterbaam made a valuable ob- The Maize and Blue natators were
servation when he stated that in the underdogs from the start, and
both Wisconsin games., Michigan was Coach MVia~tt Mann' hit it on the headt
close on the heels of the Badgers in- when he said last week, "we'll he lucky
t il the closing minutes of play. Mich- to take one first place." Heinie
igan then gambled in the last few Kessler, freshain from Ann .Arbor.,
n hnutes o1 each contes. t, Towever, it was the only Michigan winner when
was to no avail. Wisconsin suicceeded hie took the 'bre asts troke in comupara-
in breaking up our plays every tle tivelyv slow time.
and scored at will against an unde- Billy Smith, the sens ational world
fended basket. Each one of the record holder from ai twaii, was by
encounters -was closely contested and far the outstanding swimuler of' the
could have gone either way depend- evening. Easily churning through
ing on which team got the breaks, the water for victories in the 220 a-nd
The Michigan team offers nio alibis 440, Smithi left his freestyle specialty
for its setbacks, for on Friday and events to also grab second place in-
Satuirday nights, Wisconsin was the the backstroke behind teammate Carl
better team, Ahlman. Smith_ finished ahead of
______? :J erry Kerschner, Bluejacket sprinit 'r
and Ace Cory .in, the 220 in 2:12.1. In
the 440, Billy finished in 4:59 to grab
!5 rv1 " , - first place from Wolverines Paul Ma-
lo ney and John McCarthy who tool
V' : second and third, respectively.
met Iressiv M-.iormer -maize and Blue Capt'ails
IV°I'i ~ ee ob l BoI3't n captured first place it
the 60 inl the slow 'time of 24.2. The
first three mn practically finished
"A aom piete success," were the in a dead heat, and Charlie Fr~ies, who
vords used by Assistant-track Coach 'took ;a, third, swaI all[ over the0 poot.
Mhet Stackhouse, in describing the Mert Church could do no better than
3 ervicenlen's track meet, of last. Sat- take a third in the century as Kersch-
irday afternoon. ncr catptured the event in 53.2.
jCoach Ken Doherty expressed his T-Bone Martin showed his old form
,pinion by saying in fact that it was as he finished ahead of the field
,he best intira-mural affalir ever held in -the fancy diving, Martini, like
-) the campus. Credit for° this sue- Bu crton, a-iso was onhlthe Michiganr
~es muttst natrally go to th ie i3~f team of 1942.

In losing Saturday's game against
Woodstock, 6-1, Michigan's hockey
t eamn showed once again. that no
matter what kind of coordination a
t eain may have, it has no real tcnaIli('e
is long as the mnembers are, consis.-I
lepnt ly 011SkJ. ; ytheir oppontci us.tt3> ttwo
2 es~ses bothi ;ffens1ively and defensl-
ively, the hfeart-reaking fact ws
that wvhen a Mchigfa drive began,
wvithx clear ice M.ead, and. no opposi-
tionl except the goalie, the inevitable
resulth was that the forward line was
ove <ritken1promptlly by the fast-skart
M! gf Woodstock crew.
L owrey Disappoin tedl
Coach Eddie :Lowrey wa IS disap-
Pointed with the showing of thlu
squad, and indicated thfat h e ithoug ,ht#
tlie ,6-1, tro lte (ing wXas uncsa
"They were better than we wre,"1wt
said, "But they were'nt :five goal,,
During the opening minutes of
Saturday's battle, it would appear
lhZ it Lowrey's statement was *1usti-
1:iedt. Both forward line and defense
\ve] eclicking, and Ted Greer, right
wing, was doing some especially fine
,klatring and passing. The first period
was; one of the best periods Mich:igan
h o(-key fans have seen for somesimie.
Bot b f teams were playing wide open.
hoclkey', btthe passing was aIcculrate,
:ai tiefiensem~en and, goalies looked
excellent, while both lines platyed
1 1) Hederison's ii :y iu (ieg:ttc
irst I-eriod upset hire; t-,mprarily,

buit I hf' t-(at1 i i 11ii .II IUa tI I C i :; !
fair hrand I'f 1 1Fk !11; fot'Ii'014. t! 1
period, -ominig ow of(ithe tirst20
minute session 1in a1I]-°I I he tw'i h
W1 idt C )
ll'('tIiJc S l('O i( a i l l ii' I i 045 w 11t
a 11 ll l, phas ()o pla.t ,No 4onf"on the
squad layedwith ariypunch iand-
h l: i;lt was -sloppy, w ilc eback
chec kin- rwas --amhnost negligible at
l imes,
I owrey feels 1t-t t i fita 11. iL hing
(le sqhtad nCe'(ls is a change of line -
upi and intendsigto .start, Vince Abbey,
1v wo has retutrneid from furlough, oi
ccfiti rice. tDerlei h illii then play o cn
these 1111l( line, :anld SOnme memfber
of th h isiiglines xviilbe i-eiega ted
to t r'eserpo'' )sition.
tInd-I ed.into Navy,
..L1r*.1dE RlOC,.K. Aiu-k., Jan. 17.-.(ll)-
.._ Lynvood 1 SChloolboy) Rowe, vet-1
CI.l'a il-ajoz-leagl;ue pitchr 10WIOW vned
by thlesphiladielp la Phillies.,nasb(en I
asi n d t 1! yhis lire-indiit tion physical lexam in .a-
lhonhe, is. WaI", uIotIc111edl today,
Wihnthe tall Arkansan wrrkvilldon
n, unifoi mwtas nol; indcie~L .I and tie-
pends upon te call:; for Nalvy as--
si'Z nees(tirec(t ed k) hiis iin-fl hoard att
)PI rDov doAriz., Whern' I if resides
dur ing; Olt' off >eaISI .

i'OlIIIt lhtx~i iO tl(' N:I (iOIV- I t uA i

rPlo y ir g T o d c i y T h r o u g h 1 1h ir sd y
AS!Ca r tco ,.Mat'. N ~i L4M

uunf Picture


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Do ily
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Ca r- ( t' . PE I I' " I [Iy gj 4 II ar Pa3d "i4 5 tT lR VS OK VO"
E"'n ds l!On l 00 $ uO r up __
We k loys




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ka14%&iik 1 %41

school. Tt was their interest and
spirit of competition tha-t provided
the ne:essa ry punch to make it:i
good meet,
Army Was Unprevared
'Though the Navy was victorious,
in all fairness to the Army, it mu1st
be said that they were unprepared
to give a full accoun~t of themselves.
The Army was on furlough when the
particulars were sent out to the dif-
ferent headquarters and ithug tiey
were completely in the dark a., to the
knowledge thati: such anr event wasI,
being held. As the result of this the,
better Army runners were, unable to
t Wain eand1 tin Wereit.t ,ten in event-s-
which otherwise might has been vic-
tories, Then too, several Army run-
ners who would have been certain to'

gather points, were on sick tcalI l -n
were tuable to cotnpete.
"Thfe outstanding victory was by
Bruce Turner' who leaped a distance
of 21' 93C' to win the running broad
jump." In his college days ltirner
reached above 23 feet, except~ional
distance for anyone. Other event-s
that produced fine res ius were the
shot ,put, won by Bub Gra.ndy of the
Navy, who pushed the ball a. distance
of 42 foet, \and -the mile run won
inl the timte of 4 °..5)0by 1Jim W angberf,,
also of the :Navy.
Thle -track coaches a4-e veriy anxious
to arrange muore meets in t!e noa
Lu Lure for tlit. sei-vcciris if it is soj
desired. Men having such sentimentsF
are asked to inaquire. of the com i eso ulpriuas

%$AN JAN. 24
_aa deri It4tior( ,
CYaca-~c "D;p y
t WTHdd~nt
y W d Uil4


''VYI i is Cook I it'

Price of Rencio v -,
Latest Wrurli cs-

-~--- ---~

Still Seats Leff af $2.20

:'tt ' ,_"cr[ru i l~fU-',.y, ,he


.i1C' rO i

E-'R IN(: ~ 4*'I1%~1 II kI~~-





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'a v, l c-pulleduI ownu? tInpoit r;karolb -pl <y ler - ajill bi
Itlir 1 ,' 1 i1 tealt 0r yout.
'[heI ~ Stop ("Cllar forever pidl-i aji end wto '~rlc creleeps".
Lt isa. i.-cvolutionrar y new. collar desig i~rli -d to ybiu-,nec-
re ! ecause of this, Low-SlOpet e.-' v i tohe lenmu;l~t ei
n 3. __ ~tal . ir1li jIr'11 l- the collfir to >4 CO IO iit: ' 1 , i w v o rt iiri
~~tv Bi.Angl-cI Sta y prevents the collar points from flipping, up!
F 1' lrtluciinore, the 1,o11-Sto pc Collar exposes more of the, neck
- in front.This seems to slenderize the neck and give the lace a
Ieaner, more, youthful loot. We feature Low-Slobpe II a variely
of oui-r favorite collar mu-ldel :, patterns an1d'fir<
_ Jl Y/i-

stay i it-
zrtj i tth"

,'t1 I flip urn

Lj-C/- )
yh t K.
/N t i e1 ' rN S YFI
t -I
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r': ,'''
rdin x ."Er . , ,,,
tsa oaE=crt;sr . ..
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