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January 15, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-15

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4 aiIl





Allied Planes

Hit Northern France

Allies Asked
To Hold Red,
Polish Talks
Cabinet Requests U.S.,
Britain To Help Mend
Diplomatic Relations
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 15, Saturday.-
The Polish government- in- exile
after four successive days of cabinet
study of Russia's Curzon line bound-
ery proposal announced in a con-
ciliatory statement early today that
it was asking the United States and
Great Britain to bring Poland and.
Russia together to discuss all out-
standing Russian-Polish problems.
The Polish announcement, which
in effect asked the United States and
Britain to mend broken diplomatic
relations between the Polish London
government and the Soviet Union,
was hailed immediately in official
British quarters as "an ecouraging
response" to the Soviet government's
Jan. 11 declaration suggesting the
Curzon line as the Russian-Polish
"In their, earnest anxiety to safe-
guard complete solidarity of te
United Nations especially at the de-
cisive stage of their struggle against
the common enemy, the Polish gov-
ernment consider. it to be preferable
now to refrain from further public
discussions," said the Polish state-
Asserting that they could not
"recognize unilateral decisions or ac-
complished facts which have taken,
place or might take place on the ter-
ritory of the Polish republic," the
Poles said that they had repeatedly
-sought a just' Pgl sh-Soviet agre-
U.S Exami
sPol sh equest
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14..--P)
The State Department announed1
tonight it had ree1ved and was
giving immediate attention to the
request by the Polish government-
in-exile for aid in solving Russian-
Polish problems.
The request was made of both
the United States and the British
governments to help bring the
neighboring nations together for a
discussion of ways to achieve per-
manent cooperation"
Soldier Speaks
At Bond Rally
Lt. McLean Calls On
All To Give to War
"If you could see the soldiers back
from all theaters of the war in hos-
pitals of this country," declared Lt.
Leo F. McLean, "you would have the
people who hold on to their money
buying bonds to help their sons who
are fighting the war."
Lt. McLean who has been at the
Percy Jones Hospital at Battle Creek
recuperating from wounds, appeared
last night at a bon rally in the
Rackham Auditorium heralding the
Fourth War Loan Drive. One thing
that should not creep into the minds
of those at home, he warned, is the
idea that the war is won.

The men who travel on ships for
unknown destinations and fight the
enemy, Lt. Mc Lean said, think about
those people at home. They, have no
greater pleasure, he declared, than
knowing that those at home are. sup-
porting them by contributing money
for the purpose of buying weapox
for war.
Lt. McLean's speech was given be-
tween reels of the OWI film, "Battle
of Russia," which showed how the
Russian people have defended their
homeland throughout the ages, es-.
pecially during the present conflict.-
GI Stomp Will Be
Today in Union
Dancing to the music of juke box
tunes will be the main feature at
the GI Stomp from 3 to 5 p.m. today

Campus Favors Federal




Federal War
Ballot Rejected
BY Committee
House Group Favors
State Regulation of
Servicemen's Vote
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-(7)--
Congressional advocates of a federal
"war ballot" for the armed services
suffered another reversal today when
the House Elections committee, re-
jecting this idea, approved 7 to 5 a
measure leaving the problem of sol-
diers' voting up to the states.
Since the Senate already has taken
a similar stand, the chances for a
federal ballot appear doubtful al-
though these new moves to bring one
about were launched today:
1. Senator Tydings (Dem., Md)
introduced a measure which would
give afederal war ballot to members
of the armed services only after their
home states declare them eligible to
2. The Senate Elections Commit-
tee began . efforts to work out some
compromise acceptable to both sides
in the hot controversy. It considered,
but. deferred action at least until
next Thursday, two new bills, one by
Senator Lodge (Rep., Mass) would
authorize the Army and Navy to
circulate federal ballots overseas but
would leave to the' states the question
whether or'not to accept them. The
other, by Senator Lucas (Dem., Ill)
would set up a federal ballot com-
mission. with: authority only to get
ballots to' and from the armed ser-
I4 addition, backers of a federal
bellot promised a floor fight to over-
turn the decision of the House Elec-
tions Committee. The committee-
approved ill probably wll come up
in the House next week.
President Roosevelt joined the de-
bate by saying in his annual mes-
sage that the "overwhelming ma-
'jority" of fighting men would be de-
prived of the right to vote if it is left
to the states.
3000 japs Die
In Invasion of
New Britain
TERS. New Guinea, Jan. 15., Satur-
day-('P)-Japanese defenders of Al-
lied-invaded Cape Gloucester, New
Britain, have lost nearly 3,000 dead
since American Marines landed three
weeks ago, General MacArthur's com-
munique reported today.1
This marks an increase of approxi-
mately 600 dead at the Cape Glouce-
ster battlefront since the last Allied
reports a few days ago.
American airmen continued their
daily assaults against the Japanese
defenses' of Madang, supply base on
the north coast of New Guinea.
Bombers poured tons of explosives
on Alexishafen and Bogadjim air-
fields protecting the Madang base,
the 'communiqhe reported.
Other American bombers ranged
over New Britain to strike Rabaul,
big enemy bastion on the northeast
tip of the island, and winged more-
than 2,000 round trip miles to hit
Makassar and Balikpapan in the
Celebes in the Dutch East Indies.
Continuing their squeeze play
against trapped Japanese forces on
the north coast of Guinea, Austra-
lian jungle forces have advanced
within artillery range of Sio.

Poll Records
1,732 for, 95
Against Plan
MYDA, Daily Conduct
Survey Among Navy,
Army Men, Civilians
In an overwhelming vote of 1,732
to 95, students and servicemen
Thursday registered their support of
the Green-Lucas bill for federal con-
trol of service voting in 1944.
Civilian students, army trainees
and men in the Navy V-12 Program
were reached iri the all-campus poll
conducted by Michigan Youth for
Democratic Action, new anti-fascist
group, in conjunction with The
Daily. Breaking down the results in-
to three categories they were: Army
-707 for, 49 against, V-12 and Mar-
ines-343 for, 19 against, and Civil-
ians-682 for, 27 against.

Allied Ships Explode Depth Bombs

on Nazi Submarine

Commenting on the issue one ser-

viceman stated, "Depriving us of the
ballot becausemwe are in service
would be the most monstrous and
paradoxical travesty on democracy
possible." A civilian wrote, "It would
be an impossibility to ask the army
to handle absentee ballots under 48
different systems. One federal ballot
is the only efficient and democratic
method possible."
Of the servicemen who expressed
their disapproval of the federal sol-
dier vote bill one said, "I believe that
it would endanger the rights of
states, putting too much power into
the hands of the federal govern-
ment." Others said, "I'll worry about
politics after the war," and "Do they
know enough to vote intelligently?"
Lowering the voting age to 18 was
mentioned by many of thase' polled
in remarks like these: "The average
18 year old is better qualified to vote
than other civilians, and all service-
men, 18 or otherwise, are certainly
entitled to vote," "The bill should
permit the 18-21 year old group to
vote also," and "Let the 18 year olds
vote too."
One serviceman summed up the
typical feeling by saying, "Congress
should reflect on its responsibility in
denying democratic rights to ser-
vicemen during a war fought in de-
fense of democratic rights. The fed-
eral ballot alone will guarantee all
servicemen the vote. The morale of
our troops is concerned, and the ef-
fectiveness of our foreign propa-
War Plant Told
To Cut Prices
Government Says '42
Profits Are 'Excessive'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-OP)--
The War Department ordered' Jack
& Heintz Inc., of Cleveland, Ohio, to-
day to reduce by $7,000,000 the cost
of aircraft parts it sold the govern-
ment during 1942, saying that the
company's good record as a supplier
"cannot be allowed to serve as an
excuse for war profiteering."
The firm, said the Department,
made a profit of $8,361,000 in fiscal
1942 before deductions for taxes, and
this figure "-over 23 times what the
owners had in the business at the be-
ginning of the year and more than
35 cents on each dollar of sales-was
deemed excessive."

In the Atlantic, Allied ships and planes put a crimp in Hitler's U-Boat campaign. Here a depth
bomb explodes on a Nazi submarine, another (circle) drops alongside.

Regional City,
Rail Juncture
Taken by Reds
Germans Fall Back
20 Miles After Losing
Kalinkovichi, Mozyr
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 15, Saturday-Gen.
Constantine Rokossoysky's army ini
southern =White Russia captured the
important rail junction of Kalinko-
vichi and the nearby regional center
of Mozyr yesterday, inflicting "tre-
mendous losses" on the fleeing Ger-
mans, and forged on 20 miles west-
ward through the frozen Pripet
marshes gMoscow announced today.
Another Red Army under Gen.
Nikolai Vatutin crossed the Horyn
River, 46 miles inside old Poland,
and extended its front in the area by
the capture of Stepan and more than
30 other towns and villages. Stepan
is 17 miles south of Tutovichi and 35
miles north of Rovno.
Skrigalov Taken
Both of these drives were advanc-
ing along the only two east-west rail-
roads in the Pripet marshes. Rokos--
sovsky's drive. captured Skrigalov,
only 40 miles from the old Polish
frontier on the south bank of the
Pripet River, as it rolled on toward
the industrial town and waterways
center of Pinsk, only 95 miles away.
The two railroads are 60 miles apart.
More than 40 other populated
places were overrun by the White
Russian advance, including the rail
station of Kotsury, 16 miles west of
Nazis Lose Heavily
The midnight Moscow communi-
que, recorded by the Soviet Monitor,
said of this sector: "The enemy sus-
tained tremendous losses in man-
power and equipment. Retreating in
disorder the Germans abandoned
many guns, lorries, stores of am-
munition and military supplies. A
considerable number of prisoners
were taken."
A separate Mscow radio broad-
cast said the Russian attack had
been so swift the Germans had no
time to set the two towns afire as
they usually do before retreating.
More than 3,000 Germans were
wiped out, 27 tanks and 40 big guns
destroyed and in one area alone 11
tanks and 20big guns were captured,
the late bulletin said.
Vatutin's drive into old Poland,
where the Russians now have a con-
tinuous front 85-miles long across
the former frontier, killed 600 Ger-
mans in its advance and with the
aid of guerrillas routed a column of
German infantry on a highway.
Ruthveni Will Give
Radio Talk Today
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will speak on "Victory FOB" at 3:30

Yanks Meet Strong German
Resistance in Cassino Defense

GIERS, Jan. 14. -(P)- American
troops advancing yard by yard from
the southeast slugged doggedly to-
day at the maze of weapon pits,
barbed entanglements and mine-
.fields comprising the "Gustav line"
defenses of Cassino, Nazi stronghold
on the Fifth Army front in Italy.
German resistance was extremely
fierce in this final three-mile deep
Railroad Wage
Dispute Settled
By Arbitration
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-(1P)-The
Railroad Operating Brotherhoods'
wage dispute was settled tonight when
the firemen, conductors, and switch-
men accepted the same pay increase
-an over-all boost of nine cents an
hour - that President Roosevelt
awarded the, engineers and trainmen
in arbitration proceedings.
This removed from controversy the
wages of 350,000 men who operate
the trains and possibly opened the
way for early return of the railroads
to private management. The Army
took over control of the roads Dec. 27
because of a strike threat.
Still to be settled are the demands
of 1,100,000 non-operating railroad
workers-the shopmen, clerks and
others who do not operate trains--
for a pay increase in lieu of overtime.
A special Presidential Board is con-
sidering these demands, however, and
the unions have recalled strike orders,
originally set for Dec. 30, which led
to government seizure of the roads.
In another development during the
day, a House interstate commerce
subcommittee approved legislation
stripping Stabilization Director Fred
M. Vinson of all authority over rail-
way workers' wages. The measure
would place exclusive jurisdiction
with the Railway Mediation Board.
Passage of Tax
Bill Is Delayed
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.--(A)-
Completion of' revenue sections of
the $2,275,600,000 tax bill, confident-
ly undertaken by the Senate today,
was washed out by a flood of unex-
pected oratory on subjects ranging
from the soldiers' vote to interna-
tional relations and food subsidies.
As a result the Senators were
forced into a Saturday session, to
clear the way for action on contro-
versial amendments to the war con-
tracts renegotiation law Monday.
An indication that some of the

defensive belt before Cassino, and
Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's doughboys
were forced to fight off a desperate
enemy counterattack on the captured
village of Cervaro Wednesday night
before they could continue their
frontal assault. British and French
troops fought in toward Cassino from
the south and northeast, respectively.
The ground offensive was coupled
with a typical Allied air blow at Nazi
airdromes in the Rome area by
AmericanFlying, Fortresses, Liberat-
ors, medium bombers and fighters.
Three fields from which German
planes have been taking off to inter-
vene in the ground struggle were re-
duced to flaming wreckage.
Flying Fortresses and mediums left
smoking ruins from one end to the
other of the modern Guidonia ex-
perimental airport, 15 miles north-
east of Rome, and at Centocelle, sev-
en miles east of Italy's capital. The
Fortresses and their Lightning fight-
er escort shot down eight out of 40
Nazi planes that rose to challenge
them, against a loss of three Ameri-
can fighters. Liberators blasted an
enemy field at Perugia, 90 milesI
north of Rome.1
Nazi prisoners taken in recent days
boasted of the impregnability of
what they call the "Gustav Line" de-
fending Cassino, a strategically sit-
uated town of perhaps 7,000 popula-
tion on the main inland highway and
railroad 70 airline miles from Rome.
Noted Pianist
To Play Here
Artur Rubinstein Will
Give Concert Tuesday
Artur Rubinstein, "the most excit-
ing pianist of our time," will be heard
in the seventh Choral Union concert
to be given at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Auditorium.
Rubinstein, who was born in Lodz,
Poland, in 1890, displayed musical
talents at the age of three. He was
only eight when Joseph Joachim, the
great Hungarian violinist and friend
of Brahms, assumed responsibility for
the boy's future.t
At 11 he made his formal musical
debut in Berlin, playing the Mozart"
Concerto in A major, with Joachim
conducting the orchestra. By the
time he was 15, young Rubinstein had
spread his talents to encompass most
of Germany and Poland.
Already a specialist in Chopin,
Beethoven, Brahms and Liszt, Ru-
binstein made his first appearance
with the Philadelphia orchestra in
the United States in 1906. This tour
lasted three months during which he1
gave 75 concerts.-

Coast Suffers
New Pounding
Germans Announce
RAF Raid in Reich;
Target Areas Cleared
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 15, Saturday,-A
powerful Allied aerial force of pos-
sibly 1,400 planes blasted military ob-
jectives along the "rocket gun coast"
of northern France yesterday and the
German DNB news agency reported
early today that the RAF had fol-
lowed up with a night attack on Ger-
#An interruption of telephone ser-
ice between Berlin and Stockholm
from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m last night in-
dicated that the German capital may
have been raided.
Hundreds of U. S. heavy bombers
were included in the mixed aerial
armada that struck the massive blow
against northern France.
Berlin Has Alert
The German announcement of the
new attack on the Reich said that
Nazi night fighters offered strong
resistance to the British bombers.n
Stockholm reported that a brief
alert was sounded in jittery Berlin
shortly after 1 p.m. yesterday but n
bombs were dropped.
Making their first attack since the
mammoth air battle over the heart
tof Germany Tuesday; the "'BtI
based Flying Fortresses and Liber-
ators were escorted yesterday by
Thunderbolts, Lightnings and long-
range Mustangs.
These shepherding planes pushed
the Nazi fighters back from the
target areas so that the bombing runs
could be made almost without inter-
Nazi Opposition Light
In contrast to the Tuesday attack
when a 'reeord numbet' of '60 Amenri
can heavy bombers and five fighters
were lost and 152 German planes
were shot down, Nazi opposition over
the French coast was light and pre-
liminary reports indicated that the
heavy bombers' escorting planes
scored better than four to one in air
combats with the Germans. It was
the fifth major operation of the
month for the American planes.
Heavy, medium, light and fighter
bombers and fighters were included
in the Allied force.
Bomb Kills 7 in
London Theatre
LONDON, Jan. 15., SaturdayiyP
- A lone enemy plane slipped
through London's bristling air raid
defenses last night and dropped a
bomb on a crowded movie theatre in
a suburban business area, killing
seven persons and injuring 31.
No alert was sounded, and there
was immediate speculation that the
Nazis have a new type of near noise-
less plane-possibly bombing from
the stratosphere to escape detection.
It was the first time in several
years that an enemy plane was
known to have penetrated to subur-
ban London without arousing the
elaborate coast defense or radio loca-
tion system.
The sound of plane engines was
heard a moment before the whistle
of the falling bomb. There was no
gunfire. Indications were that the
raider was alone, said the British
Press Association.
Dean To Advise

Forestry Group
Dr. Dana Will Aid in
Survey on Resources
Discussing his position on the ad-
visory council of the American For-
estry Association's national survey
of national forest resources, Dean S.
T. Dana of the Forestry School said
last night that "this is an important
project and will be valuable in shap-
ing future plans."
Preparations for this survey which
is exploring the effect of the war on
the national forest resources have
been in progress since mid summer,
he said, but were only begun January

RPastors' Conference on World
Problems Will Open Monday

With three hundred ministers and
religious educators expected to at-
tend, the fifth annual Michigan Pas-
tors' Conference will open at 3 p.m.
Monday in the Rackham Building
when the Rev. Rolland W. Schloerb
will speak on "Implications for
Christians in the World Today."
One of the principal leaders of the
Conference will be Dr. Hornell Hart,
professor of social ethics at Duke

which will be held at 8 p.m. Monday,
will include a farmer, a businessman,
a member of the C.I.O., anc the ex-
ecutive secretary of the Department
of Race Relations for the Federal
Council of Churches.
A second panel on "Effective
Means for World Order" will be con-
ducted at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Building Tuesday. Prof. Preston
Slosson of the history department,

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