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January 13, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-13

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11,H l I ,CI jGN )A


Fifty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular Univ'brsity year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all ,nhr m! ers herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class smail matte'r.
Subscriptions din the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Ed;torial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski. .
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank ,
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

. . . , Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
* . . .Women's Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor
- - - - Columnist
. . . . . Columnist

Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

. Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager


Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are writ/en b)y members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of The writers only.
State Solution of Soldier
7ote Dnits asic ight
0,00,000 Americans will be disenfranchised for
the 1944 elections according to all indications
today. For, despite President Roosevelt's appeal
for the creation of federal machinery to assure
the vote to all servicemen and women, the House
elections committee favors leaving the issue up
to the states.
T[he Green-Lucas-Whorely bill, being con-
sidered now in the house committee, simply
provides for a federal non-partisan commis-
sion to administer the job of getting the ballot
to the mcA. Not only the President, but also
the War and Navy Departments have declared
that only through some such federal control
will the votes of soldiers and sailors be made
to count. The Secretary of War has declared
that it will be impossible for the Army to ad-
minster 4$ different election laws.
No one suggests that any of the legislation
now being proposed in Congress is designed spe-
cifically to eliminate the possibility of getting
the ballot to our armed forces. But if the ar-
rangenents are left in the hands of the states
this is exactly what will happen.
It is interesting to note where most of the
objections to federal control of the voting mach-
inery rest. Sen. Rankin and the other poll-tax
congressmen are almost to a man against any
federal "interference." It couldn't be that the
men whose re-election to Congress is assured by
the,restrictions on voting in their own states
are afraid?
SPECJJLATION is also wide-spread concerning
the conlidential poll which Harrison Spangler,
chairman of the GOP National Committee, had
taken of the political affiliations of the soldiers
stationed in England. Could it be that the Re-
publican leader wanted to see which way the
wind was blowing before taking a stand on the
federal soldier vote bill?
Citizens of this country are guaranteed their
right to vote by the Constitution. The votes of
the 10,000,001) now in the armed forces cannot
be made a political issue.
A poll will be held on campus today by the
Michigan Youth for Democratic Action in con-
urnction with The Daily to determine what the
civilians and soldiers here think of federal con-
trol of the soldier vote. Here is a chance to
niake your opinion felt. Register your vote in
favor of the federal soldier vote bill today.
-Kathie Sharfman
r lraft of Labor Would
Antagonize Workers
yITH MORE equitable distribution of labor
forces brtweel essential and non-essential
industries possibly a eeonday motive. President
Roosevelt's request for a "National Service Act"
to drat labor probably had one main objective:
complete stoppage of strikes.
Casreful analysis of the results of such a
measure reveals, however, that its inception

Bulgaria May e Fir
To Break Axis Alliance
THERE is good reason to believe that Bul-
garia will be the first of Hitler's remaining
satellites to break away from their Axis alliance
and sue for peace with the Allies.
Although complying with -Germany's will in
most respects, the Bulgarian government has
flatly refused to declare war on Russia. The
Bulgarian people have a strong affection for
Russia. In a "showdown choice" between Ger-
many and Russia, it is very probable that Bul-
garian sentiments will choose Russia.
The strong affection which the Bugarian
people feel towards Russia dates back to the
later part of the last century, when the Rus-
sians liberated them from 500 years of Turkish
With the consistent bombing of their capital,
'showdown choice" will inevitabe come as soon
as the Red armies are in position to challenge
the Nazis forces directly in the strategic Balkan
With this in mind. the Germans have been
reported to be rushing motorized detachments
of troops to various areas in Bulgaria.
However, it will not be a simple matter for
Hitler to hold the Bulgarian puppets in line.
With the Partisan forces of Marshal Tito giving
the Nazis a tough fight in Yugoslavia and with
Rumania bowling with unrest, Hitler will have
his hands more than full.
With Bulgaria suing for peace with the Allies,
a great blow will be dealt to Nazi power in the
Balkans. It will be a cue for Rumania to revolt
and for the other Balkan countries to increase
their efforts in their struggle against German
domination, thereby setting the pace for the ul-
timate liberation of the Balkan region.
-Neva Negrevski
WASHINGTON. Jan. 13.--A. F. Whitney rail-
road brotherhood leader who stuck out his neck
and was the first to accept Presidential arbitra-
tion of the railway wage dispute, has been get-
ting it hot and heavy from the three brother
hoods which refused to arbitrate. But he came
back at them the other day with a poem which
Three blind mice-hear how they talk!
They all refuse to arbitrate-
They're gambling with their country's fate:
Though the hour is getting late
For the three blind mice.
This rhyme was sent by Railroad Trainman
Whitney to all the secretaries, vice-presidents.
and subordinate lodges of his union with a con-
fidential letter blasting the three hold-out
brotherhoods. In the letter Whitney revealed
that 450,000 copies of "Labor," the railroad
brotherhood magazine, had been sent to the
post office just before the President offered ar-
"Thousands of these copies were recalled and
destroyed," Whitney wrote to his fellow-train-
men. "On the following day they were re-
printed without changing the cross on a 't' or
the dot of an i'. This hasty action, of course,
did not help the paper shortage, and in all
probability will never be explained."
Whitney then went on to excoriate the three
"non-arbitrating brotherhoods" whom Labor
magazine had called "The Three Musketeers."
"Were they afraid to trust the President?"
he asked. "Had they overlooked the fact that
the Commander-in-Chief could settle the dis-
pute without their consent? Or is it possible
that they were playing organization politics in
the hope that they may strengthen their nu-

merical and financial condition?
"Our experience is that organizations of labor
must have something to offer to attract men to
their rank s, and it would appear that these
unions had utterly failed, siice their memberships
have been on the wane during the past 15 years."
Hull Remintisces
Cordell Hull received an unexpected caller the
:ther day. U.S. District Judge "Jefty" O'Connor
of California, former Comptroller of the Cur-
rency and the man who really pioneered the
Federal Deposit Insurance system after the big
bank smash-up in 1932.
Hull had known Jefty when Jefty was one of
the few Democrats in North Dakota. They had
fought'mapy progressi-ve battles together-usual-
ly on the losing side. Recalling them, the Secre-
tary of State mused:
"Some day when the war is over and I can
retire from all this, you and I must sit down
together and look back over the mistakes we
have made and the things we could have done
Judge O'Connor flew back to Los Angeles
thinking that after faith, hope and charity, hu-
mility comes next.
iNwi-Fighting Sailor.
Frank Knox. Secretary of the Navy, is a great
talker about efficient use of manpower. But it

Id Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK. Jan. 13.-The President's request
for a national service act will really rattle the
windows of Congress. It is a cold breeze against
a hothouse. Inside the Capitol.soft men have
been planning to win the war by increasing the
taxes on milady's fur coat.
A national service act would tell milady, in-.
stead, that she will either join the armed forces
or go to work in a factory, or else sit in the
cooler, thinking it over until she decides to be
good. Check your mink, lady?
Life has been extremely pleasant these last few
months inside Congress, where men have been
dreaming a sweet incoherent dream of higher
prices because the people are so rich, and lower
taxes because -the people are so poor. It is very
uncouth of the President to interrupt these
happy fantasies by a request for a national serv-
ice act.
By the flickering lights inside the Capitol, it
had seemed clear. only a month ago, that the
way to win the war was to return $4,000,000,000
of recaptured excess war profits, and, maybe. bal-
ance off by hiking the tax on soda pop. There is,
however, a large body of Congressional opinion
which thinks that this is no time to raise the tax
on soda pop.
So the debate goes, pop, pop and pop. It is
into this warm, amiable and mushy atmosphere
that the President has intruded his proposal for
a new law which can force any American, he or
she, to go to work in a designated war factory.
By the Congressional reaction to this hard pro-
posal we shall have the answer to the great
question of the hour: "Who's electioneering
The quarrel between President and Congress
is not a quarrel between right and left. It is a.
battle between attitudes, a fight between hard-
ness and softness, between consequence and in-
consequence. This Congress is not opposing the
President on any lofty question of principle. It
is merely trying to prove that it is nicer than he
is, kinder than he is, softer than he is all at a
time when niceness and kindness and softness
are the wildest forms of inconsequence.
I am afraid that this mood of inconsequence
shows up very strongly in the statement by Mr.
Harrison Spangler, national chairman of the
Republican Party, to the effect that his pArty
-will win this fall "with anybody the conven-
tion chooses to nominate." Doesn't it matter
what the man will stand for?
There is a kind of gleeful confidence here that
President Roosevelt has been beaten on points,
so to speak: that there has been a sufficient ac-
cumulation of small political advantages by the
opposition to sweep it in next November. regard-
less of the issues.
This game of scoring small points, steadily,
consistently, day after day. is exactly what marks
and degrades the current Congressional record.
In London, at this time, Labor Minister Bevin
picks certain numbers from a hat. once a month.
All youths whose registration cards match these
numbers, have to go down into the mines to dig
coal, regardless of their wealth or social status.
But our Congressmen ,with, of course, many,
though not enough. honorable exceptions, are
busy trying to soften the draft, to prove that they
love the farmer by raising his prices, and that
they love the taxpayer by keeping his taxes down.
See what I mean?
They are murmuring that the war is softer
than it is. They are saying that two plus two
equals a lollypop. President Roosevelt has just
said that two plus two equals foui, and now we
shall see what we shall see.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate

J ?terA

Jo §/ do
~ ~
Letters to the Editor must be type
written, double-spaced. on one side of *
the paper only and signed with the
name and address of the writer. Re- K
quests for anonymous publications will '
be met. ,
HE RECENT editorial polioy of y
The Michigan Daily in regards to
the labor trouble that is spreading,
through vital war industries hasp
caused me to write this. my first let-
ter-to-the-editor in four years at
Michigan. I am firmly convinced
that something need be said to neu-
tralize what you have already printed-
as editorials by one member of your
staff. Mr. Stan Wallace.
Jus how inconsistent Wallace's
libelism has caused hm 1in be i
best illustrated by his own editorials.
On Thursday. Dec. 30. 1943, Wall:ace
in justifying the executive order for =x
the government to take over the rail-
roads, wrote in part, "Primarily, it -
(the executive order) averted the
most damaging blow our war effort
could have suffered." Wallace was
pointing out in this editorial that the
war was to be won at all cbst, and
that we citizens of a free democracy peot e constantly tramnp
were not going to allow a rail strike
to tie up our war effort. (May I ual, Mr. Wallace? Are you referring
pause foi' a moment to reflect on to the averag American. the clerk.,
the manner in which Mr. Wallace the teacher, the erviceman as well
might have greeted an alternate gov- as the laboring man I is my coi-
ernment action which would have tention ,ere that Mi'. Waa'es lib-
gone to the real source of. the trouble eralism goes only to the extent of
--what if the government had taken worrying about protecting the ad-
over the non-cooperating unions in- vances labor has made in the past 12
stead of the cooperating manage- year, disr arling the winiifg o '
ments of the railroads?) the war. He is all lr labor. and if -
however, on Friday, Jan. 7, 1944, an adanlenunl for labo' should
Wallace's editorial expressed his happen to be coincident wim a be~
displeasure at the suggestion of the te'ig of the wi' (410rt. he makes no
national American Legion Com- Iesitation to point it out. When the
mander that the government ss-. government look over he railroads,
pend labor's right to strike for the the natio sv f isike
duration. Herein, Wallace stated which would hine r its war poaress,
in Passing that "the war effort MI Wallace hastened to point ou.
m asm ht te a ffr i tis in Itself was n1ot ('''"u h~'o
wouldn't be furthered by forced la- Bant tslliel sroenouh t
bor," and that such an act would arer lc's Ok fact
in reality be a move to "endanger the aiitdrr eelo
the freedom of the individual." assured 01 their raise by virtue of the
government anion was eno wth1, 1'ow-
Now. we must take Wallace's dia- ,w
metrically opposite opinions (namely, e .
(1) that labor strikes hurt the war F. ON the Ot'.r hand, there is a
effort, and (2) that labor strikes do choice betwcen one policy that
not hurt the war effort) and deci'de would help tile war ad an opposite
of which one he is most firmly con- one which would help labor. Mr.
vinced. Common sense dictates the Wallace throws his support to the
answer, specifically that lost man latter. Thus he condemns te pro-1
hours of production prolong the war lposed gOv'rlm(1 actiOn wnich woui~l
and impair our battle strategy. Hav- keep our countrv tree lrom strikes
ing made this observation, we may for the duration. Surely. Mr. Wle-
proceed to Wallace's fear of endang- lace ust have i-ad Drew Pearson's
e'ing "the freedom of the individ- "Mcrry-Go-Roltnd" of De. 80 in
ual." One might ask. "What individ- which he reveal;d hat "In Noveme

.v_. -

led thax ever--what with
ig; all over his corns!
1943) alone ti-ere were 120 strikes."
tnd tih t "there is every probability
t .,1 li , i , i
,at st ikes wil increase1aer tan
l((crease in tile future." This being
he case, and having already assum-
xd aibitigily that Mr. Wallace be-
eves that strikes hurt the war effort,
an I neat now assume that Mr. Wal-
e tnins ny poiTcy in favor of
labor. regtardles; the war effort?
r. Wallace is, through no in-
tention of his own,, physically ex-
mnt irom military service. That
is too bad. Ii he were slogging
through the mud of Italy or the
,ugli s of New Britain I don't be-
lieve he would be nearly so con-
e>'ned with actions which might
,t'nd'aier the freedom of the in-
dividua " as he would be with oth-
ers that were bound to endanger
the lives of many individuals.
The synthesis of the whole prob-
.cm is lat the editorial writer in
uestioni tails to see that a quick win-
ning of the war is advantageous and
desirable for al Americans, labor in-
cluded. If he were to realize this,
I believe Mr. Wallace would favor
the Atherton or any other proposal
as a wartime, and therefore tempor-
'rr. metsll'ue whii-h would hasten our
war el-;ort. At the same time he
(:ould ientinue to be a liberal with
consist ency.
-A Serviceman


IBy Lichty


THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 52
All notices for the Daily Official Bui-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the j
President in typewritten form by 3:301
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no- 1
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.1
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of1
the University Senate on Mondayj
Jan. 24. at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, for the consideration
of a revision of the Regents' by-law
concerning dismissal. demotion, and
terminal appointments.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretarys
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations:;
City of Detroit: City Planning Ana-
lyst, $104 to $154 per week: Police-
woman. $3,042 per year; Police Ma-

University Lecture: Dr. Itagnar
Nicolaysen, Diretor of the Depart-
ment of Nutrition of the Uiversity
of Oslo, Norway, will sneak on, Some
Aspects of Calcium Metabolism: an
Endogenous Factor in the Absorption
of Calcium front -1 Intesin. to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 151, Chem-
istry Building. This lecture is iven
under the auspices of the Mcdi'al
School and the Department of Bio-
logical Chemistry. .All nterested areI
University Lecture: 1)r'. Ragm
Nicolaysen, ?;irecl or ot 11ic Depart-1
ment of Nutril ion of the University
of Oslo, Norway will speak on the
subject. "University Life at Oslo tn-
der German Occupaton tnder the
auspices of the Department of His-
tory and the European Section Area
and Language Program today at 7:30
p.m. in the Raekham Lectu'e Hall.
The public is invited.

looks as if he was an even greater believer in
avoiding criticism.
For months now he has stationed one of the
Navy's astute officers with nothing to do ex-
cept keep an eye on the highly critical Truman
committee. The officer is Captain John Ken-
nedy, former ace Washington newsman and
owner of a chain of radio stations.
Kennedy was once a star Washington operator
for Hearst, won the Pugsley award for top Cap-
itol news-sleuthing. now owns two broadcasting
chains in Ohio and West Virginia.
However. the Navy keeps him occupied playing
golf with Senator Ferguson of Michigan, a mem-
ber of the Truman committee: flying to Alaska
with Senators Truman and Kilgore; and running
back and forth between the Navy and the Senate
trying to paint a favorable side to Truman com-
mittee questions.
Kennedy, an able man, does an A-1 job.
But most people seem to think that Navy man-
power was recruited to fight, rather than to
cushion criticism.
Knox. however, is an expert at criti ism-cush-
ioning. He also keeps the son of Congressman
John Tolan of California busy doing odd jobs on
Capitol Hill, and advising the Navy about how
to rub Congressmen the right way. Tolan also
is an A-1 man, but he thought he got into the
Navy to fight, not to scratch Congressmen's
(Copyright. 1944. United Features Syndicate'

ncers) will be due after Jan. 15. Only
unsatisfactory grades need to be re-
The Office of the Academic Coun-
selors 108 Mason Hall, will receive
hese reports and transmit them to
the proper officers.
If more blue cards are needed,
l lease call at 108 Mason Hall or tele-
phone 613 and they will be sent by
campus mail.
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Couoselos
E ~ Cot ice'rts
The University of Michigan String
Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor,
wll present a rog'ram of composi-
tions by Handel, Fi'escobaldi, Stam-
itz, Bach and Boccherini, at 8:30
p.m., Sunday, Jan. 16, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Tleatre. Ruby Kuhl-
man, pianist, will appear as soloist.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers will meet today at 7:°0
prm. at the Union. Professor A. F.
She zer vill show several reels of
ilm on the Arctic region and Eskimo
i i the ltdon Bay district. All
engineirs are invited.
A.I.E.E. will meet today at 7::30
p.m. in the Michig'an Union. Mr.
Carl Wes i'adio engineer at the
V-M station, WENA, will speak on
Ihe Operation of Station WENA."
Ac :00 shar, the picture- of the
members will be taken for the Ensian.
so please be on time. Refreshments.
Tea at Internationai Center is
setred each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students.
faculty, townspeople, and American
student friends of foreign students.
Pst-War Counci meeting today
*t I';; ? r; f 1,hogTUnion,


tron. $38 to $55 per week. Lochner Lecture iancelled: TheI
Bureau of Appointments and Louis P. Lochner lecture scheduled by
Occupational Information the Oratorical Association lo'r this
---evening has been cancei'ed. Tick-
All women students attending "Ai- ets for this lecture may be used for
da" and "Life with Father" will have the appearance hire of the Honor-
one half hour permission from the able Sumner WEellc, former Uride-
time the performances end. Special secretary of State. who has been en-
permission from the Office of the gaged by the Association to speak i
Dean of Women is not necessary. I Hill Auditorium on March 30 O ti'h
subject, "Ou Foieign Policy" Indi-
vidual tickets wob n sl a
A representative of J. E. Seagram ,id
& Sons, Inc. in Lawrenceberg. Ind, 29 and 30 at the box ollice of Hil:
will be here to interview people who Auditorium.j

are chemists, bacteriologists, engi-
neers, lawyers, psychologists, business
administrators. or executive secre-
taries on Friday, Jan. 14. They have
plants in Kentucky, Maryland, Indi-
ana and Ohio. February or June
graduates who are interested call ex-
tension 371 for appointments or stop
in at 201 Mason Hall.

Eng~lish 211e Wiil met-c Saturday.
9-li. instead 01 TIn-say.
N IL Nelson
ioctoral Examination bor Jean
Chien-Han Chu, Chemistry' tihesis:
"Part A> The Inlucnce of Excess
Ions oteA tio"fy
on C'salzdSle rmd n


By Crockett Johnson

j ,


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