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January 13, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-13

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Partly Cloudy

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Labor Draft Bill Is Opposed
By Hostile Senate Committee
Act Receives Praise from Undersecretaryof
War and Strong Opposition of AFL President


FWiZ Tr o o p

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-National Service Legislation--demanded by
President Roosevelt to prevent wartime strikes and spread the war effort
more evenly-got off to a halting start in a hostile committee of the Senate
Chairman Reynolds (Dem., N.C.) of the Senate Military Affairs Com-
mittee which opened hearings on a Labor Draft Bill proposed by Senator
Austin (Rep., Vt.) said several more weekly meetings-"At least three or
four"-will be held before the committee acts.
The House Military Affairs Committee, holding a similar bill, hadn't
even decided whether to take it up.
The distinctly chilly committee reception coincided with warm praise
of the National Service Plan from Undersecretary of War Robert P. Pat-
terson and strongly-worded opposi- -------
tion from William Green, President -~
of the American Federation of Labor. i ari es
Patterson in an interview said such
a law would assure servicemen over-
seas that the country is "going all ese
out behidte"adpoiead-
rect morals boost while stabilizing B Bay
labor in war-critical industries. He/
said a National Service Law would®

bring "little compulsion" of labor be-
yond requiring workers to stay on
jobs for which they had been
Green asserted that National Ser-
vice would "undermine our basic
concepts of democracy," declaring
that "there is no real comparison be-
tween drafting men for service in the
armed forces of the country and
drafting them for service in private
industry, operating for private pro-
He said Great Britain, operating
under a National Service Law, ex-
perienced in 1942 a number of strikes
"greater proportionately than in the
United States."
The President put National Serv-
ice legislation atop a five-point sta-
bilization program yesterday in his
message on the state of the union.
And within two hours Austin came
into the Senate with a revision of a
year-old bill.
Walker 'To Quit
Postmaster General
Proposes Hannegan
CHICAGO, Jan. 12.-(/)-Frank
C. Walker, mild-mannered postmas-
ter general and close personal friend
of President Roosevelt, wasrsaid au-
thoritatively today to be ready to
resign the Democratic National chair-
manship in favor of Robert E. Han-
negan, of St. Louis, the U.S. Com-
missioner of Internal Revenue.
Hannegan is said to have the in-
side track and probably will be
named chairman when the Demo-
cratic National Committee meets in
Washington Jan. 22 to select a time
and place for the national conven-
The Democrats probably will meet
in Chicago in July to renominate
President Roosevelt or pick some
other presidential standard bearer to
oppose the Republican candidate.
The latter also will be chosen here
in a convention starting June 26.
Mitchell Given
Post as WMC
Area Directfor
Appointment of Frederick M.
Mitchell, '31, as the new area direc-
tor of the War Manpower Commis-
sion in Washtenaw County was an-
nounced today.
In his new job, Mitchell will have
charge of coordinating activities of
various governmental and other man-
power agencies.
When he was a student here, he
served on the Gargoyle staff for two
semesters, was a member of Delta
Sigma Pi fraternity and the Business
Administration Club and was treas-
urer of the J-Hop committee.
Mitchell will take his new post
after serving as area director in the
Pontiac and Monroe districts. He has
been in governmental service since
1936 when he joined the staff of the
National Reemployment Service as
an interviewer. When the Michigan
Unemployment Compensation Com-
mission was started, he became
branch manager of the Redford
Navy Reports Two
German Subs Sunk

By The Associated Press
Thursday-American Marine artil-
lery smashed a Japanese night at-
tempt to land reinforcements at Bor-
gen Bay, near the Marines' invasion
beachhead at Cape Gloucester, New
Britain, and the enemy's efforts to
halt the Leathernecks' advance have
cast him more than 2,400 deal so far.
The sinking of two troop-filled
barges was reported in Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's communique today. It
also said that . the Marines were
maintaining steady pressure in the
Borgen Bay sector, where fighting
has been heavy around hill 660.
A headquarter's spokesman said
the Marines were advancing slowly,
aided by attack planes which bombed
and strafed the enemy.
He said that 300 more Japanese
bodies had been found, bringing the
total enemy dead to more than 2,400
compared with around 400 Marine
dead and wounded.
Australian jungle-fighters have
made another advance, this time
three miles, along the coast of the
Hyon Peninsula in New Guinea, and
the Japanese apparently are at-
tempting to evacuate troops threat-
ened with entrapment.
Re-education of
Axis Discussed
Three Speakers View
Post-War Problems
"The cooperative movement in
Germany and Austria, which had a
membership of about 25,000,000, will
provide an important nucleus for a
practical re-education in democracy
for the German peoples," John Ebel-
ke, German Drillmaster, A.S.T.P.,
said yesterday.
Speaking at a Post-War Council
panel discussion on "The Re-educa-
tion of the German and Japanese
Peoples," Ebelke emphasized that any
practical re-education must come
from within the German nation.
Tsuneichiro Baba, Japanese language
instructor, speaking about the re-
education of the Japanese, stated that
re-education must come from Am-
erican teachers. Prof. William Trow
of the School of Education, the third
member of the panel, presented some
of the problems which must be met
under any scheme of re-education.
William Muehl, '44L, acted as mod-
erator for the panel. In the question,
period which followed the discussion
by the faculty men, one of the speak-
ers from the floor expressed the view-
point that for five to fifteen years
after the war ends, Germany will
have to be kept under strict military
rule by the Allied powers.

Lose Fortress
City of Cervaro
A m ricanFo ces IM Iay
Key Ciy of Cassillo)
By Tfhe A'ssoted Pes
GIERS, Jan. 12.- The German High
Command announced today that
Nazi troops had lost the fortress vil-
lage of Cervaro "after hard fight-
ing," and it was considered possible
here that American forces already
were pushing on beyond the town
toward the key city of Cassino, only
four miles away.
Last official reports reaching head-
quarters said American troops were
closing in on Cervaro from the north,
east and south, and that capture of
the last formidable German strong-
hold before Cassino was expected
momentarily,. There was no official
confirmation that the village had
been taken. Allied spokesmen said
tonight that so far as they knew Cer-
varo still was in German hands.
Cervaro's fall virtually would open
a path for American and British
forces of Lt.-Gen. Mark W. Clark's
Fifth Army to sweep on into Cas-
sino, a bitterly-defended bastion of
the present German defense line
across Italy. Seventy airline miles
from Rome, Cassino is on the main
inland railroad and highway that
thread a series of valleys northwest-
ward to the Eternal City.
The Allies' new round-the-clock
Balkans bombing team--Flying For-
tresses by day, RAF Wellingtons by
night-shifted its assault to the big
Greek port of Piraeus after its shat-
tering blow the previous day at Sofia,
capital of Bulgaria.
Though handicapped by poor wea-
ther, the great American bombers
went in unerringly with their Light-
ning fighter escort and rained tons
of bombs on moles, jetties, ware-
houses and railway facilities of the
port through which supplies pass to
German forces in the Aegean.
GOP Sees 4th
Term Bid in
F DR's Report
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-()-
Republicans today tagged President
Roosevelt's message todCongress,
particularly the part advancing a
post-war "bill of economic rights,"
as a fourth term bid and a preview of
the 1944 Democratic platform.
That was the reaction of most
G.O.P. members in Congress and also
of Republican National Committee-
men going home after their meeting
in Chicago.
Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, the
House Republican leader, observed
that throughout the message the
Chief Executive "never for a moment
forgot that there is an election
Senator Ferguson (Rep., Mich)
said he did not interpret the message
as a fourth term announcement
"since the President already was a
candidate for another term, in my
Pad gett Retrial
Is Postponed
The retrial of William Padgett,
originally scheduled for Tuesday, Dec.
11, was postponed indefinitely, Lou-
ella Smith, Washtenaw County Clerk,
announced yesterday.
The County Clerk explained that
one of the state's witnesses is now
detained in another city and is en-
countering transportation difficulties.

This is coupled with the fact that the
attorney for the defense is busy on
other legal business.

Reds Open

nemy Aircraft
Plants Bombed
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 13, Thursday.-
Sustaining a record loss of 64 planes,
an American aerial task force of per-
haps 1,200 heavy bombers and long
range fighters shot down more than
100 German aircraft Tuesday to car-
ry through a crushing attack at Ger-
many's desperately guarded fighter
aircraft industry with results offic-
ially described as excellent.
The operation, which struck three
assembly plants in the heart of the
Reich, was heralded here today as
the opening of the "invasion front"
air war.
Nazis .ight Back
It brought virtually all of the Ger-
man air force into the sky-some-
thing Reich Marshal Hermann Goer-
ing never was able to do during the
Battle of Britain.
Of the total number of U.S. planes
lost, 59 were four-engined Flying
Fortresses and Liberators and five
were fighters. Returning American
airmen said the Germans sent up
every type of plane to ward off the
bombing attack on Oschersleben,
Halberstadt and Brunswick hidden
away in a strongly defended part of
Germany within a radius of 120
miles of Berlin.
A U.S. communique announced
that the attacks were made with "ex-
cellent resultg" against the fighter
assembly plants and said "other tar-
gets also were hit with good results."
Allied Superiority Told
The air battle developing out ofl
the operation was one of the greatest
of the entire war. A German admis-
sion that the Americans held the up-
per hand in the attack came Fritz
Backmann, a German air force com-
mentator. In a DNB broadcast dis-j
patch, he said:
"This time the advantage was with
our enemies. Theiappearance o-
close bomber formations 'over Ger-
many had the same terrifying effect
as the aplpearance of the first tanks
in France in 1917. Technical superi-
ority may shift, but this time the
advantage is with the enemy."
Heretofore, these German fighter
plane factories, which are turning
out the Nazis' strongest weapon to
ward off an invasion, had been out of
range of heavy daylight raids.
Set for Feb. 19
MSC President To Give<
Commencement Talk
For the second time in its 106-year
history, the University will hold mid-t
year graduation exercises Feb. 19 in
Hill Auditorium.t
President John A. Hannah of Mich-f
igan State College will give the prin-
cipal commencement address to this1
year's senior class of 498 students.t
The mid-year commencement pro-
gram was instituted a year ago as a
result of the accelerated academic
program adopted by the University.
According to tentative plans there
will also be graduation exercises atE
the end of both the spring and sum-
mer terms.t

Red Troops

A dvancing Near Mozyr

Y., Vitebsk T7'
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EAST w mlls
I-. Godo Minsk oilv\r,3.
SRibbenirop R owne K IE V
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CZCHS Voronovitsa
HUNGARY - '==n4 I\\t 'og\\\




Russia Drive,

Repel Desperate Counterattack;
Allied Planes Hit Nazi Factories

\ s

Red troops are advancing near Mozyr and have captured the
railway junction of Sarny. Map shows Ribbentrop Line, border estab-
lished by Germany and Russia in 1939; Curzon Line, suggested in 1919
and proposed recently by Moscow. Shaded area is German-held Russia.
$160,000. Is U' Quota Set,
In Fourth War Loan Drive

Although the Ann Arbor quota in
the Fourth War. Loan drive, which
begins Tuesday, is less than it was
in the Third War Loan drive, the
quota alloted to the University has
been increased by some $10,000 ac-
cording to R. Gordon Griffith, chair-
man of the University War Bond
Griffith also revealed that the Uni-
versity quota has been consistently
oversubscribed in past drives. The
University share in the Second War
All-Campus Poll
On Soldier Vote
Is Held Today
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action, formerly known as the Stu-
dent Victory Committee, in conjunc-
tion with The Daily, will hold an all-
campus poll on the federal soldier
vote issue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to-
All service personnel stationed on
campus and civilian students are be-
ing asked to register their votes on
the Green-Lucas-Whorely bill now
being discussed in the House elec-
tions committee. The bill is designed
to provide unified federal control of
an absentee ballot system for mem-
bers of the armed forces and mari-
time service.
Campuses throughout the nation
have already held polls on the issue,
and several groups have polled the
soldiers stationed overseas. Voting
stands will be set up in the Engin-
eering Arch, in front of Angell Hall,
in front of the Union, and in front of
the Library.

Loan drive, which was conducted in
April, 1942, was only $100,000. but
the total amount raised was $149.875.
In the Third War Loan drive, Sept.,
1942, the quota of $150,000 was ex-
ceeded by almost half.
Most of these amounts were made
up from E bonds, the series which
can be bought only by one individual
or by two persons as co-owners. How-
ever, a few other types were bought
by campus organizations and by in-
dividuals who had already purchased
the maximum $5,000 worth of the E
The main difficulty, Griffith said.
is to contact faculty members, offi-
cials and University employes because
otherwise many of them must pur-
chase their bonds through their
banks or solicitors downtown. Al-
though these purchases are equival-
ent in the national total to buying
bonds through the University, they
prevent full count in the University
totals of the amount of bonds bought
by the staff. Griffith estimated
that if the actual amount of bonds
bought by members of the University
organization through all sources were
computed, the totals would be almost
The messenger service, organized
through JGP "bond belles" will make
it easier to buy bonds through the
University itself, he said. Authorized
solicitors will be on hand at all times
in the office of the League Social
Director to take orders and deliver
bonds. Orders will also be taken by
telephone. The number is 23251, ex-
tension 7.
Lt. McLean To
Speak at Rally
Speaker for city-wide bond rally to
be held at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
RackhamnAuditorium will be Lt. Leo
F. McLean, who saw service at Fair-
banks, Anchorage and Dutch Harbor,
Fred C. Benz, Ann Arbor chairman
for the Fourth War Loan Drive, an-
Lt. McLea);., who has been recuper-
ating from wounds at the Percy
Jones Hospital in Battle Creek, will
relate some of his experiences in the
Army. He will also give the fighting
man's viewpoint on the necessity for
bond purchases.
Another feature of the rally will be
a film titled "Battle of Russia" de-
picting actual battlefront scenes.
Dr. Nicolaysen Will
Lecture Tonight

Soviets Capture
ail Stronghold
In Old Poland
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday, Jan. 13.-In
three separate actions the Russians
have opened a new offensive in the
Mozyr sector of White Russia, cap-
tured the railway bastion of Sarny,
35 miles inside old Poland, and
fought off a frantic German counter-
attack near the Ukrainian Bug River,
Moscow announced today.
More than 5,000 Germans were
killed and 144 Nazi tanks wrecked in
the last 24 hours, said the Moscow
midnight communique, recorded by
the Soviet Monitor from a broadcast.
Reds Tear Gap
The new offensive near Mozyr tore
a 19-mile gap through elaborate
German defense lines and in two
days the Russians advanced up to
nine miles, capturing over 30 towns
and hamlets.
The fighting was south of the
Berezina River and about 76 miles
from the old Polish frontier.
The Germans fought violently to
hold their positions, sending many
futile counterattacks against the
Russians. They failed with a loss of
2,000 men, 22 tanks destroyed and 40
artillery and mortar batteries si-
Sarny Taken
Sarny, a major objective within
old Poland and 130 miles southwest
of the Mozyr area, was captured by
Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's First Ukrain-
ian Army in an outflanking move
which took the town from the rear,
routing the German garrison. Thirty
big guns and 80 trucks were among
the booty captured by the Russians.
Russian forces in this area also ad-
vanced to take Dombrovitsa, 20 miles
north of Sarny.
McIntyre pens
FBI Conference
At acam
Pointing to the tremendous in-
crease in efficiency on the part of all
the nation's law enforcement agen-
cies during the present war in con-
trast to the slipshod methods em-
ployed in World War I, Fred McIn-
tyre, special FBI agent, opened the
FBI conference, which dealt with
coordinating police and war activi-
McIntyre was introduced by Har-
old B. Hove, who is attached to the
Detroit FBI office. Hove served as
chairman for the open session of the
conference in the absence of John
Bugas,formerly head of the Detroit
FBI office. Bugas, who has recently
accepted a position with the Service
Department of the Ford Motor Co.,
was unable to attend the conference.
"World War II present the first
situation in which a federal agency
can enforce a selective service law,"
Hove stated. It was possible during
the first world war to effectively
dodge the draft merely by leaving
your state thus moving out of the
jurisdiction of the state officials. The
Selective Service Act of 1940 states
that it is a federal offense to violate
the law. Thus the FBI has been
instrumental in bringing about over
6,000 draft-evading convictions.
Concluding his speech, (and the
open session) Hove declared that
150,000 evaders have been appre-
hended and placed in the armed
forces since the outbreak of the war.
The closed session included talks
by Capt. S. W. Curtis of the Michi-
gan State Troops and the American
Legion, and Sgt. Wayne Fornelious,
of the Detroit Police Dept., who dis-
cussed "American Legion Law E-
,forcement Agencies", and "Practical

Education in Traffic Safety" respec-
U' Research
Is Extensive
Figures released yesterday by Prof.
Albert E. White, director of engin-
eering research, revealed that the

Prof. Dickinson Approves Labor Draft Measure

Analyzing the proposed Austin-
Wadsworth draft measure, Prof. Z.
Clark Dickinson of the economics de-
partment said yesterday that the law
"would be a good thing" in spite of
the fact that it would do little to
alter the present situation in regard
to strikes.
Prof. Dickinson, who in addition to
his work as a faculty member, spends
part of his time with the Detroit of-
fices of the War Labor Board, sug-

of additional needed workers,
Prof. Dickinson asserted that the
employment situation "grows more
acute with the induction of each
additional man into the armed
forces." The War Manpower Com-
mission has estimated that a net
increase of 1,300,000 workers is
necessary by the end of the cur-
rent fiscal year, with 70,000 being
the quota for the Detroit area
Therrft would be nrimarily ef-

tend to gradually place college wo-
men on the same footing as men
where college attendance is concern-
He pointed out- that if the need
became sufficiently great, physical-
ly-fit women would probably re-
main in school only under some
sort of set-up similar to Army and
Navy college training programs
under which most men still on
campus are enrolled.
"I expect to see the proposal pass-

bill might well contend, he contin-
ued, that the government might do
better to send these men, over
whom it already has authority, to
work in mines and factories rather
than to attempt nation-wide draft
"It's what I expected two years
ago," stated George Anderson, also
of the economics department, adding
that the proposal was mainly a threat
over strikers and that it would prob-
ably have little effect on college stU-

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