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January 11, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-11

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' ' T

TUES-"DAY, JAN. 11, 1944

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fifty-Fourth Year
*Edited and m~anaged by students of the University of
M~ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Puiblished every"'morning 'except Monday dfring the
regular University year, and ,every morning except Mon-
day and T'uesday; during the summer session.
Mem nber of The Associated Press
The A, socited ~Press' is exclusively .entitledi to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other nmatters :herein also reserved.
Entered at the I4ost Office at' Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
S-uisoriptions during the regular school year by car-
":cr 54,25, by mail- $5.25,
Mleinyber, Assoiated Collegiate Press, 1943-44


Editoiial Staff

!"aloil For~d
Claire sheriman
It rle, Brradaile
Eric Zalenski
-tud L'
Harvrey ,Frauk,
MIary Anne Olson
Marjooie Rosmnanin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz,

c . ,Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
e Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
" Associate Sports Editor
" Women's Editor
i ~Ass't Women's Editor
< a Columnist
{ a Columnist
Business Staff,

M~oly Ann Winlpur ,
Elizabeth Carpenter
~Martha Opsion,

.Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

lEdihrials publishd vin The Michigan Dal,)
are Written by neibers of The Daily staff
aili reprtiew~ the vie s of the writers only
nazi Arrest of Students
ABOUc7,'T A MO6NTH ago 1,356 male- students at
the Tnivcr81ty of Oslo were arrested; the
details of this mass arrest are now known here.
Supposedly, thae'immediate cause of the ar-
rst was the fire :wlu h damaged a Part o the
'Civersity's AEula audtorium, favorite ralying
place for the Nazis during thefpast three ymeas.
T a6ever, £the "New's of Norway" issu d by 'the
ygoyal Norwegian "Information Service states:
FU 'osq~ today, however, practically ver one
IS °conviliced t"hat the Dula fire was another
%4ejhstag fire' set by the Nazis themselves in
' or r to J$' ify 'the imipending "drastic azction."
The 'ar sts'stated "in the morning. German
;Sf frops aid reulars "surrounded the scatered
fv~ersity buildings. Students .wee ordered out
*xio'thae street, dtle stdents ordered to report
hcyn,4hundreds 6f'persos who had gathered on
Ka I' oharst Mirt were taken into custody be-
hind the university. The students were taken
in afr-ks and' earfs to theAula auditorium whe
Gestapo (hief -Wilhelm Riediess spoke to them.
me said the Oslo students had "during the whole
occupation" formed a resistance group, that the
number of sabotage acts had increased as well
as the number of students helping to lead in
these organizations and participating in the pub-
lication of illegal-,inewspapers.
FTT IS ESTIMATED that there were about 4,000
students enrolled at the university. About
1,00 of them were womten. As only 1,356 stu-
dents were arrested, rn #ny-fare still at large. Most
of them, the "News of Nrway" says, are believed
fleeing for the Swedish border. Many escaped
because policemen, not in favor with the action,
warned students. In fact, some of the these
police officers have been arrested for "exressing
,dissatisfaction" Some of the students were
w arned by an underground organization.
Most of the members of the faculties of the
university were arrested with the students. Ard
Dr. Didrik Arup Seip, president of the university,
has been- a political pri96rier of the Nazis since.
September, 1941.
J6ib Sa~ffAds, re~ident of the Student As-
sociation in Oslo in 1940, said in London after
the raid, " The Germans have given up all hope
of Naziffying the Norwegian people. This is the
reason for their now having pounced upon the
university, and for the students this may well
serve asa reason for pride. It is no longer
the south wind which blows over Norway; it
is the storm from east and west which sweeps
over the German Empire and betokens the
dawn we are waiting for"
A Norwe ian niWrgroun. newspaper wrote,
"If they h -, t e,'Yculd scare Peoie by this.
they have fle-a terrible mistake. Theyr can
terrol-ize,,trla is all Wth every new action
of this kieis.'the h a0tred of the Norvegan leop 7i
becomes hai'der ahd haider-the hatred for a
people anit1 aes,,v' 'n 'hich have to resort to

(, y hGATid.PrefdetiaPrleid earha
rolled around and for te foutrth sucessve
tinieit is ibeorinir more aiid - more apparent
that tir- one h-ope amci savior of trie Democratic
Party is Fri-liii Td. Roosevt
Atte 1ityears o beng, iii paer, th . t~eni-
c~s have no m-oee u-sietial timber than
that vhi h they started witb- in 192. It is
411i well and good to say that since Roosevelt is
mir ian lwho is fighting war, , ihe should e
th lr o makic.tne eac, but if Vers stop to
thinly a moment 'it becomes obvious that the
laao Wti .irfvy,.2ith h is eeiioii o the
ver-a'.oetlS r.=vary, y of St afrc, 'as no other
inan who could even' mik a bss at stping
At thi~s l-.int of course. tie cry goes rip, what
about T:ei-y Wallace? No1 dout it is tre that
he vice-president is a far sigh hiti ~idivdual, who
has an e-tensive knowledge of the problems of
post-war readjustment. However, we should also
realize that his political appeal is negligible. he
fact that the Democratic Convention of 1940
had to have Wallace's nomination forced down
ii, thrcat by Harry Hopkins'; Administration
machine, dos not speak too well for the 'vice-
a'c:i ------ 2,nl .;.111 to r0
along iti t Y1- Ofl5 Yy.
Tr . is easy enough to single out the Deweys and
the frickers fin the Rpublicanparty for attack,
just as easy as it is to sigle out the Wheelers,
Rankins and Byrls. Oan the other haed the GOP
also has men such as Wilkie and Stassen in its
r ankcs. While the Rpubican rank and file have
a fight oi their' ands to bring about the nomin-
atiton of ' a nt''oliae Wndell Willki, a noina-
IAiou which has already been predeted by Joseph
Tobin, p eiident of the Teamhsters Union, it IS
squally if not more a''allihglly tre that otside
Of Roos- velt. the Demtc ats have nothing, ab-
soutC*'i-.lynothing, new tb offer.
-koiroe Fink
VZdAli- . N aT3iON, Ja, 11 .---General A nold dd
loct ;-a 7u sot)0lhs x'eprt to the Secretary of Wa,
I tt. ild't,ealn-ndotts'job of expanding air fores
liprcii onee.ialmost finished. He -might have
penned a litle footndte, sayig, "We have pilots
runtiins out of our ears."
N4 cadet training Bases have been closed as
,yet, but the Army wil close'l.proxiatly one
doze;n schools for trafiing plits between now
-nd pril Air Forces officials find 'that 'the
eaborate progr'n Bas rciPr a'o ert,.'eogh
conmpetent navigators and'plots o finish the
~itt n 21botth 1etre of war.
the tip-off to this is found in recent changes
in p il.y- of tihe Transport Command.
P'xiniy Traiu iort Command, which does non-
combat flying all over the world, has always
preferred to 'take pilots fr'4 ath open market,
uualy from the airlines, as distinguished from
thea combat train ed Army Air Force pilots,
Recently, however, Transport Commhand has
been forbiddIen to take on civilian pilots, and 'has
been forced to accept comnbat-trained pilots from
the Air ]forces.
Mvost 2equsts'from the Russians for military
or civilian equipment ae okayed almost imme-
diately because of the heroic achievements of
the Red Army. But the other day one came
along that wasn't. .
It was a request for a considerable quantity
of dry-cleaning equipment. Ti oigh at the
-had of the Russian 'list, .S. officials turned
it down.
They -though at first that the Russians were

getting fancy, going back to civilian normalcy
with a rush, Dry-cleaning equipment, they fig-
ur-ed, would take up valuable space on a ship
which could be used to better advantage.-
rollowinig- the turn-clown, the Russians 'ap-
pealed. They still insisted that the dry-cleaning
eunnimsent was most important and should be
i the head of the list. They also explained that,
because of the scarcity' of textiles in Russia, they
could not bury Russian dead in their uniforms,
'lut must remove the uniforms and clean them
for other soldiers.
"Jhe dr.'r-cleaning equipment, if shipped im-
miditey they explained, would get to Russia
tl is t',er, in time to clean thousands of sum-
jno' niterisremoved from those killed last
,i inr a dfall. These uniforms would be
needed in th- spring for the big campaign.
if he R i-(ii est was granted immediately.
Court Rows Con ressmnen ...
The august U.S. -Suipreme Court was put on
the spot the other day by several Congressmen
who wanted to help argue the hot insurance case
as Frienuds of the Couri.
i't ; pfrentaive Hiatton Sumners of Texas
first barged in by calling -chie f Justice Stonie
all t he way from Dallas to say that lhe iwould
like to appear bef ore the court AIfICUg CUR[I-
AEk in the insurance case. This ° case involves

- Be Right_
NEW YORK, Jan ii -On dthe Poih-Rusiari
border controversy, we Yust s~parsh- Iho e \i ko
want a settlement frot Io- nh wnt: +af''-
Mr. Hearst, for example, practi ally declared sar
on Russia last week, on behal o1 Poln. ;is
editorials have been much moe vi~olet. than Lhe
official Polish manifesto; onhlis is urIbe i,
n-ore Polish than the Poles.
And this is very s range baecus Mr. leu i
did not declae war on Gemany. -A,,elie hrmny
invaded Poland. He thought, at at ime, tha
it, wasabsurld to figt fr oPlad. H its ii
to die for dear- old Lwow is very recent: and if
that is a- pretty punk ,joke, it is exactly the sort
of joke Mr. Hearst used to (crack over the sg-
gestion that we go to the rescue of freedom in
.Mr. Hearst also belonged, unil last Thus11y,
to that school of thinkes who wanted us to move
most of our war, if not all of it, ove- to the
Pacific. rt-:;a li ss o w of -( - .11;11 1- i s( i o1i
on UI-C frit~we-ofi uiopt-.inludiilt;yIPo-id.
So Mr. Hearst's firm declaration that he wil
not give uap a foot (di Polish soil contradicts
much of his previous philosophy. One did
not know he was steeped so deeply ii the an-
ient disputes and loyalties of Eastern Europ.
H-e has revealed wholly new aseets of char-
a-t r; he has uncorked a brand-new passion.
Airs 1ce v P. - - e- ciallv easern Poland
the sa-,-tc-rn half, for some .reasn, does not at-
tract him nearly so much) will come as a sur-
piise to his readers, whom he has been patiently
instructing, for half a century. to let the rest of
the word go to hell.
On(! P~ '2 tb P+.1.-wh Have Clone s
~li ill n-vii' de finally For the sake c
uch f"-'. ^; s l),, Of %,il the peoes wh a
y u nv-' ii t'is war. they have suffered the
meC~ It: i- t w,rs'a taukd the first: te' bled thot
musti h 1lle<.sY ar d te most hionel siv: thay
have aroduce'i many wonderful soldiers and no
Bl~t the Poles are not going to be helped by
men who seered l;rgl' unawaet of i-' "PioUh
i~tus 1 nfil it- Ih'd Arme- apeared on the old
rt its _ erer.
For 741 T7,,-r. f si h,s ~'friends have nothing
to g~vA Polad. They y they ae~ for an
' ni~;S er if,2" ' 1t-m-n3'-4o the Polish border
pa rstiein. Egt they ar not for iternationa
ac o . ation in general. They despise it on
m-ost ether i'.-te-s.S they offer no parti ular
future to Po'd, or Eurew' or the world:
t ac - " amlvjvpi" thr . I'^l a . 'cc al
schewfar -knoolring themslves out; they are
crcooning: "Let's you and him i-ht.
Also, they are trying- to prsuad ;i IRussians
to change their plans by the somewhat cryptic
method of denuncng the Russians, of stirrin
aiuoJ i It ils Lite Rsas. Th.e me:M.
Hearst succeeds in this campaign, the less secure
the ;Russians wiii feel. The bigger the following
Mr. Hearst develops, the larger the armies and
military establishments the Russians will believe
themselves to need in the west.
With every hostile ry Mr. Hearst sets up
against the Russians, the more the Rs ians w ill
be persuaded that they can deend only on them-
F-lve- fe'n :rtecton. and that they had better
tqk bases while the taking is p0ood.
Does anyone seriously imaine tat whlen a
large chain of American newspapers says:
"We hate you!" the Russian reply can possibly
be: "Well, then, in that case, we suppos we
don't really need those fortifications on our
old eastern frontier" The more cnverts M.
Hearst obtains for his special brand of defense
of Poland, the worse must Poland's prospects
We don't now yet what the final answer for
Poland will be; in this piece I have tried only

to show that Mr. Hearst has no answer; hie is
merely selling tickets for a short trip up a blind
alley. We must look elsewherie,in the days
ahead, for the .solution.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
whetiuc or not theinsur +"_ance. carpanies -are
exempt from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and
is one of the hottest issues before Congress.
Representative Summers, for some reason, has
been busy-as-a-bird-dog for the insurance com-
panies and, since he is chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, the Supr-eme -'ourt jus-
tices were inclined to view his request sympa-
However, some one also tipped off forthrighit
Senator Joe O'Mahoney of Wyoming and hard-
hitting Congressman Charles La Follette of Indi-
ana. They oppose the insurance companies just
as vigorously as Sumners champions them, and
they also wanted to argue before the cour-t.
The nine learned men hesitated a dlay. Then
benign Chief Justice Stone informed the Con-
gressmen in his kindliest manner that it would
be badl precedent for members of Congr ess, to,
hold a debating society as Friends; of1 the C'ourt.
With a touch of humor he added:
"I have trouble enough keeping politics off the
-(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

Letters to the rditoi- mzust be tpe-
iiritteia,, doabe-:pacct, on erne sid of
the pec only and silted with 'th
rar tiid idr'-: o 1 he writer, i~i .
t qiei-1 'ifor ano~inyon- piilication's wil
>e met
RXA1EP. hNT etorial Mis J1nnie
F'itch li as u ipbaided labor leaders
for ci iakh is a [tr over Geeral
lvi a -sh IlPs si iemen!.that United
States labor- troubles have provided
fafor iaz- l rc-i i- incia.. She justi-
Pi es Clenral Marshall on the ground
that labor troubles are "perfecl pie-
digest ed m t erie I,' for I itler's p r-
lit the first place, Hitler and
(Paebbefs do not sit in the Reich-
stag and wait for something to
happen in America so they can use
-it as propaganda. Biter is slightly
unscrupulous, and he has an odd
wvay of twisting the truth into-
Jiraflise I et ovs, Else how could he
ex)L,,tare d caas on the Russian
froint to a tired people? The great
pronouncenmen, therefore, that we
should stop labor strikes because{
tl-ey afford propaganda is not so
important. If we are so terribly
interested in Hitler's psyhoogical
w-arfare, let its do away wih Negro
liscrimination because Hitler has
;r. t' e fiYctive contact with South
~I - tfricon lpeoples who.- are indig-
-mant at our treatment of' their
Fuhrliermoi-e, Miss Fitch says that
'Vla ws hole story, told without pre-
;arcatonwould have a psychologi-
1 imlifting effect on the German.
-~ope and an equally depressing
!7ect on underground groups in oc-
-, '-And countries."' I am afraid that
the Ge-man peopale will have lit~le
raction because 1) they will never
'teaar the whole true story; 2) they
e more concerned over their sol-
hiers, in Russia and Italy, 'and it
I'{olid be hard for them to visalize
oweakening productive power in the
~tnited Stateos with the Weight Of the
t -i"sacuds of tons of. bombs being
iY roiped on them.
T tcannot understand how the wer
-say dogmatically that unr-=
-rr-und groups would be depressed by
his news. Most of the undetgrdtnd~
members are of the laboring clss-
end it seems to lune that they -might
e-ome a little skeptical of the Tnited
States oiitloying, policy which neces-
-it aed the strikes. Perhaps it would
< vn ive them a greater determina-
tion to better thte lot of the laborer,
,jt- Iey- might have an added mnen-
MISS FITCH goes on to say that
lI "it is logica that fighting men-l
should be t di misted with recent -and
threatened strikes." is this really so
toical?' I believe it is highly illogical,
and is an attitude fstered by the
press that emotionalizes and plays up
every strike or' threatened strike. Is'
it lot' hal to be disgusted with a
laboring force that is wvoking harder
than Cver bcfore at a terrific pace
whenio the majority of Americans still
'ontinue in their leisurely pire-wr
activities? Is it logical to condemn,
a foirce which statistically has sur-
-oa d Oevell 1,"ily imaginative hopes
for' wich has lost more
men than the armed forces?
The newspapers would doubtless
plat' up the fact, for example, that in
1l4et ruary, 143 (according to Butreau
of Labor statistics) there were 210
strikes, involving 42,000 workers and-
causing 7,000 idle man days, but

eL.f -ri

, °"'

"Ye , you spas§!-biut t tnk havena we; already hja v an as rmy!"

they mhight ne~glect to add tb t this
amounted to only 0.02% of all tmwok d i in u ry he a-
Why does the writer insist tha~t
the soldirs be disgdstecd with la-
bor? W~hy ~shouldn't the soldiers
be equally disheartenedl at the fa,,t
that large companies are purposely
-issuing, defectiv~e goods or that cer-
tain companies a~nd- operators re-
fuse to grant 'contracts; why not
question the "patriotisin of thes-e
mep? At is unfortunate that labor's
only method of speaking is throughi
the strik~e withitis eovtional at-
tachm~en~ts, whle .ther groups can
impair 'production1 in secretive,
more harmful ways.
M oreover, -it sems funny that the
soldiers should look di~sfavorably on
a group which is trying tQ raise the
status of the- worlker to .the ~point
.ere he can enjoqy adecent sta-
da~rd, of l iving, when, many of the
- oliers themselves 'will bene fit from
th~e gain;. ,labor makes.- I say that the,
t abor leaers 'have: a legitima~te pi'o-
test on:'behalf of the workers, becat so
their only 1nst ulnent of Fettin :At-
mention is being, threatened.
Americans deman~d more andi more
labor-from~ the factory workers; theyx
woo 'them with patriotic slogans and
pleas, but when the work~ers mnake an
:articttlate dem~and thuey are squelched
and branded- as "unpa triotic
-Audrey 'Rubeustein
401t ce T6 Chat Is Ned
.MY PET PEEVE is the fact that~the
-two perfectly good' parlors in tlhe
~t ege aren't doing their bit in th1e
war effort.
When space for couples to just
talk is at such .a )preniuma.n, spe-
cially on week-euds, wouldn't it [Pe
agood idea ,to provide us with aL
]ha ic-like 'atmiopilheireor 'coniver-
Half oif the, girl: ron cawipMus aLre in
-my predicamenit ;I live in a lceag_ ue
house without any adequahte room to
entertain.- If Rackham, some chur-
ches, or best of all, the League, were
open, it would ease the situation.
We need some place of our own in
which to chat,
-Barbara Bingham

enth iatici'irLly rue' 'ived Ly the Ann
themes cat-ry in themseles allChey
tioni. It also i eeaI gedta
l:, a littlapeaedso ea
st1ited, nd lii consiusess of da-c
yntcefct was quite obvious, Un-(-
an ay hoc iscte was 7 not an artistC
wonrkas aa,'e'L1-.t-tn'Life,
nae eof hsae .anc11in Sehengave
thingithshod be sacipaut thein
dren.Too bad thyey rent allowed br-
a ui tncl.Te aJsychi
ais apwoleni d an excelent ieof
wokand thoe Nhigh:.pOniwasthOe fi-
nit ale of enract fincinac's
ro en ih he hol co rusinig
efth beuch arts tally'peakinwas
guilty of in his xvoeu-formance.
-IlrrittE. Cohn



I 6,c ". -
1.~tf Y a


TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 50
All notices for the Daily Official loul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by' 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its pubilca-
tion, except on Saturday when thme no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
No ices
Student Tea: Presidenk and MIrs.
Ruthven will be at home lo stllgeflts
IWednesday afternoon, Jan. 12, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Withholding Tax Statements': The
Business Office is making every
effgrt to have mailed by Feb. 1 state-
ments for staff members indicating
the amount of tax withheld fro'mi
their salaries or wages during the
past calendar year. The preparationl
ofths statements will be expedited
greatly if staff members will kindly
refrain, except under very speci1al
indiv.idu al circumstances, from ask-
ing for such information in advance

of. Feb. 1..Obviously every interrup-
tion delays in some> degree the wontl
involved in preparing mor'e than sip:
thousand such statements.
If yo~u wish to finance it e purchas
otif a hrnie, or if -you have purchasec'
improved. property on a land con-
tract and ;owe. a balance of appi-oxi1-{
mately 60 per cent' of the value of thE
property, the Investment Office, 10i r
South Wing of University Hall
would- be glad to discuss financin
through thre medium of a first mout-
gage. Such 'financing may 'effect a
substat~tial saving - in interest.
Conservation of P'ublic Uftiftie .
It is urged that every mnem~ber of the(
University community, faculty, stu. -
dents, erkls,- and- other employ;e
constitute 'him~self or herself a com-
mittee of one to contribute inevr
reasonable 'way toithe end that tlier '
shall be riQ waste of electricity, wa-
ter, Kgas, oil, coal, or of communua.-<
tions or transportation service. ThA,
notice is in behalf not only of C
University administration but of v2 -
ious, United 'State's Government au_.;


evening_ at 8 o'cloc'k, in th1toWe. t Cont-
fckhar~ltt will spe ak on "Valcuice Cor-
Sorority Rushiees: Aillrheswl
please pick up thu' pnrefetrec:e slips
in the lobby of the Lesague today
romi 1:00 to 5:0 p.m.
richIiganI Daimes illiihavea gen-
e ral meetinigtoi ght at 81 in the
IRus-ian Tea E~oom of the M''1ichigan
)3otanieal JournalCub'Will meet
on1 W'ednesdcay, Jan. 12, at 4:00 ..
in Rm.11,N.. Bldg. Rejorts byr
an"d Elean"or' G1arthwaite on"h
Value of Legum~e Inoculation.
Rm. 1042, E7ast ngneei Bildng
at 7:30 p.m. onr ensa a 2
Sou'nd imoviesfrm astarKdk
fe wige,Higliht ad haow


By7 Crockett Johnsort

--1-~ A I


/ nnw t ftnnw_ CttS_ You haven't

Initerviews: Lit. Johnson of the

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