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November 03, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-03

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THE MICHIaGANaS . L= . t DA a M.



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" er:l".7'1 T1 '! '4 Z'T:-.... 3" r .f 1 YV a T rs w ^.

cRGK sUciET1ES: 117 Year Ods-'
Fraternities Announce Nanms Now Included
Of Summer Term Pledges In Army Unit

DS ~o mOwU ninet~encth roadcasting 'Season
New Club Soon To Be Inaugurated November 14

Form*ne' ROTC"
Men Return
To Imstruct A$TP" re
Until Ordered to koCS

The University oi Michigan will.

1 1~A b *


Henry Schmidt, JP., '44E, Presi- Richard G. Roeder, Ray E. Sturges,
dent of the Interfraternity Council, Homer D. Simons, Robert C. Erick-
announced yesterday the list of men I son, Walter Schroth, R. H. -oche,
pledged by fraternities for the sum- j'G. A. Cooley, C. W. Walton, Coje
mer term, 1943. CIhristian, J. A. Baird, M. D. Taylor,
TdA. G. Taylor, J. E. Collins, H. J.
The pledges and their respective Kasten,R. D. Boucher, R. A. Rigter-
fraternities are: Acacia, Jack R. Kel- 3 ink, Bruce Blanch ard, C. Swanson.
so, R. D. Wood, Henry L. Holsmer; Sigma Alpha Mu. S. R. Alper, R.D.,
Alpha Delta Phi, Bruce L. Hilkene, Wisbaum, S. L. Gimbel, R. Jacobson,
Herbert H. Upton; Alpha Tau Ome- , George N. Gordon. H. Berry.
!Psi Upsilon, iE. Larson.
ga, J. F Ryan, Carl Knapp, Charles :Kppailon,E. larson.
Van Pelt, Frederick Poag; Beta The- Kapp. Nu, Eric Billes, L. Blumen-
ta Pi, Wilton L. Jaffe; Chi Phi, Rob- berg, C. Gradberg, S. Indianer, M.
ert D. Richards; Delta Tau Deltaeing, Zuckeraum.
Fred Seegert, Joseph Wimsatt, Don
F. Rendinell; Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Chi, H. G. Le Clair, F. C.
Donald S. Snider. Jones, B.. W.^Granger, A. Schaufel-
Phi Delta Theta, Wi G Thberger,,W. A. Klein, J. H. Wake, R.
PhiDeltT ,m.G. esner, Shyrock, S. T. Peterson, R. G. Bur-
ton, W. B. Shreve, D. E. O'Donner.
' *Sigma Nu, J. W. Nevenschwander,
Secon d ridg e f. Brewbaker, H. E. Underwood, D.H.
Cade, R. V. Donnelly.
Run , he d ed Sigma Phi, Norm Roscher, L. M.
Cecil, J. W. Crimm.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, S. E. Doolittle,
Servicemen's Contest i'. C. Scribano.
STheta Chi, H. M. Wanty.
Will Follow Play-off Theta Delta Chi, W. W. Molthop,
A qualifying r f the Un N. D. Lee, D. C. Murray, H. T. Walsh,
B. J. Turner, J. P. Mehrtens, R. E.
sity Contract Bridge Club chain- Bradstrom, A. J. Spada, W. C.
pionship will be held in the Grand Thomas.
Rapids Room of the Michigan League Zeta Beta Tau, S. E. Perlmeter,
Sunday, Nov. 6.hD. E. Levy, A. Schwartz, J. K. Lewy,
This is the second and the last R. A. Blumberg, M. P. Unger, L. R.
of three runs before the final playoff Kaufman.

i I

i1~rls May legister inaugurate its nineteenth season of'
The list of Army units stationed As Hostesses Today broadcasting over stations WJR ofI
on the Michigan campus now in- Detroit and WKAR of East Lansing,
eludes a group of V-12 trainees or An Ann Arbor community con- Sunday, Nov. 14, according to an
ASTPR's who arrived about a month ducted USO Service Club, to be 10- announcement by Prof. Waldo Ab-
ago and are now living in the old Phi oated in Harris Hall, will open in the StaDicto of Broadcastingeh E.
kappa Psi house. lear futurc, Mrs. Robert Burton, di- Maddy will present the programi
This new group consists -entirely i «
Thios newd r up cog n ists h ntisrel ector, announced yesterday. Hymns for Victory" between 9:30
of ,boys under eighteen who passed All w-omen who are interested in and 10 a.m. A University quartette
ihe Army-Navy examination given is being organized among students
April 20 with high marks and ex- joining the club may register from in the music school. to be featured
pressed a preference for the Army. 3 to 5 p.m. today in the main lounge upon this program, and guest choirs
They have had no military training of the League. Each girl must have will be invited from the various local
as yet. two letters of recommendation, pref- churches.
When these trainees become eigh- erably one from a clergyman Socialized Medicine Discussed
teen, they will be allowed to finish Between 12:30 and 1 p.m. the fea-
the current term, and will then be Upperclassmen may present recom- etwre program of station WJR and
sent to a training camp, inducted mendations from Ann Arbor resi- the Detroit Free Press, entitled "In
into the Army and given 17 weeks of dents, but freshman women must Our Opinion," will be presented from
basic training. After finishing basic '.ave letters from their home town the campus on the second Sunday of
training they will be redistributed to since it is thought that these enter-'each month. On Nov. 14, Doctors
colleges and universites through the inwen would not know aneA- Nathan Sinai and Sam Donaldson
STAR Center. clearing house for Arbor citizen well enough to ask for will be on the panel to discuss social-
ASTP men, provided that they have a rreferenceg ized medicine. 'i
been doing good work. In addition to the above programs
Basic Engineering Students The natia ciu, inas by station WJR will carry, from the
ied, is a national group, financed by University studio, a faculty quiz pro-
The A-12's are all taking a basic national and Ann Arbor funds. A gram "Stump the Professor" between
egieerngofcourse, whicahis eou barge contribution for thislrbr Will 2 and 2:30 p.m. each Saturday,
including physics and matbem4tics. Chest. WKAR Serves University
Te marity oever ill n e harrisallwhich- is to be USO Station WKAR in East Lansing
trained as engineers. All wdl receive headuarters, is being thoroughly will carry four fifteen-minute pro-
tive terms of work. and will then be clcancd and entirely revamped. Dur grams and three ten-minute pro-
enrolled i professional schoois to ng the past few weeks several groups j grams from the University campus
enter various fields such as medi- -f volunteer soldiers have .been help- [each week. On Monday at 2:30 p.m.
cme. psychology. engineering or Ing with the work. Lowell J. Carr, Professor of Sociol-
language area w2k n ed The club will provide games, such agy, will present a series of programs
Although the A-=12 enlisted re- as ping pong, bridge and backgam- on juvenile delinquency, and at 2:45
serves are not, strictly sueaking, ser- men. organize study groups, language p.m. the Michigan High School For-
4iemen. they wear ROTC uniforms croups, dances and special parties. ensic Association will be heard. On
and are under the cadet system of It will be open all the time. Wednesdays, the program "Commu-
discipline. Inspections are rigid and - -nity in Action." by the Bureau of

Adult Education will be heard be-
tween 2:15 and 2:30 p.m. Between,

2:30 and 2:40 p.m. the faculty of the
University School of Music will pre- For the first time since-they Were
sent a program, and during the fol- F called into the Army last Machi, 29
lowing 15 minutes Dr. T. L. Purdom,.Imemesnofthe Ary lst M A,-
Director of the University Bureau of members of the University s -
Appointments and Occupational In- vanced Corps of the ROTC re 4ed
formation, will be in charge of a to campus to resume their studies
series of programs on guidance.

Speech Students Take Part'
Each Friday between 2:15 and 2:30
p.m. students of speech will present
a dramatic program under the direc-
tion of Prof. David Owen, and be-
tween 2:45 and 2:55 p.m. Wesley
Maurer, Associate Professor of'-Jour-
nalism, will be heard on a program
entitled "Today's Reading."
In addition to these programs, stu-
dents enrolled in speech courses and,
music organizations will prepare
transcribed programs to be heard
over other stations in the state and
on the night programs of WJR.

These men, all juniors and irs
spent the summer months at re-
placement training centers awaiting
assignment to Officers Candidate
School or back to the University.
Their status in the tniveit" is
different from the other AST its
here insofaras they are p4 wing
their individual programs. of tudy.
They are serving as instraptors
for basic ASTP men here. n.4 'pon
graduation they will be ordere. to
OCS to complete their trainr


Servicemen Want More Records
At Rackham. Weekly Concerts
Servicemen in the blue and khaki around one period or type of music.
and graduate students have been If for example, a person requests.a
beating a well-worn path to the i, xss
weekly record concerts held Thurs- number by Tschaikowski, I usuklly
days at 7:45 p.m. in the Men's center the program for -next Thurs-
Lounge of Rackham Building. day around the classical' period of
These weekly concerts sponsored music and select other composers
by the Graduate School for all grad-fT
uate andservcemn ar planedfrom that period. That is, I wouldn't
uates and servicemen are planned
by Miss Charlotte Simpson. House include Debussy, who is of the Ro-
Director of the Graduate School, mantic period."
who arranges the program from sug- From the record library of more

Nov. 13. Last Sunday, nine tables
took part. Bob Spero, of the Army
Air Corps, and Henry Yelen, ASTP,
were the student winners.
In the championship tournament
the sixteen pairs will play who are
the highest ranking in the qualifying
runs. This being a duplicate tourna-
ment the element of chance is
The week following the champion-
ship games a servicemen's tourna-
ment will be held. Picked from the
pairs in the preceding games, this
playoff will determine the best bridge
players among the Army. Navy, and
the Marines.
aughter Named Marine
READING, PA., Nov 2-(P)- A
daughter born to Mr. and Mrs.
George Kocher of Kempton will nev-
er forget that Daddy did a hitch in
the Marine Corps in World War -I.
She was named Marine Corps Ko-

Jaames Blair Wins
First Kahu Award
James H. Blair. Jr., senior student
m the School of Architecture, was
cceptor of the Albert Kahn Schol-
xiship. offered for the first time in
he University of Michigan.
An all "A" student, Blair will work'
'n a speial project in mechanical
quipment in collaboration with cer-
Fin offices handling this work in
The Albert Kahn Scholarship,
t hich is open to the students of
Irchitecture and engineering, was es-
;ablished in 1941 by the gift of the
Associated Architects and Engineers,
Inc.. of Detroit through Mr. Albert
Kahn. Emphasis on awarding these
scholarships is placed on the candi-
dates' records as to interest in me-
chanical and eleotrical equipment of


uaiters must be kept in near-per-
feet order.
The officers in comand of the
4-12 trainees. which form a separate
cojl1uanv within Co. $, are made up
of 29 adlvanced ROTC men who have
completed 17 to 22 hours and have
taken their basic training recently..
Officers' Qiitas Citi
These men were left last spring to
take basic training and are all slated
for Officers Candidate School, but
they returned to the University this
fall since the quotas for officers
training have been cut considerably.
At present the 29 former members
of the advanced ROTC unit are
gaining valuable experience in lead-
ership and developing a sense of re-
sponsibility through their positions
as officers of the A-12 company. The
procedure is one of rotation in which
seven inen are rotated on a staggered

system, that is. there is no abrupt
transition of officers.
Within the company the noncom-
mis ioned officers - squad leader,
platoon sergeant and first sergeant
-are also rotated.
The first group of officers con-
histed of: Robert Herbst, cadet corn-
pany commander; James McKeown.
executive officer; Paul Van Wert,
administrative officer; and Bennett
Yanowitz, Robert Reisdorf, Richard:
Witman and Robert Minshull, pla-
toon leaders.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
nre r two' days. (In-
crease of $2c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-vord insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates an Request


-- ~- ' ' gestions and requests of the fifty to than one hundred volumes, the most
D J ES a hundred servicemen and students. frequent requests have come for
"I think that as a whole the audi- Tschaikowsky's Third, F'ourth, and
Goes to New York ences are appreciative because I have Fifth Symphonies, Beethoven's -Con-
/ been approached by many of the certo No. 4. Prokofieff's "Classical
Dr. James B. Edmonson, Dean of students and servicemen comment- Symphony, Sibelius' First and Third
the School of Education, left yester- ing on the program and selections Symphonies, and for recordings of
dnv to attend a meeting of the exec- given." she commented. Jascha Heifetz and Serge Kousse-
utive committee of the American "I try to arrange my program vitsky.
Council on Education in New York
One of the major issues of the
meetings, to be held today through
Friday, will be a discussion of the
proposal that Federal aid be granted
to returned servicemen after the war.
S A C K U P 'A
Thursday--"Dangerous Blondes" Allyn Joselyn
B iy an Addi 1 , ira Next Sunday-"Sweet Rosie O'Grady"
Sat: Night Only- "Doughgir's"-Seats Now Selling


'7 to ll

)me, be blessed and boehapy

, - - _-


=-1 15 I

district. 6 room farmhouse in fine
condition, electricity, furnace, 2
car garage, chicken coop, 4 acres.
Lake frontage. Close to school.
Only $7,500. Also good farms for
sale. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest.
Phone 22839. 6x
plete set of Dietzgen Commander
instruments. Phone 2-3524. 3X
ALPHA TAU OMEGA, 1923 Geddes,
will serve meals to a limited num-
ber of male students. Best cook in
Ann Arbor! "Where the elite meet j
to eat." Those interested call 2-
3125 and ask for Mr. Bek. 1
American student with spare time,
preferably Saturdays, able to
spend day or two in Detroit every
week. Law office and consulate.
Spanish and English work, but
expert stenographic experience not
essential if well versed both lang-
uages. Please write to Saul R.
Levin, Consul for Republic of Hon-
duras. 1250 Penobscot Bldg., De-
troit 26. 2
WANTED: several fellows to work
for board at Theta Delta Chi. Call
LOST-rose gold lapel pen with crys-
tal stone. Reward. Return to
Marjorie Jackson. Jordan Hall. 3x
- It

. fron Idaho to Icekind
,oe a "Cake", saysbthe American soldier in Iceland, and in three
words lie has made a friend. It works in Reykjavic as it does in
Rochester.'Round the globe Coca-Cola stands for he pause th#t re-
freshes,-has becomethe ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers.

-- the glo
h e -Csign
,,,§194 The C-C co






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