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November 02, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-02

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Vol. LIV No. 1




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Miners Are

Called Upon
To Man Posts
Ickes Is Authorized
To Enter Agreement,
Conclude Contract
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.-President
Roosevelt, confronted with another
general coal strike, tonight seized
the mines a second time and author-
ized Secretary Ickes to conclude bar-
gaining contracts with the miners,
subject to the War Labor Board.
Rejecting the course of waiting
another day or more for the United
Mine Workers leadership to act, the
President announced his order two
hours and 15 minutes after the un-
ion's policy committee adjourned for
the day without reaching a decision
on sending the miners back to wor.
All Production Had Ceased
Virtually all production had
ceased as the President called on all
miners to be at their post Wednes-
day morning. "Coal must be mined,"
the chief executive declared. "The
enemy does not wait."
Ickes immediately signed an order
seizing all coal mines producing 50
tons or more daily where a work
stoppage has taken place or is threat-
The president of the various coal
companies affected by Ickes' order
were designated as operating mana-
gers. They were instructed to fly
the American flag at the mine prop-
orty and post notices of government
possession of the mines.
Subcommittee Due To Report
The seizure put into effect the
criminal penalties of the War Labor
Disputes Act. These may be imposed
upon anyone found guilty of encour-
aging an interruption of production.
Thus, any decisions reached at the
reconvened meeting of the UMW
policy committee tomorrow must be
made with those provisions of the
act in mind. A subcommittee of 28
district presidents is scheduled to
report at 4 p.m. to the full commit-
The President's order differed from
the seizure of last May in that Ickes
may work out agreements with the
miners. Although the War Labor
Board will have the last work on any
such agreements, this provision may
pave the way to the contract which
the miners have been demanding.
This arrangement offers the min-
ers the advantage of negotiating
with one man on a nationwide basis
instead of with different groups of
operators who do not agree among
The additional authority given to
Ickes is believed to satisfy his de-
mand, at least in part, that he
should have more latitude to deal
with the miners before being sad-
dled with the production job again.
UMW chieftain John L. Lewis had
nothing to say publicly about the
President's order.
Ann Arbor Goal
Set at $127, 539
Community War Chest
Campaign Opened Here
The $127,539 goal set for the Ann
Arbor Community War Chest Cam-
paign which officially opened yester-
day is the largest in local history.
"The reason for the increased
goal," stated Walter Geske, Executive
Secretary of the Ann Arbor Com-
munity War Chest, "is that this year
17 War Relief Agencies of the Na-

tional War Fund are included in the
drive as compared to only two in
A big public War Chest Rally for
the campaign was held last Sunday
at Hill Auditorium. DeWitt Macken-
zie, Associated Press war correspon-
dent spoke to the 3,000 townspeople
on the subject "The World at War"
and members of the University Band
and of the Army Glee Club also par-
tirna4.r i fa nrna,.. .

1,875Men, 3,707 Women,
Register for Fall Term
Civilian Enrollment Lowest in 15 Years;
9,116 Students To Attend University
With its lowest civilian enrollment at this time 9,190 students reported
in the last fifteen years-5,582 stu- for classes.
dents-the University began its regu- The engineering college showed the
lar fall term for 1943 yesterday, the greatest loss in enrollment, dropping
Registrar's Office reported. from 2,241 students in 1942 to 717
In the College of . Literature, Sci- this semester.
ence, and Arts, a total of 3,039 stu- The Literary college having a total
dents reported for classes yesterday, enrollment of 4,351 in 1942 dropped
Of this total, 2,457 were women and to 3,059 for the fall term.
602 were men.
Of the total University enrollment,
3,707 women registered while 1,875 Allied Armies
men enrolled, averaging two women
to one man in civilian life. 'ue 1
. Under service contracts with both arpdureao35
the Army and Navy, a total of 3,534
men registered under the uniformed Italian Towns
program of specialized training.
Considering all service men on Eighth
campus, Army, Navy, and Marines, Fifth and Take
and civilian enrollments, 9,116 stu- Important Junction
dents are enrolled for the present
semester. North of Mt. Massico
Men in the Army on campus num- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN
bered 2,293 while the men under the
Navy V-12 program totaled 1,241. ALGIERS, Nov. 1.--(P)--The Allied
Naval officers indicated that addi- Fifth and Eighth Armies, .laboring
tional enrollments will bring this fig- forward in mud and rain, have cap-
ure to ,400. tured 21 more Italian towns and vil-;
These figures for civilian enroll- lages, including Teano, in grim
ment in the University represent af
net loss of 3,608 students. Last year fighting at the approaches to the

New Freshien
May Take Part
In Activities
Advisors Will Check
Grades; Eligibility
Cards Not Required
In order to simplify the adminis-
tration of eligibility rules, the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee for the first
tirpe in a number of years moved yes-
terday to permit first semester fresh-
men to participate in extra-curricu-
lar activities.
Students will not be required to
secure certificates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checking themselves.
"This program .will be operated on
a purely honor system," Dean Joseph
A. Bursley, Dean of Students and
chairman of the Student Affairs
Committee, said in commenting on
the new action," and will continue
so long as the individual checks him-
Under the new rules, any first sem-
ester freshman participating in pub-
lic activities will have his grades
checked by his academic advisor or
mentor at the five week period and
at midsemester. Continued partici-
pation after these checks will hinge
upon the permission of the counselor
or mentor.
Any student who is on the Warrant
List or on Probation is definitely in-
eligible to function in public activi-
ties, and the student who partici-
pates under these circumstances will
be subject to the disciplinary action
(Continued on Page 2)

Germans' massive new trans-penin-'
sula defense barrier.
Teano is an important road junc-
tion 10 miles northeast of the ene-,
my's towering Mt. Massico strong-
In another spectacular thrust,
American troops advanced five miles
through downpours and up dizzy
mountain slopes to take Valleagri-
cola, perched on a 2,000-foot hill
four miles north of Raviscanina.-
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
British Eighth Army was pinned
down by heavy rain and stiff Nazi
resistance along the Trigno River
near the Adriatic end of the battle
line, but in the mountainous interior
his forces smashed through 15 towns
and villages to within nine miles of
the big communications junction of
Isernia, central pivot of the German
The capture of Teano gave the
Fifth Army possession of a valuable
network of roads for the impending
drive to pierce the formidable Mas-
sico ridge line at the southwestern
extremity of the front. Captured
documents showed that the Germans
had attached tremendous impor-
tance to holding Teano.
While Allied foot soldiers jabbed'
resolutely into the enemy's defenses
and probed for possible weak spots,
the United States 12th Air Force
opened a powerful new offensive
against the Nazis' rear that was de-
signed to wreck the enormous supply
system that gives the German front
its life blood.
Patch Pockets All Right
War Production Board lifted the ban
on patch pockets in men's wool gar-
ments today to conserve lining ma-
terials which are in full supply.

Future Plans
Agreed Upon
At Moscow
America, Russia, China,
Britain To Work for
International Peace
By The Associated iress
WASHINGTON Nov 1-America,
Britain, Russia and China told the
world today they are jointly deter-
mined to crush their enemies into
unconditional surrender and then,
as peacetime partners, work together
for "international peace and securi-
In solemn words, the historic Mos-
cow Conference-the first of its
kind-thus set the tone for the great-
est Allied effort in history: insis-
tence on full victory, a lasting or-
ganization of peace-loving nations,
and cold vengeance for those of the
enemy who have bloodied their hands
with barbarism.
The account of what was decided
by the governments, represented in
conference by Secretary of State Hull
of the United States, Foreign Minis-
ter Eden of Britain and Foreign Com-
missar Molotov of Russia, and join-
ed in by Ambassador Fc'.Tng-She-
ung for China, was announced si-
multaneously in their capitals.
4 General Decisions Made
On present and future matters,
these decisions stood out:
1. There shall be unity of action
and consultation between powers
with a common enemy (Russia is
not at war with Japan and there
was no intimation she should be) un-
til the day of unconditional surren-
2. There shal be established as
soon as possible "a general interna-
tional organization, based on the
principle of the sovereign equality of
all peace-loving states, and open to
membership by all such states, large
and small, for the maintenance of
international peace and security."
3. There shall be cooperation by
all hands "to bring about a practi-
(Continued on Page 5)
Daily Offers
Four Staffs To Meet
Tryouts Tomorrow
Do you have the journalism "bug?"
Have you alweys felt that you
would like to write, had a little abili-
ty, and would some day make the at-
tempt, but to date haven't gotten
around to it?
If so, The Daily wants people like
you! The Daily needs everyone-
freshmen, sophomore, junior and se-
nior-who enjoys excitement, who is
anxious to try his literary wings and
who wants experience in practical
And if you're mathematically-
minded or enjoy making business
contacts the advertising staff is the
place for you.
No matter what you're interested
in, we'll do our best to supply it, and
you have four staffs to choose from.
General news, advertising, sports and
Business and sport staff try-outs
will meet at 4 p.m., women's at 4:30
p.m. and general news at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in the Student Publications
Building on Maynard Street.
If you've even a little energy to
spare, we can guarantee you'll get
ahead fast-damn the Japs and Na-
zis anyway!

Badoglio Speaks
Against Emanuel
ALY, Nov 1-0')--Premier Marshal
Pietro Badoglio told aged King Vit-
torio Emmanuele today that he could
not form a representative govern-
ment while the King remained in
Thus Badoglio, who had just re-
turned after an air tour of southern
Italy. including Naples where he con-

Reds Seize



S ea of


d 50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!li!!! :.
sTATUTE M ILES ...... ........ W .....................li....
Tens of thousands of Nazis face annihilation as victorious Red
troops moved through the Crimean peninsula to take the key city of
Perekop. Termed one of the greatest disasters suffered by the Germans
since Stalingrad, this rapid investment of the Crimea was one of
Russia's greatest accomplishments of the war.
i .0
Bougadnvile Is Invaded
ByA merican Foffrces

Rail Junction of Perekop

.Kremech RUSSIA
I N E o }
IROG aporozbe
\ \\\\NIKOPOL.
T a evkaI

P ereko Falls
In Smashing
Russian Drive
Thousands of German
Troops Are Bottled in
Black Sea Peninsula
LONDON, Nov. 1--(P)-The Red
Army cut the last German road of
retreat from the Crimea today by
capturing Perekop and smashing five
miles beyond across the isthmus in
a swift effort to kill or capture the
tens of thousands of Germans
trapped in the big Black Sea penin-
The Germans faced one of their
greatest disasters since Stalingrad,
where FieldMarshal Gen. Friedrich
Von Paulus's Sixth Army of 350,000
was lost. The Nazi Crimean forces
are believed to number less than
that, since some have been evacuated
Berlin says, and the Russians them-
selves were declared to have had
only 200,000 in the area when they
lost it during the 1941-42 fighting.
Fourth Army Advances
Gen. Feodor Tolbukhin's victori-
ous Fourth Ukraine Army drove five
miles ahead into both narrow corri-
dors linking the Crimea with 'the
mainland, on the northwest at Pere-
kop, and on the northeast at Novo-
alekseyevka, said the Moscow broad-
cast bulletin recorded by the Soviet
Other units racing westward above
the Crimea converged on the Kak-
hovka and Nikopol crossings of the
lower Dnieper River in an effort to
cross that stream and join two other
Russian. armies inside the Dnieper
bend, where fresh Red Army gains
also were made.
Role Is Reversed
This rapid investment of the Cri-
mea was one of Russia's greatest
accomplishments of the war, and
put the Red Army in a reversal of
the bloody role played out on the
four-mile-wide Perekop Isthmus in
September, 1941, when the Germans
captured it by a frontal assault.
The Russians still were 10 miles
from the Crimea proper in their at-
(Continued on Page 5),
Army Navy
,To Given

2, Tuesday.-()P)-American ground
forces captured Empress Augusta Bay
in a bold invasion of West-Central
Bougainville Island at dawn Monday,
260 miles away from Japan's big key
base of Rabaul, and General Mac-
Arthur challenged the Japanese Navy
to come out and fight.
Cognizant that this big move
threatened to unhinge the entire Jap-
anese position in the Southwest Pa-
cific and that the enemy must con-
sider strong counter-measures, Gen-
eral MacArthur said.:
"If the Jap fleet comes out, I will
welcome it. I will throw everything
we have against it."
This invasion of Bougainville,
translating into air, naval and am-
phibious action strategy planned by
General MacArthur, Admiral Halsey
and other high officials, moved the
Allies 200 miles from the scene of
their recent victories in the central
The attacking force, which achieved
its initial landings with such sur-
prise that little opposition was en-
countered, thus bypassed Japanese
positions on southern Bougainville
and placed all enemy forces there
in peril if they chose to remain.
The Japanese positions on the
IFC Office Opens
For Registration
The Interfraternity Council office,
Room 306 in the Union, will be open
from 2 to 5 p.m. through Friday this
week for registration for rushing,
Henry Schmidt, Jr., '44E, president
of the IFC, announced yesterday.
Formal rushing will begin on Mon-
day, Nov. 8, and all rushing is pro-
hibited until then by the new rush-
ing rules.

Shortland Islands, 15 miles south of
Bougainville and on newly invaded
Treasury and Choiseul Islands also
were bypassed.
Fitz gerald,
Jeffries Set

400,000 Expected
To Vote in Detroit
Mayoral Decision.

DETROIT, Nov. 1.-()')- Mayor
Edward J. Jeffries and the challen-
ger for his post, Frank Fitzgerald,
tonight put the final touches to a
fast-moving political duel that will
be ended at the polls tomorrow.
Election experts predicted that
400,000 voters would make their
choice between Jeffries, campaigning
for a third term, and Fitzgerald, a
candidate endorsed by most of De-
troit's organized labor.
Fitzgerald, confident of election,
said that the majority would be his
"because the people of this city have
not permitted themselves to be
tricked." He charged Jeffries with
appealing to racial and class preju-
dice after he was left behind in the
non-partisan primary vote.
Jeffries appealed for votes sup-
porting his present government,
which he said would be free of pres-
sure group influence and experi-
enced in solving municipal problems.
"Issues this time overshadow men
and the choice is retention or rejec-
tion of a truly peoples' government,"
Jeffries said in his final radio speech.

10,000 WORDS ON FOOD :
President Sends Message to
! 1 Z T C I + 7*"

High School Seniors,
College Students May
Be Trained Further
The second Army Navy examina-
tion to select high school seniors and
college students for possible future
specialized training in schools and
colleges will be given on campus at
9 a.m. Tuesday, November 9 in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Men who plan to take this examin-
ation should obtain from the office of
Dean Rea, Room 2 University Hall,
an application form which must be
certified by an official of the Univer-
sity. No individual will be admitted
to the examination without this form
properly filled out.
Students who plan to take the ex-
aminations must secure their appli-
cations and have them certified in
the Dean of Students office not later
than 4:30 p.m. Thursday.
Students who fall into the follow-
ing categories are eligible to take the
1) High school graduates whether
or not enrolled in college.
2) High school seniors who will be
graduated by March 1, 1944.
3) Students who have attained
their 17th birthday buthnot their
20th birthday by March 1, 144.
Students in this age group may
apply to either the Army or Navy,
4) Students who have attained
their 20th but not their 22nd
birthday by March 1, 1944. Stu-
dents in this age groum can annlv

Congress on A
President Roosevelt, reviewing the
fight for his "war subsidy" plan to
control the cost of living, sent Con-
gress today a 10,000-word message in
which he declared:
"This is no time to start wander-
ing into an untried field of uncon-
trolled and uncontrollable prices and
But the first reaction on Capitol
Hill showed that his message had
fanned a long-smouldering anti-sub-
sidy battle.
"I don't believe the message is go-
ing to change any votes," said Sena-

Var Subsidy Plan
Mr. Roosevelt assured the nation
that there will "be enough food to
go around." Concerning subsidies,
he said:
"I am convinced that to abandon
our present policy would increase the
cost of living, bring about demands
for increased wages which would
then be justifiable, and might well
start a serious and dangerous cycle
of inflation without any benefit to
The Administration's "present pol-
icy" is to curb retail prices while
granting subsidies if they are con-
sidered necessary to support prices

Freshman Coeds Will Man
New Campus Clean-Up Squad

"'47 Corps," a battalion of blue- ject was originally sc
jeaned, plaid - shirted frosh coeds,c
will march on the campus today and cial affair, a danc
every day armed with rakes; objec- Streamlined along wit
tive: a campus clean-up. activities, Freshman F
Freshman women have taken over sisted of war work of
the original ground crew as their Spring semester fo
class project, Marcia Sharpe, '44, man coeds in fullc
Pn-v h'adf tha e +-f' +h nt,-.vl nnm-n rmm,. in. + YTTR

ome sort of so-
ce, or cabaret.
th other League
Project has con-
f some kind..
und the fresh-
charge of USO
,n .ill ...ha


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