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January 11, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-11

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Michigan WAC Recruiting Show
Highlighted by Induction of 118

Reds Capture Sam yKill

Maj. Aurand NoteQ
Urgent Need, New
Plan Announced
Highlighted by the induction o
118 WACs, Michigan's WAC Recruit-
ing Show held last night in Hill Aud-
itorium was witnessed by more than
3,000 persons and emphasized the
"immediate urgent need for increased
Maj. Mary Agnes Brown, executive
officer and military adviser to Col.
Oveta Culp Hobby, national director
of the WAC, headed the list of speak-
ers. She told the audience that Army
life was not easy. "However," she
went on to explain, "that is why most
women enlist. Their deep apprecia-
tion of the freedom which they enjoy
makes them want to play their roles
in winning the victory."
"My message to University wo-
men is to study harder than they
have ever studied before so that
when they enlist in the WAC after
graduation they can better use
their skills and intellect. A college
education makes a woman much
more useful to the Army," she con-
Maj.-Gen. Henry S. Aurand, com-
manding officer of the Sixth Service
Command at Chicago, announced the
new enlistment plan which began
yesterday and will lat for three
weeks. Under the new plan a woman
is permitted to choose the state in
which she would like to be stationed
at the end of her basic training.
"In my service command alone, I
am short 1,500,000 WAC. Our over-
seas commitments have remained the
same and I must release men for
other duties. For every man released
there must be a WAC to take his
place," stressed Maj. Aurand.
Lt. Gertrude F. Lund, who spent
nine months in North Africa with
the WAC, in telling of her experi-
ences said, "The men in the Army
in North Africa were amazed to
see that women 'wanted victory so
badly that they were willing to
help win it. In fact the men
claimed that they were 'darn glad'
to see us arrive."
Other speakers were Col. Owen J.
Cleary, special deputy for the state
commander of the American Legion;
See WAC SHOW, Page 2
MYDA Gains
II' Approval
As Organization
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action, new anti-fascist group, was
approved yesterday by the Student
Affairs Committee as an official cam-
pus organization.
As its first campaign, the MYDA
will undertake a poll of campus opin-
ion on the federal soldier vote bill
Thursday. This poll will include all
service personnel stationed on cam-
pus, and will be taken in conjunction
with The Daily.
Officers of the MYDA are: Presi-
dent, Agatha Miller; ecretary, Belle
Rosenthal; and Treasurer, Alice Mc-
Kenzie. Committees have been
formed from the membership to take
care of action, education, publicity,
correspondence and finance. Any stu-
dent is eligible for membership in the
group who subscribes to the princi-
ples stated in the constitution. These
prinicples include the ideals of "racial
equality, religious freedom, elmina-
tion of fascism, and extension of so-
cial, political and economic demo-
Bills Presented

On Soldier Vote
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.- (A)-
Representative Bradley (Dem., Pa.)
introduced today a bill to create a
war ballot commission of four mem-
bers to handle the soldiers vote prob-
The bill provides that the commis-
sion comprise two Republicans and
two Democrats to be appointed by
the President. It would distribute
and collect the ballots, leaving the
counting to the states.
Representatives Ludlow (Dem.,
Ind.) and Andrews (Rep., N.Y.) also
introduced soldier vote measures.
Ludlow's bill would limit the fed-
eral government's part to the distri-
bution of application cards to men in


President Dies

Congress Will
1Hear Annual
essage Today
President Expected
j To iscuss Dom estic
I _ - -- _I -- " - -e~L.


Issues, Labor Draft j
,WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 .-(P-
Congress went through the motions
(of reccnvening today and then sat
back to wait for a Presidential mes-
se that at noon tomorrow will set
the session really on its way through
a maz7e of issues complicated by elec-
tion-year considerations.
Psident Roosevelt has not recov-
ered s ciently from the grippe, his
physicai ruled, to deliver his annual
"State of the Union" speech in per-!
4 son and it will be read by clerks.
ANTANAS SMETONA Radio Address Tonight
But the President added a note of
Lithuanian president-in-exile, significance to the arrangements by
died of suffocation following a fire deciding to broadcast a boiled-down
n the Cleveland home of his broth- version to the nation at 9 p.m. East-I
er Julius. Antanas was 59 years er War Time.
What the message will covei is a
matter of speculation.I
e i . Possibilities that have been ad-
vauced include a home front review
Of Bul + - . th,,t will hit at war production Nandi_
O f Bulgaria ps through strikes, at efforts to
amend the renegotiation law to ease ,
profits restrictions and at pressure
Blasted by AAF roups seeking special treatment un-
der wartime regulations.j
Nazi Communications Civilian Draft Predicted
The Army and Navy Journal has
Paralyzed; Fifth Army said it expects Mr. Roosevelt to call
Moves Toward Cassino for a civilian draft to put workers
where they are needed and keep them _
giers, Jan. l0.-(P)-American Flying While a goodly part of the members
Fortresses, operating from great new of Senate and House stayed in Wash-
bases in southern Italy, struck a par-'mgton for the three-week vacation
alyzing blow at Nazi communications ended today, other went home to see
in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia to- how their constituents are thinking
day while the Allied Fifth Army, its this election year.J
offensive supplemented by tanks, ed.
pushed toward the outskirts of Cas-
sino, 70 miles from. Romae, threaten- 1
ing that key German defense bastion. , fU %
A one-sentence communique an-
nounced the Sofia raid, saying only: For Congress
"A heavy force of Flying Fortresses Co gr

Marincs Wade Asho
Marines, wading waist deep, pus]
Island, for the second invasion operat
anticipation of casualties. One coas
Fire Sweeps
9iX Morton Salt
Plant Buildins"
Loss in Marysville
Blaze Estimated at
Over $2,s00,000


re at Cape Gloucester,

New Britain


Fall of Rail Hub
Puts RLussi tns 35
Miles in Poland
By The Associated Press
LONDON, 1'Tuesday) Jan. 11.-The
Red Army smashed to within 21 miles
of the Warsaw-Odessa railWay yes-
erda, slashed two lines feeding into
Ghat main German escape channel,
and killed 16.000 more enemy troops,
Moscow annoiced early today.
3oerlin reports via neutral Stock-
holm said the Germans had evacuat-
ed Sarny. rail junction 35 miles in-
(ide old Poland, in the path of the
steamroller. Rovno, another
junction almost 50 miles to the south-
west, was endangered by rapid Rus-
sian strides. aid the Berlin corres-
pondent of the Swedish newspaper
D agens Nyhetr.
l~gRiver Approached
Other dispatches said the Russians
had reached the Bug River, last nat-
ural German defense line in the
Ukraine. Only a few miles beyond
thie Bug lies thec Warsaw-Odessa rail-
wayv, which thef Russians hope to seize
in ain eff'brt to doom upwards of 500,-
000 Germans in Southern Russia.
Guerrila "Ghost Armies" spring-
ing out of the snowy forests of old
Poland joined Gen. Nikolai F. Vatu-
tin's First Ukraine Army regulars at-
tacking westward on a 40-mile front
in old Poland. Imperilled Sarny ap-
peared about to fall as the Russians
captured two more localities below it.
4"errilas Wreck Rail Line
The Guerrilas, presumably all Rus-
rian-og;anized, also were declared by
Moscow to be wrecking German rail
acilities near Odessa on the Black
Sea cil ong the pre-war Rumanian
,, *
Pole Teriory

;h a jeep ashore as they land at Cape Gloucester, New Britain
ion on the island. Note litters being earried by some of the men in
t-guard manned landing craft is on beach at center.
Iadang, K endari Bobe
eavily b Allied Flyers
Big Bombers Drop 168 Tons of Bombs
On New Guinea Air Base, Aiding Troops
P-Allied air squadrons roamed the skies from the Dutch Celebes far
th of Australia to the Solomons to deliver heavy bomb loads on Japanese
es and barge supply routes, the high command announced today.
Biggest smash was made in the Madang supply and air base area on
northeast coast of New Guinea. where a total of 168 tons, of ~xnlosiv~s

of the Fifteenth Air Force bombed
Sofia, captital of Bulgaria, about
noon today." But headquarters also
announced, for the first time, that
the big American bombers have mov-
ed up to Italy, to positions vastly more
favorable for attacking the Balkans
and central and southern Europe
than the former bases in Africa, 500
or more miles farther from German
(Location of the new bases in Italy
was not discloseed, but after capture
of the Foggia airfield area in south-
ern Italy last Sept. 27 Presidentj
Roosevelt described it as one of thej
most important Allied successes,I
bringing the air forces nearer Ger-
many and permitting air cover for'
operations in northern Italy and the
Ciano Receives
Death Pwi, all
LONDON, Jan. 10.-(/P)- Count
Galeazzo Ciano, Mussolini's playboyj
son-in-law and former Italian for-j
eign minister, has been sentenced to
death for "treason" to Italy and its
deposed dictator, the Berlin radio'
announced tonight.
Ciano and 17 other members of the
Grand Fascist Council were con-
demned in a two-day trial by an
extraordinary tribunal of Mussolini's
revamped Republican Fascist govern-
ment for voting to oust Mussolini.
the broadcast said, quoting a DNB
dispatch from northern Italy.

WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. - (A) - MARYSVILLE, Mich., Jan. 10.-(A)
President Roosevelt ruled today that -Fire swept the six principal build-
legislators can't serve both in Con- ings of the Morton Salt Co.'s plant
gress and in uniform. here tonight, and destroyed several
Attorney General Biddle advised lesser structures, causing a loss which
him that the Constitution forbids .
service in Congress and the armed General Manager Fred Philbrick said
forces at the same time, so Mr. Roose- would exceed $2,500,000.
velt asked Secretary of War Stimson The plant, with a capacity of 250,-
and Secretary of the Navy Knox to 000 tons a year, is the largest of six
see to it that legislators confine which the company operates in the
themselves to legislating. midwest. It occupies a two-acre site
It seems that only two representa- on the shore of the St. Clair river, a
tives were affected by the ruling: part of the connecting waters be-
Henry M. Jackson (Dem., Wash.), tween Lake Erie and Lake Huron.
who is a private in a tank destroyer The blaze broke out in a cooperage
unit at Fort McClelland, Ala., and shop and warehouse, presumably in
Albert Gore (Dem., Tenn.), who vol- a dry kiln, at 7 p.m. In less than four
unteered recently and now is on fur- hours it raced through the six build-
lough under orders to report at Camp ings, including a five-story dairy
Shelby, Miss., Jan. 19. mill, a pan mill, a vacuum- mill, a
Mr. Roosevelt's order apparently grainery and two warehouses.
will prevent members of Congress
who hold reserve commissions from a
going on tours of active duty. A 1r .Roosevelt
number of them have done that, in-
cuding Senator Lodge (Rep., Mass.).,
Rep. Maas (Rep., Minn.), and Rep. 1
Lyndon Johnson (Dem., Tex.).



-ONDON, Tuesday, Jan. 11.-(IV)
were laid on Madang itself, the protecting airdrome at Alexishafen and he Moscow Radio, indicating Rus-
Bogadjim, Madang's main southern defense outpost. These blows should sia's intention to retain the bulk of
materially aid the American Arty-------he territory she obtained in the 1939
invasion force at Saidor, 55 miles There was little change in the partition of Poland, declared early
southeast of Madang. ground situation at Cape Gloucester, today that the approaching restora-
American Liberator heavy bombers New Britain, where American Marine tion of Poland must be accomplished
soared 750 miles northeast of Dar- patrols were operating extensively by return of land taken by the Ger-
win, Australia, to drop 25 tons on the south of . the airdrome which was mans and not by Polish "seizing" of
important enemy base at Kendari, on cleared of the enemy 10 days ago. Ukraine or .White Russian areas.
the east coast of Celebes Island. The Other Marine units resumed their This was the first official Soviet
unescorted bombers met heavy anti- advance south of Silimati Point, near statement on the Polish-Russian bor-
aircraft fire and downed six and prob- the Borgen Bay area of the Cape der dispute, which has grown urgent
ably four more of 13 intercepting Gloucester invasion holding, and met since the Red Army advance across
Zeros which waged a 35-minute run- resistance Sundaymorning, anhead- the old Polish frontier last week.
ning battle with the raiders. One quarters spokesman said. Hard fight- "The Soviet-Polish border could
American bomber was lost. ing previously had been reported here, pass approximately along the so-
The Kendari airfield, completed by American casualties including the called Curzon Line, which was accep-
the Dutch just before start of the wounded since the Cape Gloucester ted in 1919 by the Supreme Co*.ncil
war, now is the Japanese air force landing Dec. 26 are less than 15 per of the Allied powers and which pro-
home base on Celebes Island. cent of 2,00 counted Japanese dead, vided for inclusion of the western
TMUkraine and western Byelo-Russia
White Russia) in the structure of
the Soviet Union," it said.
AAF Blasts Marsoh'allsThe Curzon Line, named for the
Alate British Foreign Secretary,
*I roughly followed the Bug River and
a line between Grodno and Brest-
Dg r y n '2 Jaj Sh J)S Litovsk as Poland's eastern boun-
dary. It was not accepted by the
PEARL HARBOR, Jan. 10.--(P--Navy Liberator planes, swooping low Poles, who then were at war with the
over Wotje atoll in the Marshall Islands the night of Jan. 9, sank a Japan- Bolshevists, and the border even-
ese auxiliary oiler and another small vessel, wrecked two enemy airplanes tuallyr was drawn up to 160 miles
on the ground and damaged shore installations. e stward by the Treaty of Riga in
., - . f ,, .;,. .ff - - ^,^r 1 1 %T .1.11- ., 1921. That border existed until the

Coiigrssrnan Asps
Perk ins Resigiiation
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10.-,P)-
Thomas (Rep., NJ) today asked that
the Democratic leadership call for the
resignation of Secretary of Labor
Frances Perkins on the grounds that
she and her advisers have brought
"the house of labor" to where it isk
endangering itself and the war effort.;

WASHINGTON, D.C.. Jan. 10.-(/P)
-Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the
President, will be in Detroit Wednes-
day, Jan. 26, for a one-day visit to
several war plants and child care
nurseries, it was confirmed today by
the Detroit War Production Board!
office. r
Mrs. Roosevelt's cousin, Mrs. Dor-'
othy Kemp Roosevelt, specialist on
women's problems in war industries
with the Detroit Office of Labor Pro-j
duction of the WPB, has arranged
the visit.


This was the heaviest of four new air attacks on the Marshalls, an-
nounced today by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. The assaults were made by
Army or Navy planes on Jan. 8 and 9. Wotje was hit twice and Jaluit and
Kwajalein once each.
All the attacks were carried out without loss of an American plane.
One medium bomber of the Seventh Army Air Force was damaged by anti-
--------- - -------- aircraft fire in the sweep over Jaluit

Germans and Russians divided Po-
land between them in September,
. Resumes
i- E,0


Halleek Says G4P Victory Will Shorten Wa tate Pastors
S- To Meet Here

the morning of Jan. 8. One crew l n tinent Jjai
member was wounded by shrapnel. It
was the seventeenth raid since mid- LONDON, uesday Jan 11.-P-
November on Jaluit and the fifth of RAF bombers roared over the Eng-
ish Channel in moonlight last night

CHICAGO, Jan. 10.---t Election
of a Republican president next No-
vember will shorten the war "by
months if not years" because it will
guarantee America's military leaders
home front support "they never had
before," Rep. Charles A. Halleck, of
Indiana, said tonight in an address
prepared for delivery to more than
200 GOP leaders. Apparently anti-
cipating a Democratic argument that
now is not the time to "change hors-
Pse~" inthe rmidst o.f war.T i11ek tol

Nom ember will result in such an ac- The National Committee held a
celeration of our war effort abroad closed session late today with state
and at home that victory, the thing chairmen and vice chairmen to talk
for which we all yearn, will be over campaign plans.
brought nearer to us by months if Walter S. Hallanan. of Charleston,
not by years." W. Va., senior vice chairman of the
Halleck, new chairman of the National Committee, led in specula-
House Republican campaign commit- tion over the chairmanship for the
tee charged with the job of electing important convention arrangements
committee. Committeemen Harry
Republicans to Congress, was the Darby, of Kansas, and Harold W .
principal speaker at a dinner ar- y, o en, an wer -
ranged by National Chairman Harri- , of Vermont, also were men-

Church Leaders Will
Hold 5th Conference
Problems challenging the church
today will be explored by the fifth
annual Michigan -Pastors Conference
scheduled to begin its three-day ses-
sion here Monday.
The organization is composed of
pastors representing all denomina-

Heavy bombers of the Seventh AAFj
were the first to strike at Wotie Sun-
day. They swept over in the evening,'
the announcement said, but there
were no details. The attack by Navy
Liberators came that night and
brought the number of raids there to
10 since the Central Pacific offen-
sive opened in November. It was the
first time the Japanese shipping had
been reported sunk or damaged in
the Wotje lagoon.
Navv Serch Tihrnators of Fleet

to resume the blasting of objectives
on the continent.
German-controlled radios left the
Prefects of the French Channel
coast departments were reported by
the Vichy Radio today to have met
in Paris to discuss "possible evacu-
ation of the French Channel coast,
particularly the areas now subjected
to heavy air atacks.
Evacuation of country districts

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