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January 04, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-04

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A A. L~,1~L~4A~ ,1,).~ . I, ~

* wLy 3iilgrn tI4zt~
Fifty-Foiyth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regula University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Eric Zalenski.
Bud Low . .
-larvey Frank .
1Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.* . Associate Sports Editor
S Associate Sports Editor
. .Women's Editor
Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
* . . . Columnist

Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . .
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion.

. Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials publisbed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
o. A Makes Splendid
Sho wing in Past Year
.:WDAY when the January class of Co. A, the
first enlisted man's group to come to Ann
Arbor, is graduating, it seems appropriate to look
back over the splendid record these men have
made during the year they have been stationed
Last May the men gave three performances of
"Nips in the Bud" which were all very well re-
cived. In August the show was given again, this
time before a half million dollar bond audience.
It was also given for soldiers stationed at Willow
Run, who said that it was even better than "This
Is the Army."
The company staged a series of Monday
night Morale Meetings for the other soldiers
stationed here. They gave three fifteen minute
Rrograms over WJR and a series of half hour
broadcasts all during the summer.
They organized the first soldier's choir on
campus and presented a series of Sunday con-
certs. One of these concerts was given before an
audience of 4,500 people. Their last public per-
formance was the recent Christmas concert in
conjunction with the Women's Glee'Club.
jURING the city bond campaign they helped
out with parades and demonstrations. Groups
from the company have entertained at hospitals
and such places.
At the same time, though, these men did not
forget that their main purpose here was to
study. Capt. George G. Spence, commanding
officer of the company, said that the progress
whih these men have made during the time
they have been here has been beyond expec-
There was not a single court martial offense
committed during the entire time that the men
were here. The entire graduating class will re-
ceive good conduct medals which are awarded
only to men with excellent records in all phases
of military life.
A record equal to this has probably been made
by few military groups. The University and Ann
Arbor will miss these men whom we know will
continue their fine records at the advanced base
where they are sent. -Doris Peterson
Delayin Italy May Be
Result of Ch aed PlaIt
IN VIEW of the extent to which the progress of
the American and British forces in Italy has
slowed down, it seems that 'the Italian front has
been transferred to a minor place in Allied
This slowing down of progress cannot be en-
tirely attributed to the difficulties of the ioun,
tains, the weather, or the resistance of the enemy.
With Anglo-American forces supposedly in the
Mediterranean area. and our great naval and
air superiority, it seems that Rome could have
been captured by this time, if that city had been
considered a worthy objective.
The fact that there has been no attempt
- a , 4.-. .. at. "rIn , .l' ' i *..dVrnin . n .!.cig P t r

WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-The question of food
for Russia has caused many a dramatic scene
in the offices of the Food Distribution Adminis-
tration. Officials work in complete harmony,
but not always in complete understanding.
One thing U. S. officials could not understand
was why the Russians wanted lump sugar. A
request cane through from Moscow for 390,000
tons of sugar. and U. S. officials began to figure
where they could get it. I was quite a job, but
finally they decided they could fill the order.
Then they ran into the odd angle that the
Soviets wanted 80 percent of the total to be
-lump or cube sugar.
"Oh, come now," said U. S. officials to Rus-
sian representatives in Washington. "We have
found the Britsh to be choosey now and then,
with their requests for pork in certain loin cuts
of certain weight, but this is worse than the
British.'Why lump sugar?"
The Russians said,."It is for the Red Army."
"Yes, but isn't granulated sugar just as good?"
"It is a cable from Moscow." said the Russians,
and that was that.'
"We'll do what we can," said Food Distribution,
and promptly sent a cable to the U. S. embassy in
Moscow, asking why the dickens the Russian
soldiers needed lump sugar.
The explanation came back by return cable.
The Russians, fighting in cold weather, warm
themselves by drinking tea several times a
day. They take it piping hot, and they have the
habit of putting a lump of sugar between their
teeth, and sucking the tea through the sugar.
It's an old Russian custom, and U. S. officials
concluded that, if lump sugar would make the
Red Army fight better, they should have it.
No Oleo fQr Russia.
Another subject of debate was butter. Soviet
food experts in Washington requested tremendous
quantities of butter, at a time when U. S. sup-
plies were tight. Food Distribution tried to per-
suade them that oleomargarine was just as good
--with high caloric and nutritive values. Further-
more, it could be had for 17 cents a pound, as
against 50 cents for butter-and the Russians
ae paying for their purchases.
The Russians nut their heads together and
exhanged a few words in Russian. Then they
said, "We think Americans have a good sense
of values!"
In other words, if butter cost three times as
much as oleo, it was three times as good, and
that was what they wanted. They got it. Ship-
ments of butter to Russia in 1943 amounted to
85 million pounds (about three percent of U. S.
NOTE: This is for the Red, army. For Rus-
sian civilians, we sunly lard, which they
spread on black bread as if it were butter.
The Hopkins Dine Out...
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopkins have left the
White House and are living in a home in George-
town. One evening recently, they decided to step
out for dinner.
It was quite a come-down from the White
They went to Martin's, on the corner of
Wisconsin Avenue and N Street, next door
to a garage and across the street from an ice
cream factory. All sorts of people eat there,
from taxi drivers to Oswald Garrison Villard
and ecasionally Speaker Sam Rayburn.
When the Hopkinses walled in, there was no
booth available, so they stood around waiting.
When they got space, they ordered a couple of
drinks (whiskey sours), and then a dinner at
$1.20 each.
Word of their presence was whispered from
table to table, amid the whir of the ventilator,
which tried valiantly to carry the fumes out-
doors. One of the guests tugged at a waiter's
apron strings, and said, "Do you realize who
you're waiting on?"
"Oh, yeah," said the waiter, with a shiug.
"They've just moved into the neighborhood.,
Just another customer.
W' ar Supluses...

Policy makers of the War Production Board
are still taking the position that there is nothing
to spare for more than the bare minimum of
civilian requirements. But when you talk to
lower ranking officials of the industry level, you
find them wringing their hands over the prob-
lems of surpluses.
This is not true of every branch, but it is
general enough to indicate that America's tre-




L . 1. .. L . -.. , F 1 %-/J. N

mendous production machine is now produc-
ing more than the war can consume.
Take the case of printing presses. The WPB
branch handling printing presses is itching to
tell the world that they actually see enough
materials on hand to resume manufacture of
presses for newspapers and for printers generally.
They cite the case of one group of press
builders who, after conversion to war produc-
tion, took a contract to build 1800 navy gun
mounts. This figure was based on an expected
battle loss of 20 percent. In other words, 1800
gun mounts was 20 percent of 360 more than
the Navy needed.
But battle losses have been much less than 20
percent. Thus the Navy begins to have a surplus
of gun mounts, and is cutting down on orders.
This leaves plant capacity for manufacturing
printing presses.
(Copyright. 1944. United Featur Syndicate)
OUR INTEREST was aroused by Robert Casey
-in his hilariously funny book on the subject,
so lately we've been hanging around newspaper
offices with a friend of ours who has the unusual
distinction of being well received in the City
rooms of several big papers both in Detroit and
She is a prospective job hunter. We attack
the problem with less concern. Withal, our
disinterested presence has made it possible
for us to make a rather exacting study of news-
paper people, their habits and special char-
We have come to the exceedingly unoriginal
conclusion that they are just about all alike. We
1 realize that this is a dangerous thing to say.
that almost any outsider looking on at any pro-
fession in the world probably says the same thing.
But about newspaper men it seems to be excep-
tionally true. To refute a statement like this you
have to take the attitude of parents of identical
twins who t'y to prove that the personalities of
their separate children are vastly different.
In fact, it seems that most of the minister's
sons turned reporters who sit over four rounds
of "breakfast" in the juke box bar around the
corner seem largely to accept the notion that
there is just one pattern for them all.
The funniest thing about newspapers apart
from the people who work on them are the
"phoney" stories that get into print. Almost any
reporter keeps a scrapbook of phoney stories and
we, in our research, have taken time to examine
' HERE is the time for instance when one wire
service was consistently beating its rival on
stories concerning an exploration into northern
Alaska. Farsightedly they had sent a corres-
pondent to Alaska to cover the trip.
When their story that the explorer had pass-
ed the last outpost of civilization, a little settle-
ment called "Old Woman" reached this coun-
try, an enterprising reporter for the rival wire
service was told to rehash the story as quickly
as possible and send it out for their own papers.
The hasty young man read his rival's story
only sketchily and in writing his own, reported
that the explorer had just sighted an "aged Es-
kimo woman" and had called to her, "hello, old
There is also the picture of a deer and a
hunter which appears perennially with slight
variations, at the opening of the hunting sea-
soi in a paper, known familiarly as a yellow
sheet. It is captioned. "The season's first
catch." The deer is glassy eyed beast borrowed
from a nearby department store which uses
him in their Christmas display-his supporting
wires are always faintly visible-and the hunter
is a Sporting store model who gets paid by the
hour. The grass and portable shrubbery belong
to an undertaking establishment.
When one wire service suspected another of
stealing its news they ran a small story on a
spectacular ship sinking. They gave the rival
papers a day to pick up the story and run it

with hilarious elaborations on their front pages.
The next day the story's originators suggested
that their own readers spell the name of the
ship backwards. It read, "we-steal-news."

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- Now flot, Now Cold


"They got any out-of-town n1w ye-s or it the canteen, Mac?-
guy wants a copy of the VFKISC BOEBACITER."


i j



NEW YORK Jan. 4.- A number of
ditoriaists are beginning to talk
ibout Ike famous pendulum swing
h1oryof pofmin s again, forward and
'acwa'd. tis to tock. Democratic
enduium wig makes politics scenm
uce and atoinau d ncso you do
Aol have to knock yurself out think-
iug too hard. The penduun swing
heory allow I he defeated party, no
matter how blackened its ey,ve how
broen l1 n Lck C to come back in due
'oue. C It does noi need virtue: all
it needs is Me.

TUESDAY, JAN. 4. 1944
VOL. LIV No. 44
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 aan,
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 5, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land con-
tract and owe a balance of approxi-
mately 60 per cent of the value of the
property, the Investment Office. 100
South Wing of University Hall.
would be glad to discuss financing
through the medium of a first mort-
gage. Such financing may effect a
substantial saving in interest.

eco in exchange new music, before
the Choral Union rehearsal this eve-
Charles A. Sink, President
Social Events: The attention of
the student body and house directors
is called to the fact that applications
for social events must be filed in the
Office of the Dean of Students on
the MONDAY before the event. The
requestn .t be ceoipanied by writ-
ten acccptance from two sett of ap-
proved chaperons and in the case of
fraternities and sororities, by written
approval from the financial adviser.
The Dean of Students reserves the
right to refuse permission for parties
if requests are not received on time.
Approved chaperons are 1) Parents
of active members or pledges, 2) pro-
fessors. associate professors or assist-
vut pofessors, or couples ALREADY
aplIoved by the Office of the Dean
of Students. A list of the third group
is available at the Office of the Dean
of Students.

Under the pendulum swing theory.
the counr ryblows now hot now cold,
now liberal now conservative; it does
not do it for any particular reason,
but only because it has been doing
te other thin; for a while, and the
time has therefore come for a change.
Forward and backward. rock-a-bye
baby: it is a ceaseless motion, like
the tides, but somewhat less mean-
Even Mr. Walter Lippman, who
most of the time knows better, has
adopted this method for comput-
ing history on a slide rule. ]ie
recently suggested that the real
reason the Republicans are coming
back is that 12 years have elapsed
since they were last in. This con-
ception is especially grateful to
those who like activity without
change; it makes politics a health-
ful exercise, like running' in place.
without the distressing obligation
of going anywhere.
A few refinements of the theory
ought to enable us to predict the out-
come of elections by radar.
More Like a Staircase, Perhaps
My own conception is different; I
do not believe we are fleas riding on
a pendulum. My feeling is that we
are creatures climbing a sort of spiral
staircase, so that while there is con-
siderable side to side movement, the
general direction is up.
My theory allows for pauses, and
occasional full stops, and even for
falling downstairs, all of which adds
up to a richer and more meaningful
abstraction of human political be-
havior than that absurd pendulum.
If you go at all, on the spiral
staircase, you must go up. You can
sit down on any one of the steps,
if you want to, and cry, like some
of our isolationists. But Senator
Wheeler,. for some reason, never
makes me think of a pendulum,
vigorously. le smakes me think
more of a stopped clock.
I believe that Wendell Willkie, for
example, has some motion of this
need for upward progress. He shows
it in his appeal to the younger ele-
ments in the Republican party, in
his tentative overtures to labor,, and,
above all, by his great daring in the
field of foreign policy. Mr. Willkie
prefers to be kind of over to the
right, like; but he wants to sit on a
step at least ten feet higher than the
one on which Mr. Hoover brooded for
so long.
The Place Wouldn't Be the Same
The spiral staircase illustration ex-
plains, I think, what is in Mr. Roose-
velt's mind when he says that the
time has come for the win-the-war
slogan to replace the New Deal slo-
gan. To drop the New Deal slogan is
to move to the right, economically.
But we do have to win the war, or
lose all hope of progress. And on a
spiral staircase, you can move up
while moving to the right. But not
on that silly pendulum, which is al-
ways. in a hurry to get to where it
can't stay.
I will drop the fancy figure now,
because if I carry it any further it
will become sort of Elizabethan, and
my rugged and simple prose style
isn't suited to elaborate conceits. But
don't let anybody sell you on that
i "return of the pendulum to the same
place," It doesn't return, and if it
did, the place wouldn't be the same
anymore, anyhow.
(Copyright. 1944. N.Y. P ost Syndicate

S c e l rca, pI to Ia's
Be Righ

Senior Engineers: Representatives
Conservation of Public Utilities: of General Electric Company, Sche-
It is urged that every member of the nectady, N.Y., will interview senior
University community, faculty, stu- mechanical, electrical, chemical en-.

dents. clerks, and other employees.

constitute himself or herself a com-
mittee of one to contribute in every
reasonable way to the end that there
shall be no waste of electricity. wa-
ter, gas, oil, coal. or of communica-
tions or transportation service. This
notice is in behalf not only of the
University administration but of var-
ious United States Government au-
Applications in support of researchI
projects: To give Research Commit-
tees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time to study all proposals, it
is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1943-1944 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by±
Friday, Feb. 18. Those wishing toI
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so j

gineers and physicists, today for em-
ploymen after graduation.
Interviews will be held in Rm. 214
West Engineering Building today,
Students may sign the interview1
schedules posted on the bulletin
boards of the Electrical and Mechan-
iCal Laginering Departments.
Lct ares
nivers ity'Lture: Captain C. R.
Cook,D.F.C., of' the Air Corps., Engi-
neering Division, Equipment Labora-
tol'y, Wright Field, will lecture on thej
subject. "Navigating a Bomber over
Europe and Africa," under the auspi-
ces of the Department of Mathemat-
ies. on Thursday, Jan. 6, at 7:30 p.m.
in te Rackhan Amphitheatre. The
public is invited.

indicate. Application forms will be rench L 4m re: The lecture of
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-Ptof'or Rene Talamon scheduled
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackhanm for Thursday. Jan. 6. has been post-
Building, Telephone 372. poned to Thursday. Jan. 27.
C. S. Yoakum
Alexander Ziwet Lecture in Mlaathe-
All 17 and 18-year-old civilian col-. _:atics: Dr. Paul Erdos, of Purdue
lege students not in the Armed Ser- University. will lecture on "Some
vice Reserve desiring to make appli- Problems in Additive Number The-
cation for V-5 Aviation Fight Train- oretic Functions." on Thursday. Jan.
ing should im ediately contact Lt. 6.a 4:15 p m., in Rm. 3011 Angell
Co. E. F. Scott. Executie Officer, rhall.
Naval V-12 Unit, at 27 North Hll. -

Choral Union Members: Members
of the Chorus are requested to return
their copies of "Messiah" and to re-


By Crockett Johnson

Wont to box, Mr. O'Malley?
No! Er, not now, m'boy.
I'm working on several
monumental pieces of
legislation t must put
up to Congress Monday.
-- - -
Pop! My Fairy Godfather

I want to get there early to
attach these Riders to alt the
bills on the floor. Don't want
to be seen in the House with
this black eye. The fellows
are such iders, you know-
-- f

I guess I'll make a snowman.
Then I can box with HIM.
"Amendment to an
amendment to revise
a revision of"-What?
A snowman?

Copjyegh1t 7 43 Fied Pubi oions
j Box with a snowman? An
excellent idea! I'll come
along too. After all, m'boy,
"All work and no play-"
L._- --
-i '-- ~~1~Xii ~KrKj

A cademic Notices
F' rid ', Cell eof Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Mid-semester re-
Ports are due not later than Satur-
iday. Jan. 8.
Report cards are beinmg distributed
t o all departmxenta l offices. Green
-cards are beig provided for fresh-
nian reorts; they should be returned
to tie Office of the Academic Coun-
elors. 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores. juniors.
and senmoirs should be returned to
1220 Angell Hall.
Mid-semester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen. whose standing at mid-
semester is D or E. not merely those
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses. but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the Unversity should be reported
to tme school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at 108

man, Violinist; Thursday, March 6,
8:30 p.m.-Ezio Pinza, Bass. A lim-
ited number of tickets are available,
tax included: $2.75, $2.20, $1.65,
Fourth Anmtial Ch amber M us ic
Festival: The Roth Quartet: eri
Roth, violin; Michael Kuttner, vio-
lin: Julius Shaicl-. viola,. and Oliver
Edel. violincello, will participate in
three concerts, Friday. Jan. 21, at
8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 22, at
2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Series tickets, tax
included, $2.75, $2.20 and $1.10; sin-
gle concerts, $1.10 and 55c-on sale
at offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Student Recital: Marianne Good-
ing. pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday,
Jail. 8. in Lvdia Tiffenelsshn Thea.-

Copy..ght 3944 F; ~. ~ R C ~
Jo' 1NSOs

IPop! ... The snowman! ... He

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