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December 19, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-19

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Ffdp F'mBait'Y

Edited and managed by stIudents of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski ,
Bud Low r k
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

Editorial Staff

Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . .City Editor
. . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist

Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . . Business Manager
Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Teheran Gives United
Nations Nerve Victory
dent Roosevelt disclosed yesterday indicates
the weight ,of importance our Fascist enemies
attached to the recent Teheran conferences.
If the conference did nothing more than
bring together for the first time the leaders
of the chief world powers, the moral and psy-
chological impact therein carries an ominous
note for Hitler.
The murderer's plot is his own admission of
the fact.
A victory has been won in the newest battle
of nerves, and now it remains for the United
Nations to put the brilliant words of Teheran
into more significant action.
President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill,
and Marshal Stalin hold the course of civiliza-
tion for generations to come in the palm of their
Over this fact Hitler is now losing sleep. It
is our hope he dies a slow death of insomnia.
-Stan Wallace
U. S. Senators Defend
German Race Theories
the Dec. 20 issue, furnishes us with food for
thought during this weekend.
In a three-page article lambasting the Pres-
ident and his administration, Time quotes an
unnamed Senator, and the Hon. "Cotton Ed"
Smith who have been attacking the President's
program to elevate the position of the Negro in
American society.
Senator "Y" (we wonder why he refuses to
permit his name to be used) states, "One of the
most fundamental issues is this fool idea of
Roosevelt's that he can set up some sort of fair
employment practice committee and make the
South accept the Negro as an equal." And that
staunch lover of democracy, Ed Smith, from
South Carolina has said, "Take a measure such
as the anti-lynching bill. How many capital
Senators who have lived in the midst of an un-
governable, lustful crowd, and had their women
folk outraged, would sit down and say, 'Let the
law take its course'?" These statements were
reechoed by Time's Senators X and Z, thus
completing the tail-end of the alphabet.
From these utterances we gather two things.
'IRST, the Southern Senators are unwilling to
accept the Negro as an equal, and second,
our Southern legislators see no wrong in the
established Southern custom of meting out jus-
tice with a rope. All this in the enlightened,
democratic United States.
Are we to suppose that the governmental
bodies of this contry are composed of indi-
viduals who entertain Fascist racial-discrimi-
nation theories, utterly disregarding the Con-
stitution and Bill of Rights which they have

Doiune SayS
DUTY is a major in the life of our servicemen
for it relates to basic values in all concerted
effort. Our moral problem may be approached
thus: A man feels, somehow, that what he calls
duty is what the universe means him to do and
that to do wrong is to put himself out of joint
with the trend and direction of the whole. This
line of reasoning follows from the religious as-
sumption that behind the physical is a meaning
or a purpose and we can apprehend enough of
it to find a base for the intelligent handling of
our lives. By the voluntary adoption of what
we conceive to be the purpose of the universe
as our purpose, we are preserved from self-con-
tradiction. On the other hand, if we choose
wrong, we enter into a self-contradiction for in
so doing we allow ourselves to be determined
by the universe as though we were merely a
fraction of itself and unable to do otherwise.
Our private account of our response to the
pressures of the universe, in that case, is that
we serve our own pleasures only. We fail to
serve the highest purpose of which we are aware.
It is Principal A. T. Cadoux of Good Hope,
in London, who argues thus: "The necessities
of thought and the nature of action make it
impossible to leave two rival concepts of the
universe unrelated. One of these says the
universe is dominated by a good Will. The
other declares that the universe is physically
determined. If we make the physical primary,
then the notion that the universe has mean-
ing or purpose is a fallacy of the individual
mind. Self-determination is an illusion, for
the possibilities of alternatives of choice does
not exist." In that case, the one system ex-
plodes the other. That is, the physical elimi-
nates the intellectual. Likewise, as Cadoux
observes, "We have some difficulty in finding
any biological justification for the develop-
ment of self-consciousness, since on this sup-
position it has no effect on action.
The alternative is to regard the physical sys-
tem of the universe as the instrument and the
means of the dominating Will. In this case, the
one system includes the other, and it is possible
to do justice to both. This solution -is, of course,
the affirmation of religious faith. Granted that
this leaves us without a solution to many prob-
lems, one of which is how the conscious evolves
from that which is not conscious, yet it does
assert why, in our heirarchy of values, duty has
intrinsic merit.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
Executive Heads Asked
To Report in Congress
A RESOLUTION has been introduced in Con-
gress which would establish greater coordi-
nation and cooperation between the legislative
and executive branches of our governient.
This resolution, the work of Rep. Estes Kefau-
ver, Tennessee Democrat, provides that one
member of the Cabinet appear before the House
for a question and answer period at least once
every two weeks.
If such a scheme were adopted, it would be
the first time since the First Congress that
members of the Cabinet or the head of an ex-
ecutive department of the government other
than the President would appear before the
House except by special invitation.
This new plan would improve methods of
communication between members of the House
and the heads of the executive departments.
The House would receive an accounting from
the heads of the departments as to how the
laws they pass are being administered and
under our American political system is that
petty partisan questioning might destroy the
constructive character of the scheme.

This is outweighed, however, by the fact
that the plan would work to the benefit of
the entire country through providing Con-
gress with a means of obtaining first hand
information without waiting for reports from
overlapping committees.
We are approaching the post war period in
a precarious situation with a terrible breach
between the legislative andl executive branches
of our national government. Unless we get some
better working arrangement, we cannot have
a long range foreign policy.
-Louise Comins

Pd iRather
I Be Right_
NEW YORK, Dec. 19.--Russia and Czecho-
slovakia have agreed to get along. At once
there are expressions of alarm in some sections
of the American press. What! Russia has agreed
not to interfere with Czecholovakia? How
A few editors, examining this event, with one
eye closed and one finger alongside their noses,
discover that this means Russian domination of
a puppet Czech government. The evidence is
clear, they say. Look: Russia recognizes Czecho-
slovakia. Not only that, but Russia consents to
let Czechoslovakia alone. Even more significant,
Russia agrees to help Czechoslovakia. Oh, what
a tale of villainy! Clearly. it is a plot.
Who knows what may happen if this goes on?
Russia may agree not to interfere with Yugo-
slavia. Russia may agree not to interfere with
Greece. Only last week, she agreed not to in-
terfere with Iran. Shall we stand by idle, while
Russia makes these devilish agreements to mind
her own business?
What bothers these editors, of course, is the
fear that Russia may come to dominate east-
ern Europe by just such a system of alliances
with individual eastern European countries.
They prefer a "federation" of the smaller Eur-
opean nations; on the model, they always say
with a certain festive glow, of the Pan-Ameri-
can grouping. But the comparison is not a
good one.
For the United States, the greatest Pan-Amer-
ican power, is in the Pan-American federation.
We are completely inside our own regional
grouping, we are in it up to the hips, the elbows
and the shoulders; we are in it, by proclamation,
as through the Monroe Doctrine, and we are in
it by treaty. In shipping our analogy overseas,
we have a tendency to drop this fact out, and
so when we come to propose an eastern Euro-
pean federation, it turns out to be a federation
without Russia in it. It becomes "Hamlet" with-
out the Prince.
If Russia were to crate up and send our own
analogy back to us, it would arive as a plan
for a Pan-American federation that stopped at
our Mexican border; that included every nation
in the Americas except ourselves. Obviously, we
would not accept that, yet that is what our plan
for an eastern European federation without
Russia comes to.
The Scripps-Howard objection, then, that
Russia is interfering with regional federations
by making treaties on her own, as with Czecho-
slovakia, tells Russia, in ect, that she belongs
to no region. Everybody else has R neighbor-
hood, but she hasn't. It boils down to a compli-
cated proposal for Russia to get out of town.
This she is physically unable to do, even if she
were of a mind to accept the offer.r
During all this hoorah about Russia's inten-
tions toward nearby countries, however, some-
thing remarkable is happening. Russia, Britain
and America, together, have just consented to,
and, in fact, guaranteed the future independence
of Iran. This joint decision about a small coun-
try is part of the miracle of Teheran. But some
of us have been so busy, making federations out
of spit and tissue paper, or attacking Elmer
Davis for the way he handled news bulletins that
he wasn't in charge of, that we seem to have
missed it.
In other words, when the Allies attack their
problems together, as 'allies, difficulties seem
to evaporate. Why is it so very hard for some
of our editorialists to "work out a future for

eastern, Europe"? Isn't it because they are still
actually trying to work out a plan for the
"Russian region which will somehow leave
Russia out of it?
Naturally, that is hard. They have forgotten,
for the moment, that this is an alliance. We
know we are all allies. But the old habits of
thought reassert themselves. Suddenly, start-
lingly, some of us find ourselves squaring off in
the old pre-alliance attitude toward Russia.
Then we grow glum. We can't quite seem to see
the future. Of course not. How much can one
hope to see with his eyes closed?
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.-One de-
velopment of the Teheran Confer-
ence which' diplomats considered es-
pecially significant was the failure of
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill to in-
sert in their carefully worded com-
munique any reference to uncondi-
tional surrender.
This, according to shrewd ob-
servers in the Diplomatic Corps,
was no accident. Although the
President and Prime Minister hith-
erto have stuck rigidly to uncon-
ditional surrender, Stalin has made
no such commitment. On the con-
trary, Russian strategy has been
to try to undermine the Nazis and
work toward a peace with some
anti-Hitler clique inside Germany.
This might end up a long way from
unconditional surrender.
It is well known that the Russians
have used the high-ranking German
officers captured at Stalingrad to
build up a German officers' corps
in Russia. Radio broadcasts by these
officers have been used to appeal to
the Officers' Corps inside Germany.
The Officers' Corps always has been
one of the backbones of Germany,
frequently stronger than the Gov-
ernment itself.
It is quite conceivable that Ger-
man Army chiefs might negotiate
a separate peace, kicking out Hit-
ler, provided the peace terms were
not too harsh. But the Army has
no more desire than Hitler to ac-
cept unconditional surrender. They
would have no more to gain from
this than Hitler.
Whether this difference of ap-
proach toward peace had anything
to do with the Teheran communique
or not, it may become increasingly
important in future conversations
among the Big Three.
Second Front Problems
There are two things to watch
when it comes to the second front in
Western Europe. One is the condi-
tion of the terrain-how wet and
muddy it is. The other is the length

-~A p
..ew. a r lov
*? -_cp -al
"Stupendous, gigantic, colossall! Bah! I liope the 1pub'licity
department is doing some past-war b : annSi z3in e .ard to a
new and revolutionary adjet ive


of the nights.
U.S. military planners have to
choose between these two conditions
of nature. They need long winter
nights to cross the Channel under
cover of darkness, but they also want
dry terrain. Unfortunately, they
can't have both. In January or Feb-
ruary, when the nights are long, the
terrain is muddy. In May, when the
land is dry, the nights are short.
Faced with choosing one handi-
cap or the other, it is the opinion
of this observer that the Allies will
invade while the nights are long
and take a chance on being able to
use enough paved roads in France,
Belgium, Holland or wherever the
landing may take place.
Modern landing operations make
darkness almost essential. For if the
enemy can see landing barges being

loaied alo: the English coast, he
knows hat, an invasion is coming
before morning Since it takes a
good manV hrs to get troops loaded
and stat-ted across the Channel, long
nights are absolutely necessary.
Another very important reason
for this is the much discussed new
secret rocket gun the Nazis are
braging about. Unfortunately, this
N not mere Goebbels braggadocio.
AIparen3tly, the Nazis have some-
thing they are avin aforthe in-
vasion which may cause serious
damage in England.
At any rate, these factors, plus
Russia's long impatience over second-
front delays, probably put the odds
on an early winter invasion rather
than in the drier, conventional
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)





SUNDAY, DEC. 19, 1943 S
VOL. LIV No. 41
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Christmas Recess: The official
calendar of the University includes
a Christmas recess beginning with
the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 21;
classes will be resumed Wednesday
morning, Dec. 29. The reasons for
the selection of these dates were, as
a war measure, to avoid travel either
at the week-end, when traffic is
heaviest, or immediately before or
after holidays, and to conform as
closely as possible with the recom-
mendations of the Office of Defense
Transportation and the railroad as-
sociations. For these reasons Uni-
versity students will be expected to
observe strictly the limits of the re-
cess period as fixed by the official
calendar. The several faculties will
be expected to discipline appropri-
ately any individuals who absent
themselves from classes either before
or after the vacation period without
being excused by the appropriate
The above does not apply to mili-
tary and naval personnel, who will
follow the orders issued by their re-
spective services.
Alexander G. Ruthven
To the Members of the University
Senate: The first egular meeting of
the University Senate will be held

Monday, Dec. 20, at 4:15 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheatre.

in the

The Business Office of the Univer-
sity will be closed on January 1.
S. W. Smith
Choral Union Ushers: Please re-
p6rt at Hill Auditorium at 2:00 P.M.
today for the Messiah Concert.
Social Events: The attention of
the student body and house directors
is called to the fact that applications
for social events must be filed in the
Office of the Dean of Students on
the MONDAY before the event. The
request must be accompanied by writ-
ten acceptance from two sets of ap-
proved chaperons and in the case of
fraternities and sororities, by written
approval from the financial adviser.
The Dean of Students reserves the
right to refuse permission for parties
if requests are not received on time.
Approved chaperons are 1) Parents
of active members or pledges, 2) pro-
fessors, associate professors or assist-
ant professors, or couples ALREADY
approved by the Office of the Dean
of Students. A list of the third group
is available at the Office of the Dean
of Students.
University of Michigan General
Library: During 'the Christmas holi-
days the General Library swill be
open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. from Dec. 21 to Dec. 28, except
that it will be closed from noon on
Dec. 24 through Sunday, Dec. 26.
The Collegiate and Departmental
Libraries will be closed evenings be-
ginning Dec. 21 and from noon Dec.
24 through Sunday, Dec. 26. For the
rest of the holiday they will be open
10:00 a.m. to 12:00; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.,
except the Engineering Library
which will maintain its regular
schedule-8:00 a.m. to 12:00; 1:00
to 5:00; 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Angell
Hall Study Hall will be closed for the
entire period.
To Students Having Library Books:
1. Students. planning to leave Ann
Arbor for the Christmas vacation
who have in their possession books
drawn from the: University Library
are notified that such books are due
Monday, Dec. 20. 2. Failure to re-
turn books before the vacation will
render the student liable to an extra
fine. 3. Students remaining in town
may charge and renew books as us-
ual. W. G. Rice, Director
The University Automobile Regu-
lation will be lifted at 12:00 noon on
Tuesday, Dec. 21, and will be re-
sumed at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday,
Dec. 29. No modification of the driv-

activities for the current Fall Term.
The continuance of the plan will
depend upon the success with which
it is managed by the individual stu-
dent during the coming monthis.
Students wiiJ not be required to se-
cure certifi ates of eligibility, but
will be personally responsible for
checling their own eligibility.
First term freshmen will be Al-
lowed to participate buit will have
their grades checked by their aca-
demic counsellors or mentors at the
end of the five-week period and at
mid-semester. Continued participa-
tion after these checks will depend
upon permission of the academic
counsellors or mentors. All other
students who are not on Probation
or the Warned List are eligible. Any-
one on Probation or the Warned List
is definitely ineligible to take part in
any public activity and a student
who participates under these cir-
cumstances will be subject to disci-
pline by the authorities of the school
or college in which he or she is en-
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind on
a committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
holding office or being a candidate
for office in a class or other student
organization, or any similar func-
In order to keep the Personiel
Records up to date in the Office of
the Dean of Students, the president
or chairman of any club or activity
should submit a list of those partici-
pating each term on forms obtain-
able in Room 2, University Hall.
These records are referred to con-
stantly by University authorities,
governmental agencies and indus-
trial concerns throughout the coun-
try and the more complete they are,
the more valuable they become to
the University and the student.
Students, College of Literature,
science, and the Arts: The Adminis-
trative Board has agreed to penalize
students who are absent from classes
before or after Christmas vacation,
unless they have been recommended
for make-up privileges by Assistant
Dean E. A. Walter. Students who are
absent on Monday, Dec. 20, will be
penalized by a subtraction of six
honor points from their academic
records. Three honor points per day
will be subtracted for absence dn
Tuesday, Dec. 21, Wednesday, Dec.
29, and Thursday, Dec. 30. In more
extreme cases of absence, students
will be suspended from the College
for the balance of the Fall Term.
The Administrative Board
A cadernic INVotbees

Christmas Eve! An opportunity to
solve this Santa Claus mystery
once and for all ... I'll cleverly
conceal myself in your t hee g
room, keeping a constant vigil
Okay, Mr. O'Malley. Too
39w , . siht o'clock.
i 2.4 7
This just arrived from Aunt Emma.
I'll slip it under the tree. Barnaby
will hink he overloe twe

By Crockett Johnson

Almost midnight. I guess we're
allset. Let's wake Barnaby...

This is one time we can
take his mind off that
imaginary little pixie-
-44 -

CRO CKE w cpriht143FeldPMstom
But where's
Mr. O'Malley?
6 - 0
CV E-TT Copyright 1943FieldPubli'mig"
JO* So
Look, Barnaby!
- Good old Santa!



Mr. O'Malley! Gosh! Were you
behind that couch all night?

I don't think it was Santa Claus.
The only thing we asked HIM for
isn't here-the boxing gloves-~



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