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December 19, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-19

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SUNDAY, DEC. 19, 1943
Russian Traitor
Tells of Nazi
Mass Murders
Young Mechanic Tells
Of Helping in Slaughter
Of Innocent Children
MOSCOW, Dec. 18.-(A)-A young
Russian mechanic, who admitted be-
traying his country, testified at Rus-
sia's first war criminal trial that he
aided the Germans in slaughtering
60 children between the ages of 6
and 12, the Moscow press reported to-
day, while a German defendant told
a packed, shuddering courtroom how
the Nazis systematically killed thou-
sands of innocenf Russians by gas,
machine-guns and torture.
Children Killed by Gestapo
Mikhail Petrovich Bulanov, 26,
Russian chauffeur for the Gestapo,
testified at the trial at Kharkov that
the sick and starving children were
placed in a truck and told they were
.being taken to Stalingrad to visit
relatives, but that later the Gestapo
mowed them down with automatic
guns as the children cried "Daddy,
don't kill us, we want to live."
Russian children commonly ad-
dress strangers as Daddy.
Three Germans on Trial
In addition to Bulanov, three Ger-
mans are on trial following the
pledge of the Soviet Union, the Unit-
ed States and Great Britain that war
criminals would be brought to justice
at the scenes of their crimes and tried
under local law.
Moscow newspapers gave these
highlighth from the testimony:
A German police corporal, Rein-
hardt, 36, under examination by Maj.
Gen. A. N. Maisanikov of the 4th Uk-
rainian military tribunal, who is pre-;
siding over the trial, testified in de-
tail of how he participated in the
beating and torture of Russians, byI
pulling hair out of their beards and
sticking pins into women. He also
testified that he helped operate a
death automobile where Russians
were put to death from carbon mon-1
oxide gas.

n"~f MIlHI2ANT fI V


",x AArl t 't a R Vr S q- 1-t1 i; k W

Twisted Interior of Train Wrecked

in Recent


Continu ai
beachhead at Empres
on the west cena coas
ville since Ncv. 1. opened a pu
the jungles notheastaraig
high ground near heada. e th
Torokina River. Som
my positions i htae led r
pocketed on thre sid
Thursday, the latest
Adm. William F. Halsey ro
operations in that secor, 1e Sl
mons airforce made 180 o les. n
ly around Buka just not
gainville, during which 1 os
bombs were dropped.
(Continued from ..'
Adriatic end of the Genn w
line ran into equally he fghi
yesterday. Allied Heado ra
nounced. The Germans t n
strong counteratta ck at r
both sides using tanks. Thirteen cr-
man tanks were wrecked and two
were captured.
The Americ'ans have S;n Ptd ro
nearly hemmed in. holding hehts 1
the north, east, southwest i souh
of the village and the German hae
only one roa d for their escape. the
Allied commentator said. hoever,
the Germans showed no s
ing up and still were fiig in he
.h nt - (i( ' w'H, Ic
Dil i xvO r nI m >re t -
coa- l gms 1t i ll rc t-'irig t
coee wrfnf I oic ~e
I J m a pu > i> aa 'r i r ie ,,l e- - i
j College041 .
NEW YORK 17........ Ao Y
BOSTON 16 ......90 Tlu*- 5.
CHICANO I1 .....720 N. naa r

'a(ilne IMdn-at4)rX
r.morerly in charhe o t
iioodalproducts Li bra airy of te
Ct eHalth Department, haas been
d by t he National Chinese
h Service to set up in unoccui-
l)tlCina a center andl laboratory
or podcing vaccines andl similar
esetils for modern medcine.,
sary information about the
r"-stdeelopments in public health
il be taken tio China on little green
Wcs Along with the request for Dr.
Trpn services, the Chinese dctors
l askel if he would bring all he
ldon the latest cevelopments in
th eneral health field.

KeIIsJ Fees
TI~we Ch rgoe
VNrmelr \\ ar \forker
Found in IAIs Vegas
wVatinii amraingment in the Wash-
1 eaw ouny ji" oda on " charge
of obbngthesae of the Ypsilanti
W. Ke formr war worker at the
Willow Run bomber plant.
Police saidI the blrglary was com-
nmited when the thief entered the
building by removing a screen and
raising a window. and they claim to
haxe definihe evidence linking Kelly
wvit h the burglar..
Kelly was brough back from Las
Vegas. Ncr.. Frday night by Sgt.
Earl . Secris. commander of the
Ypsl anii staim police force.

... -c.lta.:tf '. + . Y o~ 1 . ".'r;. ia a .' :4

Qna ;


This tangled and twisted mass is the interior of one of the cars of an Atlantic Coast Line train which
was wrecked in a collision with another train of the same railway Thursday, near Buie, N.C. Officials
placed the death toll at near 100. Many were injured.
New Coventry Rises from Ashes

Linger ie

Bed Jackets
Slack Suits

,:c.. ;
y 5 ' , , '.
y h
, :' s
"° y _
. m, 2.
r \7 r .,.9
r;. ¢' 1. <
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r New under-arm *
Cream Deodorant
tops Perspiration
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be used
right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration for
1 to 3 days. Prevents odor..
4 ,greaseless,
<ltainkss vanis1ing cream.
5A Aw arded Approval Seal of
American Institute of Launder-
.i"g for eing harmless to
'9t a jar
G nrant d y A o in 1 and 590 jars
.d Hus kr A R RI


Associated Press Correspondent
-Like the fabulous Phoenix born of
its own ashes, a new'Coventry which
may become a "dream city" of the
future is slowly rising from the death
and destruction of the German air
blitz three years ago.
On Nov. 14, 1940, 400 Nazi planes
disgorged 500 tons of explosives and
30,000 incendiary bombs in an 11-
hour attempt to-wipe out a communi-
ty which had existed for 900 years.
First Blitz Kills 250
This, the Nazis' first obliteration-
bombing of, a British city, killed more
than 250 persons, injured 1,200, de-
molished 1,000 houses and many
stores, and seriously damaged 37,000
homes-more than half of all in the
This and two other savage bomb-
ings in April, 1941, left 16,000 people
homeless. Including losses in lighter
raids, 1,236,residents of Coventry had
been killed by the end of 1941.
But man could not destroy in 11
hours the spirit of the city which had.
survived warfare since the eleventh
century. The people quickly laid
aside their tragedies and bent to the
task of writing a new chapter.
Factories Escaped Lightly
Luckily, important war factories
escaped comparatively lightly. All
but 3,000 of 80,000 workers were back
at their jobs in two weeks.
The city employed 3,000 men 'to
clean up. Disrupted gas, electric, wa-
ter and sewerage systems were oper-
ating in a fortnight.
The national government erected
communal dwelling centers, called
hostels, to house 12,000 workers.
With government aid the city was
able to cQmplete 236 more of the ter-
raced, red brick homes it had started
building at the outbreak of the war.

They are rented for a maximum of
$5.85 a week.
Communal restaurants provide 50,-f
000 meals a day. Lunch of roast beef,
potatoes, a green vegetable, gravy,
pudding and tea costs 22 cents. In
New York the same meal would cost
about 75 cents.
Asbestos Shops Built
Forty bungalow-type shops of cor-
rugated asbestos sheeting were swift-
ly built along Corporation street in
one of the main store districts, whicha
was razed by bombs.
With these and other emergency
measures, a city whose population
for some time had been growing at
the rate.of 1,000 a month was able to
keep its production of aircraft, aero-
engines, tractors, guns and other im-
plements of war.
These plants had been converted
from their peacetime production of

bicycles, machine tools and motor
cars. Coventry, now a city of 250,000
-about the size of Providence, R.I-
was the "Detroit" of Britain in auto-
mobile production.
Make Post-War Plans
Besides settling immediate prob-
lems, city architects are working on
post-war plans.
Chief architect- D.E.E. Gibson said
the city had needed remodeling and
in one night the bombing cleared the
site "ready for this regeneration"-
thus saving the inhabitants the trou-
ble of doing it.


I- *--

VAN iksr
8 Nickels A rcade


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Women always welcoie
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