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December 18, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-18

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S~V1WA1.y'D~C. 18, flJ43

IN IN loll I I I

Fifty-Fourth Year

Figures Reveal Interest
In Post-War Problenms
Editor's note:
The results of the campus poll taken. Friday, Dee.
10, by the Post-War Council on the question, "Do
you believe that there should be discussions on
post-war problems now?" are as follows:
Of the'115 soldiers questioned, 99 said yes, 12 ?said
no, and four had no opinion. Of the 200 coeds, 191
said yes, six no, and three, no opinion.
Of the 69 sailors who were questioned, 43 said yes
and 26 no. Of the 100 civilian male students ques-
tioned, 97 said yes, 12 no, and one had no opinion.
An analysis of the poll by Prof. William Willcox
of the listory Department follows:

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
_ Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this'newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier.$4.25, by nail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff'

Marion "Ford
Jane Parrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Bud. Low
Harvey. Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz

* .Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Editor
Asocat Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
SAss't Women's Editor
* . . Columnist

Business Staff
Mdlly Ann Winokur
Enleabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion ,

. Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
W e1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by inenibers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Parental Neglect Leads
Directly -to Delinquency
THERE was a classic example in Detroit this
week of the parental neglect of their children
which leads directly to juvenile delinquency.
investigating a fire, the Detroit police dis-
covered what they called the "worst case of
squalor they had ever seen." Four small chil-
dren wee found in the burned house who were
ill, half-starved, and living in filth. Bitter cold
drove one of the children to start a fire in a
panful of rags which later spread to the rest
of- the house. It seems that the parents of
the children were working and drinking beer.
A total of $75 was brought into the house
weekly, but there was neither food nor milk
in -the kitchen.
There have been many statements made to
the effect that parents are responsible for the
bad behavior of their children. Delinquency
originates in homes where parents "don't give a
darn" about the conduct of their children. Ev-
eryone nods in. approval (but does very little)
when it is suggested that legislation be enacted
to punish such parents. Obviously these people
are not acquainted with the Michigan Criminal
Law, which states, "Any person who shall con-
tribute to, or encourage the delinquency of any
child or cause or tend to cause such child to
become neglected or delinquent, whether or not
such neglect or delinquency shall result, shall
be guilty of misdemeanor." This is punishable
by fine or imprisonment or both.
-Bob Goldman
Enirgy of Youth Should
Be Used in War Effort
TfHIRTEEN-year-old Edwin Codarre was found
guilty of murder recently. He as well as the
victim may be a result of our inability to solve
the juvenile delinquency problen.
Thirteen-year-olds are too young to fight or
work but at the same time they have excess
energy and are eager for action. Why not
mobilize the 'teen ager behind the war effort?
Encourage him to build recreational and social
clubs. Give him some responsible war activ-
ities and help him to work constru'ctively to
become an alert responsible citizen.
Delinquency results in .not only individual
crimes but also in mass crimes. A large per -
centage of teen agers took part in the race riots.
During the riot, Detroit young people were learn-
ing race hatred and violence--symbols of fascism
-while their brothers and fathers fought the
fascist abroad.
Detroit is facing the issue with the help of
its many youth groups. The Metropditan
Youth Council, the American Youth for Dem-
deracy and associated groups are building
neighborhood clubs for all ages. Young people
are building them. Inter-club sports, jazz
bands, dramatic groups and discussion sections
are springing p throughout the city. Detroit

ON THE ASSUMPTION that these figures are
a representative sample o'f the groups polled,
the percentages are suggestive. If those without
opinions are excluded, the percentage of affirm-
ative answers for the coeds is 97 percent, for the
Army 89 percent. for civilian men 89 percent, and
for the Navy 62 percent. The figure for the first
group is a commentary on the accusation that
coeds are uninterested in the war, and by im-
plication in the peace; the figure for the second
is one more bit of evidence for the argument that
the Army should inaugurate an educational pro-
gram of its own. The disparity between the
Army and Navy percentages is striking; it can
be explained only by a conjecture, such as that
the average sailor is thinking in terms of a longer
war than the average soldier. In considering
the results as 'a whole, two considerations are
relevant. First. a negative vote does not neces-
sarily prove lack of interest, because the question
is limited to discussions "at this time." Second,
an affirmative vote does not necessarily prove
interest, because the voter is not committed to
participate in #such discussions. Thence the fig-
ures are not a conclusive gauge of campus opin-
ion. They do indicate beyond question, how-
ever, a surprisingly high degree of concern with
post-war problems. -W. B. Wilcox
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.-One of the great
jobs of this war is the Air Transport Command
flying thousands of bombers, transports, cargo
planes across the big, black oceans which sep-
arate the U.S.A. from the many theatres of war.
But while recognition of this great job is uni-
versal, most people do not realize that there are
two parts to the Air Transport Command. One
is the Army. The other is civilian and is let out
by contract to the big air companies.
Today when you go down the street, you
may see a man in a flying officer's uniform.
If you notice that his wings are bronze with
a A.T.C. in the center, you will know that he
is a civilian employee working for United Air
Lines, T.W.A., American Airlines, Pan-Ameri-
can, Eastern Air Lines or some other company
which flies planes on contract for the Army.
Unfortunately, a bitter feeling exists on the
part of regular Army air officers toward this
division inside the Air Transport Command.
The reason for the bitterness is the fact that
these civilian pilots get all the advantages of
the Army, but -with salaries two and three
tines as great. For instance, thousands of
Second and First Lieutenants, with a sprink-
ling of Captains, are pushing planes back and
forth across the ocean every week for the reg-
ular Army pay of around $300 a month or less.
Meanwhile, civilian carriers, because they fly
under contract to the Army, ;et from $650 to
$1,150 for Captains on trans-Atlantic runs,
plus S8 per day expense money for every day
that 'they are away from their home base.
Army airmen have nothing against these civil-
ian pilots personally, but they do vigorously re-
sent the system. They pay tribute to the fact
that, in the early days before Pearl Harbor, the
commercial companies jumped in and helped the
Army do a speedy, miraculous job. But now,
with the Army well trained and with excellent
transport pilots on hand, the young Army pilots
wonder why this cost-plus contract system con-
tinues. They especially wonder whether the po-
sition of General C. R. Smith (former American
Airlines Presidents ; Lt. Col. John Steele (Pan-
American operations manager); Col. Harry
Fritz (T.W.A.); Jack Frye <T.W.AJ. and many
othei'sin the Air Transport Command has any-
thing to do with it.
Airliws Look to Fuuture . .
On thing that particularly gripes the Army
airmen is the manner in which they think the

Pd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, Dec. 18.-We are all operating
in the warm and luxurious atmosphere of a na-
tional income of 150 billions of dollars. So in a
sense. we are doing much of our thinking while
seated on silken cushions, and having our backs
stroked by scratchers of ivory in the slim hands
of serving-maids. We seek for reality. but it is
hard to get the perfume out of our noses.
In this hothouse climate, a kind of bloom
forms on ideas which have been stale and
withered leaves for a decade past.
With the economic temperature artificially
maintained at 150 billions, the philosophy of rug-
ged individualism opens out like an American
Beauty rose. It was almost dead. But now ev-
erybody is working. Ours is the cosiest crisis
that ever was. We can afford anything. We can
afford $30 for a pair of theatre seats. It is only
a little more extravagant to tell ourselves that
the age of much government is over. Damn the
expense! Scratch a little higher, please, between
the shoulder blades.
Ooh. it's so nice! All our problems are going
to be handed over to the states, of course, from
now on. Naturally. What is the use of havingj
a hothouse. if it does not produce strange blooms!
like these, splendiferous orchidaceous swirls, and
giant fancy flowers?
And in this warmth and moisture, the politi-
cal heroes of yesteryear cavort again ike gay
young blades. Even Republicans must be
startled to see Hoover and Landon become
so active once more. They were frozen, but the
heat of our prosperity has thawed them out;
and in a time when everybody is living on the
government, they spread, with new success,
the idea that nobody should.
If one of the window panes should break, and
let in the cold; if a few millions were unem-
ployed, they might congeal again, but so long as
it is warm, they will dance.
In this unnatural atmosphere. everything
grows larger than life: there are 30-pound rad-
ishes, and peaches as big as footballs wherever
you care to look. Mr. Bricker, whose hand-
wringing nonfeasance during the Cleveland re-
lief crisis of four years ago is still sharp in the
memory of this reporter. now looks as if he can
solve anything; this weather is good .for him;
how tall he is!
When everybody is working it is not hard to
be a statesman, and in a warm enough room
almost any man may bare his chest against the
winds of destipy, secure in the knowledge that
he will not catch a cold.
Every bird has become an eagle, every eed an
orchid; and the air is so heavy with moisture
and warmth and perfume and money that the
meanest of creatures has only to flap his arms,
and, behold, he flies. This is life in a hothouse.
We are all rich. It is absurb to plan for the
future when one has only to open his mouth, to
have the honey drop in. Scratch a little higher,
dear. Who is that towering figure, whose noble ,
head hides even the sun? Why it is Hoffman,
of Michigan, arguing against more social secur-
ity, proving conclusively that it is wrong. And,
only yesterday a 40-watt bulb could shine right
through him.
It is such fun. Only we shall look strange to
posterity, if, when the heat fails, and the cold
comes in once more, we are caught frozen, grown
too big for our clothes, our backs still being
scratched. and on our faces an absurb expression
of mingled ineffable content and unbelieving
(Copyright, 1943. N.Y. Post Syndicate)
commercial companies are hoarding personiel,
ready to slip back to the juicy, global airlines
after the war is over. They will have the pilots

all trained to fly these new routes, familiar with
every airport of the world. And these civilian
A.T.C. pilots will hold seniority, will have been
in positions of trust, building every day for the
future of the commercial companies.
Meanwhile, when the war is over, the lieuten-
ants and captains of the regular Army will have
to stand in line at the employment offices of
the airlines-many of them because they re-
signed from their commercial companies and en-
listed in the Army.
(Copyright. 1943. United Features Syndicate)

t j- f
y ,
- ~
"Banking is pretty dull these days--I miss the old days when
I could assume a steely look and bark 'No!' to someone wanting
a loan!"



Jo a J/ e
Letters to the Editor must be type-
written, double-spaced, on one side uS
the paper only anid signed writh Hw
name and address of the wiriler. le-
quests for anonymous publications will
be met.
'Sick of Bertelli ag le '

BEING a sports fan of long stand-
ng, I have followed the sports
page of The Daily with a great deal
of interest for some time. Althougi
I have not always agreed with Mr.
Zalenski's opinions, it is not my in-
tention in writing th1is letter to criti-
cize him for his views. Rather I
should like to reprimand him for his
continually bringing up an issue
three or four times, for his presenta-
tion, and for his attempt to delve
into a field in which he is not quali-


SATURDAY, DEC. 18, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 40
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its pub lica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices shoMild be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Christmas Recess: The official
calendar of the University includes
a Christmas recess beginning with
the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 21;i
classes will be resumed Wednesday
morning, Dec. 29. The reasons for
the selection of these dates were, as
a war measure, to avoid travel either
at the week-end, when traffic is
heaviest, or immediately before or
after holidays, and to conform as
closely as possible with the recom-
mendations of the Office of Defense
Transportation and the railroad as-
sociations. For these reasons Uni-
versity students will be expected to
observe strictly the limits of the re-
cess period as fixed by the official
calendar. The several faculties will
be expected to discipline appropri-
ately any individuals who absent
themselves from classes either befqre
or after the vacation period without
being excused by the appropriate
The above does not apply to mili-
tary and naval personnel, who will
follow the orders issued by their re-
spective services.
Alexander G. Ruthven

Tuesday, Dec. 21. and will be re-
sumed at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday,
Dec. 29. No modification of the driv-
ing regulation will be granted either
before or after the Christmas vaca-
tion period, except in instances of
unusual emergency which have been
approved in advance by the Dean of
Students' Office.
university of Michigan General
Library: During the Christmas holi-
days the General Library will be
open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. from Dec. 21 to Dec. 28, except
that it will be closed from noon on
Dec. 24 through Sunday, Dec. 26.
The Collegiate and Departmental
Libraries will be closed evenings be-
ginning Dec. 21 and from noon Dec.
24 through Sunday, Dec. 26. For the
rest of the holiday they will be open
10:00 a.m. to 12:00; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.,
except the Engineering Library
which will maintain its regular
schedule-8:00 a.m. to 12:00; 1:00
to 5:00; 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Angell
Hall Study Hall will be closed for the
entire period.
To Students Having Library Books:
1. Students planning to leave Ann
Arbor for the Christmas vacation
who have in their possession books
drawn from the University Library
are notified that such books are due
Monday. Dec. 20. 2. Failure to re-
turn books before the vacation will
render the student liable to an extra
fine. 3. Students remaining in town
may charge and renew books as us-
ual. W. G. Rice, Director


I have been just a little sick of
spoiling my breakfast morning aft-
er morning by seeing the Angelo
Bertelii angle being used constant-
ly in "Taking It Easy." There is no
Question that Bertelli was good,
sut after all he wasn't even one of
the eight nominated for the Sulli-
van award, and certainly should
not warrant more than one, or
possibly two columns. Mr. Za-
lenski wrote several columns on
Tom Harmon, but after all that
is partially excusable since Tom
was from Michigan and certainly
his. fame was more nation-wide.
Please, for God's sake "take it
easy" on rehashing these dead
My next criticism is the use of
trite and meaningless phrases. As
an illustration, refer to the column
in The Daily of Friday, Dec. 17, 1943.
In the last paragraph he uses "ie,
he" in parentheses to conclude. I
Should say that Mr. Zalenski is try-
ing too hard. I failed to see just
what he was trying to convey by that
extremely trite phrase. In the same
column, again in parentheses, he
used, "eh, what," which is not only
poor English, but also meaningless.
Then there was the "column"
Mr. Zalenski wrote which was a
sad excuse for a short story, In
the first place even if he were a
Christopher Morley, which he defi-
nitely is not, a sports page is no
place for fiction. People read the
sports-pages of newspapers to get
facts, not fanciful daydreams. I
fully reaize that the sports page
of The Michigan Daily is not$ any
too large, and to fill valuable space
with even a good short story is a
In concluding, let me say that Mr.
Zalenski can write a very good sports
column on occasion-so why doesn't
he stop trying to be different, since
he can't do it in a readable manner.
and write the type of column he is
capable of 'writing.
by Louis Schanker, is presented by
the College of Architecture and De-
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building through
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
( Events .today
Westminster Guild: Men's Club
Supper and Christmas Party for ser-
vicemen tonight at 6:00. At 9 o'cl'ock
there will be dancing and games to
rwhich the servicemen will be wel-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
'Club, will have its Christmas Party
tonight at 8:30 at the Lutheran Stu-
dent Center, 1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Wesley Foundation: Christmas
Party tonight at 830 in the Wesley
Lounge. Music, stories and exchange
of gifts. All Methodist students and
servicemen and their friends are in-
Kappa Sigma is having its annual
Christmas party today at 3:00 p.m.
in Rm. 330. Nickel's Arcade. All
members, either civilians or service-
men, are invited.
comtinLg veii I
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall Sunday afternoon at 5:30. Sup-
per will be served at 6:00 and imme-
diately following the group will par-
ticipate in a Christmas program. Lu-
theran students and servicemen are
Members of Mortarboard, Wyvern,
Senior Society and Alpha Lambda
Delta will meet in the League lobby
at 8:15 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 20, to
go Christmas caroling.


Students, College of Literature, --
Science, and the Arts: The Adminis- Students who have previously reg-
trative Board has agreed to penalize istered in the Teaching or General
'students who are absent from classes Division of the Bureau of Appoint-
before or after Christmas vacation, ments and who have not added their
unless they have been recommended new credits to their records, are'
for make-up privileges by Assistant asked to come in to bring their rec-
Dean E. A. Walter. Students who are ords up to date. Courses of the pres-
absent on Monday, Dec. 20, will be, ent semester are to be included also.
penalized by a subtraction of six Bureau of Appointments and
honor points from their academicI. f
records. Three honor points per day Occupational Information
will be subtracted for absence on
Tuesday, Dec. 21, Wednesday, Dec. Academic Notices
29, and Thursday, Dec. 30. In more
extreme cases of absence, students Bacteriology 111A, the laboratory
will be suspended from the College course in bacteriology scheduled for
for the balance of the Fall Term. the second half of the fall term, will
The Administrative Board start Dec. 29, in Rm. 2552 East Medi-
cal Building, and will meet daily
To the Members of, the University from 1 to 5 and Saturday 8-12. Stu-
Senate: The first regular meeting of dents should come provided with the
the University Senate will be held $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory coupons
Monday, Dec: 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the I which. can be bought at the Cash-

Rackham Amphitheatre.
The University Automobile Regu-
lation will be lifted at 12:00 noon on


By Crockett Johnson

When those boxing gloves
arrive, Barnaby, I'll show
you a trick ! taught Kid
McCoy. The shoelace gag.
Sports columnists still write
about it on rainy days... .

McCoy worked it beautifully. He
brought over a hard left, stunning
his opponent. fhen while he wasr
still dazed, the Kid quickly tied I
the poor chap's shoelaces together
and-But I can't explain the rest
of it until those boxing gloves-

Do you really think Santa Claus
will bring them, Mr. O'Malley?
Eh? Oh,I mean IF he
were to bring them..,.
If there WAS a Santa
Claus who did things
like that, Barnaby ..
S Ci f--

----------- - -
Of course, I don't
really believe it-
Say, m'boy. What are the £
inside measurements of
this fireplace chimney?

ier's Office.
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec.
25, will be recorded with the grade of
E except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances. No course- is considered
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Rm. 4,
University Hall.
Messiah Concert: The University
Musical Society will present andl's
"Messiah." Sunday afternoon, Dec.
19. at 3 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
The following will participate: Agnes
Davis, soprano: Lillian Knowles,
contralto; William Miller, . tenor;
Wellington Ezekiel, bass; Palmer
Christian, organist; the University
Chora Union. and a spial "Mes-
siah" Orchestra, Hardin Van Deur-

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Copyright 1943 6: d PoF'.,oio,

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