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December 16, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-16

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Allies Discredit Balkans' Peace





JAG Tells of English
Reactions to Total War


Women in Play
Production Also
Handle Stage
Coeds Have Complete
Charge of Properties,
Lighting, Costuming
Backstage at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre is a strange place these
For the first time in the history of
Play Production women have com-
plete charge of everything - from
lighting to costumes to moving furni-
ture. In fact, there isn't a man in
the whole show.
"Brief Music," which opens today,
has a lot of problems that would
daunt less ambitious coeds, Prof. Val-
entine Windt, director of the play,
said. "These girls surprised even
me; they've cooperated beautifully
and are doing a good job."
For instance, on the lighting crew,
which formerly was strictly a man's
domain, there are three women. Not
only are they responsible for the
house lights, but they climb ladders
to change the gelatins for different
scenes. They even crawl along the
"catwalk" above the balcony to set
the lights for the show.
Then there is the properties crew.
This college drama presented a very
special problem. The girls had to
gather more than 100 different items
-including rag dolls, books, college
pennants, pictures (which were made
from magazines), and sofa pillows.
Even the stage manager is a wo-
man-which is something unusual in
the theatre, Mr. Windt said. Her
job is to act as a kind of coordinator
of lights, sound effects, props and
Yarn Needed
By War Council
Donations To Be Used
in Recreational Work
"Still more yarns are needed for
the Rehabilitation Program," an-'
nounced Monna Heath ,'44, president
of Women's War Council, yesterday.
These yarns, collected from the
coeds, will be used in the hospitals in
the Occupational Therapy classes. A
box has been placed in the Under-
graduate Office of the League for
the yarns.
Any color or weight is usable, and
wool-and-rayon mixtures may also
be contributed. As this drive is pri-
marily for those unused scraps of
yarn, no piece will be considered too
small. It is asked that the yarn be
knotted together and rolled up into a
ball before placing it in the box in
the League.
However, if some women wish to
contribute new yarn, it will be grate-
fully received. In this case, the yarn
need not be rolled up, but may be
left in the original skeins.
County Officer
Now Is Paid
Charles H. Hemingway, county
probation officer, is today in some-
what better shape than the prover-
bial $1-a-year man, inasmuch as
Washtenaw supervisors, in a unani-
mous vote yesterday, raised his sal-
ary to $1 a month.
Yesterday's drastic action was the
culmination of months of bickering
by the board over the "methods of
operation" of Mr. Hemingway, de-

spite the high praise he received
from Circuit Judge George W. Sam-
ple and other county officials. Be-
cause the supervisors have no control
of the office other than the matter
of salary this was their only means
of assertion.
The board objected to Hemingway
having a full time job (at the Bomb-
er Plant) and acting as probation
officer at the same time. Both Judge
Sample and Hemingway have
planned no immediate action, it was
learned today.

War Workers Killed in



Dr. Gsovski To
Give Lecture
On Soviet Law
Foreign Law Expert
To Discuss Russian
Concept of Ownership
Doctor Vladimir Gsovski will give
a lecture on "The Concept of Own-
ership in Soviet Law" at 3:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 120 of Hutchins
Doctor Gsovski is Associate Li-
brarian, in charge of Foreign Law,
at the Library of Congress. He stud-
ied law in Germany in 1910-1911,
and was graduated from the Law
School of the University of Moscow
in 1914, and from the Law School of
Komensky University, in Czecho-
slovakia, in 1926, magna cum laude.
He received the degree of Ph.D. in
Political Science from Georgetown
University School of Foreign Service
in 1935. He was formerly acting
judge in Russia, Yugoslavia, and
Czechoslovakia, and Professor of
Russian Language and Area Studies
at Georgetown University.
Doctor Gsovski is the author of
"The Soviet Concept of Law," 1938,
"Roman Law and the Polish Jurists,"
1943, and many other articles and
books printed in America and abroad,
in various languages, on points of
foreign law and Russian law in par-
He is now engaged in the prepara-
tion of a translation of the Soviet
Code, under the auspices of the Law
School. The lecture, which is open
to the public, will not be technical in
nature but it will be designed to
afford a general view of property
concepts in the Soviet Republic.
(Continued from Page 1)

Candidate Emerson G. Spies, af
member of the 4th OC class at thes
Judge Advocate General School, wont
a Rhodes scholarship in 1936 at Ho-
bart College and attended Oxfordr
University for his legal training, re-
ceiving BAJ and BCL degrees.
While he was studying in England
he had six week vacations at Christ-t
mas and Easter, at which time he3
had a chance to travel in many of1
the European countries. Candidate3
Spies was in Germany in 1936 and
1937. He said that it was obvious1
that they were arming to the teeth
and that even then every third man
was in military service.
Visits Italians, French in '36
When he visited Italy and France
at about the same time he found the
people still living much as they had
been for many years past. In Eng-
land this was even more true.
Candidate Spies noted that in
England after Munich the people
seemed to be awakened and that
once the war seemed inevitable prep--{
arations were stepped up consider-
He said that the thing was to be
noted that the English were all rec-
onciled to war and once war seemed
inevitable everybody, married men
as well as single, took it for granted
that they would have to do their
part in military operations.
English Students Get Gas Masks
The students in England were all
issued gas masks and given assign-
ments in the spring of 1939 in case
war should break out while they
were there, he said.
There is no law school as such in
England. The curriculum is divided
up into individual instruction by col-
lege tutors supplemented by univer-
sity lecturers and by considerable in-
dividual study.
Only 3 Exams Given
Candidate Spies said that there
were no examinations until after two
years at which time students are
given comprehensives lasting ten
days which cover all the work that

Eleven war workers were killed when their plant-bound bus over-
turned and burned after colliding with a truck and its trailer at Camp-
bell, N.Y. Eight other occupants of the bus were injured. Above is the
charred wrecked bus after the accident. Rods in foreground are from
the wrecker preparing to remove the remains .of the bus.
U Gd e Explains Life,
Training Program of WAVES

far. At the end of three years tests
are given which cover all the work
taken up in the past three years.
Oral examinations before a board are
also given and then the student is
marked entirely on the basis of these
Candidate Spies returned to this
country in 1939, one month before
the war broke out. He taught two
years at the University of Chicago
law school and practiced for two
years in Mudge, Stern, Williams and
Tucker law firm in New York City
before entering the Army.
Hours Change
For Surgical
Dressing Unit
Today is the last day that volun-
teers may work at the League Surgi-
cal Dressings Unit between the hours
of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. before the holi-
days; Friday the rooms will be open
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
As the League rooms will be closed
for the vacation period, all rn
Arbor women are asked to work at
the Rackham Buildingfrom 1 p.m.
to 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
on Wednesday and Friday.
"Remember that the fighting, men
are getting no holidays," Jean Whit-
temore, head of the Unit, said yes-
terday, "and that your hours spent
in this work are a direct present. to
the armed forces."
Medical Society
Chooses President
Dr. W. E. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service, was chosen piesi-
dent-elect of the Washtenaw County
Medical Society at its monthly meet-
ing Tuesday night.
Dr. Richard Freyberg, elected ti
that office a year ago, now becomes
OPA Investigates Gasoline
Black Market in Michigan
DETROIT, Dec. 15.-P)--The Of-
fice of Price Administration is invest
tigating an extensive gasoline black
market operating in Michigan with
stolen and counterfeit coupons, Fred
W. Lindbloom, district OPA ehforce
ment attorney, said today.
He said the black market was'op.
erated by a highly organized gang
with a "certain central gathering ani
distributing agency.

Ensign Sarah Corwin Lehman, who
graduated from the University last
May and enlisted in the WAVES im-
mediately after graduation, spent yes-
terday in Ann Arbor on her way to
Washington, D.C., where she will re-
port for a new assignment.
Although she admitted that life in
the WAVES was much more difficult
than college had been, Ensign Leh-
man was very enthusiastic about her
new occupation. "I love the Navy.
At first when I started my basic
training, I felt that I was just learn-
ing about some one else's Navy. Sud-
denly I began to realize that I actual-
ly was a part of the Navy. It certain-
ly is a wonderful feeling," explained
Ensign Lehman.
Attended Smith College
After her enlistment, Ensign Leh-
man spent two months at Smith Col-
lege where she received her basic
indoctrination. The courses at Smith
le at League
Ensign Jean Courtney and SP. (R)
3/c Harriet Simonson will be station-
ed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League to answer questions
concerning the WAVES.
The two Naval recruiting officers
want particularly to talk with Uni-
versity women who will be graduated
in February. They have chosen this
time to come so that those women
interested in enlisting in the WAVES
may have an opportunity to talk it
over with their parents during the
Christmas holidays.
Co. E. Will Hold
Party rlloinor~r~ow

included: Naval organization, history,
personnel, Naval correspondence and
law, and ships and aircraft. A course
in ships and aircraft was the favorite
subject, according to Ensign Lehman.
The women learned how to identify
all the various ships and aircraft in
this course.
After successful completion of her
course at Smith, Ensign Lehman was
sent to Mount Holyoke College for
her advanced specialist training in
communications. The WAVES train-
ed with officers of the Marines and
SPARs there.
"While we were at school, we led
very rigid lives. We were up at 6:25
every morning and in bed promptly
at 10 p.m. We spent eight hours in
class every day. It's a lot tougher
than college ever was; but it's more
satisfying, too," Ensign Lerman said.
WAVE Does Man-Sized Job
University graduates are eligible to
enlist in the V-9 program which. is
for officer candidates; women with-
out a college education are eligible
for the V-10 program and after six
months in the ranks may apply for
officers' training.
"Every WAVE takes over a man's
place and does a man-sized job. She
may be assigned to duty anywhere
in the continental United States. To
be stationed at an air base is the
ambition of most women. A WAVE
does not select the base where she
will be stationed; but her request for
service in a particular place will be
given consideration as long as it does
not conflict with the needs of the
Navy or Coast Guard," continued En-
sign Lehman.
Long Vacation
Set for State
EAST LANSING, Dec. 15.-(P)-
Robert S. Linton, Registrar at Michi-
gan State College, announced today,
that Christmas vacation for civilian
students will begin Friday noon and
end Jan. 3, when registration for the
winter term will begin.
Col. Grober B. Egger, Comman-
dant, said that men in the Army
Specialized Training Program will
have Christmas Day off-duty and
will be granted seven-day furloughs
Jan. 1.

an important communications hub on
the north-south railway in the Dnie-
per bend.
From Berlin came reports of two
Soviet drives which may prove the
most significant operations now und-
erway on the long Russian front.
For the second day the Russians
attacked with perhaps 60,000 men
and three tank brigades in the area
south of Nevel where the Red Army
was but 70 miles from the Latvian
border, a Nazi broadcast said. The
Germans admitted 16 waves of attack
in one sector and conceded some
bteaches made in their lines. These,
they said, were "sealed off."
W ~alkout..
(Continued from Page 1)
I just can't see a nationwide railroad
The railroads will be represented
by the same committee which served
during the wage negotiations.
Joseph B. Eastman, Director of the
Office of Defense Transportation, de-
clared, "I cannot and will not believe
railroad workers will resort to a
strike and stop transportation."

Union Registration
Will Begin Today
Union offices will be open for reg-
istration daily from 3 to 5 p.m. be-
ginning today and running through
next Wednesday, Bill Wood, chair-
man of the Union administrative
committee, announced yesterday.
Wood emphasized that it is neces-
sary to have a Union card to take
advantage of facilities such as the
swimming pool, bowling alleys, bil-
liards and the Pendleton Library.


Club Chooses


The International Relations Club
at a meeting at 8 p.m. yesterday elec-
ted Fred Hoffman, '44, president, and
Marj Borradaile, '44, secretary-treas-
New members were voted in, and
it was decided that the club will meet
monthly to discuss current problems
of international interest.

Look your loveliest
for him this
this Christmai
in a new formal ..
SIZES 9-18



Moths are destructive. They
can ruin a good wool suit or
dress overnight. But there's
another pest more insidious

1111 I L I.




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