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December 16, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-16

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- *'~ - '~.A ~ ~ ~ A.j.I. J. ~ & A..i A

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Iip i vei Taek e

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InteLr= Squatd Mee

Second (1C(
lit Ketterer,
By ED ZALENSKIi Viemtiito
daiily spor ts Eitor

a ger,

Bowling Chinirpio

Citvilians Hold Edge
Over Navy and MarinesE

Finals, in


i~~~ ~~ TfSi8N~TL ote tranquility
an1(i p ,;I 1 of1mid of any sports-
wCriter that_, , r ceive; a 50-50 pro-
portiomerF 4 , icism-good and
'bled. fhevwivento much of the
"bac-sll~piL" and ii o one can
livewit Lia iulujng imrself, and
vice ersa.Only t's wrse wen it's
vice VLWa. b~c ihe fe-els ithere's
~k'hemai~ 11h rought two let-
L ,. < ,y?, one a Christmas
card (a F .. p.,nAture) from an
oild riod)in1te other a letter
of f .Y irS?... :. r, 136)na dyed-in-the-
woo l fota s arn Daily reader.
Th'lis s !. E'for was a Verbal
"kick 6i; h at. And, since
it coc STePrie Boner of
194To Vy in'tBertelli ,make
th.. PA ian eleven? we
rerint it he 3 re entoto. Read it
IAvk, . _RAD% youar column with
inrt sYt o tb( la:st two semes-
ter, aren ith ostarticles and
mil~ly isageing w 1ih a few. Your
artile f De. , ,'1the Prie Boner~,"
was hwevr. /,r oststpi.d piece
of worki-.y
"I hve oin oisiolied 1the Ber-
otra s,~auatosto the
AP fo padlug inn whvre lhe be-
lo r;. irs'Aneois valuable,
but wee-i a T-forniation
whe gr' . m p, ssbut does not
have to i U .. Sure.hecould ball-
andl, etil fctta ateen-
age ; ww=orer rojdd tke over in
mid-: a i i t nder the at-
,tack, deit~ iailed 'great-
"Yusi.'All-Aeia to us
mean al~ 'rou d aility.' Bertellil
does notfluti s qualification! He

could not rum despite the fact that f
he had the best line in the nation
working in front of him. I will ad-
mit that Notre Dame's plays did not
call for him to run, but if he had
possessed the ability, the plays would
have been available. Numerous oth-
ers could also pass if given his pro-
tection and receivers.
"in 1942, Bertelli was absolute-
ly helpless when being ' hindered'
by .l tlie Franks and Al Wistert.
In addition, the Irish. sling -shot'
himself could not 'make' the T-
formation, for other qualifications
are also essential. All successful
T-formation exponents have had
these qualifications, namely a
crushing fullback, a fast wing-
back, a line capable of individual
blocking, and an outstanding pass-
"Classing a man of Bertelli's abili-
ties with a man like Bill Daley is
nonsense. Daley would be an asset
in any system. He can be effective
even behind an inferior line, a thing
Bertelli could not be. Daley proved
this in the Notre Dame game.
"The AP could make mistakes
and has made them. Sanmmy
Baugh, a passer kicker, and fair
runner was overlooked in his senior
year. But,-=-Bertelfi is no 1'augh!
If you insist oil ceeping .f'oi the
gridders who, have been wronged.
why not speak for Merv Pregul-
man, a true All-American guard,
center, or tackle and. one of the
nation's best place-kickers, or for
Pete Pihos, the best end to play
against our Wolverines this year,
instead of John Yonaker, gretat
offensively, poor defensively?
"Why not quit quoting poetry and
write for The Michigan Daily, not
the Notre Dame Chronicle'? Your
readers would appreciate it."

~qiadSlAi~t Up intoC
5 MIVite S4.1iinuiiage
Michigan's basketball squad was
sent through a rigorous 55 minute
scrimmage in preparation for Satur-
day night's game with 'Westrni Mich-
One more basketball mnChlei-y
Ketterer, has been stric ken with thes
flu and it is doubtful whei:ther hie will
be ready for this wveek's game. 'fomi
King is still in the hospital, and nxo
improvement is noted in his condi-
Squad !Divided (Up
Tin today's scrimmage thle teami was
divided into two squads, the whites
and reds. The whites, composed of
first string men entirely, had Wayne
Thompson and Bob Wiese at forward,
Bill Seymour, center, and. Don Lund
and Dick Shrider at guards. TIhe reds
started out with Bruce Hilkene and
Rex Wells, forwards, 'TomePaton, cen-
ter and Elroy Kirsch and John Leddy,
Thle first half ended with the
whites lhav~iig 8. eonlforblC lead oof
18 to 7.The Ilcreds wei~ ,i:reintcted (to
guard thewy;;i r; t; asje as posibleso
asS to t l ,(: n ?1ae I em r e fasty i. i r l' i lt .
Ther~efore, the llayon both iesas
hiard, but the whiter using soim nice
plays repeatedly broke through, the
red defense. Dick Shrider was high
point man with six points, and this
evening lhe looked nlor e impressive,
than he has for a long timle. WayneI
T1homipson, Bob Wiese and Bill Sey-i
mour each registered two baskets to[
their credit.
Strack Stars
Both teams had the. same starting
lineups for the second half except
that Dave Strack moved over to, one
of the forwards. Strack continued his
high scoring ways by :rolling up 14
points. It certainly was a stroke of
genius on the part of the Michigan
board of strategy in moving Dave to
a forward. position. His scoring talent
can now be utilized to its utmost ef-
fectiveniess,. In, the two games thus
far against Central Michigan aind
Tort Cse Dave has been high sew-~
C . I ilcWil L ab l 11: n
19 po zint s r c ,pe( lively. I

bowling championship in ic agort
by finishing the third ann% iua l all-
star meet with a Petecrsnon oiant
total of 315.21. Day topple-d 1.3,71
pins in 64 games to win the chian-
Pro Samt Byr d
Favored To Copil
MIAMI. FLA., Dee., ib.__- -ii h ate
ent ries sent the field for die $5,000
MiiaiiOPen Golf 't ouarn-ament over
Wie '!liin(l nia'k on thcevexe of they
first roud itodaiy, and Chzairmnan H.
11. Arniold struck. tie keyniote for
the war-timze event Frith the obser-
vation :
"Usually you can pick out five
na m .5 and khiow you've got the win-
ner amiong them. This yvear---Well,
here's the list. You can take your
War and transportation difficulties
eliminated most of the outstanlg
players, he pointed out, b a 1 iotnacd oi fthe iinL-
The players' choice, S mmny Byrd
of Detroit, was the hardest working
golfer on the course as hie struggled
earnestly in practice to get his chip-
per into working order for the four
roundis of money play.
He was anaxious t o v indicate the
judgmeant of fellow professionrals who
gave him i a slight edgec over N ational u ti g ex rt o 'l . c.

First evidence of what Coach ten
Dohierity has in store for onernc
1 7ivai1s thi r season will Ihe ip rsen led
i YotF ed H u e m enIo anhis 1943-44 team in a triangular in-
ter-squad meet,
Civilians, Marines and Navy mem-
bers of the squad will battle each
other with the non-servicemen hold-
ing a slight edge and being favored
to triumph.
440 is Big Event
ryqHighlight of today's cevents ofY the
meet which closes tolmorrowv night,
wvill be the 440-yard dash. The Civil-
ian team should pile uip a huge mar-
g~in with "Bullet" Bob Ufer, Bill Mat-
ney, Willie Glas and Don Sternisha
carrying their torch. The Navy will
depend on Mel. Detwiler and Jim
Pierce while the Marines are banking
on Fred Negus, center on Michigan's
Conference championship eleven.
Civilians Hold Edge.
Barring the unexpected this event
should be a one-two-three for the
Civilian squad with tlfer, Matney
and Glass finishing in that order. All!,
three have turned in best times in
p~revious trials.
Today's program includes three
events - , preliminaries in the high
hurdles at 4:15 p.m., finals in the
8380-yard run at 4:45, and finals in
the quarter-mile at 5:15.
heb lf miei stity at ao gteCivilians with the H une twins, Cap-
tain Bob, Boss and Joli Roxhorough
favored to grab the first three places.
Schedule of Eventsi
Tomorrow's schedule of events
opens with the finals in the running
broad jiump at 4:30 p.m., followed by
the running high jiump, pole vault
and shot put at 8 p.m., the two-mile
at 8, the semi-finals in the 60-yard

da At 18N'.-, thle finasfl imLlie 1-ar
ih hudles .1 t 8 5, ia. ,I) :?~r
darn fi 1 s1 at 8'40.the m ie at : , 1 . lit),
1,i) ua-urlow hurle it( 1u1t i , P
and the mile relay at 9 :10.
A battle is anticipated in the 60-
,yard dash. with 12 men entered. Top
men in the three heats are Bruce
Blanchard, Bolb Nussbaumer and Jack
Martin,, Marines; Pierce and.. Bob
Gardner, Navy; and Julius Whither-
spoon and Sternisha,, Civilians.
The low hurdle race promises to
T-e a battle bet<ween or ains
Elmecr Swanson. u auoMri
andC \ It V ic norski , \;, ;1I \?l1i.Stw a j sill
Mihians est imber ti1'opper.;
'Western HMiChit-ait
CagYerts It by Fi
The flu epidemic has spread- to the
Western Michigan Cag.e squad with
three pla-yers, ikB;:aC
Rodne-v, and Don Hupth. all on thipe
siklist, 1 it .vas larned last nigh.
Coac-h Buck Reed stated that he
thought the boys would be rea,<dy to
go by Saturday night, but nothing
definite can be determined until
Thursday or Friday,
Dnick Bowman and, Glen F.odney
are first- string forward ,and center
respectively, and na tli rally.rther os
Wvou1l be a severe blow tI h 'o~
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Dec. 15.
(!P-Bob (Hunchy) Hoernseeyeer,1
Indiana Universitiy's star palssingj
halfback last football season. rtuoce"-
ed orders tod a y to report at Port r
Thomas, Ky., Dec. 22, for Army in-

Cue To'urne-y
inltercollegiate Telegraphic Billiards
Tournament xxill be played tonight.
in the MAicigacn Union billiard r'oom_
when the thlree, cushion competition
wVill be run oil
Michigan Is Fourth
In straight rail play, which took,
place last Thursday evening, repre-
sentfitie of Michigan did not fare
so well, g;arnering only a fourthi place"
inl theitevent,. ismarked the firt
time srice tile tournament wax'
tI barred I hat ayMichignn team himt
finishewd worse thian third, Ahead of
Michigan wet e Cor~nell, whose team
gathered 303 points in winning, Flor-
ida with 280, and Indiana with 250.
Michigan followed wi th a total iof!
The Wolverine representatives will
be given an opportunity to. redeem
themselves in the three cushion tour-
Iney t+?ni1«ht. Srveral good cuists: hay.
beeni sharpening- their eyes this we
andl ar rprdto give <a. gooci ac-
couant of j th m7 tsThe play shoulb
be well worth the time of all those
interested in billiards and anyone is
invited to attend.
Tournament Tbnlis
Unlike former years the conclusioni
of the teams play bby telegraph will
mrl:""the vend of thle tourniament-1
7(I i ''r j iUen~'t i " i i l l l t r l l o c a t io n _ i n o r d e r t o d c -(id e
national individual titles. Da(e to
trans.,portationz and other difficulties'
this practice heas been discontiined
for ite duration.
R.esutlts of the three cushiion play
w 5ll be announced £'at a latc, Cate,.
All re: slt ustL first be sent to Cor-
nell t Unisity , center of the tournztey.

____.______ _.__._u___.._ _



1104 x1!! 1.1 EV DID IT AGAIN:
13¢;and Eagles Snatch Pfro
F4Y allHonors: Baugh Excels

CHICAGO.IDe .-(A)~-The Chi-
Gtlv% + "1._ ~the Western
1.;iiio CI?1i pi)iiiiP, uand (th(!Ph1il-
Piti'.:a; , ouo i. e t, on a one-
th, ird ht r fIl a2encrown by
an yel~iv~akdoift with every
izlao]iof' .gOrid defensive honor
in tI l N w tiil1ootball League this
sson. II , e i ~official statistics
Thelis r calked up these
1Tod.:!t Ol'eus 'c~rs by rushing
andi 1)ass=ing),; -405yards a game.
Passng ffese,239.4 yards a
T-otalDefnse(yrds-] to which op-
pont!s vcr Iheld ;)y rushing and
pa1ssil, 2 '.2 y trd agame,
Passur f. i , 01 ponents limited
to t8erds :igam
And aw;( wer tC, Phil -Pitt team's
Rush i;! ._D,> seopponents limit-
Rusingfl'en~', 73yards a game.
The C _ oan, %wh o will play in
the Na os egeschampionship
gamcher De. 2 aginst the winner
of next c idaysErastern playoff be-
g 11V' w Radio Show
ii p~ c symhonic orchestra
w~ti6 vo e nchechoir
O~t'dfr, ?CA-victor Studios, Now York
30P.M., E.W.T.
, _rgcin Radio Network
E cuJt ay u vry Thursday by

tween the Washington Redskins and.
New York f tinook se-,ond pla ce
in the only otfenisive c epartmuent in
which they failed to cop first honors,
averaging 16..1 yards rushing or
about nine yards less a game than
Phil-Pitt. .
But they wound up a poor fifth in
rushing defense, New York grabbing
second with 100.6 ;yards allowed each
foe on the ground, and Gareen Bay, the
Chicago Cardinals and, Detroit beat-
ing out the Bears.
LOST-"-A lady's Benr us watch in rose
gold, Reward. Call Eunice Fraser,
LOST: Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity
pin. Initials S. B. on back. Re-
ward. Florence Blum, Stockwell.
UNIV. 1-1S. needs men and women
during holiday vacation period.
Men to wash windows, run eleva-
tots, or do janitor work. Day hlours
or evening hours, 5 to 12 at 61c per
hour. Also women to assist in diet
kitchens at 55c per hour. or assist
nurses at 53c per hour. Apply per-
sonnel office.
UIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield ands. Brumnfieldl, 308 S
1-day service on class and Elisian
pictures, V-applications, 335 E.
Ann, 6:30 to 7:30 weekdays.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Str eet,1

A Coedgo f College Life
Tickets S3c, 55c 39c (including Federal tax)
Box Office Open Daily . Phone 6300


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