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December 14, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-14

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Landon Asks
Foreign Policy
Plank Reports
Says Backgronmid Is
Needed if Democrats,
GOP Are To Agree


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By'The Assoiated Press
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Dec. 13. --Alf
M. Landon disclosed tonight he had
told Secretary of State Cordell Hull'
that before Republicans could agree
to the proposal for identical foreign
policy planks for the two major par-
ties, they must have complete reports
on background and implications of
"any agreements or understanding
that have been arrived at, either
orally or in writing."
Asks Full Report
"First," he said, "before the Re-j
publican leadership could write or
agree to a plank they would have to
have a full and detailed report on
what has taken place at these con-
ferences and all the background and
the implications of any agreements
or understandings that have been
arrived at, either orally or in writ-
ing. In brief, they would have to
have the kind of a full. detailed and
complete report that the Secretary
of State is expected to make to the
President following any important
foreign conversation and negotia-
Commitment Requested
He said the two parties, secondly,,
would have to reach agreement on.
''every word and every comma" in
such a plank, and on "just what
those words mean-and they must
mean exactly the same thing to both
parties and not be subject to a dif-
ferent interpretation."
"Third," he said, "having agreed
to such wording and its meaning, if
the Republican convention adopted
the plank, there would have to be a
firm commitment- a commitment

Jtbilaitt Se 1bees Returti from Overseas LITE RARY TALENT:
Recent U' Hopwood Wiuncr
Novels, Poems Are Published
Numerous Hopwood winners have ems pubihed ecenlly Come Cloc
had books and articles published in to Me" appeared in the autumn num-
the last few months ber of the Sewannee Review and
The Literary Guild has chosen as The Gothic Waotetne in i
a top-ranking novel "Winter Wheat" Christian Science ]Vonoi'. ior July
by Mildred Walker. who won the 27
Hopwood award for her first novel in John Macoim Brinnn. winner of
1933. "Winter Wheat" appears in the i a major avard in poetry. 1940. hda a
December "Ladies' Home Journal" poem entitled "Obs ratory Hill" inI
and will be published in book form the summer humbei' of Ac'ent.
early in the new yea Roamond Haas has two poems
Chad Walsh, Winner of a major coming in the Satiurda: P xew ci
award in drama in 1931 had two po- Lfterature and t 1Co others in Sprit
1 _31_ Of the six awards made nnually
by Poetry, a Magazine cf Vse, two
this year have gone to Hopvooders.
Larry Cl .Mr. Brinnin won the Levinsron prize
of $100 for "Spring Ritual," a group
Tw ice rtees of eight poems. The Oscar Blumen-
thal Prize for Poetry, also $100, went
to John Ciardi, major poetry award
:. > ._ 1 n ' erman n ; s winner. 1937.

- f



Their fondest dreams were realized when these Seabees of the
14th Battalion returned home for Christmas after 14 months on
-Guadalkcal. Not until the ship was enroute were they told they were
homeward bound. They are shown as their ship docked in San Francisco.

The beginning of the new year will
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-(')-An ac- see the publication of two Hopwood
count of two sensational attempts to books.
"Delay Is Song," major poetry
escape from German custody in Italy, award volume of last spring, by Ros-
the second one ending in his recap- amond Haas, will be published by
ture within 30 miles of the Swiss Dutton.
border, has come to friends here , Rosemary Obermeyer Formolo's
from Larry Allen, Associated Press prize-winning novel of 1942. "Golden
war correspondent. Apples of the Sun," will also appear
under the Dutton imprint. This novel
Allen, winner of the 1941 Pulitzer has been chosen by the Catholic
Prize for international reporting, was Guild.
captured Sept. 13, 1942, while with
British naval forces raiding Tobruk,
Libya, and subsequently was taken FluA Eide je
to an Italian prison camp. In a
letter dated last Oct. 25 which came
through German and American cen- O t 1c_ S
sorship, Allen wrote:
In Officer's Camp Cold \Nave il "Si )
"I was hoping that by this time


Sir Oswald Mosley, Britain's pre-I
war fascist leader, walks out of a
building at the Oxfordshire village
inn where he is staying following
his release from prison. This is the
first picture of Mosley since his re-
uIssian a
elief Asks AidL
Volunteers Neded To
Knit, Salvage Clothes
Workers to sew and pack clothes
'and volunteers to knit are being re-
By ' lieAssciatd Prss I oUCLC ht- lt' 1~iiotU 'xl v i-mec if

[-ery PurfhidJ
97 Ye)ar-Old 'U
Employe, Dies
Henry Purlield. 9i years old and a
University employe for three-quar-
ers of a century. died at his home
ecre yesterday morning after a brief
Mr. Purfield. English by birth, ar-
rived in Ann Arbor in December,
1869, and was first employed by the
Univei'sity as a jauiwor and carpen-
ter. Some alumni of the last century
ay remember him as the man who
rang the campus bell to call classes
Eeginning in 1875. Mr. Purfield
was employed for 32 years as janitor
and custodian of the dentistry build-
ing. From the establishment of the
school, he followed it from building
to building until the present' struc-
ture was erected in 1907.
He was placed on a semi-retire-
ment basis in 1919, but continued to
spend a great deal of time repairing
University cabinets and desks at the
dental school and performing, many
odds jobs.
Trained in England as a carpenter
and joiner. he also held a position as
booking clerk on an English railway,
having studied bookkeeping and ac-
counting. For several years Mr. Pur-
field served as an accountant in
charge of gold and other materials
used in the dental laboratories.
FDR's Aide, fies
WASHINGTON. Dec. 13. -- )-
Marvin McIntyre, slight but firm buf-
fer for President Roosevelt through-
out his years in the White House,
died today after a long illness,
Death of the white-thatched 65-
year-old secretary meant the loss,
said the President in a message to the
White House, of "a public servant
whose whole career emphasized fi-
delity and integrity."
Billion Dollars Expected
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.- (AP)-
Another billion dollars is expected by
the Bureau of Internal Revenue to
roll into the federal Treasury by Dec.
15 from income tax payments.
Continuous from 1 P.M.
r'AIsARnor. Ntw T

O Aife il Internment Camp

"Coming into America here I think
I recognize what a wonderful country
-4- --A .., -- nil v- 1 'tt" n

the keeping of which would not be it1isandihow lucky we allaterroi.
open to question-that the Demo- Phillip Sullivan, who has just re-
cratic party in its. convention would turned to the United States on the
adopt the same plank, without so exchange ship Gripsholm, said Sun-
nmuch as the change of a word. And day in a speech at the International
if there was so much as the change Center.
of a, word, we would have to have a He spoke of how Shanghai was ta-
commitment that Mr. Hull would re- ken over--"quite peacefully." For a
pudiate the plank." few days the inhabitants lived in



boy Scout Cubs
Attain, Record

fear-"I was shocked that anyone
could laugh," he said.
However, short-wave radios were
not taken over for about eleven
Blakemnan Is Given
New (;hurc~h Post


months and at first registration a
sign read. "Kind and Polite."
In October arm-bands were issued.
Instead of shaming the Americans
and British by this as the Japs hoped,
those who wore them were proud of,
them .
Even the march to the internment
camp was a disappointment to the
Japs," he said. "We had a regular
triumphal procession. Again the idea
of trying to shame us before the corn-
munity fell flat. The gendarmes look-
ed very glum."
Inside the internment camp the
commandant spoke to: the prisoners.
Prof. Sullivan summed up the points
of this speech-"This is your new
home. You'll be here for a long time.
You must love and cherish it. If you
try to escape you will be shot."
Prof. Sullivan said that Pootung
University, which the internees start--
ed in the camp, "turned out to be a
great success," that the meals were
"just like trying to take so much

Fastest growing program in the
Boy Scout movement is the Cub or- Dr. Edward W. Bla-keman, coun-
g anization, composed of 9, 10 and 11 I selor in reli.ious education, has been
year old boys, whose enrollment appointed to an educational advisor-
has reached an all time high in Ann ship of the World Council of Church-
. Arbor. es, it was announced yesterday.
Nearly 300 Ann Arbor boys have This organization, with 82 member
enlisted in the work of Cubbing, and churches in 28 countries, has built
parents are having a part in the pro- a network of inter-church communi-
gram too. Cubs are organized into cation among nations as well as
Dens, small neighborhood groups of states.
five and six boys which meet one af- The Council's task involves mutual
ternoon each week with their Den interpretation of church to church,
mothers and Den chief at different the finding of common denominators
homes. for Christian units, 'and the facingr
Mack School P.T.A. Pack leads the .of common responsibilities. These in-
list with 71 Cubs enrolled under Cub- elude rescue of Christian refugees
master Durwood Prochnow, and Eb- and "endange'red" religious leaders,j
erbach School P.T.A. has 65 Cubs un- the service to prisoners of war
der Cubmaster Hudson Morton. New through the agency of the Ecumeni-
boys are being enrolled each month cal Chaplaincy Commission, and the
and new Packs are being organized preservation of a common ChristianI
as needed. heritage.

a stirring story would be arriving in!
New York. Instead, I'm in German
hands and for the first time in an
all-American officers' camp.
"There shall be written a story
stranger than fiction but it cannot
I be- in this letter. I can only tell you
that I was sohungry for freedom
and tried with 'all my heart to find
my way to a typewriter again.
"After the Italian armistice, the
Chieti camp swiftly was occupied'
by the Germans. On the first move
from there, I dashed for liberty. A1
burst of machine gun fire cut shoirt
my crawling through the barbed
Jumps from Train
"I was placed aboard a train bound
for Germany. High in the Alps, I
leaped from the heavily-guarded.
speeding train. I hit the rail bed
with a terrific impact. I spun around
and fell directly under the wheels,
rolling into the center of the track-
bed. I prayed. The entire string
of box-cars passed over me. Badly
cut and bruised, I trudged through
swamps. orchards and mule paths
in the snow-covered Alps. Days of
cold and hunger. I got within 30
miles of Switzerland, then was re-,
captured because I was betrayed by
a pretended Italian friend, on Oct.
World News ...
(Continued from Page 1)


Bly The Associated Press . quested b~y the itussian war ief,
A mild form of respiratory ailment, whose headquarters are in the West
similar to the grippe and influenza, Hospital on Catherine Street oppo-
has reached epidemic proportions in site the Red Cross Production Center.
some sections of the United States, People with contributions of oldj
health officers said last night, but clothes are asked to contact Mrs.
they stressed that deaths were few. G. Y. Rainich at 602 Oswega Street
They said the ailment was of a far or phone her at 3427. She also needs
less serious type than in England and volunteers to help salvage the
Wales, where 709 deaths were report- clothes, to sew on them after they
ed in a single week recently, and not thaem for shipping,
to be compared with the influenza The Russian War Relief will sup-
epidemic that swept 'this country in h s v trsan~
epdmi9ht1wp8ti.out ply wool to all volunteer knitters, and
1918. the Knitting Committee has received
An average of one person in 10 was from volunteers about a hundred
ill in the hardest-pit sections, with a knitted articles each month. All in-
proportionate level of absenteeism in terested knitters may reach Mrs. J.R.
war plants and offices. Absenteeism Slocum, Chairman of the Knitting
in schools was as high as 30 percent Committee, at: 1117 South Forests
in some cases. Street or phone her at 3909.
The ailment, usually affecting a To date the Russian War Relief
person for about five days, was re- has sent. 1,255 knitted articles of all
ported on the wane in some areas and kinds to Russia, but still needs many
on the increase in others. Physicians more.
said current cold weather in many
sections would tend to stop the Ct.
spread. (Mg fftF l.ees
Campus Flu Cases Hospital Ward
CalledFil ~l
C l.d Fairly Mn Arbor police are joining a

nprcluc o, i-pea I 'ris v



medicine" and that "the hopec
patriation kept us going."
USO Will Wrap Gifts
For Servicemen Free
Servicemen are invited to
any -hristmas gifts they want,
ped to the USO in Harris Hal
1 to 5:45 p.m. today, tom(
Thursday. Friday and Sunda
from 9 to 12 a.m. Saturday.
Experienced gift wrappers u
on hand to tie fancy bows ar
that the presents are wrapp
tractively. The service is free.

of re-
1 from
y and
will be
nd see
ed at-


3 ,

Matinees . 40c
Nights... 55c


W7&#ja%1!N t
vs W~a


specified targets and were accom-
panied all of the way by Thunder-
bolts and Lightenings for their long-
est escort job of the war.
41Jarshalls Raided
PEARL HARBOR, Dec. 13.-(Ik-
Army Liberators kept up a month-
long series of raids on the mid-
Pacific Marshalls by bombing a
Japanese cargo ship and shore in-
stallation at Emidji (Imeiji) in the
Jaluit atoll Saturday, Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz announced today in a
press release.
Reds Repulse Nazis
LONDON, Dec. 13.--(/1-The Red
Army hurled back the Germans to-
day for the third successive day in
the great tank-and-infantry battle
of the Kiev bulge and recaptured
strong German defense points in aI
two-way extension of the big Krem-
enchug bridgehead in the right band
of the middle Dnieper, Moscow an-
nounced tonight.
Pact Binds Reds, Czechs
LONDON. Dec. 13.--P-The 20-
year mutual assistance pact between
Russia and Czechoslovakia pledges
both countries .to fight a war to the
finish against Germany and her sat-
ellites, and "not to enter any- nego-
tiations with the Hitlerite govern-
ment or any other government in
Germany which has not repudiated
all aggressive aims," the Moscow ra-
dio announced tonight.
Dean Cooley WIll
Be Honored TonightI

Retrial of Padgeit
Postponed -to Jan. 4*
Louella Smith. Washtenaw County
Clerk, announced yesterday that the
retrial of William Padgett, originally
scheduled for today, will be held Jan.
4, in the County Circuit Court. Judge
Guy A. Miller, of the Wayne County
Circuit Court will preside.
Padgett, who has spent the last se-
ven years in Jackson prison for the
slaying of Clifford Stang, Ann Arbor
policeman, has been granted a re-
trial after repeated appeals to the
State Supreme Court.
Music Sorority Gets
Eight 1New Members
The Alpha chapter of Sigma Al-
piha Iota, professional music sorority'
pledged eight women to membership
at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. in ceremonies
held at the home of Mrs. S. T. Dana.
Pledges, all from the School of Mu-
sic, are Jacqueline Bear, Riverside.
Calif., Blossom Reynolds, '46, De-
troit; Sylvia Deutscher, '46, New York
City: Frances Griffen. '44, Ann Ar-
bor; Arlene Peugeot. '46,.Stryker; Do-
ris Reed, '46 Ithaca. New York; Joyce
Denherder. '45, Zeeland; Anna

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST-Irish Setter, female, 6 months
old, wearing collar. Reward. Tele-
phone 24839.
LOST-Woman's red wallet, some-
where in or between Parrott and
Hill Auditorium. Finder call 23119.
CtfD CAI >r

Contrary to the beliefs of many state-wide hunt for 32 year-old con-
bed-ridden students, the flu epidemic vict Thomas Henson who escaped
Sunday morning from his ward at
this year on campus is not as serious University Hospital, where he was
as is commonly supposed, Dr. War- being treated for a jaw infection.
ren E. Forsythe, Dean of Health Henson was not under guard when
Service, said yesterday. he escaped from the -hospital's fifth
"However, there are more cases of floor west ward. He was brought
flu this year than there have been here for treatment from Southern
in the last four years," he continued. Michigan prison near Jackson, where
"The best remedy for students who he was serving 10 to 20 years for
have a cold or a temperature is to armed robbery.
go to bed and to drink plenty of The escaped convict was paroled
fluids. If the cold continues. they last June 22 after being sentenced
should see a physician." on the robbery charge in December,
According to Dr. Otto K. Engelke, 1937. He was returned to prison Oct.
County Health Commissioner, the 31, for violating the terms of his
outbreak of influenza is still going parole and was brought to University
strong in Washtenaw County. Hospital Nov. 29.

The lKing of Hilarity
The Darling of the Dome '
Young and Kqndsomi
Gorgeou.; and Dongerous
Headiins of Lavghs !
EpgrloryIV.Rpidpi n
Nonpp Voice toSang $prd
- Sireni of Ihp K'qy Sont
Thos favori'a Voclio
of RPdio and 0-d



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