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December 14, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-14

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Rlushton Quits
Grand Jury
Prosecutor Turns.
Over Jury Funds to
"Cireit Judge Carr
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Dec. 13.-Attorney Gen-
eral Herbert J. Rushton today with-
drew to a quiet background in the
state's one-man grand jury investi-
gation of the legislature, surrender-
ing control of grand jury funds and
declaring he would not "very often"
take personal part in the inquiry
Heretofore Rushton has been the
grand jury's chief prosecutor. It
was he who filed the petition on
which Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr
based his order opening the investi-
Rushton said he was withdrawing
because his name had been embroiled
in a controversy which he described
as threatening to injure the grand
jury's work, and because he believed
that his continued presence might
embarrass the grand <Jury. The con-
troversy grew from his appointment
of Jay W. Linsey, Grand Rapids at-
torney, as a special assistant to dir-
et prosecutions resulting from the
grand jury inquisition. He said some
sources contended Linsey was a polit-
ical friend of Frank U. McKay, Re-
publican National Committeeman,
and should not have been appointed.
By special messenger he sent to
Judge Carr a check for $24,126.23,
which he said represented the bal-
ance remaining .in the working fund
of the grand jury, of which he has
had charge. Although the "little
legislature" appropriated $150,000 for
the~ grand Jury, only $45,000 of this
sum was placed in the jury's working
account and checks have been drawn
against it for $20,83777. The reman-
ing $105,000 remains in the state
treasury, and Ruishton said he would
make this available to the grand jury
any time it might make such a re-
Booth To Be Located
On Campus Today,
Tomorrow, Friday
Ensign Jean Courtney and Sp. (R)
3/c Harriet Simonson, WAVES from
Detroit, will set up an information
and recruiting booth from 10 a.m. to
$ p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, and Fri-
day in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Their main purpose in coming at
this particular time is to interest wo-
men who are graduating in February
in joining the WAVES immediately
" after graduation. The women will be
able to talk over the possibility of en-
listing with their parents consent du-
ing the Christmas vacation.
The number of University of Mich-
gan women graduates now serving
in any branch of the armed services
is considered insignificant when com-
pared with the total number of wo-
Smen graduates
At the present time there are 27,000

WAVES in service and 20,000 more
are urgently needed to reach'the goal
of 47,000 set by the Navy for the end
of 1943.
World Nwews
In .Brief...
Aussies Make New Gains
HEADQUARTERS, Tuesday, Dec. 14.
-(') - Australian ground forces
maintained their steady progress in
the task of clearing the Japanese
from Huon Peninsula, New Guinea,
by pushing across the Sowi river for
a gain of two miles.
Montgomery Advances
GIERS, Dec. 13. -(AM) - Gen. Sir
,Bernard L. Montgomery's Eighth
Army punched doggedly into the
German's new 15-mile-long Adri-

Berliners Stand in Line at Soup Kitchen Roosevelt

Reviews Army


In Sicily, Decorates Gen. Clark;
Subsidy Compromise is Forecast

This German photo, supilied by a Swedish picture agency, was
described as showing bombed-..out. residents of Blrlin lining up for food
from a soup kitchen.
Reports Reveal Coeds
Work 34,702 UHours
THERE HAVE BEEN i'nany articles in The Daily this past
week about the women's war activities, and I would like to
clarify some points. We on the War Council have planned work
sheets this year with the aim of finding out what the women
students are doing.
At the end of November, we had a meeting of War Activ-
ities Chairmen from the six big dorms, twelve league houses,
sixteen sororities, and one cooperative. These people took the
work sheets back to their houses and returned them two days
later with all of the information tabulated. It was necessary
to have a limited number of houses do these first sheets, because
we wanted to make any necessary revisions based on suggestions
from the houses.
This first report considered all the students in the
above houses, a total of 1,840 people. For the month of
November, the people in 'hese houses have put in 34,702
hours in extra-curricular work, which includes 1,905 hours
in the orientation progrgi ancd 627 hours in W.A.A., two
of our traditional activities.
It is true that not every girl has contributed to this total,
but it must be remembered that running on three terms as we
are, an adjustment has had to be made, and some of the girls are
slow in getting started. In many of the houses, the girls have
had to take over such jobs as waiting table, cleaning, switch board
and elevator work, etc. This is as much war work as anything
else, because without the cooperation of the girls, many houses
would not be able to be kept open.
THE WORK SHEETS have brought gratifying results and
have shown a variety of capabilities and interests on the part
of most students. For example, a few girls in November, spent
Continued on Page 4
Holmes Calls Reds Enigma';
Lewis Will Speak Tomorrow

S ubeomnittee
Starts Senate
Part of Controversial
Administration Plan
May Still Be Salvaged
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-Signs
appeared today that the Senate may
work out some compromise to save
at least part of the Administration's
$1,000,000,000 a year food subsidy
The Senate Banking Committee,
delaying action on the House-approv-
ed legislation outlawing subsidies Jan.
1, entrusted to a three-man subcom-
mittee the task of canvassing the pos-
sibility of salvaging some of the con-
troversial program-which the Ad-
ministration claims is necessary to
lo hold down prices.
Bolstering the possibility of a com-
promise was the makeup of the three-
man subcommittee surveying the
field. Majority leader Barkley, one
of the three, is a supporter of the
subsidy program as it now stands,
and Senator Taft (Rep.,-O), another
member, has proposed a continuance
on a modified basis.
The third member, Senator Bank-
head (Dem.,-Ala), is the author of
the anti-subsidy legislation. He e-
pressed doubt that a compromise
could be reached and asserted the
Farm Bloc is "going to bat for the
bill as it is."
However, the subsidy idea picked
up suppott cduring the day. Senator
Ball (Rep.,-Minn) endorsed Taft's
ideas for limited subsidies and Sena-
tor Murdock (Dem.,-Utah) said he
favored retaining the present setup.
At the same time, the banking
committee's postponement of action
on the legislation was interpreted as
increasing the chances that a show-
down on the issue might be post-
poned for several weeks.
With that aim, Senator Ellender
(Dem., La.) introduced a resolution
to defer a Senate vote on the sub-
sidy issue until after the Christmas
Pl ay yProduction
Will Present
'3rief Music'
Comedy About Life
On College Campus
Begins Tomorrow
"Brief Music," by Emmet Lavery,
featuring an all-girl cast, will be pre-
sented by Play Production of the
speech department at 8:30 p.m. be-
ginning tomorrow in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
"Brief Music" is a comedy of col-
lege life on a suburban campus. The1
play takes seven college girls through
three years of college life and the
story of their lives and character con-
trast form the plot.
Prof Windt Directs
Patricia Meikle will portray Spiff,
the college Amazon; Drizzle, the frail
and intense poet, will be played by
Marjorie Leete. Barbara White has
been chosen to portray Lovey;
Blanche Holparuhas been cast as
Rosie; Miriam Ruge as Jinx; Mae'
Chosed as Maggie, and Barbara Stu-
ber as Minnie.
The three-act comedy is being dir-
ected by Prof. Valentine Windt. Her-
bert Philippi is the art director.
Tickets on Sale

First produced at the Pasadena
Playhouse in 1936 "Brief Music" was
originally entiled "Lark on the Wing."
Since that time it has been used by
campus dramatic activities.
Tickets mak be purchased at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre from 10
to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 to 5
p.m. daily. Thursday through Sat-
urday the box office will also be
open from 7 to 8:30 p.m.I

Italians Are Rome-IBound with Allies

"Rome or death" is the slogan chalked on the side of the vehicle
carrying these jubilant Italian soldiers to the front lines where they
have joined the British-American-Canadian Allies against their former
--- - - ----------------
Rumor of ASTP Elimination
is .Rogers
4> ___E6 R~e$

Five Additional
Officers Given
Service Cross
President, Homeward
Bound, Flies Within
250 Miles of Front
Associated Press Correspondent
GIERS, Dec. 13.-President Roose-
velt, flying within some 250 miles of
the battlefields in Italy, visited Sicily
on his homeward journey from Cairo,
reviewing Seventh Army troops of
Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., and;
decorating Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark
and several.other officers for bravery,
The President came from Malta to
Castelvetrano airfield, it was disclos-
ed officially today, with his C-54
transport guarded by 12 Lightning
Accompanied by Gen. Dwlgl- f,
Eisenhower, Mr. Roosevelt drove 1ina
jeep along the runways lined by hun-
dreds of Seventh Army troops.
(This dispatch gave the first .dis-
closure of Patton's whereabouts sinbe
the announcement that Eisenhower
had made him apologize to his tr.ps
for striking a soldier in a hospital,';
Mr. Roosevelt flew to Eisenhoweea~'s
villa in Tunisia after the visit In
Sicily, the time of which w0 4~
disclosed in today's annoyz~j
It was said he wanted to o to
alian battlefront, about 250 nl's
away, but that those charged with
his security objected.
The President decorated 9eneal
Clark, Commander of the Fliftb -
my fighting in Italy, and five oth.
officers with Distinguished 8ervie
Personal Roosevelt
Report Is Expected
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.--(P)-The
chances are that President Roosevelt
will report to Congress in person pn
his history-making trip to the Middle
East for war conferences.
Secretary of State Hull was invited
to appear before a joint Senate-
House session after his return from
the Moscow Conference of Rissia,
British and American foreign min-
Finance Committee
Deadlocked ou Bill
tie vote in the Senate Finance Com-
mittee today blocked temporarily an
attempt to strike from the new tat:
bill a provision requiring labor unions
and brotherhoods to file annual in-
anacial statements with the govern-
A deciding vote will be taken to-
morrow when the committee hopes to
complete work on the House-passed
$2,140,000,000 tax bill, already shaved
below the $2,000,000,000 mark by the
tax writers in the Senate.

Col. Frederick C. Rogers, comman-
dant of Army units on campus, said
yesterday that this office has re-
ceived no information about the
elimination of the Army Specialized
Training Program.
"If and when the information is
received the entire command will be
informed of any instructions," Col.
Rogers said.
He further stated that all students
are urged to disregard rumors and
continue their normal routine.
The rumors arose from an article
in Sunday's Chicago Tribune which
said, "The Army Specialized Train-
ing Program under which 140,000
young men are being trained as spe-
cialists in 222 college and universities
is to be gradually liquidated, it was
learned here today." The story was
Action -on 'uets'
To Be Decided
What definite action the Univer-
sity will take regarding students who
violate attendance regulations before
and after the Christmas recess will
be determined at an Administrative
Board meeting at 4 p.m. today.
ThegUniversity is acting to curtail
cutting in cooperation with the Of-
fice of Defense Transportation
(ODT) which has asked that stu-
dent travel be kept off over-crowded
travel facilities during the holiday
rush season.

datelined "Chicago Tribune Press
Service, Washington, D.C."
A story from the Associated Press
yesterday said merely that the Army
is considering a* reduction in the
cumber of soldier-students assigned
to its college program.
"Pending final decisions, the pro-
posed reduction has not been dis-
closed, but it was learned, the pro-
gram will go forward with less than
the 140,000 peak enrollment, if pres-
ent plans are carried out," the AP
article said.
The Tribune article said further,
"At present supporters of the Army
Specialized Training Program grudg-.
ingly acknowledge defeat but are
fighting vigorously for gradual liqui-
dation of the unit as against an im-
mediat shutdown. The general staff,
which never was warm to ASTP,
would like an immediate shutdown
and a switch of the men in ASTP to
the Army."
Kidnapper of Louisville
Woman Sentenced To Die
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 13.-(/P)-
Thomas H. Robinson, Jr., confessed
and convicted kidnapper of Mrs.
Alice Speed Stoll of Louisville,
learned today that he had lost his
gamble with his life.
Federal Judge Shackelford Miller
sentenced the 36-year old former
Nashville, Tenn., and Vanderbilt
University law student to die in Ken-
tucky's electric chair at Eddyville
State Prison March 10, 1944.

Lecturer Portrays Soviet
History in Colored Films

-Washington To Be
Of Commentator s


"Russia has been for centuries and "What's Happening in Washing-
is still today one vast enigma," Bur- ton?" will be the subject which Ful-
ton Holmes, world wide traveler, said ton Lewis, Jr., nightly news com-
in an illustrated lecture on Russia mentator from the national capitol,
here yesterday. will discuss in a lecture at 8:30 p.m.
With the aid of colored films, the tomorrow in Hill Auditorium under
Ann Arbor audience was transported the auspices of the Oratorical Asso-
first to Finland and Russia as they ciation.


Don Cossack Chorus Sings Today

appeared under the rule of the Czar
in 1901 and then on an extensive
tour of Soviet Russia.
In several instances Mr. Holmes
showed films of the same cities and
buildings twice and indicated the
changes which had been brought,
about by the Soviet government.
He cited cases where palaces had!
been converted into hospitals, hotels
for visiting farm boys and homes for
aged women laborers. He also showed
the interior of a former church on
the Russian Riviera which had been
changed into a roadhouse.
Pictures of an all day military
parade in Moscow in 1934 in which
1,700,000 Russians marched were
shown by Mr. Holmes before he con-!
cluded his lecture by saying, "We

A former newspaperman, editor
and columnist, Lewis does not con-
ifine his radio activities to his regu-
lar broadcasts. In 1939 he acted as
chairnan of the American Forum of
the air. Early that same year he car-
ried on a vigorous crusade for radio
recognition in the press galleries of
the Senate and the House of Repre-
As a result an eighty year old rule
was changed to give radio newscast-
ers not only separate gallery facili-
ties in Congress. but recognition at
the White House and all government
departments comparable to that ac-
corded members of the press.
Lewis was elected the first presi-
dent of the Radio Correspondents'
Association, designated by Congress

The music of old and new Russia
will be performed by the Original Don
Cossack Chorus, under the direction
of Serge Jaroff, at the Sixth Choral
Union concert, 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Songs by Tchaikowsky and Borodin
will highlight the first half of the
program, while the second half of
the program will be chiefly devoted
to the compositions of Shvedoff.
"From Border to Border," a song by
Dmitri Shostakovitch, will also be
heard during the latter half of the
Chorus Has Toured Widely
llor nru kv or~fo i f+t' '

their usual summer vacation they ap-
peared for 11 consecutive weeks at
the Radio City Music Itall in Near
York City.
Strict rules are observed by the
Don Cossack Chorus. Only once since
they were organized over 20 years ago
has one of its members failed to show
up for a performance.
In keeping with tradition, the Uni-
versity Men's Glee Club will enter-
tain the Don Cossack Chorus after
their performance tonight. The usual
"get together" which has been held
in the Club rooms at the Union fir
the past five years, will take place in
the lecture hall of Rackham instead.
Glee Club To Sing
The Glee Club, composed of ap-

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