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December 11, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-11

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iti l



13 days till Christmas




FDR Flies

Fathers May
Be Deferred
Preferential Status
Given Dads; Roosevelt
Approves Draft Delay
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-Presi-
dent Roosevelt's approval of a Con-
gressional effort to slow the father
draft was followed tonight by selec-
tive service instructions giving pref-
erential draft status to fathers em-
ployed in war production.
In new orders to local draft boards,
Major General Lewis B. Hershey,
Selectitve Service Director, declared
that existing regulations should be
"liberally construed" with respect to
occupational deferment of fathers.
Deferment Rules Listed
"'1Fathers who are eligible for oc-
cupational deferment under the pro-
visions of local board memorandum
No. 115 (authorizing draft boards to
weigh replaceability) and who are
making, contributions in war produc-
tion or in support of the war effort
are usually stable employes and if
other factors are equal, will normally
be accorded deferment in preference
to non-fathers," Hershey advised.
Otherwise, Presidential approval of
the Father-Draft Bill apparently
failed to change materially the status
of 1-A dads, for when' the Army
wants them-they're going.
McNutt's Power Hit
Disregarding a veto request from
War Manpower Commissioner Paul
V. McNutt, the President signed the
bill 'which strips McNutt of all auth-
ority over selective service at the
same time it orders prewar fathers
placed at the bottom of the draft
pool-provided such action does not
interfere with the "orderly flow of
the nation's manpower into the arm-
ed forces."
US Censorship
Is Liberalized
Army, Navy Control of
Battle Reports Stands ,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-(P)-Am-
erica's censorship on the home fronti
was liberalized in some respects to-
day, but the changes do not affect the
complete military control of all news,
from the fighting fronts.
Byron Price, director of the Office
of censorship, eliminated a number1
of restrictive requests from the vol-
untary ,codes governing the press andl
radio, and expressed the opinion that
the trend of censorship in the field
covered by his civilian agency would
be downward henceforth.
News from the actual war fronts is
not affected by the code revisions, for
there the Army and Navy continue in
complete control of all news and cor-
respondents are pledged to submit all
matter for military censorship. The
voluntary codes continue to recognize
this censorship-at-the-source.
O'Hare' Downed'
In Air Battle
By The Associated Press
(Delayed)-Lt. Commander Edward
H. (Butch) O'Hare, famous fighter
pilot, was shot down in a night aji
battle over the Central Pacific two
nights ago while American airmen'
were breaking up an attack of 30 or
40 Japanese torpedo planes on Unit-
ed States carrier force, his flying

companions said today.
Stories told by a squadron com-
mander, a fighter pilot, radioman andj
gunner, the last to see O'Hare in the
air, were not in complete agreement.
But the action was swift and in the
darkness with the blinding of tracer
fire and the flames from burning
planes as the main illumination, so itJ
was natural that none of them would7
know exactly what happened.
Coeds Collect a
Waste Paper
Campus coeds are hurriedly collect-
ing all kinds of waste paper, card-
board, old newspapers and magazines
today, in response to an urgent plea
by the War Production Board for
contributions to replenish the na-
tion's rapidly diminishing stocks of
waste paper.1

Over Allied
Chief Surveys North
Africa in Homeward
Trip from Conference
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. -Presi-
dent Roosevelt, journeying homeward
from his momentous war and peace
conferences in the Middle East, flew
over the historic battlefields of North
Africa from Elamein to Tunis, the
White House disclosed today.
He was impressed, it was said, with
the fortitude of the Allied fighters
who conquered the desolate area.
The Chief Executive, riding in one
of three huge army transport com-
mand planes which carried his party,
at times flew very low over the bomb-
gouged sands, where last year's great
battles raged, in order to get a fleet-
ing close-up view.
The trip described in today's re-
lease, from Cairo to Tunis, apparently
was that leg of the journey which
preceeded his Wednesday visit to
Malta. However, the statement was
not clear on that point.
*1 * *
Roosevelt Yts ts
Malta,; - esents
Sc roll to People
VALLETTA, Malta, Dec. 10.-(P-
President Roosevelt made a dramatic
three-hour appearance on this
bomb-scarred little British island in
the Mediterranean Wednesday and
paid tribute to its heroic defenders
with presentation of an illuminated
'The Berlin radio said President
Roosevelt might be headed for Spain
to meet Generalissimo Franco, or to
London. The President's movements
as usual were secret.)
The President's unprecedented vis-
it here fulfilled what he described
as a wish of many months as he pre-
sented a scroll on behalf of the
American people saluting the defen-
ders of Malta for "valorous service
far above and beyond the call of
duty" during the months of almost
continual Axis bombardment.
The scroll will be cast in bronze on
Valletta's main square.
Among those with the President
were C en. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Harry Hopkins, Admiral William D.
Leahy, the President's chief of staff;
Lt.-Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, commander
of the northwest African air forces.
Burton Holmes
TO Speak Here
Lecture Monday To Be
On 'Our Russian Allies'
Burton Holmes, who is celebrating
his golden anniversary as a traveler
and lecturer this year, will give a
talk on "Our Russian Allies" with
motion pictures at 8:30 p.m. Monday
in Hill Auditorium.'
Often called the "dean of travel-
ogue speakers," Mr. Holmes will be-
gin his lecture with pictures of Rus-
sia taken during the rule of the old
Czars, but will also include more
recent films of the country under the
Soviet government.
The economic situation and the
numerous changes that have been
made by the Soviet government for

the betterment of the people will be
discussed in detail and a few con-
temporary pictures of the havoc
wrought by the war will also be
Later this year he will appear here
to discuss "North Africa" and "The
Italy We Knew." Individual tickets
for Monday's lecture and for Fulton
Lewis, Jr., who will speak here
Wednesday can be secured Saturday
from 10 a.m. to noon and Monday
from 10 a,m. to 1 p.m., 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. and 7 p.m. to 83:0 p.m. at the
box office in Hill Auditorium.
RAF Raiders Cross
Over to Continent
LONDON, Saturday, Dec. 11-VP)-
A 45-minute procession of RAF
bombers roared across the Straits of
Dover in moonlight last night and a
continental radio blackout indicated
that the week-long lull in the new

Allied Planes Hit Bulgarian Capital;
Fifth Cuts Off Nazi-Held Minano

Troops Pierce
First Barrier
Of Winter Line
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Dec. 10.-American and
British troops in eight days of the
bitterest fighting of the entire Ital-
ian campaign have isolated the Ger-
man stronghold of Mignano guard-
ing the valleys to Rome, it was an-
nounced today, and they now sit
astride the main highway and rail-
road between that mountain fortress
and Cassino, 10 miles to the north-
Nazis Withdraw from City
The Fifth Army's drive through
the first terrible barrier of the Nazis'
winter line was brought to a smash-
ing climax yesterday when American
infantry in savage hand-to-hand
fighting above the clouds captured
towering Mt. Samucro on. the nor-
thern side of the strategic valley
above Mignano and other Allied
units stabbed forward into the en-
emy's secondary defenses before
These thrusts forced the last stub-
bornly-resisting Germans to with-.
draw from the immediate vicinity of
Mignano, which had been a "no
man's land" for a week.
Allies Hold River Bank
What the Germans had hoped
would prove an impregnable line
hinged on Mignano had been cracked
in scarcely more than a week of sav-
age fighting.
From Mt. Samucro's peak the
American positions overlooked the
strongly fortified villages of San
Vittore and San Pietro, only six and
seven miles, respectively, from Cas-
Italians Join Fifth in
Fight Against Nazis
GIERS,, Dec. 10.-(P)-Italian
troops now are in action againstt
the Germans in the Fifth Armyc
sector of the Italian front, it was
announced officially tonight.
The arrival of the Italians at the1
front beside the American and1
British soldiers under Lt. Gen.t
Mark W. Clark implements Italy's
status as a co-belligerent of the
Allies and fulfills Marshal Pierot
Badoglio's promise that the Ital-
ians would join the fight to oust1
the Germans from Italy.
Senators Raise
Discharge Paly
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-(P)-The
Senate Military Committee today re-
wrote the servicemen's discharge pay
bill, adopting a graduated plan that
puts the emphasis on overseas serv-
Without dissent, the group raisedt
the maximum from $300 to $500 fori
discharged veterans and also fixed
a minimum of $200. Discharge pay7
after World War One was a flat $60,
which later was deducted from the
soldier bonus.c
The committee also agreed that thec
mustering-out pay should be tax ex-1




Line Once Fine Streets of Kiev

; : l

Supply trucks rumble along Kreghchatik street, Kiev's main street, on the way to the Russian front.
Now a shambles because it lay in the path of the war, the street once was lined with the city's finest
apartment buildings.
- --.___ *
May Be Result R usis aeiw
o inaTake s e . ,
Of Holiday Cuts' oei
C ,Loge i -i ev l
ODT Asks University
To Help Keep Students By The Associated Press order of the day, and the Soviet corn-
From Vacation Rush LONDON, Dec. 10.--The Russians munique later told of further ad-
10 announced today the capture of the vances to the north in the direction
In an effort to prevent students heavily-fortified Ukrainian railway of Kirovograd and to the south to-
from using travel facilities on the center of Znamenka and a continuing ward Krivoi Rog.
holiday weekends, the University is
contemplating drastic penalties -for advance through blizzards in two di- A
students who cut classes before and rections in the Dnieper bend, but to But the communique. recorded by
after Christmas vacation, it was the north the great German counter- the Soviet Monitor, for the first time
learned yesterday. attack against the Kiev bulge, em- mentioned the town of Malin, 60
As yet the exact nature of the pen- ploying nearly 2000 tanks rolled the fmiles west of Kiev, and said large
alties has not been determined, butn,0,rforces of Germa: infantry and tanks
altimmesrsoftefadetysined, bst Soviet defenders back to a point 30 attacking south of this town were
one member of the faculty said last
night that "it will be more than triple miles east of Korosten. repulsed.
cuts." Premier Marshal Joseph Stalin an- Malin is just south of the Koro-
The University received a request nounced the capture of Znamenka sten-Kiev railway. If the Germans
from the Office of Defense Transpor- after a three-day assault in a special are to the south it indicates that the
tation (ODT) to make sure students . Kiev bulge, which once extended to
don't use overburdened travel agen- Korosten and Zhitomir has been con-
cies in rush holiday periods. . boodie lOWS siderably reduced. Both Korosten and
The office of Assistant Dean of the Khitomir were taken back by the
literary college, E. A. Walter, circu- N et 910 26 Germans earlier.
lated a letter this week among facul- * 92 Nazi Tanks Wrecked
ty men asking them to inform stu- g ' The Russians apparently still had
dents of the intended action. I n Local D r veC forces at Chernyakhov, their west-
University officials said yesterday ernmost reach in this area sonie 80
that "it is not our intention to force Falling short of the goal but ex- miles west of Kiev but even this town
students to refrain from leaving ear- ceeding last year's all-time high, the was apparently outflanked for the
ly, but it is our intention to cooperate Goodfellow Drive netted $910.26 for Russians mentioned German coun-
with ODT on this matter." local relief, the Committee reported terattacks northeast of Chernyakhov
The Christmas recess officially be- yesterday in which 92 German tanks were
gins with the end of classes Tuesday, Contributions from 32 houses wrecked in 24 hours fighting.
December 21 and ends with the be- brought in $218.19 of the total col--
ginning of classes on Wednesday, De- lected. The rest of the fund was se- e
cember 29. cured by the sale of Goodfellow elateC 6eeks
Dailes Monday.
Allies Pound New "We wish to thank each salesman Means To Ease
for his work and cooperation and
Britain Base Agaln each house for keeping its post filled L rShortage
despite the rain," the chairman of i Li 4 re,
HEADQUARTERS, Saturday, Dec. 11 The following were Goodfellows:
-()-For the 11th straight .day Ingalls, Magioncalda, Shauman, Star- WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.- (A' -
Cape Gloucester, in the New Britain rings, Woods, Everett, Mich. League Quick tax action to force millions of
island area in greatest danger of in- Dormitory, Vaughan Street League gallons of whisky out of warehouses
vasion by Gen. Douglas MacArthur's House, Kappa Alpha Theta, Smith and relaxation of WPB rules to per-
New Guinea forces, has been pounded House, Pickerell, Colvin House, mit distillers to manufacture liquor
by Allied bombers. Strickland House, University House,
A sokema sad Astalins hoMiller's League House, Hill House, five days each month were urged
A spokesman said Australians wh o Geddes House, Delta Delta Delta, 1010 tonight by the chairman of a Senate
of Wareo on the Huon Peninsula of Ann House, 900 Oakland House, committee investigating current li-
New Guinea still are progressing Betsy Barbour, Couzens Hall, Wash- quor shortages.
proresingtenaw House, Sigma Delta, Kappaqorsrtg.
north of there. tenaw Hos, g Delta, Appa Senator Van Nuys (D-Ind.) made
~.di~t ~dI11±, L'e~d ~d~~i4~~'"" hes esnlrcmedtosat

Sofia Railroads
Targyet of Raid;
Casualties High
By The Associated Press
The politically-shaken Bulgarian
capital of Sofia was blasted for an
hour and 45 minutes this afternoon
by several waves of Allied planes
whose explosives caused great de-
struct ion and killed many persons,
'e Sofia radio disclosed tonight.
American planes apparently made
the shattering attack on the report-
edly wavering Axis satellite nation,
and it was indicated that the target
again was the railroad district which
was hit so hard last Nov. 24 by U.S.
Liberators of the northwest African
Raid Is Third in Month
The rail yards are a mile from Par-
liament, scene of fervid Bulgarian de-
liberations of political and military
import following the tri-power an-
nouncement at Teheran and the sub-
sequent "closest unity" council among
President Roosevelt, Prime Ministet
Churchill and the leaders of Turkey,
neighbor of Bulgaria.
The heavy raid, the third in a
month, began at 11:40 a.m. and the
capital was under an alert for two
hours or more, a Budapest radio an-
nouncement said.
Premier Dobri Bojilov interrupted
a later address to Parliament at 5
p.m., asking his legislators to rise-in
silent tribute to those who had died,
the Sofia radio said.
Material Losses Inflicted
The Premier was quoted as saying
there were "material losses" plus nu-
merous dead, "as before."
The raiders were said to have en-
countered heavy anti-aircraft fire.
(A Budapest broadcast recorded in
London quoted Premier Bojilov as
telling his people, many of whom are
reported hotly anti-Axis, after the
raid that "no one should take offense
if Bulgaria defends herself against
enemy air attacks; everyone is en-


titled to defend himself."
(A German broadcast announced-
that the Bulgarian Parliament de-
cided to adjourn for a week.)
* * *

I -In Chaotic Stat o
LONDON, Dec. 10.-UP)-Signs th
Adolf Hitler's squirming satellites a
seeking a way out of the war it
creased tonight as dispatches fro
neutral capitals pictured BulgariaJ
the throes of a crisis and panic
Rumanians leaving cities in fear1
air raids.
-For the last two days there ha
been reports that the pro-Germs
Bulgarian Premier, Dobri Bojilo
was struggling to patch up his sha
regime after a vote of no confident
Bulgaria's relations with Russi
with whom she is not at war-mig
provide an escape in spite of the fa
that she is a co-belligerent with Ge
f many against the United States at
In that connection the reported a
r rival of a new Russian military a
tache in Sofia was regarded as si
Cossack Chorus
TQ" Appear Her4
t I Jaroff To Conduct
. Tuesday Performance
- The Original Don Cossack Chor
d under the direction of Serge Jar
will present the sixth Choral Uni
concert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in H



Soldier-Glee Club Program
To Feature Yuletide Selectionfs!

1K~apa gmma.ueia ummaaipa these personal recommendations aft-
Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Chi Omega, er hearing testimony thatbonded
Pray House, Phi Delta Theta, andwaeoss reblig it117
Zimmerman House.
"Some pledges have not yet been 000,000 gallons of whisky and that
there is widespread hoarding, al
received," the committee said. "It is down the line from distillery to con.
not too late to send in house contri- sumer. The hearing also produced
butions," a committee member said, charges that black market opera
"but we ask, that all houses still tions are rife and that state-ownec
wishing to contribute to send their liquor stores are getting less than
collections as soon as possible to the others.
Student Publications Building." ' .,.


Company A makes its final enter-
tainment bow of the season in the
form of its well-known Soldier Choir,
when they present a special Christ-
mas concert in conjunction with the
University Women's Glee Club at
8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
More than 160 musical entertain-
ers will be featured in this program
under the direction of Wilson Saw-
yer. In addition to the choral num-
., . _- - - - - - -- _ . .

and Arthur McEvoy of Co. A and
Marjorie Gould Bobette Ringland,
Jacqueline Bear, and Charlotte Mc-
Mullen of the Glee Club. Manager
of the Soldier Choristers is Cpl. Mil-
ton Stanzler. Patty Spore is presi-
dent of the Glee Club.
The program has been designed to
include some of the finest Yule musi-
cal selections. The main work of the
evening will be "Dona Nobis Pacem,"
a tone poem in six parts by R.
Vaughan Williams based on the writ-
inr of 7m 7 '[Chm t

Dombrowski Asks
Board for Freedom
LANSING, Dec. 10.-(P)-Counsel
for State Rep. Stanley J. Dombrow-
ski today appealed for his liberation
from prison, where he is serving a
sentence on his plea of guilty to per-
jury before a grand jury investigat-

He toicd reporters he was con-
vinced that if this measure were
linked with an immediate tax on
distilled spirits which have been in
warehouses four years or more, whis-
ky would come back into the market
in quantity.
Detroit Kills Self,
Shoots 'Estranged Wife
ThT'n rCXTT'P o r, 1 fl 'I- m. - n

Organized twenty-three years ago
by Serge Jaroff these "singing giants"
have performed almost five thousand
times throughout the world.
Jaroff, conductor of the chorus, was
considered "too small for much use"
as a boy and so was permitted to stu-
dy music with the choirmaster of the
neighborhood church. He continued
his musical education at the Imperial
Choral School in St. Petersburg,
_ 1n.r.1 n - ......f - r sc f'i re .

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