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December 10, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-10

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M ADA i HLN;: 10, 1043

THE MICHIG..... .Y ............4

Second Play
'Brief Music'
To Be Given

Possible Invasion Routes from Turkey Council Plans


Stockfili Offhers

The second presentation of the
semester by Play Production of the
speech department will be "Brief
Music," by Emmet Lavery, to be giv-I
en at 8:30, Dec. 16-18, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
First produced under the title
"Lark on the Wing" at the Pasadena
Playhouse in 1936, "Brief Music" is a
comedy of college life. The play fol-
lows seven girls through three years
of college life tracing their college
life and character development.
Among the main characters are
Spiff, the college Amazon, Drizzle, the
frail and intense poet, and Lovey, the
class beauty. The college smoothie
Minnie, Maggie, the leftist and Rosie,
the college oracle, provide much of
the comic appeal in the play. Jinx,
the eternal straggler, adds to the
character contrast with her slow ways
and southern drawl.
Tickets for the three-act comedy
will be placed on sale Monday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office. The
box office will be open daily from 10-
11:30 a.m. and from 12:30-5 p.m.
Thursday through Saturday it will
also be open from 7-8:30 p.m.
Don Cossacks
o Be Feted

Ga+ t'Sevastopol
Ex a
Ploost. ~Constanta
BELGRADE Gurgiu. - H
_N i OI
_ ~Bosphorus 1
SSa onsak r<
L rsa I Sea
GREECE~ -> ri
SAnta ya.
Prendar sATHENS *
0 ' 0ODECANESE'4Rhodes
Arrows indicate strategic possibilities mentioned in connection with
Turkey's new association with the Allies: Possible opening of the
Aegean Sea and use of the Dardanelles-Boshorus area to clear an in-
vasion route into the Balkans through the Mveric Valley; an attack on
Salonica and through the Vardar Valley.
* *
Izmir .: n & EO

Program for
Serv ice men

ChU re Pi a Variety of To Be Witness
Afor Week-End At Investigation

(iurlies To Presei Amon udent rligioue programs ig a 5:30 p.m. in the club rooms
this week eno wik bt a talk to the of the Student Chapel.
sPecl 11Lutheran student Association by Sis- A student tea will be held in the
For Christmas.Eve ter Margaret Fry who will speak on nitarian Church library Sunday at
4:~30 pm. No further parties are
Since most of the servicemen sta- per work a: deaconess at the Willowj-lanned until after Christmas vaca-
tioned on campus will be unable to Run area at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at tion.
leave Ann Arbor for the holidays, the Zion Parish Hall on East Wash- ranel Discussion Planned
the lcal Inter-Religion Council met ington. A panel discussion on the mission
Wednesday at Lane Hall to plan a The Congregational -Disciples of Father Allen Whittemore will be
special Christmas Eve program for TeCOlge~ io icpe~o ahrAlnWitmr ilb
s ofhisompans.epr m Guild, meeting Sunday at 5 p.m. with held at the Canterbury Club this
each of the companes.
!~~ l-V h pacznrP-uill1 Sunday at 6:45 pm. The Choral

i .

llissiig tepresctitative
Vislits t1_a( (parters,
Protnises Cooperation
LANSING. Dec. 9.--a>- State
Rep. Walter N. Stockfish, for whom
grand jury' investigators had
searched since Saturday to subpoena
him as a witness to tell what e
might know of charges of corruption
in the legislature. voluntarily visited
grand jury headquarters today and
promised full cooperation.
Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr,
conducting the one-man grand jury,
said Stockfish, a Hamtramck Demo-
crat, visited the court this afternoon
and declared he had been away on a
long-planned trip with his family.
The judge said he was satisfied that
Stockfish had not attempted to -"es-
? ro 1V Onr Vi n of !I c111'd nLL vt nr a V i

Funds Provided
Funds were made available to cover
any expense connected with the pro-
grams. All plans are to be kept secret,
but the committee promised that
something "interesting and inspira-
tional" will be offered.
The Inter-Religion Council, estab-
lished here last year. furnishes each
of the units with a civilian chaplain,
according to a pattern used by all
universities. Composed of representa-
tives of the Catholic, Jewish and
Protestant faiths. the Council con-
sists of Rabbi Jehudah Cohen of Hil-
lel Foundation, Father Frank Mc-
Phillips of St. Mary's Chapel, the
Rev. Henry O. Yoder of Trinity Luth-
eran Church, the Rev. Chester
Loucks, president of the Ann Arbor
Ministerial Association, E. William
Muehl, acting director of the Student
Religious Association. and Dr. Ed-
ward W.Blakeman, counselor in reli-
gious education.
Interviews Held
The chaplains donate one or two
evenings a week for interviewing. In
some of the units there are group
discussions on religion and personal
Those who are serving as chaplains
include the Rev. Robert Muir, the
Rev. Chester Loucks. the Rev. Ralph
SDunlop, the Rabbi Jehudah Cohen.
th Re v T 0 Y..der the Re.v. H. L.

the oabb conh
change its plac
Christian Chuc
Hill and Tapp-n
Frolic for :tude
will be held as u
Congregational C
1arieTo Be (G
ieA haride is pl
minster Guild a

=n as epea er, wil
e to the Memorial
a at the corner ofj
. The Friday-Nite
nts and servicemen
sual tonight in the
hurch from 8 to 11!

Evening Prayer at 5 p.m. and dinner
at 6 p.m. will precede the meeting.
Gamma Delta is making plans for
a skating party Sunday at 3 p.m. at
the Coliseum and for a supper and
meeting afterwards at the house onj
1511 Washtenaw.
The Wesleyan Guild at the Metho-;
dist Church will hold open house to-
morrow in the Guild rooms from'8:30
to 11:30 pnm.The speaker for the

anned for the West-
at the Presbyterian


New Officers Eected ert s r esenti
At Glee Club Meeting Mark Van Doren will be the first
Following a tradition established speaker on a new series of programs
irouhout the past five years, the to be presented by the Mutual net-
.arsity Men's Glee Club will enter-
in the Don Cossacks following the work from 10:15 to 10:30 p.m.,
ncert Tuesday night at an infor- Mondays.
al reception in the Rackham Build- .The programs will present out-
1g. standing American educators who
The usual custom at these recep- willdiscuss te country's educational
ons is for the Glee Club to sing d
[ichigan songs and the Don Cos- problem with the American people
Lcks then reply with songs of their over a nation-wide hook-up. The se-
wn. Refreshments, including coffee, ries will be under the direction of
?indwiches and cake, will be served.'
hercetiosan tokenitoetservd.Education for Freedom, Inc., a new
he reception is not open to the ---- - --

Ig aucators
non-profit organization formed by a
group or American citizens concerned
with the educational situation.
Price Is President
Rev. James Harry Price, president
of the organization, pointed out that
"'This new series of radio broadcasts
will. .. attract individuals and groups
everywhere who are concerned with
better education to make for bette

C te r s. s. v. xcu l, t V. 1'. L.
Pickerill, the Rev. W. P. Lemon and

At a meeting of the Glee Club yes-
terday, tentative plans were made
for a serenade sometime before
made for a'serenade sometime before
Christmas. The serenade will be
given for the women of the Univer-

Flu' Epidemic
Warnng Given

sity and the rounds of sorority hous- LANSING, Dec. 9.-tY)-The State
es and dormitories will be made. Health Department today warned of
New officers were' also elected at the possibility of an. influenza epi-
the meeting. They are: Jim Fred- demic in the coming weeks, as an un-
erickson, '44, president; Judson usual wave of colds and pneumonia
Brown, '44E, vice-president; Earl hit the state.
Barrett, '44, business manager; Ray Recently, the Department said,
Bohn, '46E, secretary; Paul Hilde- there has been only a slight increase
brandt, '44E, treasurer; Paul Hines, in reported cases of influenza, but
'46E, and George Ablin, '44, librar- colds and pneumonia are attacking
ians. more persons than is usual at this
time of year.
Atichig :: 1 Ur e(To The Department pointed out that
England currently is experiencing the
Help Salvage Paper worst influenza wave since 1937, and
that air travel may spread the dis-
LANSING, Dec. 9.-ui-Declaring ease around the world even more
that "mills are again desperate" for rapidly than it spread in the last
scrap paper for remanufacture, Gov- war.

"We are encouraging group listen-
ing, with a discussion p5eriod to fol-
low each broadcast. In this way we
seek to awaken millions of our fellow
citizens to their country's education
problem and to stimulate an active
interest toward finding its solution."
Van Doren To Discuss Aims
In, the first broadcast, Mr. Van
Doren will discuss the principles and
aims of Education for Freedom, Inc.,
and from that will branch out into a
development of his own ideas as ex-
pressed in his new book, "Liberal
Among the distinguished educators
who will be brought to the micro-
phone each Monday night are Walter
Lippmann, Robert Hutchins, Joseph'
A. Brandt, Stringfellow Barr, Pitirim
Sorokin, John U. Nef, Alfred Noyes,
Robert I. Gannon, Mortimer Adler,
Alexander Meiklejohn, Scott Buchan-
an and John Erskine.
A Y1JSlams
Miton Murray
American Youth for Democracy,
new anti-fascist organization, in re-
ply to an article attacking its prin-
ciples and program, presented a
mock "Dies Award for Yellow Jour-
nalism" to Milton Murray, Detroit
Times reporter.
The organization accused Murray
of insinuating that AYD "represents
an evil influence in the community."
He was also charged of using sensa-
tionalism to split the United Nations
"on the rocks of disunity."
Murray's story, which AYD says
was written in violation of "the ca-
nons of good journalism," appeared
in the Detroit Times of Nov. 22. The
subject of the story was the first
Detroit Conference of American
Youth for Democracy, held Nov. 21
at the Ionic Temple.

the Hev. Ed.cwardu Redman.
Also at the meeting of the Inter-
Faith Council were representatives of
the local Red Cross to present their
plans for Army at Christmas.
i']-A' Sinatr a Is
Classified as
4-F in Draft
NEWARK NJ. Dec. 9. - (P) -
Frankie Sinatra, classified "I-A" by
thousands of women and girls who
consider his crooning stri6tly super,
was rated 4-F for military service to-
day and sent back to the micro-
"I'm unhappy about it," said The
Voice as he left the Selective Service
Induction Station here after his phy-
sical examination, 'because I've been
bragging to friends that I'd get
Feminine admirers have gone so far
as to swoon on hearing Sinatra's
crooning notes, but the Army doctors
found he could not hear too well
"I've got a hole in my left ea
drum," he explained after the exami-
nation. Sinatra also told inquirers
that the doctors found a "couple of
other things wrong." including a need
for "more sleep and rest."
He got virtually no sleep on a train
ride here from Boston last night and
had already arranged to go tonight
to Pittsburgh.
Germian Report Places
Rommel in Denmark
STOCKHOLM. Dec. 9.-(/P)--The
Germans officially announced in
Copenhagen tonight that Field Mar-
shal Erwin Rommel had .arrived in
the Danish capital.

Church tomorrow at 7:30 p.m., the -dming ill be Dr. Andrewt"i
group returning at 9 p.m. for games, uda the grand jury "in any way.
dancing and freshments. Reser- da The Judge said Stockfish was
vations can still be telephoned in.At----------neither sworn as a witness nor sub-
a fSunday. following the supper poenaed, but promised to present
and fellowship hour, the Guild will himself to the grand jury any time
hear Mr. Howard Y. McCluskey speak W*iH e s cred t
on "Finding Life's Meaning."D id He described the legislator as in-
censed over statements dictated to
The Baptist student group is spon- . *) another judge by Stanley J. Dom-
soriing a Talent Show for Saturday 'iU Dga ebrowski, Detroit Democrat, before
night's program at 8:30 p.m. in the!- Dombrowski entered the state prison
Guild house. Their Sunday meeting of southern Michigan to serve a en-
will be at 5 p.m. Cowles Blames Party tence on a plea of guilty to perjury
Catholic students w ill meet at 3Prt before the grand jury.
p.m. Sunday for skating at the Rink Minority of Attempt "Stockfish told me he never had
with supper and discussions follow- To 'Destroy' Candidate paid any money to Dombrowski nor
- anybody in the legislature to influ-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.- (P)-As- ence their vote," Judge Carr said.
A I serting that a small minority of Re- Dombrow'ki's motion to have his
publicans is attempting to "destroy" sentence set aside and a new trial
r~ ee l Wendell L. Willkie, John Cowles, granted on grounds he was unaware
2 AMinneapolis publisher, tonight urged of the nature of the change to which
Willkie's renomination in 1944 and he pleaded guilty on Nov. 30 issched-
Blakeman To Conduct replied to charges that Willkie sup- uled for hearing tomorrow morning.
porters attempted to "buy delegates"
Sel a r at i ttsburg at the party's 1940 convention. State Juvenileode
Plans for the annual spring con- Cowles declared Willkie "isn't the
ference of the Religious Education kind of fellow who would tolerate any (l an W(c Approved
Association were completed in Chi- attempt by his supporters to buy dele-
cago at the semi-annual executive gates' votes." He said the 1940 nomi- LANSING, Dec. 9.-(/P)-Governor
board meeting attended Wednesday nee flatly rejected two offers by ndi- Kelly's youth guidance legislative
by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, reli- viduals "of ability and part standing" survey committee today approved
gious counselor. who sought a cabiet post and the proposed clhanges in the state juve-
The theme foi' the conference will Vice Presidential nomination to swing nile code which would give the Pro-
be "Religion for War and Recon- votes his way at a time durig the bate Court jurisdiction over parents
struction.- The conference, scheduled 1940 Philadelphia meeting when it and guardians of children under the
hiiappeared the nomination might go court's control. The State of Michi-
to be ee M ato Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio. gan does not now have such power.
the University of Pittsburg, is at- jp,
tended by religious educators, min- Letter Written To Sparks The recommendations, which were
isters and professors fiom the United Cowles' statement was made in a adopted for presentation to the spe-
States and Canada. letter to C. Nelson Sparks, former cial session of the legislature, pro-
The conference will be divided into Mayor of Akron, Ohio, author of a vided that adults responsible for a
five sections. Dr. Blakeman will book, "One Man-Wendell Willkie,, child should be required to reimburse
conduct the seminar on "Higher Edu- which Rep. Rankin (D-Miss) told the the state for expenses incurred while
cation." Other sections will be con- ' House Nov., 27 contained "an expose and require them to obey other rules
cerned with children, to be led by of the criminal rigging of the Repub- andreqiedtheooet
Adelaide Case of Columbia Teachers' lican convention at Philadelphia in established by the court.
College, youth by Dr. Raymond Mac- 1940." Sparks managed the cam-
Lain, of Transylvania University, paign of Publisher Frank Gannett for INVEST I N V ICTORY
Ky.,-and adults by J. Edward Sprowl the presidential nomination in 1940.- --
of the Y.M.C.A., New York City. In his letter, Cowles, who is presi-
Representatives at the board meet- dent of the Minneapolis Star Journal
ing also took action to establish re- and Tribune, asserted that "the small iUMI IGA N
gions of the Association. At present minority which is attempting to de-
the officers of the local region, whose stray Willkie" was overlooking the Ip
headquarters are in Detroit, include fact that polls showed Willkie "has s
Father John Quinn, dean of the Uni- about twice as much strength among R
versity of Detroit, president; and independent voters as any other Re-
Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Israel, publican possibility."
Detroit, secretary. Independent Vote Needed
"We will need the independent vote flhiItflf
G;ale, a: Bened 1ieto if we are to have a Republican vic- I
tory in 1944," he added.
G7'et AppoltIeI S Without naming the individuals in-a©
volved in the 1940 convention nci- t
Two new members. Dr. Esson Gale dent, Cowles said he was in Willkie's111f
9 and Mr. Paul Benedicto, have been hotel room after the fourth ballot
appointed to the Alumni Association when two persons called offering to
Committee on Inter-American Rela- switch support to him if certainY
Lions. I promises were made.
Christian Matthews, president of -- -IRT
the organization, made the appoint- Ypsi Has Rabies Scare
ments.YpiHsRbe Scr
Dr. Gale is a counsellor to foreign A rapidly spreading epidemic of
students on campus, and Mr. Bene- rabies in Ypsilanti was revealed yes-
dicto. who until 1941 was secretary of terday, where 18 dogs have been di- n
the University of Michigan Club in agnosed as having the disease within 0 ;.
z Puerto Rico, is an instructor of Span- the last 30 days and 32 more are'"'p *
i ish here. undergoing treatment.
° M0flR1AA


ernor -Kelly today issued a proclama-
tion and accompanying statement
calling upon the people of Michigan
to cooperate ,tin the current waste
paper salvage campaign.
Michigan mills produce nearly a]
third of all paper board for use ini
overseas shipping containers to pack-j
age K-rations and ammunition, KellyI
said. They depend to a large extent{
on waste paper to maintain produc-
tion and the current shortage has
caused several mills to cut their pro-
duction schedules, or even, in isolated
instances, close for a few days, he
Kelly said the salvage campaign
was so successful two years ago that
mills were swamped with waste pa-
per, but the situation now has chang-
ed and the people can make a valua-
ble contribution to the war effort
by cooperatiing with salvage agencies
in their communties.

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days.- (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request

Shows Continuous from 1 p.m.
Today and. Saturday
n "Y
t ~ tB
$Fr aa BoydCraW or
George Eucco
IaI L.aRue -
R4 & 1OR
*D -TI ID i f E|

LOST-Beta Theta Pi pin. Name P.
Hogg on back. Call 2-2547.
LOST --Girl's billfold near music
school Dec. 6-Contains important
paper. Not interested in money.
Reward. Jean Wiechel, 1014
I-TBonVaughn Street.
LOST-Brown Eversharp pen, be-
tween Union and Law Quad. Re-
ward. Phone 7543. Tom Hayes.
LOST Badly needed glasses; Mon-
day. Name in case. Billie Cooper.
Please return to 406 Mosher
LOST---Mimo watch in men's room
Main Library; Wednesday. Re-
ward. Phone 6518. Corp. Adams,
Co. E.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main 'Street,

7?ext Week:



8:30 P.M.

Eminent Authority on World Trovel
Perfect Pictures -Properly Projected






8:30 P.M.







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