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December 10, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-10

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We adther
M .iiuW -ii Colder


Fifth Arm Meets Savage aziResist


Senate Approves Wage
Increase by Wide Vote
744 Roll Call Authorizes 8-Cents-an-Hour
Pay Raise for 1,100,000 Railroad Workers
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.-Urged on by the Democratic majority leader,
the Senate overwhelmingly approved a proposed 8-cents-an-hour wage
increase for non-operating railroad workers today despite protests from
the Administration's top hold-the-line officials that it would be a wedge
for inflation.
A 74-to-4 roll call sent to the House the resolution authorizing the
pay rise for 1,100,000 wage earners. If the House concurs the proposal will
go to the President, putting up to* --
him the decision whether to veto it
and uphold the view of his stabiliza- Allied Leaders
tion chiefs-James F. . Byrnes and
Fred M. Vinson. Declare U-Boat
Senators Ellender (D-La.), Bailey
(D-N.C.), Ferguson (R-Mich.) and
Vandenberg (R-Mich.), voted against Fleet C ri ied
the proposal. r
Majority Leader Barkley of Ken-M
tucky took the floor in the closing More Than 300 Nazi
minutes of a day-long debate to tell Subs Destroyed from
the Senate to "discharge our respon-
sibility as we see it." March to November
He said he was "not persuaded by
arguments that this resolution is in- LONDON, Dec. 9.-(P) -U-boat
flationary," a contention made by hunting Allied ships and planes
War Mobilization Director Byrnes probably destroyed upwards of 300
when he singled out the railroad pay undersea raiders in the Atlantic from
proposal in a Tuesday night .attack March to November, seriously crip-
on' what he termed inflationary pling the submarine fleet 'which has
thrusts against the Administration's been one of Hitler's main hopes for
fight to hold down the cost of living, checkmating an invasion of Europe.;
"When this money is divided An announcement tonight by Pres-
among 1,000,000 employes it is not ident Roosevelt and Prime Mmister
going to enable them to go on a Churchill said that once again, in
long splurge of spending," Barkley November, the number of U-boats,
argued.'"They're goingto' spend it sunk exceeded the number of their
for food.."Tg victims, even though increasedhcau-
Senator Truman (D-Mo.), author tion by the Nazis presented the Al-
of the resolution; said the wage form- lied sub-killers with fewer targets. ;
ula set up in the document had twice The exact number of German sub-
been approved by the President. marines known sunk during Novem-,
'The 8-cent rise wasoriginally rec- ber was not announced, but it was
ommended by a special .board ap- disclosed officially at the end of
pointed. by the President to pass on October that 150 U-boats had been
demands of the non-operating rail- smashed in the six months begin-
road workers-the clerks, machinists, nmg in May, when the tide began
and others who do not operate trains shifting strongly toward the power-
-for a 20-cent increase. Vinson re- ful team of United States and Bri-
fused to approve it on the grounds ain.
it violated the Little Steel Formula In the peak-period of May and1
to hold wage-'time wage increases to June, and again in August and Sep-
15 percent above Jan. 1, 1941, levels. tember, U-boats were sunk at the

Jackie Wall
Is Separated
From Parents
Lack of Parental Care
Is Important Factor
In Youth's Delinquency
Eleven-year-old Jack Wall was
found delinquent in the Nov. 19 acci-
dental shooting of Barry Rothstein
and was removed from the custody
of his parents following a hearing
"I wish there were a law forbidding
every woman with children under 17
to work," Probate Judge Jay Pray
said, stressing the employment of
both parents as a factor in the boy's
delinquency. Mrs. Wall, a skilled
lathe operator, still employed as a
stock-stamper at Willow Run, has
not been to work since the shooting.
Plea Made for Leniency
Despite County Prosecutor Francis
Kamman's plea for leniency, Judge
Pray announced that Jackie would be
placed under the care of the Mich-
igan Children's Institute here. Pray
recommended that the youth be given
a 30-day test at the University Psy-
chiatric 'Institute. 'At,the. end of this
period Jackie will be placed in 'a suit-
able home by the Children's'Institute
until his own home is approved by the
The delinquency decision was based
on the Michigan statute. which states
that if the defendant points a gun
intentionally, without malic. at an-
other person and the gun discharges
so that the latter is. injured, maimed
or killed, the holder of' the gun has
committed an ,act .of manslaughter.
This law applies only to adults; there-
fore, the state could ,not .convict
Jackie ofPmanslaughter, but from,, the
statute a delinquency charge could
be filed. -
Hearing Held in Chamber
The hearing was held in Judge
Pray's chamber in the County Court
Building. Shortly after the proceed-
ings began at 3:30 p.m., County Agent;
Arch Wilson read his 11-page report
on the case in which he stated that
Jackie had committed a delinquent
Wilson then turned over the prose-1
cution to Kamman. As the only wit-
See PRAY, p. 6
Aims Clarified
Relations Bolstered
Minister Announces
ANKARA, Dec. 8. (Delayed)-(A)-
Turkey's foreign policy was left un-
changed by the Cairo Conference, but
her relations with. Great.Britain, the
United States and Russia were great-
ly strengthened, Foreign Minister
Numan Menemencioglu announced
Making the first authoritatitve
statement since his and President
Ismet Inonu's return from the meet-
ing at Cairo with President Roosevelt
and Prime Minister Churchill, the
foreign minister told a press confer-
"As you already noticed in the of-
ficial communique, our alliance with
England emerged considerably
strengthened. (He stressed the word
"I can tell you our talks were so
intimate and friendly that we can
say that our relations with America

and Russia are almost the same as
with England."
In answer to a direct question he
said that the Cairo talks had led
Turkey closer to the Allied camp.

ua rkey's President


With Roosevelt, Churchill

President Ismet Inonu (center) of Turkey sits be ween President Roosevelt (left) and Prime Minister
Churchill (right,) 'during an 'interval in the conference at Cairo, Egypt. It was announced that they
found their nations 'bound, byr the "closest unity." (AP Wirephoto from OWI via radio from Cairo).

Aussie Force
Takes Wareo
In New Guinea
Japanese Supply Line
Cut in Six-Day Drive ,
In Jungles of Huon
HEADQUARTERS, Friday, Dec. 10.
-(A')--Wareo, a strong, natural de-
fense point in the Huon Peninsula
jungles of northeastern New Guinea
and an important hub for Japanese
supply lines, was captured Wednes-
day by Australians after a six-day
The capture, announced today by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, was achiev-
ed by part of the same Aussie force
which late in November stormed and
won the high plateau fortification of
Sattelberg four miles south of Wareo.
Wareo is approximately 12 miles
northwest of the Allied coastal base.
of Finschhafen.
The new success accelerated the
campaign to drive out the Japanese
from the entire Huon Peninsula
which is separated at the closest
point by only 70 miles of water from
the invasion-menaced, pivotal Jap-
anese island of New Britain. Point-
ing to the possibility of such an in-
vasion, Allied air forces steadily
maintained the daily series of at-
tacks on New Britain bases closest to
New Guinea.I
At Cape Gloucester, the Japanese
air base on New Britain's western tip
nearest to the peninsula ground
front, Allied planes attacked through
the tenth straight day. This time it
was on a lighter scale, by Liberator
reconnaissance planes.
200 Additional Men
Will Donate Blood
The Washtenaw County chapter of
the Red Cross has announced that an
additional 200 Military Police from
Battle Creek will be here to give blood
on Dec. 16, as well as the 200 arriving
Dec. 17.
ryf ;,, earle- -ti - - m tt ,m ll aan

rate of one a day, and even if this
rate of destruction were cut in half,
it would mean that 15 more sub-
marines were sunk in November.
Drawing from this to estimate the
Germans' U-boat losses for April and
March; the total would come to at
about 200 sunk since March, when,
incidentally, the U-boat fleet was at
its top strength of 600-plus.
Although the Nazi submarines
were more successful before that
time, a good number were destroyed
as they roamed the north and south
Atlantic, attacking single ships as
well as convoys.
Allies Will. Aid
Partisan Army
. ./
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9-(P)-Gen-
eral Anglo-American policy toward
Europe's intra-mural fights emerged
today with a disclostire that the Unit-
ed States intends to send its main
military support in Yugoslavia to the
Partisan forces despite their opposi-
tion to the duly recognized govern-
ment of King Peter.
Secretary of State Hull, in response
to a question at a press conference,
affirmed the British policy announc-
ed in Parliament yesterday. Minister
of State Richard K. Law told Com-
"We are sending more support to
the Partisans (headed by General
Josip Broz, called Tito) than to Mi-
hailovic (King Peter's Minister of
War) for the simple reason that the
Partisans are doing more of the
fighting against the Germans."

1eI'er Bend
Loop Tightened
ByRed Army
Oig Tank Battle Rages;
Nazi Counterattacks
Repulsed Near Kiev;
Associated ,Press Correspondent
LONDON, Dec. 9.-The Red Army
smashed to within 18 miles of the in-
dustrial center of Kirovograd today
in a five-niile gain which tightened
its annihilation loop. around the
pocketd ril l hub of Znamenka in the
DnieperiRFver iben& --.
Wet of.'Kiev in the Cberny-akhov
sector, where' one of the biggest tank
battles of the war was raging, the
Russians repulsed large-scale German
tank and infantry counterattacks,
Moscow announced in its communique
tonight. .; '-
5,000 Germans Killed
Moscow, dispatches said more than
5,000 Germans had been- killed and
approximately 200 enemy tanks de-
stroyed by Soviet gunners during the
last three days in that explosive area
where Axis forces are trying to
achieve a mass break-through- toward
Kiev on the middle Dnieper.
The Germans were reported pour-
ing into battle their tank and in-
fantry 'reserves 'drawn from Germany,
the Netherlands, Poland and even
Italy, spending them lavishly in a
supreme effort to regain a part of
their lost Dnieper line and relieve
enormous Soviet pressure on the Axis
fronts in White Russia to the north
and in the Dnieper bend to the
75 Nazi Tanks Destroyed
Berlin as well as Moscow einpha-
sized -the fighting in the hotly-con-
tested bulge west of Kiev, claiming
Axis gains of 25 miles on the Zhito-
mir - Chernyakhov - Korosten front..
But the Russians said their troops
beat down these serious attacks
knocking out 75 German tanks in the
Chernyakhov sector along during
Wednesday's fighting.

Responding to an urgert request
of the .War Prooluction Board, a
campus drive to collect waste paper,
cardboard; old newspapers and mag-
azines to help relieve 'an acute na-
tion-wide shortage begins today und-
er the joint sponsorship of Assembly
and Pan-Hellenic.
Called one of the most important
drives of this war, the one-week
campaign 'will last until next Friday
when collections will be' made at sor-
orities and' leaguehouses.
Will Be Collected
'-Doris Barr, president of Assembly,
and Frances Vyn, 'project chairman
for Pan-Hellenic, are working out a
system whereby sorority houses in the
same neighborhood will bring their
collections. together at one centrally
located house where they may be
picked up at one time. The 54 league
houses on campus are already divided
into eight zones and each zonedchair-
man is to contact the houses in her
zone and determine at which house
the paper will be picked up.
The drive on campus will be held
in cooperation with the Washtenaw
County Salvage Committee of the
WPB, and George H. Gabler, chair-
man, suggests tying old newspapers
in bundles 12 inches high and maga-
zines in stacks 18 inches high. Card-
board boxes should be flattened and
piled in 12-inch stacks while waste-
paper should be packed into boxes so
that it will be easier to carry.,
Dangerous Shortage
Donald Nelson,, chairman of the
WPB, says the current shortage is a
dangerous threat 'to the country's
paper board packaging operations.
Many of the larger mills are down to
four days' production instead of six
because of lack of waste paper and
alrealy an extensive waste paper
black market has developed.
Waste paper is the basic raw ma-
terial from which finished paper
containers, corrugated paper boxes
and protective wrappers used by all
branches of the armed forces is made.'
Manufacture and shipment of
practically every form of military
supplies such as shells, bombs, am-
William Padgett Is
Granted New Trial
The retrial of William Padgett,
who was convicted of murdering
eClifford 'Stang, Ann Arbor police-
man, in 1936, will take place Tuesday
in the Washtenaw County Circuit
Guy A. Miller, judge of the Wayne
County Circuit Court, will preside.
1'n a+ ilnQhaan in _- n +-Q.n

munition, food and medical supplies'
all are dependent on an adequate'
paper supply to package goods before'
transporting them to the front lines.
Altogether over 700,000 different'
kinds of goods and equipment will be
needlessly delayed in reaching our
fighting forces overseas if the present'
drive to collect plain, ordinary waste
paper of every kind, texture and color
is not successful.
Chinese Forces
Take Changtee

Waste Paper Urgently Needed;*
Campus Drive Begins Today

Allies Break
Defense Wal
Enemy Counterattacks
Met by Clark's Forces
Near Garigliano River'
Associated Press Correspondent
GIERS, Dec. 9.-Driven from the
crests of a chain of mountain ridges
which formed the hard outer wall of
their carefully prepared defenses be-
fore Rome, the Germans with their
backs to the upper Garigliano River
fought back savagely today against
the pressure of Lt.-Gen. Mark W.
Clark's Fifth Army.
On the Adriatic end of the Italian
front the Nazis waged an equally
desperate battle to hold the line
guarding the 'important port of Pes-
'cara and the inland city of Chieti,
throwing squadrons of tanks into a
battle raging around the town of
Orsogna, 10 miles from the sea.
Enemy Counterattacks
An Allied communique referred
cautiously to "several inconclusive
counterattacks"' launched by the en-
emy against the Fifth Army, but
there was no official indication whe-
ther they cost Clark's forces any of
the ground they won in the past
week's hard fighting.
British troops stormed and took
a ridge of Mt. Croce, two and one-
half miles southwest of the summit
of Mt. Camino and only a mile fropi
the Garigliano. Mt. Croce's 3,000-
foot summit was seized a month ao
at the same time the Fifth Army
smashed enemy defenses on Massico
Ridge near the Tyrrhenian Sea.,
Clark's warriors, pushing down the
western slopes of Mt. Maggiore an'd
Mt. Camino toward the flatlands
leading to the major German strong-
hold of Cassino, wiped out all by-
passed enemy pockets except on the
northwestern tip of the Maggidi'e
incline and in the small village of
Rocca Devandro, nestled against
Summary Given
Front line reports gave this sum-
mary of the situation today:
American and British units hold
all high ground on three mountains
-Camino, Maggiore and Croce-
dominating from the south and
southwest the lower edges of. the
broad valley in which the Liri River
flows into the upper Garigliano.
The German defenders had been
pushed back to within a mile of the
Garigliano in one place. Their hold
on Rocca Devandro promised to be
brief, as the village was within easy
rifle and mortar range of Allied
troops on higher ground.
Clark's fighters had to overcome
desperate obstacles to win these
mountain tops, sometimes literally
clawing up steep, muddy slopes.
Kelly Apprehended
By Police in Nevada
James Kelly, charged with stealing
$6,000 in federal funds from the of-
fice of the Willow Run Court Housing
Project, has been apprehended in Las
Vegas, Nev. after being identified by
fingerprints taken from the office
He will be brought back to Ypsi-
:anti by the Michigan State Police.

Gen. Yu Is Iero of
Battle for Stricken+


CHUNGKING, Dec. 9.-U)-Chi-.
nese forces under Gen. Yu Cheng-
Wan, the "hero of Changteh," recap-
tured that stricken city in particular-
ly bloody fighting early this morning
and moved on to push the Japanese
invaders back from China's vital "rice
bowl" region.
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's
headquarters announced Gen. Yu's
victory in returning to avenge his
57th division. The division was wiped
out except for 300 men in its 15-day
defense of the city that fell to the
Japanese Dec. 3.
Chinese forces north of the Yuan
river in the Panchiapu sector, north-
west of Changteh, were attacking the
Japanese who are already showing
"signs of weakening," said a head-
quarters bulletin.

Tax Bill Cut by 26 Million;
Subsidy Hearings Near End


D~e_ 9 --(P)-

Life in a JapanesePrisonCamp

"One of the things that amazed
us was that we had so little spare
time in the internment camp," Rev.
Phillip Sullivan, who has just re-
turned to the United States after
having spent seven months in a Ja-.
panese prison camp, said in an in-
terview yesterday.
..ra~uatedin1 92

In the internment camp Rev.
Sullivan and 12 of his American
colleagues from St. John's set up a
university. Classes were taught at
night and "the only thing we were
not allowed to teach," he said, "was
history after 1914. We dug an ath-
letic field out of a bombed village.
There we had baseball and soccer
football games. Bridge filled many

repayof buildings and even but-
chering, way done by' the internees.
So Wehd;very little spare time."
Cori itmieation Cut torituix'
Commun iiation with the det te
world was cut to a minimum in the
camp. However, by means of a
"contact" in Shanghai and the Red
Cross, parcels do reach the intern-
es A f or ettina infnmatinn

I ate Finance Committeemen tore ano-
ther $26,400,000 corner off the tax
bill today. rejecting in the process a
proposal to tax race track betting
while approving doubled taxes on
movie tickets and admissions to other
Knocking out the House-approved
5 per cent tax on part-mutuel wag-
ering, together with minor excise
changes, accounted for the reduction
which cut prospective revenue under
the tattered measure to $1,922,700,000
a year.
The total now left in the bill is
well below one-fifth of the $10,500,-
000,000 extra funds sought by the
Y Treasury. To date, for every $100
Secretary Morgenthau asked, the
Senators have voted $18.31. Further

Hearings on legislation to scuttle the
Administration's Food Subsidy Pro-
gram neared an end before the Sen-
ate Banking committee today as
Farm Bloc spokesmen moved to force
a Senate ballot on the bill before the
Christmas holidays.
Their drive for speedy action came
after an Administration group renew-
ed efforts to delay a vote on the
House-approved subsidy repealer un-
til after a year-end recess, with the
frankly-expressed hope that a visit
home would continue wavering sena-
tors that there is a dominant popular
sentiment in favor of subsidies to
hold the line on food prices.
Spurning the plea of Senator El-
lender (D-La) that the Senate allow
itself such a "cooling off" period.

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