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December 09, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-09

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4 t

W Cdcather
Cloudy and Colder

15 days tillChrstmas,





To Accept



Battleship Wisconsin

Six ap Ships Sunk,


Job as Prosecutor
Despite Criticism
Attorney Is 'Rip-Roaring Mad' about
Controversy over His Appointment,
Will Begin Work on Jury Cases Dec. 20
By The Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 8.-Attorney Jay W. Linsey said tonight
he would accept appointment as special prosecutor of trials resulting from
a Grand Jury investigation of the legislature, despite criticism of the
appointment, and added:
"This whole controversy makes me rip-roaring mad; I'm going to go
through with the. job."
Linsey said he had just returned to his home here from a conference
in Lansing with Attorney General Herbert J. Rushton, who announced his
appointment to the Grand Jury staff last night.
"I told him that I would accept the appointment, that I don't care
what they say about me, because I know what is true and what is not. This
whole controversy makes me rip- U -
roaring mad and I'm going to go.
through with the job. ail Line to
"When I told Mr. Rushton that he

Nip Planes Destroyed in
Marshall Islands Attack


"1L FVW .FF . FVAiVVIVL , 11
said he was glad and that he wanted
Linsey said he believed he had
been selected "because of njy past ex-
perience as a trial lawyer in handling
this type of case." He referred to the
assignment as involving "hard work,"
but said criticism directed against
him on grounds that he had repre-
sented Republican National Commit-
teeman Frank D. McKay and defend-
ed Fred C. Ehrmann in the Federal
Liquor Conspiracy Case in which Mc-
Kay also was accused and acquitted
made him "more determined than
ever to accept the job."
Not McKay's Attorney
He said he had no further com-
ment "except that. I am not Frank
McKay's attorney. He has merely
been a client of mine, in past years,
and I have done some work for him
when he needed it." McKay engaged
separate counsel in the liquor con-
spiracy case.
In Lansing, Rushton confirmed the
conversation with Linsey today and
said his appointment would stand.
"There is no basis for criticism,"
the Attorney General declared. To
criticize the appointment on grounds
of a connection between Linsey and
McKay was " a lot of foolishness," he
McKay Question Settled
"We (Linsey and Rushton) had a
talk before this but we did not
mention McKay," the Attorney Gen-
eral cintinued. "Now we have settled
that question."
"Mr. Linsey thinks he never had
but two little matters to handle for
McKay, one in justice court and one
in chancery court."
Linsey said here tonight he expect-
ed to begin work on the grand jury
cases at Lansing on Dec. 20. First,
he said, he had to complete work on
the McMann murder case here, in
which he is the defense attorney,
which opens Monday.
U.S. Steel Plans
To negotiate
150 Companies Agree
To Reopen Contracts
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 8.- (Al3)-
United States Steel Corp., the na-
tion's largest producer, today an-
nounced it would negotiate a new
labor contract with the United Steel-
workers of America (CIO), and the
union said approximately 150 other
companies also had agreed to reopen
their contracts.
"Big Steel's" announcement was
in reply to the union's notice of in-
tention to reopen wage negotiations
after demanding a general 17-cent
hourly increase for some 500,000
"basic steel" workers.
Benjamin F. Fairless, U.S. Steel
president, said representatives of five
subsidiaries would meet here next
Tuesday with union officials.
The U.S. Steel announcement
came less than 24 hours after the
Weirton (W.Va.) independent union
asked the Weirton Steel Co., for a $1
an hour minimum wage. Weirton is
a subsidiary of National Steel Corp.,
only major producer which does not
have a contract with the CIO.
Eight Seniors Are
Tapped to Scroll
Scroll, senior honor society for sor-

Nilolaev Cut by
Red Columns
German Attacks with
2,000 Tanks Force Red
Retreat in Kiev Bulge
LONDON, Dec. 8.-(P)-Russian
columns closing around Znamenka
outflanked this Dnieper bend rail
center from the south today by cut-
ting the big rail line to Nikolaev, but
the Red Army fell back for the sec-
ond straight day in the Kiev bulge
before a mighty German counter-
attack powered by almost 2,000
The Znamenka-Nikolaev line was
cut at Sharovka marking a 13-mile
advance in 24 hours from Pantaevka.
The district center of Novaya Praga
was overrun en route.
Capture Rail Town
North of the rail hub another Sov-
iet column which had already cut the
line to Smela, captured Elizavetgrad-
ka, 13 miles northwest of Znamenka.
This town is only five miles from the
subsidiary junction of Khirovka,
astride the Germans' last rail escape
route from Znamenka, a line run-
ning west to Kirovograd.
Other Russian forces were only
two miles from Znamenka itself,
Moscow reports said, as three of the
four railroads leading from the area
were cut.
Kiev Battle Desperate
But the Russians were fighting a
desperate battle north of this area in
the Kiev bulge, where they admitted
their second retreat in two days and
indicated that Chernyakhov, on the
rail line between Zhitomir and Koro-
sten, was either lost or outflanked.
Chernyakhov, some 75 miles west
of Kiev, is the westernmost Russian
Moscow dispatches said the Ger-
mans were using the largest group
of big tanks ever employed on the
Soviet front in their determined
effort to liquidate this threat to the
very heart of their Russian defenses.
They were concentrated on a 40-mile
battlefront between the Korosten
and Zhitomir highways leading into
Chinese Retake
Highway Towni
CHUNGKING, Dec. 9. (Thursday)
-(IP)-Chinese troops have recaptur-
ed the town of Tehshan, a few miles
south of fallen Changteh, gateway to
Changsha and China's "rice bowl,"
the Chinese High Command reported
The town is a strategically-import-
ant point on the highway linking
Changteh, captured Dec. 3 by the
Japanese, and Changsha.
Chinese troops in southern Honan
Province, meanwhile, were reported
in yesterday's communique to have
broken into the important Japanese
base of Sinyang and to have entered
the suburbs of the enemy stronghold
on Suihsien to the southeast in Hu-
peh province.
Kelly acts oul
Service Voting
LANSING, Dec. 8- P )-Governor

The Mighty Battleship U. S. S. Wisconsin of the Navy's "Biggest
Battleship" Class, built in two years at a cost of $90,000,000, moves
slowly down the ways at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Thirty-five
thousand watched the launching on the second anniversary of the
Pearl Harbor attack, and Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Ralph A.
Bard, hailed the giant vessel as the answer to Japanese aggression. Note
size of vessel in relation to the men abroad. The ship was sponsored
by Mrs. Walter S. Goodland, wife of Wisconsin's governor.
Greatest News O fThree Allied
Meetings Is' Not Yet Revealed

Allied Forces
Take Villages
Near Migynano
Fifth Army in Italy
Drives from Slopes
Into Garigliano Valley
GIERS, Dec. 8.-(/P)-American and
British troops of the Fifth Army in
Italy slashed down the western slopes
of Mt. Maggiore and Mt. Camino in-
to the strategic valley of the upper
Garigliano River today after wrest-
ing the summits of those peaks from
the Germans and capturing the
strongly fortified villages of Camino,
Acquapendola and Cocuruzza south-
west of Mignano. Though the steady,
savage thrusts of Lt. Gen. Mark W.
Clark's fighters had cleared the Nazis
from the last important heights in
this sector of their powerful winter
line, including bloody Monastery
Ridge, the enemy still was resisting
fiercely from many scattered strong-
Latest reports placed British ad-
vance units in this sector within a
mile and a half of the Garigliano af-
ter their seizure of Acquapendola,
about seven miles south of the key
German stronghold of Cassino guard-
ing the broad highway to Rome.
From dominating positions on both.
Mt. Maggiore and Mt. Camino Gen.
Clark's guns now command the
southern part of the all-important
valley between Mignano and Cassino.
As the Fifth Army's gruelling of-
fensive against the core of the Ger-
man line apparently neared full suc-
cess after a week's bitter fighting,
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
veteran Eighth Army reported limit-
ed advances in the area of the Moro
River, where the stream empties into
the Adriatic.
Senators .debate
Food Allocation

laps Caught Off Guard
At Anchor in Lagoons
Anerican Attackers Beating OH1 Enemy
Planes Suffered Light Aircraft Losses
Associated Press Correspondent
Pearl Harbor, Dec. 8.-Six Japanese ships, including two light cruisers,
were sunk, four other vessels damaged and at least 72 Nipponese planes
destroyed by U. S. Carrier Task forces which attacked the enemy-held
Marshall Islands in the Mid-Pacific last Saturday, Admiral Chester W.
Nimitz announced today.
The American forces, commanded by Rear Admiral Charles A. Pownall,
then beat off vigorous and prolonged attacks by enemy torpedo and bomb-
ing planes. One unidentified American ship sustained minor damage and
there were "light" aircraft losses.
In addition to the cruisers, an oiler and three cargo transports were
sunk. The ships damaged were a troop transport and three cargo transports.
The communique, issued simultaneously here and in Washington, thus

CAIRO, Dec. 8.-(P-The greatest
news of the three historic Allied con-
ferences has yet to unfold, Field Mar-
shal Jan Christian Smuts declared
today, asserting that what the world
doesn't know about the meetings is
more important than what it vas
Heavy Work Ahead
Smuts, President of the Union. of
South Africa, and a member of the
British War Cabinet, called the meet-
ings "the most significant confer-
ences for 100 years," and asserted
they achieved "unanimity far exceed-
ing our expectations."
He expressed hope for victory by
Christmas of next year, but warned
Tax Bill Yield
Is Sliced Away
Senate Committee Cuts
Bill to $1,950,000,000
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.- (/P)-
Estimated yield from the new tax
bill shrivelled to less than $2,000,-
000,000 today when the Senate Fin-
ance Committee amputated $190,-
000,000 from the House total in a
five-hour closed session.
The committee sliced away an an-
ticipated $78,000,000 of revenue in
an afternoon session after knocking
out $112,000,000 worth of excise taxes
before lunch. As a result ,the bill
which was estimated to raise $2,140,-
000,000 in the form in which it left
the House was reduced to a total of
about $1,950,000,000. Existing taxes
bring about $41,300,000,000 a year
into the treasury.
Running counter to general fore-
casts, the committee approved $92,-
000,000 in increased postal rates, al-
though knocking out a projected
doubling of third-class rates which
would have accounted for $74,400,000
more a year.
Under the committee action, which
is still subject to Senate approval or
rejection, the rate of local first class
mail would rise from 2 to 3 cents an
ounce, air mail would go up from
6 to 8 cents, and post offices would
charge higher fees for money orders
and registered, insured and C.O.D.
Travelers, telephone users, whisky'
drinkers, club men, pool players,
night club playboys and women buy-
ing furs, face powder and handbags
are among those lassoed by the new
levies, previously voted by the House
but still subject to Senate approval,
Mild Flu Outbreak
Trebles in, Country
WASHI~NTO N De. 8-(,P)-The

that "very heavy work lies ahead of
us with fierce fighting."
The new friendship accord of the
Allies with neutral Turkey was viewed
in Cairo, meanwhile, as presaging
stirring events in the Middle East and
Mediterranean war theaters.
General Smuts, addressing a press
conference of some 70 war correspon-
dents, declared that the Allied meet-
ings had averted the danger that the
United States. Britain and Russia
might win the war without achieving
the absoulte cooperation necessary
for winning the peace.
Dines with Roosevelt
Smuts spoke at the end of more
than two weeks of conferences which
newsmen viewed from a distance with
only brief communiques couched in
general terms and second-hand de-
scriptions of physical facts on which
to base their dispatches.
Smuts, high in the Allied councils,
had dinner with President Roosevelt
here Monday night.
Smuts said "The old world is dead,
and the significance. of this war is
+u i + i s +I1-fF-+boSIJ +_ nJ ---

broke the silence that for two days h
Raid on Cape
Gloucester Is
Re ported Today
Aussies, Yaiks Extend
Beachheads on Huon
Peninsula in Pacific
HEADQUARTERS, Dec. 9. (Thurs-
day) -(A)-A 195-ton bombing raid
on Cape Gloucester, raising to ap-
proximately 1,300 tons the explosive
weight to hit invasion-menaced west-
ern New Britain in two weeks, was
reported by headquarters today along
with ground successes on New Guinea
and in the Solomons.
While Cape Gloucester's anti-air-
craft positions were being destroyed
and supply dumps exploded by fight-
er-escorted Liberators and Mitchells,
Australian soldiers, 80 miles to the
southeast, extended by more than two
miles along the Huon Peninsula of
New Guinea the coastal holdings
from which New Britain may be in-I
On the west-central coast of Bou-
gainville, where American forces hold
a beachhead in the' northern Solo-
mons 260 miles southeast of the New
Britain stronghold of Rabaul, invad-
ing troops have extended their peri-

had followed the terse announcement
that our forces, quickly following up
the conquest of the Gilbert Islands,
had carried the weight of the new
central Pacific offensive to the Mar-
shall chain.
Besides the 72 enemy planes des-
troyed in aerial combat, an undeter-
mined number of bombers were de-
molished or damaged in the strafing
or runways and airdromes. Various
ground installations were destroyed
or damaged.
The attack was directed at Kwa-
alein, Roi and Wotje Islets, which are
air bases, and at Ebeye Island. En-
emy ships were lying at anchor in the
Kwajalein and Wotje lagoons, mdi-
cating the Japanese were caught off
The presence of troop and cargo
ships in the Kwaljalein and Wotje
lagoons might indicate the enemy
was strengthening those already
strong bastions in anticipation of an
American attempt to take the islands,
It was not stated whether the enemy
ships were loaded or empty.
While the strength of the carrier
force was a secret, the spokesman
said more than one carrier division
participated. There are four "flat-
tops" in a carrier division.
*, * *
Yanks Take" Makin
NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-(/P)-A terse
two-word telegram sent by Major
Ralph C. Smith told war correspond-
ents in the South Pacific theatre that
his 27th division of the U. S. Army
had successfully invaded and con-

Farm Group

May Aid

that it is the first step to
portunity, in which thei
play an even greater pa
must be "no repetition of
ter" but the world must "
thing more firm than the
NBC Chief
Federal Co
sailing "bureaucratic con
dio as "a gun aimed at t
all our democratic freed
dent Niles Trammell of t
Broadcasting Company a
day for legislative safegua
federal restriction "wh
goosestep an industry."
Trammell told the Se
state Commerce Committe
performances have demon
dio's devotion to public
its acknowledgment of so
tions so clearly that gover
croachment" could serve o
troy the business, shackl
dom and arrest the prog
broadcasting art."

a new op- WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-(1P)-In
press must the midst of the congressional battle meter on the northeast, occupying quered Makin Island on Nov. 23-24.
rt" There t dseveral bridges and high ground The two words were:
thi.s disas- over food subsidies, the Senate Ag- 'positions against very light opposi- "Makin taken."
forge some- riectoda tCommittee suddeny decd- tion. d CGoucester_.
olr er"od ptodat oalotaimoths- The new raid on Cape Gloucester, .u g
old order." old proposal to allocate basic war the heaviest of the series there, was ritish H elp
ods to low-income families, made Tuesday. Returning pilots said
HR t Such a program has been suggested the continuous pounding had been so Yugoslav Force
in some quarters as a subterfuge for effective that no anti-aircraft fire
general food subsidies on the grounds was encountered over that enemy air
ntrolit would prevent higher retail food base and there was only machinegun Partisans Aided More
prices from causing hardship to per- fire around adjacent Borgen Bay.
8.-()P)-As- sons of small income. _ -- Than Chetnik Army
trol" of ra- Chairman Smith (D-S.C.) appoint- TI
he heart of ed Senator Gillette (D-Iowa) as B ur ton H o lmes LONDON, Dec. 8.-(P)-The Brit-
om," Presi- chairman of a subcommittee to hold ish Government disclosed today that
he National hearings on the food allotment plan W ill Talk Here the greater part of the support it is
ppealed to- advocated by Senator Aiken (R-Vt.) giving to Yugoslav fighting forces is
ards against in a bill introduced last July. }, going to those of the Communist-sup-
ich would Aiken proposes to operate the pro- 'Dean of Travelogues ported Partisan leader, Gen. Josip
gram somewhat like the old food To Speak on Russia Broz (Tito) rather than to those of
nate Inter- stamp plan for distributior of sur- Gen. Draja Mihailovic, Minister of
ee that past plus commodities. s'ule War in King Peter's exile govern-
nstrated ra- Persons whose income did not per- Russia, as it existed unde s the ment, on the ground that the Parti-
service and mit them to maintain an adequate of the old Czars and as it exists now Soviet government will sans are doing most of the fighting
cial obliga- diet would be given coupons whic rm the subject for an illustrated against the Germans.
nment "en- could be used for purchase of foods. lecture to be given by Burton Holmes t Questioned about the most spec-
nly to "des- Backers of the idea argue it wouldat 8:30t.m Monday in Hill Audi- tacular internal dissension in the en-
e the free- subsidize only those in need and they orium under the auspices of the tire Allied camp, Minister of State
tress of the contend that general subsidies aid Oratorical Association. Richard K. Law told Commons that
both the poor and the wealthy. A. "Our policy is to support all forces in
Mr. Holmes, often called "the dean Yugoslavia which are resisting the
of travelogue speakers," has had an Germans."
ILL:;insatiable curiosity about places and
people for over half a century. This
year hecelebrateshisfftieth anni- Navy Com pletes


Symphony in Concert Here

"I myself and also I might add the
entire orchestra have the highest re-
gard for the music of Dmitri Shos-
takovitch," was the opinion voiced in
an after concert interview by Richard
Burgin, associate conductor of the
Boston Symphony who lead the or-

nected with the Boston Symphony
for the last 23 years.
"I received my musical training in
Leningrad and Berlin during the per-
iod from 1904 to 1908," he remarked.
"As for any special musical tastes I
can only say that my greatest inter-
est rests in those compositions which

In the lecture, which is the first
of three he will give before Ann Ar- Bond
bor audiences this season, Mr. Holmes
will show first the Russia he saw in Culminati
1901 and then will continue with the Pearl F
films he took during his Soviet In- paign, Nav,
tourist trip in 1934. here purch
The changes in the people, the bonds.
mode of living, the cities and the The drive
spirit of Russia's inhabitant will be supervision
shown in an itinerary which includes USN retired
Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Stalingrad, flcer of the
the Clrimea and a jaunt into Siberia. NROTC can

Drive Here
'ng a week long drive for
Harbor Day Bond cam-
al personnel stationed
ased $12,956.75 in war
was conducted under the
of Lt. N A. Pananides,
and Communication Of-
V-12, intcharge of the
npaign; Lt. James High-

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