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December 08, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-08

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J1Pg Nl~ir u Daily
Fifty-Fourth Year

Unwersity Women Are Fighting Over Trivialities
While They Have Opportunity To Help Fight War


By Lichty



Samnef Grnififea
Id Rather
Be Right

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
,egular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
tar republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

THE MEN in the armed services have had to
drop most of the activities which they led
before, so women now have a chance to play a
more prominent part in school activities than
they have ever before had occasion to play.
In recent editorials on the subject, the lack
of participation on the part of women has been
blamed on many things: excuses given have
been mainly adolescence and apathy. No ex-
cuses should be given, for there is no excuse
strong enough to stand up under stress of war.
As a boy in the service once said, "Girls are
lucky enough to be able to attend school in
America and take those subjects they wish while
the boys must either take specialized courses or
go overseas and give their lives for the America
they love."
This phrase should make women realize how
really little they have to do. They are in school
to make good marks, b t do they? They are in
school where activities are begging for girls
to volunteer, but do they?
The excuse that girls have never had the
chance to develop a sense of good citizenship is
just as poor as the one that they are wasting
their time wishing for the good old days.
THERE ARE chances all around to develop good
citizenship. Girls had it, or, should have had
it hammered into them all the way through high
school. The student council, the war stamps
committee, even the committee for getting up

Christmas baskets were aids in building up citi-
zenship. If women turned their noses up at those
things, it shows they do not have interest enough
to see beyond their own little shell.
If they are willing to be like that, perhaps
the only way to make them sit up and take
notice is to take them into war zones and let
them see the actual fighting and then perhaps
they will see what little they are doing in com-
parison to others to aid.
That they are wishing for the good old days of
Soph Cabaret and other such functions doesn't
hold true either. Many students weren't on cam-
pus when such functions were held. They haven't
been on campus either when men in uniform
didn't appear. These college days will always be
ones connected with war.
These days should be filled with as much
outside activity as possible. There is a chance
to be a leader in' every activity. Don't rest on
excues, there isn't time for them. All that
time should be used for now is in aiding the
war effort. The sooner this is done the sooner
the war will be over and then you may retire to
your "ivory towers" or to be babied. The
chances are, however, that after having a taste
of activities you will want to keep right on
working and will never want to retire!
Women must realize that this problem is bigger
than the University campus. They are fighting
over trivialities when they should be fighting the
war.a- Emily Knapp

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Marion Ford .
Jane Farrant .
lBe Sherman .
Marforie Borradalle
Eric alenski . .
Bud Low . . .
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson . .
Marjorie Rosmarin . . .
Hilda Slautterback
Dorin Kuentz .
Molly Ann Winokur .
Elizmbeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
* . .City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
Ass't Women's Editor
* . . Columnist
* . . Columnist
. Business Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

'7 . (11J~4, t~Cicago *Tmes n


"Naw-Pop's wa iarstories are flsop-alli he talks about is how
well he's doing in his studies."


Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Laily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Gernn Reconstruction
Plans A re Needed Now
THE SOVIET PROPOSAL announced last week
call for the conscription of some 10 million
German men to rebuild devastated areas of
Russia. It is thought that this plan will mete
out punishment for the "war guilty" German
people by making them repair the damage which
they have done.
However, the proposal fails to take into
consideration the fact that Germany will face
a post-war problem of her own almost as great
as that of Russia. Not only will she have to
rebuild bomb-blitzed cities-hamburg, Berlin,
Ludwigshaven, Cologne-but she will have to
make the transition from war-time economy to
peace-time production. For this work, Ger-
many will need all her available manpower.
* In an interdependent world economic struc-
ture which is closely bound together in every
way, one poorly functioning part will vitally
affect all other parts. Obviously it is to our own
advantage that we give Germany every chance
to recover and build up a normal, well-function-
ing economy. Our duty is to aid and encourage
German reconstruction or else it would become
necessary to initiate some vast form of interna-
tional relief.
We cannot hit an enemy when he is down
without disastrous consequences to ourselves.
It is time that we formulated definite plans
for helping the German people to help them-
selves in, post-war reconstruction. The only
answer to the Russian labor conscription plan
is a positive one of our own.
-Jennie Fitch

WE GAVE UP TRYING to go to sleep about
three o'clock yesterday morning. We got out
of bed and pulled our trousers on over our
pajamas. We went out and walked down around
town for a while and then we stepped in a res-
taurant down town for a cup of coffee. We sat
down at the counter. Three men were sitting
beside us. They wore factory identification pins
on their shirts and they were talking about the
They kept saying that the only thing to do
to the Germans after the war was to line them
all up and shoot every one of them dead.
We remembered that people with factory
badges aren't the only ones who are talking like
this. As great a man as Hemingway has said
almost exactly the same thing.
Stalin wants German laborers sent into Rus-
sia as slaves, and Hapaburg would like to see
Germany divided into impotency.
We haven't the time or space to refute argu-
ments like these. We're quite certain, in fact,
that very few of their supporters ever see The
The important thing for us, is to realize
how dangerous ideas like these can be.
It probably takes Hemingway about 10 seconds
to say shoot them dead and that's the beginning
and end of a whole post-war plan. You can
agree or disagree but when you disagree remem-
ber that you have no definite plan to set against
it, none has yet been formulated. Everyone
who agrees has settled the whole problem to his
own satisfaction, he has something specific,
something definite to cover, horrible as it may
WE ON THE OTHER SIDE, haven't yet begun
to agree among ourselves. We can tell them,
and probably pretty convincingly, why their
ideas won't work in action but we can't agree
upon any set of ideas of our own that will work.
We're willing to wager that not one of us
is willing to wholeheartedly endorse any post-
war plan that has been set down up to this

eferj to the jclitor
Stoekwyell Poll Defended ...
"THE DAILY still feels that the original poll
is more indicative of student war work on
campus." This is just another way of saying
that you prefer your own figures, inaccurate as
they are, because they happen to conform with
what you imagine to be true. When The Daily
poll was taken, girls, either busy or asleep, were
asked quickly and haphazardly at 11:00 p.m.
if they did war work, not taking into considera-
tion many kinds of activities as work in the li-
brary or class projects for example. We proved
once that your figures were erroneous. We are
now forced by the editor's note attached to our
first letter to defend our methods of taking the
In our first letter, we were very careful to
write that our poll of active coeds revealed
how many "are doing" extra work. By mis-
take the poll on one corridor included, those
who were only buying war stamps and on an-
ther, those who had only signed up for ac-
tivities. However, these two corridtors were
rechecked to reveal how many "are- doing"
extra work before our figures were published.
It seems that The Daily should do the same
before publishing a statement based- on as-
sumptions rather than on accurate investiga-
tions. --Stockwell Cabinet Members
time, unless of course it is our own particular
brain child--we all have those.
It is time enough now, we think, to forget at
least for the present all the great issues of na-
tionalism and internationalism that are at stake
and concentrate upon setting up some basic sys-
tem upon which we can all agree.
If we could all say definitely that Germany
is to be given a fair chance to go straight next
time that alone would be a big step forward.
We believe that it's well to remember that
free trade any world states and police forces can
come about only if we get control of the show.
As things stand now we may very well wake
up on armistice day and find that the whole
shebang has been taken straight out of our hands
while we were still arguing among ourselves on
the level of Pragmatists versus Idealists.

VOL. LIV. No. 31
All notices for the Paly Official Hil-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tires should be submitted by 11:30 am.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To the Members of the University
Council: The December meeting of
the University Council has been can-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Notice Relative to Keys and Locks:
The Bylaws, Section 3.24, provide:
Keys and Locks for University Build-
ings. No person shall own or possess
a key to any University building ex-
cept under regulations made and
promulgated by the Vice-President
and Secretary. The removal of locks
or the substitution therefor of special
or private locks on doors of rooms in
University buildings is prohibited.
Every "authorized" key has been
issued by the Key Clerk, whose office
is in the office of the Department of
Buildings and Grounds, North Uni-
versity Avenue. "Authorized" keys
are identifiable and any dean, pro-
fessor, official, watchman, custodian,
or other proper representative of the
University has the right to inspect
keys believed to open University
buildings at any reasonable time or
place. No person holding an author-
ized key may order, have made, or
permit to be ordered or made any
duplicate of his or her University
key otherwise than through the Key
Clerk's office, nor may he lend his
authorized key. Complete compli-
ance with these regulations would
undoubtedly have saved the Univer-
sity and individuals numerous losses
from theft in the past. In the pres-
ent war emergency compliance is
especially desirable and requested.
Violations of these regulations, when
found, will be referred to the dean or
other proper head of the University
division concerned for his action in
accordance with the principles here
set forth. Shirley W. Smith
Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu-
dents: Announcement is made of the
annual essay contest for the Charles
Lathrop Pack Foundation Prize in
Forestry. The prize is $30, and the
contest is open to all forestry and
pre-forestry students. Contestants
may consult, if they wish, with mem-
bers of the faculty of the School of
Forestry and Conservation as to suit-
ability of topics. Essay titles should
be filed not later than Jan. 10 with
the Recorder, from whom further de-
tails may be obtained.
Phillips Scholarships: Freshman
students who presented four units of
Latin, with or without Greek, for
admission to the University, and who
are continuing the study of either
language, are invited to compete for
the Phillips Classical Scholarships.
Two scholarships, of fifty dollars
each, will be awarded on the basis
of an examination covering the, pre-

paratory work in Latin and in both
Latin and Greek, as described in the
bulletin on scholarships, a copy of
which may be obtained in Room 1,
University Hall. The examination
will be held this year on December
9, in a room and at an hour to be
determined by the mutual conveni-
ence of the. contestants. Interested
students are urged to leave their
names with Professor Copley or Dr.
Pearl, 2026 A. H., or with Dr. Ray-
ment, 2030 A. H.
Choral Union. Members: Members
in good standing will please call for
their courtesy passes to both the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra and the
Don Cossack concert today between
10 and 12, and 1 and 4 o'clock, after
which time no passes will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations:
United States-Coal Mine Inspectors,
$2,600 to $4,600 per year. Closing date
for above applications is Jan. 20,
State of Michigan-Student Per-
sonnel Assistant, $150 to $170 per
month; Personnel Technician, $180 to
$220 per month; Telephone Operator,
$110 to $132 perrmonth; Stores Clerk,
$110 to $143 per month.
City of Detroit-Plasterer, $63 to
$81 per week; Public Housing Aid,
$2,150 to $2,553 per year.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
Michigan Dailies wanted for ser-
vicemen: Mrs. Ruth Bacon Buchan-
an, University Museums, who has for
some time been sending Michigan
Dailies to University men in the
armed services, asks that all who are
able to do so send her their used but
unclipped Dailies for this purpose.
French Lecture: Professor Arthur
L. Dunham, of the Department of
History, will open the series of
French lectures for 1943-1944 spon-
sored by the Cercle Francais, on
Thursday, Dec. 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Assembly Room of the Rackham
Building. The title of his lecture is:
"Quelques problemes economiques de
la France de demain." Tickets for
these lectures may be procured from
the Secretary of the Department of
Romance Languages (oom 112, Ro-
mance Language Building) or at the
door at the time of the lectures for
a small sum. Holders of these tickets
are entitled to admission to all lec-
tures. All servicemen are admitted
free of charge to all lectures.
Academic -Notices
Botanical Journal Club will meet
today at 4:00 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139.
Reports by Marjie Gieful on "Distri-
bution of Races of Puccinia Grami-
nis," and Harriet Smith on "The
Evolutionary Significance of Auto-
polyploidy. "
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
108 Mason Hall, according to the fol-
lowing schedule: Surnames begin-


NEW YORK, De.c. 8. What the
subsidy-haters hate most about sub-
sidies is their scientific nature. Sub-
sidies, at least theoretically, apply
the medicine only where i is needed
and only in the amount needed. If
bean-raisers need a bit more of
money, tile subsidy plan gies it to
them, precisely, specifically, and in
measured quantity. The opposition
prefers to help the bean-grower by
raising all prices. It wants to assist
the poor family in the side street
by giving a $10 bill to everybody in
The scientific, limited and factual
nature of subsidy operations is of-
fensive to the kind of hunch-player
who draws his daily inspiration with
his bath. What! Are we to study
each case separately on it merits.
and come to a decisno on the facts?
Nothing could be more hatt tulto the
wholesale type of thinker, who be-
lieves that a touch of inflation will
solve all economic problems, while
a return to state government will
solve all political ones.
These characters have a credo of
their own. It goes something like
1. All college professors are
quaint little monkeys, out o a
fiction story by Clarence Budding-
ton Kelland. They invariably wear
rubbers on sunny days, and forget
them only when it rains.
2. The accumulated ecoionjtie
and political wisdow of the ages.
as massed in books, cannot com-
pare with the accumulated wis-
dom of the smoking car. Pullman,
not Aristotle, is their inspiration.
3. "Research" is a comic word,
and "statistics" is a laugh. Any
study or report longer than a Read-
er's Digest article is, ipso facto,
funny. The use by an official of
an unfamiliar word indicates the
inferiority, not of the reader, who
does not understand it, but of the
official, who does.
4 -The business of statesmen is
not to solve problems, but to win
The use of subsidies is peculiarly
galling to men of these beliefs, be-
cause it involves the use of the
scientific method. Farmers (or cop-
per producers) who want price in-
creases must, under the subsidy plan,
prove that their expenses have gone
up sufficiently tq warrant a change;
they then receeive relief precisely
apportioned to their increased need;
the cost of it comes specifically out
of the treasury; an actual check is
drawn; the whole process is visible
and open. Nobody gets anything for
nothing, -and, of course, no political
princple could be more unpalable
than that.
The fight is the old fight, between
the scientific approach and the grab-
bag. Actually, truth is the issue, and
that is why tempers are high. For if
subsidies win, facts become the boss
in Washington, and what will happen
then to the type of statesman who is
against more taxes because the peo-
ple are broke, and in favor of higher
prices because the people can easily
afford them?
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
11, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week. Exceptions to these regula-
tions may be made only because of
extraordinary circumstances, such as
serious illness.
-E. A. Walter

Choral Union Concert: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
the Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor, for
the fifth concert in the current
Choral Union Series tonight at 8:30
in Hill Auditorium. The program
will consist of numbers by William
Schuman, Shostakovich, Moussorg-
sky, Debussy and Rimsky-Korsakoff.
-Charles A. Sink, President
Carillon Concert: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a program of Christmas music of
various countries in his recital at
7:15 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9. on
the Baird Carillon in Burton Mem-
orial Tower.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Ivanoff,
violinist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree at
8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9,Hin
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her
program will include compositions by
Vitali, Beethoven, Chausson. Grana-
dos and de Falla, and will be open to
the apneral npublic. Miss Tvnff is

Senator Nye Says Fascism Should Be Allowed
To Exist Afer War if Italians, Germans Want It

State Department Must
Get Anti-Fascist Policy
WE ARE SUPPOSEDLY fighting this war in
order to rid the world of totalitarianism.
Why, then, are we encouraging Fascisw to pre-
vail in conquered Italy?
Count Carlo Sforza and Benedetta Croce
have reiteriated that Fascism in southern Italy
is almost as strong now as before Allied oc-
cupation. Americans in Italy are actively sup-
porting Fascism as a bulwark against Com-
munism, democratic Italians say.
At the Moscow conference Secretary of State
Hull, Foreign Secretary Eden and Foreign Com-
missar Molotov decreed that a democratic gov-
ernment embodying freedom of speech, religious
worship, of press and of public meeting must
replace and suppress the doomed Fascist regime
in Italy.
Where are the fruits of these pledges? Bado-
glio has insisted on keeping King Victor Em-
manuel, Fascist remnant, in office, and we have
conceded to his wishes. There are no public
assemblies or newspapers in which the Italian
people are free to express their views.

heads" in this country, somewhat surpassing
Michigan's Dondero in oratorical technique and
political influence, is Senator Gerald P. Nye
(R., N.D.).
At a recent press conference in Chicago,
Senator Nye remarked that fascism should be
allowed to exist in Germany and Italy if the
people in those countries desire to have it.
The criticism showered on that remark by
liberal newspapers throughout the country
prompted the senator to reiterate that view-
point this week.
Senator Nye is identical' with the fireman,
who, while extinguishing a fire in the house,
told the occupants it would be all right to start
another blaze next week if they wanted to. It
is hard to visualize such a fireman, and it is
equally hard to realize that an influential states-
man, representing thousands of citizens, would
want to restore those conditions which helped
lead to the present world conflict.
North Dakota's senator also told reporters
that he didn't believe fascism was necessarily

militaristic. That's an extremely ironical state-
ment, particularly to the peoples of Poland,
Denmark, Norway, Holland and the other con-
quered countries of Europe.
Senator Nye may be basically correct in
saying that fascism isn't always militaristic.
He would also be basically correct in saying
that a fire doesn't necessarily spread. The
fact, however, is that fascism leans toward
militarism so definitely that it takes very little
effort on the part of a small group to convert
it into that type of rule.
Senator Nye would also have the United States
lapse back into its ostrich-like foreign policy
after the war. He stated that a revival of the
America First Committee would be advisable
under certain conditions, not listing just what
conditions would warrant its return.
Let us hope that the senator and his confed-
erates will not be numerous enough to influence
our international policy. Americans should be
awake by now and in step with the times.
-Adele Rhodes



By Crockett Johnson

Mom. We have to find my Fairy We'll never find an imaginary
Godfather, Mr. O'Malley. He's- pixie in this crowded store, son.

He'll be easy to find,
Mom. He's disguised.

Look...On the

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