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December 08, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-08

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16 days till Christmas

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Fifth Army Forces Hold
Positions on Rome Road
Eighth Army Crashes Across Moro River;
Yanks Throw Back Nazi Counterattacks

Associated Press Correspondent
GIERS, Dec. 7.-Stabbing their way
onto heights six miles southwest of
Mignano overlooking the flooded
Garigliano River, Allied Fifth Army
troops have driven a deep wedge in-
to the intricate web of fortifications
of the German winter line and now
hold dominating positions in a 25-
square-mile area commanding the
road to Rome.
American troops, who in a few
months have become masters of
mountain fighting, were throwing
Byrnes Urges
Action Against
Inflation Threat
War Mobilization Head
Pleads for Subsidy
Support, Higher Taxes
By The Associate.d Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Ameri-
cans, having shown the world how to
mobilize quickly for war, must now
beat down a threat of inflation with
the same dispatch or risk an unstable
future, War Mobilization Director
James F. Byrnes declared tonight.
Byrnes, in a Pearl Harbor anniver-
sary radio speech, mixed high praise;
for the job done in two years with
warnings that:
1 Government subsidies, attacked;
in Congress, must be maintained or
food prices will leap seven percent.
Pressure Groups Must Cease
2 Efforts of "pressure groups" to1
jam through wage increases violating
the hold-the-line policy against in-
flation must cease.. The government
must say to the wielders of such "po-
litical pistols," that they must "lay
their pistol down."
3 Greater savings and greater tax-
es are imperative.
"The prospect of a stable, peaceful
and prosperous America is far from
bright simply because the American
people apparently do not realize the
supreme importance of holding the
line against inflation, Byrnes said.
Allied Unity Seen
The unity displayed by the four
great Allied nations in their confer-
ences; just completed should inspire
unity at home, Byrnes asserted, and
he added:
"I know the power of the leaders of
labor, agriculture and industry. I al-
so know their patriotism. I appeal to
them to exercise their great influence
in support of the wise restraints we
have imposed upon ourselves. I ap-
peal to them to help their government
hold the line so that we will not lose'
the peace while our boys win the'
Linsey Given
LANSING, Dec. 7.-(-)-Attorney
General Herbert J. Rushton announc-
ed tonight he had appointed Jay W.
Linsey, Grand Rapids attorney, to
his staff as special prosecutor of
most of the criminal trials resulting
from the current grand jury investi-
gation of the legislature.
The Attorney General said he had
satisfied himself that Linsey was ca
pable, and could undertake without
prejudice any role he might be as-
signed in connection with the grand
jury's probing of charges that graft
and corruption influenced the adop-
tion or defeat of legislation.
"I asked Linsey if he had any in-
terests which might influence his
judgment in connection with any
case which might arise in the course

of the grand jury's work, and he as-
sured me he had none," Rushton
said. "I am convinced he can do a
good job, that he has no prejudice,
and is not a politician--and we can't
hire a lawyer who has never had a
Members of Board

'back repeated frantic Nazi counter-
attacks and slugging their way stead-
ily forward against a strongly en-
trenched enemy through rain, mud,
flooded creeks, minefields and barbed
wire entanglements.
German Tanks Destroyed
In an equally impressive showing
against the reinforced and desper-
ately resisting Nazis, the Eighth Ar-
my's infantry and armor suddenly
crashed across the Moro River nearj
the Adriatic Sea before the enemyj
could establish new fortifications on
the northern bank of the stream.
Four German tanks were destroyed in
this sharp clash.
How far General Montgomery's ad-
vance guards penetrated beyond the
Moro was not disclosed.
Montgomery Slowed
Massed German infantry, tanks
and artillery stubbornly held up
Montgomery's advance around the
inland strongpoint of Orsogna, which
the Nazis recaptured two days ago in
an extremely costly counterattack,
and around Guardiagriele, three and
one-half miles southwest of Orsogna.
The German command appeared
willing to pay an increasingly high
price to delay the Eighth Army's ad-
vance and thus save-if only for a
short time-the important town of'
Chieti, capital of Abruzzio province.
Evaluation Is Difficult
. Full evaluation of the newest gains
by General Clark's Fifth Army on
the south side of the main Rome
highway between Mignano and Cas-
sino was difficult, partly because of
the Allied Command's reticence about
a companion American drive in the
area north of Mignano.
At points American troops were
advancing through flooded areas with
water up to their necks, but neither
the dreadful conditions nor the fury
of the enemy's counterattacks stayed
their steady progress.
Kimmel, Short
Trial Postponed'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. - (P) -
Congress passed a resolution today
permitting a further delay of six
months in the courts martial of the
men commanding at Pearl Harbor
when the Japanese struck exactly
two years ago.
The resolution extended the two-
year statute of.limitations by a half-
year. Officials had said information
of value to the enemy might be di-
vulged if Rear Admiral Husband E.
Kimmel and Major General Walter
C. Short were brought to trial now
for alleged neglect of duty.
During today's debate Senator
Clark (D- Mo.) urged the impeach-
ment of Secretary of War Stimson
and Navy Secretary Knox unless they
ordered immediate courts martial.
The Senate made one concession
to Clark. It struck out the House
proviso extending the statute of lim-
itations to one year after the Japan-
ese war ends, and made it instead six
months from today. The House ap-
proved the revised version.

Russian Army
Nears Junction
In Dnieper Bend
Nazi Counterattacks
Force Soviet Troops
Back from Kiev Bulge
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Wednesday, Dec. 8. -
One Red Army spearhead has reach-
ed to within four miles of Znamenka,
rail junction in the Dnieper Bend, a
Moscow dispatch said today, as three
columns drove on the city from sep-
arate directions-but in the north
Russian defenders fell back from "a
number of populated places" in the
Kiev bulge before a German counter-
attack using as many as 1,700 tanks.
The fall of Znamenka -which
would be a painful wound to German
communications in the area,- was
believed imminent as an important
push by Gen. Rodion Y. Malinovsky's
Third Ukrainian Army pounded into
its third day.
1,600 Germans Killed
More than 1,600 Germans were
killed in this area alone, said the
Moscow communique, recorded here
by the Soviet Monitor from a broad-
cast, while "a considerable number"
of prisoners and three railroad trains
complete with supplies fell to the
Russians in the capture of 16 Ger-
man strongholds. One of them was
the railway station of Pantayevka, 10
miles southeast of Znamenka, a 12-
mile advanee from Alexandriya whose
capture Monday was acclaimed in a
special order of the day from Pre-
mier Marshal Joseph Stalin.
Pantayevka Falls
The fall of Pantayevka-with Tsi-
bulevo, 14 miles northwest of Znam-
enka, and Dimitrovka, seven miles
northeast, leaving only the routes
south to Nikolaev and southwest to
Kirovgrad in German hands.
Brief Music'
To Be Given
Season's Second lay
Will Open Next Week
"Brief Music," by Emmet Lavery,
the second offering of Play Produc-
ton of the speech department, will
be given Thursday through Satur-
day, Dec. 16-18 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
"Brief Music" is a comedy of col-
lege life in a suburban locale. The
characters and traditions used are
common on any campus. Seven girls
are taken through three years of
college life.
Spiff, the college Amazon; Driz-
zle, the frail and intense poet; Lovey,
the class beauty; Minnie, the college
"smoothie," Maggie, leftist and
proud of it; Rosie, the college oracle
and Jinx, the eternal straggler, pro-
vide the character interest and con-
trast throughout the play.
Tickets will be placed on sale Mon-
day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre box office. The box office will be
open daily from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and
from 12:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday. It will also be
open from 7 to 8:30 p.m.



in Historic


Cairo Reaction Hints
Allied Balkan Drive
Fri ergdslii p HetweeIi S trategic Turkey,
Russia, Coiifirmed in Joint Dispatch
By The Associated Press +war around the world with General-
CAIRO, Dec. 7.-President Roose- issimo Chiang Kai-Shek and Premier
velt and Prime Minister Churchill Stalin.
announced tonight the conclusion of Back Door to Europe
a three-day conference here with Immediate reaction in Cairo to-
President Ismet Inonu of Turkey in night was that a full-scale Allied
which they studied the general politi- Balkans campaign now is planned
cal situation. "examined at length for the future with the assurance
the policy to be followed" and found that Turkey would cooperate directly
that their nations are bound by "the or in some degree facilitate a drive
closest unity." against this back door to Hitler's

Premier Joseph Stalin (center) of Russia takes a walk in the
driveway of the Russian Embassy at Teheran, Iran, during a pause
in the historic discussions between his country and the United States
and Great Britain. Gen. H. H. Arnold, chief of the U. S. Army Air
Forces, is on the left, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain
in the uniform of an RAF air marshal is at right. (Back to camera).
North ern Are of New Britain
Hit in Relentless Air Assault

The firm friendship" between#
strategic Turkey and the Soviet Un-
ion, which was represented at most
of the sessions, also was attested to
in a joint communique on the par-
ley, a significant sequel to the Cairo
and Teheran conferences in which
Roosevelt and Churchill mapped the
USO Center
To Be Openede
With Dedicationt
The new Ann Arbor USO club, 10-
cated in recently revamped Harris
Hall, will be opened with a formal
dedication ceremony at 3 p.m. Satur-
day in the club's ballroom, it was
announced yesterday.
An Army parade of about 100 men
led by the Army band will precede the
dedication. The parade will form
at Army Headquarters at 2:30 p.m.
Saturday and will proceed down State
to Liberty, from Main to Huron and
then to Harris Hall.
Tentative program includes music
by the Army ASTP band under the
direction of Prof. William D. Revelli
and by the Company A choir. Osias
Zwerdling, president of the Ann Ar-
bor USO Council and chairman of
the dedicatory program, will present
I. B. Rhodes, regional executive di-
rector of the USO and Mayor L. J.
Young, both of whom will give a
brief greeting to the servicemen.
Col. Frederick Rogers and Capt.
Richard Cassidy will reply for the
Army and Navy respectively.
The invocation will be read by the
Rabbi J. M. Cohen and Rev. Warren
Peek will give the benediction. A

The conference was held Dec. A, 5
and 6, with foreign secretaries An-
thony Eden and Numan Menemen-
cioglu sitting in with the principals
for Britain and Turkey and Harry
Hopkins, President Roosevelt's per-
sonal advisor, joining on the Ameri-
can side. The Soviet ambassador to
Turkey, Sergei A. Vinogradov, also
joined most sessions.
Joint Communique Issued
"Participation in this conference
of the head of the Turkey state, in
response to the cordial invitation
addressed to him by the United
States, British and Soviet govern-
ments, bears striking testimony to
the strength of the alliance which
unites Great Britain and Turkey ikid
to the firm friendship existing -be-
tween the Turkish people and the
United States of America and.-,toe
Soviet Union," said the joint com-
"The study of all problems in a
spirit of understanding and loyalty
showed that the closest unity existed
between the United States of Amer-
ica, Turkey and Great Britain! in
their attitude to the world situation."
Cairo Flooded with Rumors
Cairo was flooded with rumors
during the conference, inclding .the
prediction that Turkey was ready
to enter the war impmediately on 'the
side of the Allies.
The sober fact seemed to be, how-
ever, that Turkey is near sizeable
German ground forces and air fields
and that she would need Allied help
if she should abandon her neutrality.
Fifth Choral
Union Concert
Will Rc Today

HEADQUARTERS, Wednesday, Dec.
8.-(P)-Heavy and medium bombers
together with divebombing fighters
blasted and shot up the northern arc
of Japan's New Britain coast and
nearby islands Monday in a relentless
assault on the enemy's staging points
and supply centers.
The attack was concentrated on'
the Cape Gloucester area at the
Custer Soldiers
To Give Blood
"As a Christmas gift to the Ameri-
can Red Cross, 200 limited service
men from Fort Custer will come to
Ann Arbor Friday, Dec. 17 to make
a mass contribution to the Blood
Bank," Roy Boucher, '45, co-chair-
man of the Union War Activities
Committee announced yesterday.
"The unexpected donation of blood
by these soldiers," Boucher said, "has
caused the cancelling of the Union
Blood Bank campaign for this month
since they have filled the quota."
"In view of the fact that we will
have no campus drive this month
our quota for January will be set at
300. We are expecting 150 to come
from the Navy V-12 unit on campus,"
Boucher said.

western tip of the narrow island. Li-
berators and Mitchells in strong force
scattered 150 tons of bombs over a
variety of targets, bringing to 738
tons the load dropped there in eight
More than 100 planes participated
in the aerial strikes which extended
from Cape Gloucester eastward to
Cape Hoskins, in the north central
part of the island across from Gas-
mata, and northwest to the Vitu Is-
lands in the Bismarck Archipelago.
Junction Points Hit


Turkey Occupies Strategic Position

esman r tois, flag presentation is planned by the - -
gether with the other targets of Rein American Legion.
Bay, Borgen Bay and Cape Busching, "The Symphony for Strings," by
represented centers from which the Te held at 83 phm Saturday William Schuman, young American
enemy ha distributed tropsad will be held at 8:30 p.m. Saturday
enemy adisributed troops nd with music by the Army swing band composer, will receive its first Ann
under the direction of Pfc. Richard Arbor performance at the Choral
paints on the overwater haul from Thomas, Company D. USO hostesses Union concert to be given by the
and air base on New Britainbes under the direction of Mrs. Robert Boston Symphony at 8:30 today in
and ir bse o NewBritin.Burton will entertain at the dance.
The bombing was augmented by Bu _ni__tet__ah_ dne Hill Auditorium.
fierce strafing and the results were : Dmitri Shostakovich's First Sym-
described as whiolly satisfactory. Ne S Students phony as wellas selections by Mous-
Rabaul Harbors Little Used sorgsky, Debussy and Rimsky-Korsa-
Aerial observation, the spokesman , 1 koff are the other works which Serge
said, indicated that use of RabaulK s k nd r hB
Harbor by Japanese naval craft was Koussevitsky, conductor of the Bos
extremely limited and that air fields A.i , , m ton Symphony Orchestra has sched-
there contained somewhat over 200 A tiasist o i uled for tonight's concert.
planes, preponderantly fighters. - Discusses Organizaiion The performance of the Shostalo-
vich symphony will be the third or-
Heaviest Liberator IThe Student Victory Committee, chestra work of this composer to be
new anti-fascist organization, held heard by Ann Arbor audiences dur-
Fleet Hits 1I/il- its first organizational meeting yes- ing the last two years. The Phila-
terday in the Methodist Church. delphia Orchestra performed his
WITH THE SEVENTH AMERI- Under the co-chairmanship of AliceFDr.yKo yaea redivl af
CA ARFOC I HECNTA MacKenzie and Ann Fagan, the Dr. Koussevitsky gave a reading of
CAN AIR FORCE IN THE CENTRAL nthe Seventh at the Boston Symphony
PACIFIC, Dec. 4. (Delayed) --(,-- group discussed the many problems 'Ocetasapaac eels
The largest fleet of heavy Liberator involved both in the principles wh Orchestra's appearance here last
bombers ever assembled in the Cen- the group will support and the pro- Trained
cedue o oraniatio. ATemor- Trained in Moscow, Paris and Lon-
tral Pacific struck Mili, southern an- cedure of organization. A Tempor- don, Koussevitsky, who has been
chor of the Japanese defense chain ary Organziation Committee was permanent conductor of the Boston
in the Marshalls, today. set up to obtain university recogni- Symphony for the last 19 years, has
(This raid, announced Sunday by tion for the group and to plan a pro- long been famous as a sponsor of
the U. S. Navy Department in Wash- gram for the next meeting. modern composers. It is largely
ington, occurred on the same day but The issues, pros and cons of which through his efforts that the composi-
prior to a heavy assault on the Mar- were touched upon at the meeting, tions of such composers as Roy Har-
shalls by strong carrier tasks forces.) include: methods and techniques of ris, Aaron Copland and Serge Proko-
The Liberators were over Mili for organization; plans for eventual af- fieff have become familiar to the
almost an hour at midday. Mili has filiation with the national American American concert public.
been used by the enemy as an air- Youth for Democracy; and various
craft staging area for Japanese raids proposals for group activities. No
on facilities of American land-based definite decisions were made as to {}v s
planes in the Ellice Islands. program or action for the group at) F
the meeting, aid it was suggested N Battleship
MusteringOut Pa that such decisions rest until the %
Mu e g O Pa y group has taken definite form. Date
Legislation Planned for the second meeting will be an- PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7.-( )-The
nounced early next week. Navy floated its newest super-battle-
ship, the Wisconsin, on this second
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(,T)-Urg- Chinese High Command anniversary of Pearl Harbor-and
ed by the Democratic and Republican pointed it straight at Tokyo.
House leadership to expedite action Adints Loss of Changteh The sleek, high-snouted dread-

Associated Press Correspondents
LONDON, Dec. 7. - Turkey,
a nation with a potential of
2,000,000 soldiers now boldly aligned
with the Allies, guards the back-
door to the Balkans, and diplo-
matically is the Achilles heel of
Hitler's Southeast fortress.
It was Berlin's recognition of this
very weakness that sent the suave,
ace trouble-shooter of German
diplomacy, Franz von Papen, to
Turkey as Nazi ambassador. Now
Von Papen appears finally to have
lost a four-year-long, see-saw
Turkish entry into the war as a
fighting partner-opening an Allied
drive overland into Bulgaria or
Greece-would compel Hitler to
abandon his Balkan treasurehouse,
or garrison it heavily from his
thinning forces.

sia, or to mass shipping and naval
power in the Black Sea for an of-
fensive in concert with Russia
against the Rumanian or Bulgarian
Perhaps the best of Turkey's fine
new air bases is at Eskisehir, Ana-
telia, only about 420 miles from
Ploesti. Others are scattered widely
over the western part of the nation.
Greece Within Range
Nazi targets in Greece might be
profitably hammered on a shuttle
basis between southern Italy only
some 650 miles away.
Effective use of the Dardanelles
would depend upon recapture or
neutralization of German island
bases in the Aegean.
Turkey could contribute an army
of about 200,000 troops now under
arms, and increase them quickly to
500,000, with another 1,500,000, in
reserve. Her soldiers traditionally

that number, thanks to Lend-Lease
and a vigorous training program.
The Turkish Navy is small.
Armies Are Ready
Powerful Allied Armies stand
ready for action in the Mediter-
Hitler now has in Southeastern
Europe about 23 divisions, plus
some 35 satellite divisions of doubt-
ful ability and enthusiasm. He
could not reinforce them greatly
without risking disaster elsewhere.
On the air side, the Germans have
only about 500 first-line planes in
the Balkan area.
Turkey (17,000,000 pop.) has
been the object of a continual vig-
orous diplomatic tug - of - war
throughout the war. The decision
finally in obvious favor of the Al-
lies came after the meeting in
Moscow of the foreign ministers of
Russia, the United States, and


on mustering out pay for the armed
forces, the House Military Committee

CHUNGKING, Dec. 7-AP )-Loss of

naught, under construction more
than 33 months at a cost of $90,000,-

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