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December 07, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-07

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I'd Rather Be Right

NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-The New York Times
editorialized for three and one-quarter columns
on our promise to de-loot Japan. The editor
paused at that point for want of space, but be-
fore he had finished he had reached (among
others) the conclusion that we would need com-
pulsory peace-time military service if we were
adequately to police the new Pacific by sea and

- Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
*, gular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michiga, Ae
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year ,bycar-
rier $4.50, by mail $425.v
'Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43

have to
he will i
of any

alreadybegins to seem like a strange
for us, since the Japanese citizen will, of
be under no such burden. He will not
give compulsory military service; in fact,
not be allowed to have an army or navy
size; and he will forfeit the privilege of
taxes to support the same.


Marion Ford ,
Jane Farrant
'.Claire Sherman
NIarjorie' Borradalle
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank
.Mary Annie Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin.
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz

a! Staff
. . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. . . Associate -Editor
. . .,Sports Editor
. Associate Sports -ditor
. Associate Sports Editor
Women's ,Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . Columnist
. . . . Columnist

Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion

. . Business Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Teheran Declaration Is
Landinark in History
'I'HE TEHERAN declaration, announced yes-
terday as the result of a conference of three
of the greatest leaders of all time, will undoubt-
edly go down as one of the great landmarks in
the text of the declaration, by force of
necessity, is confined 4o generalities. But it is
nonetheless epoch-making. For the first time
in history the leaders of the three greatest na-
tions in the world have met in person to
delare: "We came here with hope and deter-
tiination.. We leave here friends in fact, in
spirit and in purpose." To everyone who hopes
for lasting peace and a true "world family" of
nations, the psychological effect of the docu-
ment is tremendous.
The declaration is no less significant in a
military way. Definite plans have been made for
a full scale invasion across the English Channel
and for the "timing of operations which will be
undertaken from the east, west and south." The
German people now know that the end is defin-"
itely in sight and that their only hope is to throw
out the Nazi regime and sue for immediate and
unconditional surrender. -Jennie Fitch
Michigan Holds Leading
Training Role in Nation
TODAY marks the second anniversary of the
infamous Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor
and without saying more, the thoughts it brings
to mind are significant.
In a local vein, this day recalls the role the
University has played in the war effort of the
Michigan was one of the first universities
in the country to fully comprehend the impact
of the war on an institution of its kind and
procedes almost immediately to mobilize its
facilities for an active part.
The academic program was completely re-
vamped, a University War Board was estab-
lished, and in general the administration quickly
grasped the gravity of the situation.
Michigan has assumed its rightful place as
a leader in the training programs for both the
Army and Navy commensurate with its peace-
time leadership among educational institu-
tions. -Stan Wallace
Women.Are Needed In
U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps
TODAY as never before in history, there is an
urgent need for women in all braneb'
armed services. Through the WAC, WAVES,
Spars and Marines, women are contributing im-
portant and essential work to the war effort.
However, there is one branch of the service
which is not as well known as these others-
the United States Cadet Nurse Corps. Its pro-
gram provides free tuition, uniform, books and
maintenance expenses plus a stipend each m lth

He will live in his island home, without being
compelled to take frequent unwanted ocean voy-
ages with a top sergeant for a playmate; he will.
do some light work in exchange for imported
food; and he, alone among the peoples of the
Pacific, will enjoy a guaranteed peace, without
having to contribute to the cost of it. Of course,
the industrial and bankingg houses of Mitsui and
Mitsubishi, which have led him into his tragic
,adventure will very probably go. temporarily
bankrupt, but the average Japanese may be able.
to face that prospect equably enough, with the
help .of his celebrated Oriental stoicism.
Not having to pay high taxes to support an
army and navy, the Japanese government will
operate on a low budget. Since no part of the
Japanese industrial plant will be needed to pro-
duce weapons, it can all be applied to commercial
output; a privilege which will be denied to us.
Since about 70,000,000 people will be crowded
into a small area, there will be an abundant and
cheap labor supply, and its natural concomitant,
a low price level. The Japanese will thereby be
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Democratic leaders
are tryng to keep it quiet, but there was a hot
blow-up over the 1944 campaign at a private Ad-
ministration luncheon on the Senate side of the
Capitol the- other day.
The principals were Democratic National
Chairman Frank Walker, Food Administrator
Marvin Jones and Senator Guy Gillette of
Iowa, whom the President attempted to purge
in 1938.
. "What's this I hear about you not running
for reelection to the Senate in 1944?" asked
"That's right," replied Gillette. "I've an-
nounced that I,wouldn't run again for the
Senate, and I intend to stick by it."
"And you still don't agree that you ow
something to the party?" shot back Walker.
"Owe something to the party that tried to
kick me out of office?" replied Gillette angrjty.
"I guess nt! Far from it, Frank, and you
can tell the President, if you want to, that I
will not run for reelection as Senator from
Iowa on the Democratic ticket under any cir-
With that, the Iowa anti-New Dealer turned
on his heel and walked out. However, one thing
Gillette still has to make clear to Capitol Hill
observers is whether he will run for the Demo-
cratic Presidential nomination in 1944, should
Roosevelt eschew a fourth-term nomination.
U.S. 'Loyalist' eterans...
Some time ago, this column revealed the man-
ner in which American youngsters who had
fought for the Spanish Loyalists during the civil
war of 1936-39 were being kicked around inside
the U.S. Army. They were flunked out of officer
candidate schools even when they stood near the
top of their class, and many were refused combat
Since then, thanks to liberal Assistant
Secretary of War Jack McCloy, this situation
has changed. Spanish Loyalist veterans have
been given a chance to get into combat. They
have more than justified this reversal of dis-
crimination. Here is the record of a few of
Sergeant Anthony Toney of Gloversville, N.Y.,
received the Distinguished Flying Cross for air
operations in the Pacific; Sergeant Jerry Wein-
berg of Brooklyn was cited for the DFC for par-
ticipating in the Ploesti air raid, in which he was
forced down; Sergeant Robert Thompson of
Long Island City, N.Y., received the Distin-
guished Service Cross for heroism in the South
Pacifi&; Captain Herman Bottcher won the DSC
and Purple Heart and is reputed to be one of the
greatest jungle fighters of the war.

Also, Lieutenants IIrving Goff of New York
City and V. Lossowski of Rochester, N.Y., are
teaching Italians guerilla warfare as they
learned it in Spain.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)

well placed to outsell the world, shipping their
goods over trade routes policed by other nations
at their own expense.
If the above seems wildly paradoxical, let us
recall that it has happened before in our time
that peace has turned out to be a paradox.
I remember an evening, years ago, spent with
a learned German exile, who demonstrated to
me that because we took so much from Germany
after the last war we both forced the German
wage level down and compelled Germany to
build a new industrial plant. Because it was
new, it was modern, and because it was modern,
it was' efficient, and through all these circum-
stances taken together, the victors forced the
conquered into the position of being able to
undersell them everywhere in the world. We did
it with our own little hatchet.
For these, and other reasons, I find I resist the
concept of a "Pax Americana" in the Pacific, to
be enforced by our boats and our planes, forever
and endlesly shuttling, back and forth, through
vast watery spaces in which (we stoutly main-
tain) we have no imperial ambitions. Yet the
suggestion is already being seriously discussed
that Britain will "guard" the Atlantic, while we
"guard" tie Pacific. It will not work. It is a
strictly military solution, which ignores economic
realities. Since it calls upon us to dedicate our-
selves to the perpetual protection of imaginary
American lifelines to a non-existent American
India, it is not without its dreamy and interna-
tiona1-WPAish aspects.
Somewhere ahead there lies something better
than compulsory military service for Americans
as the solution for the problems of the Pacific.
Perhaps the growth "of China, and the freeing
of Asiatic colonial peoples, and a great new
Asiatic Council, all these developments gradually
forcing political maturity on the reluctant people
of Japan. Anything less than this is gong to be
an awfully long-drawn-out and expensive eva-
sion. A solution which takes American boys out
of their classrooms, and leaves Japanese youth
in theirs, seems to me to be only partly thought-
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Letters to the Editor must be type-
written on one side of the paper only
and signed with the name and address of
the writer. Requests for anonymous
publication will be met.
Stockwell Poll Wrong?
A RECENT article published in The
-Daily stated certain facts con-
cerning the apathetic attitude of the
women of Michigan toward war ac-
tivities, and cited as a specific
example the residents of Stockwell
Hall. The results of the poll taken by
a Daily reporter indicated 118 of 250
Stockwell coeds were taking no part
in any work outside of classes. This
poll failed to consider all the resi-
dents of the dormitory, and exagger-
ated the number of those not en-
gaged in war activities.
To determine the true figures,
another poll was ,taken last week
by members of Stockwell's council.
Reports from this poll prove that
265 of the total number of under-
graduates (364) are doing work
which contributes to the war
We are not attempting to make
excuses for those girls who are not
taking an active part in the war ef-
fort. We hope, after considering the
information gathered in the later
poll, that we will be able to increase
the number of Stockwell coeds parti-
cipating in war work. However, 73
per cent, the number of active coeds
revealed by the council poll, is a far
more encouraging report than the
percentage indicated in the Daily
Stockwell Cabinet Members
Miriam Dalby Eileen Bradley
Jane Thompson Marion Luhis
Frances Bostwick Pat Moore
Julie Gzucs Adele Blumberg
Editor's note: The Daily still feels
that the original poll is more indica-
tive of student war work on campus.
It must be pointed out that the poll
conducted by the Stockwell cabinet
members included the names of wom-
en who signed up for work, whether
they dlid it or not, and the names of
women who have done nothing more
than purchase war stamps. We meant
in no way to imply that the women

"That new employee is fitting
like one of the;
living in Stockwell Hail alone are
guilty of not doing war work.
Iiuepoint Trivia?
PEOPLE accost me on the street, in
the classroom, at the dinner tible
and while I'm shaving to tell me taIt
the trivia printed in The Daily under
the fancy heading of "Sawdust mad
Oyster Shells" by Bluepoint has
reached the beyond-hope stage.
For several weeks now I have been
reading Bluepoint's amorphous chat-
ter on equally amorphous suhjects.
And I am more convinced than ever
that my interest and that of a major-
ity of the Daily readers parallels the
flight of a heavy object from a high
point-strictly in a downward direc-
Bluepoint's first column, the best,
was in the writer's opinion trivia
without decorations. Each succeed-
ing column has been tainted with
trivia of an even more trivial na-
ture. At first, I thought the writer

9 k
- - I

By Lichty

w ,

imto the job nicely-he's just
girls already!"
was being amorphous because it
was an opening column and there
hb dn't been any opportunity to
establish a foundation. Each pass-
ing week points out my error. The
style that started out to be individ-
valistic is still individualistic, but
it is so in the same manner that
something in a deep rut is all by
itself. I am overwhelmed by the
r onsistencyv of "Sawdust and
iOyster hel." It is consistently
without body or significance. I read
it through and when I finish I say
almost unhesitatingly, "So what!"
Every columnist has the right to
turn out something occasionally that
the public can react to with a "so
what" attitude. But, when the writer
plays around aimlessly like a child
disinterestedly pawing some cold and
unwanted cereal, your interest is
bound to waver and break. And with
the loss of interest comes a feeling
strong enough in rebellion that the
readers feel something should be
done. -Hopeful


FUNNY 1 BUT CHILLY, "Arsenic and Old Lace,"
played at the Michigan last night, gave the
packed theater everything they came to see.
One of the maddest comedies ever presented
to Ann Arbor audiences was that--nad. In
fact, every member of the Brooklyn Brewster
family was crack-brained from the nephew
Teddy, who imagined himself to be Teddy
Roosevelt, to the two spinster aunts, Abby and
MRartha, who amiably effervesced in tea par-
ties of choice elderberry wine spiked with a
lacing of strychnine and arsenic. Screen hor-
ror man, Boris Karloff, another nephew, lived
up to his cinema reputation with homicidal
The acting was excellent from Karloff down to
the window box corpses. The most humorous
character was Teddy who looked more like old
"Rough and Ready" than did Roosevelt himself.
His intermittent bugle blasts and hurried exits
to the cellar "Panama Canal" broke up the tense-f
ness of eerie Karloff's horror scenes.
Although Mortimer's first scenes were over-
played, bis genuine acting in the final scene
when he discovered he was not one of the mad
Brewsters thoroughly dispelled any miscon-
ception the audience might have had of him.
However, our sympathies were with Mr. Gibbs
who never knew how close he came to being mur-
SO COMPLETELY was the entire plot inter-
woven with murder that it even won out in the
woven with murder that it even won out in the
final scene as Mr. Witherspoon, director of the
insane asylum, fell victim to the crazy actions of
the Brewster spinsters already committed to his
The stupidity of the cops throughout the en-
tire play was always good for a few laughs, al-
though their inability to grasp the obvious
situation was a little trying at times.
Dr. Einstein, also a bogus, provided a comic
accomplice -to sinister Karloff. Einstein's funniest
scene lasted slightly more than two seconds and
he didn't say a word. Those in the audience who
were attentive responded appreciatively to the
good doctor's about face on the stairs when he
spied the long arm of the law.
The directing was flawless. The audience was
kept so engrossed in the dialogue and sequence of
events that changes of costume were hard to de-
tect. No prompting was evident.
Unfortunately for the enjoyments of some
the audience was unusually hilarious causing
many punch lines to be entirely lost although
the actors noticeably had to wait for the laugh-
tor to subside.
"Arsenic and Old Lace" was enjoyed by the
entire audience. Ann Arbor should have more
plays and performances such as the one last


(Continued from Page 3)

r ^.

are continuing the study of either
language, are invited to compete fory
the Phillips Classical Scholarships.
Two scholarships, of fifty dollars
each, will be awarded on the basisj
of an examination covering the pre-
paratory work in Latin and in both
Latin and Greek, as described in the
bulletin on scholarships, a copy of
which may be obtained in Room 1,
University Hall. The examination
will be held this year on December
9, in a room and at an hour to be
determined by the mutual conveni-
ence of the contestants. Interested
students are urged to leave their
names with Professor Copley or Dr.
Pearl, 2026 A. H., or with Dr. Ray-
ment, 2030 A. H.
Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu-
dents: Announcement is made of the
annual essay contest for the Charles
Lathrop Pack Founda'tion Prize in
Forestry. The prize is $30, and the
contest is open to all forestry and
[pre-forestry students. Contestants
may consult, if they wish, with mem-
bers of the faculty of the School of
Forestry and Conservation as to suit-
ability of topics. Essay titles should
be filed not later than Jan. 10 with
the Recorder, from whom further de-
tails may be obtained.
Choral Union Members: Members
in good standing will please call for
their courtesy passes to both the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra and the
Don Cossack concert, on Wednesday,
Dec. 8, between 10 and 12, and 1 and
4 o'clock, after which time no passes
will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations:
United States-Coal Mine Inspectors,
$2,600 to $4,600 per year. Closing date
for above applications is Jan. 20,
State of Michigan-Student Per-
sonnel Assistant, $150 to $170 per
month; Personnel Technician, $180 to
$220 per month; Telephone Operator,

$110 to $132 per month; Stores Clerk,r
$110 to $143 per month.t
-City of Detroit-Plasterer, $63 toz
$81 per week; Public Housing Aid, C
$2,150- to $2,553 per yeaf.t
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
. A
Food-Handlers' Lecture: A seriest
of two lectures for food-handlers will#
be given on Tuesday evenings, De- t
cember 7 and 14, at 8:00 p.m. in Kel-#
logg Auditorium.#
All food-handlers working in com-!
mercial establishments are required#
by City Ordinance to attend a series7
in order to obtain a permanent food-
handlers' card.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students are
asked to attend.
French Lecture: Professor Arthur
L. Dunham, of the Department of
History, will open the series of
French lectures for 1943-1944 spon-
sored by the Cercle Francais, on #
Thursday, Dec. 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Assembly Room of the Rackham
Building. The title of his lecture is:
"Quelques problemes economiques de
la France de demain." Tickets for
these lectures may be procured from
the Secretary of the Department of
Romance Languages (Room 112, Ro-
mance Language Building) or at the
door at the time of the lectures for
a small sum. Holders of these tickets
are entitled to admission to all le -
tures. All servicemen are admitted
free of charge to all lectures.
Academic Notices
Botanical Journal Club will meet
on Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 4:00 p.m.
in Room N.S. 1139. Reports by Mar-
jie Gieful on "Distribution of Races
of Puccinia Graminis," and Harriet
Smith on "The Evolutionary Signifi-
cance of Autopolyploidy."
English 181 will not meet today.
M. L. Williams
School of Education Students, oth-
er than freshmen: Courses dropped
after Saturday, Dec. 11, will be re-
corded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances
No course is considered officially

noon, Dec. 8; Surnames beginning F
through' L, Thursday, Dec. 9; Sur-
names beginning M through S, Fri-
day, Dec. 10; Surnames beginning T
through Z, Saturday forenoon, Dec.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Choral Union Concert: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
the Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor, for
the fifth concert in the current
Choral Union Series on Wednesday,
Dec. 8, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will consist of
numbers by William Schuman, Shos-
takovich, Moussorgsky, Debussy and
-Charles A.,Sink, President
Student Recital: Elizabeth Ivanoff,
violinist, will present a recital in par-
hial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree at
T)3 pm. on Thursday, Dec. 9, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her
program will include compositions by
Vitali, Beethoven, Chausson, Grana-
dos and de Falla, and will be open to
the general public. Miss Ivanoff is
a pupil of Professor Gilbert Ross.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibition of paint-
ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints
by Louis Schanker, is presented by
the College of Architecture and De-
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building through
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
Events Today
Junior Research Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The program will be given
by F. E. Shideman, of the Depart-
ment of Pharmacology, and H. J.
Gomberg, of the Department of Elec-
trical Engineering.
Michigan Chapter of the A.A.U.P.
will meet at the Michigan Union to-
night at 6:45. This will be a closed
meeting. Members should convene
in the cafeteria line, get trays of
food, and go to the tables in the Uni-
versity Faculty Club, where dinner
will be eaten and the program given.

I'll fly in a window and we'll all
meet-er-at the lunch counter.I
... Now ... How can we get YOU
into the store inconspicuously?

By Crockett Johnson


With my makeup artistry and all
the stuff in this attic-Ah! These
sunglasses. . . And a hat and veil!
And a bit of this bathrobe cord



Mom. Mr. O'Malley
fixed it so Santa
'Claus won't know us

aK nl



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