, 18#x.
Bill Sawyer
To Play ct fnnual Union Formal Today
USO Meeting
To Be Friday
At Rackham
Only Women Who Received
Postcards Will Be Admitted;
Dance To Be at Harris Hall
The time and day of the compul-
sory meeting for all USO hostesses
has been changed to 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, in the Rakham amphi-
theatre, instead of 7:45 p.m. Friday,
as was previously announced.
Only those women who received
cards through the mail this week
should attend. These cards must be'
shown at the door as no other iden-
tification will be accepted.
Meeting to Last an Hour
The meeting will last for one hour
and those who attend must remain
for the entire meeting. Only the
women who attend this meeting can
participate in the formal dance to be
given from 7:30 p.m. to midnight,
Saturday, Dec. 11, at Harris Hall, the
new USO headquarters.
This formal dance is to be given in
hondr of the opening of Harris Hall
r as a USO center.. Hostesses will come
unescorted and meet servicemen at
the dance. The Army is providing a
dance orchestra for the occasion.
Former Recreation Center
Once the recreation center of Epis-
copalian students at the University,
Harris; Hall has been completely
renovatedand redecorated for its
new duties in the service of the
a'med forces. The ballroom, situated
on the second floor, will be the scene
of all dances.
On the first floor is a reception
room and a library or quiet room
where guests may read or write let-
ters or relax. An arts and crafts shop
has been equipped and set up in the
basement and in the basement also
will be ping pong tables, which can
be used at the dance.
- Be AGoodfellow --
Suggestion Box
For Coeds' Ideas,
Opinions Is Open
Michigan coeds are encouraged to
voice their opinions an campus ac-
tivities through the use of the Sug-
gestio'n Box maintained'in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
According to Ann McMillan, '44,
President of Judiciary Committee,,
students may deposit in this box an
outline of their ideas on any subject
which they ivish discussed at the
monthly meetings of the House Presi-
Through the use of this system the
future meetings of the house leaders
may be representative of the entire
--- Be A Goodfellow -
Germans in Munich
Laugh at Nazis
18 -GERMANS P5 ann
MADRID, Dec. .-)-Neutral
travellers say Germans around"Ma
nich are telling this story of a laugh
on the Nazis they got from their ihief
newspaper Nov. 29.
The paper, Muenchner Neueste
Nachrichten, publishes 'a reguar-co.
umn about Nazi party affairs head-
lined: "News of the capital of the
National Socialist moveient." The
first item that day was: "Warning-
all pigs, cows, mules, goats and sheep
in the Munich area must be regis-
tered before Dec. 15."
- Be A Goodifeow -
Dr. Burns Comments on
Women willime t1}ref gn them-
selves to accepting Jobs after the war
for less pay th"nie wuld reeive
in the same jobs,- accoding to Dr.
Eveline M. Burns, iormer head of
the economic security and health sec-
tion of the recently abolished Nation-
al Resources Planninig' Botrd, who
spoke to a group of 1,000 women
meeting in the Hotel enn1syvania in
New York for the 'argiual Friendship
Reunion of women's cibs.'
Dr. Burns, who was instrumental
in formulating th ill-fated C'radle-
to-Grave security plan, foresaw little
hope of imiprodvng the place the
women willbe forced 6take. "It is
obvious that with the 'strongly dis-
advantageous position we occupy in
the labor market we shlf get no-
where by exhortatiori of propagand,"
said Dr. Burns. '"As thi naigina en-
trants to the labor fliAtket, our only
hope of holdigfgu a i4 and widen-
ing our field if the sopetition for
jobs becomes keen Is to dse the econ-
omic motive, to offer 6 do the same
work for less."
Solution Suggested
A partial solution would be af-
forded by the insurance of full em-
ployment after the war, she said;, a nd
urged that women insist on 'such a
program from business and political
An increased number of women will
be earning their living after The war
through paid employment rather than
as wives and mothers, she said, aid
Health Service
Is in Need of
Volunteer Aides
"Girls with some nursing experi-
ence will be accepted as volunteer
aides in the Health Service infirm-
ary," said Dr. Forsythe while speaking
of the shortage'of help and the in-
crease of patients.
Students will carry trays and gen-
erally assist the nurses. The epidem-
'ic of nose and throat ailments has
taxed the capacity of bed space and
resulted in an understaffing of nurses.
General basic training 'in hospitali-
zation will be required; however, oth-
ers who believe themselves qualified
to do siall tasks around hospital are
urged to. apply at Health Service.
Various hours of the day are open
forj health service, therefore, sched-
ules and school work can be coordin-
Help is priceless because practically
every spare room has been occupied
these last weeks with students suffer-
ing from the epidemics of flu and
Be A Goodfellow -
Mosher To Welcome
Soldiers To Mixer
Residents of Mosher Hall were
hostesses- to s ervicemen onr campus
for the second time yesterday at 7
There was dancing to the latest
tunes provided' by a %hickelodeo.
Games, mixer 'dances and refresh-
ments are some of the features of the
Ann Singer, '44, acted as social
chairman, arid Jane Klsey, '45, was
chairman of 4he'sni6t' hostesses.
-- t e A Goodfeiow -
To Prevail
explained that this was necessarily
true because "we are not being killed Orchestra To Feature New
off as fast as the men." At the first Arrangements; 'Slant Walk'!
sign of unemployment the profes-
sional woman will suffer, while to a Novel Composition on Program
great extent industry will continue
to absorb women to handle newly The campus will once again take
developed processes and ,jobs. on its festive pre-war atmosphere,
That women, now eagerly sought in when Union members and their
industry, will be forced again into a guests dance to the melodies of Bill
position subordinate to men is clearly Sawyer and his orchestra at the ninth
shown, she said, by the "80 to 90 annual Union Formal to be held from
percent agreement that women must 9 p.m. to midnight today in the Union
leave their jobs" revealed in public Ballroom.
opinion polls and discussions on how Although it was generally conceded
to get men employed after the war. thatformals would have to be out for
Stress Equipping Selves , the duration because of wartime re-
Both Dr. Burns and 'Dean Virginia strictions, the central committee for'
S. Gildersleeve of Barnard College the' dance succeeded in making the
stressed the importance of women necessary arrangements, and accord-
equipping themselves even better ing to Dick Chenoweth, general
than men so they could competewiter chairman, the dance will be given in.
tha me sothe cold ompte ithmuch the same manner as in previous
them for jobs by being able to meet years.
the highest standards. Bill Sawyer To Play
Dean Gildersleeve urged women to Bill Sawyer' and his orchestra have
take part in local politics and to be- become almost the traditional band
come specialists in certain fields. "Ev- for the formal, having played at the
erybody is looking for part-time work gala affair for the last five years. In
for women. Politics make an excel- keeping with the Christm-as' spirit..arfd
lent part-time job," she added. in response to many requests-: Saw-
- Be A Goodfellow -- yer will play his popular rendition of
last year's favorite, "White Christ-
Po i*n o mas."
Pos f ions for Sawyer, in addition to promising
several new arrangements, has an-
147 C Q rpnounced that Herb Eidemiller will
play one of his most recent composi-
tions entitled "Slant Walk," as one
o e U en '0of the features of the evening. It is
really "new and different," Sawyer
"Positions for a general chairman stated. The vocals will be handled by
and 13 captains are open to freshmen Bill Layton and Pat DuPont.
women interested in supervising the Patrons Are Announced
'47 Corps," Ann MacMillan, '44, pres- The list of patrons for the dance
ident of Judiciary Council, an- was announced yesterday by Don
nounced yesterday. Larson, publicity chairman. They are
Dean and Mrs. W. B. Ray; Lt.-Cmdr.
JQP Project
To Have Debut
Publicity Committee Takes to
Ice at Hockey Opener Saturday
The "Bond Bombers" will make
their original contribution to the an-
nuals of ice-hockey when the Junior
Girls' Project publicity committee
takes to the ice against an unknown
opponent at the half of the hockey
opener at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11,
at the Michigan Coliseum to show Ed
Lowrey's Varsity squad how it's done.!
"Though the 'Bombers' aren't the
first to play hockey with brooms and
a basketball," Peg Weiss, '45, JGP
publicity chairman, said yesterday,
''we can guarantee it wil be original,
if nothing else.
JGP Goal Is $30,000
"Goals will represent opposite at-
titudes of contribution to the war ef-
fort on the part of coeds, with JGP
driving toward its $30,000 mark for
the year, while players will model the
lastest in hockey gear.
"As to individual playing ability
and teamwork, your guess is as good,
as ours. If the game' turns out to
be amusing, that's fine, because there
isn't much we can do about it."
' Skit To Be Featured
Actually the affair will take on
the form of a skit to emphasize the
opening of JGP's campaign to urge
every student to buy at least one
dollar's worth of war stamps each
month during the year.
The drive is now under way
through JGP representatives in dorm-
itories and auxiliary dormitories, sor-
ority houses, and league houses, and
booths have been set up in University
Hall and in the League.
- ,Be A Goodfellow -
../Veddin i and 6n a emen14
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Volkman, Jr., of Brooklyn, N.Y., announce the
engagement of their daughter, Grace Quincy. to Mr. James McDonald
Vicary, son of Mrs. Lewis E. T. Vicary of Detroit.
Miss Volkman was graduated from the University in 1942 and from
the Katharine Gibbs school the following year. Mr. Vicary is a graduate
of the class of 1940.
Announcement is made of the engagement and approaching marriage
of Miss Diane Marchini, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Marchinin of
Clifton, N.J., and William P. Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harrison
of Chicago.
Miss Marchini is a graduate of Elmira College and Mr. Harrison was
graduated from the College of Architecture at this University. While a
student, Mr. Harrison was president of his fraternity, Sigma Nu, president
of the Architectural Council, and a member of the Men's Council.
In a ceremony at St. Paul's Methodist Church at Monroe, the former
Martha Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Brown of Monroe, became
the bride of James H. Weikel, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. - J. H. Weikel of
The bride attended Michigan State College and the bridegroom is a
junior in the University of Michigan College of- Education. Mr. Weikel is
chapter president of Lambda Chi Alpha, and is g member of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers and of Inter-FraternitySouncil.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. L. Backus of Ann Arbor have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Suzanne Helen, to Apprentice Seaman Robert
LaFollette Sucher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sucher of Washington, D.C.
and New York City.
Miss Backus received her bachelor's degree from the University Jast May
and is now enrolled in the graduate school. She has been elected to Phi
Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and Alpha Lambda Delta honorary societies.
Seaman Sucher attended the University and is stationed here with the
V-12 training program unit.
Announcement is made of the marriage of Marian M. Mann, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olin Mann of Detroit, to Ensign Arthur Dandridge
Darden, USNR, son of Mrs. Mills William Darden of Norfolk, Va. and the
late Mr. Darden.
Both attended this University where Mrs. Darden was pledged to Delta
Gamma. The groom was graduated from this University in February of
this year. He is a member of Psi Upsilon, Quarterdeck and the American -
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
Petitions may be turned in Dec. 2
through Dec. 7 in the undergraduate
office of the League. Interviews will
take place from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Dec.
8 through Dec. 15 in the League.
Petition blanks may be picked up at
any time at the League.
The '47 Corps is sponsored by the
freshman class. The purpose of the
Corps is to relieve the manpower
shortage which has reduced the Uni-
versity Buildings and Grounds staff.
Work will be cdntinued until severe
winter weather interferes.
The '47 Corps was first organized
last spring as the Girl's Ground
Crew. It was turned over to the
freshmen at the beginning of the fall
term and has been under the tem-
porary chairmanship of Marcia
Sharpe, '44A. As soon as a chairman
and the captains are appointed from
the freshman class, the entire pro-
ject will be in their hands.
"Cooperation on the Corps has
been rather poor, so far," Miss Sharpe
commented recently. "However, it is
' xpected. that freshman women will
soon realize the importance of their
responsibility to keep the campus
Be A Goodfellow -
Unique Chinese
Qreetirng Cards
Are Obtainable
Chinese students on the campus
selling, Christmas cards have added
$950 to date to the fund being raised
by the Chinese Women's Relief As-
sociation Incorporated of New York
for the benef-it of war orphans.
The sets of greeting cards may be
obtained at the League, the Interna-
tional Center, or from Mr. Gerald
Tien of the Oriental studies depart-
The greeting cards, which are dis-
tributed and published by the asso-
ciation, are made of prints or orig-
inal Chinese paintings. The pictures
represent different periods of Chinese
art and include some of the most
noted examples. Appropriate bits of
verse and philosophy replace the us-
ual greetings.
The project, which is endorsed by
Mme. Chiang, is being directed na-
tionally by. Mrs. Lin Yutang, presi-
dent of the association. Mr. T. C.
Hu is in charge of the local sale.
- Be A Goodfellow -
P E. Juniors -
Visit SChools
Thirteen members of the Physical
Education Club visited elementary
schools in Detroit recently to observe
classes. The group, made up wholly
of juniors, was chaperoned by Dr.
Laurie Campbell and Miss Josephine
Yantis, both of the faculty of the
Department of Physical Education.
Club members visited the Sampson
School, which has a 99% Negro en-
rollment, in the morning and report-
and Mrs. E. F. Scott; Prof. and Mrs.
A. Marin; Prof. and Mrs. H. M. Mo-
ser; Prof. and Mrs. F. A. Firestone;
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Palmer; Mr. and
Mrs. R. Wixon; Mr. F. C. Kuenzel;
and Mr. H. F. Meyers.
Preceding the formal a banquet
will be held for the members of the
Union Executive Council at which the
activities of the council will be re-
Council Members To Attend
Members of the Executive Council
and their guests are Bunny Crawford,
who will attend with Pam Watts;
Chuck Dotterer, whose guest will be
Martha Schmitt; Dick Chenoweth
who will escort Isabel Dunn; and
Bob Grandy, who will attend with
Marcia Steketee.
Bill Wood has asked Helen Dickin-
son to be his guest, while Bob Gauk-
ler and Rupert Straub Will escore
Betty Watson and Pat Gordon re-
spectively. Margie Heath will be the
guest of John Clippert and LaVonne
Haslett will attend with Roy Boucher.
Don Larson will escort Barbara Mor-
- Be A Goodfellow -
'Club Attends
Russian Ballet
Members of the Ballet Club, spon-
sored by the WAA, attended yester-
day's performance of the "Russian
Ballet at the Masonic Temple in-De-
troit. They were accompanied by
Miss Josephine Yantis, club' advisor
and physical education instructor,
and Rae Larson, '44, club manager.
Attendance at the ballet was 'one
of the first projects to be undertaken
by the club. At present member pare
participating in "It's Up to You," the
first presentation of the season by
Play Production.
The club, one of the three divisions
of the Dance Club, meets weekly at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the dance
studio at Barbour Gym. The other
branches of the organization-the
Modern Dance Club and the Tap Club
meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and
8:30 p.m. Thursday respectively.
Women interested in joining any
cf the divisions may contact Miss
Larson at 24547.
- Be A Goodfellow -
Women May Peti tion
For All Orientation
Positions This Week
Women interested in being orienta-
tion advisors in February, July, or
October are asked to fill out the peti-
tion blanks obtainable in the League,
and to sign up for an interview.
Petitions may be turned in Dec. 2
through Dec. 7. "Interviews will be
held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 8
through Dec. 15," Ann MacMillan,
'44, president of Judiciary Council,
announced yesterday. "Interviews will
also be held from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.' on
Saturday, Dec. 11," she said.
Women who acted as advisors last
fall are invited to serve again. They
do not need to re-petition, but must
return the cards which have been
State and William Sts.
Rev. L. A. Parr, D.D., Minister
9:15 a.m. Junior and Intermediate Depts.
church school.
10:45 a.m. Primary and kindergarten church
10:45 a.m. Public worship. Dr. Parr will preach
on the subject "Horizontal Living."
5:00 p.m. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Oke-
chukwu Ikejiani will speak on "Role of the
Church in Post-War West Africa."
5:30 p.m. Ariston League for High School
young people. Discussion, "What Jesus
Taught About God."
State and uron Sts;
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Miss Janet Wilson, Organist
4"' Ste
n 0O '
You can order
at Special Christmas Gift Rates
The Weekly Newsmagazine
''$5.00 for he first subscriptior
$4.25 for each additional gifi
/ The Weekly Newspicture
$4.50 for the first subscription
$3.50 for each additional gift
The Magazine of Management
$10.00 for the first subscription'
$7.00 for each additional gift
$pciaI M itary Gift Rates for these favorites of the Armed
-FOrCOS: TIME, $3.50; LIFE, $3.50; FOiRTUNE, $6.00
4to be sure your gifts arrive in fime
faCihri*nas-place your o'rd rs isw
Free lecture series.
Sunday, Dec. 5. "The Riddle of the Sphinx" by
Mr. E. Norman Pearson, member National
Board of Directors. 8 p.m. Michigan League.
Masonic Temple
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
Sunday, December 5th
10:00_a.m. University Bible Class. Ted Groes-
beck, teacher.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Expository studies
from the Gospel of John, by the pastor:
"Christ, the Bread of Life."
7:30 p.m. "The Crown Right of Christ."
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible Study in
the Book of Leviticus.
409 S. Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject:
"God the Only Cause and Creator."
Sunday School at 11:45.
A Reading Room is maintained by this church
at 106 E. Washington St., where the Bible and
Christian Science Literature may be read,
borrowed or purchased. The Reading Room
is open daily, except Sundays and holidays,
from 11:30 until 5, Saturdays until 9.
1432 Washtenaw
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Franklin Mitchell, Director of Music and
E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Christian
9:30 a.m. Church School, Junior, Intermediate
and Senior Departments.
10:45 a.m. Nursery conducted during hour of
morning worship, also Beginner and Primary
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. "Great News Pend-
10:40 a.m. Church School.
11:00 a.m. Church Service. Dr. O. B. Hawes,
Minister-Emeritus :jof the Vnitarian Church
of Brookline, Mass.n '"hoseWh
Make Excuses."
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:00 and at 41,00: Two identical
services will be held. Sermon by the pastor,
"God HAS Spoken."
Sunday at 5:3&:.Supper' meeting of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran'Student Club, at the Student
Center, 1511 Washtenaw. The Rev. A.
Pfotenhauer, stationed at Willow Run, will
Catherine and Division Sts.
What has Christianity to say? To Our World,
To Our Nation, To Ourselves . .. These and
kindred subjects will be discussed by the Rev.
Alan G. Whittemore, Superior of the Epis-
copal Order oif the Holy:Cirps,.atSt. Andrew's
Church, Sunday, Dec. 5, Monday, Dec. 6,
Tuesday, Dec. 7. and Wed.,Dec. 8, at 7:30
p.m. The public is cordially invited.
306 N. Divisio-i St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis. D.D., Rector
The Rev. Robert, M. Muir, Student Chaplain
Maxine J. Wcstphal, Counmsellor for "Women
Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion.
11:00 a.m. Holy Communr.io and Sermon by the
11:00 a.m. Junior 'Church.
3:30 p.m. H-Square Club, Page Hall.
6:00 p.m. Canterbury Club (students and serv-
ice men), Page Hall. Buffet supper, preceding
the first session of the Teaching Mission.
7:30 p.m. Teaching Mission the Rev. Alan G.
Whittemore, Superior of the Episcopal Order
of the Holy Cross.
'Sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lm heran Church-E. Washington St.
and S. Fifth Ave.
Zion Lutblern Church - E. Washington St. and
S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Worship Service. Sermon by Rev.
E. C. St lilo:n.
Trinity Lutheran Church -- E. William St. and
S. Fifth Ave.