SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1943
Id Rather Be Right
By Lichty
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contro)
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
,regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-.
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43.
Editorial Stafff
Marion Ford . . . . . . Managing Editor
Jane Farrant . . . Editorial Director
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BUd Low . . . . Associate Sports Editor
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' dltorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the iews of the writers only.
Dondero's Record Shows
Voting .Inconasistencies
REP DONDERO said in Sept., 1942, "I have
voted for every measure to support the
President in his prosecution of the war and
hall continue to do so. There is but one task
1efore us today and that is the winning of this
wfr and to that end I shall continue to direct
an all-out effort."
It .seems appropriate now, almost two years
after Pearl Harbor, to look over the record and
see whether or not Rep. Dondero's statement
was true and whether or not he has kept his
Since Pearl Harbor Rep. Dondero has voted
against needed tax legislation, against restrict-
ing automobile production, and against neces-
sary subsidies. He voted for the inflationary
farm bill and wanted to abolish the Farm Secur-
ity Administration, the forty-hour week and
time and a half for overtime.
He has been consistently against labor. He
voted against labor on the Hobbs Anti-Stiike
Bill, the Smith-Connally Bill, overriding the
President's veto .of the Smith-Connally Bill,
the Ramsbeck Federal Pay Bill, lifting the
$25,000 net ceiling placed on salaries by the
Iresident, and the Federal Income Tax Bill.'
He maintained his stand against labor when
such bills, came up as no incentive payments to
farmers, no funds for 'crop insurance, support of
Rural Electrification Program, liquidation of
Home Owners Loan Corporation, no funds for
rollbacks of prices, reducing funds for OPA en-
forcement, putting big business in charge of
OPA, abolishing the domestic branch of OWI
and dismissing Watson, Dodd and Lovell.
WHEN it came to the parity amendment de-
manded by the farm bloc boys, there was
Rep. Dondero in his usual role-opposed to the
President. About the only measure on which
Rep. Dondero has supported the President was
the anti-poll tax bills and these are not directly
related to the prosecution of the war.
From the " above facts it can be seen that
Rep. Dondere has hindered the administra-
tion in all its attempts directed toward win-
ning 'the war. He has been more interested
in gaining .the approval of small groups than
in doing what is best for the nation as a
Before Pearl Harbor Rep. Dondero opposed all
the attempts made by the administration to
prepare for the war which seemed forthcoming.
He opposed the Guam Appropriation Bill, he was
In favor of maintaing the embargo on the ship-
ment of arms to belligerent nations and thus in
effect favoring Germany.
laE OPPOSED modifications of the Neutrality
Law requested by the President, favored an
attempt to cut 1,283 planes and $37,000.000 out
of the Army Appropriation Bill, voted agaipst
the Conscription Bill and later against a -meas-
ure to extend the service period of draftees. He
also voted against the Lend-Lease Bill and,
against measures to provide appropriations for
Lend-Lease purposes.,
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It is amusing, in a horrid way, to see: Count
Sforza's political position being misrepresented so
wildly in America by a number of commentator-
ial whippersnappers, otherwise known as jerks.
The ignorant are uniting as one to describe the
learned and conservativeCount as a radica.
Sforza is for the abdication of King Victor
Emmanuel, right enough. But he has pointed out
patiently, time and again, that adication is not
a radical measure; it is an ancient, historic and
conservative method for reforming a monarchy
fallen on evil days.
Edward VIII was made to abdicate for a cause
that must be described as trifling in comparison
with the reasons which obtain in Victor Emman-
uel's case. He had merely proposed honest mar-
1774 M#1
T DOESNT HAPPEN very often, and that's
probably why we were so happy when it did.
Very seldom do students accept wholeheartedly
the proposals their "elders and betters" make
regarding the subject of education. But as we
read President Ruthven's statement Friday morn-
ing,we could see how well his five proposals fitted
into as private program of our own for making
this University actually part of the "vanguard" in
American education.
His fourth suggestion first . . . the idea that
universities should take up the problem of
"preparing men and women for better citizen-
ship." We need to learn it both inside and out-
side the classroom. Inside we can begin by
incorporating into American history and litera-
ture courses the history and culture of the
Negro people. The Inter-Racial Association
sponsored such a course this summer, taught
by an able Negro artist, Roybert Hayden. But
any course given off-campus reaches fewer
people in the long run, than one for "3 hrs.
credit, 2202 AH. MWF." We CAN stop the
racial hatred now felt by every tenth American
citizen in each day of living.
Still inside the classroom, a course in Jewish
history would be an example to America of teach-
ing democracy along with higher mathematics
and English cognates. History majors would be-
come people who understood the world of 1943
and .its problems, as well as bookworms who eat
pages of manuscripts yellowed and academic.
A class in The Nature of Fascism, such as those
taught by the Workers Education Association in
England, would give students going into the arm-
ed forces an idea of what they are fighting
against, and would give students graduating into
civilian life a portrait of the enemy, they will be
facing day by day. Perhaps "Under Cover" by
John Roy Carlson, expose of American fascicts,
would be the best textbook available for, shall
we call it "Political Science-V-1"?
students a better idea of what is happening in
the war world, and what may happen in the
post-war world, is one in the history of the inter-
national labor movement. Unions are growing
strong in all countries, and are uniting into vast
international organizations-American, British,
Latin-American, Soviet trade unions are deter-
mined to work together on problems which affect
labor all over the world.
Democracy must be taught outside the class-
room, too. Students living under autocratic
rule make poor democrats. If student govern-
ment on this campus were revived right now-
while students feel the need of having a say
in college affairs affecting them . . . And if a
Student Senate were set up with REAL power,
we would begin to understand the theory of
representative government which we discuss in
PoL -Sci. I.
Dr. Ruthven's fifth suggestion was that more
exchange scholarships be arranged so that we
can become true internationalists, We agree ab-
solutely, but still there will be many of us who
stay at home. So we propose-partly as a war-
time measure to promote understanding of our
allies, and partly to make up for the educational
lag in the face of a rapidly-moving world-that
a course in the history of the Soviet Union be
added to the curricula, and one on republican
And last, we can start demonstrating our
belief in the precepts of the Declaration of
Independence and the Emancipation proclam-
ation, we can urge the University to ask Ne-
groes to become faculty members when they
are qualified to do so. Not as ajtoken, but in
recognition of the many Negro scholars who
have come north to seek equality of educa-
tional opportunity, only to be rebuffed when
seeking positions. In this respect we are not
the vanguard Dr. Ruthven hopes we may be-
come, for Wayne University in Detroit has
recently hired its first-full-time Negro faculty
member, Dr. Charles Wesley Buggs, bacteriol-
ogist . . . and this in a race-riot city.
riage with a commoner, whereas Victor had
maintained an unholy alliance for twenty-one
years with the founder of fascism.
Sforza proposes that Victor Emmanuel go, and
that a regency be set up for his six-year-old
grandson, the Prince of Naples. Sforza is there-
fore, in the profoundest sense, a defender of the
monarchy, while his yipping American critics
are merely defenders of the King; they have
assumed a thin and narrow position, and why
so many good American republicans should be-
have like a clique of cavaliers, sworn to uphold
the person of a king whom they have never seen,
is one of the minor mysteries of current contro-
versy. What is Victor Emmanuel to them, or
they to Victor Emmanuel ,that they should cher-
ish him so?.
It is said there will be disorder in Italy if the
King should go.- That is a curious argument, for
there are disorders in Italy now; there were fist-
fights at a political meeting in Naples only the
other day; and these anti-Victor Emmanuel dem-
onstrations arose, not because the King has gone,
but because the King has not gone.
Immediately thereafter, American military
authorities on- the spot were forced to issue a
decree forbidding meetings of more than five
persons-for any cause. But we were told that
if the King stayed, there would be civil order,
arising from that circumstance alone. That
magic-has not worked; the King has stayed, yet
we find we still need military ukases and ar-
rests and penalties.
We are maintaining by force the subtle policy
which was going to eliminate the need for force.
Why do we hang onto this royal leftover so?
If the answer is that we desire to have the people
of Italy say whether they want Victor Emmanuel
or not, the precise answer to that answer is that
we are not letting them say it.
It is right that Victor Emmanuel should go,
for when so great a mess is made as has been
made of Italy, someone must pay for it. This is
not merely an expression of vengefulness; it is a
law of lifeand of politics. Why do we hang on to
this desolate specimen, quite as if it were un-
thinkable for a king to lose his seat? There comes
a tine, and it has often happened, when there is
almost a physical need for the lightning flash
that will clear the air. As for our dreary purpose
of having the people of Italy vote among symbols
later, in a calmer day, that is mere fancy paper-
tearing. ,
People do not vote among symbols; they go
down to death with one, heave hime into the ash-
can. then rise to life with another. They need the
new symbol in order to reach the new day.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)j
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'Gee vhiz, :Pop--maybe you did play quietly when you were a boy--in
those days they didn't have machine guns, airplanes and tanks!'
time last night, Claudio Arrau, brilliant Chil-
ean pianist, gave a performance that 'will assure
him a warm and enthusiastic reception here in
the future.
. It is not the office of this reviewer to at-
tempt to - criticize Mr. Arrau's concert but
merely to point out why it was so enjoyable.
There are many so-called artists today who
use the concert- stage as a platform and music
as a medium through which .they may display
their digital dexterity and endurance by
pounding .on a keyboard for two hours, with
little idea of the true meaning of the music
they are playing.
Not so with Mr. Arrau, for although his tech-
nique is faultless, he never flaunts it before the
audience or, attempts to make it more important
than the music he is playing. For him, tech-
nique is merely a means to an end, that end
being the presentation of good music in the
manner it was meant to be played.
MR. ARRAU opened his concert with a Mozart
Rondo, followed by Beethoven variations,
which were excellent. However, the highpoint of
the evening was reached in the Chopin and the
Liszt Seldom has Liszt been done so beauti-
fully: the artist turned it into something far be-
yond the mere technical display it is so often
accepted to be,
Following the intermission, Mr. Arrau turn-
ed a group of Debussey inside out. He left
nothing undone'or Incomplete, displaying all
the obscure tonal, beauty that so many less
accomplished artists are unable to discover.
Works of Albeniz and Granados completed the
program and gave it just the finishing touches.
It is a shame that more of Ann Arbor does not
appreciate the opportunity it has for hearing
such beautiful music done so well. After asking
for and being so proud of the artists that come
here to give concerts, it seems a waste of time
and energy that more of the audience cannot
listen to an entire program of music just little
beyond the level of "encores," instead of walking
-Jean Athay
(Continued from Page 2)
advance of the interview, may be
obtained in the Aeronautical Depart-
ment Office.
Attention, Student Blood Donors:
Four hundred soldiers are coming
from Fort Custer to donate their
blood as a Christmas gift on Dec. 16
and 17. All student appointments
have been cancelled for the above
dates. Watch the Michigan Daily for
January Blood Bank dates.
University Lecture: Dr. Hans Si-
mons, Dean of the School of Politics,
New School for Social Research. will
lecture on the subject, "Problems of
Reconstruction in Germany," under
the auspices of the Department of
Political Science, on Monday, Dec. 6,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The public is invited.
Food-Handlers' Lecture: A series
of two lectures forfood-handlers will
be given on Tuesday evenings, De-
cember 7 and 14, at 8:00 p.m. in Kel-
logg Auditorium..
All food-handlers working in com-
mercial establishments are required
by City Ordinance to attend a series
in order to obtain a permanent food-
handlers' card.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students are
asked to attend.
Faculty Concert: Professors Arthur
Hackett, tenor, and Joseph Brink-
man, pianist, will be heard in the
final program of the current series
of School of Music Faculty Recitals
at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 5, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
The program will cons-ist of com-
positions by Beethoven, Franck and
Chausson, and will be open to the
public without charge.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibition of paint-
ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints
by Louis Schanker,.is presented by
the College of Architecture and De-
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building through
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
Events Today
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:00 to
10:00 this evening if the sky is clear
or nearly ,so.. The moon will be
shown through the telescopes. Child-
ren .nust be accompanied by adults.
Servicemen are cordially invited to
the drama,. "It's Up to You,"; by
Arthur Arent, which is being staged
by Play Production. of the Depart-
ment of Speech tonight at 8:30 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Admis-
sion is" free' And-tickets may be ob-
tained at the theatre box office. Box
office hours are 10-1, 2-5 and 7:30-
8:30 p.m.
Post-War Council, as a follow-up
of the Culbertson lecture, will pre-
sent a parley this afternoon at 2:30
in the Michigan Union. It will con-
sist of two discussion groups; one
on. "The Place of Education and
Propaganda in World Organization,"
and the other on "Types of World
Organization," led by professors and
students. Everyone is invited.
Surgical Dressing Unit will be open
today at the League, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship is
giving a party tonight at 8:00 in
Lane Hall to which all students and
servicemen are cordially invited. A
film, "The Man Who Forgot God,"
will be shown. Games and refresh-
ments. .
The Roger Williams Guild is hav-
ing an informal party tonight at 8:30
in the Guild House.
Wesley Foundation: Party tonight
at 8:30. This will be in the form of
an indoor Track Meet.
Coming Events
Michigan Chapter of the A.A.U.P.
will meet at the Michigan Union at
6:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7.. This
will be a closed meeting. Members
should convene in the cafeteria line,
get trays of food, and go to the tables
in the University Faculty Club, where
dinner will be eaten and the pro-
gram given. Program subject: "Sal-
aries of the Teaching Staff." Address
by Professor James K. Pollock and
participation by the Chapter Com-
mittee on salaries. Important busi-
ness and announcements.
The Women's Research Club will
meet Monday, Dec. 6, in the West
Lecture Room, Rackham Building, at
7:30 p.m. Miss Mary E. Wharton
will discuss "Floristic Studies in the
Black Shale Region sof Kentucky,"
and Dr. Bessie Kanouse will speak
on "Some Taxonomic Problems Con-
cerning North American Cup-fungi."
Both talks will be illustrated. Former
members of the organization now on
campus are invited.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the club quar-
ters in the Rackham Building (Hur-
on St. entrance west corner) for a
hike. Indoor games in case of un-
favorable weather.
All graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are cordially in-
The Stevens Cooperative House,
816 Forest Ave., will have an open
house Sunday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Every-
one interested in cooperatives is in-
Women Students: It has been
necessary to change the date and
place of the first meeting of the USO
Junior Hostess Training period. The
meeting will be held Thursday, Dec.
9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Lutheran Student Association will
mneet in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
5:30 on Sunday afternoon. Supper
will be served at 6:00 p.m. and the
program will follow. Rev. Henry
Yode will talk on "When Is Your
Faith Christian?"
Letters to the Editor must be type-
written on one side of the paper only
and signed with the name and address of
the writer. Requests for anonymous
publication will be met.
Does Article Apply Here?
AS A COMPARATIVE newcomer to
your delightful campus, I cer-
tainly must avoid the gaucherie of
wondering out loud to what extent
the enclosed letter, clipped from a
Detroit paper, applies here.
I do not, however, recall reading
that the recruiting officers of the
WACs recently in this city were
rushed off their feet by swarms of
eligible coeds eager to join up. Yet
the memory lingers of certain wo-
men students burning up tres and
gasoline, and failing to observe stop
signs and other restraints applied
to us more common people. Per-
haps it is naive to believe that this
war concerns us Republicans, too.
What about it?
Fred W. Jackson
* . * *
Editor's Note: We are reprinting the
letter from the Detroit News which was
mentioned in the letter to the 'editor
above. It is especially timely in view of
the large number of Michigan women
who are, at most, only vaguely inter-
ested in the war and their part in its
'Gals' a Dispapointment .
So the WAC recruiting drive is
53,000 behind schedule. So the drive
for WAVES is lagging about 44,000.
So what? So the January draft call
for men is to be 350,000,rthehighest
since last Jue. It seems the gals are
not interested.
They can put it down now in their
histories that the biggest washout of
the war was the gals. They can also
put it down that if we have another
war, it will be universal conscription,
to include the dames.
Look at them today! Whose kids
are running wild?-the gals!
Who can't get home to fix up a
meal for the old man because she's
trying to break even at a bingo
game?-the gals.
Who takes up most of the room in
the afternoon cocktail joints and the
beer parlors?-the same.
Who gives you the flip talk in the
stores because she knows the boss
can't hire competent help?-the gals.
Who's the biggest absentee head-
ache in the shops?-the gals.
The Government wants 300,000 of
them for the Army to release that
many men for combat. So it puts on
an enlistment drive that not only ap-
peals to the gals to jin but gets down
on its knees and begs.
Who responds? The gals. How
many of them? Sixty thousand.
Was there ever a race as spoiled as
this generation of gals? The woman
pays. That's a laugh. She's sitting
on top of the world, with a hair drer
on her empty head and her face in a
glamor magazine. For all she has
been given, did anyone ever give so
Three hundred thousand patriots
needed, and 60,000 respond! The
color of the uniform doesn't go with
the hair of the others, or the cap is
wrong. Stand back, gals, the war
may yet be won in spite of you.
Veteran of Two Wars
-The Detr4tt News
and holidays, from 11:30 to 5:00;
Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing worship-10:45 "Great News
Pending" subject of the Advent ser-
mon by Dr. W.P. Lemon. Presbyterian
Student Guild-6 :00 p.m. Supper
and fellowship hour. Devotions will
be led by Mr. Lyn Colby, and the dis-
cussion on "The Values 'of Our Edu-
cation" will be led by Mr. Hugh Ken-
nedy. Students are cordially invited.
Zion Lutheran Church: Church
service Sunday morning at 10:30
with the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn deliver-
ing the sermon.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Worship
services at 10:30 on Sunday morning.
Sermon by the Rev. Henry 0. Yoder.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship.
Miss Bertha Clawson of Japan will
be guest speaker. 5:00 p.m., Disciple
students will meet with Congrega-
tional students at the Congregational
Church. Mr. Okechukwu Ikejiani
- will speak on "The Role of the
Church in Post-War Africa." A cost
supper will be served following the
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 10:00 a.m., University Bible
Class. Ted Goresbeck, teacher.. 11:00
a.m., Morning worship. By Harold J.
DeVries, pastor:' "Expository Studies
from the Gospel of John--Christ, the
Bread of Life." '7:30 p.m., "The
. Crown Rights of Christ."
University Lutheran Chapel: Two
r e was some way to catch'this Claus
ellow off guard! To have him incriminate He even atted-me
V-, v b f c nim ,,,,,, o enee at
By Crockett Johnson
.Excellent! Because as
secret operatives for
~,k1 I __--~.- Iv
fI devise some ceher pretext
for you and or mothers to
identical worship services will be held