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December 03, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-03

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Join in



Toward Rome

Allied HeadsN
Propose To I
Free Reich
FDR, Churchill, Have
Gone to Teheran To
Meet Russia's Stalin
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 2.-An ultima-
tum to Germany to surrender or be
bombed to destruction, is being
drawn up by President Roosevelt,
Prime Minister Churchill and Pre-
mier Stalin in a meeting at Tabriz
in northwest Iran, unconfirmed
press reports from Turkey assert-
ed today.
** *
LONDON, Dec. 2.-eA forthright'
promise to grant Germany post-
war freedom from slavery under any
power, however heavily she must pay
for the war, appears to be a possible
result of the predicted conference of
President Roosevelt, Prime Minister
Churchilland Premier Stalin.
The American and British chiefs
of state have gone to Iran to meet
Stalin, said reports from Axis and
neutral sources, after their epochal
Pacific war talks with Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek in North Africa.
Coference Is Underway
These reports abroad said the new
conference already was under way,
and they placed it variously in the
Persian capital, Teheran, in the
country home of the former ruler,
Reza Shah Pahlavi, near Teheran,
and at Tabriz, in northwest Iran.
Vital decisions for the defeat of
Germany, abolition of Hitlerism in
Europe, the future of Germany and
her satellites and possibly a settle-
ment of the differences between Po-
land and Russia, were forecast in
these reports.
Proclamationa May Come
German and neutral commentators
predict the conference will be follow-
ed by a proclamation from the Al-
lied leaders to the German people
calling on them to drop out of the
war, with a threat of intensified air
attacks if the war continues.
They expect a similar demand of
the satellite states to withdraw their
troops from the fighting fronts and
to break their alliance with Berlin.
- Be A Goodfeliow -
Campus Drive
Starts Monday
With fraternities, sororities, and
many other campus societies organiz-
ing the annual Goodfellow Drive, the
campaign promises to be a complete
success when the special Goodfellow
Daily appears on the streets Monday.
Since' 1935 the proceeds of the
campaign have been helping Ann Ar-
bor's needy families and University
The money raised by the drive will
be turned over to the Dean of Stu-
dents' office which will handle the
division of the funds to students and
to the Family Child and Service.


Not Be Enslaved in Post-War



Bonds Purchased in Remembrance of Pearl Harbor

3nly Half of 'U' Coeds
Are Doing War Work
STATISTICS from the Office of the Dean of Women and
the League Undergraduate offices show that 1,849 out
of 3,070 University women are carrying on no activities
beyond their school work and their amusements. It is these
1,849 who must prove that an opportunity for independent
initiative will result in more than additional hours over a
coke, a bridge game, or at a show.
At present, women are asked to devote at least two
hours a week to extracurricular activities. On this basis,
Two hours of work a week, not necessarily war work
at that, is so little as to be 'pitiful when women are needed
for every conceivable job-on campus. It is so little that a
coed who 'gives only that much should be ashamed. Yet the
amount of necessary work that goes undone because 1,849
coeds cannot even stir out of their larval lethargy for a
minimum of two hours weekly is proof that these women
are not ready to undertake any action which does not con-
tribute to their own pleasure.
Women demanded co-education for years before they
got it. They had to prove themselves worthy of education
before they received that right. Women demanded the
right to vote; the right to assume leadership. They got
what they wanted, but they didn't get it by complaining.
They got it by hard work.; by proving their capability to
assume responsibility.
The battle isn't won yet. University coeds cannot rest
on their laurels. They must prove that they can rise to a
wartime emergency; that they are deserving of this educa-
If they won't work because work isn't fun, University
authorities should treat them like babies; they are babies.
Folding sheets in a laundry isn't anyone's idea of a
lifetime job, but laundries have to keep operating, espe-
cially when a large hospital depends on them for clean bed
linen and uniforms. Rolling bandages gets tiresome, but
wounded men don't stop needing them because coeds have
blue books coming up and just haven't had time to study'
between cokes.
The 1,849 wonen who refuse to work aren't unpatri-
otic. They are lazy. They want the war to be over, but
they want someone else to do the work and make the sacri-
fices. They are still wrapped in a pre-Pearl Harbor dream
of ideal' colle gelife.

Are Split
Joint Attack of 5th, 8th
Armies Cracks Axis
inter-Line Defenses
Associated Press Correspondent
giers, Dec. 2.-Demoralized German
troops streamed back toward Romhe
n fufl retreat today from their shat-
tered defenses near the Adriatic and
began demolishing the key city of
Cassino in the central sector as Lt.
Gen. Mark W. Clark's American
Fifth Army joined their British allies
in splintering the enemy's "Winter
The four - day - old battlefield of
Sangro Ridgedwas littered with en-
emy dead and wounded and wrecked
equipment. Gen. Sir Bernard L.
Montgomery's. victorious Eighth
Army hammered and tore at the
withdrawing Nazis in comparatively
open country, while hundreds of Al-
lied warplanes worried the enemy-
from the sky.
Nazis Blast Cassino
Allied reconnaissance pilots' re-
ported the Nazis were setting , of
huge explosions at Cassino in ap-
parent preparation for abandonitg
that important stronghold. Cassido,
only eight miles from the last re-
ported Allied line, is on the via Casll-
ina, main inland highway to Rome
80 miles away.
(The Berlin radio in a broadcast
recorded by the Associated Press said
that the American Fifth Army had
launched large - scale attacks all
along its front, supported, at; the
coastal end by three destroyers.)
AAF Batters Nazi Front
The demolitions were observed aft-
er Allied Air Forces battered the.20-
mile German front guarding the" Cas-
sino area for three hours in one of
the most concentrated attacks of
the Italian campaign. At 10-minute
intervals waves of warplanes swept
over German gun emplacements and
other defense works and smashed
them into heaps of rubble.
Invader and Warhawk fighter-
bombers gave the Nazi positions the
same type of pasting they gave San-
gro Ridge.
-Be A Goodlfellow -.F it h a
To Talk Today
At Conference

Tom Cogan (left) and Robert Allen (center), apprentice seamen stationed here under the V-12 pro-
gram purchase bonds- from Lt. N. A. Pananides, USN retired and Communication Officer of the V-12
program, to open the Navy Pearl Harbor Day bond drive which the Navy is now holding among personnel
stationed here. --Daily Photo by Cpl. Robert L. Lewin, 3651st S. U., Co. A.

Ruthven Outlines Role,
Of Post-War Education
President Compares American, British Adult
Educational Systems, Leadership, Reforms
Advancing a comprehensive pro- ("the organ through which the British

gram of adult education as an "im-
portant tool in securing the peace"
and emphasizing the paramount role
universities will play in moulding
leadersdfor the post-war world, Dr.
Alexander G. Ruthven, President of
the University, presented a detailed
report of his recent trip to England
to the faculties of the University yes-
terday in the Rackham Auditorium.
Dr. Ruthven went to England on
invitation of the Ministry of Educa-
tion and the British Council "to stu-
dy first hand post-war educational
needs and plans."
He pointed out that "the British
are far ahead of us in preparing
now for post-war educational
"In England now the workers and
fighters are getting a broad under-
standing through an effort which in
this country has been sporadic, dis-
organized and amateurish.
"The British have learned that
it is imperative for soldiers of dem-
ocracy know what they are fight-
ing for while they are fighting."
He detailed the work of the Work-
ers Education Association (WEA),

Remember, 1,849, neither,
can be won without a fight.
your fight.

peace nor post-war freedom
It's your world, your job,

adult education program is being car-
ried on.
"The WEA is an organization with
which the government, labor and ed-
ucational institutions cooperate and
which promoteswthecultural ad-
vancement of war workers and sol-
diers," he stated.1
Discussing the relative advance-
ment of the English system as com-
See RUTHVEN, p. 4
- Be A Goodfellow -
Galens Annual
Tag Day Drive
To Start Today
Fourteen Galens men, armed with
tags and buckets, will hit campus to- I
day in the first day of their two-day ;
drive to raise funds to give children]
confined in University Hospital a;
merry Christmas.
Galens, an honorary society for
junior and senior medical students,
has set a goal of $2,500 in this their
fifteenth annual campaign.
Funds are used mostly to support,
the ninth-floor Galens workshop in
the hospital, according to Pfc. Rich-
ard Bates, chairman of the drive.
However, the group also furnishes
books, films and games to those un-
able to leave their beds and sponsors
a Christmas party for all children in
the hospital.
"Col. Frederick C. Rogers has con-
sistently supported the Galens," Pfc.
Robert Taylor, publicity chairman
for the drive, said, "and he has given
his permission for Galens members
in the Army to take their posts on
Exhibits now on display in store
windows both downtown and on
State street give a graphic portrayal
of the type of thing the hospitalized
children do in the Galens workshop.
Examples of woodcraft, painting and
pieces of pottery which they have
formed and heated in a minature
kiln are among the things to be
- Be A Goodfellow -
University To Get
Post-War Grait
The State Planning Commission

Officer Tells
Of Harmon's
Pilot Was Protected
For 10 Days Behind f
Jap Lines by Guerrillast
Lt. Tom Harmon was shot downt
by a swarm of Zeros darting out of
the sun, while he and three other
pilots were furnishing fighter protec-
tion for a bombing mission, accord-
ing to the commanding officer of his
squadron's ground crew who arrived
in the United States from China
This was the first personal account
of Harmon's experiences during the
25 days he was reported missing. The
officer phoned Mrs. Louis A. Harmon
Wednesday night to tell her of her<
son's escape from Jap-held territory.
The bombing mission had been
successfully completed and the planes
were about five minutes away from
the target of Kiuking when they were
attacked. Tom was flying in "tail"
position, one of the most dangerous,
and his plane was among the four
that were downed.
After he jumped from the burning
plane, the remaining pilots circled1
his parachute to protect him from
Jap machinegun fire during his des-
cent into enemy-held territory. A'
band of Chinese guerrillas rescued
him and he remained under their
protection for ten days before he was
able to make his way back to an
advanced American base several hun-
dred miles away.
His safety was rumored by a "won-
derful grapevine" system of the guer-
rillas a number of days before it was'
officially announced.
Mrs. Harmon has received a letter
reporting that the commander of
Harmon's squadron had died Nov. 11
of wounds received in the raid in
which the gridiron hero was reported
- Be A Goodfellow --
Leaders .Debate
Service Credits
The question of granting college
credit for work now being done by
service trainees on the campuses of
Michigan colleges will be discussed
here tomorrow by two committees of
the Michigan College Association.
This group is composed of the
Fr. F. J. Quinn, University of Detroit;

itor of

Mr. Stephen Fritchman, ed-
the "Christian Register" will
a lecture at 8 p.m. today in

War Strategists To Discuss World Problems

The Rev. Stanton Lautenschlager,
who spoke yesterday before several
Ann Arbor audiences will continue
his discussions on the various aspects
of the situation in China here today
and tomorrow.
At 8:30 a.m. today he will speak
before students at the Ann Arbor
High School and at 3 p.m. will ad-
dress members of the Women's Asso-
ciation of the First Presbyterian
Church. He will participate Sunday
in one of the panels held by the Post-
War Council at the Union and will
conclude his local visit with a speech
at 8 p.m. Saturday before the Young
Married People's group of the church.
In a lecture yesterday in Kellogg
Auditorium he stated, "What China
needs isn't manpower but equipment

Mr. Lautenschlager continued, "is
that of preventing a civil war in
China. However, as long as Gener-
- 2" Sr|--7 7 ----M-

said, "China does not want an empire
after the war."
Mr. Lautenschlager's brother Roy,
whose wife lives here in Ann Arbor,
was one of those who disembarked
Wednesday from the exchange ship
Culbertson To Talk
On Post-War Period'
Presenting to an Ann Arbor audi-
ence his famous "Plan for World
Settlement," Ely Culbertson, noted
author and world strategist, will
speak at 7:15 p.m. today in Rackham
Culbertson, whose lecture will open
the annual Post-War Council Con-

the Rackham Building called "Youth
Demands" to high-light a public rec-
reation conference sponsored by the
Willow Run Community Council.
Unitarian students on campus will
have a chance to meet Rev. Mr.
Fritchman, who is also executive
secretary of the Unitarian Youth
Commission, at a dinner which will
be given for him at 6 p.m. today In
the Russian Tea Room of the League.
Dr. Eduard C. Lindeman, of the
New York School of Social Work, will
also address the conference on "Am-
erica's Post-War Choices." These
talks are open to the public.
This is the first in a series of in,
stitutes for professional workers on
social problems in the Willow Run
area. The conference will be offic-
ially opened this afternoon in Yp-
silanti when Spencer Gordon, Hans
J. Schmidt and Dr. Lindeman will
- Be A Goodfellow ----
Arrau To Give
Concert Today
Latin Pianist Makes
First 'U' Appearance
A varied program of piano music
will be given by Claudio Arrau, famed
South American artist, in his first
Ann Arbor appearance at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Mozart's Rondo in A Major, the
first number on the program, will be
followed by a performance of Beetho-
ven's "Fifteen Variations and Fugue"
Op. 35. Two selections by Liszt and
two selections by Chopin will make

Place of Education and Propaganda
in World Organization" and "Types
of World Organization" are the dis-

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