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December 01, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-01

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WW'D,1ZSDlA1Y, DlEC. 1, 1943

ra .

Girls' Glee Club, Soldier Choir,
Combine To Present Concert-

Tinte O0 i f F I"ie iP

Ihuntiig Season French Club Announces
Ends with 17 -

When Company A's Soldier Choir
presents its Holiday concert with theC
University Women's Glee Club Dec.
12 in Hill Auditorium, it will mark
the first time in the thirty-eight year
history of that Michigan girls' organ-
ization that they will appear with a
service group.
The Glee Club this year totals some
sixty-five girls, and according to
President Patty Spore, is one of the
most talented combinations to gather
in recent years.
Founded in 1905, the Glee Club has,
had a respected place since that time
in Michigan musical circles. Under
the directorship of Mrs. Nora Crane
Hunt, the Glee Club grew and pros-
pered. Mrs. Hunt retired from the
directorship in 1939 after 32 years of
faithful guidance, and is now con-
nected with the niversity of School of
The Glee Club has become one of
the League's personally sponsored in-
stitutions since the founding of that
body. Until recent years, members
have performed on annual road trips

have sungin conjunction with the
Men's Glee Club and other men's
choral groups, but never with a serv-
ice singing group such as the Soldier
Choir. Their vocal exploits have in-
cluded a broadcast over a national
hookup, also.
Present director, as well as director4
of the Choir is Mr. Wilson Sawyer,
with Miss Midge Gould as student
director. Miss Gould is a veteran of
four years in the Glee Club. Her
present responsibility is none too
heavy for her, as she has directed the
Sturgis, Mich., girls' choir during va-
Miss Gould also appears as soloist
with the Gleen Club, and with her are
several other very competent vocalists
who will share the spotlight alone
on Dec. 12. Miss Harriet Pie.rson,
contralto, comes from Ames, Iowa,
and Misses Jackie Bear and Charlptte
McMullen from California and Gar-
den City, Mich., respectively, will
share soprano honors with Miss
The Glee Club's executive board is
comprised of six student members:
Miss Spore, president; Jean Gilman,
vice-president; Carol Cothnar, busi-
ness manager; Pat Tyler, secretary;
Phyliss Crawford, treasurer, and Bar-
bara Jean White, historian.

as far away as New York City.


U Grad Sent
To Sao Paulo
As Instructor
Aiericani Teachers
Will Staff Brazlian
School for Air Tranng
A University of Michigan alum-
nus, Nelson H. Pitzele, '29, has re-
cently been sent to Sao Paulo, Brazil
where he will serve as an instructo
in the Technical School of Aviatior
of the Brazilian Air Ministry whic
is being organized by the Embry-
Riddle School of Aviation in Miami
The school, which is the first of it
kind in South America, will trair
aircraft technicians for the Brazil-
ian Air Forces. Five hundred st-
dents aire expected to be in trainin
by Christmas.
Embry-Riddle has trained a teach
ing staff especially for the projec
who will speak Portuguese and hav
a knowledge of Brazilian history an
customs in addition to their techni
cal training. As far as is known, thi:
is the first time in history that a
complete faculty has been trained t
teach technical subjects in a foreigi
The project was organized as a
result of the tour of the Unite
States by Brazilian Air Minister, Jo
aquim Pedro Salgado, last summe
at which time he visited Embry
Riddle's organizations.
Be A Cootdfelow --
Ensian Photos Must
Be Ini by Janutary 1.
February graduates who expect t
have their pictures appear in the '4
Ensian must have them in the 'En
sian offices on the second floor of th
Student Publications Building b
Jan. 1, it was announced yesterda
by Sue Sims, '44, editor-in-chief.
Seniors who have not as yet pur
chased their picture coupons may d
so in the 'Ensian o'ffices, which ar
open daily. June and October dead
lines are March 1 and Aug. 1, respec
Phone 6615
of all mqkes, Office and
Portable Models, repaired,
bought, rented.
314 S. State St.
(near N. University Ave.)
'.Te Typewriter & Stationery Store

Two American soldiers dance with red Cross workers during a little
time out from war in Italy. At left are Pf. Clyde Burgess and Lois
Berney, home towns not given, AL right are Mary Ross. Mohen of
Onawa, Ia., and Pvt. William .aderra of Rayland, 0.

Fatal Accidents
Corrective Measures
Are Sought by Sate
Conseryation Officers
LANSING. Nov. 30.-(X/P)-Another
fatal deer hunting accident brought
the loss of life among hunters to 17
today. as the annual Michigan "big
game" hunting season ended.
State conservation officers, shocked
at this rise in loss of life when; they
had expected a decrease, sought toG
plan corrective measures for future;
years as they received the report of
the latest fatality. They said Douglas;
Schrade, 18. of Mikado. was fatally
wounded when his shotgun slipped
from its rest on a log, firing a charge
into his hip.
Never before has Michigan had
more than 14 fatalities from gunfire
among its hunters.
Conservation department records
listed 38 other persons wounded by
accidental gunfire, compared with 27,
last year and 41 in 1941, the record
Hunters Not Precautious
The enforcement division of the
department suggested" that "trigger
happy" hunters, more interested in
getting -meat because of rationing'
than they were in hunting as a sport,
were responsible for many serious
accidents. Duward Robson, chief of
the divisiorn, said he saw evidence
that more than, a usual number of.
'hunters fired without taking proper
Supporting the contention, the
education division pointed to a sharp
rise in the number of illegally-slain
does found in the woods, and in the
1$number of arrests for- hunting law
violations, including the prohibited
practice of "shining" deer. This in-
volves use of a flashlight at night to
cause the deer to "freeze" in their
tracks when the light strikes their
. eyes, giving the hunters an easy shot.
Small Game Accidents Decline
The number of fatai accidents
among small game hunters declined
this fall, and department officials
attributed this to a shortage of am-
munition which made hunters make
sure of their shots lest they waste
precious shells. Desire for meat in
- this case tended to make them more
e careful.
s t The accounting division estimated
j 200,000 deer hunters were licensed
e this fall. 15,000 fewer than last year.
- --Be A Goodfellow
f Theatre Buys
Bicycle Racks

Cciis It Marines


Se (en Speakers koella Reveals New
Schedule1I for Year Club Officers? Plans


ect esCorrespondent
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, Commander
of the Mid-Pacific area, visited bat-
tle-scarred Tarawa Atoll of the Gil-
bert Islands today.
After inspecting the battle-.
ground, still littered with wreckage
and smelling of death, he said 'Ta-
rawa was the most difficult attack
United States forces had'yet made
in the Pacific, but it augured well
for the future that we were able to
crack this heavily defended Japan-
ese position.
The Admiral hinted at future Cen-
tral Pacific offensives and that there
would be no rest following the cap.-
ture of Tarawa by declaring, "'We
shall continue constant pressure on
the, Japs."
Tarawa was one of the atolls in the
Gilberts invaded a week ago. to start

the long expected Mid-Pacific offen-
Admiral Nimitz said specifically
that we will continue to hit the
Marshall Islands, the oft-bombed
island chain to the nort. The Ta=
rawa Airfield, he said, will be a
highly important offensive factor
in carrying the war deeper into the
enemy's Pacific Empire.
The Admiral said he was afraid the
American people were not sufficiently
impressed with the toughness of the
battle for Tarawa because it was over
in three days.
"The Japs haven't lost the ili to
fight," he continued.
He emphasized that "Their army
has barely been touched. they're well
trained and full of fight."
The Admiral doubted, however,.
that the enemy had the means or
"the stomach" to re-take Tarawa.
They would have to have control of
the air, which they can't get now,

he said, and they haven't enough
The South Pacific Campaign
against Rabaul and Bougainville
northernmost of the Solomon. Islands
aided this operation materially, Ad-
mial Nimitz said, by diverting and
unbalancing the enemy's fleet and
air power. The timing, too, was good
Admiral Nimitz was accompanied
by Lt. Cen. R. . Richardson, com-
manding General of the Cenral Pa-
cific area, and other high officers.
The jarty was led on a walking
tour of the island by Maj. Gen. Ju-
: an (t. Smith, Commander of the
Second Marine Division.
They climbed into several knocked-
out Japanese 8-inch coastal defense
guns. peered into dugouts, foxholes
and machinegun nests and examined
,Japanese equipment and gear. Liv
Nipponese 'had been found in 'holes
only the night beLore $Q.,a.iuple of
Marines went ahead for protection.
Quiet, bespectacled General
Smith proudly told of the heroism
of his men in pushing forward Oe-
:piie tremendous opposition. Once,
he paused solemnly amid the deb-
ris and wreckage and said to Ni-
nitz,,'Admiral, this area the other
day was covered with our dead-
.evecry ,yard."
General Richardson said the torn
battleground reminded him of Ypres
in World War One, but this was even
more difficult because the only ap
proach was by water, with no cover.
Ju'o Actors ate lTarwa

Prof. Charles E. Koella. director of
he French Club. announced yester-
lay the names of the speakers who
ill auptar on this year's series of
' 'ench lectures ,
Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the De-
artment o History will give the
irst lecture Dec. 9. He will speak on
Queiques Prcblemes ceonomiques de
a France do demin," 'Economic
Froblens Facing the France of the
,ut re.
Prof. hene Talamon of the De-
partmenl, of Romance Languages will
ive a "Lecture dramatique" Jan. 6.
"Le Role de la Suisse Dans un
monde en guerre," "Switzerland's
Role in a World at War." will be the
,ubiect of Prof. Koella's speech Jan.
Maurice Barret instructor in
French, will discuss "Art et culture en
Afrique du nord" Feb. 3. He will
upplement. the speech with slides.
Jan Hostie of the Regional Study
Programs will discuss "La Belgique et.
'Europe nouveile" March 16.
Miss Helen Hall, curator of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts, will discuss
"Daumier et d'autres artistes de la
vie francaise" March 30.
Prof. Edward B. Ham of the De-
partment of Romance Languages will
give the final lecture of the series.
He will discuss "Some Enemies of
Voltairismn" April 13.
The annual French play has been
scheduled for May 2 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, although the
details of the play have not yet been
All the lectures will be held at 8
p. m, in the Assembly Room ofathe
Rackhamn Building with the exception
that those including slides will be
held in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lectures are held in the evening
to accomodate service men.
Tickets for the lecture series may
be procured from the secretary of the
Department of Romance Languages
in room 112. Romance Language
Building, or at the door at the time
of the lecture.
- Be A Goocfelow
Reading Lights
Civilians Are Asked
To )onate Ola Lamps
The Army is still in the dark.
Reading lamps are urgently need-
ed by Army personnel in their bar-
racks for study purposes, it was an-
nounced yesterday by the public re-
lations officer,;-Lt. Catherine Jamnes.
It seems that the Army is unable to
supply reading lamps at once and in
sufficient quantity for its several
hun dred men on campus; conse-
quently a plea is being made to all
University students, faculty, and Ann
Arbor townspeople, to turn in lamps
that are in usable condition.
"Contributions of lamps of any
kind, even though slight repairs are
necessary, will be greatly appreciat-
ed." Lt. James stated.
Lamps may be turned in at the
East Quadrangle. If you are un-
able to deliver it call 4121, ext. 720
and the lamp will be picked up a
soon as possible.
Be A Goodellow --

The offices and plans for the year
for the French Club were announced
yesterday by Prof. Charles E. Koella,
director of the French Club.
The officers are Constance Taber,
'44, president: Hazel Batchelor, '46,
rice-president; Helen Dickinson, '46,
secretary; Madeleine Levenberg, '46.
treasurer, and Marion Batchelar, '44,
program chairman.
The second meeting of the club
will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Michigan League. It will be a get-
acquainted meeting and singing of
French songs and general discussion
will be included in the program.
The first meeting was held Nov. 16.
Prof. Koella discussed present condi-
tions in Europe at that time.
This year the club will meet every
week. For some of the meetings the
:roup will attend lectures in the ser-
ies sponsored by the club. After the
lecture the group will hold an Infor-
mal meeting and will sing French
songs. These meetings will be held in
the Rackham Building. The other
meetings will be informal and will
include a "causerie." They will be
held in the League with the excep-
tion of the Christmas meeting which
will be held in the Rackham Building
on Dec. 16.
Al l students starting second year
French at the University are eligible
for membership in the French Club
and allaservicemen interested in
French are invited to be the guests
of the club at their meetings and
There were over 80 students at the
first meeting of the club this year.
About half of this number were ser-
SaidProf. Koella, "Students
showed a great deal of interest in the
first meeting. It seems that the club
will have a very successful year."
- Be A Goodfeliow --
In-ternatoral en Cter
To Hold Musicale


a ,.

Shutdown of Munitions Plants
Eases C9ty Labor Shortage


WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. - UP)-- meat packers, and 5,700 in ball bear-
Shutting down of munitions plants ing plants.
o is easing the labor shortage in some The demand for more workers,
4 cities, the War Manpower Commis- Haber said, also includes these ac-
- sion said today, but the manpowertivities: aircraft, smelting, foundries.
e . forge shops, construction of high-oc-
situation is still acute nationally and tane gasoline plants, trucks and trac-
y the demand greatly exceeds the sup- tors, synthetic rubber. shipbuilding
ply. and particularly ship repairing in the
The Commission reduced the num- northwest, certain secret construc-
0er ut rshre estion projects, and critical civilian oc-
e of acute labor shortage areas cupations such as railroading.
- from 77 to 69, reversing a steady The list of labor market areas. now
trend, and said the action was close- totalling 385, is d ided into four
ly related to "cutbacks"-the terrnin- groups:.
Group I, which decreased toda y
ation of war contracts by the gov- from 77 to 69 aieas, is composed of
ernment- ' areas where an acute labor shortage
William Haber, WMC Assistant is current or expected within. two
Executive Director, gave the follow- months. No new contracts are sup-
restimates at a press posed to go to such areas, and pres-
ing manpower s sent contracts may be cancelled in
conference: *plants where it appears impossible
1. The known cutbacks now taking to fill them.
place and' definitely scheduled for In Group II, which increased from
the next three months will release 108 to 124 areas, are the districts
from 120,000 to 150,000 workers. where labor supply and demand art
2. The armed forces now are dis- approximately in balance, or where
charging into civilian life about 70,- an acute shortage is expected within
000 persons a month, half of them six months. No new contracts are
directly from hospital beds. These supposed to go to those areas.
are being taken into industry in Group III includes areas where a!
large numbers. slight labor surplus will remain aft-
3. But nearly 500,000 new workers er six months, and Group IV those
will be urgently needed within the in which a substantial surplus will
next five or six weeks in certain crit- remain after six months.
ical industries; for example, 80,000 ---
in radio and radar, 60,000 coal min-
ers, 60,000 lumber workers, 9,000 N(w under-arm

In response to action recently tak-
en by the City Council, racks pro-
viding space for thirty bicycles have
been built and placed in front of
the State theater, it was reported
yesterday by Chief of Police Sherman
H. Mortenson.
The action is a. result of requests
made in the past several years by
cycle-riding movie goers who have.
complained of parking difficulties.
Because of present gas rationing, the
multitude of bicycle riders who at-
tend the cinema has increased to the

j ..... __ ___'____- _r

AWA. Nov. 25. Delayed) -AP)-Two point where official recognition of
former Hollywood actors- Marine their needs was inevitable.
Capt. Charles L. Hayward, known to Chief Mortenson said that simiiL
film fans as Louis Hayward, husband lar racks, made by the city board of
of actress Ida Lupino, and Navy En- public works, will be installed near
:ign Eddie Albert-were in the thick the Michigan theater as soon as pos-
of the .fighting on Tarawa. sible.

The International Center will pre-
sent the first in a series of musical
programs featuring folk music from
various lands at 8 p. m. today in the
Folk music will be played every
other Wednesday night. On other
Wednesday nights classical music will
be played.
A Turkish woman, Miss Ismet San-
li, will be at -the Center for-the regu-
lar social meeting Sunday which be-
gins at 7:30 p. m. She will meet the
members of the group'and will discuss
with them the place of women in a
new Turkey.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertIon for
three or more days. (in-
crease of $:25'for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Raes on Request
CLERKS-=-Male or female. Store and
office work. Knowledge of typing
essential. Full time preferred. Part
time with afternoon or mornings
free considered. A good position
for a versatile person. 0. D. Mor-
rill, 314 S. State St.
FOR SALE-Bicycle. excelent con-
dition. Book rack. Lock. New tires.
$25.00. See J. A. Lubbers. 21 Oak-
CHALLENGE -' America's Socialist
Youth Monthly. Subscriptions 50c
per year. Single copies 5c. Chal-
lenge, 303 Fourth Avenue, N.Y.C.
WANTED - Union Formal tickets.
Call John, Bill, or Blue at 6284.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.


Engi-eers Told of Coal iguo'e

Y 0

NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-(JP)-An- long. They are England's newest de-
thracite coal burning autos, giving velopment, thousands of them having.
200 miles per hopper.of coal, were been installed on trucks and busses
described to the American Society of in the last few months. This coal is
Mechanical Engineers today by W. C. another step in the many substitute4
Schroeder of the U.S. Bureau of fuels for autos.
Mines, Washington. The coal hopper at present is bulky.
These coal-burners are blueprints That probably is why its use largelyI
of what Americans may be able to do is confined so far to big vehicles. But
if the gasoline shortage continues the fire that makes the coal gas thatI
- __runs the car is really tiny. The fire-,
box area is 4 by 6 inches, something
A LY OFFICIAL on the scale of a. cigar box.-
A single chimney draws off the coal
BULLETIN gas and pipes it into the engine, dif-
ficulties that have had to be over-
d __come were ashes, tarry substances
1AYDEC. 1, 19f43 and slow pick-up. They have been
EDNESA DC1partly solved. Pick-up has been in-
VOL. LIV No. 25 creased by spraying the coal with
Al notives for the Daily Official Kul- sodium carbonate, before use.
letn are to be sent to the Office of the The driver has to clear the clinkers
iesident in typewritten form by 3.30 out of his ash box by hand from time
; . o te day preceding its publica- to time. Frequently a water vapor,
lien, exept on Saturday when the no- tube is added to increase rengine
tices shoudbie' sumitted y 11':30 a.m. power.
Drawbacks compared with gasoline
Notcpower are slower starting, and a drop
in engine power.

(Continued from Page I)

all over Europe" and. at the same
time he criticized Reuters for hand-
ling the story.
He said that DNB, the German
News Agency, "and virtually every-
body else" had circulated the Reu-,
ters report and that OWI felt "it
should give its customers something,
In criticizing Reuters, Davis said
that "if there were a conference we
could asume from past experience
that there would be some arrange-
ment for a simultaeous release in all
capitals involved."
"If that were the case, Reuters1
broke a release date," he said. "IfI
there were no conference, then the
story would be an invention. Either
way, it is equally reprehensible."
The copy fcr the broadcast was vir-
tually word for word the Reuters sto-
ry, which follows in full:
President Roosevelt and Prime Min-
ister Churchill have already com-
pleted a long conference in Cairo and
are now en route to somewhere in
Persia to meet Premier Stalin, it is
known here definitely.
"A communique agreed on after the


from 1 P.M.

. O HN .1 R B O R S' N E l Yf 5 T Ti' 7E

25c to 5 P.M.

Cream De aOnfl'
tops Perspiration
r. D dres or mel(nS
shirts. Does nut irnte skin.
N2 w~tu:,Jx. (' heu,~



General Faculty Meeting: All mem-
bers of the several faculties are in-
ited to attend a meeting to be held
at 4:15 p.m. on' Thursday, Dec. 2, in
he Ratkhamn Lecture Hall. at which'
President Ruthven will report uponI
ie results of his recent visit to Eng-
land, especially as it related to plans
fo' post-war and adult education.

We need girls for typing
and clerical work.

Ir _._ I


Cairo conference will be published
latr this week. The three statesmen HIGHTST CASH PRICE paid for
met on one occasion in a tent in the your discarded wearing apparel.
shadow of the pyramids. Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
I ..' 'w,,-

_ h ij11- t, I ItK

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