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VOL. LIV No. 25
Lt. Evashevski
Wires Harmons
"'Tis the luck of the Irish and the
wearing of the green" wired Lt. For-
est Evashevski, former University
grid star, to the parents of histeam-
niate, Lt. Tom Harmon, who was
reported safe in China Monday.
Lt. Evashevski, blcker for half-
back Harmon, signed the telegram
Although all the details of Tom-
my's rescue are not known, his par-
ents believe that their s' was
brought out of Jap territory y Chi-
nese guerrillas. He was reported
missing in action Oct. 90.
Bits pof news from varied sources
aided them in piecing together the
story of Tom's safe return.
-- Be A Ooodfeliow -.
Sentenced on
Perjury ,harge
Carr's Jury Bares
Graft in Legislature
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Nov. 30.- State Rep.
Stanley J. Donibrowski, Detroit Den-
ocrJt; confessed today.that he falsely
aecused. another man of.bribing him,
then peaded guilty in the Ingham
County Circuit Court to a perjury
charge, and was sentenced -to the
stagte prison of southern Michigan for
a term of'3%/ to 15 years.
The sWift -moving developments
which sent him to the Ingham Con-
t!,Jai at Mason, to await removal to
orison tomorrw, were an otgrowth
of .Circuit Judge Leland. 'W. Carr's
one-ma g f ury. investigation of
ohrgs. of"airaftand corruption in
th eislatm-r
Tears rolled down ,the big, red-
head~ed legislator's cheeks as' he re-
i trated 'bftme the br of juste i
the courtro f Circuit r-Judge
Charles H. Hayden his repudiation of
grand jury testimony that he had
been paid a bribe by Major Charles
F. Iemans, former regent of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, in 1941 or any
other time.
"Yes, sir," the legislator said.
It was just four hours from the
time the legislator visited Judge
Carr's office to the time he was sen-
tenced, and not until the case went
into court that the repudiation was
allowed to become known publicly.
Asked by Judge Hayden whether
he ever would change this repudia-
tion, the legislator replied:
"I couldn't change it. It's the
Dombrowski's arrest was the first
ublic intimation that he ever had
accused IEemans or anyone else of
bribing him.
Judge Carr and Attorney General
Herbert J. Rushton, the grand jury's
chief prosecutor, said they were in+
conference in the judge's office when
Dombrowski walked in shortly after
2:00 o'clock this afternoon and de-
clared that he had given false testi-
' mony before the grand jury.
-- Be A Goodfelow -
Coup o Hitler
Expected Soon
Moment To O'ertlrow
Government Awaited
LONDON, Nov. 30.-(P)--An anti-
Hitler group of old line Junker Ger-
mans, according to reports from in-
side Germany, is awaiting the psy-
chological moment to attempt a gov-
ernment coup.
In London this group is viewed as
likely to seize on any suggestion of
merciful peace terms that may come
from any meeting of Prime Minister
Churchill, President Roosevelt and
Premier Stalin.
The reports, which come through
channels considered reliable although
they cannot be identified, say this
group already has made informal ar-
mistice proposals which were reject-
ed without discussion.
These wholly unofficial tenders, the
reports continue, were not regarded
by the Allies as tenders at all and
were dismissed, first, because they
did not originate formally with the
government in power in Germany,
and ,second, because they fell. far
short of the United Nations' uncon-
'U' Coeds Shirk Local
MANY Michigan women have not heard that this is an all-out war,
that there is a job for everyone. A poll taken recently in Stock-
Hall revealed that 118 out of 250 women are doing nothing but
going to classes, and studying now and then.
These 118 women are representative of hundreds of other Uni-
versity women who are failing to do their part. The pathetically
small proportion of women who are working hard on the '47 Corps
to keep the campus clean, the others who are spending long hours at
the University Hospital, at the University Laundry, and those who
volunteer their services at the surgical dressings unit make the
excuses of the 118 fall flat.
"I won't do any volunteer work when all this money is being
paid to war workers," is a popular excuse. But these same women
wouldn't work in a.laundry even for 35c an hour because "it's such
boring, uninspiring work."
It isn't glamorous. The excuse-makers don't stop to think that
servicemen aren't exactly. overpaid, and that sitting in a foxhole,
drillingand scrubbing decks isn't the most pleasant kind of work.
But soldiers, sailors and marines don't talk about not doing their
best because they don't get enough money or because they are bored.
Another frequently used excuse is, 'I just don't have any time."
Yet other women carrying the same number of hours have time to
work on at least one of the class projects, on a student publication,
or as waitresses, librarians, or switchboard operators. These 118
coeds and their colleagues should look at an ASTP schedule to find
out what work really is.:
They spend hours in bull-sessions talking about the days when a
coed's biggest worry was about her dress;for this. week's ball, whether
or not the letter-man in chem lab was going to date her,' and if a
partikular sorority was going to give her, a bid-days when' Guadal-
canal, Mind #,ao, and the Aleutians were jusi names on a map that
had to be learned the night before a geography, final. These women
are trying desperately to forget the present by living in the past.'
College is no longer an ivory tower apart from reality but has
been forced to get in step with the world. Soph Cabaret, JGP Night,
and most of the glamorous activities of the good old days are gone.
The froth is dissolved. The 118 don't like it.
It took a war to swing colleges into the world of the living. Un-
less the parasitic females of the University wake up to their respon-
sibility and see that each one has a job that no one else can do, then
peace time will mean the return of the stagnant lethargy of the good
old days. And the 118 can crawl back into their ivory towers.
Goodfellow Committee Starts
Drive Toward $2,000 Goal
British Take
Nazi Anchor
On 'Adriatice
Eighth Army Captures
Sangro Ridge; Enemy
Winter Line Pierced
Associated Press Correspondent
giers, Nov. 30.-General Sir Bernard
L. Montgomery's Eighth Army shat-
tered the eastern anchor of the Ger-
mans' "winter line" across Italy to-
day, capturing the whole of Sangro
Ridge and driving the enemy out of
a huge brideghead north and west
of the Sangro River that extended at
least 15 miles inland from the sea.
Climaxing 48 hours of continuous,
bitter fighting, the veteran Eighth
drove forward in a smashing advance
which threatened to turn the flank
of the enemy's entire defense sys-
tem before Rome.
"The whole of the high ridge which
overlooks and dominates the Sangro
Valley is now in our hands," the Al-
lied Command announced tonight in
a special communique. "The two
bridgeheads on the Adriatic side of
the coast have now been joined 'up
to form one large penetration in the
enemy's defensive positions.
"Our troops have broken deep into
the main enemy.wnter line and en-
emy counter-attacks 'during the aft-
ernoon have all been beaten off."
In today's advance Montgomery's
warriors swept through four more
towns-Fossacessia, Villa 'Santa Mar-
ia,, Mozzagrogna and Romagnoli-
bringing' to 12the number of tows
and .villages taken since-they opened
their attack" before' daylight Sunday
after, a heavy artillery bombard net.
Earlier today an allied cmmuni-
que reported that 'the" enemy's d-
fenses: on Sangro Ridge 'had' been
penetrated nd "taebridgeheadacross
the= Sangro' Rover enlarged' to a
depth of four miles and a width of
12 miles in the face of desperate Ger-
man resistance.
- Be A Goodfelow
Amru To Play
Here Friday.
Pianist Will Give First
Concert in Ann Arbor
Claudio Arrau, brilliant South
American pianist, will make his first,
Ann Arbor appearance at the fourth
concert of the Choral Union Series,
at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditor-
Born 39 years ago in Chillan, a
town in southern Chile, Arrau gave
his first public recital in Santiago at.
the age of five. His talents so im-
pressed the Chilean government that
it undertook to finance his musical
education, sending himto Europe on
a scholarship. -
In 1924, a young man of twenty,
Arrau made a brief visit to the United
States, appearing as guest soloist
with the Chicago and Boston Sym-;
phony Orchestras.
His first extended tour in this
country two years ago met an enthu-
siastic response. The Chicago Times
proclaimed him to be far and away
the best pianist introduced in several
seasons." Olin Downes, music critic
of the New York Times, described
him as "a pianist of the most excep-
tional equipment,-not only a virtu-
oso but a poet to be reckoned with."
New Play To Be Presented
Today by Speech Department
See PICTURES, p. 6
The first presentation of "It's Up
to You," by Arthur Arent, will be giv-
en at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Tteater by Play Pro-
duction of the speech departmen.
Directed by Valentine Windt and
Herbert Philippi, "It's Up to You," a
living newspaper drama, is being giv-
en in conjunction with the Washten-
aw County Food Merchants. Consist-
ing of six scenes the production will
Sailor's Bond
Drive ' Opens
Here. Today
Goal of $30,543 Set
For Pearl Harbor Day
Sales Among Navy Men
A goal of $30,543.75 has been set
for the Pearl Harbor Day bond drive
which.aopens today among all Navy
personnel at the ,University.'
Secretary of the Navy Knox has
again set, aside"earl DHarbor Day"
as the ones day in the year for all
hands to- purchase extra', war ' bonds.
On Dec. .7, .1942, the Navy' set an
amazing--'one-day sales record of
$7,5000Q0. '
With the increase intNavy person-
nel. and. our, eyes focused on victory,
the Navy opes to double thisfigure
this yeaVr and buy. $15,000,000 worth
of War Bonds on u one dayy
The Navy men stationed here will
be solicited by their squad leaders.
Them6 meters have beenh posted in
the 'ship't6 show. the percentage of
each group.
Onescale shows the percentage of
sales 'among the Reserve Officers
Naval 'Architect 'Group, another the
percentage of the Naval medical and
dental students, one -the percentage
of the -NROTC men, one for the
Marines, one for each of battalions I,
II and III of bluejackets and one
showing the percentage of the goal
reached by all the Navy men on
These thermometers have been
posted by the post officekof the ship
on the first quarter dack.
A special validating stamp will be
used on all bonds issued during the
campaign which will undoubtedly in-
crease the sentimental value to the
- Be A Goodfellow -
Vandegrift Made
Marine Corps Head
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-()-Lt.-
Gen. Alexander A. Vandegrift, vet-
eran of some of the fiercest fighting
ever engaged in 'by the Marines in
their 168 years of history, today was
named comimandant of the Corps.
President Roosevelt chose the 56-
year *old officer to succeed Lt.-Gen.
Thomas Holcomb, commandant of
Marines since 1936, who is stepping
down from his post after reaching
the statutory retirement age of 64.
Vandegrift, burned red by the sun
of southwest Pacific battlefields, was
present when the announcement was
made. He arrived in this country only
recently, 'after directing the Marine
landing on Bougainville, last Japa-
nese foothold in the Solomons.
feature .entre numbers of song and
The dance choreography was dir-
ected by Blanche Holpar. Among the
numbers to be used are "It's Up to
You," "Get the Point, Mrs. Brown!,"
"Dirty Overalls," "Porterhouse Lucy,"
"We Can Take It" "Victory Begins at
The cast includes Barbara White,
Patricia Meikle, May Chosed, John
Hathaway, Thelma Davis, James
Norris, Miriam Ruge, Marjorie Leete,
Blanche Holpar, Barbara Hulbert,
Donlald Trow, Charles Benjamin,
Maida Steinberg, Lucille Genuit,
Marcia Nelson, Paul Davidson, Ralph
Davis, Lillian Moeller, Jean Wester-
man, Russel La Due, Barbara Green-
berg, Eunice Woldhaussen, Virginia
Rock, and Richard Pease.
Tickets may be obtained at local
food shops and may be exchanged
for reserve seats 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2
to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. today
through Saturday at the Lydia Men-
delssohn box office.
--Be A Goodfellow --
Germans Rout
Reds in Drive
A t Rail Junction
Nazis Succeed in New
Attack on Korosten
85 Miles East of Kiev
By The Associated Press,
LONDON Nov. 30. -The Rus-
sians tonight announced the loss of
the important Krailway juntion of
Korosten, 85 miles east of Kiev, be-
fore the strongest German counter-
attack in four .months-a reinforced
tank and infantry power drive which
already has wrested Zhitomr from
this westernmost salient of the Red
The Russians had hinted at their
plight as early as last Saturday when
they reported that the Nazis had
brought up eight tank divisions-per-
haps 120,000 men-to join forces who
had been storming Russian lines for
two weeks. Some of these divisions,
Moscow said, came from Italy, Greece
and Norway.
The Russians were plunging ahead
in five other sectors. Pursuing the
German Gomel garrison of perhaps
20 divisions toward Zhlobin, the Rus-
sians captured several populated
Despite these and other Russian
advances along the 600-mile active
front, London observers were watch-
ing closely the German counter-push
west of Kiev with an eye on its im-
plications in the strategy of the en-
tire struggle.
The Korosten set-back, 11 days
after the Russians fell back from Zhi-
tomir, was a serious blow to the So-
viet drive that had rolled on since
July from Orel and Belgorod across'
hundred of miles to the eastern bank
of the Dnieper and beyond.
Korosten, taken by Soviet caval-
rymen and mobile units on Nov. 19
in their dash from Kiev, is on the
crossing of the Leningrad-Odessa
north-south railway and the War-
saw-Kiev east-west line. Its capture
seriously affected German communi-
cations in the area, especially be-
tween the Nazi armies defending
White Russia and the Ukraine.
Reports Say
Parley To Be
Held in Iran
Reuters Dispatch Says
That Cairo Conference
His Already Been Held
By The Associated Press
A Reuters dispatch from Lisbon
said President Roosevelt, Prime Mli-
ister Churchill and Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek had concluded a
long session in Cairo preliminary to
a meeting with Premier Stalin in Ir-
an, and OWI short-wave broadcasts
to Europe repeated the story again
and again last (Tues.) night.
"The three statesmen met on mne
occasion in a tent in the shadow of
the pyramids," said the OWI trans-
missions, beamed out since 12:30 a.m.
yesterday in English, French, Ger-
man, Italian and other languages to
friend, foe and neutral alike.
"During the conference Cairo was
cut off from communication with the
rest of the world. Roosevelt and Chi-
ang Kai-shek traveled to Cairo by
plane, while Churchill traveled by
It was said that "a communi
agreed on after the Cairo confezi
will be published later this week."
'A telephone call to the NewYork
Office of War Information eiited
the information that the pro c nts
were authorized by the office Cen-
sorship after the Reuters dspatb-
duly cleared by the British censor-
ship through London-was recei ed
from Lisbon yesterday morning. "
Elmer Davis, OW chief, said in
Wasington OWI broadcast the Ren-
ters 'report because it "already isg
See CONFEREE, p. 2 . - 2
- Be A GoodfedVtio . -
Ruhir Bome
By ortresses
Manufacturing Cent e
Is Hit in Daylight Raid
LONDON, Nov. 30.-(JP)-American
Flying Fortresses, winding up the
Eighth Air Force's best operational
month of the war, bombed the Ruhr
city of Solingen east of Duesseldorf
by daylight today in the first aled
attack on that target, site of a high-
grade steel plating mill and a ' plant
making metal alloy parts for German
fighter planes.
The American bombers, accompan.
led over their target by Thunder-
bolts and Lightnings and covered in
withdrawal by RAF, Dominion and
Allied Spitfires and Typhoons, hd
an unusually strong escort .for the
mission, which brought the month's
total of American heavy bomber at-
tacks from Britain to a record 11.
Two heavy bombers and five fight-
ers were lost, while seven enemy air-
craft were shot down, six by the
withdrawal-covered fighters and the
seventh by a Fortress.
Solingen, three miles square, lies
14 miles southeast of Duesseldorf. It
was well-known for the manufacture
of cutlery and weapons, even in
peacetime, and was celebrated in the
middle ages for its sword blades.
Although Berliners were left alone
amid their destruction since Friday
night's double-header attack against
both the German capital and Stutt-
gart, this was the fifth time in less
than 48 hours that allied bombs were
brought home to German soil.
-- Be A Goodfellow -
Far mers Blast
Food Subsidies
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.- (P)--
Farm organization spokesmen de-
nounced food price subsidies today as
a disguised, inflationary and unjusti-
fied wage increase for labor, and as
a brake on the farm production they
are designed to encourage;
The farm leaders, Edward A.
O'Neal, resident of the American
Farm Bureau Federation, and Albert
S. Goss, master of the National
Grange, presented their demands for
an end to the price cutting payments
before the Senate Banking Commit-
Almost coincidental with their tes-
timony, the broadcast consumer price
To reach its goal set ot $2,000 this
year, the Goodfellow Committee will
contact all sororities, fraternities, co-
operative houses, and dormitories to-
day for pledges.
House pledges will be supplement-
ed by the.sale of Goodfellow Dailies
on campus and in business districts
Monday, culminating the week-long
Goodfellow Drive.
This year the bulk of funds raised
by the Goodfellow Drive will go to
the Family and Childrens Service, a
merger of the Family Welfare Bureau
and Childrens Service Bureau. The
money is used by the service to sup-
plement incomes of local small-wage
earning families who are caught
without funds in special emergencies.
"In times of -prosperity like the
present, people do not consider that
low-income families have a hard.
time," Miss 'Mary Hester, executive
secretary of the service, said yester-
day. a
"Higher prices which result from
booms make it impossible for mar-
ginal families, those living at mere
subsistence level, to provide them-
China's Posit ion
Firm in North
Hunan Sector
CH UNGKING, Wednesday ,Dec. 1.
-(P)-A general improvement of the
situation in the critical "rice bowl"
battle in Northern Hunan Province
was indicated by the Chinese High
Command today in a special commu-
nique reporting the recapture of sev-
eral towns and the seizure of a large
Quantity of war supplies.
selves with even the barest necessi-
ties. It is our job to help these fam-
ilies," she said.
Goodfellow money not allocated to
the Iamily and Childrens Service will
go to the Goodwill F'dnd and the
Textbook Lending Fund'.
The Goodwill Fund, under the local
direction of Dean of Students Joseph
Bursely, releases money to Goodwill
Industries, an agency by which hand-
icapped and aged people 'are provided
work repairing discarded 'articles of
furniture and clothing for resale.
The Textbook Lending Fund pro-
vides money to University students
for the purchase of books which they
otherwise might not obtain.
The Goodfellow Drive, initiated
eight years ago and undertaken an-
nually by University students in co-
operation with The Daily, is the sole
fund supported by students for the
aid of local needy families.
The Committee urges campus or-
ganizations and residence halls to
send pledges and contributions to
the Student Publications Building as
soon as possible.
- Be A Goodfellow -
Meat Point Values
To Be Cut Sunday.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.- (A) -
Price Administrator Chester Bowles
announced tonight that ration costs
of meat will be cut to allow a 30
percent larger ration in December.
"Our meat supplies are in pretty
good shape and for that reason I am
glad to say that we are going to be
able to cut the points on meat rather
substantially during the month of
December," Bowles said. "This re-
duction in point values will give each
member of your family about 30 per-
Eighth Army Launches New Offensive
In typical Montgomery style, the
British Eighth Army has opened a
new drive across the Sangro River
with an "exceptionally heavy" ar-
tillery barrage backed by terrific
air onslaught. Gen. Bernard Mont-
gomery of the Eighth Army called
for a "colossal crack" to drive the
Germans nofth of Rome.
In capturing Fossacesia, the
British have cracked what the Ger-
mans had called "their invincible
winter line." This Eighth Army
move will lessen the pressure on
the American forces in the West
and gives the British a chance to
flank the whole German positions
Terns ; . =-ITALY
f ;Rieti ) .-Penne,, Pescara
- -t4ila N' t - rtona
jj>. SangroR
' Aezzano Sulmona ! asto
Tioe Subiaco%. - Ca eI ('i
."fr iSangro '
Vellt i ~.CoIli at Volturno =
y' " _ __sernia2'jJ