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November 30, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-30

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1'jit-Fourth Year
Editednd znsa 'd yv studients of the University of
MIchian nuder Ibe autority of the Board In Contro)
of Student Publicatons. .
P>!n : bed mrn -n- ug execpt, MonTay during the
regulnr UO;.i y , ni every morning except Mon-
day and '1 e dn Lumte summer session.
Mem ber of The Associated Press
The /ssor inen I 're. is exclusively entitled to the use
ror re pubnic ion ofall news dispatches credited to it or
otherwi:- creditin((I is n ewspaper. All rights of repub-
licavio : 1 l e ; ters herein also reserved.
Ent erd t t Pot Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-ciaos-i ;"-il matr.
SEscr itiosnsduringthe regular school year by car-
rier $450 by amli 2
Member, Assocrated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorhal Staff

I'd Rather Be Right

Marion Fo. .
Jane Iiarrant .
Claire ? e liaii
Marjorie ilraa
Eric Z alonski
Bud Low
Mary Anie l
Mrjorie Rowisit
H}-Ilda i n Iii is litk
Doris K e
Molly A n WiORr
EtizelrlE 'rpener
Martha Opsion

. . . .Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* . . .City Editor
Associate Editor
. .Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's :ditor
Ass't Women's Editor
siess Staff
. . Business Manager
. . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
phone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are wvritten by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
StudentiGroups Offer
Chidn cefor discussion
AST NTGIT'S discussions by members of the
Speake rs'Bureau and Post War Council at
two womn's dorms marked the beginnng of
these ormanizatioons' 1943-44 aim to stimulate
interestin. and to acquaint students on campus
with pos- -mrlx )li iC.
At ot Helen Newberry and Mosher, mem-
bers of the iefilers' Bureau spoke on post-
war nuns and conducted open forum discus-
sio s.Alt mh these discussions were fairly
well atde. it seems that most of the spec-
ta tor car me cause they thought they had
to, and net because of their interest in this
Th, sdents on college campuses and in the
cities of 1is country who now have the power
to vote or s0o nwill have, are the ones who will
play reat role in post-war plans. If interest
in sun policies is not developed now, when the
time eones for the decisions to be voted upon
and carriod out, no one will know whether or
not f'.l plins presented are sufficient to rebuild
the worlrd sond prevent further chaos.
Now s lie time for all the citizens to start
think inb about post-war planning. How
soon the time for us to inaugurate such plans
will cone, is lard to say, but we must be pre-
pat(I \\ I-hnc ocasion does arise. Even if one
is iwiajori ii il mnsic, art, or liberal arts, and his
mainijeres s ai e not i politics, as a future
citisen of this country, most of his spare time
shouldhbev oted to thought and research on
this impotant problem. The Speakers' Bureau
and PostWar Council are offering an invaluable
opp1or tuntyforstudents to become acquainted
with poU-N ar aims
-Agatha Miller
f r b' g of Nazi Cities
WaiI NollIEnd- War Soont
S I L, U 1 I devastating raids on Berlin, five
nif'Al s in a row. force the German leaders
to an e b srrender? Yes, inswer those who
believe ,000 planes every night over Berlin and
oher irrai ant cities of Germany will bring
captulat ion very soon without costlier land
The force of this "second front: air
strfnmth" is shown by eyewitnesses' state-
ients oa t quarter destruction of Berlin, 8,000
casualties, and the homelessness, sleepless-
ness and nerve-taut condition of the people in
the evpia . And important too, the residences
of Hth lmniler and Goebbels are reported
badly damged and perhaps destroyed, this
emphasizna the Allied side of total war to
the enemy leaders.
LL ThESE facts, coupled with the Nazi re-
t~re' in Russia, have led enthusiasts to pre-
dict the earlycollapse of Geramny. But on the
other side of the ledger it is found impossible
to estimate the damage caused since Goebbels
had revioush ordered the evacuation of sectors
of Berlin inw iding many governmental depart-
ments and of ies. Defenses will probably be
stroftenii Ic by additional fighter planes and
.,..s.: ni-iovitQ AC+.npri nlp fT n nn

NEW YORK, Nov. 30-There are a number of
recent developments on the double-talk front
which I have not yet covered, so perhaps I had
better catch up.
I have in mind a metropolitan newspaper
which fought like blazes not long ago for free
postage for servicemen. It won.,
The same newspaper is fighting like blazes
against food subsidies, today. If it wins again,
the cost of food for servicemen's families (and
all other families) will go up at least 7 percent
It would take a great many three-cent stamps
to make up for that.
The net result of both campaigns will be to
allow any serviceman to send a free letter home
to his hungry family.
I call it double-talk. Are subsidies moral if
used for mail, and immoral if used for food? Or
is it right to subsidize a soldier's letters and
wrong to subsidize his child's porridge? Where
WE REMEMBER how we always used to decide
what books to read by how much conversa-
tion they had in them. We wouldn't have any
readers of this column at all if other people felt
the same way. So today we're putting in plenty
of quotes, to rectify the situation.
Lewis Carroll, talking about how he wrote
" 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and
gimble in the wabe," said:
"Take the two words 'fuming' and 'furious.'
Make up your mind you will say both words,
but leave it unsettled which you will say first.
Now open your mouth and speak. If your
thoughts incline ever so little towards 'fuming'
you will say 'fuming-furious.' If they turn, by
even a hair's breadth, towards 'furious' you will
say furious-fuming'; but if you have that rarest
of gifts, a perfectly balanced mind, you will say
Perhaps this next one won't strike you as it did
us. Anyway ... Herbert Hoover said, as soon as
he was elected president in November, 1928:
"We in. America are nearer the final triumph
over poverty than ever before in the history of
any land. Given a chance to go forward with
the policies of the last eight years, we shall
soon, with the help of God, be in sight of the
day when poverty will be banished from this
Somehow we can't get excited about Mr. Hoov-
er's predictions for the future of Europe.
* * * *
O YOU REMEMBER the O. Henry story "The
Cop and the Anthem" about the tramp who
was trying to commit a crime bad enough to put
him in a nice warm jail all winter, and not serious
enough to keep him there all summer?
"In Soapy's opinion, the Law was more benigh.
than Philanthropy. There was an endless round
of institutions, muncipal and eleemosynary, on
which he might set out and receive lodging and
food accordant. with the simple life. But to one
of Soapy's proud spirit the gifts of charity are
encumbered. If not in coin you must pay in
humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at
the hands of philanthropy. As Caesar had his
Brutus, every bed of charity must have its toll
of a bath, every loaf of bread its compensation
of a private and personal inquisition. Wherefore
it is better to be a guest of the law, which though
conducted by rules, does not meddle unduly with
a gentleman's private affairs."
m k* * 91
This next is a favorite of ours, probably
because it reminds us of a few of our Tory
relatives. It's from Somerset Maugham's "The
"For Mr. Warburton was a snob. He was not a
timid snob, a little ashamed of being impressed
with his betters, nor a snob who sought the in-

timacy of persons who had acquired celebrity in
politics or notoriety in the arts, nor the snob who
was dazzled by riches; he was the naked, un-
adulterated common snob who dearly loved a
lord. He was touchy and quick-tempered, but he
would much rather have been snubbed by a per-
son of quality than flattered by a commoner."
AND THEN there's Christopher Morley's "K.
Foyle," a "business sharecropper":
"1 here's nobdy who gets such wonderful dark
rings under their eyes like the Irish." "We called
her Sanka because probably she never kept any-
one awake." "Men have so much more time for
thinking. They have sort of time between times,
what a woman never has. Men don't have to
tuck a dress under their knees every time they sit
down in a windy subway car, or figure if they'll
have a pair of fresh gloves for lunch." The more
we get mixed up, I mean race mixed-up, the
better. We got no time here for race prejudice."

do you draw the philosophical distinction and
what do you draw it with? A corkscrew?
Still on the double-talk front, I call attention
to the renewed campaign against Mr. Willkie
in Republican ranks, on the ground that his
foreign poliey ideas are too much like Mr.
The odd thing is that exactly the same wing
of the G. 0. P. which is against Mr. Willkie, for
this very reason, is most enthusiastic about the
plan to have both parties adopt identical foreign
policy planks next year.
It wants both parties to have exactly the same
foreign policies, but it apparently wants the
candidates to have different ones.
Isolationist policy is firming down into two
chief demands, one, that Russia must give us
bases in Siberia from which we could attack
Japan, and two, that we must form a military
alliance with Britain to protect ourselves
against Russia.
In other words, Russia must give us bases be-
cause we are her ally, and also we had better
form another friendship elsewhere. because we
are not.
That is to say, Russia had better hurry up and
work with us, while we work against her. It
might also be described as a policy which holds,
first, that we can't do without Russia, and,
second, that we don't need her. If that can't be
called double-talk, it can't be called basic English,
Of course, there are some items of double-
talk so ornery and common that I won't allow
them in my collection, like the theory that
while high wages are inflationary, high food
prices are not. I don't keep those, I ust throw
them away.
What I like are the neater items, such as the
discovery that we can't raiseincome taxes because
15,000,000 white collar workers have had no pay
increases, and also that we must institute sales
taxes because American workers are rolling in
money. Those I cherish, and mount in little cel-
lophane bags at night, after the town has gone
to sleep, and all is quiet, except for a few bar-
room arguments.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
THE EXHIBITION on the main floor of the
Architecture Building offers an excellent op-
portunity to reevaluate the importance of tech-
nical surety in creative expression. Th pitfalls
and transcendent successes inherent in preoc-
cupation with formal structure are admirably
illustrated by the divergent approaches to Ab-
straction both of Mr. Eugene Dana, graduate stu-
dent in design, now on campus, and of Mr. Louis
Schanker, of New York.,
Covering a period of six years' intensive de-
votion to the subtle relations between space,
pigmentation, texture, and the dignity of form,
Mr. Dana's work reveals the rewarding of that
devotion with secrets of expression that faith-
ful intent alone will divulge. It is not streth-
ing the point to compare Mr. Dana's persever-
ance in the struggle for spacal understanding
with the long apprenticeship that led the
Baroque master up the long path from crats-
man to artist. In fact, in such a work as his
large beige-ground oil (1939) which hangs by
itself at the left end of the exhibition, there is a
sure human nobility as profound In its spacious
and controlled beauty as an intimate Bach
Although some of his work has the inevitable,
cruel clarity of experimentation, one need not
fear for coldness in this kind of abstraction.
When the release from formal concern manifests
itself, as it must in Mr. Dana, the richness of
purpose in his painting must appear as a firm
human search. The seeds of freedom are already
apparent in the small brown oil (1938), the re-
cent black, blue, and white tempera (1943), and
the mauve-brown and black, unframed collage

A LIVELY FOIL for Mr. Dana's serious and
inevitable movement to abstraction, Mr.
Schanker's colored block-prints are, at best, an
exciting and colorful mixture of the expression-
ism of Paul Klee and George Grosz. At worst,
they give the impression of uncertain objectives
through too hasty a utilization of abstraction as
a tour-de-force. It is quite clear, nevertheless,
that when Mr. Schanker serves his medium hon-
estly his art reaches a high level, Certainly the
warm decisiveness of his "Conversation," "Two
Figures," "Man at a Piano," "Aerial Act," and
the beatifully textured "St. George and the Drag-
on" creates little masterpieces, difficult to im-
agine in another form.
A final word about the delightful companion-
ship between Mr. Dana's huge blue oil and a fine
piece of Renaissance wrought iron which hangs
above it cannot be resisted. The exhibition, open
to the public, will be up through December.
-R. Lippold

Q2..i7h e6dCottlI
betters to the Editor must he type-
written on one side o the paper only
and signed with the name and address of
the writer. Requests for anonymos
publication will be met.
Shady' Imon, Formal?
T E MEMBERS of the Michigan
Union who were turned away from
the ticket window Friday, Nov. 26,
would like a statement from those in
charge as to the method of distribu-
tion of tickets for the Union Formal.
Do those in charge of this ticket
distribution have the courage to tell
publicly that, if 350 tickets were
available, 25 were given to ten mem-
bers of the Union committee to dis-
pose of as they saw fit-to friends,
fraternity brothers-or to the highest
The persons who might find it
especially difficult to accept these
facts are the many servicemen who
have had to pay a special fee to
become Union members this fall,
and then were deprived of the
chance to attend the Union Formal
"for members only" because the
committee members feel that as
"hard Union workers" they are de-
serving of some compensation.
They might be reminded that the
jobs they hold are honorary, and
not supposed to carry any reward.
The Union Formal was billed as an
affair for Union members. However,
many of the limited supply of tickets
have been sold by committee-men to
non-member friends. When one
Union life-member appealed to the
ticket chairman for a ticket, he was
told to go out and look for a scalper
-he might be able to get one that
-John Doe
No Pull, No Ticket!
"OX THURSDAY, Nov. 25, 1943, it
was announced in The Daily that
350 tickets were to go on sale for the
annual Union Formal. On Saturday
it was announced that only 150 tickets
were made available for student
Now the question is, what has
happened to the remaining 200)
tickets? And is the Annual Union
Formal a "private affair" or can
anyone go provided he has "friends"
or "influence" in the proper places?
It is not my intention to attack Mr.
Rupert Straub but I do wish that he,
as ticket chairman, make a public ex-
planation about the whole affair to
throw some needed light on this rath-
er "shady" and "obscure" Annual
Union Formal.
-Constantine Stamatakis
Useless Column?
R IS THAT your name. I am
writing this on the run out of
town. Somebody saw me reading that
dear column in your paper ... What


, ,
_ _... M ~
,., _, .
; .

"If you kids were really hungry, you'd eat some of this cake-
you wouldn't have to have butter on bread!"

is its Name? Oh, well, let's call it
Bluepoint, but I can think of a lot
of other things you wouldn't print.
Facsimile-I was walking-or was
I running, down the street, can't
remember the name. It was gravel
and didn't really have a name, I
suppose. We were together-me
friend and I-I can't remember her
name. But then again, it might
have been a fellow, but what's his
name and I don't get along togeth-
er. His shoes are too tight, don't
you think.
Facetious, perhaps, but no self res-
pecting newspaper has the right to
force any more of that Bluepoint on
the reading public, because the public
will soon stop reading.
A newspaper columnis a medium
through which ideas can be ex-
pressed, topics of general interest
can be discussed, and valuable in-
formation can be published.
Bluepoint yesterday didn't fill, or
came even close, to any purpose.
The space might better have gone
empty for the benefit of doodlers.
If Bluepoint isn't run out of town
by now, it's because it was hiding.
GI Post-War Planning.. .
THE AVERAGE GI soldier is con-
cerned about his couniry today,
the towi he will come back to, the
world he will live in tomorrow. It
is my suggestion that a dynamic pro-
gram of enlightenment, the American
way, be undertaken to give the men
in the camps, and overseas where
possible, the opportunity to know the

facts and problems of both domestic
and foreign affairs. The program
must go beyond the narrow orienta-
tion bulletins and lectures.
Suggested fields: 1. problems of
world peace; 2. problems of intol-
erance and group dislikes-Adams,
Latkovic, and Sanzetta are fighting
in adjacent foxholes; 3. potential
solutions to domestic problems;4.
post-war occupational fields.
This program. might be put across
by the following methods, among
1. Pamphlets on these and other
related and timefy subjects pre-
sented in eye-capturing form.
2. A planned series & lectures
and discussions by prominint pub-
lie officials and inforned private
3. InitIation of group projects
along these lines by the men them-
selves, wherever practicable.
Home-coming veterans will number
close to ten million men. As an edu-
cated electorate they can aid im-
measurably in formulating a just
world order and a stabilized national
Unprepared, conceivably hapless
without the opportunities such a pro-
gram envisions, they will merely con-
stitute another powerful but self-in
terested pressure bloc, perhaps more
dupes for machine bosses. They will
have fought for the life of the na-
tion; in vain, if they have not thought
of her welfare.
It's a big order, but our citizen-
soldiers must have the opportunity to
"Think to Win"-a better world.
-A Serviceman

By Lichty




TUESDAY, NOV. 34, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 24
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 21:30 a.m.
General Faculty Meeting: All mem-
bers of the several faculties are in-
vited to attend a meeting to be held
at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 2, in
the Rackham Lecture Hall, at which
President Ruthven will report upon
the results of his recent visit to Eng-
land, especially as it related to plans
for post-war and adult education.
School of Education Faculty will
meet today in the University Ele-
mentary School Library. The meet-
ing will convene at 4:15 p.m.
V o All Faculty Members and Oth-
ers Interested: 1. Old Age Annuities.
Since 1918 it has been a condition of
employment as a Faculty member of
the University of Michigan, except
for instructors of less than three
years' standing for whom the provi-
sion is optional, that such Faculty
member shall purchase an old-age
annuity from the Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association. The object
of this annuity is provision for the
teacher after he shall have passed
the retirement age. The annuity
premium payment required from
each Faculty member is 5% of any

annual salary not exceeding $5,000,
or thus a maximum premium of $250.
Faculty members may devote as
much more of their salaries to annu-
ity premium as they desire. The Uni-
versity matches the annuity prem-
ium up to an annual sum not in
excess of $250, thus within the 5%
limit doubling the amount of the
annuity purchased.
2. Any person in the employ of the
University may at his own cost pur-
chase annuities from the Association
in any amounts. The University it-
self, however, will contribute to the
expense of such purchase of annui-
ties only as stated in (1) above.
3. Life Insurance. Any person in
the employ of the University, either
as a Faculty member or otherwise,
unless debarred by his medical exam-
ination, may, at his own option and
expense, purchase life insurance from
the Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association at its published rates. All
life insurance premiums arerborne by
the individual himself. The Univer-
sity hakes no contribution toward
life insurance and has nothing to do
with the life insurance feature ex-
cept that it will if desired by the
insured, deduct premiums monthly
and remit the same to the Associa-
4. Monthly Premium Payments.
The University accounting offices will
as a matter of accommodation to
faculty members or employees of the
University, who desire to pay either
annuity premiums or insurance pre-
miums monthly, deduct such premi-
ums from the payroll in monthly in-
stallments. In the case of the so-
called "academic rolls" premiums for
the months of July, August, Septem-
ber, and October will be accumulated
by the Payroll Department by deduc-
tions from the salary of the preced-
ing eight months of 50% more each
month than the premium due for
each of those months.
5. The University has no arrange-

has been placed in the hands of the
Secretary of the University by the
Please communicate with the un-
dersigned if you have not arranged
for any and all annuities required
under your appointment.
Herbert G. Watkins
Civilian students who purchased
student tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game and have
not yet presented their Deposit Re-
ceipts for refund are asked to do so
immediately. Refunds will be made
at the Ticket Office in the Adminis-
tration Building on Ferry Field from
8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily until
Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become
void after that date and no further
refunds will be made.
H. 0. Crisler, Director
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The five-week
freshman progress reports will be due
Saturday, Dec. 4, in the Academic
Counselcirs' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
University Lecture: The Rev. Stan-
ton Lautenschlager, M.A., of Cheng-
tu, China, will lecture on the subject,
"The Students in Free China," under
the auspices of the Department of
History and the International Cen-
ter, on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 8:15 p.m.
in the Kellogg Auditorium. The pub-
lic is invited.
Change of Date--Fulton Lewis Lee-
ture: The date for the second Ora-
torical Association Lecture has been
changed to Dec. 15. This change in
schedule has been made at the re-
quest of Mr. Lewis. Tickets originally
issued for Dec. 1 will be honored on
the new date, Dec. 15. The Hill Audi-
torium box office will be open on
5saturdav. Dee. 11. for the sale of

Gosh, Mr. O'Malley!... You're
back from Congress already!
Thanksgiving recess.)
um restina ua before

By Crockett Johnson

While performing the duties of
the Committee on Disposition of
Executive Papers; I came upon a
documeat which apparently had
been approved by Congress some



When Gus returned from the
Potomac where he'd gotten rid
of a pile of old letters from a
fellow named Button Gwinnett,
i showed it to him. Gus stood


Con you imagine, m'boy!
A postofflice for a myth!
A legendary character!
-7--71 ~( .- ---

I f

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