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Fifty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Contro)
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
eor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford
Jane Farrant . .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaill
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low .
MIary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin .
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz
. . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
* .. City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
* . . Women's Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor
S. . . Columnist
. . . . Columnist
Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur .
Eii2abeth Carpenter .
Martha Opsion
. Business Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Central Europe Needs
Demwcra tic Federation
A TIMELY diagnosis of the political situation
resulting from the Moscow Conference
would be the formulation of a plan for estab-
lishing a federation move in the Balkan and
Central European countries.
Since one of the Allied post-war aims will
be the reestablishment of democratic institu-
tions in Europe, such a federation could be
instrumental in promoting representative gov-
ernment based upon universal suffrage. A
federation 'like this could also be an unwaver-
ing pivot of democracy in a region of the
world where the maintenance and progress of/
our common civilization is certain to be in
the general interest of mankind.
It could also counteract the strong tendency
toward nationalism by allowing these nations to
keep 'their national boundaries, and, at the
same time, prompting the spirit of internation-
alism so vital to peace and reconstruction.
Besides being a pivot of democracy, such a
federation could be an assurance against
aggression and economic oppression. Isola-
tion made the small nations in 1938-41 easy
victims of aggression which eliminated them
as valuable instruments of collective security.
If Germany had been presented with a demo-
cratic federation instead of merely eight weak
countries she might have been compelled to
take a different course.
At present, it would be a blunder to suppose
that Germany's dynamic nationalism will be
over after the war. It is certain that whatever
the solution of German problems will be in the
post-war period, the host of weak nations in her
neighborhood will never cease to be a tempta-
tion to her nationalism.
AFTER the war, these small nations will prob-
ably have to regulate many of their eco-
nomic relations with Germany. It is obvious
that bilateral treaties concluded by compara-
tively weak nations could easily result into an
instrument of economic oppression.
This viewpoint of political security against
Germany by a federation of Central Europe
has been given friendly attention by many
quarters of public opinion both in this coun-
try and in Great Britain. Such a move was
propagated for a century and recently prior
to the, war in view of German rearmament.
On the other hand, criticism has been aroused
pointing out that such a plan could become an
instrument of intrigues against Russia.
HOWEVER, instead of being detrimental to
Russia, such a federation could offer far
more guaranties for a stabilized "good-neigh-
bor's policy" than any group of small countries,
Jealously competing with each other.
The background of Central Europe is well
suited for the establishment of a federation
based upon democracy. Must of these coun-
tries were fighting for individual freedom and
ownership more than a century ago, and the
movement grew during the twenty years be-
tween the two World Wars.
Conceivably none of these nations is going to
renounce democracy for which they have been
striving so long.
£ter to the t&2cjbo
Subsidies Unnecessary .. .
R ECENTLY The Daily has devoted considerable
space to the praise of sbsidies and the cen-
sure of the Republican party because it opposed
Calling the anti-subsidy bill a dirty political
trick, despite the fact that a. two to one victory
in the House indicates that there must be at
least a few strayed Democratic sheep for it, is
merely, playing one irrelevant political issue
against another.
The real question is whether the government
should take upon itself to pay out huge sums
of money for the support of an industry-or
any other faction, for that matter-which is
capable of supporting itself by methods within
the grounds of reason.
At present the nation has $50,00 OOiOOO, worth
more buying power because of increased wages.
True, these increases have gone only to certain
groups which have utilized their indispensibility
in the waging of this war as a means to their own
special end. Their leaders have seized upon this
bonanza and the Administration, partly partial,
partly fearful, has given in to them.
THIS SPECIAL BONUS for labor, besides being
unjust, has started the inflationary spiral.
Excess buying power itself has caused prices to
rise and an attempt to stave off this rise by sti-
sidizing whole industries such as that of the food
producers would not only deprive the taxpayers
for the benefit of the few, but would result in
more of the Government's paralying control d
would deprive the country of a natural drainage
for its excess earnings.
That some faetions will suffer, is, as always,
inevitable, but labor at least will have no COnt-
plaint. Prices will rise, yes, but only In pro-
portion to the buying power which has been
made greater by labor itself. For the real loser,
the white collar worker, a wage increase was
made necessary when labor first broke through
the Little Steel formula.
The problem will now be to hold the line-this
time in earnest. Wage ceilings, commodity ceil-
ings, and food ceilingsmust be proportioned and
the Government must hold to them at all costs.
Everything will go up a step on the price scl1e
but the country "must surely realize by now that
increased profits for one only means increased
for all and that a sound economic policy will be
realized only in firm stabilization.
-Harriet ierce
** *
Letters to the Editor must be typewritten on one
side of the paper only and signed with the name a
address of the writer. Requests for .anonymous pib-
lication will be met.
T HBRE was this guy we used to know-let's
see, what was that fellow's nane-anyway,
he was the one that liked oysters so well. Gee,
wish we could remember that name.
Well, he'd hardly ever eat anything else, see,
he'd hardly ever eat anything except oysters
because he liked them so well. He had this mad
craving-well that's what most people called it,
they called it mad, we neved did, we always sort
of liked hitn, what was his name? Whenever he
was hungry naturally, that's what he'd be think-
ing about, he'd just think how he could get hol
of an oyster.
If we could only remember his name.
Sometimes when John-that wasn't his name,
we can't remember his name, call him John-
well, this John would just sit down and cry be-
cause he couldn't find an oyster. What was his
name, this is driving us bats.
Now there were people who would say--of
course we didn't really believe this ourselves
but there were people who would say-that
John-well, call him John--would kill some-
body for an oyster.
Personally, of course, we thought this was
pretty far fetched. We always sort of liked
John or what ever his name was. Oh, that lame.
But there was this once. Seems like it was in
the summer time, as a matter of fact, yes it
was, it was in August and August, as you know,
doesn't have an "r" in it. It was then that this
John-Gee, what was his name ?-got this ter-
rible craving for an oyster.
HE WENT all over town, he went down town
and everything and he couldn't find anyone
who had any oysters. Well, you can just imagine
I'd Rather
1Be Right_
NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-It almost makes a pic-
ture. In one eerie week, Badoglio forms a new
government in Italy without the democrats; the
fascist Marshal Petain "goes democratic" and
thus makes a bid to keep power in France;
Britain releases Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the
tattered Union of British Fascists; and Senator
Nye says the Germans will have a right to be
fascist after the war if they want to.
So the first British fascist is released from
jail, on medical grounds, even before the British
have punished their first fascist war criminal on
the Continent. There is something indescrib-
ably soft and pudgy about this move. What shall
the British say to the Continent from now on?
Will they murmur: "Death to every fascist except
those with phlebitis"?
Or, perhaps: "Arise against your enslavers,
after proper medical examination!"
The British have placed themselves in a fine
position to ask the people of Europe to be rough
on their fellow-citizens who have accepted fas-
cism. Shall softness summon sternness to its
side? Does an infirm leg cancel out the moral
illness which put Mosley in prison in the first
place? The por fellow is sick.
But a good part of the word is still sick. One
of the great symptoms of that illness has been
exactly this kind of softness. If the plain people
of the world were to state their 10-year-old case
against democracy's leaders in one sentence,
they might say: "You didn't hate the fascists
Undoubtedly Marshal Petain, who is now de-
scribed as having broken with Laval, and as
having made up his mind to "treat himself as a
prisoner," to emphasize that he is different from
Laval, hopes for an outbreak of just this kind of
softness on the part of his old friends among us.
He has included himself out, to make it easier
for us to include him out.
What! You say that the Mosley case and the
Petain case are not connected? I defy you to
find any two incidents in this war that are not
i some way connected. Picture to yourself the
French underground reading about Sir Oswald
Mtosley's "release, and ask yourself whether the
French underground will be encouraged thereby
to continue the fight against Vichy, or whether it
will be discouraged by it, dazed and made per-
haps even more ill than Mosley.
Remember that the underground does not re-
reive full dispatches from outside, and has had
to learn to read single words, and whispers, and
merest indications.
The underground knows of our almost patho-
logical fea' of what we consider "disorder"; our
frenzy lest the brave new world make a bit of a
racket in being reborn.
The case of Mosley seems to fit into that panic
fear; the matter has been terminated and Mosley
has been sent home in most orderly fashion. But
now a shock has gone through England; a bit of
that higher disorder which is the price we have
always paid for our orderly handling of fascism.
No wonder the underground sometimes seems
strange to us, remote, unfamiliar and almost
unknowable. It consists of men who have de-
clared themselves for life, not for mere order;
of men who know that only death is orderly.
Birth never is.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
how John-Well, call him that-felt at not being
able to get any oysters.
We're here to tell you that he was just about
crazy. He was just sitting there and he was
crying, you never saw a man cry like that and
all because, don't you know, he couldn't find
an oyster anyplace.
Well, he came across this butcher, see, and
this butcher had a little paper carton full of
oysters that he'd been holding over in his ice
So John-or what ever in the world his
name was-says to this butcher that he'd just,
have to have those oysters. Gee, he says, he'd
just do anything, anything at all to get them.
The butcher says, of course, that he's terribly
sorry but he'd been saving those oysters for a
sick woman and there just wasn't anything he
could do for John. He says he's awfully sorry
and all that.
Well, you can just imagine how John felt.
His face et all red and he was standing
there ...-
Of course, gee whiz, we know that name.
His name was John.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. - Plans
are under way for America's once
most unpopular but most respected
price-fixer to enter the U. S. Senate.
He is turbulent, two-fisted,
uncompromising Leon Henderson,
former chief of OPA, who was fired
when he refused to increase the
price of oil and when Speaker -Sam
Rayburn plus Texas oil men made
things too hot for the White House.
Today, Leon, though out of the
Government, is probably New Jersey's
No. 1 Citizen as far as the American
public is concerned. A vacancy has
just occurred in the Senate as a re-
sult of the death.of New Jersey's Sen-
ator Barbour, and friends are urging
Governor Charles Edison to appoint
Henderson to the interim vacancy.
Born and reared in Millville, N.J.,
Henderson has always maintained
his residence in New Jersey, and re-
turned there on frequent visits even
during his hectic years, as one of
Roosevelt's close advisers and trou-
Henderson first became prominent
in Washington as aide to General
"Iron Pants" Johnson when Johnson
headed the NRA. Later, he was ap-
pointed to the Securities and Ex-
change Commission, then to the Na-
tional Defense Council, then became
OPA Administrator.
CIO-Rubber Fight...
Members of United Rubber Work-
ers (CIO) are worried over construc-
tion of a new tire manufacturing
plant in Waco, Tex. This is an inno-
vation which may end tight labor
control of wages and working condi-
tions in Akron, O.
Practically every big tire com-
pany asked WPB approval for new
plant construction to meet the de-
mand for production of synthetic
tires. But Rubber Workers accused
the industry of trying to break the
wage levels by moving to cheap-
labor areas. Ex-Uubber Director
Bill Jeffers supported them, told
the companies to go home and re-
vise their "fantastic" plans for ex-
Today, Bill Jeffers is gone, and the
tide is turning. General Tire and
"Ask her to promise that in
me of the terrible manpower s
!Rubber has been granted permission
to build a new $3,000,000 plant at
Waco, Tex. And the industry gener-
ally is spending bale money in an ad-
vertising campaign to sell the idea of
Most of them want to move south,
partly for cheaper labor, partly to be
near raw materials. Svnthetic rub-
ber is being lhroduced almost entirely
below the Mason-Dixon line, in
plants at Institute. W.Va. Baton
Rouge, La, Port Neches, Tex., and
Los Angles.
'the conipan si are under terrific
presslre L t icreae roaction of
tires, and in turn they are putting
pressure on the inion and on the
Rubber Director's Office to speed
up production of the individual
worker and let more workers come
into the industry.
Though this fight has not broken
into headlines, it is one of the bitter-
est struggles in the labor-manage-
ment field today.
ftlq)-m erw Sitor, ? . .
Now that Japanese-Americans are
being released from relocation cen-
ters, War Shipping Adiniistration
has discovered that a sizable number
of these men are experienced seamen
and could be put to good service
aboard U.S. merchant ships.
The total number of experienced
men is about 400. This is a difficult
question, but seamen are desperately
scarce, and all these men have been
cleared by FBI and Army Intelli-
genjee. War Shipping is ready to as-
sign them to ships, but the Navy
Department stands in the way.
The Navy official in this case is
Lt.-Comm. lfarold A. Burch of
Naval Intelligence, .le is the same
man who got up a file of com-
plaints on U.S. merchant seamen
and turned it over to Chairman
Carl Vinson of the house Naval
Affairs Committee without giving
War Shipping a chance to answer
or investigate the criticism first.
Burch also took "Communists" off
the crews of merchant ships going
to Murmansk, Russia.
In the Japanese case, WSA is will-.
.ing to stand by Navy's decision, and
if Navy says the Nisei cannot sail,
that's the end of it, Bu ,at least
WSA wants a decision, So far, the
Navy is stalling.
(Copyright, 1943, Unit( c~ Veatures synd.)
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hortage when she married me."
BD BEA i IT . Viehuy
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SATURDAY, NOV. 27, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 22
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Communications to the Regents:
Those who wish to present communi-
cations for consideration by the Re-
gents are requested to present them
at least eight days before the next
ensuing meeting at the Office of Miss
Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to
the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fif-
teen copies of each communication
should be prepared and left with Miss
Smith. A uniform type of paper is
used for communications to the
Board of Regents, a supply of which
may be procured at the Office of the
Vice-President and Secretary.
Shirley W. Smith
Faculty Directory: To date com-
paratively few members of the Uni-
versity staff have called at the Infor-
mation Desk in the Business Office
for Faculty Directories.
These are for general distribution
to all qualified persons for use at
home and should have general circu-
lation. Heretofore the University has
delivered them by mail, but to save
postage anyone on the staff who has
not yet had a Directory is asked to
call at the Business Office for his
ferbzrt G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Civilian students who purchased
student tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game and have
not yet presented their Deposit Re-
ceipts for refund are asked to do so
immediately. Refunds will be made
at the Ticket Office in the Adminis-
tration Building on Ferry Field from
8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily until
Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become
void after that date and no further
refunds will be made. I1. 0. Crisler,
This is positively the last
tion to be given.
By Crockett Johnson
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University Lecture: The Rev. Stan-
ton Lautenschlager, M.A., of Cheng-
tu, China, will lecture on the subject,
"The Students in Free China," under
the auspices of the Department of
History and the International Cen-
ter, on Thursday, Dee. 2, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Kellogg Auditoriium. The pub-
lie is invited.
Lecture: Mrs. Mark Clark will lec-
ture on the subject "When the Boys
Come Home and Off the Record
Stories of the Fifth Army" (illustrat-
ed), under the auspices of the U. of
M. Alumnae Club of Ann Arbor to-
night at 8:00 in Hill Auditorium.
A cacdeic Notices
All Students are invited to audition
for menbership in the University of
Michigan Concert Band. Auditions
will be held at Morris Hall today as
follows: String Bass--10:30 -to 11
a.m.; Percussion-11 a.m.
Rehearsali schedule will be deter-
mined after tile membership has been
selected and the available time deter-
mined. Concerts and radio broad-
casts will be presented at appropriate
To those students who have al-
ready signed for the Speeded Reading
Course: The class will meet Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 5 to 6 o'clock,
4009 University High School. First
meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 30.
Those not finding the hours con-
venient are advised to join the second
section which will organize at the
conclusion of the present course.
Exhibitions -
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibition of paint-
ings by Eugene Dana, and color prints
by Louis Schanker, is presented by
the College of Architecture and De-
sign in the ground floor corridor of
the Architectural Building through
Dec. 28. Open daily, except Sunday,
8:00 to 5:00. The public is cordially
E.ents Today
Wesley Foundation: Party tonight
at 8:30 o'clock in the Lounge in the
First Methodist Church.
Presbyterian Student Guild: Social
evening in the social hall of the
church tonight at 9:00. Professor and
Mrs. F. Firestone will be chaperones.
An interesting evening of fun, games
and dancing is planned.
The Roger Williams Guild is hav-
ing a Hay-Ride Party tonight at 8:30.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have a party in Lane Hall tonight
from 8:00 to 11:30. The regular Sun-
day evening meeting in Zion Parish
Hall will begin at 5:30 p.m. Supper
and program following. Miss Susan
Thorsch will develop the Ashram
theme on Prayer.
Coining Events
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