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ew Guinea
Stronghold Falls
Gomel, Last Nazi Bastion in
White Russia, Captured by Reds
Reds Encircle
Near Dnieper
German Escape Route
Is Pinched Tighter
By New Advancements
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 26.-Gomel, guard-
ian of the White Russian road to Po-
land and the last Nazi bastion east of
the Dneper River, fell today to en-
circling assault by a Russian army
which was swiftly closing in from the
north and south to trap perhaps 20
Nazi divisions, or about 300,000 men.
The Gomel victory, by a "bold out-
flanking maneuver" was announced
in a special order of the day by Pre-
mier Joseph Stalin a few hours after
the Germans declared they had de-
stroyed the town and fallen back. .
Escape Corridor Closes
The newest advances pinched still
tighter the narrow German escape
corridor from Gomel to Bobrusk,
now less than 50 miles wide. The on-
ly railroad, to Zhlobin and Bobruisk,
now was well within artillery range.
The communique also reported
continued successful defense against
the German counterattack hammer-
ing at the Kiev bulge in the areas of
Korosten, Cherniakov and Brusilov'
The Germans, meanwhile, declared
that the Russian offensive had mush-
roomed over a 100-mile front from
Gomel north. Capt. Ludwig Sertorius,
Berlin radio commentator, said "since
the evacuation of Gomel Soviet forc-
es form one solid offensive front from
Rechitsa to a point west of Krichev."
fled Offensive Spreads
Moscow dispatches said the new
Russian offensive in the north, an-
nounced after three days of success-
ful fighting yesterday, had smashed
to the upper Dneiper River and cut
the motor highway, one of the most
important lateral lines of communi-
cation in White Rusia.
The new offensive was called a
"major manoeuvre" by Moscow dis-
patches which said the Russians were
moving swiftly along terrain harden-
ed by early frost. Highwater mark
was said to be within 50 miles of Bob-
ruisk, a White Russian city which the
Germans once used as a base for
bombing Moscow, and 120 miles from
the White Russian capital of Minsk.
Nazi Troops
topped in Ital
Enemy Counterattacks;
Slacken in Sangro Area
giers, Nov. 26.-()-Hammered by
daylong relays of American and Brit-
ish fighter-bombers, Nazi troops
have been sharply repulsed in every
onslaught against Gen. Sir Bernard
L. Montgomery's Eighth Army, which
improved its five-mile-long bridge-
head across the Sangro river near
Italy's Adriatic coast.'
The enemy's fierce counterattacks
from high ground overlooking the7
Eighth's hard-won positions slack-
ened considerably, an official an-
nouncement said today, due largely
to the demoralizing effect of thou-
sands of anti-personnel fragmenta-
tion bombs flung from the air on
German troop concentrations and
Shaken Nazi prisoners blamed the
ceaseless aerial pounding for the fact
that Montgomery's veterans were
able to consolidate and enlarge their
bridgehead and pour reinforcements
and essential supplies across the
flooded Sangro.
To. Graduate
The pre-meteorology students of
the Army Air Forces Technical
Training Command will graduate this
morning in informal exercises to be
Allies Blast Scene of Tra
Key E.nemy
Berlin Bremen Hit
By Huge American,
British Air Armada
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Saturday, Nov. 27.-The
greatest armada of U. S. Eighth Air
Force heavy bombers ever to take
the air-with their escorts totaling
close to 1,000 planes - blasted the$
German North Sea port of Bremen
and targets in Northern France yes-
terday, and a few hours later the
Germans announced that the RAF
raided battered Berlin last night for
the fifth night in a row.s
Heavy opposition was encountered
by the American bombing force,
which included both Flying Fort-
resses and Liberators, and the at-
tackers lost 39 planes, 29 of them ..:_.:.
heavy bombers. A total of 56 Ger- Part of the wrecka
man planes were shot down. Amer- troit-Washington train
ican and RAF fighters escorted the men were killed and 50
U. S. bomber force. _____ereki__edand____
RAF Attack is Heaviest Day Raid R
The official announcement of the RACE RIOT
operations-which followed a heavy
RAF night smash at industrial H m e
Frankfurt-am-main and a Thursday
night Mosquito stab as as fire-black-
ened Berlin-said that the "largest ren in
force" of British-based American
heavy bombers ever employed in a B ELEANOR HUN
daylight assault gave Bremen, an im-
portant industrial city of 375,000 The race riots of Detroit h
people, its 107th raid of the war. ed to accentuate the belief
56 Planes Shot Down regation is the only solutio
Of the 56 German planes shot out problems, several . member
of the sky, escorting fighter planes State Sociological Society s
set a new record for accounting for terday at the afternoon sess
36, and the bombers got 20. The pre- Convention in the Rackha
vious high for U. S. Eighth Air Force ing.
Thunderbolts and Lightnings was 25 Presided over by Dr. N
German planes destroyed in the Kas- Humphrey, Assistant Pro
sel raid on July 30. Sociology, Wayne Universit
cussion centered on the c
suts and suggested preve
, OR f $$ Qi$ the race riots.
Riots a Trend Toward Fasc
Service Aid Bill Dr. Humphrey said that
might cause a crystalizat:
caste system-a trend towar
PresdentSancionscan fascism. In answer t
Pesidet Sanctions speaker from the floor decl
7 Billion Dollar Plan the real hope for the ab(
racial discrimination and st
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.-()- in the trade unions. He po
Congress got a $7,000,000,000 pro- that unions, on the whole, w
gram today for financial aid to de- this by bringing Negro mem
mobilized ' service men and women, the leadership as well as
Introduced after President Roosevelt membership.
urged such action, it calls for: Housing conditions, trans
Up to $300 mustering out pay on and the influx of Southern
leaving the service. Negro workers were discusse
$15 to $25 a week unemployment of the cause for the riots.
compensation, depending on the that native facists actively
number of dependents, if without a up hatred on both sides
.a . b .pressed by one of the audien
civilian job at any time during the other important cause.
first 15 months after leaving the ser- Newspaper Actions Importa
vice. - One of the main reasons
Social security credits, based on for the augmentation oft
pay of $160 a month, for time spent after they were started was t
in the service, of the newspapers. Smalln
The program was introduced in hood papers, as well as lar
four separate bills. Identical meas- papers, printing "vicious an
ures covering unemployment com- stories, played a large pa
pensation and social security credits development of the riots, on
were introduced in the Senate by added.
Senator Wagner (D-NY), George As a preventive of futur
(D-MO), acting jointly, and in the was suggested that recreat
House by Chairman Doughton (D- cilities, better housing condi
NC) if the Ways and Means Commit- changes in the police and s
tee. partments were needed. D
Wreck Where Fifty Passengers Were Killed Sattelberg, Huon Gulf
*.Beachhead, Cap tured
Jap Loss of Manpower, Equipment Is Great;
A1ies Now i'n Position To Invade New Britain
Associated Press Correspondent
Sattelberg village on a 2,400 foot spur overlooking New Guinea's Huon gulf
-from whose coast General MacArthur is in position to invade New Britain
-was stormed and captured Friday by Australians who strewed the high
ground with dead Japanese and seized much war equipment, including field
The Japanese survivors retreated north along the Wareo trail after
yielding their first ma.jor point in the area since the fall of Finschhafen,
eight miles to the southeast, on Oct. 2.
The victory, achieved by Australians who had to overcome the most
difficult type of mountain and dense jungle in addtion to fierce enemy
resistance, brought to a close military operations which started Sept. 21
with a landing on the coast north of Finschhafen.
Assault Started Nov. 17
The series of assaults culminating in Sattelberg's capture started Nov.
17 when medium tanks were thrown into action.
The three Aussie forces were supplied throughout the campaign by
American amphibious engineers.
Tanks were unable to follow the main trail almost to the village itself
-- --- -------- and played an important role in
ge of the collision involving two freight trains and the Baltimore and Ohio's De-
n, the Ambassador, is sprawled across the tracks at Newton Falls, O. Two train-
passengers were injured.
y Observes Fascist
Detroit Disturbance
have tend-
that seg-
n to racial
s of the
tated yes-
ion of the
m Build-
brman D.
fessor of
y, the dis-
auses, re-
ntives for
the riots'
ion of a
rd Ameri-
to this a
ared that
olition of
ruggle lay
inted out
ere doing
nbers into
into the
white and
d as part
The fact
was ex-
ce as an-
the riots
he action
ger news-
rt in the
e speaker
e riots it
ional fa-
tions, and
chool de-
Dr. Hum-
phrey declared that since present
inter-racial councils in Detroit were
ineffective, an "information bureau"
should be set up to stamp out false
rumors of racial strife which, he as-
serted, "newspapers don't do."
Butler Slams
U.S. Spending
Wallace Apologizes
To 'Good Neighbors'
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.- f(P)-
Senator Butler (R.-Neb.) pictured,
"Good Neighbor" spending by the
United States today as a wild ex-
travagance in which Uncle Sam is
played for a "sucker." Vice-President
Wallace replied with an apology to
Latin America "for the shocking
Butler called the expenditures
south of the border a bumbling form
of dollar diplomacy which is winning
us, at the best, the "sucker" label and,
at the worst, a suspicious 'mistrust of
The Midwest Republican had hard-
ly finished reading sections of a brist-
ling report in which he told the Sen-
ate also of stories of rampant graft
by Latin American officials handling
U.S. funds when Wallace issued this
"As Vice-President of the United
States, I feel compelled to express my
deep, regret to our Latin American
allies in the war for the shocking slur
which has been made against them
"The fantastic figures which have
been used in an apparent effort to
discredit the good neighbor policy
will be refuted by the agencies in-
Exclusion .Act
Is Repealed
By Congress j
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.-u(P-
Acting to correct what President
Roosevelt has described as "an his-
toric mistake," the Senate passed to-
day and sent to the White House a
bill repealing the 61-year-old Chinesel
exclusion acts.
The measure substitutes for a ban1
on Chinese immigration the applica-
tion of a. quota under which 105
memb;-rs of the race would be admit-
ted annually and Chinese residents
would be eligible for naturalization as
United States citizens.
Passage was by a voice vote, with
Senator Reynolds (D-NC) shoutingj
an emphatic "No."
World IN.ews
InBri~ef ..i
'Mother May'
Slosson Dies
In Son's Home
Funeral Services Will
Be izeld Tomorrow in
Congregational Church
Mrs. May Preston Slosson, known
May," died of a heart attack yester-
day morning at 2101 Devonshire Rd.,
the home of her son, Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department.
She was 85 years old.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will officiate
at the funeral services at 3 p.m. to-
morrow in the First Congregational
Church. The body will be cremated
and the ashes sent to Laramie, Wyo..
for burial.
Friends may call at the Slosson
home until noon tomorrow.
First Woman To Get Ph.D
The first woman in this country to
get a Ph.D., she received her de-
gree in philosophy in 1880 from Cor-
Iclearing the way for the infantry.
United States "Black Cats" planes
hit a Japanese cruiser 65 miles
northwest of Rabaul the night of
Nov. 24 with two bombs, causingex-
plosions. Fires were started below
the decks.
Aussies Take 4 Other Villages
In addition to capturing Sattel-
berg mission, the Aussies seized four
nearby villages as they cleared out
the adjacent area.
Allied bombers were active, attack-
ing Wewak, to the northwest of the
jungle front in New Guinea, Buka,
the northernmost Solomon island,
and Matchin Bay and the Buin-Faisi
area of Bougainville.
* * *
S.nr v RrL~ jp ee n h,i s ahvin IRRas nn, vr
nell University.
She served as chaplain at the state
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN thought to be the only woman to have
ALGIERS, Nov. 26. - (P) - At least held a post of this kind.
eight German bombers were blasted Mrs. Slosson was active in the wo-
out of the Mediterranean sky early men's suffrage movement.
last night when a force of 30 Nazi:Woemoeet
Wrote Book of Poems
planes attacked an Allied convoy and
in turn were engaged by American, She was also the author of a book
British and French fighters of coast- of poems, "From A Quiet Garden."
al command. Mrs. Slosson is survived by her son
An unspecified number of theI and daughter-in-law who was the
planes shot down over the convoy former Lucy Dennis Wright, and by
were big Heinkel 177 bombers, one of Wrigrtand Mary ElLabeth Wrght
the newest Nazi types. who are University students, Flora
t May Slosson and Edith Denny Slos-
Churchill, Stalin Meet, .. . 'son.
BERN, Nov. 26.-(P)-Foreign Barnahv. m'bov, 7
Mrs. Clark To Present Inside News of Army'
diplomatic circles who should know
reported tonight that Prime Minis-
ter Churchill is conferring with
Premier Stalin, either as a prelude
to a tri-partite meeting including
President Roosevelt, or as a substi-
tute for it.
British Foreign Secretary Eden
was said to be with Churchill.
No confirmation here is possible,
3but informants believed the talks
had been in progress for at least
two days.
Colombian S/hip Sun...
BOGOTA, Columbia, Nov. 26.-(/P)
-The sinking of a Colombian schoo-
ner by a German submarine was an-
nounced officially tonight.
Newspapers reported three mem -
bers of the crew lost their lives and
that survivors were taken to hospital
in Panama.
Miners To Negotiate ...
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.--()-
Virtually the entire soft coal in-
dustry, except for southern opera-
tors, was reported to be agreed to-
night to negotiate for a wage con-
tract on the basis of the agreement
......a _n.. __U. _ . . r- 4.,
bear glad tidings.
We're going to meet
lots of new people.
Gosh, Mr. 'Mafle
T ha ts.3wonderful!
4 t
. . . Well, well, if it isn't Mr.
IWook on Willkie
Angers Rankint
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.- IP) -
Asserting that the story of the 1940
Republican National Convention, as
told in a newly-published book-
One Man - Wendell Willkie" -
makes the Teapot Dome scandal
look like a Sunday school affair,"
Rep. Rankin (D-Miss.) today de-
m- rnr (tnc-e in, l r:TS#-tn
'Formosa Hilt
In allied Raid
CHUNGKING, Saturday, Nov. 27.
-(,P)-Allied planes blasted the port
city of Shinchiku on the northwest
I coast of Formosa on Thanksgiving
Day and destroyed 47 Japanese
planes, a record number in this thea-
ter, it was announced here today.
Of the Japanese planes destroyed,
at least 12 were declared to have been
shot down in aerial dogfights, while
all the Allied planes returned sarely.
The announcement said that all the
bombs fell in the target areas and
smoke enveloped the ground when
the attackers departed.
*' * *
Kikaid Takes Nav
Command in Pacific
HEADQUARTERS, Saturday, Nov.
27.-()- A spokesman for Gen.
{ Douglas MacArthur announced today
that Vice-Adm. Thomas C. Kinkaid
had assumed command Friday of
naval forces in the Southwest Pacific.
Admiral Kinkaid relieved Vice-
Adm. Arthur S. Carpender whose fu-
ture assignment was not disclosed.
Culbertson 'T1o
Spweak Fridayr
Ely Culbertson, famous world stra-
tegist and author of the recently-
published book, "Total Peace," will
open the annual Post-War Council
Conference at 7:15 p.m. Friday in
Rackham Auditorium.
Culbertson, best known as a bridge
expert, will lecture on his "Plan for
World Federation," which was called
by Burton Rascoe "a highly realis-
tic and practically fool-proof plan
for world settlement." The lecture
has been scheduled early so that
concert-goers will be able to attend
before the program of the concert be-
Tickets for Culbertson's lecture will
be on sale at the League and Union,
on the Diagonal, in "U" Hall and in
the West Quad next week, Monday
through Friday.
Inside news on the soldiers in Italy
will be given by Mrs. Mark W. Clark,
wife of America's three-star general
and commander of the Fifth Army in
that theater of the war, when she
speaks at 8 p. m. today in Hill Audi-
Mrs. Clark's lecture, "When the
Boys Come Home,"' is sponsored by
the Michigan Alumnae club of Ann
Arbor. All proceeds will be given to
the Camp and Hospital Committee
for the Christmas fund for Disabled
Rarir M2n M _,..rk ,wi, l ,hp in_
shows in such cities as Boston, Pitts-
burg, Detroit and Chicago.
Her lectures will also feature pic-
tures of the African invasion, includ-
ing the house where Lt. Gen. Clark
held the pre-invasion meeting with
French officials, and scenes from the
Casablanca conference and the pres-
ent Italian campaign.
Will Read From General's Letters
In the discussion, Mrs. Clark willl
present the problems the boys will
face when they return home. In ad-
dition she will read extracts from the
General's letters and his diary, which
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