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November 24, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-24

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Fifty-Fourth Year


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications,
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low
N.4ary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
boris Kuentz

. . .Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
S . . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . Columnist

Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . Business Manager
Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24-1.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily'
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Rep. Dondero Fais To
Follow Own Yardstick
REP. DONDERO, speaking on the repeal of the
Chinese Exclusion Act on Oct.' 21, said, "We
need the help of the Chinese people. They need
"This may be a gesture, but it is a friendly
gesture. It is a step in the right direction.
They are our allies. Let us encourage them
today with what we do in this Chamber in
order to stiffen their morale and encourage
them to resist, and in that way aid the Allied
cause. I home this bill will pass," he said.
It seems that this same principal would apply
to .our Russian allies. We need their help, and
what we do in '.'this Chamber" may be an impor-
tant factor in determining just how much help
we are going to get. Here Rep. Dondero fails to
follow his own advice.
PERHAPS we cannot expect more from Rep.
Dondero, for as Will Chassen said in "The
Nation" magazine for Oct. 31, 1942, "Rep. Don-
dero's post-Pearl Harbor record, has been con-
sistently bad. He voted for the inflationary farm
bill and against needed tax legislation. He dis-
approved of restriction of automobile production.
He wanted to abolish the forty-hour week. time
and a half for overtime, and the Farm Security
Administration, and thinks that all social gains
ought to be abandoned in the interest of our
defense program."
Chassen went on to quote Rep. Dondero as
-saying, "One dictator nation has demon-
strated to the world how to build national de-
fense. It was not done by social reform or
social gains."
Rep. Dondero is again inconsistent. On one
issue he says we should give up democracy, later,
he says that we should not let even friendship
with Russia endanger this democracy,
Rep. Dondero might profitably take a definite
stand on leading national issues instead of hop-
ping back and forth over the fence.
- Doris Peterson

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, Nov. 24 --I have been asked
whether the small nations should not have equal
power with those large nations which have
agreed upon the Moscow Declarations. The an-
swer is that they don't have it; cannot have it,
and never will have it, any more than Rhode
Island is ever going to have equal power with
New York.
As a matter of fact, if the suggestions were
ever made to give Rhode Island equal political
power with New York, those same liberals who
are for equality among the nations would de-
nounce the proposai as the creation of a rotten
borough, as a denial of effective voting strength
to many millions. in New York, and so on.
The proposal to give Britain and Luxembourg
the same power in an international organization
is not a proposal to do justice to Luxembourg;
it is a proposal to inflict injustice on Britain,
and on all other large national agglomerations.
Those liberals who have been speaking along
these lines are,'of course, afraid of big-nation
power. They have reason to be. And so,
though their proposal takes the form of a sug-
gestion that the power of small nations be
increased, their actual desire is to see ' the
power of the big nations decreased. 'They say
they want to raise Ecuador up; they really
wish to cut Britain, America, and Russia
down, in world political terms.
Morally, they take the position that power is
evil in itself. Their postwar thinking is along
the lines of hobbling power, curtailing power,
binding power with thin but strong cords. The
squirrel is not as big as the elephant, but they
want the world to say he is, to pretend he is,
to act as if he is. But power is a reality. Power
really exists. Even after you give the squirrel
a certificate which says he is quite as big as any
elephant, he is still going to be smaller, and all
the squirrels will know it and all the elephants
will know it.
These thinkers find power hateful, of course,
only during a time of peace. in' time of war,
they do not object to big-nation power; tfiey are
glad it is available; they make gateful use of
it to win the common objectives 'of all of us;
they depend upon the existence of big-nation
power to bring about a world 'in which, they
hope, there won't be any more of it.
In other words, power is good now, but is
going to be- bad tomorrow.
It seems to me that those who are thinking
along these lines are thinking in terms that are
too formal; they are falling into 'verbal traps.
Power is not evil. Wrong use of power is evil.
To curb power is not a political program. To
use it for the right ends is a program. The duty
of liberals in the big-power rnations'is not to try
to make national power fade away, but to insist
on using it for the right objectives.
That may turn out to be quite a struggle. It
is always easier to reach for a verbal an formal
solution than to engage in a meaningful struggle.
But we are supposed to be fighting for a more
democratic world. The creation of a council of
confusion, on which the toothles 'pretend to
have teeth, while the toothed pretend to be bare-
gummed, may not be the same'thing at aL. It
may turn out to be merely an unhappy equilib
rium, of great forces gone stale, making it quite
possible for a wicked small nation (there have
been such)' to veto the will of a progressive big
nation, and then where are you?
The fight for democracy is a fight, indeed;
it is to be won by enlisting and using all pos-
sible weapons, not by blunting them and dull-
ing them. The formal and legalistic solutions
which have been proposed show more fear
than fight.

To ask whether the small nations ought to
have equal power with the big is a meaningless
question; it is like asking whether a mhoduse
should not weigh a ton. The small nations ought
to have equal rights of self-development. That
is another matter, and in the fight for that, all
the power in the world could well be enlisted.
(Copyright, 1943. N.Y. Post Syndiate) .

""l""'atio"'ry Measures
W HEN the Presidential campaign is at its
height next year, one of the major planks
in the Republican platform will be presented to
the voters "back home" in the form of a re-
minder that the GOP has not fostered any of
the administration's high tax programs,
What does the Republican record show in sup-
port of this statement?
As Ernest Lindley, writing in the Detroit
E"News" pointed out in his column recently,
Republicans in Congress have been supporting
bills which would raise the cost of living and
cause a complete run-away inflation. The
GOP has backed the sales tax, which would
hit the low income groups hardest. The Repub-
licans have tossed all other tax problems into
the waste basket while supporting the infla-
tionary anti-subsidy bill.
Latest reports have the GOP anti-subsidy boys
going all out for inflation. with the House pass-
age of the anti-subsidy bill. Letters, mostly from
feminine constituents, have been flooding Wash-
ington telling Republican representatives to vote
against the anti-subsidy bill. This sudden surge
of public pressure was ignored by the GOP.
With next year's Presidential campaign in
mind, therefore, the GOP is pulling one of the
dirtiest political tricks *i this nation's history,
which involves selling the country down the in-
flationary road in an attempt to place a Repub-
lican in the White House, and gain a majority
in Congress.
This all boils down to whether the bulk of this
nation's voters, the laboring class, will be con-
tentsto spend four years at the hands of a party
whose policy involves fulfilment of big business
demands and ultimately labor's detriment.
-Bob Goldman
\yE'VE lived through our last football Saturday
and we're glad.
It's with football games like it is with people
who sit at bus stops and never get on the bus.
It's the same way as it is with people who ride on
subways without newspapers or go to cowboy
movies and sit in the last row o the back bal-
It worries us. They keep saying that foot-
ball games aren't really anything at all. They
say that the games are really nothing you'd
want to see, but the people, gee, it's the people
that you really want to get a look at. All of
them gathered together, you watch them, see,
and you ;!eep saying to yourself what damn
fools people are.
These are the same people-the ones that keep
telling us these things, the ones that keep watch-
ing other people-who tell you to sit down with
them and offer you a cigarette and ask if they
can order you a cup of coffee.
They're the same ones that say: "You know,
I think you're an interesting person," and
they lean back,-or-"I'd like to know you
better," and .smile,-or-"Gee whiz, I don't
like knowing only the surfaces of people," and
then they hold their head down and look up at
you with their eyes and you're supposed to feel
like something's going right through you only
you never do, you don't at all. You're just em-
barrassed until you'd like to die because people
keep looking at you all the time.
It's a fad these days. It's supposed to be the
intellectual thing to do to keep looking at people.
We went to a football game just once because
they'd been after us so, about how we should go
and look at all the people and how there were so
many people there whom we should see. We told
them we didn't know beans about football but
they said it didn't make any difference.
was with Minnesota, we were only a sopho-
more at the time--we started first to look at this
little blonde in front of us. see, but then she

turned around and started looking at us and
some of them were pretty dirty looks, too. So we
decided after all, that we had best confine our
looking to other people who were not also look-
ing at people.
There were so many people obstructing the
view. of course, that it was difficult to find
anyone who lent himself well to being steadily
looked at.
There was a fat redhead down the bleachers
in front of us who kept howling and jumping
around. Everybody around us said that she was
watching the game. This was very interesting to
us because we hadn't, up to that time. been able
to find anyone who was actually watching the
game. So we started looking at her but she left
pretty soon to get a hot dog and never came
Frustrated completely, we decided 'not to
look at any individual person but rather to sit
and absorb the "color" that abounded.
However, everytime we'd start absorbing the
"color," the color" would start moving around,
and some of it would be getting up and down
and a little of it would begin to howl. Everyone
knows that it's very difficult to absorb color that
doesn't stay still.
TT WAS ABOUT THIS TIME, when the color
was all moving around and we couldn't get
started looking at any one person without that
person turning around and looking at us, that
we borrowed a bottle from the guy next to us


GOP Goes Al Out for





WASHINGTON, Nov. 24 - Behind
the Army's breath-taking cut of thir-
teen billions from its appropriation
bill was some sledge-hammer tactics
by the Budget Bureau. And behind
that in turn was a scathing off-the-
record sessioi of the Ways and
Means Committee, at which Detroit's
determined Representative John
Dingell put the screws on Budget
Director Harold Smith.
"How much money is the Army
spending each month?" Dingell asked
"About seven billions per month,"
replied the Budget Director.
'The Army," Dingell said, "now
has 206 billions already appropri-
ated and awaiting expenditure.
That means about 29 to 30 billions
a ,month. In other words, you're
asking us to appropriate at the
rate of 39 billions a month though
the Army is spending only seven
billions a month.,
"Now will you tell me," continued
Dingell. "just how much money the
Army must have appropriated ahead
of time and lying idle for its loose
system of expenditure?"
"I don't know that I'd call it
loose." r'eplied Smith.
"Well, what do you call the fact
that we appropriate $32,000,000 for
the Pentagon Building and the
Army spends $78,000,000? What do
you call the fact that around the
Pentagon the Army builds 40 miles
of road, 27 bridges, removes one
lalke, digs out another lake in an-
other place, and has altered the
entire northeast corner of Virginia
Avenue around the .Pentagon
"What was this for?" stormed{
Dingell. "To hang a couple of extra
stars on Lieutenant General B. ' B.
Somerveil in reward for doing what
he damn pleases -without permis-
sionl from Congress."
Saverkrout Ionopoly . . .
"Also," continued the irate Con-
gressman from Detroit, "what about
the million and a half dollars' worth
of first-class machine tools that the
Army sold in the Detroit area for the
ridiculous price of only $40,000? I
understand they're now being sold
back to the Government.
"An expenditure like that has
nothing to do with winning the
war. We can win the war without
throwing the tax-payers money

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"Well, maybe I shouldn't object to
Thanksgiving with us! I understandI
a bunch of savages the first'

. .. .. ....-
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your relatives spending
the Pilgrims entertained




WEDNESDAY. NOV. 24, 1943
VOL. LTV No. 20
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten fori by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private
offices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an
attempt to meddle with anyone's
personal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. In the past year six
of the total of 19 fires reported were
caused by cigarettes or lighted
matches. To be effective, the rule

down the yawning mouth of the must necessarily apply to bringing
War Department. lighted tobacco into or through Uni-'
.'Don't you have some control over versity buildings and to the lighting
the Army? You're supposed to be the of cigars, cigarettes, and pipes within
Budget Director. Do you put your buildings-including such lighting
OK on everything the Army wants?" just previous to going outdoors. If
"No." replied Smith, "but I have the rule is to be enforced at all its
no authority to stop them." enforcement must begin at the build-
, ing entrance. Further, it is impos-
Well, why in ;hell did the Army a h uesol eefre
buy up the whole sauerkraut crop ileth o he rleso uolnsbe en foe
of the United States?" continued class of persons disregards it. It is a
Digell. "We aren't runnig a disagreeable and thankless task to
German army. And even if we "enforce" almost any rule. This rule
were, that's more sauerkraut than against the use of tobacco within
all the armies of the world could buildings is perhaps the most thank-
tif you fed it to them three less and difficult of all, unless it shall
time a ay.have the support - of everyone con-
"And why," he asked. "did the cerned. An appeal is made to all
Army buy the entire salmon pack at persons using the University build-
sky-high prices and then disgorge ings-staff members, students and
four fifths of it on the market toward others-to contribute individual co-
the end of the season? Is that what operation to this effort to protect
you call military planning? University buildings against fires.
"Or why did the Army break the Please note especially that the al-
OPA ceiling prices on turkeys? We cove at the rear of the main corridor
all want the boys to have turkeys, in University Hall is not a smoking
but that's not the question. The room and should not be used as such,
Army can commandeer turkeys if This statement is inserted at the
it wants to, but instead they pay request of the Conference of Deans.
8' cents above the ceiling price. Shirley W.. Smith
"It looks to me," concluded Ding- Faculty Directory: To date com-
ell, "that this is a result of- the Army paratively few members of the Uni-
having too much money. I for one vriysffhvced at the Infor-

constitute himself or herself a com-
mittee of one to contribute in every
reasonable way to the end that there
shall be no waste of electricity, wa-
ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica-
tions or transportation service. This
notice is in behalf not only of the
University administration but of var-
ious United States Government au-
Library Hours, Thanksgiving Day:
On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, the
Main Reading Room and the Periodi-
cal Room of the General Library will
be open from 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
The departmental and collegiate li-
braries and study halls will be closed,
with the exception of the study hall
on the first floor of the General L-
brary, which will be open from 8:00
A.M. until noon for the use of men
in the armed forces.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for use on
that day will be made available in
the Main Reading Room if request is
made on Wednesday to an Assistant
in the Reading Room where the books
are usually shelved.
W. G. Rice, Director
- School 'of Education Faculty will
meet on Tuesday, Nov. 30, in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library.
The meeting will convene at 4:15
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members
during the 5th week and again during
the 10th week of the semester. These
two reports will 'be due about Decein-
ber 4 and January 8. Please refer
routine questions to Emalene Mason,
Office ofthe Dean (Extension 575),
who will handle the reports; other-
wise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor,
Extension 2136.,
Civilian students who purchased
~student tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game and have
not yet presented their Deposit Re-
ceipts for refund are asked-to 'do so
immediately.Refunds will be made
at the Ticket Office in the Adminis-
tration Building on Ferry Field from
8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily until
Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become
void after that date and no further
refunds will be made. H. O. Criser,
Job Registration: Students who
took registration blanks from the
University Bureau of Appointments
last week are reminded that all
blanks are due a week from the day
they were taken out. After that peri-
od a late registration fee of $1.00
must be charged. This means that
the last of the blanks must be back
by Friday. Due to the Thanksgjving
holiday, blanks taken out last Thurs-
day may be returned Friday.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Albert H.
Burrows, Professor of Economics and
Sociology at Northern Michigan Col-
lege of Education, will lecture on the
subject, "Social Problems of the Nor-
thern Peninsula" under the auspies
of the Department of Sociology n
Friday, Nov. 26, at 4:15 p0m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is invited.,
Academic Notices

Republican Senators Propose Amendinents
To Insure Representation on Voting Commission.

fact that the next year's president may be
determined by the ballots of 10,000,000 service-
men, are viewing with favor the proposed ab-
sentee voting bill now being debated on the floor
of the Senate.
The Green-Lucas measure, as it is known,
-would set up a War Ballot Commission to su-
pervise the Army and Navy administration of
absentee voting. Itepublican Senators, 'of
course, have definite amendments to propose
which would insure them of an adequate rep-
'resentation on the commission.
Meeting with Senator Vandenberg, Saturday.
a group of men agreed that the method of ap-
pointing the corgmission should be changed;
instead of having the President pick just any
two Republicans and any two Democrats, they
propose that the representatives be appointed on
recommendation of the parties' central commit-

against it because, they said, "it would inter-
fere with states rights." Earlier 'last week Rep.
John Rankin, from the poll tax state of Miss-
issippi, had succeeded in shelving the bill tem-
porarily; under a federal administration, sol-
diers would not be required to pay a pall tax,
so Rep. Rankin suggested that the responsibil-
ity of the soldier vote be left with -'the states.
T WOULD seem. then, that some people, do not
want the servicemen to vote unless they pay
a poll tax; others would prevent them from cast-
ing ballots unless they vote "right." But, what-
ever their political view, whatever their poll-tax
status. all servicemen outside the continental
limits of the United States as well as those still
stationed here should have the right to vote. It
would be a step forward, indeed, if the poll tax
were abolished nationally-even though it wgre
only among the servicemen for the duration- of
the war.

am not in favor of skinning the tax-
payer just to please the brass hats
who don't know how to plan."
(Copyright. 1943, United Features Synd.)
A GREAT VIOLINIST wisely took,
advantage of his greatness lastj
night in Hill Auditorium by breakingf
program conventions and thus per-
forming two obscure sonatas and
giving some 'deserving works a
chance to be heard.
Yehudi Menuhin and Adolph Bal-
ler opened the program pleasantly
with a Beethoven sonata which indi-
cated the fine musicianship and ar-
tistry of both performers. Then Mr.
Menuhin played a Bach sonata
which is written for violin alone. It
is an intricate piece of music, ex-
tremely difficult to perform andl
those who are not familiar with Bach
found it difficult to listen to. Cer-I
tainly the instrument on which the

mation Desk in the Business Office
for Faculty Directories.
These are for general distribution
to all qualified persons for use at
home and should have general circu-
lation. Heretofore the University has
delivered them by mail, but to save
postage anyone on the staff who has
not yet had a Directory is asked to
call at the Business Office for his
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Conservation of Public Utilities:
It is urged that every member of the
University community, faculty, stu-
dents, clerks, and other employees,
that reason wished to include it in
his program. It is obvious that no
one can claim to understand this
selection at first hearing but cer-
tainly the potential pleasure to be
derived from the work is easily
seen; for it contains many strange
melodies and fascinating harmon-
ies which will one day be fully ap-
preciated by the musical world.
Mr. Menuhin thanked the audience

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