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November 24, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-24

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Berlin Bombed


Successive Night

House Rejects Subsidies Program

by Huge

Gets Set-Back;

Jap Bombers Burn Near U.S. Carrier


Vote Is 278-17
Plurality Is Sufficient
To Override Expected
Veto by White House
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23- In a
sledge-hammer assault upon the ad-
ministration's "hold-the-line" pro-
gram, the House late today passed
and sent to the Senate a measure
outlawing future use of consumer
subsidies to hold down food prices.
Amid cries from subsidy supporters
that the move would result in infla-
tion, the opposition piled up a roll
call vote of 278 to 117-enough, if
the line-up remains unchanged, to
override an anticipated veto by'Pres-
ident Roosevelt.
Not a True Test
The vote was not an absolutely
clear-cut test on the subsidy issue,
however, because the bill contained
two parts: the ban on subsidies, and
a provision continuing the life of the
Commodity Credit Corporation.
Some legislators voted for the bill
although opposed to one of its pro-
visions. For example, Rep. Patman
(D.-Tex.), a leader in the fight to
save subsidies, voted for the bill, ex-
plAning that he wanted to see C.C.C.
continued "and I expect to get a
second whack at this thing when the
President sends up a veto.
The one-sided result constituted
the first vital blow struck in the sec-
and round of the bitter subsidy bat-
tle between President Roosevelt and
a Capitol Hill coalition of Republican
legislators and Democratic lawmak-
ers from the farm states.
Veto Expected
Majority leader McCormack said
there is a "reasonable inference" the
President will veto the present bill.
Voting by Michigan representa-
tives on legislation- outlawing the
administration subsidy program and
extending the life of the Commodity
Credit Corporation followed strictly
the party line.
All 12 Republican congressmen
from Michigan-Bennett, Blackney,
Bradley, Crawford, Dondero, Engel,
Hoffman, Jonkman, Michener, Sha-
fer, Wolcott and Woodruff-voted
for the bill.
The state's five Democratic repre-
sentatives- Dingell, Lesinski, O'-
Brien, Rabaut and Sadowski-voted
against the measure.
Seal Drive Is
Now Underway
With one man out of every hundred
turned away at the induction center
because of tuberculosis, the attention
of the nation is called to the thirty-
seventh annual Christmas seal sale.
Mail sale started Monday morning
in Ann Arbor and is scheduled to be-
gin Friday throughout the rest of
Washtenaw County. Last year $8,000
was contributed in Ann Arbor, and
this year it is hoped that the sum
will be doubled, according to Mrs.
Flora Brown, of the county branch
of the Michigan Tuberculosis Asso-
10,000 Letters Now Mailed
A total of 10,000 letters containing
100 seals each has already been
mailed to Ann Arbor residents, with
25,300 letters going to the entire
county. Rural areas are to be handled
through the schools.
Under ordinary conditions approx-
imately 100 cases from this city are
in sanatoria. Patients are sent to the
University Hospital, Howell, Leand,
and the American Legion Hospital at
Battle Creek.
The local load has been greatly in-
creased by the influx of people to the

Willow Run area, Mrs. Brown said.
There workers are given a pre-em-
ployment X-ray, and if signs of
tuberculosis are shown, the workers
are referred to local ag.encies.
Seals Support Prevention
Of the money collectel by the sale
of seals, 80% stays in the city, 15%
goes to the state agency,- and 5% is

Two columns of smoke are all that remain of two Japanese dive
bombers that tried to attack a U.S. Navy task force of enemy planes
that struck at the task force while the carrier-based planes were hitting
the Japs at Rabaul. Note the curve of the carrier's wake, showing how
the ship swung to avoid the attackers.
Patton Apologies to His Men
In Person for Striking Soldier

By The Associated Press
GIERS, Nov. 23.-Lt. Gen. George S.
Patton, Jr., who led the American Se-
venth Army through a brilliant con-
quest of Sicily, at the close of that of-
fensive apologized in person to his
Army for having struck a shell-
shocked soldier in a hospital tent in a
fit of rage while the campaign was in
a critical stage.
The incident led to an investigation
to determine whether animosity of
his men toward Patton was so great
as to impair his usefulness as a com-
mander. This investigation appar-
ently convinced Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower and the War Department
that this was not the case, as Patton
retained his command and was pro-
moted in his permanent army rank
from Brigadier General to Major
Strange War Story
The incident was disclosed official-
ly by Allied Headquarters today three
and a half months after it occurred.
Behind the Headquarters announce-
ment is one of the strangest war sto-
ries ever told.
It is a tale of a General, whose me-
rit is recognized by.everyone, slapping
and swearing at a distraut soldier
whom he believed to be a malingerer
and denouncing the soldier as a cow-
ard before other soldiers who lay
wounded in their cots.
As it turned out, the soldier in
question was not a coward, but a 24-
year-old southern boy with an excel-
lent record who had gone through
the grimmest fighting of the Tunis-
ian and Sicilian campaigns and who
had left the front only when ordered
out by his commanding doctor. The
soldier, on being called a coward by
his commanding general, felt that his
whole world had disintegrated.
Eisenhower, commenting on the in-
cident, described Patton's conduct as
Navy Men Take
Qualifying Tests
A Comprehensive Achievement
Test will be given to certain groups
of V-12 students on Tuesday in the
Rackham Auditorium.
All v-12> nd inpiin Ma-

"despicable," but at the same time
the Commander-in-Chief expressed
the greatest confidence in Patton as
a general and said that, like many
other officers in this theater, he was
of the opinion that no other com-
mander could have achieved such re-
sults as Patton did in Sicily.
"Took the Hide Off"
Gen. Eisenhower, upon hearing the
incident, immediately wrote Patton a
letter in which he denounced his con-
duct and ordered him to make a-
mends or be removed from his com-
"The old man certainly took the
hide off him," a Headquarters
spokesman said.
The incident for which Eisenhower
rebuked one of his ablest battle lead-
ers occurred early in August, when
the Sicilian campaign was at a cri-
tical period. Patton, visiting an eva-
cuation hospital, was walking among
the wounded, patting some on the
head and sympathizing with them,
when he came upon the soldier sit-
ting on a cot with his head in his
hands, weeping.
Menuhin Voices
Music Criticism
American Composers
Lack Craftsmanship
"American composers have greatj
fantasy and imagination, however,
their craftsmanship is not yet well
developed," said Yehudi Menuhin,
internationally famous violinist in
an interview yesterday at his suite in
the Union.
"Their greatest failure," he con-
tended, "is their inability to develop
a work out of a single germ. Subse-
quently, there are few American
composers who have produced works
of importance in the larger forms of
the symphony and concerto."
"Tonight," Menuhin continued, "I
am going to play here the first Amer-
ican performance of the Premiere
Sonata, by the modern Hungarian
composer Bela Bartok. It is one of
the finest modern works which I
have heard. Despite the fact that it
is a rather long sonata, it has a very

Reds Pushed
Back by Nazi
2,000 German Men
Are Killed in Fierce
Hand-to-Hand Fighting
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Wednesday, Nov. 24-
The German counterattack in Russia,
rising to new intensity, wrested sev-
eral populated places from the Rus-
sians after hand-to-hand fighting
and savage gun duels in which more
than 100 German tanks were de-
stroyed and 2,000 Nazi soldiers were
killed, Moscow announced today.
The Russians failed. to locate the
places they evacuated, but said the
Germans were flinging large forces
of tanks and infantry into their
counterattacks in the Chernyakhov-
Brusilov area of the Northern
Here, where the Russians reach
farthest west, and have retreated
from Zhitomir, the Germans were
smashing at the flank of the Soviet
Army's Kiev salient.
Chernyakhov is 13 miles north of
Zhitomir on the Zhitomir-Korosten
railway, while Brusilov - mentioned
for the first time by the Russians -
is 36 miles east of Zhitomir and only
45 miles west of Kiev - suggesting
new German gains toward the
Ukraine capital.
The Moscow midnight communique,
recorded by the Soviet Monitor from
a broadcast, said the Germans were
paying a high price for their assault
as Soviet infantrymen, tankmen and
gunners put up stiff resistance. Rus-
sian planes struck massed blows at
German lines "and at their reserves
which were brought up," it said.
General's Wife
To Lecture in
Hill' Saturday
Mrs. Mark Clark To
Air Soldiers' Future;
Veterans To Benefit
Mrs. Mark W. Clark, wife of Amer-
ica's famed commanding general of
the Fifth Army, will speak on "When
the Boys Come Home" in a lecture at
8:15 p. m. Saturday in Hill Audi-
The proceeds of Mrs. Clark's lec-
ture, which is sponsored by the Mich-
igan Alumnae Club of Ann Arbor,
will be given to the Calp and Hos-
pital Committee for the Christmas
Fund for Disabled Servicemen.
Committee Aids Servicemen
This committee supplies home
comforts to well and disabled service
men. In the beginning their respon-
sibilities were concerned largely with
'recreational facilities. Now, however,
with that field well cared for, major
interest centers around comforts for
disabled, soldiers. Home-made cookies
by the thousands, books and games
have all been sent to them and now
the committee is planning on giving
them as happy a Christmas as pos-
Mrs. Clark's work on the recent
bond drive was acclaimed. She drew
tremendous crowds wherever she ap-
In her talk she will discuss the
problems that face the boys when
they come home, and will also show
slides made from photos taken by
Gen. Clark and members of his staff.
Will Show Pictures
the pictures she will show include
some of the African invasion, among
them pictures of the house in which

her husband held pre-invasion meet-
ings with French officials in Africa.
Others are of the Casablanca confer-
ence and the present Italian cam-
Tickets for the lecture are on sale
at several of the local stores or can
be obtained at the League or Union
or from alumnae saleswomen.
Elusive Dog Disrupts
Studying in Library

Japs Told U.S. Invasion of
Gilberts Is Major Threat
NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-(P)-The
Tokyo radio told the Japanese today
that the United States invasion of
the Gilbert Islands constituted a
threat to the Japanese-mandated
Marshall Islands and "presages a
real decisive battle of the fleets."
Juvenile Code
To be Revised
LANSING, Nov. 23.-W)-A study
commission of probate judges, law
enforcement officials and social wor-
kers today drew a broad blueprint
for a new juvenile code, designed to
modernize Michigan's attack on ju-
venile delinquency.
Led by the judges, the committee
indicated it was not intending to
sweep away all of the present code,
but would confine itself to tightening
some provisions of the present law
and rewriting some troublesome fea-


Begins Nov.


Fred Perry Clarifies
Restriction on Venders
City Clerk Fred Perry announcegI
yesterday that the ban on hawkers
and peddlers operating on football
weekends went into effect after last
Saturday's Ohio State game. This
clarified the ordinance which had
been interpreted as going into effect
before last week's contest by many
Ann Arbor residents.
The ordinance reads as follows:
"On account of the increased popula-
tion, and the traffic hazards which
occur in the City of Ann Arbor on
those Saturdays when football games
are played in the stadium of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, all hawking and
peddling except regular deliveries of
food, is prohibited on such days, and
no license may be issued by the City
Clerk for hawking or peddling on
said days."

'Allies Take
Gilberts in.
Final Drive
By The Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, T.H., Nov. 23.-
The Gilbert Islands now are securely
in the hands of United States land
and sea forces, Admiral Chester W.
Nimitz, commander in chief of the
U.S. Pacific fleet announced today.
The invasion of the Japanese-held
central Pacific island group, under-
taken Nov. 29, is "another road to
Tokyo," he said at a press conference.
Already the 27th division has cap-
tured Makin Atoll. The capture of
Tarawa, where the Marines have
consolidated their positions, is cer-
tain. Amphibious forces cracked the
beach defenses of both places last
The situation on Abemma Atoll, 80
miles south of Tarawa, was reported
well in hand. The Marines' landing
there was announced only yesterday.
An excellent bomber field within
striking distance of strong Japanese
bases in the Marshall Islands to the
north will become available with the
capture of Tarawa. Fighting on Ta-
rawa was believed. to be confined to
Betio Island, which has air base fa-
cilities. The enemy was strongly en-
trenched on Betio, at the southwest-
ern tail of Tarawa Atoll. The island
is a sand waste- less- than two miles
long and about a thousand yards
* * *

Canadians Halt
German Attack
Near Agnone
Nazi Troops Withdraw
To Winter Line; Burn
All Towns in Sector
By The Associated Press
GIERS, Nov. 23.-Charging before a
backdrop of burning towns and vil-
lages being destroyed in a "scorched
earth" withdrawal to their winter
line, German troops struck sharply
at Canadian units of the Eighth Ar-
my northwest of Agnone in the cen-
tral Italian sector but were repulsed
after a hard two-hour battle, the Al-
lied command said today.
Throughout the mountainous in-
land sector the enemy was firing and
dynamiting everything he could not
carry with him to his powerful new
gun-studded defense line. Smoke
shrouded the horizon as the sizable
cities of Castel Di Sangro and Alfed-
ena burned through the second day.
Yesterday's counterattack east of
those cities evidently was designed to
give the Nazi demolition squads time
to complete their task of destruction.
(The German High Command re-
ported Montgomery's reinforced
troops had launched violent attacks
against Nazi defenses north of the
Sangro river at the extreme eastern
end of the battle line-an action not
confirmed by Allied sources. "Nume-
rous violent attacks were repulsed
and one local dent was sealed off,"
the Nazi communique reported.
Ban on Hawkers

RAF Looses
2,300 Tons
On Capital
German Radio Reports
Assault, States Special
Defense Steps Taken
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 24.-A mighty force
of RAF bombers was reported today
to have pounded Berlin for the se-
cond successive night last night as
the German capital lay smashed and
smoking from a 1,000-bomber raid
which hurled more than 2,300 long
tons of high explosives and incendi-
aries on the Nazi capital Monday
Germany's radio Zeesen announced
last night's attack after British wat-
chers saw the bombers cross the coast
in a procession which took 45 mn-
utes to pass.
Capital Left Smoking
The Reich capital, a city of 332
square miles, was still smoking froh
the greatest aerial blow ever struck
in warfare when the German an-
nouncer took the air to say the new
attack was expected "and special de-
fense precautions were taken.
The weather favored the defense
more than the previous night, the ra-
dio said and it declared that a "con-
siderable number of attacking planes
were shot down."
There were indications that last
night's assault, the third on erl1i
in the last six days, might be as 1e0-
vy as the history-making 77-ton-per
minute bombing of the previous
Allies Reverse Nazi Dream
The Allies did last night what the
Germans once dreamed of doirg to
London, but on five times the scale
the Germans ever attained.
The record raid on the Nazi capt-
tal, which German leaders once
boasted never would feel the terror
of Allied bombs, was made despite
bad weather, and the huge black
night bombers of the RAF flying
through thick clouds not only smash-
ed the industrial suburbs but flit gov-
ernment buildings in the great city
withtheir record weight of explosives.
The previous record 'weight of just
2,300 long tons poured down on Ham-
burg last Aug. 23.
Reports tonight from Stockholm
said a heavy pall of smoke hung over
the stricken Nazi capital all day, and
tonight parts of the city still were in
flames with fire fighters and other
air raid workers, already weary fromn
coping with a heavy attack four
nights before, still toiling desperate-
As was the case last night, com-
munications between Stockholm and
Berlin were cut, suggesting that the
Nazi capital again was the target.
Sale of Tic*kets
To Start Friday
Union To Hold Annual
Formal in Ballroom
Stating that 350 tickets and Yio
more" will be sold for the annual
Union Formal, Rupert Straub, ticket.
chairman, announced yesterday that
the general sale will open Friday.
Tickets will be available from 5
p. m. to 7 p. m. at the Union Ticket

Resale Desk. Until further notice,
this sale will be the only time that
tickets for the formal, which will be
held in the Union Ballroom from 9
p. m. to midnight, Saturday, Dec. 4,
may be purchased.
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
play for the dance, the first formal
to be held on campus this semester.
Wartime restrictions have put the
ban on formals, but in keeping with
tradition, the Union was able to ar-
range for the formal.
Preceding the dance a banquet will
be held for the Union Executive
Council at which time the activities
of the Council will be reviewed.
Milk Producers Threateu
To Hold Un Detroit Sunnl

Magazine Picks Muriel Lester
House To Illustrate Co-op Life

Muriel Lester House, cooperative
on campus, has been chosen to typifyj
life in college co-ops in a four-page
feature in today's Saturday Evening
Illustrated with pictures of the va-
rious phases of co-op activity, the
article tells how more than 100,000
students, living in cooperatives all
over the country, run their lives on
the principle of share the work and
the expense.
Show Mode of Living
The pictures, taken by Serge Bal-
kin early last spring, graphically por-
tray the mode of living of the Lester-
ite girls. Morning cleanup, the exer-
cise period, dinner prep and an Inter-
Cooperative Council party were
photographed to show just how the
life of the co-op girl differs from that
of other students. One snapshot
shows the bulletin board with a list
of guffables, guffables being food
which may be eaten between meals.
In the article itself, the Post dis-
cusses all the details and problems
which arise when a group of more
than a dozen and a half girls com-

pense." Thus the Post describes the
basis for all co-operative living.
To meet their problems effectively
and in an organized manner, the girls
at Lester House hold weekly house
meetings, thrashing out difficult de-
tails among themselves. At the begin-
ning of each year a house manager is
chosen to arrange a schedule of when
and by whom the work of the house
is to be done. Purchasers, an ac-
countant, a president and secretary,
are all chosen by the house to carry
on the business of paying the rent,
gas and water bills, and seeing that
the girls have a nutritious diet.
Committees Are Chosen
Education, personnel, social and
athletic committees are also chosen
to take care of the social side of life.
These committees function both for
the individual houses on campus, and
also in co-ordination with the ICC.
Individual house committees get to-
gether to plan all ICC activities, as
parties, educationals and conferences.
The Post article states, "The co-op
coeds at Muriel Lester more than
merely clean their rooms, make their
beds, eat, and wash the dishes. They

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