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November 23, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-23

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Pd Rather Be Right


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NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-It is time for someone
to stand on a chair and shout: "Order! Order!"
This Congress is voting to kill food subsidies. At
the same time it is passing a bill to give subsi-
dies to many newspapers for printing war bond
advertisements. Gentlemen! Is the meeting for
subsidies or against subsidies?
It seems to be both for and against. If food
subsidies are knocked out, the cost of living
will rise at least $8,000,000,000. The plain peo-
ple of America willhave $8,000,000,000 less
with which to buy war bonds. What shall we
db then? Perhaps institute more subsidies for
larger war bond advertisements.
Order! This Congress must go into executive
session, in an effort to recover its dignity.
It is not making sense. It is becoming the
playboy of the western world. It is doing any-
thing which occurs to it, any old morning, and
leaving it to others to add up the results. Take
the case of Chester Bowles: Bowles is in charge
of price administration. His job is to keep prices
down. Congr'ess helped to place him in that job,
by its agitation for a "business man's" adminis-
tration; Congress appropriated the money for
his office. Bowles's duty.is to fight off those who
want price increases.
What happens? Those who want price in-
creases then go directly to Congress, and suggest
a ban on subsidies, which alone can' keep food
prices down. Congress prepares to adopt that.
ban. It shamelessly works both sides of the
street. It pays the salary of the man whose duty
it is to fight the inflationists, and it also passes
Dondero Replies .. .
HAVE BEEN INFORMED that your paper, or
at least some members of your Editorial
Staff, approve of Communist propaganda from
Russia being sent to this country even at a time
when we are giving aid in her war effort.
I am opposed to it and am sending you, under
separate cover, copy of the Congressional Record
pf Nov. 12, 1943, containing an address delivered
by me before the House of Representatives on
that subject. I request that you print it in full.
- George A. Dondero, M.C.
Editor's note: It is impossible for us to reprint
Rep. Dondero's speech from the C ngressina Rec-
ord because of lack of space. A copy of this Con-
gressional Record is available at The Daily for
anyone who wishes to read it.
Football Ticetsy .-.
N HIS CRITICISM of the University's football
ticket distribution system, Bud Low says,
"Students are playing in these games, bringing
in money that pays for all other sports." Because
of this he advocates that students be given the
favorable seats at the games in preference to
what he calls the "bottle passers, celebrities, and
other fortunate individuals who 'know some-
An average of 60,000 tickets are sold for each
game in a normal year. The people who buy
these tickets are other local football enthusiasts,
supporters of the opposing team, or alumni. The
football fans of Detroit and Chicago do not want
to spend $2.75-frequently more-for seats on
the fifteen yard line. They want and expect
midfield seats. This is even more true of holders
of season tickets. And the followers of the op-
posing teams who travel hundreds of miles to
see the games are certainly, as guests of the Uni-
versity, entitled to special consideration. With-
out these spectators, who form the greater part
of each Saturday's attendance, football would
not be the financial success that it is here at the
The backbone of Michigan football crowds
are the alumni. These are the men and wo-
men who always come to see the team, in bad
years as well as good. These are the people
who persuade the outstanding high school
players to come to Michigan. Many of them
won their letters playing for Michigan. It is

they who to a large extent financed the sta-
dium by buying bonds themselves and selling
bonds to the public. Surely, Miehigan owes
these alumni a debt of gratitude for their sup-
port, and preference in seat locations is little
payment enough.
One look at the University's extensive and
elaborate sports program, all financed largely by
profits from football, should convince anyone
that the financial aspect of college football is
very important and the University's primary ob-
ligation is not to the students but to the people
whose financial support makes football a profit-
able institution. - Pfc. George W. Walsh, Jr.

the bills the inflationists write and bring around
to it. Our Congress stands four-square in favor
of both fire and water.
Judge Vinson is in charge of economic stabili-
zation. His authority stems from a bill passed
by Congress, giving the executive side the power
to stabilize wages. Judge Vinson has set a limit
on wage increases for railroad workers. What
happens? The railroad workers go directly to
Congress, which prepares to pass a special reso-
lution, for them alone, giving them the increases
they seek. So we have another pair of hot and
cold running resolutions, one setting up wage
stabilization and the other wrecking it. Congress
sternly informs the executive side that it must
and it mustn't.
But what am I doing here, denouncing an
institution of representative government,
when, as everybody knows, it, is dictators
whom we are fighting?
I do so because this particular Congress is
talking double-talk, and double-talk is the real
enemy of the world. Double-talk and unclarity.
As between some red-necked dictator telling his
people that war is the answer to their problems,
and a collection of timid men in our own coun-
try whispering that inflation is the answer, there
is a certain kinship of confusion that sets both
apart from the plain people. Both belong to the
great brotherhood of the wrong answer, even if
there is no other connection between them.
Order! This Congress is looking for the soft
way out, at a time wher, we are supposed to be
spending our blood and treasure treading the
hard way.
But hasn't Congress been sweet lately about
endorsing a world organization for peace? I
don't know. I am beginning to have my doubts
about those who are clear only as to foreign
affairs; one eye-glass of crystal, the other cloud-
ed. It seems to me that too many of our political
figures (and commentiators too) are finding that
an easy way to make a living. Look homeward,
angels; there is trouble in our own back yard.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
IT'S NOT a very shapely leg, at that. A little
too thick in the ankles, too tough-looking
about the knee, and our mother hints it may be
slightly bowed.
But despite these defects, our friends and
particularly the faculty seem to take great
delight in pulling our leg.
First, our friends. As soon as they discover
that we are collecting money for a new cause, or
have another petition to defeat the poll tax, or
because we saw fascism walking unnoticed into
University Hall last night.. . they pounce. They
invent Belgian babies and then laugh at the
anger with which we denounce a nothing, a joke.
They tell us we should start to act our age-they
throw platitudes at us as they fall from their
gilt-framed places on the living room wall:
Rome wasn't built in a day; you can't change
human nature; what can't be cured must be
endured. Etc. They sigh for our 'exuberance'
and say 'it too shall pass away." They pull our
leg till we have to twist and turn to escape with
even a vestige of our reflexes intact.
Badly sprained, we visit the faculty, those
members known as "liberals," "good fellows."
They ask us to sit down in their white-walled
offices with bookshelves and autographed pho-
tos above their desks. And then they start in.
Gently, deftly, with infinite skill and the kind
of ability that comes only from long experience,
they proceed to pull the other leg. The process
is slower, goes deeper, and is many times more
painful. There is a pattern in it all; if we go to
enough of them we see it. From the English De-
partment to Sociology to Political Science to
Anthropology, and on around the Lit. School.
S THINK one way of getting to the bottom of
this problem of yours is for me to tell you a

little story . . ." And then the fatal yank . .. "I
was a 'radical' myself, in my youth. I joined
organizations and made stump speeches. But
. . ." here another hearty pull at our leg, now
well out of joint, "I have found, since I've gotten
older, that" . . . and out fly the rest of the plati-
tudes our friends left behind . . . "I have found
that the more we understand other people's
problems, the more we try to see both sides of
each question as it comes up . . . the more we
find that there is good and bad in everything."
The anesthetic completely affective, we are now
ready for the operation.
But one of the "old fellows," taking over
from there, hears the story. Conservative he
may be, and a member of the "old school."
but definite . . . "This is black and that is
white, and the speckled I'll leave to your 'lib-
eral' idols." And suddenly our leg is well again,
back in shape. Why so?
So we can give the pseudo hyphens (pseudo-
anything you wish) the swift kick they deserve
for saying they are something they either never
were, or have long since renounced.
Because there are a few twists our leg won't
take. Try as you will, you can't take out the
kink above the left knee. .. 119 known lynch-




WASHINGTON, Nov. 23-The U.S.
Public Health Service is having a
tough time persuading the Senate
to appropriate $1,000,000 for the re-
location of doctors to areas where
medical services are desperately
short. Senator Kenneth McKellar of
Tennessee, chairman of a Senate
Appropriations sub-committee con-
sidering the bill, left no doubts about
his position during a recent closed-
door hearing. -
When two-fisted young Senator
Claude Pepper of Florida was at-
tempting to explain how the million
dollars was to be used in placing 600
physicians and dentists in areas
where there was an extreme short-
age, Senator Rufus Holman of Ore-
gon broke in:
"Will the Senator tell me if the
matter of socialized medicine enters
into this at all?"
Pepper replied that there were
apt to be epidemics in certain sec-
tions unless the Federal Govern-
ment stepped in. He quoted let-
ters and telegrams from Doctor
James Paullin of Atlanta, Ga.,
president of the American Medical
Association, Surgeon-General Nor-
man T. Kirk of the Army, and Dr.
Frank Lahey of the War Manpow-
er Commission's procurement and
assignment service, indorsing the
proposed appropriation.
Oregon's Holman seemed to be sat-
isfied with the explanation, but Ten-
nesee's McKellar was far from con-
"This is socialized medicine," he
exclaimed wrothily, "and I won't ap-
prove it. Why have you waited until
this late stage to try to put over
something like this?"
"We're not trying to put any-
thing over," shot back Pepper.
"The House Appropriations Com-
mittee approved the idea of doctor-
relocation six months ago, and
everybody, including the American
Medical Association, seems to be
agreed that it is necessary if we are
to prevent some of the disease epi-
demics that occurred during the
last war."
"Well, I'm going to give it serious
consideration before I approve it,"
responded McKellar.
Senator Overton of Louisiana sup-
ported McKellar.

ic and political rights - before
Pearl flarbor. After Pearl Harbor,
however, he could not help but
sympathize with the U.S.A., and
frowned on his country's isolation.
So, just a few months before he
would have been retired on pension,
his government ousted him. Never
paid much of a salary and with no
independent means. Espil will be vir-
tually penniless.
Capitol Chaff.
Chief reason why the Duke and
Duchess of Windsor stayed out of
Nassau during the Marigny trial was
because they knew they would be de-
luged with requests for interviews by
U.S. newsmen and sob-sisters .
Forthright Cong. Estes Kefau-
ver, the young Cordell Hull of Ten-
nessee, has introduced one of the
most important resolutions of the
current session. It would require Cab-
inet members to face an hour or two
of grilling from Congress once or
twice a week in order that Congress
may know what the executive arm of
the government is doing . . . During
the Bill Bullitt mayoralty campaign
in Philadelphia, Republican attacks
on his sexy book, "It Isn't Done," got
so bad that Congressman Jim Mc-
Granery went to Cardinal Dougherty
to inquire about a rumor that the
Catholic Church would denounce the
book. The Cardinar good-naturedly

replied: "Tell Mr. Bulliti to laugh it
off." . . . When Secretary Tiull writes
his own speeches, he does an A-1 job.
But when he lets his ghost writer,
Leo Paslovsky, operate, he doesn't.
Baruch.'s Inflation . .
Elder Statesman Bernard M. Bar-
uch delivers an unadvertised lecture
on inflation every morning to fellow
passengers of a "pool" taxicab which
he takes to hiis office in the Carlton.
The fare per passenger is 30
cents, but "Bernie" always slips the
driver a dollar bill. The other
morning, one of his taxicab friends
challenged this $1 tip.
"You have spent twenty minutes
lecturing to usdabout inflation, Mr.
Baruch," he said, "yet you have just
paid this driver one dollar for a 30=
cent ride. How do you explain that?"
Baruch grinned. The taxicab driv-
er, however, saw no humor in the
situation. He tossed one of his dirti-
est looks at Baruch's friend.
Merry-Go-Round .
. el~f- 1- Of(I . .
Leon Henderson is now making
$75,000-seven times as much as
when he was Czar of OPA. . . British
censorship in Cairo tried to stop the
story, but pro-democratic Greek sol-
diers stationed in Syria expelled 190
Greek officers because those officers
were propagandizing in favor of un-
popular, unwanted King George of
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd4

By Lichty,

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Envoy's Reward.
Argentina's ex-Ambassador Espil
is being rewarded for his long years
of service in Washington by being
stripped of his pension, ousted from
the diplomatic service and "investi-
gated" by the military fascists now
running his country. They contend
he was too pro-American.
Espil, called the "modern Jusser-
and of Washington," had served
more than 30 years in the Argen-
tine diplomatic service - twenty
of them here at various times. He
has an American wife, the former
Courtney Letts of Chicago. Al-
though pro-American, he was also
a fighter for his country's econom-

'I anticipate trouble with some of these new members-they've
not a thing in their heads but new ideas!'



TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 19
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should bA submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Library Hours, Thanksgiving Day:
On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25th, the
Main Reading Room and the Periodi-
cal Room of the General Library will
be open from 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
The departmental and collegiate li-
braries and study halls will be closed,
with the exception of the study hall
on the first floor of the General Li-
brary, which will be open from 8:00.
A.M. until noon for the use of men
in the armed forces. .
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for use on
that day will be made available in
the Main Reading Room if request is
made on Wednesday to an Assistant
in the Reading Room where the books
are usually shelved.
W. G. Rice, Director
Civilian students who purchased
student tickets for the Michigan-
Minnesota football game and have
not yet presented their Deposit Re-
ceipts for refund are asked to do so
immediately. Refunds will be made
at the Ticket Office in the Adminis-
tration Building on Ferry Field from
8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily until
Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become
void after that date and no further
rn.-.2 mm ll a mAAP.N_ 0.Cn er.1 I

wise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor,
Extension 2136.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the chorus whose records of atten-
dance are clear will please call for
their courtesy pass tickets for the
Menuhin concert today between the
hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. After
4 o'clock no tickets will be, issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
University Lecture: Dr. Albert H.
Burrows, Professor of Economics and
Sociology at Northern Michigan Col-
lege of Education, will lecture on the
subject, "Social Problems of the Nor-
thern Peninsula" under the auspices
of the Department of Sociology on
Friday, Nov. 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is invited.
Academic Notices
All Students are invited to audition
for membership in the University of
Michigan Concert Band. Auditions
will be held at Morris Hall as per the
following schedule: Saxaphones -
Tuesday, Nov. 23, 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.;
French Horns-Tues., Nov. 23, 4:30 to
6 p.m.; Cornets, Trumpets-Wednes-
day, Nov. 24, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; Bari-
tones, Euphoniums - Wednesday,
Nov. 24, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Trombones-
Friday, Nov. 26, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Tuba
-Friday, Nov. 26, 5:15 to 6 p.m.;
String Bass-Saturday, Nov. 27, 10:30
to 11 a.m.; Percussion-Saturday,
Nov. 27, 11 a.m.
Students unable to audition at
hn- mreu inlofr xrl p t-n nthm.

Chemistry 'Building. Dr. Albert L.
Henne will discuss "Some Observa-
tions on the Chemical Effect of Poly-
fluorinated Groups."
The special short course in speeded
reading will be given for students who
wish to improve their reading ability.
Those interested will meet today,
at 5:00 p.m. in Room 4009, University
High School Building, School of Edu-
cation. At that time the course will
be explained and time of meeting set.
If you are interested and cannot at-
tend the organization meeting, call
Mr. Morse, Ext. 682, for further in-
formation. There is no charge for
this non-credit course.
Men's and Women's Debate: As an-
nounced last week, there will be iden-
tical meetings today at 3:00 p.m. and
at 4:00 p.m. in room 4208, Angell Hall.
Choral Union Concert: Yehudi
Menuhin, violinist, and Adolph Bal-
ler, accompanist, will be heard in the
third concert in the Choral Union
Series this evening at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Menuhin will pre-
sent a program of ' violin music by
Beethoven, Bach, Bartok, Debussy,
Vill Lobos, Guarnieri, and Kreisler.
A limited number of tickets are
still available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
Scroll will meet tonight at 5 o'clock

United 'States Must Meet Responsibility of Sending
Food Requirements to Famine-Stricken India
A'S Hindu-Moslem dispute is getting a rest ousness of the situation in time to alleviate it.
starving natives and semi-indifferent Brit- The British Government, which has long been
ficials tangle with the horrors of famine noted for its disinterest in the welfare of India's
avaging the Bengal province, rapidly increasing population, is facing a prob-
famine, one of the worst in India's his- lem of prime importance not only to the natives
is ividly reported in the Nov. 22 Life Mag- temselvesibutitortandoAm eriai es
vividy reor m v. - themselves but to British and Amherican interests

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