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November 20, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-20

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,.,-, . _

Fifty-Fourth Year

Id ate Be Right

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Df Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.50, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin .
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . .Women's Editor
. . . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist

Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter ".
Martha Opsion

Business Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager
ne 23-24-1

- -
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Students Get Raw Deal
On Ticket Distribution
PLAYS its last football game of
the season today, quite conceivably the last
for a long time. This contest, along with the
one with Minnesota, is one of the traditional
games of the year. And yet, there is one thing
* out of place.
The University of Michigan student body
will be scattered all over . the huge stadium,
and in seats which even freshmen do not de-
serve, while on the fifty yard line sit the
bottle-passers, celebrities, and other fortun-
ate individuals who "know someone." We have
watched the Wolverines play for four seasons,
and were well satisfied with our seats until
this year, bait now even the seniors received
seats that were formerly given to freshmen
and sophomores.
Usually one has to go a long way to find even
a minor complaint against the University. This
issue, however, should receive serious considera-
tion by officials of the Athletic Department.
Students are playing in these games, bringing
in money that pays for all the other sports-why
shouldn't their fellow students sit in favorable
UST WHAT DO WE MEAN by favorable
seats? Certainly not the ones' that the stu-
dent body were given this year. Last year most
of the juniors sat in section 24. This year that
section is reserved for the alumni and general
public that buy season tickets, while the seniors
were moved over to section 25 (if they were
lucky). Just why these season ticket holders
should receive preference over students who are
going to school here is beyond us.
We happen to know that a certain party
(an alumnus) was promised between 500 and
700 tickets on the fifty yard line for either
the Notre Dame or Minnesota games for the
purpose of running an excursion trip to
Ann Arbor. Because of transportation dif-
ficulties the promotion did not materialize,
but nevertheless the tickets were promised
him. Why should these people receive pref-
erence over students?
Something must be done about the ticket
situation in the future, and we suggest that the
students receive a "square deal."
-Bud Low

NEW YORK, Nov. 20.-A great fuss is sudden-
ly being made about the unorganized worker.
The New York Times has discovered that there
are 15,000,000 heads of families in this group.
These millions have not received the wage in-
creases of 15 percent (andIlore) which organ-
ized workers have obtained under the Little
Stel formula. And the cost of living is up.
What to do?
Thus the Times gleefully employs this new
fact to support its previous contention that the
wage level for organized workers is too high. But
the Times has also been for a federal sales tax.
It has been for a federal sales tax on the ground
that "workers" are rolling in money etc. Doesn't
the discovery of a group of 15,000,000 workers
who are not rolling money call for some revision
of past attitudes toward a general sales tx?
We cannot have it both ways; we cannot
picture the country's workers as rolling in
money when it is rhetorically advantageous
to picture them as rolling in money, and not
rolling in money when it is argumentatively
appropriate to find that multitudes of them
are not.
I use the Times only as an example, for I like
the paper, and, in fact, read it every morning.
If it were not for some of the Times's writers,
I would not fully realize that the way to a brave
new world is to keep Russia out of Esthonia,
and for us to get new islands; and I would miss
much other valuable information.
But I cannot get it through my head how it is
possible, for example, to be against food sub-
sidies to keep living costs down, as the Times is,
immediately after having discovered that 15,-
000,000 workers are not enjoying wage increases.
The Times makes an earnest effort to meet
this issue by proposing that we adopt the Cana-
dian system, under which workers earning less
than $25 a week receive a 1 percent wage in-
crease, for each 1 percent increase in the cost
of living. Workers earning :etwen,$25 and $60
receive 25 cents additional each week for each
1 point rise in living costs, and workers earning
more than $60 receive naught. But that doesn't
solve the thing.
For the Times is not alone in discovering
new groups in our population The Office of
Price Administration recently found a new
group, just as big as the Tnes's group of the
unorganized. This is that great group of Am-
ericans, one-fourth of our people, who live on
fixed incomes. -
Included are Army and Navy personnel,and
their dependents; civil service workers, police-
men, firemen, school teachers; men and women
who are retired on small, pensions; others living
on investments, and on the proceeds of insur-
~~ I
- (e
IF THERE WERE a few more men like Will
Rogers, Jr., in Congress, the people of the
United States would have little to worry about.
Rep. Rogers electrified his audience in Hill
Auditorium Wednesday night when he spoke
on "The United States in Foreign Affairs."
There was nothing half-hearted about his
speech. Rep. Rogers has studied the problems
that will arise in the post-war world, and he
knows that international cooperation after the
war is imperative. He did not return from
abroad with warped opinions of our Allies and
their war efforts as did the five globe-trotting
Senators. He is not adding to the:-already un-
easy minds of the nation by spreading absurd
reports that our Allies are not fighting.
Rep. Rogers. is not letting his opinions on
foreign policy be colored by selfish, national-
istic views, as are many of our "honorable"
Congressmen. He is not afraid of post-war co-

operation, he is not afraid that such cooperation
will destroy the United States as a world power.
He knows that the only course through which
the United Stateswill remain a world power
is through such cooperation.
-The City Editor

ance policies. The Canadian plan would not
reach most of these. The federal government
cannot tell municipalities how much to pay their
help. (In fact this would be federal interfer-
ence with local self government, which is against
another of the Times's principles.) So we are
back where we started, still facing the need to
control the cost of living.
As a matter of fact, the discovery of "groups"
is a dangerous business. It is like the quarrel
between "the soldiers" and "the workers" which
a few Congressmen tried to steam up last year,
but have now dropped because of the immin-
ence of the Presidential elections. It turned out,
after a while, that many soldiers were indisput-
ably the sons of workers, or brothers, or hus-
bands of same, and did not belong to different
groups at all. It is just conceivable that unor-
ganized workers, are the sons, fathers, brothers,
husbands, or wives of organized workers, and
that to cut down the income of the second group,
without curbing prices, would not help the first
group at all.
What good does it do to freeze an opposing
economic group, only to find that you have
frozen your own father? To keep living costs
down still makes more sense than all the group
arguments taken together.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
GEE WHIZ, already we got fan mail.
Presenting Miss Abby Lewin of Betsy Bar-
bour, late of New York's own Greenwich Village.
"I do wish Bluepoint had left a little Oyster
in the shell. It would be meat, anyway, and
maybe even a pearl. But it seems a shameful
waste in these rationed times to use a most
precious medium of expression-ten inches of
blank newspaper-for an Indifferent dedica-
tion to Trivia!'"
Answer to first charge-Black market activ-
Innocent-Oysters aren't rationed.
"It presumably makes a lovely satire on a
certain type of precious intellectualism, which I
thought even Greenwich Village had outgrown
by 1929. Of course the nicotine mist and reboil-
ed caffein can't compare with the old days of
opium but they seem to produce the same ef-
Precisely. We see in Ann Arbor escapism
and dabbling artistry the exact cause of
Greenwich Village. We are precious intellec-
tuals, that what's so wrong. i. e. from "nicotine
mist" to opium with perhaps a mediating ad-
dition to nembutal or exam-time benzedrine.
Plea-Guilty as sin.
"T TIS TO BE FEARED," Miss Abby asserts,
"that only intimates will be able to consider
themselves a parcel of pigeons with any idea
of what they mean."
We are here inclined to disagree. We be-
lieve that nearly every one of college age has
been conditioned to pigeons and their frequent
recurrance within their environmental sphere.
Thus the familiar phrases, "pigeon breasted,"
"pigeon-hearted," "pigeon-livered," etc., which
according to Webster, mean almost exactly what
we mean when we say that we (students, now,
in general) have become "only a parcel of pig-
Objection-being intimate with us has noth-
ing to do with imagining one's self a pigeon.
If Miss Abby personally has difficulty feel-
ing pigeonish, we suggest that she stand in
some clear space approximately five feet from
any neighboring obstruction, kneel, close her
eyes, clasp her shoulders with her hands and
flap her elbows violently.
We tried this experiment under scientific con-
trols in several cases shortly before the first
column was written and found that it was high-
ly conducive to imaginative freedom of the sort
described. In fact, one patient almost complete-
ly lost his fear of traffic and was later found

kneeling at the curb on State street at the en-
trance to the Arcade. Another expressed a new
fondness for kernels of corn.
NOT TO BE LITERARY about all this, but
we were thinking at the time of a little song
in "She Stoops to Conquer" which says that
books and learning are all "only a parcel of
Apt, eh?
Modernists may prefer to imagine themselves
the pigeons of "Pigeons on the Grass, Alas."
It's allthe same to us.
Quoting from us:
"Very much known by the bookstores and
recognized by the dean of women, there's an
English Professor who calls us by our first
name," Miss Abby says that we "will probably
have the dubious publicity of being quoted in a
fourth grade grammar as an example of how
the subject of a sentence may be missed."
Quoting from a fourth grade grammar:
"Sentence subjects may be implied." Impli-
cation here-"We Are." Can it be made to
read "We are very much known by the book
stores, etc. ."
Quoting from Miss Abby's letter: "It must be
fui to write (neriod). Here (capitol. new sen-

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-Secre-
tary Hull's historic appearance be-
fore Congress to report on his mis-
sion to Moscow was unanimously con-
sidered helpful, especially by a group
of Senators who long ago urged Hull
to be more' cooperative with the Sen-
ate. They believe some of the mis-
takes of the .war might have been
avoided had there been more cooper-
ation in the past.
Leader of this group is far-sight-
ed Senator Wiley of Wisconsin,
who, nearly three years ago, saw
what might be coming and intro-
duced a resolution-February, 1941
-calling upon Secretary Hull to
give the Senate the true picture
of the international situation, espe-
cially in the Far East.
But Wiley's resolution was frowned
upon by the State Department, got
nowhere. Could Hull have been per-
suaded to report to the Senate then
presumably he would have included
the warning of U.S. Ambassador
Grew, who had told Hull, in January.
1941, that the Japs were ready for
war and that an attack could be ex-,
pected anytime.
Senate leaders are confident
that, if they had had close cooper-
ation with Secretary Hull, they
could have persuaded Congress-
even Senate isolationists-to vote
more money for planes, and could
have kept the nation much more
on the alert. Thus, Pearl Harbor
might not have happened.
"With knowledge of Grew's report,"
says Senator Wiley, "we would not
have been caught with our suspenders
off. With more cooperation between
Hull and the Senate, we might now
be one year ahead in the Pacific. Hull
is making a good beginning, but it is
three years late. Let's hope such
cooperation will be our constant
practice in the future."
'Congresswoman' .
Broad-gauged young Representa-
tive Will Rogers, Jr., of California
gets a lot of correspondence because
of his aggressive stand on interna-
tional issues, and takes it in his
stride. However, a recent letter left
him flabbergasted-though not half
as flabbergasted as one of Rogers'
two-fisted GOP colleagues, Represen-
tative Clare Hoffman, Michigan anti-
New Dealer, might have been.
"I disagree with your views on for-
eign policies," the letter read, "be-

cause you are too much of an inter-
nationalist, like Vice-President Wal-
lace. Thank God we still have some
members of Congress with backbone
enough to speaki out for the other
side, including wo fine Congress-
women, Clare Booth Luce and Clare
Cortiiriue 'r . ...
The corn war is on again-to de-
termine whether to let the price rise
above present ceilings. Last sum-
mer's battle on the same issue was
settled by holding the ceiling, but
the pressure for a rise is now stronger
than ever.
Basic problem is the growing
shortage of feed grains in dairy and
poultry sections, especially in the
East. That shortage is not acute
now, because farmers are using
their home-grown grains, but these
will r Out soon, and the great
stocks of Midwest grain will have
to move east if flocks and herds are
to be kept alive.
As usual, agriculture officials are
lined up on one side, OPA on the
other. Here is the lineup:
Howard R. Tolley, Chief of the
Bureau of Agricultural Economics,


SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 1943
By Lichty

":She's replacing Snodgrass, who was released for active duty!"

says flatly that the price of corn must
go up, so that corn-hog farmers will
find it more profitable to sell their
corn than to feed it to hogs.
J. B. Hutson, Assistant Director of
the Food Production Administration,
takes the same view as Tolley, and
has more to say about the decision as
head of an action agency.
Richard Gilbert, OPA economist,
says, "The price of corn will go up
over my dead body." He contends a
price increase would let down the
bars to a boost in the price of living
all along the line.
Economic Stabilizer Vinson has
made no commitment, but is known
to be opposed. He fears that an in-
crease for corn would increase prices
of chicken feed and dairy feed and
make things tough for all except corn
Note: Real trouble, according to
many officials, is that hog farmer
Secretary of Agriculture Claude
Wickard long delayed in helping to
put a ceiling price on hogs, and that
even now the ceiling price on hogs is
so profitable that hog farmers feed
their corn at home rather than sell


SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 17
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Seniors in Aeronautical and Me-
chanical Engineering: Dr. Levin of
the Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Cor-
poration, San Diego, Calif., will inter-
view graduating seniors on Monday
morning, Nov. 22, in Room B-47 East
Engineering Building. Interested men
will please sign the interview schedule
posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
ing Bulletin. Board, near Room B-47
East Engineering Building. Applica-
tion blanks are to be filled out in ad-
vance of the interview and may be
obtained in the Aeronautical Depart-
ment Office.
Seniors in Mechanical, Aeronauti-
cal, Civil and Electrical Engineering:'
Mr. Perry Gage, Field Representative,
of Lockheed-Vega Aircraft Corpora-
tion, Burbank, Calif., will interview
Seniors on Monday, Nov. 22, in Room
214 West Engineering Building.
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board at Room 221 West En-
gineering Bldg. Blanks are available
in Room 221.
German Departmental Library
hours, Fall Term 1943-44: 1:30-4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday; 10:00-
12:00 a.m., Tuesdays and Saturdays,
204 University Hall.

School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
today. Students must report all
changes of elections at the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease
nor begin until .all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instructor
are not official changes.
All Students are invited to audition
for membership in the University of
Michigan Concert Band. Auditions
will be held at Morris Hall as per the
following schedule: Flutes, Oboe's,
English Horns, Bassoons-Monday,
Nov. 22, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; E flat Clari-
nets, B flat Clarinets, Alto Clarinets,
Bass Clarinets-Monday, Nov. 22,
4:30 to 6 p.m.; Saxophones-Tuesday,
Nov. 23, 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.; French
Horns-Tuesday, Nov. 23, 4:30 to 6
p.m.; Cornets, Trumpets-Wednes-
day, Nov. 24, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; Bari-
tones, Euphoniums - Wednesday,
Nov. 24, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Trombones-
Friday, Nov. 26, 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Tuba
-Friday, Nov. 26, 5:15 to 6 p.m.;
String Bass-Saturday, Nov. 27, 10:30
to 11 a.m.; Percussion-Saturday,
Nov. 27, 11 a.m.
Students unable to audition at
hours indicated will be given other
audition periods by calling at Morris
Hall any afternoon from 1:00 to 4:30
Rehearsal schedule will be deter-
mined after the membership has been
selected and the available time deter-
mined. Concerts and radio broad-
casts will be presented at appropriate
periods. W. D. Revelli, Conductor

Events Today
The Roger Williams Guild is spon-
soring a Football Party tonight at
Wesley Foundation: Party for stu-
dents and servicemen at 9 o'clock.
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-
sal of Michigan songs for serenade.
Additional try-outs for new members
Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in Room 305,
Michigan Union.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Follow-
ing the supper Mr. Theodore Mark-
wood, a law student, will talk on
"Why I Am a Lutheran." Students
and servicemen are invited.
Christian Scientists on campus are
invited to attend a reception in the
Hussey Room in the Michigan League
on Sunday, Nov. 21, at 4:00 p.m.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Class for students. and
servicemen at 9:30 a.m. Prof. Ken-
neth Hance, leader. Morning Wor-
ship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "Un-
rationed Thanks." Wesleyan Guild
Meeting at 5:00 p.m. Dr. H. D. Bol-
linger, Executive Secretary of the
Methodist Student Movement, will be
the speaker. The Naval-Marine Chor-
us will sing. Supper and fellowship
hour at 6:00 p.m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul and Body." Sunday
School at 11:45 a.m. Free Reading
Room at 106 E. Washington St., open
daily, except Sundays and holidays,
from 11:30 to 5:00; Saturdays until
9:00 p.m.
Grace Bible Fellowship: 10:00 a.m.,
University Bible Class. Ted Groes-
beck, teacher. 11:00 a.m., Message by
Rev. H. J. DeVries on "Five Thousand
Fed." 7:30 p.m., Subject "Joseph."
Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Midweek Bible
Study. The pastor will begin the
teaching of the Book of Leviticus.
First Unitarian Church: 10:40 a.m.,
TT;--- ,_ ,..A-0n1 '

Women 'With University Degrees Are Urgently
Needed to Fill Important Jobs in Armed Forces

to words like patriotism, all-out for the war
effort, personal sacrifices and responsibilities.
We laud the defenders of our country in glowing
terms. We speak highly of the American wo-
man and the part that she is doing in the war,
but usually we try to keep these things as far
away from us personally as we can.
Never in history has there been such an
urgent need for the services of American wo-
men. And never in history has there been
such an opportunity for women to serve their
country in a time of need. Through the wo-
men's Auxiliaries, the WACs, the WAVEs, the
QPARc an +he Mrine . areat Job in the war

might have concerning the WAVEs. It is
hoped that University women nearing gradua-
tion will begin to think very seriously about
service to their country following -graduation.
At the present time 20,000 WAVEs are urgently
needed to bring the total number in service up
to 47,000 by the end of the year. There are jobs
that these 20,000 WAVEs can do, vitally im-
portant jobs which will release some man for
active duty.
A WAVE will serve at an important NPivaI
Station somewhere in the U. S. A. But work
in the WAVEs is not a part-time "glamour"
job. Of course, it's fun and the smart uniforms
mana . o . sw:.. lut. Cho, u ...us.. ao-.: s . a -

All of the girls who signed up to be Choral ion Concert: Yehudi
USO hostesses must turn in their two Menuhin violinist, and Adolph Bal-
letters of recommendation to Mrs. Ier, aconist, wnd giolhet
Burton in the Office of the Social er, accompanist, will give the third
Director at the League as soon as program in the Choral Union Series,
possible. Tuesday evening, Nov. 23, at 8:30
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limited
number of tickets are available for all

Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Fall Term.
Nov. 20 is therefore the last date on
which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student

remaining'concerts in the series, ex-
cept for the Boston Symphony and
the Don Cossack concert, for which
standing room tickets only remain.
These tickets, as well as those for the
"Messiah" performance, Dec. 19, and
the Chamber Music Festival on Jan.
21 and 22, will continue on sale as
long as they last. at the offices of the
Universyv Musical Society in Burton


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