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I'd Rather Be' Rig ht
NEW YORK, March 20.-If you asked me, I
woujd say the best definition of democracy is
that it is a government based on respect for facts.
Everything else follows from that, including free
speech, which is merely free trade in facts. To
me, a true liberal democrat is not a pinky, not a
softy, not an amiable gent who thinks some-
thing should be done for the depressed classes,
but, simply and entirely, a man who is willing
to go wherever the facts lead him.
He may make mistakes, of course; he may often
think he sees facts when he sees only spots be-
fore his eyes, but, anyway, he tries.
Your non-liberal, contrariwise, is the lad who
rides with the facts until they begin to move
too fast for him; then he closes his eyes, puts
his hands over his ears, and hoots "bureau-
cracy!" or "states' rights!" or some other
phrase which really means, mother come and
save your child.
If I am right, as of course I am, then respect
for truth, anybody's truth, truth in patches or
truth in mink, is the basic sign of health in a
democracy. But when men begin to mumble and
grow shy in the presence of truth, when they
shout at her to cover their own embarrassment,
- e Ied ,
AMERICANS are properly sceptical about pan-
aceas. They doubt whether any plan so far
formulated will lead to the solution of their
major peace problems. This sentiment, it seems
to me, is sound. In fact, I think we can safely
go one step farther, and say that men have not
as yet found even the proper approach to such a
solution. This dlone has thrown thought on
the subject out of kilter from its starting point.
Consequently, I want to put forth an approach
which is gaining more and more currency in
sociological circles. Its acceptance may well
lead to the answers we seek.
Those of you who have read E. M. Forster's
remarkable "A Passage to India" will remem-
ber Prof. Godoble who sometimes speaks for
the author. Says the professor, "When evil
occurs, it expresses the whole of the universe."
IHugh Walpole had the same thing to say in
"Semantics" when he wrote, "Anything has a
cause and the cause of anything is everything"
This outlook is the one for which I am plugging
here. It has a direct application to the socio-
political world. It looks upon our problems as '
being all of a piece. It considers the disease
that afflicts mankind as a systematic one-
the symptoms, but not the causes of which,
are greed, aggression and violence. Germany
wreaks havoc on the world not because Ger-
man love for war is inborn, but because world
conditions permit the rise and temporary
triumph of Adolph Hitler.
This Hitler, a paranoic ex-paper hanger thrust
upon the scene of power politics, signifies noth-
ing by himself. He could have affected precious
few of his dastardly schemes had not the Great
Powers pussy-footed and highhatted the Wei-
rrlar Republic, which itself mirrored an insecure
world. What use can Ire served, then, in exam-
ining the temperamental make-up of Hitler or
his associates, deciding it is bad, and ignoring
the real factors of external causation? Yet Al-
lied statesmen seem to think mere removal of
the rascals in power suffices to insure peace. Aft-
er we have tried and convicted the "war crim-
inals," some people are deluded into thinking,
we can rest easy.
SONQTABLE a liberal as George Soule can
seriously talk about the "German problem"
as if it were an independent, isolated enigma,
disregarding what has been proved so many times
in so many ways about the non-existence of such
things as "a Negro problem" or "the Jewish
problem." For, they are all one. Germany will
cease to menace more peaceful neighbors when
the world cures itself of the illnesses that are
everywhere present and manifest.
At the one extreme there stand those who
would treat Germany with kid gloves; at the
other extreme there fume the Vansittarts. Nei-
ther displays an iota of insight. Not a few sim-
ilarly benighted blue printers would have the
Allies Balkanize Germany. Others propose su-
perimposition of our educational system and our
educators on Germany.
Noy, the problem is how to maintain peace.
So long as we view the problem in terms of the
Prussian aggressive spirit or Hitlerian oratory
instead of in terms of over all politico-economic
maladjustment--our search for peace will be
The gradual abdication of national sover-
eignty, the abolition of trade barriers, the re-
nunciation of imperialism, the establishment
of international arbitration and an interna-
tional police force to scotch aggression wher-
ever it breaks out: therein lie the instruments
from which a better world can be forged. Every
approach from within any single country-
postulating a vindictive peace is so sterile as
to be useless.
This, forsooth. is One Sick World.
-Bernard Rosenberg
or thrust her out of doors because they cannot
stand the look in her eye, then we are in trouble.
I have the feeling that truth is spending a lot
of her time out-of-doors lately. We have been
discussing the food subsidy issue for a year. We
have discussed subsidies from the viewpoint of
whether the President is a dictator; we have
discussed subsidies from the viewpoint of wheth-
er they are immoral; we have discussed them
from the viewpoint of whether George Washing-
ton would have been for them; we have dis-
cussed them from the viewpoints of esthetics and
character-building. But if there has been any
major Congressional discussion of subsidies from
the simple, factual standpoint of whether or
not they have done the job of keeping prices
down, I must have been tying my shoe at the
moment, for I have missed it.
T RUTH, a little bedraggled from spending so
much time in the parks, did slip into a meeting
of the Senate Banking and Currency Committee
the other day. Chester Bowles, head of the Of-
fice of Price Administration, was testifying.
He said that his office, with the help of sub-
sidies, had held the cost of living to a net in-
crease, in statistical terms, of exactly zero during
the last 11 months. * That, to my mind, is the
kind of fact that gives off sparks; it whirls. arid
carries its own neon lights.
Truth, when she heard Mr. Bowles, laughed
softly in her corner of the room, and took off
her stockings and playfully waggled her bare
toes. It w.s the most shocking thing the hon-
orable Senators had seen in months.
They may throw her out on her ear again, btt
I am glad she did have one nice afternoon. Poor
girl, she has been having a thin time of it.
There was a special guard poited during the
entire debate on soldier voting, to keep her out
of the Capitol, lest she get in through a window,
or something, and make the obvious remark that
it was a funny coincidence that almost all those
who thought the chief issue was states' rights
were opponents of the President.
l She made a side trip up to Albany, while Mr.
Dewey was announcing his solution of the sol-
diers' vote problem, through a State plan for
New Yorkers in the services. All she wanted to
say was that there were 47 other states, which
is certainly an innocent remark, but the way
she had doors banged in her face, you would
think she was a scarlet woman, or something.
She has been trying her best, lately, to get
into the continuing discussion over the "food
muddle." She only wants to say that we're eat-
ing, our heads off. So far they've kept her out.
I follow her struggles with interest, for we're all
going to be in trouble if she ever finds a fence
she can't climb.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndieate)
LocalStore is Guilty
Ofiolating Rati o La
ACLERK in the shoe department of a local
downtown store answered a customer's ques-
tion by saying "Oh, yes. We accept loose stamps.
They're all for shoes anyway, so what difference
does it make?"
It makes a lot of difference.
. It's true that all the stamps are for shoes
and can be used to purchase only a certain
number of pairs anyway, there being only so
many legally issued shoe stamps in existance,
and, what is more to the point, only so many new
But, a system of rationing isn't enforced
primarily to cut consumption; the curtailed
supplies being manufactured would limit the
number of shoes purclased without the use of
a single book of stamps. Rationing is estab-
lished in order that every individual may have
his fair share of the limited supplies of goods.
Paragraph 167 of the law covering shoe ra-
tioning states that stamps are to be detached
in the presence of the salesman selling the goods
and was included in the law for the express pur-
pose of preventing persons from using illegally
gained stamps. If any person who is able to
buy or by other means gain possession of a
ration stamp is able to buy a pair of shoes, the
ration system is pointless and supplies are not
being allocated on a share-and-share-alike basis.
Stores which turn in unattacked stamps and
stores accepting loose stamps for shoes or for
any other rationed goods are guilty of a fla-
grant violation of the law. Even more im-
portant, such persons and such establishments
are directly fostering black market operations.
-Margaret Farmer
What Laor has Done
Man-days of labor used by manufacturing,
mining and construction, but not including agri-
dulture, in 1943 exceeded by 76 per cent the man-
days of labor used in 1939 despite the fact that
over 10 million men have been withdrawn from
the labor pool for service in the armed forces
. ..The difference between man-days lost be-
cause of strikes when compared to total man-
days worked in the United States is only 0.025
per cent. -Truman Committee Report
''--' GO
,WASHINGTON, March 20 -Gov-
einment officials have been wonder -
ing whether Norman Taylor, Rocke-
feller Plaza, New York, should regis-
ter with the Justice Department as
a foreign agent, in view of his activi-
ties for the Cinchona Products Insti-
tute, which represents the Dutch qui-
nine cartel.
Already, even before the war is
over and long before we have begun
to rival the Dutch by getting any
appreciable quinine production in
South America, it looks as if the big
quinine monopoly is maneuvering to
build up its strangle-hold again after
the war.
One question which may be asked
of Taylor is his connection with
Leonardo van Zwart, representative
of the Dutch Kina Bureau in Latin
America. Censored mail reveals that
Taylor is in constant touch with van
Zwart, and that van Zwart is trying
to lay his, hands on all the quinine
he can find in Latin America.
The Kina Bureau's Mexican agent
recently located some quinine in
Mexico City and immediately noti-
fied van Zwart in Buenos Aires. Van
Zwart also has a representative in
Guatemala who is keeping an eye on
the new Cinchona plantations estab-
lished there by the U.S. Government.
It is reported that both van Zwart
arnd Taylor are paid by the Nether-
lands Purchasing Commission.-
With American troops desperately
in need of quinine, never permitted
to be produced to any extent in Latin
America before Pearl Harbor, U.S.
officials are determined that the'
Bly Lichty
...Y',.: ivt3..
I was the
Lieutenant's age I had a little respect for
my elders!"
Dutch monopoly should not be al-
lowed to flourish again after the war.
Tax-Daddy D Eongirtanrr* .
Early one morning shortly before
the deadline for filing income tax
returns, a tall, stoop-shouldered,
bald-headed man was seen walking
down a corridor on the first floor of
the old House Office Building.
Finally, he entered an office bear-
ing a sign, "Income Tax Returns
Filled Out Here."
"Can you give me a little help
with this blamed thing?" he asked.
"Why, certainly, Mr. Dough ton,"
said the expert, somewhat non-
plussed. It was Chairman Bob
Doughton of the House Ways and
Means Committee, the "Daddy" of
all tax legislation.
(Copyright, 1944. United Features Synd.)
VOL. LIV No. 98
All notices for the Daly Official Bul-
letin are to he sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by :3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
ti'n, exeep# :" "ns"turay when the no-
ticer should be submitted by Ii :34 a. .!
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Attendance report
cards are being distributed through
the departmental offices. Instructors
are requested to report absences of
1freshmen on green cards, directly to
the Office of the Academic Counsel-
ors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards
should be used in reporting sopho-
mores, juniors and seniors to 1220f
Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 47 of the 1943-44 Announce-
inent of our College.
Registration will be held this week
for all those who are interested in
camp work and summer work of all
kinds. There are many calls on hand
at present. Early registration is ad-
vised. University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours
are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. The
office closes at noon on Saturdays.
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
authorize the sale of scientific appar-
atus by one department to another,
the proceeds of the sale to be credited
to the budget account of 'the depart-
ment from which the apparatus is
transferred, under following condi-
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Professor R. J. Carney is director.
The Chemistry Store headquarters
are in Rm. 223 Chemistry Building.
An effort will be made to sell the
apparatus to other departments
which are likely to be able to use it.
In some instances the apparatus may
be sent to the University Chemistry
Store on consignment and if it is not
sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object of{
this arrangement is to promote econ-
omy by reducing the amount of un-
used apparatus. It is hoped that de-
partments having such apparatus
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith
tract and owe a balance of approxi-
mately 60 per cent of the value of the
property, the Investment Office, 100
South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing
through the medium of a first mort-
gage. Such financing may effect a
substantial saving in interest.
Dr. George Shepard, adviser to the
New Life Movement "of China, will
speak upon "Chiang Kai - Shek,
Statesman," at the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, Wednesday, March 22 at
4:15 p.m. under auspices of the Com-
mittee on Religious Education and
Companies A and D of the armed
forces. Open to the public.
A cademic Notices
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, March 25. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, University
Hall. Membership in a class does
not cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered.
Arrangements made with the in-
structor are not official changes.
Room Assignments for Kothe-
Hildner ands Bronson-Thomas Prize
Competitions, to be held Friday,
March 24: Kothe-:ildner, 229 Angell
Hall, 2 to 4 p.m.; Bronson-Thomas,
204 University Hall, 2 to 5 p.m. Any
junior or senior in German whois
interested in competing for the
Bronson-Thomas prize in the amount
of $38 should register at the depart-
mental office, 204 University Hall
immediately; students in German 31,
32, 35 and 36 are eligible for the
Kothe-Hildner competition (awards
of $30 and $20), but all rgistrations
must- be made at the departmental
office by Thursday, March 23, at the
German Departmental Library
hours, spring term 1943-44 (204 Uni-
versity Hall): 1:30 to 4:30 Monday
through Friday; 10:00 to 12:00 Tues-
day and Saturday.
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen:
Students who entered the contest
should call for their manuscripts at
the Hopwood Room this week be-
tween two and five-thirty.
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 9 a.m. Wednes-
day, March 22, in Rm. 3056, Natural
Science Building. All students in
the school are expected to attend.
Brahms, Granados and deFalla. Miss
Griffin is a pupil of Gilbert Ross.
The public is cordially invited.
University Museums: a) Penicil-
hium notatum, the fungus from
Which the drug penicillin is derived,
b) The Beginning or Human Tndus-
College of Architecture and Design:
"Brazil Builds," consisting of mount-
ed photographs and wooden panels
showing Brazilian architecture; cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York City. Open daily 9 to
6, through March 27; ground floor
corridor, Architecture Building. The
public is invited.
Events Today
School of Education Faculty: The
regular meeting of the faculty will be
held this afternoon in the University
Elementary School Library. The
meeting will convene at 4:15.
Important HIouse President's Meet-
ing: tonight at 7:30, IFC Office.
Dean Bursley will be there and the
subject of independents living in fra-
ternity houses and pledging said
house will be discussed. It is impor-
tant to all fraternities to have a
representative present.
"Trends and the Future Outlook
in Employment Discrimination" will
be the topic of a talk to be given byr
Mr. Albert Cohen at 8 o'clock at the
Hillel Foundation. All those inter-
ested in receiving vocational guid-
ance in career planning are urged to
Comning Events
Chemistry Colloquium will meet on
Wednesday, March 22, at 4:15 p.m. in
Rim. 303, Chemistry Building, Prof.
I Kasimir Fajans will speak on "The
Quanticule Theory of Molecular
Structure." All interested are in-
The Assoejation Music Hour, con-
ducted by Mr. Robert Taylor, will
present the first part of Verdi's
"Manzoni" Requiem Wednesday eve-
ning, March 22, at 7:30, at Lane Hall.
Everyone interested is cordially in-
Botanical Seminar: Professor C. A.
Arnold will speak on the subject
"Some Fossil Ferns from the Western
States." Wednesday, March 22, at
'4:00 p.m., Rnm. 1139. Anyone inter-
ested may attend.
Assembly Recognition Night Tick-
et Committee: There will be an im-
portant meeting Wednesday, March
22, at 4:30 in the League. Attendance
of all members (or a substitute) is
requested, as tickets will be distri-
"A Homeland for the Jews?" is the
Bacteriology Seminar: Tuesday,
If you wish to finance the purchase March 21, at 4:30; Room 1564 East
of a home, or if you have purchased Medical Building. Subject: Some In-
improved property on a land con- fectious Diseases of South America.
All interested are invited.
Perhaps the Republicans can turn this to their.
advantage, by exposing the whole thing as a
Roosevelt plot to change the British way of life.
By Crockett Johnson
Make-up Final Examination for
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 will be
aiven at 3 o'clock Thursday. March