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March 21, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-21

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Naval Forces Pound
Miii from Sea, Air
New Invasion May Follow Shelling
Of Easternmost Marshall Island
By The Associated Press
-The big guns of American battleships and carrier planes teamed up to
smash Mili, easternmost of the Marshall islands, the Navy announced of-
ficially today.
The extent of the damage was not disclosed but Admiral Chester W.
Nimitz said in press release that Mili, approximately 100 miles southeast
of American occupied Majuro, "was

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TOMIYIY (RUNS FOR INVASION-Somewhere in England T%4 Ronald Schultz of Plaintriew, Minn~ sLac s
tommy-guns, part of the eguipmen.t being made ready for invading Europe.

Cassin l t
Fo'rtress Giv en
New Zealand Troops
Encounter Unusual
Resistance in Town
By The Associated Press
CASSINO, March 20.--The Germans
have surrendered the Continental
Hotel which they had converted into
a powerful fortress but' fresh troops
infiltered into a southwest corner of
the town last night and heavy fight-
ing was in progress all day today.
The tough German parachute
troopers who gave up the fight for
the hotel yesterday were from the
command of Lt. Gen. Richard Heid-
rich, who had boasted that his first
LONDON, March 21, Tuesday..
-(P)--A Reuters dispatch from'
Stockholm today said the Helsinki
radio broadcast today a Finnish
communique saying the govern-
ment had found itself unable to
accept Soviet Russia's armistice
parachute troop division would throw
the Allied forces out of Cassino. Al-
though he is far from fulfilling that
boast tonight, New Zealand troops
and tanks were encountering unusual
resistance from a few points in -the
southwestern part of the town: The
valley itself was an extremely hot
spot as the Germans sprayed shells
over the countryside, which is just
taking on the appearance of spring
with a few straggling blossoms.
Ves uvius Villages
To Be Evacuated
NAPLES, March 20.-G)---U.S. Ar-
my trucks late today began evacuat-
ing more than 7,000 inhabitants of
two villages on the northwestern
slope of Mount Vesuvius which are
threatened with extinction by a river
of molten lava from the volcano's
erupting crater.
Allied authorities ordered the evac-
uation of San Sebastiano, with near-
ly 6,000 inhabitants, and Massodi
5ommare, whose population is about

heavily shelled" by battleships and
pounded by carrier based aircraft on
Saturday. Maintaining the pattern
established in recent weeks in the
wake of the U.S. offensive, there was
no report of aerial interception.
(The smash against Mili may pres-
age a new invasion of the Marshalls
by American forces, following their
recent occupation of Kwajalein and
Einiwetokon, the western wing of the
islands. It is located less than 100
Tuesday- (P)- Allied bombers
have sunk five ships out of a
Japanese convoy off the coast of
New Guinea, near the enemy base
at Wewak, headquarters an-
nounced today.
Three enemy corvettes and two
medium transport vessels were vic-
tims of the Allied bombs.
Officials estimated that 'hun-
dreds of Japanese troops and crew-
men were lost in the ships, which
were believed to be the remnant of
a convoy attacked last Saturday
east of Hollandia.

Nazis Take Step
To Protect Rear
Advanice of Hiiler's Troops Resisted;
Danube Satellites Menaced by Reds
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, March 21, Tuesday. -Sharp fighting between
Hungarian and German troops was reported today as dispatches
from neutral European capitals declared that Nazi armed forces had
occupied Hungary in preparation for a last ditch stand against the
on-rushing Red Army.
Advices from Stockholm declared that Hungarian leaders wire
attempting to rally nationwide resistance against the Germans and
the London Daily Mail said Hungarian military authorities had
broadcast this message via an unidentified radio station early this
"We have suffered our first dead in the fight against the invader, our
former ally. The fight must and will continue."
The grey-clad divisions were reported to have marched in late Sunday
night, despite Hungarian opposition.
An Associated Press dispatch from Ankara said a diplomat there, who
declined to be named, positively cohfirmed the German occupation.
A Stockholm dispatch said Hungarian Regent Nicholas Horthy, Foreign
Minister Jeno Von Ghyczy and the Chief of the Army General Staff, Gen.
Granz Szombatlli, apparently were iHtler's prisoners in the Reich.
T Hungarians Protest
The Nazi troops were reported to be meeting resistance from Hun-
garian troops as they marched in from old Austria on the north and from


ILoeal RedCross

miles from American positions on
Majuro, to the northwest, and about
345 miles southeast of the important
U.S. position at Kwajalein.)
The Admiral's announcement fur-
ther disclosed that on the same day
the Seventh American Airforce sent
Mitchell medium bombers over Po-{
nape, one of the four major islands
in the Carolines, east of the big Jap-
anese base at Truk. It was the tenth
raid on Ponape so far this month. A
small cargo transport was sunk and
large fires were started aground.

Battles Raging in Convention
Over Natitonal Committeeman
By The Associated Press
The fight to shake loose the domi- ties. Conventions in Upper Peninsi
nation of Republican National Com- counties, whose delegations ha
mitteeman Frank D. McKay over Joined past McKay coalitions, a
party politics in the state appeared peared to take little notice of t
headed for the state convention last fight, which was spearheaded by I
Monday night as returns from county Wayne County Republican precin
conventions indicated an organized organization and a group of oi
fight to unseat him had made vir- state party chairmen.
tualy no inroads on McKay strong- A majority of out-state coup
holds. conventions in the Lower. Peninsu
Force, favoring McKay won undis- however, adopted resolutions su
puted control of the party machinery porting, in some measure, the mov
in populous Wayne and Kent Coun- ment to oust . McKay from the N
__ - tional Committee. Among these w
the Genesee County Convent i
Prize WinnerS whose delegation was once control:

o n,

Thurber Speaks In Hopwoods
At MYDA Drive Are Announced

Opening the 1944 membership
drive, the Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action climaxed its meeting
yesterday with a speech by Donald
Thurber, former member of the Met-
ropolitan Detroit Youth Council, on
the need and importance of coups
like MYDA in a democratic ziation.
The influence which the gro' ,;". may
have on external affairs and .. >e ex-
perience in practical dem eracy
which the members aregaining are
the chief benefits, he said.
Prof. Kallenbach of the political
science department also participated
in the evening's program with a dis-
cussion of the anti-poll tax bill. Fol-
lowing a forum discussion oi the is-
sue, the group went on record in sup-
port of any anti-poll tax bill.

Between U.S. andi Horn eh

Winners of the Hopwood Contest
for Freshmen, whose entries covered
the essay, fiction and poetry, were
anounced yesterday at a meeting of
the Hopwood Committee which dis-
tributed the awards.
Winifred Landy's essay, "Silence
onz the Swing Shift" won first prize
* of $50in that division. Miss Landy's
home is in Detroit. Peggy Fisher, of
Pontiac, won second prize of $30 with
her essay, "The People You Meet."'
Elaine Raiss, whose home is in Grosse
Pointe, won third prize of $20 for her
entry, "The Animal House."
"Weekend" Takes Prize
In the field of fiction. "Weeiiend"
by Joan E. Lochner of Westport,
Conn., won first prize of $50. Second
prize of $30 was awarded to Lila Mae
Makima for "Harriot." Miss Maki-
ma's home is in Detroit. Fay Lorden
of Wayne won third prize of $20 for
First prize of $50 in the poetry di-
vision was won by Harriet .Robbe of
Belleville for her entry, "Specula-
tion." "Short Poems" b'y Martha
Jean Kirkpatrick of Battle Creek won
second prize of $30, and Dorothy
Sherba of Binghamton, N.Y., won
See HOPWOOD, p. 4
Kelly Rebukes
National Ballot Tho Be
Used as Last Recourse
LANSING, March 20..--(P--Gov-
ernor Kelly notified President Roose-
velt formally today that Michigan
cannot legally recognize the federal
soldier vote plan which now is before
the President for signature.
Pointing out that the Michigan
soldier vote law is more complete and
adequate than the federal plan, Kelly
said he would take no steps to legal-
ize the federal plan in this state un-
,.. : s-----, nn a t a virpmE~n

,y r2Ls fomrmyr iia n
McKeighan, a former McKay ally.
Washtenaw County Republicans
adopted a resolution urging replace-
ment of McKay. Other resolutions
endorsed Governor Kelly's leadership
and recommended that Congress
"take over many responsibilities that
are being administered, boarded,
brass-hatted, commissioned, subsi-
dized, Hopkins-ized, Morgenthau-ed
and Wallace-d around."
Liberators Raid
Frankfurt Area
Forts, Fighters Also
In Air Engagement
LONDON, March 20.-to)-Fight-
er-escorted U.S. Flying Fortresses
and Liberators, thundering through
pea soup clouds, bombed military
targets in the Frankfurt area today
in the major operation of a day
which saw between 1,600 and 2,100
British-based Allied planes of all
types in the air against the Germans.
The formation which made the
400-mile trip to Frankfurt was de-
scribed in a U.S. Army communique
as "medium sized." It consisted of
between 250 to 500 bombers escorted
by even stronger formations of
Thunderbolts, Lightnings and Mus-
tangs of the U.S. Eighth and Ninth
air forces.
Six American bombers and eight
fighters failed to return, the war bul-
letin said, while the escorting fighters
brought down four of the German
planes of the few encountered in the
dense clouds.

Drive May Top
$92,500 Quota
Seven League Houses
lake Contribution s
Totalling $363.50
Advances were made yesterday in
all sections of the local Red Cross
Drive, with total collections in Ann
Arbor reaching a figure of $46,108.92,
according to Charles Henderson,
chairman of the Washtenaw County
A total of $67,299.17 has been rais-
ed in the county as a whole, leaving
the ar e still
$25,200.83 short GIVE PIORE
of its quota for
the current cam-
paign. However.
if the drive re-
tains its present
momentum, the
county will go
over the top by
the March 31
deadline, Mr.
Henderson said in '44
University women's houses turned,
in $363.50 yesterday, according to
Marjorie Hall, '45, chairman of the
League Red Cross campaign. Martha
Cook Building, the first large dormi-
tory to report. raised $207 in the
drive, $42 over its quota.
All of the seven coed houses which
have so far reported have reached or
topped their quota of $1.25 for each
resident, Miss Hall said. Alpha Delta
Pi sorority yesterday turned in $26.25,
and Alpha Xi Delta, $28.75.
Largest A
Class Enrolls
The Judge Advocate General's
School has a total of 247 students-
185 of whom started classes today-
making the largest group to be
trained at one time since the school
was started over two years ago,
The 35 men in the 16th Officer
will live and mess in the Union. The
150 in the 6th OC class which is the
largest officer candidate class the
school has had, are being quartered
in the Law Quadrangle along with#
the 62 members of the 5th OC class.1

LONDON, March 21., Tuesday.-Ui-The London Daily Mail said
today that Hungarian military authorities had broadcast this dramatic
message to the nation early this morning:
"We have suffered our first dead in the fight against the invader,
our former ally. The fight must and will continue."
The Daily Mail did not say from what station the reported message
was broadcast.
Rumania on the south, and a secret Hungarian radio station, presumably
backed by Premier Nicholas Kallay. was said to have begun urging, the
people actively to oppose the Germans.
A Hungarian in Stockhom said the three Hungarian leaders were sum-
moned to Hitler's headquarters Friday and that they turned down requests
for more active military aid against the Russians-for "participation in the
war without reservations." They were then prevented from returning to
their country, he said.
From Berlin came indications that the Nazis were preparing to seize
control of other southeastern Europe satellites.
The Germans were said to have made their swoop while Regent Nicholas
Horthy and Gen. Qhezy, Hungarian Commander in Chief, were held
virtual prisoners after conferring at Hitler's headquarters.
The Hungarians were widely reported during the day to have balked
at Hitler's demands they resist the Russian advance, which is threatening
to inundate Hitler's Danubian storehouse and his Balkan allies, and neutral
sources said the invasion was also designed to thwart any Hungarian
peace bid.
Germans Fear Adriatic Landing
Turkish sources said the German action was inspired also by fear of
an Allied landing in the Adriatic, a fear raised by the American bombing
of the Hungarian trans-Danubian rail centers.
The Bulgarian Assembly was scheduled to meet Wednesday, simul-
taneously with a slated Hungarian Parliament session, said an Ankara
report, which added: "The announcements of these twin meetings created
speculation whether the Hungars and Bulgars are planning some coIntiion
(OWI said the Sofia radio announced that the Bulgarian Regency con-
ferred today with Premier Dobri Bozhilov.)
Stalin Announces Seizure of Key to Rumania as
Vinnitsa Also Falls to Furious Russian Onslaught

"Living conditions are very much
the same in Turkey and the United
States," four Turkish students, who
arrived recently at the University,
said in an interview yesterday.
The students are Capt. Fuat Yuce-
soy of the Turkish Army, Capt. En-
ver Algon of the Turkish Air Force,
First Lt. Talat Sozener of the Turk-
idh Army and Lt. (S.G.) Addulkerim
Olcay of the Turkish Navy. Lt. Olcay
is from Kastamonu and is doing
graduate work in electrical engin-
eering. The others, who are from Is-
tanbul, are doing graduate work in
mechanical engineering.
Little Difference Seen
"We notice little difference," Olcay
said, "because in the last 20 years we
in Turkey have changed from head to
toe-our ways of thinking have
changed too."
They mentioned riding in a train

They are very nice and have greatly!
reduced our difficulties
Turkish Press Free
"W e have found th t t Americans
know little about T urkey," they said,
"and what we are doing here. We are
changing our cities day by day. We
are planning in Istnbhul a big cele-
'bration which will be .held in ten
years marking the 5Ot-: anniversary
of the Turkish captur of the city
from the Byzantines. . is one of the
oldest cities in the wo ld.
"The Turkish press,' they said, "is
absolutely free. There is one official
government -paper anc all the others
are run on the free 'n r rprise sys-
When asked what Turkey s posi-
tion might be in t .. trh :1. Yuce-
soy said, "We'd like t- lnow 19."
Attended Robert Cole.,t
Before the war sta: teA, ! h were
-~..,. sn ...- f VU... e a --

3y T13e Associated Press
LONDON, March 20.- Premier-
Marshal Stalin announced tonight
the fall of Mogilev-Podolski, major
German base and rail station on the
east bank of the Dniester River, to a
Red Army surging into pre-war Ru-
mania toward the Carpathian Moun-
tains in the west and the Danube
Estuary to the south.
A second order of the day by Stalin
told of the capture of Vinnitsa, Ger-
man Ukraine stronghold 60 miles

northeast of Mogilev-Podolski. Ber-
lin conceded the loss of Vinnitsa.
Moscow dispatches said the Red
Army was within sight of the Car-
pathian Mountains, rolling through
shattered German lines with such
astounding speed that the liberation
of the entire southern Ukraine now
was almost a foregone conclusion1.
Red Success Continues
Of the Bessarabian fighting the
bulletin merely said the- Russians
"continued to wage successful en-
gagements to expand the bridgehead
captured on the right bank of the
Dniester," a 31-mile sector between
falen Mogilev-Podolski and Yampol,
Field Marshal Gen. Fritz Erich
Von Mannstein's failure to hold the
Russians at the Dniester probably
means he has little hope of making
a stand short of the Prut River, 45
miles beyond Mogilev-Podolski.
The fall of Mogilev-Podolski, 65
miles from the southeastern tip of
old Poland and 100 miles from the
former Czecho - Slovakian border,
grave the Russian secnnd Ukraine

Maddy Hits Hostility to Broadcas t

WASHINGTON, March 20._ {EP)-
James Caesar Petrillo's refusal to
permit the broadcasting of high'
school music hit a new harsh note in
Congress today with demands that
ri; "varle nn chnol children" be'

the American Federation of Musi-
cians to relax the ban under which
broadcasts from Interlochen have
been prohibited since 1942.
"Chamberlain and Hitler worked

likewise asked Federal Communica-
tions Commission counsel to work on
a similar bill.
"I believe that Congress is tho-
roughly out of sympathy with Pe-


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