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March 18, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-18

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1 l r



Wtm ther

llied Troops Drive into assrno Railwat


U. S. Planes Smash

Vienna in

Trans-Alpine Raids

RAF Heavies
Bomb Dutch,
French Bases
German Radio Station
Goes Off the Air During
Continuous Assaults
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 17.- Ita,ian-
based U.S. Flying Fortresses and
Liberators roared over the Alps today
to bomb military targets in Vienna
as Allied planes from Britain in con-
tinuous assaults blasted Nazi com-
munication points in France and
Tonight the Frankfurt radio sta-
tion signed off suddenly in the mid-
dle of a program, usually an indica-
tion that RAF night bombers are
over the continent.
Cacena Bombed
In addition to the attack on Vien-
nese targets, medium bombers from
Allied fields in southern Italy bombed
Cacena, a vital railroad junction in
northern end of the peninsula.
The strong force of American big
bombers up from the south, escorted
by Thunderbolts and Lightnings,
found the Austrian capital blanketed
by an overcast through which a
heavy anti-aircraft fire was poured.
There was no German fighter oppo-
sition, however. The Algiers radio
said the target was an aircraft fac-
Strike by Night
The Mediterranean air force also
struck northward into Europe by
night, hitting rail communications at
Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, for the
second night in a row, employing
big RAF Halifax bombers for the
first time from this theatre.
The day operations followed an
RAF night precision-raid by Lancas-
ters 30 miles southwest of Vichy.
Senators Favor
Soldirs' Bill
Committee Approves
Servicemen's Benefits
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(IP)-
Wrapping up in its 46 pages every
benefit for veterans of the present
war except a bonus, the $3,500,000,000
"G. I. Bill of Rights" measure 'was
sped on its way today toward over-
whelming Senate passage by a unan-
imous vote of its Finance Committee.
Senator Johnson (Dem., Colo.), one
of the spopsors of a pending $30,-
000,000,000 adjusted compensation or
bonus bill, told reporters he would
seek Finance Committee hearings on
that proposal after the omnibus
measure had cleared Congress.
Finance Committee Chairman
George (Dem., Ga.) estimated max-
imum benefits under the "G. I.' bill
at $3,000,000,000, exclusive of a $500,-
000,000 authorization for construc-
tion of additional hospital facilities
to care for the wounded and disabled,
Fib' aS Char ge
IS DismiSSed
17.-(P)- Handsome, curly-haired
young David Filgas was set free of a
murder charge in his girl friend's
petting party death today in a sensa-
tional court room scene.
., Filgas, a Greenville High School
student, was accused of killingpret-
ty, 17-year-old Patricia Winters the
night of last Dec. 10. The girl's body

was found in a fire-swept automo-
bile, but the cause of death was never
Ford Motor Officials
Discipline Workers
DETROIT, March 17.-(P)'- The
Ford Motor Company announced to-
night the completion of disciplinary
action in connection with two recent
Rouge plant disturbances.
A total of 106 employes were penal-
ized, the Company said.
Thirty penalties were announced

Need for Adult Education
Discussed at Acadenmv IMeeting
Industry, Labor, Agriculture Represented at
49th Annual State Session of College Leaders
Highlight of the 49th annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts and Letters yesterday was a joint panel discussion by repre-
sentatives from industry, labor, rural areas and women dealing with the
necessity of adult education now and after the war.
A few sections of the Academy will mee't again today and a business
meeting for the election of new officers will be held at 3 p.m. in Rm. 2009
of the Natural Science Building. All meetings will be open to the public.
Members of the panel agreed that adult education is vitally neces-
sary for the health of the nation and the establishment of a satisfactory
post-war economy. In fact, President Alexander G. Ruthven stated
in summing up the discussion that, "From the results of my recent trip
to England and from what I have seen here today, I feel that I can
now stop talking about adult education for at last it seems to have
gained almost universal appeal."
"From' my experience you can expect better results from well conducted
discussions among adults from any group of society than you can from any
class of undergraduates in a university," he added.
Willard Martinson of the education department of Local 50, UAW-CIO,
said that "It's not the students that will make the decisions but the present-
day adults. He told the assembled ----------------------------------


Red Drive 'Terrific
Threatens Assaults
Rumanians Rock City
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 17.--The Rus- Nazis Retain 11eold
cian rnt d tnni ht tha thn ~ !t-r ar

sins r epor tie s. onIgnjJt InaLtn e Red
Army had driven to two points only
11 mile's from the Dniester River,
pre-war border of Rumania, whilej
to the northwest other troops lashed
out in a new offensive westward


In southwestern Part
Of Battle-Torn Town

Ki. 0p 50
''4 ? p~r tntUtt ILE
? -.--.'.,
Vanak ' -'
i JI

Georgie Tapps, recognized internationally for his tap routines,
will headline the first Victory Varieties show to be presented by the
University at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Tapps, who recently
starred in "Pal Joey" and the George White Scandals on Broadway,
is coming to Ann Arbor from Chicago's famous night club, the Rio


Famous Tap Dancer To Appear
I n Victory Varieties T oday

Georgie Tapps, internationally fa-
mous tap dancer, will be one of the
feature attractions of the first Uni-
versity Victory Varieties show to be
presented at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Formerly _appearing in the Roxy
Theatre and the 44th Street Theatre
of New York, Tapps comes to Ann
Arbor from Chicago's popular night
club, the Rio Cabana. '
Ticket Sales Increase
"Demands .for tickets have in-
creased, and to facilitate the sales,
we will open the Hill Auditorium box
office between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
today," Dean Walter B. Rea stated.
"Judging from the ticket sales thus
Dr. Carol Aronovichi, a distin-
guished authority on housing and
city planning, will speak on the topic
of "Regionalism" in a lecture spon-
sored by the Department of Sociology
and the School of Architecture at
4:15 p.m. Monday in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
A lecturer on city planning in
Columbia University, Dr. Aronovichi
has recently written "Housing the
Masses," a treatise of post-war hous-
ing problems.
The public is invited to the lecture.

far, the committee believes there will
be a capacity house for the first
University vaudeville show," he add-
Tickets, priced at 75c, may be
secured from the USO, University
Hall corridor, the East and West
Quadrangles, the League and Union,
University Hospital newsstand, resi-
dence halls. State Street and down-
town stores, and after 7:15 p.m. at
the Hill Auditorium box office.
Seven Acts Featured
Headline stars of the seven act
show include Lischeron and Adams,
well known ballroom team, and the
Singing Commanders, who appeared
at the Edgewater Beach Hotel and
the Hotel Sherman in Chicago, Bert
Lynn with his vibrolyn guitar, who
recently completed a show at Radio
City Music Hall, and the Five Taylor
Kids, popular professional acrobats,
who were seen .at the Oriental Thea-
tre in Chicago.
Cam pus Men Ivited
T o Uiiioi Smoker
All men on campus are invited to
the smoker which will be held at
4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rms. 316, 318
and 32U of the Union.
This first smoker of the season is
to introduce newcomers to the work
done by the various Union commit-

social scientists that, "We need your
technical knowledge and social psy-
chology, but we have got to learn how
to bridge the gap between the uni-
versities and the people."
Speaking as a representative of in-
dustry, Wayne Brownell emphasized
the necessity for efficiency in an
adult education program. "You can't
just put a notice in the papers that
there is a meeting or they just won't
come," he said. Brownell also plead-
ed for greater use of athletic facilities
in schools by adults.
John F. Yaeger of the Michigan
State Farm Bureau, said that the
greatest need in rural areas is for
teachers, trained in leading adult
discussion groups to come out in
the field and teach people how to
organize into functioning groups
and to give them a constructive
program that will be something
more than mere "pooling of ignor-
He explained that there are more
than 500 community Farm Bureaus
and adult discussion groups estab-
lished for the purpose of analyzing
current problems and that there are
about 60,000 people taking an active
part in these groups. "We want
leaders," he said, "not only with the
knowledge of how to do it, but with
the realization of the necessity."
Helen Bryant of the League of Wo-)
men Voters said that social scientists
have the technical information to
make it possible for adults to educate
themselves if they would act as "a
clearing house for ideas and a source
of simple, unprejudiced documenta-
tion of information."
President Ruthven told the as-
sembled social scientists that "You
can expect not only as much, but
more returns from a group of adults
than you are accustomed to receive-
ing from your classes of undergrad-
uates. Our job," he said, "is pri-
marily training for citizenship and
we cannot dodge responsibilities if
we believe education must be con-
tinuous to be 'effective. I believe
you social scientists have got to in-
sist upon and draft national plans
for adult education."s
Dr. Leigh J. Young, president of'
the Academy, said in his presidential
address on "Michigan's Forest Po-
tential" that "if present cutting
See PANEL, Page 4
rnvi n

Yank OTroops
Take Lorengau
In Admiralties

Airdrone on
Island Seized
Ships Aid in

JP)--American troops have captured
Lorengau airdrome on Manus Island
in the Admiralty group, Allied head-
quarters announced today.
Another Japanese attack on the
Allied beachhead at Empress Augusta
Bay on Bougainville Island in the
Solomons has ben hurled back. En-
emy troop formations were decimat-
ed, headquarters announced, and
Japanese casualties have been count-
ed in the thousands.
In the Manus Island offensive,
First Cavalry Division troopers have
advanced within 600 yards of the
village of Lorengau. American des-
troyers threw over a barrage and
aided in the capture of the airstrip.
Allied bombers again hit Rabaul,
the Japanese base in New Britain,
this time with 135 tons of bombs.
The attackers were not opposed in
the air.
Returning for the sixth straight
day of attacks on the enemy base at
Wewak, New Guinea, Allied aircraft
dropped 143 tons of explosives from
a total of almost 900 tons for the six
days. Buildings and gun positions
were destroyed in the latest attack,
World New
in Bref

Mans IS
as U.S.

Arrows indicate Russian drives
on the southern front, where Mos-
cow reported Red Army forces have
captured Vapnyarka and Noyaya
Odessa. In two points the Reds
have driven to within 11 miles of
the Dniester River.E
through old Poland, capturing Dub-
no, "an important strongpoint in
German defenses,'' and Demidovka,
18 miles beyond.
The Moscow communique, recorded
by the Soviet Monitor, said the Rus-
sians had captured Klembovka, 11
miles north bf the river and 12 miles
from the former border town of Yam-
pol. Also reported captured was 01-
shanka, 14 miles southeast of Klem-
bovka, and likewise 11 miles from
the winding river. Klembovka is 30
miles southeast of Mogilev Podolski,
another important Russian objective
on the Dniester's banks.
The Russians also seized the dis-
trict center of Peschana, 13 miles
southeast of Olgapol and 16 miles
from the Odessa-Zhmerinka trunk
Chilean Professor
To Lecture Today
Prof. Luis Alberto Sanchez of the
University of Chile will lecture in
Spanish on different aspects of Uni-
versity education in North and South
America at 8 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Building amphitheatre under
the auspices of the Latin America
Society. *
Vell known throughout Spanish
speaking countries as an author and
lecturer, Prof. Sanchez is now in the
United States for the second time.

By The Associated Press
PLES, March 17.- Allied troops
fought their way into Cassino rail-
way station today and Indian Ghur-
kas clawed within 100 yards of the
summit of Mt. Cassino, but fiercely-
resisting Germans still retained a
toehold on the southwestern out-
skirts of their ravaged stronghold.
Changes Hands
The railway station had changed
hands frequently during the bloody
two-months battle for Cassino.
Bitter fighting raged on the slopes
of Mt. Cassino, and Allied troops
there were under intense fire from
Nazis in the ruins of the ancient
abbey on the crest.
A small number of New Zealand
tanks moved into the battle this
afternoon and one was destroyed by
four direct hits from self-propelled
German artillery.
Stubborn Resistance
All day the rubbled ruins of Cas-
sino shuddered under violent attack,
but when night came the Nazis still
clung to their caves, tunnels and
dugouts and there was a discernible
feeling here that they might not be
routed soon.
New Zealand troops spearheading
the Allied assault from the north had
fought their way through the rubble
to the town's outer fringe and had
joined forces with Indian Ghurkas
who were storming up the slopes of
towering Mt. Cassino on the west.
Allies Slowed Up
Making use of ruined buildings to
mount machine-guns and hide snip-
ers, the Germans were fighting des-
perately and capitalizing an the
slowness of the Allied advance
through the churned-up wreckage.
To Be Probed
n '
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(/P)--
A feud between Walter Winchell,
radio commentator and newspaper
columnist, and members of Congress
who claim he is attempting to
"smear" them, boiled to a climax
today as the Dies committee ordered
an investigation of Winchell's broad-
casts for the last two years.
Chairman Dies (Dem., Tex.), who
has excoriated the commentator in
several recent House speeches, an-
nounced that the Committee on Un-
American Activities has issued a sub-
poena for scripts and recordings of
Winchell's programs for the last two
He added that a thorough investi-
gation of Winchell's programs prob-
ably would require the appearance
of about thirty witnesses, including
officials of the Jergens Company,,

SCollege Religious Leaders C.

~.FZ..N. V ~ -s.. ~ ~


"Our Men in the Wartime College"
will be the address given by Chaplain
Jule Ayers, lieutenant in the Army
Air Corps, to open a conference of
representatives from 29 college com-
munities in Michigan, when they
convene at 10 a.m..tomorrow in Lane
The conference, which is open to
college and university religious coun-
selors, teachers of religion, campus
ministers, directors of student foun-
dations, association secretaries and
Agency Board members in Michigan,
will deal with the question of "Reli-
gion in the Wartime College."
Students To Participate

Congregational Church. Faculty rep-
resentative will be Prof. Howard Y.
McClusky of the School of Educa-
tion; William Muehl, acting director
of the Student Religious Association;
Elizabeth Hawley, former chairman
of the Post-War Council, and Make-
peace Tsao, student at the Univer-
sity, will also speak.
Sponsored by the War Emergency
Council of the Christian Associations
and the Conference of College Teach-
ers and Ministers of Religion in
Michigan, the conference sessions
will center around religious counsel-
ing of civilian and military students,
post-war education and i"eligious

Technical Training Command, will
also attend the conference.
"The Situations Which Challenge
Leadership" will include representa-
tives from various types of colleges
and universities. In the group dis-
cussion at 11 a.m. will be Charles
Kraft, representing a church college;
John Price, a state college; Dorothy
Zimmerman and Dean Joseph P. Sel-
den of Wayne University, a munici-,
pal university, and the Rev. C. H.
Loucks, minister of the First Baptist
Church, and Rabbi Jehudah Cohen
of Hillel Foundation, representingI
the University.
Symposiums on "Rcligious Coun-
fi ' ovS7' ,'1 r "Crn t R£licrin~c, TP. T£ l -


Tax Bill Simp..li.id
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(IP-
Responding to a national outcry
against the recent siege of decimal
jitters, the House Ways and Means
Committee approved today a far-
reaching plan to simplify the tax
statutes, relieving some 30,000,000 of
the 50,000,000 taxpayers of the neces-
sity of ever computing another in-
come tax return.
Beginning next Jan. 1, under the
plan, the present withholding system
against wages and salaries will be
revised to deduct the full tax liability
for persons earning up to $5,000.
F.DJL ad Draft$''*
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(1P-_
President Roosevelt, saying there are
few men under 26 really indispens-
able to industry, indicated today he
is leaning toward the armed services'
view that virtually all physically fit
men under that age must be drafted.
Formula Rumors . .
WASHINGTON, March 17.-(})-
The administration was reported on

In the first ceremony of its kind ever
held under fire, 139 non-citizen U.S.
doughboys fighting on this beach-
head became naturalized American,
citizens yesterday and today.
The oath of citizenship was admin-
istered by Thomas Estes, American'
vice-consul and the designated rep-
resentative of the immigration and
naturalization service.
The U.S. official explained that the
Naturalization Act of 1940 was
amended for the benefit of soldiers,.
the only requirement being that sol-
dier-applicants for citizenship legally
entered the United States. I
The first non-citizen naturalized

ing to get my papers for some time,
but when I started I never dreamed
I'd finally make it on the battlefield
of Anzio."
Just a few moments before the
first ceremony began, two 500-pound
bombs fell, 50 yards on either side
of the spot chosen for the rites.
"These boys are actually perform-
ing one of the basic duties of citizen-
ship by defending the United States,"
commented Maj. Hugh A. Scott, of
Salem, Ore,, whose division contrib-
uted 65 new citizens.
"Any man willing to offer his life
to his country deserves the privileges
of citizenship," Maj. Scott contin-
1 P[i

139 Non-Citizen Dougbboys
Are Naturalized near Anzio



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