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June 16, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-16

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B-29's Lead

ssault on Jap Cities'

Targets Not
Disclosed in
Rep. Starnes Reports
'Great Destruction 'in
Tokyo; Moji Bombed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 15-Amer-
ica's new Super Fortresses bombed
Japan's homeland today and the
Tokyo radio, acknowledging attacks
said industrial areas of Moji and
Shimonoseki were hit.
In congress, Rep. Starnes (D-Ala.)
told his colleagues he had informa-
tion there was "great destruction" in
Tokyo. There was no confirmation
of Starnes' report from the War De-
partment which did not disclose tar-
Jap Airlines Hit
Moji is a city on Kyushu, southern-
most of the main Japanese islands.



NEW YORK, Friday, June 16-
(AP)-A short-wave broadcast to
the United States by the Tokyo
radio shortly before midnight ack-
nowledged that American bombers
had damaged the "railway line be-1
tween Orio and Takata" in their
raid on targets in Japan.
Shimonoseki is on Honshu Island
just across a strait from Kyushu.
They are about 500 miles, airline,
from Tokyo.
An Imperial Japanese communique
estimated the number of raiding
planes at 20 and made the usual
claims that they were intercepted
and "repulsed." It said several were
shot down and Dome!, Japanese news
agency, said six were shot down.
The Japanese said both B-28 Super
Fortresses and B-24 Liberators were
among the American planes.
B-29's Participate
Here, the only official information
available late tonight was that at-
tacks were carried out by B-29's fly-
ing from bases in the China-India-
Burma theater.
The War Department disclosed at
1:39 p. m., eastern war time, that
the long-secret flying giants had
gone into action. The announcement
"B-29 Super Fortresses of the
United States Army Air Forces 20th
bomber command bombed Japan to-
Flies Farther,
Faster, Higher,
WASHINGTON, June 15.- (R')-
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress is a
global warplane backed by global
authority and the greatest production
program in history.
The War Department today dis-
closed details of the plane and an-
nouncedformation of the 20th Air
Force, an organization headed by
Gen. H. H. Arnold, commanding gen-
eral of the Army Air Forces, and
operatingharound the world with
authority stemming directly from the
joint chiefs of staff.
The B-29 is described briefly as a
bomber that flies farther, faster and
higher with a greater load than any
other plane. Actual performance fig-
ures are secret, as with all warplanes,
but this much descriptive data has
been released :
The plane has a wingspread of
141.2 feet and a fuselage 98 feet long.
Its single dorsal fin, resembling the
tail of the B-17 Flying Fortress,
stands 27 feet high. The fuselage is
cylindrical, the round nose reaching
well forward of the narrow wing. It

Yanks Near
Nazi Lifeline
To Cherbourg
Troops Grind Slowly
Forward; Reach Point
6 Miles from Key Road
By The Associated Press
June 16, Friday-American troops
slashing westward from Carentan on
a ten-mile front have reached firm
ground within six miles of La Haye
du Puits, junction of the last Ger-
man-held rail-highway lifeline to the
port of Cherbourg, and within 41/2
miles of the secondary junction of
St. Saveur-Le-Comte in what was
officially described today as "steady
Steady Advance
In the developing drive to cut off
and capture the Cherbourg penin-
sula, similar steady advances were
reported in a midnight communique
from Supreme Headquarters for a
less clearly-defined thrust through
the lowlands between the Vire and
Elle Rivers southeast of Carentan
This advance appeared to be aimed
toward St. Jean de Daye, on the
highway linking St. Lo and Carentan.
Extent of the gain was not disclosed
officially, but it appeared probable
that the road already had been cut
about five miles west of Lison.
Repulse Counterattacks
On the extreme right flank of the
Allies' beachhead in Normandy,
American capture of the coastal vil-
lage of Quineville and surrounding
territory was declared to have pro-
vided "a valuable new outlet from
the beaches."
On the eastern, or left, wing of the
beachhead, held by British and Ca-
nadian forces, violent German arm-
ored counterattacks were repulsed
with what the Allied communique
called "considerable loss to the en-
These were the principal gains in
the tenth day of the Allied invasion
of France.
5,000 Planes Hit
Nazi Targets ,
Friday June 16-(AP)-More than
5,000 planes, led by a mighty force of
1,300 U. S. Fortresses and Liberators,
battered Nazi targets in France from
the Normandy battlefields as far
south as Bordeaux yesterday as the
spectacular show of Allied aerial
might continued through the tenth
day of the invasion.
The American heavies were escort-
ed by nearly 750 fighters in a series
of attacks on plane assembly plants,
airfields, and rail targets over a 300
mile-long stretch as far away as
Bordeaux, while other fighters and
medium bombers made repeated
sharp attacks almost within sight of
the Allied lines.

750Seniors To Graduate
At Exercises, June 24
U' Vice-President To Deliver Commencement
Address; Procession To Begin at 1:40 P.M.
Approximately 750 seniors, more than half of them women, will don
cap and gown and march to Hill Auditorium for the University's 100th
annual commencement exercises to be held at 2:30 p. m., Saturday, June 24.
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and secretary of the University will
deliver the commencement address.
If weather permits, a commencement procession of all graduates will
begin at 1:30 p. m., marching from ,the library to South University, up
State Street and down North Univer--

sity to Hill Auditorium. If weather
is unfavorable, the procession will
not be held and the seniors will pro-
ceed directly to the auditorium.
Sounding of the University siren will
be the signal for abandonment of
the procession.
Because the exercises will be held
so near the end of the final examina-
tion period, graduates will receive
only token diplomas on the 24th,
their regular diplomas being mailed
to them a few weeks later after
grades have been compiled.
The University's first commence-
ment was held 100 years ago on Aug.
6, 1845 when eleven students gradu-
ated. Exercises were held in the old
Presbyterian Church and each grad-
uate was required to give an oration.
Senior classes gradually grew larger
until, in pre-war years, as many as
2,000 graduated every spring.
City Bond Sales
Reach $514,684
Ann Arbor Still Short
Of Quota, Says Schmid
To date Ann Arbor residents have
purchased $514,684.25 worth of war
bonds in the Fifth War Loan Drive,
Fred Schmid, county war finance
committee auditor announced yester-
Of this amount $192,018.75 has been
collected by the purchase of E-bonds;
$483,754.25 by sale of all bonds to
individuals; and $30,930 by corpora-
tion sales.
Ann Arbor, which will again bear
the burden of Washtenaw county's
quota of $9,105 000, has to fill a quota
of $6,000,000. The drive will con-
tinue until July 8, but war finance
committee officials are attempting to
fill the quota of non-E bonds to in-
dividuals by the end of the month.
To date Washtenaw county has col-
lected $986,384.50, of which $516,225
has been obtained by the purchase of
E-bonds; $891,733 by the purchase of
all bonds to individuals; and $94,-
651.00 by corporation sales.
The University does not have any
quota for the drive because of final
exams, graduation, and the end of
the fiscal year for the University.
However, staff members may pur-
chase bonds at the cashier's office,
and credit may be given to any issu-
ing agency, according to R. Gordon
Griffith, University war finance com-
mittee chairman.

Reds Advance
Further Mto
Finnish Sil
LONDON, June 15-(AP)-The
Russians' drive for possession of Fin-
land advanced farther up the Karel-
ian Isthmus today with Gen. Leonid
A. Govorov's troops capturing 17
more fortified Finnish strongpoints
along the bloody road to Viipuri,
Moscow announced tonight.
The Finns, taking advantage of
every natural obstacle and fighting
from strongly-entrenched permanent
defense positions, were said to have
resisted fiercely but vainly.
Moscow said Govorov's army in
six days of battle had now advanced
25 miles through the first and sec-
ond Finnish defene zones and wid-
ened the breach to 47 miles.
During savage fighting Tuesday
Soviet troops were reported to have
opened a gaping hole in the Finns'
second great belt of permanent de-
fenses between Mustomaki and Ku-
tose and captured two important
Dr. Warne Wll
Lecture Today
"Trends in the Consumer Move-
ment" will be the subpect of a talk
given by Dr. Colston E. Warne, presi-
dent of the Consumers Union when
he speaks at 4:15 p. m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
He will also lead a discussion at 8
p. m. in the Union on current devel-
opments in the consumer field, deal-
ing with price control and civilian
supplies. The public is invited to
both meetings.
Dr. Warne, who was appointed to
the OPAConsumer Advisory Com-
mittee is past president of the
Peoples' Lobby, and has taught at the
Universities of Chicago, Pittsburg,
Denver, and is now an economist at
Amherst College.
The Consumers Union, which he
has headed since its inception, pub-
lishes monthly consumers' reports
and devotes a large portion of these
to recommendations for purchasers,
in connection with its testing pro-
gram. The reports give comparative
ratings of a variety of products based
on tests, and also information on gen-
eral buying guidance, medical and
health questions and news of hap-
penings affecting consumers' inter-
Dr. Karne has been responsible for
one of the features of the organiza-
tion which is the dissemination of in-
formation of labor conditions under
which trade-marked goods are made.
Women's, Sports
Editors Appointed
The Board in Control of Student
Publications today appointed Hank
Mantho, '46, sports editor, and Peg
Weiss, '44, women's editor, of The
Daily for the summer term.
Mantho, of Alliance, o., is a mem-
ber of Sphinx, and played on the
freshman football team. Miss Weiss,
of Takoma Park, Md., has been active
in Assembly, Senior Society and JGP.

Bomb Truk
In Heavy Raid
Concerted Attack in
Mid-Pacific Exceeded
By Carrier Planes
By The Associated Press
June 16-A two-day 186-ton bomb-
ing raid on Truk-heaviest assault
by land-based planes on that naval
base-and the War's first Liberator
attack on Yap were reported today
by headquarters.
Large formations of Admiralty-
based Liberators blasted Truk in day-
light Monday and Tuesday, a con-
certed attack exceeded in the mid-
Pacific only by carrier planes.
During the first assault, the raid-
ers dropped 90 tons of bombs on
Dublon Island, destroyed buildings
and caused fires. In repelling 15 to
20 interceptors, they shot down six.
The second flight of Liberators un-
loaded 96 tons of bombs on Dublon
and Eten Islets, shooting down three
Japanese planes. Other planes
bombed Nomoi Atoll, 150 miles south-
east of Truk.
No report of American losses was
made. In the two-way intensified
bombing. by planes from the south-
west and central Pacific, Truk has
been attacked 20 times in little more
than two weeks.
Enrollment Rise
Is Predicted
20 Per Cent Increase
Seen for Summer
An increase of 20 per cent more
than last year was forecast yester-
day in enrollment for the 51st annual
summer session starting July 3 by
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director.
The estimate was based on ad-
vance inquiries and a great many
more letters having been received
this year asking for catalogs and in-
formation concerning courses, ac-
cording to Dr. Hopkins.
University summer camp enroll-
ment is also higher than last year.
The geology camp in Wyoming is
filled to capacity and both the biol-
ogy camp at Douglas Lake and the
Forestry camp are planning on an
increased number of students.
Summer session registration will
be held here from June 29 to July 1.
It is expected that a majority of
those enrolling in the eight-week
term will be school teachers, princi-
pals and superintendents taking post
graduate work or refresher courses,
but a large number of undergradu-
ates are also expected.

June 10, (Delayed)-For the first
time in history, a Japanese civilian
population and a sizeable Japanese
city stand in the direct path of the
American advance westward across
the Pacific.
Saipan Island, set in one of the
deepest portions of the world's
greatest ocean - 1,260 nautical
miles southeastward of Tokyo-has
a population of at least 20,000 Jap-
anese, Korean and Lichiu civilians,
in addition to 200 Chamorro and
Kanaka natives.
Garapan Is Largest City
They live mostly in eight towns
and villages, the largest of which
is Garapan, on Saipan's western
shore. Garapan, with a 1935 popu-
lation of 10,386-of which three
fourths are Japanese-is a modern
city, with electric lights, tele-
phones, stores and schools.
The second city on Saipan is
Charan-Kanoa, four miles south-
ward of Garapan..
Most of the 3,000 residents of
Charan-Kanoa work at the big
sugar refinery there, in the rail-
road yards or the synthetic Scotch
whisky plant.
70 Per Cent Cultivated
Seventy per cent of the island's
72 square miles are cultivated,
mostly in sugar cane. There is
some truck farming between Gara-
pan and Charan-Kanoa.
In addition to farming, there is
a sizeable fishing industry at Sai-
pan, with tuna and bonita boats
operating tut of Tanapag Harbor,
just northward of Garapan.
The South Seas Development
Co. brought in most of the non-
native population for the sugar
industry since 1920.

Operations Sprung
The reports also indicate that the
troops, transports and supporting
warships have sprung their opera-
tion in behind the 500-mile-long
chain of Marianas.
Garapan, Saipan's major town of
about 10,000 lies about fiye miles
north of the United States troops
fighting in smaller Charan Kanoa.
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz reported
the first landings on Saipan were
made Wednesday morning under
cover of a bombardment by United
States warships and the bombing
and strafing of carrier planes.
Forces Storm Ashore
Additional assault forces were
storming ashore despite enemy re-
sistance. They were supported by
carried aircraft and the big guns of
surface units, including battle]
wagons, cruisers and destroyers.
This bold move to advance Ameri-
can bases 1,100 miles west of the
Marshall Islands climaxed four days
of pre-invasion assault by powerful
Pacific fleet task forces, starting last
Saturday. The first day of the at-
tack wiped out virtually all, of the
enemy's air force based in the south-
3rn Marianas.
Prepared Before Hand
Remnants of that air power and
enemy shipping in and around the
islands were disposed of Sunday and
Monday. Then the invading forces
turned their attention to obliterating
enemy defenses in preparation for
the landings.
Saipan, Tinian, Pagan, Rota and
Quam islands, the latter the former
American naval base, were well
worked over in the preparatory stages
of the attack.
The American forces were describ-
ed by their commander, Vice Adm.
Richmond Kelly Turner, as the most
experienced amphibious war fleet in
the world. He told war correspond-
ents prior to the landing that this
thrust into Japan's inner defense
lines was designed to destroy Sai-
pan as an enemy base and convert
it to Allied use. William Worden,
Associated Press war correspondent
with the expeditionary forces, re-
ported the press conference.
Lt. Jack Sullivan
Killed in Crash
Lt. (j.g.) Jack Sullivan, '40, of the
Naval Air Corps, former Daily night
editor, has been reported killed in an
airplane crash off Narragansett Bay
near Providence, R.I. Details of the
accident, which occurred last Wed-
nesday, have been withheld by the
Navy Department.
Lt. Sullivan has served as a pilot
on the Greenland patrol, and was
recently transferred to duty as a

Are Beaten Off
Yank Invaders Within Two Miles of
Sugar Mill Town of Charon Kanoa
Associated Press Correspondent
June 16-American troops which landed 1,500 miles southeast of Tokyo
Wednesday on Saipan in the Marianas have secured beachheads, cap.
tured a headland, fought their way into a sugar mill town and crushed
Japanese tank-paced counterattacks, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz an-
nounced tonight.
In a communique covering action through today, he reported that
Agingan Point, a headland on the southwest corner of the 13-mile-long
island, has been seized.
The Yank invaders, supported by a huge carrier-plane force and
guns of battleships which knocked out enemy coastal guns and anti-
aircraft batteries, have fought their way two miles north into the sugar
mill town of Charan Kanoa.
"In general, fighting is heavy but good progress is being made
against well organized defenses," Admiral Nimitz said in the second
communique issued today on the operation.
* * * ~The Japanese attempted several
counterattacks with tanks against
Sainan Stand S the assault troops advancing from
the beachheads but "these attacks
ne have been broken up by our troops
"with the support of shelling war-
ships and bombing planes.
The announced capture of Agingan
Point and the fighting at Charan
By REMBERT JAMES Kanoa indicates the spearhead of the
Associated Press correspondent amphibious strike is aimed from the
Ited Pes EPDt A southwest over fairly flat canefleld

Local Policeman Kidnapped
By Two Escaped Convicts

FDR Reveals American Plan
For International Peace Group

An American plan to keep the post-
war world at peace through an inter-
national organization-backed by the
arms of peaceful nations if neces-
sary-was made public by President
Roosevelt today after a year and a
half of Allied discussions.
The Administration aims, set out
in a White House statement:
1. An organization, composed of
all "peace-loving" nations, to keep
world stability.
World Council

tions to put down, by joint action,
any future aggressions.
Allies Attitude Unknown
There was nothing in today's state-
ment to indicate the attitude of
other Allies toward the White House
blueprint, drafted after frequent con-
ferences among the President, the
State Department, members of Con-
gress and private groups.
Mr. Roosevelt's statement was re-
leased after a conference today with
Secretary of State Hull, Undersecre-
tary Stettinius, Dr. Isaiah Bowman
and Leo Pasvolsky, State Department

Officer George Stauch of the Ann
Arbor Police Force was kidnapped
yesterday, carried to the vicinity of
a vacant farmhouse near Ypsilanti,
and stripped of his uniform, badge
and arms, by two escaped convicts,
police headquarters announced yes-
The convicts, Nelson King, 29 years
old, and Marion Buczynski, 25 years
old, both of Detroit, had escaped
from the Cassidy Lake prison camp
during the night, where they were
serving sentences for robbery armed.
Patrolman Stauch picked them up
on Stadium Blvd. at 6:30 a.m. and
was taking them to headquarters in
a police scout car when they attacked
and overpowered him. They left him
bound in an untenanted farmhouse

As they were riding toward head-
quarters, he said, one of the men
grabbed him around the neck, while
the other grabbed his gun away from
him. Under threat of his own gun,
Stauch was forced away from the
wheel, while the second man took
over and headed along Fifth Ave.
Stauch said he tried to signal to a
passing truck driver, but was told by
his captors, that another such move
would cost him his life.
Attempted Bribe
The captors stopped the car near
the abandoned farmhouse and bound
his arms and legs and left him.
Stauch stated that the convicts at-
tempted to bribe him into handing
in a favorable report by returning his
gun, minus cartridges.

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