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June 13, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-13

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TUESDAY, UNE 13, 1944


Fifty-Fourth Year

ITJ Rather lie Iiglit


Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control

of Student Pub
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Hal
Marjorie Rosmar
Iflizabeth A. Care
Margery Batt .

Editorial Staff
. . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
S . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Associate Sports Editoi
A t Women's Editor
S . . Associate Women's Editor
In . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
penter . . . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

NEW YORK, June 12-Hitler is
now experiencing the agonies of de-
fensive warfare and all that goes with
it. We set the time and place of bat-
tle. We appear where we like, and
when we are ready; Hitler must be
ready everywhere and at all times.
He needs enough men and ma-
terials to be able to fight at any
point; we need only enough for the
points at which we choose to fight.
The defensive requires vast re-
serves of men and great stocks of ma-
teriel that will never be used; and
there is never enough, as we found
out when we were on the defensive.
Hitler needs more than we have,
everywhere; while we need more than
he has only at points selected by us,
on days designated by us.
The very fact of the invasion has
given us a profound economic vic-
tory, for it makes every shortage in
Germany doubly, triply, and quad-
ruply acute.
We are cutting back a number of
our war production programs; for it
is a curious ,fact that to attack re-
quires less in the way of materiel
than to defend; the attackers know
the problem, as the defenders can-
not; they know what they must do,
therefore they know what they will
need, and they know in precise de-
The defender is condemned to pile
up everything, everywhere; and it is
as great a victory to keep German
factories uselessly at work, as it is
to bomb them out of existence.
These are thoughts with which
we can validly and legitimately
hearten ourselves during the days
of agony. This is the great con-
ception; we call the tune; we set
the place and date; Hitler must
fight our war; we can order his
armies to go to any point in Eu-
rope, and they must obey our or-
der; they are the enemy, but our
wish is their command.

Hitler must also bear the full bur-
den of the "fog of war," of simple
uncertainty as to what is actually
going on, of whether a reported at-1
tack at any point is a false alarm, or
whether it consists of three para-]
troopers, or whether it is an all-out;
drive. But we know; we alwayse
know, because it is our war now. ]
WE CIVILIANS have hardly had
time to accustom ourselves to the
possibilities thus opened to us. That
is why we still think in partial terms,;
in territorial terms, in terms of towns
won, in terms of liberating France
and Italy. These are grand object-;
ives, but they are limited objectives;
they are hangovers from our period
of defensive warfare, when every inch
of soil was precious.
But it is the entire German army,
everywhere, which is now caught in
our cramping grip. The total de-
struction of the German army is the
only war aim which matches the
possibilities of our position.
That is the meaning of the total
grip in which the western Allies
and the Russians now hold the
Nazi forces. Hitler himself has
shown us how dangerous it is to
settle for less than total victory,
for that is what he tried tempor-
arily to do in the West. He show-
ed us what strange things can
come out of glorious territorial vic-
tories, followed by stalemate. We
shall not repeat his mistake. There
is not going to be a second reversal
of roles.
It is for the Germans to think in
terms of inches of territory; not for
us. We are not fighting to go back
to the Maginot Line. We are fight-
ing to kill the thing that came over
the Maginot Line, the thing which
we have finally trapped in a great
circle. We do not close in for the
sake of acquiring real estate. We
close in for the kill.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Food for Europe?
Letter to the Editor:
In occupied Europe thousands of
helpless children are dying of slow
starvation and millions of others are
condemned to permanently impaired
health because of the rigid and un-
wittingly cruel policy of the British
Foreign Office and our own State
Department. It is difficult to under-
stand how the free entry into Europ-
ean ports of a few cargoes of desper-
ately needed foodstuffs and medical
supplies could in any way effect the
military situation. Moreover, there
is no valid reason why this attempt
to save thousands of lives could not
be made simply as an experiment.
Dr. Howard E. Kerschner of the
Quakers' Relief Committee has re-
peatedly pointed out to high author-
ities that neither the American nor
the British people would be obliged
to bear the burden of relief, since
the occupied countries have suffi-
cient funds abroad to purchase sup-
plies from South America, South
Africa and Sweden. These supplies,
which might save thousands of lives,
could be shipped in neutral vessels.
According to reports, it does not
appear that the Nazis have requisi-
tioned the food supplies as they ar-
rived in Greece.
Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, states that
in Belgium 80% of the children are
in the pre-tubercular stage. M. Cle-
menceau, in a recent lecture in Ann
Arbor, said that in France at least
50% of the children are tubercular.
What does the future hold in store
for these unfortunate victims of the
Nazis? Germany may be defeated
on the battle-field but, thanks to
the inflexible attitude of some Anglo-
American authorities, she will have
won the biological war against her
neighbors and potential rivals of the
Inasmuch as both houses of Con-
gress have voted in favor of recom-
mending action on the part of the
Executive Branch of the government,
the responsibility for one of histo-
ry's most ghastly mistakes must lie
with the latter 'and the British For-
eign Office. It remains to be seen
what will be the social and political
consequences of this refusal to make
any attempt whatsoever to save the
survivors of the Nazi war of exter-
mination against the civilian popu-
lations of occupied Europe.
-Antoine J. Jobin

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.25, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


mits upward revisions of textile ceilings and
is ultimately designed to raise the price of raw
cotton, has been tacked to the bill extending
the Price and Wage Stabilization Act. This act
already passed by the Senate, now goes to the
House for approval.
House passage of the act with the Bankhead
Amendment attached will be the entering wedge
for all special interest groups now pressing
demands for raising price ceilings.
In* the House Saturday, the battle for infla-
tion continued with amendments proposed which
would " eliminate the existing "highest price-
line limitations" measure applied to tapparel
stores by OPA, advance crude petroleum prices
35 cents, and exempt property sold by court
order from price ceilings.
While the WLB is insisting on the main-
tenance of the Little Steel formula and sup-
ports its objection to wage raises by the
contention that the price level has advanced
only 23 per cent, the same interests that
condemn the efforts of unions to raise wages
are defeating their own best argument against
such efforts.
On the bill now pending in the House depends
the stabilization of prices and wages for the
next year. Once out of hand price controls
are not easily reestablished. When price and
wage stabilization is abandoned, the nation
Can anticipate runaway inflationeand the severe
depression that will follow it. Congress must
not be permitted to betray the interests of the
American people while supporting the interests
of isolated groups.
-Betty Roth



k Jill





WASHINGTON, June 12-The President's
political advisers aren't shouting about it, but
they have now received a 20-page report on the
Texas "revolution" from Texas New Deal leader
Alvin Wirtz, plus a word-of-mouth report from
one confidential envoy arriving from the rebel-
lious Lone Star State.
These appear to confirm the report that
Jesse Jones and Will Clayton forces were
behind the move in the Texas Democratic
convention to instruct electors to disregard
century-old precedent in the Electoral College
and not necessarily vote for the winner next
Here are some of the facts laid before White
House political advisers:
Chairman of the Democratic State Executive
Committee who led the anti-Roosevelt group
is George Butler, Jesse Jones' nephew and at-
torney for "Jesse H. Jones interests," including
banks, radio stations, newspapers, office build-
ings, building and loan associations. The White
House has been informed that Butler has the
reputation in Houston of never doing anything
without consulting Uncle Jesse, and that many
Texas interests seeking to do business with Jones'
Reconstruction Finance Corporation employ Ne-
phew Butler as their attorney. It is inconceiv-
able that he would act without Jesse's approval.
Leaders of Revolt.. .
Chairman of the Harris County (Houston)
delegation which spearheaded the revolt against

Roosevelt was John H. Crooker, attorney for
Will Clayton, the man who sits at FDR's right
hand when it comes, to post-war liquidation.
Working with Crooker was Lamar Fleming,
head of the giant Anderson, Clayton & Com-
pany, biggest cotton brokers in the world, of
which Will Clayton is a partner. Both Flem-
ing and Crooker came to Austin in advance
of the convention to spearhead the drive against
Others active in the move included the fol-
lowing representatives of big oil and gas com-
panies: George Heyer, president of Crude Oil,
a subsidiary of Sun Oil and in the employ of
the Pews, Republican bosses of Pennsylvania;
Clint C. Small, lobbyist for Humble Oil, a
Standard Oil of N. J. subsidiary; Hiram King,
chief lobbyist for Sinclair Oil; E. E. Townes, for-
mer chief counsel for Humble Oil; Neth Leach -
man, representative of Lone Star Gas.
So far, the President has been too busy with
the invasion to have any show-down with his
Secretary of Commerce and Will Clayton. And
if he should go to England, as reported last
week, it is doubtful if he has any show-down
with them at all.
FDR on Eve of D-Day ...
A group of Democratic and Republican Con-
gressmen, calling themselves the Monday Night
Club, dropped in to see the President on Monday,
June 5. They did not know this was the eve
of D-Day. The President did. However, they
got no indication from him that momentous
events were" impending-except for one slight
Representative Francis Walter of Pennsylvania
presented the President with an odd gift during
the visit-a letter opener made from the fore-
arm of a Jap soldier killed in the Pacific.
The President did not touch the letter opener
with his fingers, however. He probed it with
a metal letter opener of his own, and called
Assistant President Jimmy Byrnes and White
House Assistant, Jim Barnes to look at it.
At about this time, the President lit a cigar-
ette and his Congressional callers noted that
his usually steady hand shook a bit. He looked
in excellent health, but some of them were wor-
Leaving the office at the end of the visit,
one of them asked Justice Byrnes about the
President's nervousness. Byrnes, who knew
what was coming later that night, replied:
"That man has an awful lot on his mind."
A few hours later, the Congressional callers
realized how true this was.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 159
Al notices'for The Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
, Notices
Summetr Positions: One of the
better organizations in Detroit is
looking for girls for office positions
for the summer. They will need sev-
eral typists, file clerks, and secretar-
ies. The pay is good. Interviews will
be held in our office. All those in-
terested should phone or call at the
office of The University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall. Phone
4121, extension 371 immediately.
House Heads and House Presi-
dents: Judiciary Council wishes to
call to the attention of those who are
in charge of house sign-out sheets,
the following:
"During the examination period in
June, latenesses are to be reported to
the Office of the Dean of Women."
The last day in which to secure a
locker refund at Waterman Gymna-
sium is Wednesday, June 14, 1944.
Food Sanitation Lecture: The last
of the present series of lectures on
food sanitation will be given this
evening, June 13, in the Auditorium
of the W.K. Kellogg Building, Fletch-
er Street and N. University Avenue
at 8 p.m. The speaker will be Mel-
bourne Murphy, Sanitarian of the
University Health Service.
The topics to be presented are
"Food Protection" and "Personal Hy-
giene" The motion picture "Eating
Out," produced by the Flint Depart-
ment of Health, will be featured.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students who
have not previously attended are
asked to do so. Other interested per-
sons are cordially invited to attend.
University Lecture: Emilio Harth
Terre. Professor of Fine Arts in the
School of Fine Arts, Lima Peru, will
lecture (in Spanish) on the subject,
"Colonial Architecture in Peru" (il-
lustrated) at 4:15 p. m., Thursday,
June 15, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, under the auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts. The public
is cordially invited.

Academic Notices
Spring Term Schedule of Examina-
tions: June 17 to June 24, 1944.
Note: For courses having both lec-
tures and quizzes, the time of exercise
is the time of the first lecture period
of the week; for courses having quiz-
zes only, the time of exercise is the
time of the first quiz period. Certain
courses will be examined at special
periods as noted below the regular
schedule. To avoid misunderstanding
and errors, each student should re-
ceive notificaton from his instructor
of the time and place of his examina-
Time of Exercise Time of Exam.
Monday at

10. ....

.Mon., June 19,
.. Tues., June 20,
..Mon., June 19,
..Wed., June 21,
..Fri., June 23,
..Wed., June 21,
..Sat., June 17,
..Sat., June 17,
.. Fri., June 23,
..Thu., June 22,
..Thu., June 22,

2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

2. ..

..Tues., June 20,
.Sat., June 17,
...Thu., June 22,

Action Taken Against Small Loan Groups

vestigation resulting from complaints of
conspiracies to maintain high interest rates in
the small loan business climaxed last week
With an indictment of 40 corporations under
the Sherman Anti-trust Act.
Thirteen small loan company 'chains were
charged with agreement to maintain interest
rates and charges as high as 60 per cent to
1000 per cent a year on loans of $5 to $60.
The indictment, involving more than 400 high-
rate small loan offices in 23 southern, south-
western and western states, is probably the
most far reaching application of the Sherman
Anti-trust Act made in banking and credit
fields in recent years. Of the $100,000,000
loaned by high-rate small lenders in the United
States in 1943, 75 per cent was loaned by the
defendants named in the indictment.
It is significant that most of the complaints
received by the justice department were from
family men and married couples who found
themselves in needy circumstances with a large
number also coming from men in army camps.
Almost all were from wage earners and salaried
These high interest charges have fallen
upon persons who are least able to meet
them. In an emergency the average wage
earner has little recourse except to the high-
rfa to u nI ljnan lnde~rs either because. he has

but upon the total amount over the whole
A Michigan state law limits the interest
charge on small loans to three and one-half
per cent per month on the first $100 and to
two and one-half per cent for everything over
that amount. Many states do not have such
a law, and small loan company chains often
create "slush funds" by assessing individual
units owned by them for use in bribing mem-
bers of state legislatures and city councils
not to interfere with the high-rate loan busi-
ness. Public officials may be employed as
agents to oppose enactment of regulatory laws.
It is only through the Sherman Anti-trust
Act, which prohibits any contract, combination
or conspiracy in restraint of trade in interstate
commerce, that the loan company chains can
be brought to account. A stricter regulation
in banking and credit fields has long been
needed and a continuing investigation into
violations of the Anti trust laws in these fields
promises important results in the future.
-Jennie Fitch

Conflicts, Irregulars Make-ups ......
........Sat., June 24, 8:00-10:00
Special Periods
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
Soc.'51, 54, Sat., June 17, 10:30-12:30.
Span. 1, 2, 31, 32, Mon. June 19, 8-10
Ger. 1, 2, 31, 32 . .Mon., June 19, 8-10
Poli. Sci. 1, 2, Tues., June 20, 10:30-
Speech 31, 32 . .. .Wed., June 21, 2-4
French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62, 91, 92,
153 ............ Wed., June 21, 2-4
English 1, 2 ......Thu., June 22, 8-10
Ec. 51, 52, 54 .... Thu., June 22, 8-10
Bot. 1 . .. .Fri., June 23, 10:30-12:30
Zo. 1 ......Fri., June 23, 10:30-12:30
Psych. 31 . .Fri., June 23, 10:30-12:30
School of Business Administration:
Bus. Ad. 142, Tues., June 20, 10:30-
School of Education:
Education classes meeting Saturday
only, Sat., June 17, during regular
Ed. C1 . .Tues., June 20, 10:30-12:30
School of Forestry:
Courses not covered by this schedule
as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School
bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual in-
struction in Applied Music
Individual examinations by ap-
pointment will be given for all ap-
plied music courses (individual in-
struction) elected for credit in any
unit of the University. For time and
place of examinations, see bulletin
board at the School of Music..
School of Public Health:
Courses not covered by this sched-
ule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulle-
tin board.
English 1 and 2-Final Examina-
tion. Room Schedule, 'Thursday, June
22, 8-10 a. m.
English 1
Bader ..,..... ..... . ... 35 AH
Davis ....................35 All
Peterson...............2235 AH
Schenk................2235 AH

Morris .................. 3017 AH
Nelson ........,........3209 AlH
Ogden. .................. E Haven
Ohlsen ..................229 AH
Rowe .................. G Haven
Taylor . ..................231 AH
Warner ................2225 AH
Weaver .............. .G Haven
Weimer ................2203 AH
Wells ...................2003 AH
Williams ...............2225 AH
German Department Room Assign-
ments for final examinations, 8:00-
10:00 a. m. Monday, June 19:
German I-All sections: C Haven
German 2-Gaiss (2 sections),
Eaton, and Philippson: 205 Mason
Hall Van Duren, Copley, Nordmeyer,
and Pott (2 sections): B Haven Hall.
German 31--Both sections: D Ha-
ven Hall.
German 32-All sections: 2225 An-
gell Hall.
Final Examination, German '160
will be held in room 406 Library Fri-
day, June 23, 10:30-12:30 a. m.
Sociology 51: Final examination for
all sections Saturday, June 17, 10:30-
12:30 a.m. The examination will be
held inNatural Science Auditorium.
Sociology 54: Final examination
for all sections Saturday, June 17,
10:30-12:30 a.m. The room arrange-
ment is as follows: Sections I and
III, Rm. C, Haven Hall; Sections II
and IV, 231 Angell Hall.
Psychology 31: Final examination
June 23, 10:30-12:30. A-L, 25 Angell
Hall; M-Z, 231 Angell Hall. People
coming late will go to 231 Angell Hall.
Political Science 1: There will be
a make-up examination today at
5:00 p.m. in 2029 A.H.
Doctoral Examination for Esther
Lowell Hibbard, Oriental Civiliza-
tions; thesis: "The Yuriwaka Tra-
dition in Japanese Literature," today
1518 Rackham Building, at 2 p.m.
Chairman, M. Titiev.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative June
graduates from the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts and the
School of Education for departmental
honors should send such names to the

Jane and I probably WILL go
to Jane's aunts house at the
beach, Mom. So we can grow

By Crockett Johnson

Yes. There's a better quality
Vitamin D there. My Fairy
Godfather, Mr. O'Malley, is

We aught to hear


Barnaby! My mother
got a letter from her!



I i


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