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June 13, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-13

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merican Forces Penetrate 1


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55 Faculty Promotions
Approved by Regents
'U' Budget of More Than Seven Millions
Will Cover One Year's Operating Cost
The Board of Regents approved a budget of $7,793,319.25 for the
fiscal year 1944-45 at their regular monthly meeting yesterday and
approved 55 promotions of faculty members.
They also approved the appointment of Prof. Walter J. Emmons to
the post of assistant dean and secretary of the College of Engineering.
He will replace Dean Alfred H. Lovell, who is resigning to become a full,
time professor of electrical engineering.
The more than seven million dollar budget will cover total operating
costs of the University from July 1 until the following June 30 and will
be used for salaries, current instructional expenses, maintenance of build-
ings, operation of plant, research --

ilesinto France
Troops Nearing
Port of Cherbourg
Fusion of Beachheads Now Complete;
Depth of Coastal Strip is Inereasing
Associated Press Correspondent
Tuesday, June 13-American tanks and infantry smashed through the
center of the German line in Normandy yesterday, capturing the Cerisy
Forest, 18 miles inland from the sea, toppling the stronghold of Carentan
after a bitter fight, and battling Nazi farces only 14 miles from the prize
port of Cherbourg.
it Headquarters said that Field Marshal Gen. Erwin Rommel was using
go. from 14 to 15 divisions, 250,000 German troops, against the Allied forces,
but communique No. 14 declared:
Headquarters said that Field Mar-

FIRST P-38 LANDS ON FRENCH FIELD-U. S. fighting men watch the first P-38 fighter plane as
lands on a newly constructed landing strip built since the Allies began their invasion of France a week ag

addition to the University budget, the
work and the extension service. In
Regents also approved a budget of
$3,230,176 for the University Hospi-
tal which is a self-supporting institu-
Gifts Accepted
The Regents also accepted more
than $5,000 in gifts to the University.
Among other appointments ap-
proved yesterday was that of Prof.
William H. Worrell who has been ap-
pointed to the post of acting chair-
man of the Oriental language and
literature department. Prof. Leroy
Waterman, who is chairman of the
department, will be on leave of ab-
Profs. Kenneth K. Landes and Irv-
ing A. Leonard were appointed to
membership on the Executive Board
of the Horace H. Rackham School of
.Graduate Studies for a five-year
term. Prof. Walter E. Lay was named
to executive committee of the College
of Engineering for four years and
Prof. Edgar H. Gault received an ap-
pointment to the executive commit-
tee of the School of Business Admini-
stration for two years.
Kinkehaus Resigns
The Regents accepted the resigna-
tion of Louis E. Kinkelhaus as assist-
ant professor of engineering and
granted a leave of absence to Dr.
Wilfred Kaplan, mathematics in-
structor, to serve in the Office of
Scientffic Research and Development
from July 1 to the end of the fall
Two new men were appointed to
the University faculty. They are
Glenn H. Easton, who will be an
assistant professor of naval archi-
tecture and marine engineering in
the College of Engineering, and Dr.
Reeve Bailey, who will be the new
associate curator of fishes in the
Museum of Zoology.
The Regents approved promotion
of the following faculty members
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: From associate professor
to professor: L. C. Anderson, chemis-
try; H. M. Dorr, political science;
A. J. Eardley, geology; A. L. Fergu-
son, chemistry; F. G. Gustafson, bot-
any; C. D. LaRue, botany, and L. S.
Ramsdell, mineralogy. From assis-
tant professor to associate professor:
J. L. Davis, English; K. G. Hance,
speech; M. W. Senstius, geology;
F. K. Sparrow, Jr., botany, and M.
Titiev, anthropology. From instruc-
President Says
Nazis Intensify
Drive on Jews
WASHINGTON, June 12.- (A')-
President Roosevelt said today the
Nazis, facing defeat, are carrying on
a "fiendish extermination campaign"
against the oppressed peoples of
Europe and added that this govern-
ment is determined to punish "all
participants in these acts of savag-
"This nation is appalled by the
systematic persecution of helpless
minority groups," the President said
in a report to Congress.
"As the hour of the final defeat of
the Hitlerite forces draws closer, the
fury of their insane desire to wipe
out the Jewish race in Europe con-
tinues undiminished. This is but one
example: many Christian groups also
are being murdered.
"Knowing that they have lost the
war, the Nazis are determined to
complete their program of mass ex-
termination. This program is but
one manifestation of Hitler's aim to
salvage from military defeat victory
for Nazi principles-the very princi-
ples which this war must destroy un-
less we shall have fought in vain."
Demobilization Planned


tor to assistant professor: R. C. Boys;
English; A. H. Hawley, sociology;
W. Kaplan, mathematics; K. F. Lag-
ler, zoology; H. V. S. Ogden, English,
and J. K. Yamagiwa, Japanese. H.
van der Schalie was promoted from
instructor to assistant professor in
zoology and from assistant curator
to curator of mollusks.
College of Engineering: From as-
sistant professor to associate profes-
sor: G. L. Alt, civil engineering;
F. N. Calhoon, mechanical engineer-
ing; R. C. Cole, mechanism and
engineering drawing, and L. C.
Maugh, civil engineering.
Medical School: From associate
professor to professor: R. C. Wan-
strom, pathology. From assistant
professor to associate professor: J.W.
Conn, internal medicine; F. D. John-
ston, internal medicine; R. M. Pat-
terson, psychiatry, and R. T. Wood-
burne, anatomy. Froin instructor to
assistant professor: R. W. Buxton,
surgery; J. F. Holt, roentgenology;
D. A. Kerr, pathology for dentistry;
W. A. Stryker, pathology; J. M. Wall-
ner, phychiatry, and E. H. Watson,
pediatrics and communicable dis-
eases. From research associate to
assistant professor: S. Johnson, der-
matology and syphilology.
School of Education: From asso-
ciate professor to professor: M. E.
Rugen, health and physical educa-
tion. From instructor to assistant
professor: B. 0. Hughes, education.
Law School: Marvin L. Niehus was
See REGENTS, Page 4
Col. Young To
Head All TU'
Army Forces
Edward H. Young, commandant of
the Judge Advocate General's School,
has been appointed Commandant of
all Army training forces at the Uni-
versity according td an announce-
ment made yesterday by the head-
quarters of the Sixth Service Com-
mand in Chicago.
He was also named Professor of
Military Science and tactics at the
University by the Board of Regents
yesterday. Col. Young will retain
his command of the Judge Advocate
General's School in addition to his

Clark's Army
Drives Close
To Orbetello
German 14th Ariiiy
Dispersed by Alies
By The Associated Press
ROME, June 12-The German
14th Army has been "dispersed to the
four winds," Allied Headquarters de-
clared today as Lt. Gen. Mark W.
Clark's American and Britsh forces,
pursuing the disorganized Germans
up the Italian west coast, approached
Orbetello, 71 miles northwest of
As depleted enemy units fell back
toward the Florence area with the
greater part of their equipment lost,
the Nazi High Command faced the
immediate necessity of sending
heavy reinforcements from France or
elsewhere in Europe if any real at-
tempt was to be made to hold nor-
thern Italy.
"It is now quite clear," the Allied
announcement said, "that the orig-
inal 14th Army has been dispersed
to the four winds. All that remains
is a few scattered remnants who
mainly are engaged in stealing one
another's transport to get away as
fast as possible. Prisoners describe
the situation as wholly chaotic."
The German commander, Field
Marshal Albert Kesselring, not only
has been forced to throw all but one
of the 24 divisions he had in Italy
into a desperate effort to slow the
Allied steamroller, but has brought
in three fresh infantry divisions, it
was disclosed today,
What is left of the Nazy 10th
Army, which once struck hammer
blows at Allied troops clinging to the
Anzio beachhead, appears to have
been put on an every-man-for-him-
self basis in the flight toward Flor-
Nips Are Driven
From Positions
On Biak Island
TERS, New Guinea, June 13, Tuesday
-(AP)-Japanese are being cleaned
from their strong positions on Biak
Island west of Mokmer airstrip,
headquarters announced today.
American infantry troops were ad-
vancing westward from captured
Mokmer drome Sunday against en-
emy machinegun fire coming from
bunkers. .
Headquarters also disclosed that
Palau and Truk again were bombed
Saturday night. Palau's airstrip was
hit and installations on Truk were
attacked by planes from Southwest
Pacific bases.
Truk and Palau are 1,000 miles
apart in the Caroline Island group.
At Sarmi in Dutch New Guinea,
patrols reported 173 more enemy
dead Sunday and 223 more at Hol-


DNB Reports Night Bombing of
Cologne A fter Daylight Raids

By the Associated Press
Tuesday, June 13-Cologne was re-
ported by DNB today to have been
bombed just before midnight in an
after-dark sequel to daylight inva-
sion attacks Monday in which Allied
air fleets flew -pup to 10,000 sorties
against German holdings in France.
Many Nazi-controlled radio sta-
tions in France and Germany shut
down, suggesting widespread activity
by the RAF.
A record 1,400 U. S. heavy bomb-
ers participated in the daylight at-
tacks, which met rising German air
force resistance. Sixteen enemy air-
fields and six bridges were among the
The heavyweights, in the greatest
force ever sent on a single mission,
lost seven planes to flak while their
fighter escort shot 17 of the enemy
from the sky at a cost of 14 fighters.
The supreme command threw ev-
ery class of bomber and fighter into
close support of the expanding Nor-
mandy Beachhead, and the Ger-
mans, putting up their stiffest oppo-
sition since the Channel crossing,
were unable to check this whirlwind
of Allied aerial might.
U. S. Fortresses and Liberators
Fate of China
May Hige on,
Cantont, Hunitan
By The Associated Press
The Pacific-Asiatic war thundered
to higher tempo yesterday with chief
interest centering on fierce battling
in China that may decide the fate
of the entire eastern section of that
As heroic Chinese forces resisted
furiously at besieged Changsha, stra-
tegic railway town in Hunan Pro=
vince, the Japanese invaders launch-
ed a new drive northward from the
Canton sector in an apparent. effort
to build a "west wall" against the
In virtually all other regions of
the vast Pacific-Oriental war theater
the Japanese were faring badly. -
Out on the Pacific a powerful Am-
erican task force carried into the
second day its air attacks against the
Marianas Islands of Guam, Tinian
and Saipan, all considered major
Japanese bases, and extended the
onslaught to Rota Island, north of
Almost simultaneously with dis-
closure that the task force continued
its operations within Japan's inner
defense ring, the Navy department
announced the sinking of 18 more
Nippon cargo ships or merchantmen
by American submarines. The total
kill of the subs since the start of
war has reached 607 ships.

scoured air fields from St. Nazaire to
Lyon to which the Germans had
been shuttling their lean air force,
and one pilot declared that "every
airfield within a radius of 50 miles
of our target seemed to be under
Other heavyweights planted ex-
plosives on six bridges and other in-
stallations, while clouds of lighter
bombers, fighter-bombers and fight-
ers filled the skies over northern
France, some engaging in dog-fights
with as many as 20 enemy planes.
Fifth War Loan
Drive Opened
By President
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 12-Presi-
dent Roosevelt said tonight we can
force the Japanese "to unconditional
surrender or to national suicide much
more rapidly than has been thought
The President, speaking on a na-
tional radio program opening the
$16,000,000,000 Fifth War Loan Drive,
said our original strategy of elimi-
nating Germany first and then turn-
ing our full war strength into the
Pacific can hasten the day of our vic-
tory on all fronts.
Germany, he said, is "first on the
list for destruction," and added:
"Germany has her back against
the wall-in fact three walls at. once.
"On the south--we have broken
the German hold on central Italy.
On the east-our gallant Soviet al-
lies have driven the enemy back from
the lands which were invaded three
years ago. Great Soviet armies are
now initiating crushing blows.
"The time has come for the people
of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw
County to dig deep into their purses
and furnish early assurance that the
county will go over the top in the
Fifth War Loan campaign," Warren
F. Cook, Washtenaw county war
finance committee chairman, stated
To date, Ann Arbor has sold a
total of $159,303.25 in bonds, of
which $98,081.25 was collected by the
sale of E-bonds, $40,280 by the sale
of non-E bonds to individuals, and
$20,942 by the sale of non-E bonds
to corporations.
The total sales for the county
amount to $237,325. The sale of
E-bonds has netted $139,827.50, non
E-bonds to individuals $76,120, and
non E-bonds to corporations $21,-

shal Gen. Erwin Rommel was using
from 14 to 15 divisions, 250,000 Ger-
man troops, against the Allied for-
ces, but communique No. 14 declared:
"The fusion of our beachheads is
now complete and a coastal strip
some 60 miles long is firmly in our
Soviet Army
Advances on
Finnish Port
Spearheads Breach
Mannerheim Line
By the Associated Press
LONDON, June 12--Russian tanks
and picked troops struck through
breaches in the rebuilt Mannerheim
Line today in a drive toward the big
Finnish Port of Viipuri-less than 45
miles away from advanced spear-
heads-with the capital of Helsinki
itself as the ultimate goal.
Churning up the Karelian Isthmus
ravaged by the 1939-40 Russo-Fin-
nish War, Russian artillery, bombs
and guns of the Baltic fleet cracked
the defenses along a 25-mile front
and stunned the Finns with a can-
nonading , which echoed through
Leningrad, more than 25 miles away.
Seized Railroad Centers
Dispatches from Moscow said the
Red Army had seized several large
railroad centers beyond the 1938
Russo-Finnish border and that Fin-
nish casualties, heavy from the start,
were increasing:
They pictured the Finns as dazed
by the suddenness and weight of the
attack and as ill-prepared for threats
of big-scale landings behind their
lines under cover of the Soviet Baltic
More enemy positions were being
rolled up hourly as the Russians
under Col. Gen. Leonid Govorov, lib-
erator of Leningrad, struck repeated-
ly in the virtually constant daylight
of the northern summer.
The newspaper Pravda declared
the break-through was "great and
significant" and that "now the hour
of severesrevenge has arrived."
Cross Sestra River
The Russians were reported to
have crossed the Sestra River, which
flows southwest through captured
Terijoki, and to be fighting through
lakes, swamps and hills of Karelia
after breaking steel and concrete
fortifications in the powerful push.
Terijoki is 27 miles north of Lenin-
grad and 169 miles east of Helsinki.
Among the points taken was Kuok-
kala, six miles east of Terijoki on the
gulf, where dispatches said the studio
of the famous Russian painter Ilya
Repin was found in ruins.
Election of bGraf t
Jury Is Begun
Challenges Indicate
Long Task Is Ahead
MASON, MICH., June 12-(AP)-
Selection of a jury for trial of 23
defendants charged with conspiracy
to corrupt the 1939 Michigan legis-
lature started in the Ingham County
circuit court today, with indications
it would be a long and painstaking
Thirteen of 14 jurors had been
selected tentatively when court ad-
journed for the day, but there was a
constant change of faces in the jury
box as the defense and prosecutin

hands. Its depth is being increased
A later official statement also said:
"The enemy has been unable to build
up his attacking forces as rapidly as
10,000 Prisoners Taken
At the end of the first week of ins
vasion fighting the Allies have taken
more than 10,000 prisoners, a state-
ment said. Gen. Sir Bernard L>
Montgomery, Allied ground com-
mander, said some regular Japanese
soldiers were among the captives and
the Axis slain, but did not explain
their presence on the front.
The seizure of CerisyForest put
American troops near the mid-Nor-
mandy communications hub of 'St.
Lo, and was the deepest inland pene-
tration yet scored by the Allies.
Slight advances were made east of
Caen on the British-Canadian sec-
for on the American left flank, head-
quarters said, and "American troops
in the Cherbourg Peninsula have
London Has Air Alert
LONDON, Tuesday, June 13-(AP)
-London had its first air alert since
April 27 this morning and gun fire
was heard immediately after sirens
made further progress to the north
and west" in their effort to seal off
an 800-square-mile area including
the port of Cherbourg,
Fierce Fighting Continues
Fierce fighting between British and
enemy armored units continued be-
tween Tilly-sur-Seulles and Caen,
east of the Cerisy Forest now occu-
pied by the Americans, the bulletin
*uh l,*

Visit France


June 12 -- (AP) - Prime Minister
Churchill set foot on French soil for
the first time since 1940 today and
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Com-
mander in Chief of the Allied inva-
sion forces, led as party of top U, S.
military and naval commanders on
a tour of the American-held section
of the Normandy battlefront.
Britain's prime minister was ac-
companied by Field Marshal Jan
Christian Smuts, Premier of South
Africa, and Gen. Sir Alan Brooke,
Chief of the imperial general staf.
Dean Crawford
To Speak T oday
Senior Engineering
Class Plans Meeting
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Col-
lege of Engineering will speak on
"The Future of Our University" at
the senior class meeting of engineers
to be held at 7:30 p. m. today in
Rm. 348 of West Engineering Build-
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, will
discuss the alumni service.
Instructions as to frrmation of
march and seating arrangements for
commencement will be given by Prof,
Glenn L. Alt of the engineering de-
partment. There will be also a gen-
eral explanation ofrules of gradua-
Nursing School To
Offer New Degree

... is promoted.
new post as head of the 3651st S. U.
He replaces Col. Frederick C. Rogers
who reached the age of retirement on
June 1.
He has served in the Philippines,
at Plattsburgh, the Army War Col-
lege, and was a White House aide
during parts of both the Coolidge
and Hoover administrations.
He received his JD in 1936, and
was professor of law at West Point
for three years. Next he was Chief
of Branch, Military Affairs Divi-
sion, of the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's Department until his assign-
ment to the JAG school when it was
opened in February, 1942. He came

Texas Democrats Revolt Against FDR

By The Associated Press
A court battle over the fourth term
issue was shaping up today (Tues-
day) as a result of an intra-party
split among Texas Democrats.
The Texas Democratic Executive
Committee, meeting yesterday at
Dallas, voted 37 to 6 against certify-
ing a slate of pro-Roosevelt presi-

tors and instructed them not to sup-
port the party's presidential nominee
unless the two-thirds nominating
rule is restored at the national con-
vention and other conditions are met,
Elections Considered Correct
Chairman George Butler of the
executive committee contended this

should be bound to support the par-
ty's presidential nominee,
Appeal Was Planned
Aware that the defection of a
single state's electoral vote easily
could be the deciding factor in a
close election, the Roosevelt support-
ers planned a quick appeal to the

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