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June 08, 1944 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-08

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Revised Music
Is Ann ouneed
Changes in the curriculum of the
School of Music to conform with a
revision of fee payments and the
policy of "more instruction at less
cost to the student" approved by the
Board of Regents at their last meet-
ing, were announced yesterday by Dr.
Earl V. Moore, director.
"Lower" and "upper" divisions will
be established, beginning with the
fall term. The "lower" division, con-
sisting of two years of required study,
will constitute an "explanatory per-
iod" for the student. At the end of
this time he may go into the "upper",
or specialized, division to work
toward a -degree in piano, voice,
strings, organ, theory-composition,'
music iteryture or music education.
Required Sequence Given
Piano instruction and courses n
basic musicianship, music literature,
applied music, English and another
non-music subject will be required
in the "lower division,' in sequences
designed to give the student maxi-
mum educational values. In the
credit for applied music the student
may continue instruction in voice
or the instrument on which he was
admitted to the School of Music, or
he may "explore" a new instrument.
This arrangement is the result of
several year's study on the problem
of providing music education in a
University background, Dr. Moore
said. Another of the several advan-
tages is that the "lower" divisions
will provide opportunity for stud-
ents with varying proficienciesuat
the time of admission, or with un-
certainties as to their future field of
specialization, to adjust themselves
to professional standards of train-
ing, and to observe at first hand the
requirements for meeting competi-
tion in public performance, radio or]
teaching of music.
Fee Revision Told]
The revision of fee payments
passed by the Regents provides for1
a single "flat charge" of $120 each;
term for Michigan residents and $180]
for non-residents, which will pay
for all required instruction in ap-E
plied music and practice facilities, in;
addition to the usual University tui-
A revised catalogue giving full in-
formation concerning the new cur-c
riculum and fee payment system is
being prepared and will be available1
upon request.1
Dandl Receives
Cane Aw. ard1
Robert Dangl, the outstanding<
member of the Stump Speakers, wasI
presented with the coveted CooleyA
Cane award at the 15th annual Tungt
Oil banquet held yesterday.
Jerry Cardillo and Phillip Snyder,<
newly elected president of the club,
were given the Gavel Citation, and
Paul Hildebrandt, George Spaulding,F
Roger Hotte, Barb Fairman, Donna
Leahy and Pat Ryan were elected
members of the Stump.
Harvey M. Merker, general mana-
ger of the Parke Davis Co., in the
main speech of the evening, gave thet
history of newly discovered drugs1
from the experimenter's laboratoryt
to their vital war duty on the fighting


Three Former U Men Hold

SDT's, Fielding
To Entertain at

Dressing Un it Open .o. .
The Surgical Dressings Unit will be
open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and
tomorrow at the League before it
closes for the remainder of the sem-
ester, according to Harret Fishel,
head of the Unit.
"There is such a desperate need
for these dressings that we would like
to make as many of them as possible
the last two days the Unit is open,"
Miss Fishel stressed.
Blood Bank Opens . .
All students and servicemen who
made appointments to donate blood
are urged to keep their appoint-
ments today or tomorrow at the
WAB, Don Larson, chairman, said.
Pictures Due Aug. 15 ...
Senior pictures for the October
issue of the Michiganensian must be
in by Aug. 15, according to Betty
Peat. managing editor.
The spring issue will be distributed
Friday, June 16, at the Student Pub-
lications Building.
Give Concert
drum Solos Will Be
Given by Webster Dotid
The first summer concert of the
Navy V-12 Band of the University
at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
ium will feature, among its many
attractions, S-K 2-c Webster H.
Doud playing drum solos, accompa-
nied on the piano by Pvt. James
H-arvin, USMC.
Doud has .had wide experience,
having played with such famous acts
as "Blomberg's Alaskan Dogs," "Har-
per's Liberty Ponies," and the "Fly-
ing Novikoffs" of the Ringling Broth-
ers Circus. He toured Texas on road
shows with such stars as Tad Lucas,
world champion fancy rider, "No-
Wata Slim," world champion bull
dogger, and Leonard Wand, world
champion calf roper. He also played
with many of the nation's leading
bands, including Joe Kayser and
Duke Bigelow.
The Navy V-12 Band, composed of
approximately 80 pieces, will be led
by Prof. William D. Revelli, well-
known conductor of the University
Bands. The selections will include
both military and concert marches,'
along with symphonic and popular
numbers. Under the direction of
Stan Oviatt, the Navy V-12 Swing
Orchestra will also perform.
The general public is invited, and
admission is free.
The University of Michigan String
Orchestra, conducted by Prof. Gilbert
Ross, will present its third concert of
the season, featuring a suite of "Airs
and Dances" by the French master
Rameau, at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Organized last fall, this group is
supplementary to the University
Symphony Orchestra which was tem-
porarily disbanded because of war
conditions. The orchestra's two ear-
lier concerts were devoted entirely
to string orchestra music of the 17th
and 18th centuries, while the coming
program will be divided between Ger-
man, French, Italian and contempor-
ary American music.
The concert will be open to the
general public.

Orchestra Members
Receive Awards
Members of the Ann Arbor Civic
orchestra were recipients of annual
merit awards for co-operation, at-
tendance, and musical proficiency
during the season; at a rehearsal and
business meeting in Ann Arbor High
School last night.
Ronald Hinterman, first place win-'
ner, received two Choral Union con-
cert series tickets; Charles Biddle,
second place winner, and Lucile Stil-
son, third place winner, received gift
certificates for records or music
Officers Announced
At a Hillel student council meet-
ing last Saturday, Thelma Zeskind,
'46, and Dave Loewenberg, '45, were
elected to serve as first and second
vice-presidents, respectively, of the
council for the next school year.

A dvisors To Meet ...

Leading Positions with Airline Victory Dance

The Orientation Committee will
hold a make-up meeting for fresh-
man orientation advisors for fall at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the League.
The meeting is compulsory for all
advisors who were unable to attend
the regular meeting -on May 31.
Those who are unable to attend
this meeting must contact Betty
Willemin at 2-1528 and special
arrangements will be made for
them. Rooms for the meeting will
be posted on the League bulletin
larpist Will Play . . .
Gertrude J. Peck, special School o
Music student, will present a harpc
f recital at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Her program will include selections
by Handel, Gluck, Debussy, Corell
and Salzado. The recital is open tc
the public.
.iol.is T Pl .
"Elizabeth Ivanoff, Grad. SM, will
present a violin recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at
8:30 p.m. Monday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Beginning her violin studies in
the Ann Arbor public schools, Miss
Ivanofi later studied with Marian
S. Freeman, and in October, 1942,
began work with Prof. Gilbert Ross
in the School of Music. She also
studied with Feri Roth, director of
the famous Rioth String Quartet,
last summer'.
She received her BM degree in
music education in February, 1943.
Accompanied by Ruby Kuhlman,
'46, pianist, Miss Ivanoff will play
selections by Bach, Scarlatti,
Brahms and Stravinsky.
Winners Chosen ...
Betty Raymond of Gamma Phi
Beta and Marian Carlson of Mrs.
Gucker's League House tied for first
place in the Posture Contest held
yesterday at the Figure Fitness Fash-
ion Show sponsored by WAA Board.
Second place winner was Shirley
Holman of Kappa Delta, while Mar-
tha McCray of Betsy Barbour took
third honors. Judges were Dr. Mar-
garet E Bell, Miss Marie Hartwig and
Mrs. John Tracy. ,
* **
Clean-Ufp B egins Tolaty.. .
"Let's clean up the campus!" is the
motto of the day for the Women's
War Council, Union Staff members
and students who have volunteered
to meet at 3:45 today in front of the
general library for an hour of work
and fun.
The campus has been divided into
nine zones. Two War Council mem-
bers, one Union staff man, and one
'47 Corps captain will act as foremen
in each zone. Each foreman will bring
ten workers which will make the
crew total 396 students.
A runner will report back to the
library as soon as his zone is im-
maculate, and prizes will be awarded
to the swiftest group. Cokes and
doughnuts will be furnished by the
University for all workers.
Implements and waste containers
will be supplied and a truck will
remove the debris as it is collected.

j #f

Three former Michigan men have routes which the company is aperat-
stepped right into the American Air- ing for the Air Transport Command.
lines, Inc. and taken over the top He is an Alpha Tau Omega and a Fi
positions of chief engineering pilot, member of the Institute of Aeronaut-
supervisor of navigators for the com- ical Sciences. Two
pany overseas, and chief military Beard Received Degree Projec
S"$engineering pilot. Ei In 1925 Myron Gould Beard re- Delta
f>'sl"en H. Brin, hE. ade his irst- ceived his BS in mechanical engineer- the ev
" ' ::" ' t''" ' r .::'v' ssolo flight when he was 16, just be-
fore he graduated from high school ing but that is entering his life in theDc'
.When he left the University he hd' middle for previous to that hc{ had UJA v
.*.* 1,000 hours of solo flying to his credit enlisted in the Army Air Corps and m., Sa
and a week later he entered after the war he had sailed all over tion.
American Airlines pilottraining the North and South Atlantic from Loui
schtrainniCng'"go.hd t Gulf of Mexico to Liverpool and Babs
._:>school in Chicago.:;;. down to Rio and Buens Aires. ItSD
::.:: .Brink Qualified as Capta was then that he entered the Univer-
: :Within two years he had qualified isy. Horeli
as a full fledged captain .after flying Beard can tell you about every type of thr
j:as first officer on every one of the of eard t can tlo aut everp Sldie
'" " """ be1 4, CptaizSrouktbes.etstf plane that American Airlines everStm
company's domestic In Octo- flew, from its earliest day, and he Stomp
ber. '42, Captain Brink became a test. can tell you anything about planes of writte
BILL LAYTON ,pilot on military aircraft in the en- the first World War. He was the first lich.
eband Leader gineering department and then was pilot to test the Douglas DC-3's. In The
newbad eaerappointed chief engineering pilot. Be- 1942, he was appointed to his present war bo
cause the company was modifying position of chief military engineering will b
La ton To Lead planes for Army use or using planes pilotRaffle
under contract to the Air Transport, Worked as Navigator each,r
Command he tested every military James Edward Brown, '40E, is the Founda
transport now in service and many third man on the list to hit the top and ev
combat planes. .s
Captain Brink in his testings has wth American Airlines. He made the A t
e o gone to the Arctic Circle and has Ifirst survey flight from Newfound- award
flown as a regular pilot to Scotland aland to Marrakesk. French Morocco, missio
All 13 original members of Ann Ifas navigator on a C-54A for the Air at the
Arbor's "favorite band" will be on anl North Africa.on North Atlantic Transport Command. ous h
hand to play for campus dances While attending the University he contri
during the rest of this term and in "Iworked in the summers as a mechanic will be
the summer, said Bill Layton, suc- Nut e...7 1.1 worker at the Peoria Flying Service The
cessor to Bill Sawyer. New Field. He got his preliminary educa- I price o
SFeaturing Whitey Benson n the NCaletonia tion as a navigator while in the Naval from t
drums, Herb Efdemiller at the piano, I Reserves, raffle1
and Dwight Dailey on the tenor sax, He went into the American Airlines J
the band will offer a number of new ijIV1fl V larters i n 194J and when the Army started wish
arrangements. Both Layton and Judy I its training program he was assigned the cai
Ward will continue as vocalists. Editor's Note: rhis is the last in a to train as a navigator in Chicago.
When Bill Sawyer handed over series of three letters received by In February, 1943, he became instruc-
When Bill SawermbarseofavhetSchool of Music
his position as leader to Layton, he faclty from Miss Louise cuyler, fo- tor assigned to the supervisory post. IN
said "I know that you will strive ner instructor in theory at the Uni- - ---- -- -
vad ko htyuwl t'~ ersity who is now stationed with tire -___________
to uphold the fine standards that we American Red cross in NeCatedoa
Mat 4iss Cuyler obtained a leave of ab-i ---
have tried to mantain n theBpast ence from the university For overseasi
few ,years." The two Bills met in' duty with the Rzed cross in ecember, ;
1942 when Sawyer heard Layton play 194.
on the road. ' "As you'll note, I'm still in New I
Layton, originally from Pennsyl- Caledonia; I've given up trying to
vania, is now a resident of Ann Ar- guess what my future is.
bor. A junior in the literary col- "After working at the big down-I-
lege, he took an active interest in town service club for two weeks, I
the band and has participated in was told all of a sudden to forget
many of the activities with which the iminent transportation which
Sawyer was affiliated, One of his would have soon become available
principal contributions, according to to my post, and to come out here to;-
Sawyer, was his aid on the score of hold the fort during a minor erup-I
"Tom Sawyer." tion and change of personnel.
Layton is enthusiastic about his Rest Room Deserved
new location, and has great hopes ''Here is the officers' rest room'
for the future of the new band. He at Mt. d'Or, 25 miles from town, -
played last week for the Miami Triad and is the sort of secluded sports-
held at the League. man's paradise one finds in the wilds -
of Canada. - '
*en:or SWin -Out "The main building is an old home -
of the low, rambling style indigen-:-: -
To Be Held Su tda ous to these islands. In it are three
living rooms, furnished in Adiron-
"All seniors are urged to secure dack lodge style, two huge kitchens,
their caps and gowns this week in a storage room, two bedrooms for
order to march in Senior Swing-Out, ARC staff and a bathroom - I
a revised campus tradition, which thought never to see one again 'til I
will start at 6:45 p. m. Sunday in set foot on old U. S. A.
front of the general library," Gerry "Back of us Mt. d'Or rears its
Stadleman, secretary of the literary huge, red, mauli-studded (eucalyp-
school senior class said yesterday. tus trees which are everywhere in
All senior men of the University profusion) bulk. It is all unbeliev-
V-12 program have been granted I ably rustic, peaceful, beautiful and
permission to march in the paradei paradoxical, as is all of this fabu-
and other V-12 men may attend to lous South Sea district.
watch and to participate in the cam- Cook a "Treasure"
pus sing which will follow Swing- "For help we have Charlie, the
Out. cook, who is a treasure for the pal-
ate:Ahmat, the French serving boy;
and Jomeen, the Javanese house-boy.
mOne must give all household orders
AD VERT1 NG R in French, because the servants
understand scarcely any English-
0. K. and a few choice cuss words
picked up from the soldiers just
LOST AND FOUND about describes the vocabulary. They e J ll vin t
FINALS ARE NEAR-Finder please are all very amiable, however, and
return brown spiral notebook for efficient enough in the lethargic
Physics 72. Dee Armstrong 4089. South Sea style.
"We have seven saddle horses for
LOST-Saturday, Hill street, Baby' riding, two white sand beaches, a
Hermes Swiss make typewriter. motor launch, tennis and badminton
Grey metal case. Please call 7574. courts; and they are just about to
LOST: Benrus wrist watch at Union. imstall a movie projector and some
Call John Sherk at 8266. Reward. tiers of seats for showing movies, c T nil

JA Drive To Benefit
rom Auction, Raffle
skits from the Junior Girls
t given by a group from Sigma
Tau sorority and another by
ening's master of ceremonies,
Fielding, will highlight the
ictory dance from 9 to 12 p.
turday, at the Hillel Founda-
ise Comins, - Faye Bronstein,
Bloom and other members of
orority will accompany Evelyn
ch, pianist, in the presentation
ee of the hit songs from JGP,
" Boy of Mine, Michigan
and Memories in Blue, all
n for the show by Miss Hore-
winner of a twenty-five dollar
nd raffled off during the week,
e announced at the dance.
tickets, at twenty-five cents
may be procured at the Hillel
ltion any time during the day
en dollar door prize will be
ed to the student whose ad-
n ticket is chosen from a box
end of the evening. Numer-
andy articles of merchandise,
buted by Ann Arbor merchants
auctioned during the evening.
proceeds from the admission
of thirty-five cents per person,
the auctioned goods and the
tickets will go to the United
Appeal in an attempt to close
mpus drive with a total of two-
nd dollars collected.
- -: ----


from 1 P.M .



Starts Today
Beautiful But Deadly!

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of lOc for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
FOR SALE: $6,000 contract--6%
interest-all due in5 years, nO1i
Ferguson, 928 Forest. Phone 2-
GIRLS' ROOMS for summer termj
and session at 715 Hill. Inquire'
Virginia Dodd, Alpha Xi Delta, 825
Tappan, phone 25579.

he European
rill do
-Geer/l Dwight D. Eisenhower
a; a Press (onif-rence


FRIDAY, mother-of-pearl Parkerette
pen. Vicinity Lincoln and Hill.
Sentimental value. Reward. 4681 or
903 Lincoln.
WRIST WATCH-Gold lady Elgin,
lost Sunday morning. E. Huron
St. Reward. Please phone 22901.


Leon Errol "Sy Uncle"
Coming Sunday
er e t'o n

ROOM and part board in exchange
faor household services. W ithin'
walkingdistancesofcampus. 8645.
ROOMS FOR 5-16 weeks students
for the summer term, 3 meals aI
day.sCall 22539 Alpha Delta Pi

MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
by Army pre-med student each
Saturday leaving about noon. Will
pay all expenses. Contact Box 6,
Michigan. Daily.
wants to meet beautiful girl with
washing machine. Box 20. j

We have a
Wilde Selection of
Give him something he
needs or he likes. Show


I THERE IS no question about our men on
the fighting fronts doing their full duty. And there
can be no question about those of us here at home.
In this moment of invasion, the effort is ALL OUT.
That means backing our armies with everything we
have. * Ask yourself this question: If victory or
defeat hinged on MY contribution, how many war
bonds would I buy?

A Sherlock Holmes
Mystery Play

your appreciation


THEJ#1 -

love for Dad-

Buy More Than Before
In The 5th WarLoan








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