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June 08, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-08

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Fifty-Fourth Year


J -1E 9NLY veal trouhle with Pla
Pvoduction's "The Streets of Ne
York" was the audience itself.A
take-off on a nineteenth century mel
odrama is most successful when ar



'OMt"DAY perhaps the American
people will learn to read docu-
ments . . There's nothing particu-
larly difficult about perusing the
Declaration of Independence or
Lincoln's Inaugural Address, or even

- ., i

audience is ready to cheer the hero, a Supreme Court opinion or
weep for the heroine, and hiss the vil- And if we would start reading


Edited and managed by studeiits of twe U iversity
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Te Leaning Tower

T VRsx11 WS
TODAY with the aid of a vast and complicated
system of radio networks and globe encircl-
ing news agencies every person, whether he sits
at home and waits or whether he fight in the
front lines must have a feeling that he is actu-
ally "sitting in on history."
Past experiences in coverling tie news of this
war have provided the basis for the present
timely and complete coverage of the invasion.
Censorship prolibits our knowing the disposi-
tion of forces and strategy and tactics of the
battle. But without the disclosure of any
information that would be helpful to the enemy,
we can learn the news a few hours and some-
time even minutes after it has happened. And
detailed reports on the daily life of troops
such as those of Kenneth Dixon and Ernie
Pyle, give us a feeling that we are almost on
the spot.
Invasion news is provided on a 24-hour basis
by Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expedi-
tionary Force. To meet the needs of news-
papers publishing at different hours, two regu-
lar daily communiques are issued plus special
bulletins. Correspondent's dispatches are re-
leased as soon as cleared by the censor and are
moved to America at once without waiting for
the issuance of the communiques. This plan,
not generally employed in previous operations,
assures prompt and continuous flow of news.
Perhaps the greatest feat of all was the
complete absence of any leaks as to the date
of invasion. The war's biggest secret, hatched
last December at the Teheran Conference, was
unknown to all but a relatively small num-
ber of leaders until it actually happened.
The blunder of a girl at the Associated Press'
London office can be discounted because it is
doubtful that the Germans took much aid or
comfort from the slip. It is important that
troop movements, grouping of the invasion ar-
mada and Allied feelers on the French coast
were unknown. The smallest leak could have
disrupted Allied plans by letting the Germans
know what to expect and by tipping off under-
ground organizations prematurely.
The quantity and speed of invasion news
proves that censorship and adequate informa-
tion can go hand in hand. Jennie Fitch
IT SHOULD NOT be necessary to emphasize
to the American people the dangers of over-
confidence, yet President Roosevelt in his prayer
Tuesday night warned that neither the invasion
nor the war are by any means over. In the
first reports from the newly-opened battlefront,
news comes of light resistance and comparatively
few casualties with the result that many' per-
sons are inclined to allow their hopes to exceed
their reason and believe that perhaps the in-
vasion will not be so costly after all.
This sort of wishful thinking is dangerous.
It is impossible to believe that the cost of the
invasion will continue as a topic for cheerful
conversation. Despite all military and medical
precautions, the toll of lives will be tragic.
Many men must die and many others must be
The fact to keep in mind is that although
the cost is high, so are the stakes, and the
great losses which will come can be justified
only if those remaining at home keep their
minds clear and their fingers busy.

I d mather
Be Bight
By sNauel GraUofn

.NEW YORK, June 7-Chew betel nuts and
win the war. What war? Why, the war against
Mrs. Roosevelt, haven't you heard? It seems
she dared to express an opinion on Mr. Chur-
chill's opinion on Franco. That does it! She
left herself wide open! Now we've got her!
Have a nut. This is what we like, a nice
little issue, dust big enough to put into a
reader's eye. It would be awkward if we had
to state an opinion on Spain ourselves. It
is much more convenient to have to state only
an opinion on Mrs. Roosevelt's opinion on
Have another nut? Mighty fine chewin', these
nuts. Yes, sir, what we like are nice simple
little issues, like where it says here that the
Republicans promise not to run for a third term.
That would be in 1952, if they were lucky.
Now, there is an issue you can carry around in
your vest pocket, wrapped in a piece of tishy
paper; not like some of those big issues, they
break your back if you try to pick them up.
The nuts are in that box over tlere. What we
' need in this country is an enlightened public
opinion, with all our marbles, I mean all
our issues, right out in public view, so they
can be thoroughly discussed. Like for example,
this administration is planning to enslave the
country, and it is going about it in a typically
totalitarian way by being against the poll taxes
and trying to give everybody the vote. First
everybody gets the vote, and, next thing they
know, they've lost their freedom.
H AVE A NUT? We have to preserve liberty,
and if the way to do it is to keep labor
unions from playing an active part in the com-
ing campaign, why then we have to make that
sacrifice, on behalf of human freedom and the
dignity of nuts.
We have to face the fact, that the Federal
government is ruining the States. Now,
under our system of checks and balances,
what we need are State executives who are
firmly in favor of State government, and
Federal executives who are firmly in favor
of State government.
Want another nut? It sure is nice to live
under a democratic way of life, where a man
is free to discuss all the big issues, like is the
President more tired than Mr. Dewey, or is
Mr. Dewey more tired than the President.. Keep
your eye on the ball, I always say, because what
we need is a fresh and vigorous President
for this next period of our national life, when
the Federal government is going to stop doing
all this governing, and will turn everything
over to the States. We want a man full of pep
and energy, to carry out this here program
of making fewer decisions in Washington.
Take another nut, oh, go ahead, take a hand-
ful. The nuts sure have been running fine
this year. Mighty good chewin', ain't they?.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

WASHINGTON, June 7i-U. S. experts who
have studied the Nazi military set-up to resist
the invasion figure that Hitler--or whoever did
the picking for him-was smart in his selection
of German military leaders. Three of the best
men in the German Army have been given the
job of combating what the Nazis know is the
death thrust at Germany.
No. 1 is Field Marshal Karl von Runstedt,
considered the best strategist and over all
commander in Germany. Field Marshal Er-
win itommel, immediately uander~ him, is the
best man for lightning moves and panzer
Finally,. Colonel Genelral Heinz Guderian is
considered the best, tank commander in the
German Army. .
U. S. experts, Who believe in looking facts
n the face, classify these three as among the
top military brains of Europe. However, what
size and caliber of troops they have been
able to spare from the Russian front may be
moie important than generals.
FDR's Peace Plans ...
White House insiders say that the President
gave a great deal of thought to the timing of
his permanent world peace plans.
Here are the factors which caused him to
launch his plan at this particular moment:z
1.The Republican National convention will
now have to endorse the general thesis of world
cooperation or else face the charge of heading
the country toward another war. If F. D. R. had
waited much longer, he might have been accused
of springing the plan too late for the Republi-
cans to consider things properly prior to the
meeting in Chicago, June 26.
2. F. D. R. saw his old chief, Woodrow Wilson,
wait until Europe no longer needed U. S. support
to win the war, no longer needed food and
relief. In contrast, the United States is at the
peak of its war contribution, also at the peak
of its bargaining power for peace-for-future
machinery. The President decided to use that
bargaining power when it had the greatest lever-
u. Churchill's recent speech in Parliament
proposing world rule~ by the Big Powers, also
helped precipitate announcement of the plan.
The President some timne ago accepted the
Sumner Welles thesis that the little nations
must play an important part in the post-war
set-up and it was considered a good idea to
remind Churchill of this.
4. U. S. prestige with European nations-
Svweden, France, Jugoslavia, Spain, Ireland-
is at a low ebb. So it was considered a good
time to remind them that the U. S. A. is still a
NOTE-One difference between Cordell
Hull and Sumner Welles which led to their
break-up was post-war peace planning. Welles

lain until it is as exhausted by the
performance as the cast itself. There
were few volunteers along these lines
last night, and consequently the suc-
cess of the evening was Left entirely
up to the cast.
That cast, with no exceptions,
was equal to the occasion. Blanche
'; alpar, as Play Production audi-
ences have been givn ample reason
to expect, rai off with top honors.
11er timing and her sweeping ges-
tures for the role of the fiendish
Gidgeon Bloodgood drew the big-
gest laughs, and deserved an even
better response.
Eileen Blum was a handsome ma-
triarch, and her curtain-speech was
especially effective. Pat Meikle was
not quite so effectively masculine as
She was in "She stoops To Conquer."
But on the other hand, Jean Wester-
man has minimized the masculine
mannerisms she displayed in that
other production, and has achieved a
superior performance as the result,
In smaller roles, Claire Meisels,
Barbara Greenberg, Zeta Barbour
and Onnolee Anderson all played
with spirit and ease. Somehow, how-
ever, we would have liked a little
more haughty spirit on the part of
Betty Goodwill, as Bloodgood's proud
The action was slow during the
first act, but speeded up during the
second, when good direction by Val-
entine Windt was especially evident.
A particularly good effect was the
"fire" of the fourth scene, a fire
which unfortunately lingered over
for the final scene.
Just as one expects superior per-
formances from Miss Holpar, one has
also come to expect superior settings
from the designs of Herbert Philippi.
Although an audience is often very
conscious that it is watching a strictly
amateur performance, Philippi's work
never enhances that effect. And the
settings for "The Streets of New
York" offer no exeption.
Better luck to Play Production to-
night. And by better luck we cer-
tainly mean a more responsive audi-
ence. --Willam Keho
VOL. LIV No. 155
All notices for The Daily Official nul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by ::30
p.m. of the day preceding its pulica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices shnould be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
Feb. 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester or
summer session. Student loans which
are not paid or renewed are subject
to this regulation; however, student
loans not yet due are exempt. Any
unpaid accounts at the close of bus-
iness on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the
University and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or sum-
mer session until payment has been
Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary

Seniors: The firm which furnishes
diplomas for the University has sent
the following cautiou: "Please warn
graduates not to store diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of the
moth-killing aromatic oil in the aver-
long had argued that the time to
develop the peace machinery of
the world was now-before the
war was over.
Mr. Hull, up until he went to Rus-
sia last fall, had informed Senators
that future peace machinery should
be put off until after the war and
left entirely to the State Department
to decide.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)

things, we would be less at sea when
current documents come up, like bills
before Congress.
A goon example is the Wagner-
Murray-Dingell Bil. If we had sat
down and read the bill when it was
first proposed, we wouldn't have been
so badly misinformed all this time.
But, instead of getting a copy and
seeing what it provided for, we de-
pended on the organizations oppos-
ing it to tell us what it said. Which
they proceeded to do, at great length,
and with little attempt to give a
comnplete and accurate picture.
The main opponent of the measure
seems to be the American Medical
Association, which has given the im-
pression that the bill provides for
socialized medicine, period. That it
is therefore a menace to our -social
system and to the medical profession,
and it must be defeated, in toto.
But the truth is that the medical
provisions are only one part of
this omnibus social security act.
It provides insurance against ill-
ness, injury, unemployment, old
age and death, as well as the posi-
tive features of increased medical
care, and encouragement of medi-
cal research.
It was especially interesting to
read the actual working of the bill
so soon after D-Day, because in the
light of the invasion, the criticisms
age cedar chest to soften inks of any
kind that might be stored inside them
resulting in seriously damaging the
diplomas." Shirley W. Smith
Seniors-June and October Grad-
uates: Come out for Senior Swing-
Out, Sunday, June 11, 6:45 p.m.
Bring your cap and gown and march
with your school.
Order of March, and place of for-
mation of schools: 1. Literary Col-
lege-main diagonal walk, by library.
2. Education School-walk in front
of Pharmacy Bldg. 3. Engineering-
main diagonal, behind Lit. school.
-4.. Architecture-main diagonal, be-
hind engineers. 5. Medical school-
walk between library and Waterman
gym. 6. Nursing- behind Medical
school. 7. Law--walk from library to
University Hall. 8. Pharmacy-be-
hind lawyers. 9. Dental school-walk
from library to Natural Science Bldg.
10. Business Administration-walk to
left of Pharmacy Bldg. 11. Forestry-
behind Business Administration. 12.
Music school-main diagonal beyond
library, toward State Street. 13. Pub-
lic Health- behind Music school.
14. vraduate school-behind Public
Health schooP.' tne campus smg
in front of the library after the
Senior Class Dues may be paid this
afternoon from 1-5 in the booth out-
side Rm. 4 in University Hall. Would
individuals who have not be con-
tacted please pay them then, and
would those girls who have been col-
lecting in various houses bring in
their collected amounts at this time.
German Departmental Library
books are due today regardless of the
date issued.
The American Youth Hostels, In-
corporated are sponsoring a bicycle
trip to Mexico from July 2 through
Aug. 18 at 44 total cost of $155.0&.
More detailed information may be
obtained from Miss Janina Diedbala,
University Lecture: Emilio Harth
Terre, Professor of Fine Arts in the
School of Fine Arts, Lima Peru, will
lecture (in Spanish) on the subject,
"Colonial Architecture in Peru" (il-
lustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Thursday,
June 15, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, under the- auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts. The public
is cordially invited.

Biological Chemistry Lecture: Doc-
tor Jerome Conn, of the Department
of Internal Medicine of the Univer-
sity Hospital, wil present a Biological
Chemistry Lecture on "Sodium
Chloride Metabolism under Condi-
tions of Hard Work in the Tropics",
on Friday, June 9, at 4 p. m., in the
East Lecture Room of the Rackham
Building. All interested are invited.
A cademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Francis
Joseph Donohue, Education; thesis:
"The Development of American Ca-
tholic Theory, Attitudes and Prac-
tices with Regard to Public Support.
for Parochial Schools," East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 2 this
afternoon. Chairman, A. B. Moehl-
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members

of the bill seem to become extremely
out of line with present democratic
policy all over the world. We are a
liberating army, going into Hitler's
Europe to free the peoples from social
and economic slavery.
WHEN WE LOOK at our own
country, we can see the need of
liberation here, too. Not from social
and economic slavery, but from many
evils similar in kind, though not in
degree, withthose in Europe. We
still see poverty and illness and
ignorance, or their effect on people
who are now, for the first time, be-
ginning to feel a little security. We
see psychological fear greater than
perhaps even in the depression, be-
cause we had been in depressions
before, knew that it would take a
long time to get through them, but
that they were part of the known
"economic cycle." But we don't
know what's coming after this war
so exactly. We can make plans,
but wecan't follow the past; if we
do, we will be defeating the only
trend that can make this a "free
new world."
So that one of the plans we owe
to the American people: to those who
have been fighting, to those who
were unemployed for almost ten
years, to those who are growing up
in prosperity due to war-to these
citizens we owe at least physical
security, the assurance that they
won't be permitted to starve to
death, or to die without medical care.
Sit down and read the Wagner-
Murray-Dingell Bill, and then write
to your Congressmen and tell them
to pass it, pronto.
-Ann Fagan
Building, at 4 p.m. Chairman, F. I.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examin-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Events Today
Alpha Kappa Delta will hold an
important business meeting at 4 p~m.,
in Rm. ]7, Haven Hall. The officers
for the coming year will be elected.
All members are urged to attend.
Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit will
meet today from 1 to 5 p.m. at the
Hillel Foundation. Please wear wash-
able blouse or smock.
Professor Preston Slosson will
speak on "The Invasion" under the
auspices of the Post-War Council at
the Mvtichigan Union this evening at
7:30. The public is cordialiy invited.
House Presidents: There will be an
important House Presidents meeting
of the Interfraternity Council at 7:3&
p.m. in the IFC office in the Michigan
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert held in the Men's
Lounge of the Graduate School at
7:45 p.m. will feature the commence-
ment of a series of programs on
American Music. Music from the
earlies# American sources that serve
as an influence on our composers
today such as, Psalms of the Pilgrims
arranged by Billings Revolutionary
Songs, Old World Ballads, Indian
Music, American Negro Songs, Work
and Play Songs, Sentimental Songs,
and Songs of Stephen Foster will be
played. Our next series will include
such outstanding orchestra compos-
ers as Paine, Chadwick, Foote and
Loeffler. Another series will present
compositions from Griffis, Carpen-
ter, MacDowell and Ives, men who
have captured the true American
spirit in their symphonies. We will
conclude with programs of Twentieth
Century composers such as Hanson,
Roy Harris, Copland, Gershwin, Pis-
ton and others.

Cercle Francais: The last meeting
of the Cercle for this semester will be
held at 8 o'clock, in the League cafe-
teria. Come and have refreshments
in French at the long table at the
end of the room.
'Coming Events
Crayon Drawings: Don't be jealous
because your friends have a good
crayon drawing of themselves to send
to their family or best gal. Come to
the USO and have one made your-
self. There drawings are done very
well, and in color. Make an appoint-
ment for any hour from 1 to 5 on
Friday afternoon.
Dancing Class: If you didn't know
before, you know now that the USO
has dancing classes every Friday
night from 7 to 8 p.m. These lessons
are under the direction of Lt. Flegal-
and let us tell you that you'll really
know how to dance when you get
Friday Night Fun: Another USO
Friday night dance. If you want some
fun and variety for a Friday night
this will fill the bill. Junior Hostesses
to dance with-and if you don't care


By Crockett Johnson


tOf course your father found
no correlation between that


Everyone seemed agreed that
the production curve was the
irn~aartant t*Ina_ Nfurl

Your dad isn't up on modern
statistical methods, m'boy-

With a fireman's hat. And he's
rubbing two sticks together-~

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