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June 02, 1944 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-02

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FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1944


For Residence
Halls Are Due
Dorms, Co-ops, League Houses
Will Accommodate Women;
r Some Houses To Serve Meals
Women attending the University
of Michigan during either of the
summer sessions will have little trou-
ble getting a room, but applications
should be sent to .the Office of the
Dean of Women as soon as possible,
for although no deadline has been
set for applications, the lists will be
closed when the residences are filled
Stockwell and Jordan Halls will be
open to graduates and undergradu-
ates during the 16 weeks term, but
75 rooms in the two dorms have al-
ready been reserved for members of
the Cadet Nurses Corps. Adelia
Cheever, semi-co-operative, will also
be -open for the term.
Undergraduates attending the 8
week period will be housed in Mosher
Hall, while Mosher, Helen Newberry '
Residence, University House and thej
Martha Cook Building will be used
to take care of graduates. The Dean's
Office reports that Caook is already
filled and that Newberry is almost
filled up. Betsy Barbour House and
Alumnae House will be closed for;
repairs all summer.
Over 50 league houses will be
available for women, and four co-op-
erative houses will take roomers. If
necessary, two or three fraternity
houses will be used as women's resi-

Junior Girls




V oices

Project Sel


URGING COEDS to contribute at least two hours a week, Harriet
Fischel, head of the Surgical Dressings Unit, announced that the unit
will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. every Thursday and Friday throughout
the summer session.

Bonds, Stamps
Junior Girls' Project will continue
its campus-wide sale of war stamps
and bonds to women, civilian men,
;.ervicemen and townspeople ,
throughout the summer.
Presenting many novel and inter-,
esting events this year, JGP man-
aged to reach its goal of $30,000.
Among the projects which the com-
mittee arranged was the July Jam-
boree held last summer on Palmer
Field - a real honest-to-goodness
carnival with all the trimmings.
Games, dancing to music by Bill
Sawyer and entertainment all were
included in the evening.
However the committee proved
that its originality extended to win-
ter as well as the summer. Several
coeds provided sprightly amusement
for spectators at a regular hockey
game, when they appeared between
halves and proceded to score a goal
for JGP.
Give Play
One of the biggest events given by
JGP was Junior Girls' Play, "Jab-
berwacky," for Senior Night at which
time all senior women werenhonored
by an evening of bedtlam and hilar-
The committee also made and
sold stamp corsages for the big
dances on campus. On "Bow Day"
Michigan women blossomed forth in
luscious colored ribbons with stamps
tucked away in their hair.
A "Stampbridge" tournament in
which the prizes for the winners in
bridge were war stamps, sounded a
new chord. Bond Belles, those girls
who delivered bonds to the buyer's
very doorstep, soon became a famil-
iar sight on campus.
Out-door Booth
In order to stimulate sales during
the summer, JGP is planning to
open its out-door booth on the cen-
ter of the diagonal where no one
will be able to miss it.
The aim of JGP for the last year
was to sell each woman on campus
a 25c war stamp every week or a
dollar's worth every month. The
new JGP committee, headed by Nora
MacLaughlin, general chairman, will
try to beat last year's achievement.
Honor Societies
Four honorary societies at Michi-
ban recognize women for activities,
scholarship, leadership. Mortarboard,
national honorary society for senior
women, taps only second semester
juniors, while Senior Society and

Valuable Tonic
In 'U' 177105spital
Volunteer hospital workers are
valuable not just for the work they
do, but also for the outside, non-pro-
fessional atmosphere they bring to
white and metallic, impersonal hos-
pitals. r
Patients at University Hospital
come from all over the United States
as well as from the farthest extremes
of Michigan. Gas-rationing limits
the usual opportunities for visitors
and many patients lie in bed day
after day for months without seeing
friends from home.
Volunteers at both University and
St. Joseph's Hospitals help make te-
dious convalescent periods a little
easier to endure as patients realize
that volunteers are there because
they are personally interested in
making hospitalization more plea-
Children who are especially accus-
tomed to individual attention are
often unable to adjust themselves to
the meagre amount of special in-
terest which busy nurxses can. give
them. Volunteers are expected to
read stories, put a dress on a doll,
and to inspect color books.
Little girls like to have their braids
done every day and boys like to hear
about soldiers and sailors in the war.
Volunteers have time to do all the
little things that are not considered
vitally necessary to the patient's
health but which contribute much
to their happiness.
Prerequisites for a good volunteer
should include a ready smile and a
friendly disposition. Sick people are
often spiritually depressed. Home-
sickness is the most prevalent dis-
ease in any hospital. Men stationed
at isolated army posts and on land-
forgotten Navy ships are no more
susceptible to acute or chronic con-
ditions of loneliness than are hos-
pital patients.
A University coed willing to de-
vote a few hours each week to hos-
pital work can do more than she
realizes to allieviate this lonliness.
She will also discover that volun-
teering is an incomparable remedy
for her own war-time blues. Some-
how the life of a college coed be-
comes enviably pleasant and excit-
ing as it is compared to life in a hos-
pital room or ward.
Scroll tap independents and affiliat-
ed women respectively. Wyvern, jun-
ior honorary, chooses its members
from the outstanding sophomores.

Several league houses and all of
the larger dormitories, except Uni-
versity House wil serve meals, and
women are expected to bring their
ration books. Meals will not be
served in any of the fraternity hous-
es used or in co-ops.

Residence halls will furnish pil-
lows, bed linen, and blankets, but
each student should bring her tow-
els, dresser scarf, bed spread, and any
extra bed covers. Girls who are
planning to live in League Houses
must furnish all their own bedding.

Wditv an (qe toeiap4 Jeauty

Ann Arbor's Special ty Shop
for Well-Dressed Coeds

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Between the Book ends
you'll find time for fun.
But at both work and
pray you'll want to look
it - the Mademoiselle way.

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Warn Students
To Save Grass
Freshman Women To Launch
Drive for 'Campus Beautiful'
As '47 Corps Goes into Action
Many a freshman will be Startled
and mystified by an anonymous
voice admonishing him or her for
cutting across the new grass on
route to an eight o'clock; but fear
not, this is only one of the methods
used by the freshman girls in carry-
ing out their newly instigated pro-
ject-that of "beautifying the cam-
This work was formerly done by
the men of the Building and Grounds
Now that it is one of the many "war
shortages," the Class of '47 cheer-
fully accepted the new task of
dreaming up ways and means of
making the students "campus-con-
The central committee, composed
of a chairman, assistant chairman,
publicity manager, equipment mana-
ger, book-keeper and six captains,
conducted an ardent campaign
against trail-blazers and directed the
efforts of girls engaged in raking
leaves and picking up scraps of pa-
Blue jeans and plaid shirts became
a familiar sight on campus-particu-
larly when accompanied by a rake
'r paper spear, and many a fresh-
man girl cheerfully nursed an aching
back as the result of her labors. But,
with the help of much ingeuity and
effort, the committee succeeded in
changing a network of paths into a
practically unmarred green' lawn.
The problem now lies in keeping it
that way-and the job will fall into
the hands of the committee's succes-
The coming of spring to Ann Ar-
bor brought forth the suggestion that
the freshmen plant and take care of
some victory gardens. Plans are now
being formulated toward this end
and in the near future groups of
girls may be seen crossing campus,
armed with shovelss,hoes, pick-axes,
and other 'necessary equipment,
crooning "A-farming we will go"!
'U' To EXtend
Driving Rules
(Continued from Page 14)
work during the summer will be re-
quired to apply for exemption at the
Office of the Dean of Students, Rm.
2, University Hall, on or before the
opening of the Summer Term on
July 3.
Those students who secured driving
permits during the Fall or Spring
Terms need not renew their permits
for the Summer Term. Driving per-
mits now in effect will remain effec-
tive until the close of the Summer
Term on Saturday, Oct. 21. The
holders of such permits will auto-
matically be granted the use of their
cars for outdoor athletic recreation
such as golf, tennis arid swimming.
Passengers may be carried in con-
nection with such activities, but
mixed company in a car after 9 p.m.
will represent a social, rather than
a recreational use of the car, and will
be interpreted as a violation. It is to
be emphasized that this privilege ap-
plies only to outdoor athletic recrea-
tion and does not include driving for
social or other personal purpose.
Students who do not now have
driving permits and who wish to
apply for the aforementioned sum-
mer recreational privileges may do so
by calling at the Office of the Dean
of Students. Such applications will
require a letter of consent from par-

ents and evidence of property dam-
age and public liability insurance on
the car involved. The Automobile
Regulations will become effective for
the Summer Term at 8 a.m. on Mon-
day, July 3, after which time any
unauthorized driving will be con-
sidered a violation of the ruling.
Nation-Wide Drive
Staged by WSSF
The World Student Service Fund
is a nation-wide drive for funds with
which to help students all over the
world who are victims of the war.
On the Michigan campus, this 7-
year old organization is sponsored
by Inter-Guild, the Daily, Panhel-
lenic and Assembly, and individual
contributions. It is also a new pro-
ject at the USO.
This year, Panhellenic and Assem
bly are doing a fine job of collecting
and cleaning up books to be sent to
American servicemen in enemy pri-
son camps; the present shipment
wil be sent out Friday, May 26, but
girls are needed to erase every mark
from these books before they will be
allowed to enter the Campus.
Earlier this year, Inter-Guild gave
a successful Carnival, the proceeds
of which were donated to this fund.
'A Tag Day, sponsored by the Daily,
is also being considered.
The funds thus collected are sent
to Chinese students, for example, who

ffi \
b y
Eyes light up at a
glimpse of De Liso Debs'
new Summer Suedes (in frosty '
9nwefor summer . . .prettfying
as candlelight and (bright
thought in an era of fewer
shoes)..the oneshoethatdoes
most for all costumes, all colors. F'

" .

Fragrance ...
Of course you'll want to re-
plenish your supply of colognes
for the coming season from the
large selection at the MADE-
among many of your favorites
are' scents by Lucien Lelong,
Yardley, Matchabelli, Hartnell,
and others . . . Also, cosmetics
of all brands.

For Summer . .
.. you say, when you see the
new "Silbreeze" suits at the
Beautifully tailored in a rayon
fabric that looks like wool .
Lined, too - and the colors -
About Face.
for summer. Don't swelter for
that tan. Smooth it on in the
cool indoors. Choose Revlon
face powder or Max Factor
pancake for a "camouflage" tan
... at MARSHALL'S.
a ry
. U O
Sma ll Fry

and do your stationery shop-
ping in one place. WAUR'S has
a complete line of text books,
eny, and ficton and non-fiction1
books. Get on the beam . .go
first to WAHR'S.

... clings to tweeds like a sweet
young thing to a Lieutenant j.g.!
...The college crowd is made for
"Woodhue"...not only the per-
fume, but also the supra-scented
bath powder and sachet with
which they douse themselves and
their underpinnings, deliciously!
PARFUM, 6.50 and 12.00*
purse size, 1.50 and 2.50*

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