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June 02, 1944 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-02

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FRII , 1Y, J1JNE 2, .1944

i. 1 1 T t1. H ,

aRIaAYJUNE7211944t 11 1 V 1"'1 1" J LA L 1 . . w

rta a r ar irJ ly

Has 'Method in

Women's Staff Offers Summer
Coeds An Early Start in Activities

'47 Corps To
Continue Job
Freshman Women Will Keep
Campus Beautiful in Summer

Casual, Cool Look of Michigan Coeds Is
Achieved By Wearing Cottons, Mocassins


ts Madness

*! * *

Mass Meeting for All Those
Interested To Be Announced

Mass Meetings, Campus Tours
Tests, Physical Exams Make
First Week Busy for Freshmen
Hundreds of freshmen will pour
into Ann Arbor from all parts of
the country for orientation week,
the beginning of that exciting new
chapter of life known as college.
Orientation at the U. of M. is
complicated but well-planned, and
the freshman is whirled through a
series of examinations and tours
about campus by an upperclasswo-
mani advisor who is a member of an
orientation group headed by Bette
'Willemin, '45.
The seven advisors are Janet Gray,
Annie Hainsworth, Jean Hotchkin,
Elizabeth Jones, Joyce Livermore,
Mary Anne Olson, and Peg Weiss.
Mass Meeting eld
The first freshman activity is a
mass meeting in the League, where
the prospective coeds meet their
advisors, who will help each novice
fill out application blanks and make
appointments with academic coun-
selors. The latter are assigned to
each freshman to help select and to
approve a program of studies.
Other hours will be filled by a
series of tests and the physical ex-
amination. In free hours the groups
will wander about campus on tours
during which the advisors will ac-
quaint their charges with campus
buildings and institutions.
An important and necessary part
of orientation is the library tour,
for where and how - to find books
will facilitate later work. Another
highlight of the week is the physical
examination, which is always the ob-
ject of much speculation and talk
about the "strange things they do
to you." The well-known "angel
robes" are donned, and always give
rise to much amusement. Most of
them exaggerate WPB material re-
War Activities Introduced
War activities, now a prime sec-
tion of the coed's life, are also in-
troduced by the advisors. The fresh-
man may now participate immedi-
ately in extra-curricular activities,

The staccato of typewriters, the By ELLEN HILL
click of the teletype as the news Incoming freshman will find as
comes in, the roar of rolling presses their legacy the Freshman Project,
lend their song to The Daily atmos- which has been concerted this year
ohere as student reporters put out j from the social activities which it
The Daily edition. comprised in the past to active war
Opening its doors for the summer work.
to all freshman and undergraduate The women of '47 arrived at Mich-
women, the Women's staff of The igan last fall to find that their class
Daily will afford an opportunity forn
interested coeds to gain a toehold in j was not the glamorous war
campus activities. The Daily will work that they had anticipated, but,"
publish only the first eight weeks of war the foll charge of raking and,
the summer and a meeting will be cleaning the University lawns and

That cool casual look Michigan co-
eds have in the summer session is
achieved by a clever combination of
cottons. mocassins with no socks,
simple hairdo's, and a natural tan
and bright lipstick as makeup. !
Winter college wardrobes are us-
ually intricate and expensive, with
large items such as coats, suits and
wool dresses taking huge chunks out
of the budget, but summer students
'have cnly one field of concentration
-a variety of brightly colored or!
white - cottons, easily laundered andj
enough to always have fresh ones
on hand..
Seersuckers have become favoritesf
with women away from home as they
require almost no ironing and there-
fore can always be kept fresh. A
two-piece seersucker suit should be
a basic member of a coed's summer
wardrobe for this reason..


Cottons Important
You can't have too many tailored
shirtmaker's - either in chambray
striped cotton, or perhaps a shan-
tung or silk one for dates.
But feminine frills will not be ig-
nored on Ann Arbor's campus any-
more than in other parts of the na-
tion this year. Billowing glazed
chintzes with low necklines and short
sleeves and skirts will be worn both
for dates and to liven up 8 Sclock
Dirndl skirts are the kind you can
make yourself in an afternoon, and
a variety of crisp cool blouses are
another "basic" for summer Ann
Arbor wear.
Dates are more informal than ever
in the summer-spectators, if you
can find a pair, a flower in your
hair and a starched cotton are the
only requisites. A linen suit is nice,
but not a necessity, as is a white wool

suit, - a vertibl

Women's Editor
There will be a mass meeting of
all coeds interested in working on
the women's staff of the Daily
shortly after the opening of the
snmmer session, the time to be an-
nounced later in the Daily. All
freshrmen and upperclassmen are
which include the Daily, surgical
dressings, stamp and bond sales,
sports, war drives, and many others.
Toward the end of the week the
great day arrives , registration!
After passing through a myriad of
activities, among them having her
picture taken, paying tuition, and
registering for classes, the new fresh-
man is a full-fledged member of the
For many freshmen, the prospect
of an independent existence isrfew
and terrifying. However, through
orientation week and its many ac-
tivities, the new freshman is directed
smoothly and confidently into cam-
pus life and the road is paved for a
life marked alternately by play and
hard work, and the formation of
many lasting friendships,

nerd shortly after the start of the
semester for women interested in try-
ing out for the staff.
Fashions, social affairs, weddings
and engagements have been left far
behind as the women's staff has been
converted into a war activity. It is
now the chief organ for many campus
projects such as the hospital volun-
teers, the women's recruiting for the
WACs, WAVES, SPARs and Marine
Corps, the bond and stamp drives and
Bomber Scholarship to aid icthe
education of retuiing servicemen
and women.
In addition, lectures by senior staff
members and speakers from local
newspapers and the journalism de-
partment teach the understaffs the
elements of journalism, how to write
news stories and to make up a paper.
Bomble r Fund1
Buys Bonds for
SCHOlar shi ps
The Bomber Scholarship Commit-
tee is raising $100,000 to buy a war
bond now, and will after the armis-
tice convert the money into scholar-
ships for returning servicemen.
The committee has, in the two
years of its existence, reached ap-
proximately one-fourth of its goal,
but with a newly-integrated cential
group and plans for dances, carni-
vals, shows, and special drives, the
$100,000 mark should not be far
Sharpe, Plate Head Project
Now a combined Union-League
activity, Bomber Scholarship is
headed by Marcia Sharpe, '45A, and
Jim Plate, '45L ' They are assisted
by Mary Lee Mason, Mavis Kennedy,
Nancy. Pottinger, Paul John Glenn
White, and Bob Precious.
The major all-campus drive,
Bomber Scholarship will place in-
creasing emphasis on individual and
group donations. Alumni wil also
be contacted for Bomber Scholarship
donations, for it is the only cam-
paign of its type, which is complete-
ly centered in the University.
Outdoor Entertainment
Past activities of the group have
included a carnival, a symphony-
swing program, an acquaintance bu-
reau, and several of the major all-
campus dances.

j papers. Not in the least daunted by
this change of duties, the freshman
woien formed a working crew,
named '47 Corps, put on blue jeans
and plaid shirts, took up their wea-
pons of attack . . rakes, baskets, and
paper stickers . . . and went to work.
New Committee
During the Fall the freshman co-
eds were organized through their ori-
entation groups, each group having
a specified day and time to rake.
Early this year a Freshman Project
central committee was chosen which
took over the duties formerly under
the direction of Marcia Sharpe,
'45A The new committee of fresh-
men is headed by EstellaI Klein and
consists of an assistant chairman,
publicity chairman, bookkeeper,
equipment manager, and eight cap-
One of the functions of the Fresh-
mani Project was the Frosh Frolic.
given for and by the freshman wo-
men alone because 3f the shortage
of freshman civilian men on campus.
Informzal"kits and songs by the co-
eds were the th-emel of the affair,
which enabled the freshman women
to assemble in a group and provided
opportunity for them to become ac-
quainted with one another.
Clean-up Drive
This spring the '47 Corps, in co-
operation with the city drive, spon-
sored Campus Clean-Up, during
which the '47 workers raked 'lawns,
picked up loose papers, and placed
refuse containers near University
buildings. Freshmnan lea gue houses
and dormitories were assigned cer-
tain sections, on campus for which
they were resl)Onsible. A friendly
rivalry existed between the various
freshman houses in an effort to win
the prize for having the cleanest sec-
tion on campus, and Jordan Hall
captured first place and was award-
ed the prize---a tin can trophy of the
'47 Corps.
Victory gardens became the next
conern of the freshman project,
hdid toiato "crop" were planted
and carocd for' by the coeds.
These freshman doings and duties
have provided the '47 women with
fun and relaxation, and at the same'
time have given them a feeling of
satisfaction in knowing that they
have been doing something worth-
while. The summer-term freshmen
will be able t{) "carry on" the useful
and patriotic work started by this
term's '47 Corps and will be able to
realize their aim--Campus Beautiful.








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