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June 02, 1944 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-02

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IIYDA Promotes Student
Acetion Against Fascisma
Michigan Youth for Democratic retly of the UAW-CIO, and John
Action, better known as MYDA was Lovett, president of the Michigan As-
qrganized in December of '43 amist sociation of Manufacturers, who d-
a world of chaos to take an articu- bated on the topic of "Post-War Emi-
jate stand as ax representative com- ployment"; and Dr. Francis Stilman
pus group in promoting action Qnderdonk, author and lecturer, who
discugsedp"FnopromUnitedaStates t
against fascism and to fight for un- diussed rm United States to
conditional surrender.
Although still in its embryonic MYDA does not only confine itsf
stages, MYDA has done much toward actions to talk. It has taken definitec
trengthening demqcracy on campus stands on many political issues. It1
and towards increasing the interest conducted a poll of ampus on the
~f students inpolitical conditions Federal Soldier Vote Bill. Its mem-
and wi-the-war activities bers wrote letters to Congressmen
nwYi-cv'sitiessurging their support for the passagee
Its purpose can best be expressed of a federal soldier-vote-bill. Tele-
y the words of its constitution: "The grams nt laettes ssn petitions
IYDA will work to educate, activize,
nd build the character of its mem- Delegate Lobbyt
bers for the preservation and exten- Not content with merely writing
lion of democracy. We hold these letters and sending petitions to
things essential to the spirit of de- Washington to fight for the passage1
tnocracy: radial equality, religious of the Anti-Poll-Tax Bill and the=
Ireedorn, the elimination of fascism cloture clause, MYDA sent three1
end the extension of social, political delegates to Washington to lobby for
and economic democracy." the bill.t
It is within the bounds expressed The trip was financed by contri-t
n its constitution that MYDA hopes butions from civilian students, serv-
to take action on the immediate icemen, and faculty members. The1
problems that arise in the political delegates, accompanied by two mem-1
ield. bers of Inter-Racial Association,r
Meetings ire held on the first and spoke to Michigan Senators and to
third Mondays of every month, at the champions of the Anti-Poll Tax
Which time stuents present facts Bill. They were assured by those
tnd opinions on the important issues Senators to whom they spoke, thatt
of the day. Guest speakers have al- all that was possible would be done
o taken prl:" in these meetings. to see that the bill and the cloture1
Guest Speakers rule were passed. f
Among tb, guest speakers that I Documentary Films t
ave particpated in MYPA lectures MYDA, in conjunction with IRA,E
tire: Langston Hughes, noted negro has also sponsored several documen-1
poet, author, and lecturer, who spoke tary films, among which was "Nativer
}n "The. Abolition o Discrimina- Land", which depicted labor's strug-r
lion"; Melvin Bishop, executive sec- gle for recognition in America. I
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Hillel House Panels Held
Is Soejal, War By Post War
The Post-War Council is a mem- fig
Rabbi Cohen, St!deht ber of the United States Student As- be
Council Directs Work sembly whose purpose is to promote el
Of 16-Year-Old Chapter thought and discussion Hof interna- T
tional and domestic problems. is
The Michigan chapter of the B'nai Each week the Council holds panelwa
Brith Hillel Foundation, operating discussions headed by three or four ab
here for sixteen years, is a home away I professors in which the students also sin
from home where some students participate. Seminars, limited to 11 in
come for advice, others for social people, often meet with Max Dres- we
life and still others for such diversi- den of the physics department to dis- all
fied activities as educational lectures. cuss certain issues in detail. Mi
Listening to music from the vast The Council plans a conference for7
Hillel record library, helping the war each term. A well-known speaker is Jo:
Heffor rdby makingbadaryghesngrtheli invited to the University. Following al
effort by making bandages or selling the conference several panel discus- wh
war stmps,writig fgo the Hillelsions are held to consider subjects wi
News or attending religious services nrltotohsak.Iadion
and study groups, add to the func- in-relation to his talk. In addition
tions of the Foundation, to the conference lecturers are in-
The Foundation is supervised y vited to speak during the year. This
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen and a year Ely Culbertson explained his
student council of twenty-five mem- plans for the post-war world.
hers, operating under a written Con- Membership in the Post-War Coun-
stitution, and several student direc- cil is open to anyone. It is divided
tprs and a secretary discharge the into several committees to handle
administrative tasks of the Founda- business, conduct polls and stimulate
tion, whereas student committees, controversial issues. The Deputa-
jointly supervised by a council mem- tion Committee sends students to lead
ber and a student director, perform discussions in communities through-
most of the services and plan the out Michigan. They give talks on
activities of Hillel. current problems in schools and be-
War Activities fore clubs.
The most important activities ofEn o l
the Foundation nowadays are those
associated with the war effort. The
Red Cross Surgical Dressing Unit,
for which girls from campus dormi Every St udentii
tories, sororities and the town o~
Ann Arbor volunteer their services,
has set a new campus record for A iitom atical ly
making surgical dressings and has
received commendation for its effort Any student by virtue of enroll-
from the Red Cross. ment in the University is a member
Furthermore, the Hillel Founda- of the Student Religious Association,
tion, assoiated with the National which is inter-denomination and
Jewish Welfar'e Board and with the conducts activities for people of all
USO, provides various types of serv- faiths.
ices for the Jewish soldiers, sailrs The association is housed in a
and marines stationed on campus. beautiful building, Lane Hall, only
All Hillel facilities are open for their a block away from the campus. The
use~and the solitude pf the well facilities of this building are available
stocked Louis Weiss Memorial Li- to the students at any time. There is
brary on the second floor of the a library, comfortable study rooms,
Foundation is taken advantage of by a workshop for manual crafts, and a
both servicemen and civilians for music room with one of the finest
studying. collections of religious music in the
The music room, the table-tennis country.
room and the lounge, the latter con- The activities of the group are
taining a radio-phonograph, one of many and varied. Among them are
the three in the Foundation, are also included seminars on Christian eth-
open for entertainment and moments ics and modern theology, hours for
of casual relaxation. religious music, small discussion
groups, and inter-faith luncheons.
Dances Sponsored There is also a weekly coffee hour on
The Hillel Foundation from time Friday, 4-5:30 p.m., to which all
t tine sponsors dances, mixers, and members of the student body are
motion picture shows such as "Block- invited. Each semester the associa-
ade," "The Forgotten Village," "Se- tion runs a lecture series at .which
cret Agent" and "Sons of Liberty" time some of the foremost men in
to name a few. Several times a se- theology discuss topics of current
mester the Foundation brings well interest to the student body.
known personalities to the campus
to address students. Then too, pro-
fessors at the University often drop
over to addDess various Hillel groups
on topics of current interest.
On Friday nights and on the ma-
jqr religious holidays, the Foundation
holds religious services in both Eng-
lish and Hebrew. A re V
One of the active cultural student
groups working with the Foundation,
is the Hillel-Avukah student Zionist
organization. The Avukah study
group meets at the Foundation one
evening a week to discuss topics of
current Jewish interest. Other ac-
tivities at, Hille1 include Hebew
classes, dramatics and weekend pic-
nics. Thesi



One of t
ould do i
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The Inter-
lndt said,
ses of rac
out Ann
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cases of
hich are1
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IRA Forwards Racial Understanding~__
he things college students members of minority groups have and problems affecting the country
s to join actively in the adequate housing. as a whole, such as the anti-poll tax
imagroups b"telrelions Last summer the Association spon- bill, are of direst concern to the
dt, go-chairman of IRA. sored a series of lectures by Robert organization.
Hayden, Ann Arbor negro poet and In collaboration with MYDA, two
-Racial Association, which graduate student, discussing negro delegates were sent to Washington
y student run, Miss Sher- culture. An average of 250 students several weeks ago to speak to con-
deals actively with all and townspeople attended each lec- gressmen about the anti-poll tax bill.
a disciminatison inand ture. IRA and MYDA also jointly .spon-
Arbor and has succeeded, Although it is difficult to draw sored a showing of 'Native Land," a
ganization two years ago, Japanese into the group because of movie dealing with the labor problem
g intolerant activities, as the comparatively recent feeling of and furnished by the local CIO.
moting good will toward antipathy toward them, Miss Sher- IRA came into being two years ago
groups. windt explained, the association at- when one of the stores in Ann Arbor
ommittee tempts to deal with all minority was discovered to be closing its doors
rity committee, headed by groups. "Wherever we hear of a case to Negro patrons. This, together with
Lnd Joan List, investigates of discrimination, we work," she said. discrimination which came as a result
prejudice, pickets stores IRA Cooperates with Other Groups j of the housing shortage, angered girls
known to be guilty, and I IiRA is willing to cooperate with living at Muriel Lester Cooperative
elent, and sees that all any student organization on campus house.


9'amNOu4 ti e


Dine in the pleasant atmosphere of the Allenel on one of our famous
delicacies - Fresh Broiled Lobster, Juicy Roast Beef, Chicken-
Broiled or Fried, Cured Ham, and Tender Chops.
Several visits to the Allenel are "Musts" on your list during your
Collegicite stay at the University of Michigan.
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