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June 02, 1944 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-02

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t3Ifr igan









at 5,600

150 Army Reserves


Train Here
* * *

Trainees To
Take 21Hours
Of Classes
Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry and English
To Be Courses Studied
Approximately 150 new army stu-
dents who are between the ages of
17 and 17 years nine months old
will arrive at the University on July
fourth to study under the Army Spe-
cialized Reserve Training Program.
These men will take a general
course including mathematics, phy-
sics, chemistry, English and geogra-
phy. In addition to carrying 21 aca-
demic hours instead of 15 credit
hours which is the program the
average civilian student caries, these
men will have five hours a week of
military instructions and six hours
of P. E. M.
Pre-Med Trainees
During -the second term a certain
number of thetrainees will be select-
ed for pre-medical and pre-dental
training, and at the end of the third
term the best students wil be chosen
for more advanced work in engineer-
ing and foreign languages.
The men will be put in Co. B and
will be housed in the East Quadran-
gle. This building has been entirely
taken over by the Army and now
house Co. A, Co. B, and Co. D. The
army medical and dental students
are in Co. G and are housed in Vic-
tor Vaughn, a dormitory formerly
used, entirely for medical students.
The men in the Judge Advocate
General's School are all graduate
lawyers who have had at least four
years of practice. They are quar-
tered in the law quadrangle. The
JAG school has an eight week course
for men who already have their
commissions and a 17 week officer
candidate course.
Supervised Study
Most of the army men have sup-
ervised study at night and have bed
check at 11 p. m. every night except
Saturday when they do not have to
keep hours.
The various army companies are
under the headquarters of the 3651st
S. U. These men are trained both
by special army instructors and by
members of the university faculty.
When the Army Specialized Train-
ing program was recently reduced,
a large number of army men were
shipped out. The most recent fig-
ures given out by the University es-
timated that there are approximate-
ly 1,200 army men being trained
here at the present time.,
Ann Arbor Churches
Make Summer Plans
More than a dozen churches and
religious organizations of Catholic,
Jewish and many Protestant faiths
in Ann Arbor have made plans for
student activities for this summer.
Although the winter programs in-
cluded speakers, panel discussions
and reviews, they also do not neglect
the social and recreational aspects
of campus life. Teas, parties, open
house, hikes as well as special reli-
gious services were sponsored many
times during the year.

Navy V-12'
Group Will
Be Revised
Trainees To Comprise
Major Faction of Total
Campus Population
Of the 4,900 students who regis-
tered for classes last March, 1,030
were in the Navy V-12 program and
211 were in the Marine V-12 unit.
The propo ion this summer will be
vastly changed and more than ever
we shall realize the major faction
the Navy boys comprise of the to-
tal campus population.
The Navy V-12 program began
July 1, 1943, when some 1,300 men,
mostly recent high school graduates
former University students, moved
into a rather unique warship called
the USS West Quad, listed in the
University catalog, in previous years,
under men's dormitories. Along with
the V-12 trainees were several hun-
dred former students, enlisted in the
Naval Reserve Officer Training
Corps, who were called to active
duty, assumed the same status as
their Navy shipmates. The program
is under the direct supervision of
Captain Richard Cassidy and a staff
of naval officers.
The Quads Swabbed
The quadrangle became a ship in
every aspect short of actually float-
ing off into the Huron River. Floors
became decks and were never swept,
but swabbed; walls became bulk-
heads; washrooms were called heads;
and four bunks took the place of
rooms (still rooms) that use to har-
bor two beds.
Beginning in July, the men beg.an
their training as prospective deck of-
ficers in the Navy. The program
does not differ radically from those
pursued by civilian students. Taking
17 credit hours of classes each week,
the sailors and marines registered
for the same sections as civilian
students and were distinguishable
only by their uniforms, white shirts
and white caps.
Courses Continue
The former University students,
were by and large, allowed to con-
tinue their original lines of study,
except in such cases as aspiring mu-
sicians who had to register for ap-
plied science courses and others such
as those in history, geography, Eng-
lish. mathematics, languages, engi-
neering subjects, political science and
naval organization. Wherever pos-
sible, the sailors have had classes
with civilian students and under ci-
vilian instructions.
Discipline is strict in the V-12 pro-
gram. The boys have a 9:45 cur-
few, nine-and-one-half hours of
physical education, drill and inspec-
tion each week, and must maintain
satisfactory grades in order to re-
main in school. Furthermore, they
have liberty only on weekends and
must secure regular Navy leave pap-
ers to travel out of the 40 mile limit
of Ann Arbor. A de-merit system
is one form of discipline used in the
quad and an accumulation of 150
de-merit points in the first year and
75 in succeeding years automatically
disqualifies a person from the V-12
Upon completing the curriculum,
students are shipped out the Navy
to Midshipmen School at Asbur
Park, N. J., and the marines to
Darvis Island, and qualify for fur-
ther training, from which they
emerge as officers in their respective
branches of the service.




Get Under Way July 3
Complete Programs of Study To Be
Offered; Eight-Week Session To Open
An estimated enrollment of 2,600 servicemen and 3,000 civilian students
will be on campus this summer, according to University officials, as the
University's third summer term gets under way Monday, July 3.
Enrollment this summer will be slightly increased over last year's when
2,500 civilian students attended. This will mark the third year that the
University has conducted a full-time summer term. The regular eight-week
summer session will also open on July 3.


En ine School
Continues On
During War
College Ranks as One
Of Oldest Technical
Schools in the Country
With its enrollmentof 1411 stu-
dents, including 566 civilians, 813
Navy students, and 32 Army students,
the College of Engineering of the
University has its present program
based on a foundation of venerable
Officially founded in 1895, the
college is one of the oldest technical
schools in the United States. Its his-
cory has been one of rapid extension
and of outstanding development.
Separate Department in 1895
Although the College of Engineer-
ing was established as a separate de-
partment of the University in 1895,
its true history dates back to the
foundation of the University, for
courses in architecture and engineer-
ing had been provided by the orig-
inal act establishing the University.
The second oldest college of En-
gineering in this country, it became
the fourth institution in the country
to grant degrees in the field of en-
gineering. In 1860, the first two stu-
dents were graduated from this
Prominent Instructors
Prof. DeVolson Wood, appointed
to an assistant professorship in civil
engineering in 1857, was the first
vigorous proponent of the engineers'
cause here, according to University
records. Numerous recommenda-
tions and innovations were attempt-
ed under his direction.
Among the other prominent in-
structors in the College of Engineer-
ing in its early days were Prof.
Charles S. Denison, Prof. Ezra
Greene and Prof. J. B. Davis.

The University "third term'' was
first begun in the summer of 1942 in
order to speed up training for vital
war jobs and to enable students to
complete as much of their college
education as possible before entering
the armed forces.
Complete Program
Both the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and the College
of Engineering expect to conduct a
relatively complete program of study
this summer.
The campus is the center of one of
the largest university military train-
ing programs conducted in the coun-
try with servicemen being trained
in many different specialized fields
of study.
In spite of the recent Army order
eliminating certain parts of the
Army Specialized Training Program,
a sizeable number of trainees in
khaki will be on campuus. These in-
clude area and language students,
sanitary -engineers and medical and
dental students. In addition, a new
group of 17-year-olds are expected
in the Army Specialized Training
Program Reserve.
lKhaki Trainees
The Navy V-12 program is expect-
ed to maintain approximately the
same enrollment of more than 1,500
bluejackets which are stationed in
the West Quadrangle, a converted
residence hall for men. This is one
of the largest groups of V-12 train-
ees being trained in any university.
The Reserve Officer Naval Architec-
ture Group will continue to train
ensigns in naval architecture work.
The Navy also is training a group of
medical and dental students on cam-
The Judge Advocates General
School, the only one of its kind in
the country, is stationed in the Law-
years Club and will continue to carry
on a full program. A new feature in
connection with the school is a con-
tracts termination course to train
Army personnel in the legal proce-
dure necessary when war plant con-
tracts are cancelled after the war.

MORNING RUSH-Men of the 3651st Service Unit are shown in the midst of a wild dash to make
the morning "chow-line." These are a few of the 1,200 Army trainees stationed on campus.
Summer Facilities Are Adequate

All Types of Entertainment
Await Summer Newcomers

Although most of the halls ordin-
arily used f housing men are new
being occupied by Army and Navy
the University has succeeded in
making adequate arrangements for
this summer to place freshmen,
tranfers, sophomores, juniors and
seniors in places which will be as
comfortable as possible under the
present war time conditions.
Two thirds of the room in a num-
ber of fraternity houses is being re-
served for freshmen and to secure
residence in these houses an applica-

tion blank must be secured from the
Office of the Dean of Students. If
transfer students and sophomores,'
juniors and seniors wish to be con-
sidered for the rest of the vacancies
in these houses they may also secure
blanks from the office. All men now
living in the Residence Halls or Uni-,
versity operated houses should re-
quest reapplication blanks.
Those planning on living in fra-
ternity houses will be furnished with
all necessary furniture and bedding
but they must furnish towels, soap.

and extra blankets.
Those who are planning to live in
rooming houses which are on the
University's approved list must make
their own reservations and it is
recommended that students investi-
gate the rooms before they place
their applications. If these rooms
are leased standard agreements for
the use of students and householders
are supplied by the University in or-
der to avoid misunderstandings and
to provide a. proper relationship be-
tween landlord and lodger..

'Round the clock entertainment
awaits newcomers to the Unviersity
of Michigan this summer. Never
fear that empty hours will annoy
you here, even though you may want
to conserve some of that "midnight
oil" occasionally.
Fun galore is here for everyone
who longs for a little carefree time.
And who doesn't?
Sports fans and friends will find
swimming in Barton Pond, riding at
Ann Arbor stables, tennis on Palmer
recreation at their disposal. Sports

Interest Shown in Studies, Political, Economic, Sociological Problems

innumerable other places, g o 1 f,
bowling, and many other forms of
recreation at their disposal, Sports
matches and tournaments, of course,
are always here for those who will
help to cheer the Maize and Blue to
another victory.
Summer days are nowhere more
beautiful than in Ann Arbor, and
when that old fever grips you and
you sigh ecstatically over the beau-
ties of Mother Nature, just pack
yourself a lunch and you're off to
the Arboretum or the "Island" on
xthe Huron River for a perfectly
marvellous picnic. You can cycle
or walk, as you please, and either
way you'll have the time of your
lives 2
M ,anyof you will find yourselves
in the Women's Athletic Building or
Waterman Gymnasium for Physical
Education classes, so perhaps you're
anxious to know what to do in the
Dancing, movies, and coke dates
where cronies have their beloved
"bull. sessions" can provide a gay
time for the hours after sunset.
Those who like to stroll lazily
through the summer evening will
love the long walks over campus, and
winding up down and around the
An intellectual evening can al-
most always be spent in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre or in Hill Audi-
torium, where noted speakers from
all over the globe are invited to

The "hectically peaceful" days of
Ann Arbor and the University cam-
pus have disappeared along with the
Union Opera, the week-end fratern-
ity parties, and the five men to one
woman ratio.
The University . student has set-
tled down to the task of studying-
a job not so interesting, perhaps, as
a date every week-end, but one
which he considers exceedingly more
important to his future.
Ann Arbor, in the "good old days,"
would scarcely be recognized if it
were to be recalled from the hazy
past. Only 37 years ago as student
attending the University could put

people ran boarding houses, or
opened up their homes to accom-
modate the Michigan man or coed.
By 1928 the picture of college life
had undergone a. fairly complete
change. Expenses were up, way up.
Students were governed more by
University rules and regulations. A
football game was a tremendously
important thing.. There was a grad-
uate student who carried on a one-
man filibuster. He prevented the
Union from passing an amendment
to the constitution which would re-a
quire only a small handful of stu-
dents instead of 600 to form a quo-
rum for passing amendments.
In fact, the first semester of the

would (either at student instiga-
tion, or personal reauest) have the
treasury department hold an hi-
vestigation of the liquor situation
oni the Michigan campus. Local
and national newspapers played
up the story, students speculated,
and the threat died a natural
In 1928 the new intra-mural sports
building was opened. Football played'
an important part in the Michigan
student's Life. The students were
disgusted when the varsity lost to
OhioWesleyan, Ohio tate and In-
diana; but they began to regain
their faith when the team beat Il-
linnis bv three noints. The high-

ter that the Board of Regents fin-
ally decided that tlhe date the
University was founded was 1837,
all documentary evidence to the
contrary. It was this same year
that Sphinx, an honorary society
for men, was disbanded indefinite-
ly for scalding students at an ini-
The semester ended with a grand
climax when President Little handed
in his resignation January 12.
Among the causes attributed to his
action were the stipulations made by
W. W. Cook who had donated the
necessary funds for completing the
law research library.
That. , - +hc. n-p--fiA i a r i clminiic,

hit Ann Arbor just as it did other
cities and other colleges.
These observers concluded that
there was a greater interest in the
more academic subjects, and more
concern over future careers. Self-
supporting students and independ-
ents had become more socially ac-
ceptable, and students were found
seeking more enduring and funda-
mental qualities in their friends.
There was less dating, and even
drinking was more "purposive," the
report stated.
Most observers remember Ann Ar-
bore before the second World War.
Fraternities and sororities were im-
portant, but not essential. The

it has changed them. There are
still pleasure-seekers, there are
still class cutters and shirkers; but
there is, too, a feeling of the im-
portance of education. Students
have shown a greater interest in
discussing political, economic, and
social problems. They have will-
ingly sacrificed their time for war
work: rolling bandages, working
at the laundry, serving as volun-
teers at the hospitals, cleaning up
the campus.
There are still dances and plays.
The concerts and the May Festival
have continued. The University has
assumed the responsibility of pro-
viding entertainment for servicemen

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